All 16 CURSED Devil Fruits Explained

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these are the 15 cursed devil fruits of One Piece which to explain all devil fruits yes are considered curses but even among them these particular fruits are on a different level a bad level because partaking in magical fruit will always result in losing the ability to swim that's a common curse but eating one of these 15 fruits in particular comes at a much greater cost that will change your life and almost certainly not for the better and we begin with waffles Baku Baku numi the Munch Munch fruit a very misunderstood ability because it is somehow much better and ever so much worse than people remember this fruit allows its user to eat literally anything especially if it's inedible and it does this by strengthening W's teeth digestive system and allowing him to unhinge his mouth wide open to fit wherever he wants in his grotesque Gob but you do need to ask the question even if you did have the ability to eat anything why would you want to do it well you might want to do it because wo can use the objects or people he's eaten to augment his own body and quite literally use the philosophy of you are what you eat and w can even utilize his body as a biological Factory to poop out new things using those materials which is actually amazing I really cannot emphasize just how powerful these abilities are and this would be without a doubt one of the best devil fruits in all of the one piece if not for this tiny tiny horrifically debilitating Coast the catch with the Baka bakan numi is that it makes the user perpetually hungry after consuming this fruit wo will never know the feeling of satisfaction again because whatever he eats is never enough he always has to move on to the next thing and then the next thing thing after that and the next thing after the after that and so on and so forth for the rest of his life it is torture at any given time wo is only about 30 minutes away from starving so that is the dominant thing on his mind at all moments he has to be thinking about his immediate next meal so it's a fantastic power but it comes at a much greater cost and that is only the first of these cursed fruits with the second being Dr Vap pun's very fun to say n me n me n me which you may figure out by looking at him means brain brain fruit this is another high power high cost trade-off because get this right with this ability you can learn and retain an indefinite amount of information every new piece of information that you encounter will be engraved and never forgotten however every time you learn something new your brain will physically increase in size as an act of storing that new information and that probably doesn't sound so bad on a micro scale a couple of facts and damage not a lot of damage done there but let's say that you ate this fruit did you know that the Palace of Versa had no toilets when it was first built at any given time King Louis 14th had like a thousand guests staying there and they had nowhere to go so they ended up going in the gardens and when the gardens were full guests just dropped their leavings in the hallway you now know that and you cannot forget it and to add insult to injury knowing that makes your head bigger and this isn't just restricted to fun facts information is well it's everything knowing that grass is green is information and it doesn't have to be true either misinformation is also information and the more you learn whether it be true or false all contributes towards your newfound colossal Noggin and thus it is one of the extremely rare devil fors that I think actively encourages people not to use it as much as humanly possible at a certain point I would want to stop learning and disconnect from everything because this is a genuine curse and to prove that bab pun's solution for this was to rather brutally cut the top part of his head off and let it grow separately in a giant brain tank thanks to fictional science so he got lucky but if anyone else had eaten this fruit they would be screwed let's look at things on a much smaller scale now like say princess manchet and her lovely healing devil fruit the chi because it's astounding to think that such a horrible curse can be found in this adorable innocent Widow tonat it's very simple ability man Sherry can heal people with her tears so she can do a whole lot of good but only if she cries which is already a bit tragic but it does get worse because look you don't need to be sad to cry you just need some onions and a willingness to enjo some high seering pains but with extreme use this devil fruit also shortens man Cherry's own lifespan so to use your powers in any substantial way you need to sacrifice part of your life so that's not amazing especially if other people find out about your powers which is what led maner to being captured by the donot family who used her as a healing battery in emergencies always finding new and inventive ways to make her cry those sweet sweet healing tears at the cost of not only man sher's personal distress but also her lifespan but let's change course for a bit and introduce Bill user of the gutsu gsun numi or the smelt smelt fruit this one is that it's weird it allows Bill to turn his stomach into a furnace which he can then use to do all sorts of furny things like craft molten blades with the slightly off-putting restriction that he always needs to bury his hands deep deep in his stomach cavity in order to Smith his tools it's odd very odd but the curse of this fruit is more of a narrative curse I personally don't like Devil fruits like this because it fits really well into this annoying trend of non-canon devil fruits which excuse the pun boil down to the idea of my body is very hot and you main character cannot touch me because of it this concept has been done so many times in non can in one piece and it just never works because we have Bill with the guts of gutsi and then there's also lambor bikini from the premier show that uses this exact same devil fruit has the same name and everything but also characters like Don aino bear King Wilder and admittedly the very Canon Charlotte oven all of whom have variance of the hot body concept I don't know I just think it's really boring to keep going back to this very dry well especially since none of the hot body characters have ever been in any way successful so it really is the wrong one piece Trope to keep trying and it essentially Dooms which ever character has this power to a life of mediocrity and thus the guts guts numi is a narratively cursed fruit but what's that I hear you want a sexy Ninja Fruit well here is shinobu one of wano's most deadly masters of both Ninjutsu and seduction who comes equipped with the Ruki meaning ripe ripe fruit which allows shinobu to age and Decay anything she touches it's quite useful for a ninja no worries mate you just D the world next to you it decays H an exit and you're free however it's a cursed devil fruit because it is incredibly dangerous as with objects it's designed for Destruction but it can also affect living beings under the right circumstances with a mere touch shinobu can age someone out of existence entirely unlike say jewelry Bonnie's devil fruit which has a similar function she can also age people up however that eventually wears off whereas shinobu's aging cannot be undone so even when used in the best case scenario this fruit is still a curse it was used during wano to age MOS by 20 years so that he could carry Luffy back to on IMA meaning that he is now an 8-year-old boy stuck in the body of a 28-year-old man he had two decades of his life erased in the snap of a finger or the touch of a ninja and that is the good use of this fruit this is the action that led to our positive outcome so this is not a devil fruit to be used without extremely careful consideration because its effects cannot be undone and in the best case scenario you have property damage but in the worst case scenario you can completely destroy or even erase people's lives that's why you've always got to be careful when deciding to Gorge yourself on mystery fruit because even the most wellestablished abilities can have hidden curses such as the basic zo and fruits used by the boa sisters M gold and sandersonia the heavy heavy no me model anaconda and the model king cobra which allow the sisters to transform into snakes and their respective snake human hybrid forms so it's really basic Zan stuff but with a Twist because usually when you eat a zoan type fruit you have the option of remaining in your base human form the form you were in before you ate the fruit however it appears that cons assuming these two particular zones inflict certain permanent properties of a snake onto their users such as boa sandia's forked tongue and that makes sense because these fruits are intentionally designed to be somewhat cursed because the boa sisters also known as the Gorgon sisters all take inspiration from the cursed Gorgons of Greek mythology so I can see why Oda decided to make their effects more permanent than your average Z and compared to some of the other cursed fruit that we've explored it's far from the worst curse that could be inflicted although in sandia's case it is a bit unfortunate having an ability that transforms her into a famously good at swimming Anaconda given that she also can't swim as a result of eating the fruit but it is what it is from all wacky curse it's always worth mentioning kaku's giraffe SE and devil fruit which if nothing else is cursed with the sheer awkwardness of becoming a giraffe this is not an easy New Life to come to terms with and we saw Kaku really struggle with this in real time he ate the fruit and then was almost instantly thrown into combat with the straw hats and to his credit Kaku is a master assassin and I think easily one of the best fruit uses in the series for making this work anywhere near as well as he did but adjusting to girom took a lot of time and were it not in the hands of someone who had meticulously trained and understood his body beforehand it would have been a disaster Some Devil fruits it just bad rolls unless you have the prerequisite skills or knowledge to make use of them and a fantastic example of that would be Douglas bullets gsha gsha fruit which is an automa ofia that roughly translates to Clank Clank so this is a difficult one to explain but at its call it allows bullet to disassemble and reassemble objects the reason why It's tricky to explain the full extent of the fruit is because Douglas bullet is an awakened fruit user so his abilities extend beyond the base function of the fruit and allow him to invoke borderline Alchemy style sorcery there's very little he can't do because he is a onepiece movie villain and this fruit is designed for spectacle which allows him to create all sorts of questionably animated 3D structures that are very good at doing very big punching don't be mistaken by what you see bullet do in one piece Stampede though this fruit is not as good as it looks because the strict requirement to being able to make use of the J gashi is a solid understanding of engineering Douglas bullet cannot magically craft whatever his imagination desires like say Luffy in gear fth now bullet needs to understand the logistics of how these objects being built and he also needs to do that within the restrictions of the materials that he has available to him so he needs to create complex mental schematics for whatever he's Conjuring or very simply his objects will fail to function so the amount of engineering knowledge one needs to make use of this fruit in the way the bullet does in the movie is nion impossible and so to most people people this fruit is a curse because it comes with the promise of potentially Godlike power maybe but with the barrier of never being able to access it due to needing to open a book and study and then another book and then another and then so many books mate well no one's doing that I know there's probably a few people watching who will like look man on the internet I am an engine and I could use this fruit to revolutionize Society overnight and that may be true there are a lot of disgustingly smart people who watch this channel for some reason I'm sorry to track you down to my level but the vast and I mean vast majority of us uncultured swine could never even hope to make use of the most basic forms of this ability because some fruits just require a restrictive level of brain power and they're not always as complicated either because I would say the same for the seemingly simple fruit the kiromi which is Jose's delightful twinkle twinkle fruit named due to the twinkles produced by all of the hym when he uses it to turn parts of his body into Diamond as one of the hottest substances in the world this gives joou one of the greatest offensive devil fruits in one piece and also a ensive if he can use it to hit people but that second part is another where the curse comes in a lot of people go through one piece without realizing this but after joou turns part of his body into Diamond it becomes Diamond what a Twist but diamond is not a flexible substance and so whatever body part josu chooses to transform becomes Frozen and that's why his main attack is to morph part of his body and then use the unfrozen bits to charge it into an opponent it's called brilliant Punk and it's currently Jos who's only Cannon attack because realistically it is so hard to do anything with this fruit so imagine trying to fight an opponent but one of your arms is just Frozen in the air like that or like this or like that however you want it doesn't matter the arm is locked into place this is not easy and that's what josu does which also means that he can't even make full use of the fruit because if he transforms his legs and he can't really move at all which is why this is a fruit that sounds great on paper but the physical and mental Ingenuity it would require to make decent use of this power is not something your average person would be able to pull off unlike buggy who takes pulling himself off to the next level with the bonomi The Chop Chop fruit that allows him to separate parts of his body including his penis which was highlighted by ortha in the SPs of volume 12 as need to know information the curse of this fruit is that you need to be insanely cautious with regards to how you use it because if you just get out there and you split yourself up like some kind of clown then you're going to end up losing body bits and in the series buggy even had a whole Ark of his own where he had to Cobble together a makeshift body out of whatever he had left and search the Seas for the rest of what was one attached to him meanwhile one of Buggy's partners in crime Alva has the Curious sub subomi which makes her Ultra slippery which is both a blessing and a curse a blessing because this is genuinely one of the strongest defenses in all of One Piece any attack aimed at alvita will slip right off her body fist swords bullets nothing can non-consensually penetrate her but the trade-off is that Alva now spends every moment of her life as if she's covered in water and soap in a tiled room so she will never again know the joys of sturdy balance a concept irrelevant to vand Deen and his M maromi or Mark Mark fruit so this isn't so much a curse to the fruit user but to whoever the user decides to touch and imprint after being touched by vedin his hand memorizes the person and he is able to Target them with an object thrown from anywhere at any time and have that object heat seek the Target and for this reason his Target princess shiroshi had to be locked in a tower for 10 years to avoid all of the axes and such that Ved can constantly thrw at her but it is also a bit of a curse for the user because once the user has touched a Target that hand can no longer touch anything else or it will imprint a new Target so just be aware that vaned dein probably hasn't watched this hand in 10 years and he further cursed himself by eating a devil fruit in the first place given that he is a Fishman and again self- cursing not all that uncommon in one piece with two perfect examples being Charlotte Opera and treble no last name who possess paramia type devil fruits that allow them to generate cream and mucus respectively the mucus one is already not great for obvious reasons I mean it is really powerful but it comes at great so cost however both treble and Opera inexplicably use their devil fruits to coat themselves in cream and mucus at all times I really want to hammer home that they don't have to do this this is a choice that they have both made and as for the weirdest most specific weirdly cursed devil fruit in all of One Piece that belongs to Bounty the primary antagonist of the 2018 one piece Premiere show who has the bab bonanomi so you might not immediately realize this but that fruit name is mostly in English because bana is the closest the Japanese can come to seeing the word burner which you guessed it yes makes this yet another hot body fruit Bounty can set his body on fire and stuff however this one comes with the insane restriction that Bounty can only generate heat in direct correlation to his level of jealousy so if Bounty is just a normal person having a fairly decent day then he cannot activate his devil fruit he actively needs to engage in the emotional depths of jealousy and not only jealousy but pretty serious jealousy to get any real power out of the fruit we're essentially talking cheating spouse of of jealousy to reach the full potential of this fruit and any devil fruit that requires its user to engage in fictional cuckoldry is almost certainly going to be labeled as cursed but you let me know in the comments which devil fruit you think is the most cursed
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 265,765
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Id: ihiWkd5ia2c
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Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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