Zombie Apocalypse Diner Hideout Speed Build - CC - The Sims 4

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[Music] hi guys it's kiarko here back with another speed build this is a speed build of a diner that's been converted into a base camp slash hideaway during a zombie apocalypse um i created the survivors who live here yesterday so you could go watch that character build there's eight people who live here and this takes place approximately three to five years into this zombie apocalypse i don't really have any details i've really thought about like what this zombie apocalypse is like what caused it i'm not sure and maybe it's like a last of us situation where it's like an ecological thing with like a fungus maybe it's like a experiment gone wrong i'm not quite sure um but i mean that's not super relevant at this point at this point you know the world is basically doomed everything's gone to and these people live in a diner now because it's basically the only place that they can be safe um so yeah this is a very interesting build it was very fun to do it took me a long time to do um that's why this video is a little bit longer and that's just because there's a lot of little details i wanted to add to make the space seem um more realistic and more actually like run down and used like it's been like a while since uh society has been functioning and you'll kind of see what i mean as we go along um but here i am just looking through the debug menu just kind of pulling out random things that i thought would work for this space um i'm going through the debug i'll be going through the debug menu for a while mainly because i just wanted to pull out a lot of community objects that for some reason just aren't in the normal build by mode you have to go to debug to find them um but yeah as you can see i'm just pulling out signs fire hydrants cars just little things i thought would add um details to the space to make it seem like a public space so the design behind this diner is it kind of being like a classic almost like retro style diner with like the booths and stuff um it's not super themed it's just kind of like a classic american diner is what i was going for um and the group of survivors um as i talked about yesterday in my video yesterday um are pretty much kind of like a family they take care of each other they you know they're trying to survive together so this is kind of like um their home um as i said before it's basically like their base camp um and it's basically the only place where they can be safe from all the zombies um yeah a playthrough might actually be possible of this because i actually do have a zombie mod where you can like start a zombie apocalypse and like you can like convert some sims into zombies it's like a really cool mod um and you guys should definitely check it out um but we'll see we'll see we'll see if we uh want to do that play through or not it'll probably be pretty sad i i definitely had plans in the back of my mind when i was building the sims like oh which sims are gonna die in the zombie apocalypse and definitely there's gonna be some sad choices if i choose to do that it'll be some walking dead um i've never seen the walking dead but i i've heard that it's very sad um here i am putting in a car that they're like plugging in or like charging or something i don't know it's not an electric car they're just doing some maintenance on that car um and that was just one of the little details i added because i definitely wanted this space again to seem very used very um realistic um i mean like not totally realistic but you know somewhat realistic i mean a zombie apocalypse itself isn't very realistic but uh in that imaginary scenario you know this is as realistic as i think i could have gotten it um so i put some cars here that big truck i kind of figured that these are their means of transportation um the survivors i mean um i thought the big gold truck would be especially useful to them for like transportation and like um getting everyone to safe places and stuff like that here i am blocking off the main entrance with various pieces of furniture and trash just making it seem like they were blocking off the door on purpose to you know protect themselves to like really make sure that the base was secure and then we have like all these like backlot places behind this fence where i figured um when the diner was actually actually functioning could serve as like um places where they would like have dumpsters and trash and maybe places where they had like extra food stores something like that um so i just put some dumpsters out there and then let's see there's gonna be like a lot of exterior here and i'm really happy with how the exterior of this turned out which is rare for me because i usually don't do very well with exteriors they're usually like the bane of my existence and i don't usually enjoy them but this one i really did enjoy and i think it's because like there wasn't a lot of pressure um i didn't put a lot of pressure on myself to make it look great because it was supposed to look like run down and trashy and dirty so like it was so it's so easy to do that you know because you just throw things out randomly put trash everywhere and it looks like very well done i think at least um but i'm putting uh all this like butchery i don't know all these bushes around the um the edge of this lot to just make it seem overgrown and to cover up the uh lot lines and the place where the concrete ends because as always this map does not or not this map but this lot does not connect to the road it just has like a dirt path i hate it when they make lots like not connect and then i have to like justify why there's like a patch of concrete in the middle of all this dirt i don't know so i just covered it with uh plants around the edges to make it seem you know overgrown and like humanity has gone away but yeah the general idea by making this law look overgrown and trashy again which is to make it seem like you know it's been a long time since society was functioning and um everything's now kind of gone to um but here i am just putting in just random trash now this part was really fun um because you know littering in real life is very bad but littering in-game is weirdly fun i'm just putting down trash in all these different places making it seem um trying to like place trash or like purpose if that makes sense like putting all these like piles of letters together putting like random things in certain places that kind of make it seem like they're intended to be there i don't know how to explain it but i was just trying to think of little stories as to why pieces of trash were in certain places if that makes sense um but yeah so here i'm just you know dirtying up the place um i definitely wanted to cover as much of this concrete as possible just because it was so clean pristine this concrete i wish we had more like cracked and broken up and really like shitty concrete um that would have made this look a lot better i think but i i still think that you know the addition of all this trash looks pretty good um but yeah here i'm just putting in random trash piles uh a lot of this is from the eco lifestyle pack um maybe from the debug menu i'm not sure um but like it came with a lot of trash because like the world in the eco lifestyle pack has like a neighborhood that's like particularly trashed so it just has like a lot of trash objects i guess um which is actually really useful for this build and for a lot of other builds so i put this chair here as like a kind of um lookout spot or like a watch spot on the ground um i don't have any uh like gun weaponry in my games and that's for a lot of reasons but i didn't want to include any guns in this build so instead i'm using like bats and other melee weapons um actually i'm pretty sure this bat this one bat right here is the only weapon i actually put here so like in a real life zombie apocalypse these people would probably be a little bit screwed they don't really have a way to necessarily protect themselves other than just like hiding in this place i mean in in a real zombie apocalypse they probably would have like guns and weapons and stuff like that but i just don't have a lot of weaponry in my game [Music] so just use your imagination pretend that they have weapons i guess um so up here is a lookout spot um so i put a pair of binoculars there and then i actually put up a camera there too so they can take pictures and stuff um and then over here i put um another lookout spot on the back so that they basically have you know a 360 degree view of everything around the diner and that roof is accessible by that ladder i put on the side there so it actually is usable in game they can actually get up to that roof and you know the lookouts i guess um but here i am gonna board up windows or not yet i'm gonna board up my windows later um right now i'm gonna put out some clothes lines because i figured you know they could wash their clothes in the sink inside the diner and then like hang them up outside because obviously there's not like a drying machine or anything like that um and they have that little fenced off area so it's kind of you know kind of protected i guess and then here i am boarding up my windows these are um the only window boards i could find in my game i wish that um the new paranormal pack came with like warded windows because i feel like that'd be great for like a haunted paranormal house which is what the pack was about um but they didn't include it but i mean that's okay i still have these boards which were which are pretty cool um and then over here just put on window bars and then let's see now we're moving on to inside the diner so basically this diner has uh four parts there's the bathroom the main you know dining eating area the kitchen and then the storage room which i kind of figured that that layout is probably in general what you would find in a real life diner um because the idea here is that it's a diner that was converted into a hideout so there's a lot of things about the actual diner that are still the same um and we'll get into that in a second like there's still like the booths and the counters and all that stuff so here i am putting in my red tiles because my color palette had a lot of red in it and i really liked you know like in my head like diners traditionally and classically are very very red i don't know maybe that's just me but i always see the word diner in my head in red letters if that makes any sense at all um i'm going to set up a main eating counter here and this is kind of like the counter where people go and sit and like order breakfast at a coffee or something like that um and i just went with this counter because i just thought it looked very classic kind of retro like what a normal diner would probably look like putting in some stools and i just try to make them look a little bit messed up a little bit out of disarray and then around here i was trying to figure out where i was going to put my boots um the boots were bigger than i thought that they were like and i didn't really like how they were blocking windows so i do end up putting in boots but i come back to them later i'm gonna stop doing that for now just because i was getting frustrated with how big they were um putting in some speakers just little things you'd find in a diner um little signs little things like that um this wall over here i wanted to be like a wall of you know pictures of family or oh i guess we're not there yet well the wall where i put the polaroids we'll get a second but it's like a wall pictures of family members and stuff like that but i'm decorating behind the counter right now i put in that diner sign um at the neon side and i'm putting in little you know patches of broken wall in different places and now we're moving on to the picture wall i think are we yeah okay so this wall which i i adjusted a little bit later doesn't end up looking exactly like this but the idea behind it was that this is where they put pictures of loved ones people that they've lost people that you know were in their lives that were you know killed during the zombie apocalypse um and or like notes or just like um things that you know it's like a remembrance wall basically um it's kind of morbid but i thought it would be a pretty uh good touch for you know a zombie apocalypse diner home i guess um and then back here i just kept the decoration pretty simple um put on a clock just put on some random things that seemed dinery and then over here i end up let's see what do i do um i end up putting uh just little decorations here that make it seem like you know people live here and are doing things here you can see i put that guitar on the corner that is for jesse who i created yesterday who likes to play music um and then over here i'm just putting in you know little setups to make it seem like people are using this space you can also get a little teddy bear over there on the counter and that's for like um the little girl alex or uh i don't know just someone in the in the character build i did yesterday um and then i'm gonna set up oh i put a little like couch thing in front of the door like they move that in there to block the door for like extra safety um and then that's gonna be used as a bed pretty much like all the booths i'm putting in this game as well as like certain seating areas are gonna be like converted into beds um because that's pretty much the only place they can sleep comfortably um and then over here just put in like a little table um like a little diner table um and this is just like a general place where people sit and eat and talk i guess uh i don't know um putting in like random coffee cups and books just to make it seem again like people are using this space and sitting there and like talking about like plants and stuff like where they're gonna get supplies i don't know stuff like that i thought about putting in a rug but it didn't really go with the diner the diner vibe at all so didn't put any rugs in and then i end up putting in two different booths one on the left side one on the right side so this booth here um is also going to be converted into a bed and then the tape i don't remember what table i use i think i use the table that came with the diner pack this one i'm pretty sure maybe i'm not sure let's see pretty sure it's that table because not really any of the the other tables fit um but you can see i put a table behind it because that table is going to be and like it's going to be like a supply table you see in a sec um but this table or this booth is going to be a bed too as you can see i'm putting a pillow on there and then i'm gonna end up putting a uh blanket on there as well and just make it seem like someone is sleeping here um yeah and then over here i do the same thing with this booth put some chairs and then i end up putting another pillow and blanket again to make the space seem like a person has converted this into a bed um and that blanket is folded because this person holds a blanket i guess i don't know um and then over here i'm gonna put in some art supplies this is for uh what's her name misha and who i built yesterday um because i imagine that she was a very artistic person who likes strong and stuff like that um so that's kind of her space over there and then over here just put in some books you know some random random stuff to make it seem like someone was reading before they slept or something like that and then this is like a general supply table where they keep like um normal supplies toolbox uh megaphone just things that they may need in a pinch um soap i don't know random stuff um let's see what else should i put here pens if they need pens boots just like a general supplies i guess um and then over here just putting in more sitting spaces again to just make it seem like this was once a diner where people actually did you know eat and stuff i don't know and then i end up making this counter space also into bed although this would be much more uncomfortable um than the other you know booth beds i still felt like i needed more beds since there's like eight people who live here so three beds wasn't enough so i just end up making the counter space into a bed and then i'm just throwing in some random you know decorations here and there and then we're gonna move on to the bathroom really quick so this bathroom is very simple i didn't go crazy decorating it um i figured they keep it relatively clean have a laundry basket um you know soap just keeping it simple um i think i put a sponge here yeah because there's no shower here so to you know to clean themselves they probably just have to like take a sponge bath with the sink something like that um so i figured that this bathroom be relatively empty because it's used mainly as like a shower room and then i started setting up the storage room over here i really like these storage racks i think they're from strangerville i'm not sure they're probably from strangerville um yeah they're they're nice i like them a lot and then i'm just throwing in some extra decorations just to make it seem like they're different storage racks you know like they're not like the same copy of you know the same storage rack on both sides and then i thought about putting a bed in there but it just didn't really fit so i ended up not doing that i do throw this cot um over here um so there is another bed over there just like a you know emergency cot that they found something like that put a little fridge back here um and then we're gonna do the kitchen um the kitchen i use these counters which i thought were really cool this like metal tint sheen thing as like the countertop um and i really liked how that looked it really did feel very diner-ish to me and then i'm gonna throw in some cupboards up here um i really like this cover that's like open i feel like it adds an extra element of like realism i guess um and then i'm just gonna decorate as if you know they're using this kitchen for making food and you know all that kind of thing um i put in the bottle of gin there i end up getting right i end up deleting that because i didn't really have any i didn't really have a reason to have it there um putting in again just more decorations sponges stuff like that i put a little toothbrush thing um on one side as if they're like brushing their teeth in the kitchen sink um and then in the center of this kitchen in a moment maybe not yet well i'm gonna throw in a few more decorations and then in the center of this kitchen i just put a table you'll see in a sec um with just like some chairs as if you know people are still using this space to talk and plan and chill and all that kind of stuff um here's the table putting in just some decorations and just putting in a little electrical box um i kind of figured that this table in the kitchen would be where they teach misha english something like that it's like a little study table or maybe it's where they teach like also the kids you know school stuff because i think they would still like teach some stuff um but yeah that is the bill this is super fun to do very new for me never done a build like this before um let me know what you guys think um yeah thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: kiarako
Views: 8,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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