post apocalyptic save file 🪦 | dead end 1.0 overview | the sims 4

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hey y'all it's Olivia AKA floral Sims today I'm going to be showing you guys my brand new post-apocalyptic save file this is dead end 1.0 and I'm super excited to take you guys through everything I've been putting a lot of work into it and I'm super happy that it's finally finished starting off we have the Tumblr information post at the bottom of this page will be a link to the save file you can download it for free on my patreon make sure you get all the required CCN mods as well I created a full story for the universe of this save file so there's also two links on the information post where you can read some of the lore this is the history of milhaven where I wrote about the history of the town before the outbreak and this is the Alissa virus hemophagia variant medical description I created a fictional viral disease and it's basically just an advanced form of rabies that turns everybody into bloodthirsty nasty little creatures here's a map overview there are two active households which live in the world but there's a total of 22 human survivors as well as 89 infected I made two antagonistic groups these are the Marauders they're a brutal group of Raiders and these people are in the dceu which is a tyrannical military group this is a stage one lhv infected the infected are also nicknamed the sick they're not technically zombies because they're still alive and fully conscious they just have no control over their actions because the virus has completely overtaken their bodies I feel like that's a lot more scary than just being a brain dead zombie stage ones are all set as vampires that only roam the Earth at night because the sunlight is very painful to go out into and it scorches their skin off here we have a stage two they're nicknamed the day Walkers they've evolved to be able to go out to the sunlight without it causing them pain but it still melts all their skin off so they're definitely a lot more grotesque looking starting off with lots we have the first one which is the abandoned campsite this is where your Sims will start their survival Journey they're not going to be very protected they only have a tent and a few camping items I try to make the Landscaping as realistic as I could so it really feels like you're stuck out in the middle of the forest there is one journal on the slot by Zach Wilson and it has something to do with this school bus it's a very sad story I wanted to make a lot of the items in the environment have stories behind them I use tool mod to place some of the cottage living animals around the world so it feels more alive so a few of the Lots will have the trait that makes foxes run around the world and over here is a flock of wild birds I have the Wilson Farmhouse it's just an old farmhouse with some horse stables I really wish that Sims 4 had horses away the simseritas I saw the there's like speculation that we're gonna get horses soon but I don't know if it's true or not I don't want to talk too much about the characters in this save because I don't want to give everything away but one of those survivors in the active households actually used to live here here's what the inside of the Stables look like I wrote briefly in one of the journals about the horses so you'll be able to figure out what happened to them super depressing and then the Stables also has a basement through the store go down to the Stables basement there will be a note that is a little Walking Dead reference and through that door there's some that's sick that were trapped in the basement you'll be able to read about who they are for the sake of this video I turned the power back on but most of these slots have the Off the Grid plot trait go through the front door here's the first sitting room super overgrown here we have the kitchen I tried to set everything up so it feels like whoever was on these Lots just had to abruptly leave through the kitchen there is a dining room and that is where the readable Journal is located through the dining room there's another sitting room and then through there is a bedroom this is where the owner's slash parents stayed this was their bathroom and they also have a sun room with a bunch of gardening stuff I put some plants so if your sim wants to come visit they can Harvest them a few of the lots are set to the generic lot type so that you can just visit at any time without you having to knock on the door there's also chickens back here if you want to collect eggs you go upstairs there is another bathroom a storage room this was the bedroom of a teenage girl her name was Maddie this is one of my favorite rooms in the world because I really like this little seating area the last room on the side is Zach Wilson's bedroom you'll be able to read his journal at the campsite like I said I don't want to give away too much but Zach was drafted into the military at the beginning of the outbreak even though he was untrained he had to help them fight off some of the sick moving on to the third lot we have millhaven Baptist it's got a super creepy Church sign there's a graveyard there are two fresh Graves and they have stories this is what it looks like when you first walk in some survivors are actually taking shelter here they're staying in this room it's so hard to not talk about all the characters because I love them so much but this is where Wes and Jack stay with Wes's son and Luca here we have Pastor Davis's old office he's not alive anymore but you can read his journal on the desk he stayed here at the beginning of the outbreak and there were a few other people that stayed here with him but he was not a very ethical Pastor before or during the outbreak down here is a basement this is where most of the other survivors were staying there's a stray note on the wall from one of them the fourth lot is the Forest View mobile homes the left side is mostly just for decoration this is a debug trailer and then this trailer is empty on the inside because it's such a large detailed lot I didn't know if it would be super laggy here we have the trailer park manager slash owner Barbara's office this is what the inside looks like she's got a readable journal on the desk this little kid's drawing even has a story behind it here's a trailer Brielle Carpenter lived here with her daughter Leah I'm in build mode right now but mosquitoes will be flying around that pool when you visit the slot then there's a little bunny over here so you walk in the front door was left open this was brielle's bedroom her journal is on the dresser right there bathroom and her daughter Leah's bedroom this was their little living area then through here is just the kitchen Brielle was very close to the trailer park manager Barbara their stories are both about each other this is one of my favorite environments in the world I spent a really long time adding all of the Landscaping this sign is actually what helped me come up with the name for the save file because for a minute I was stuck on what to call it but I felt like dead end was fitting and it was a little bit cheesy and campy so yeah that's how I came up with the name for the save file and now we are on to the final lot this one was completely inspired by the first Last of Us video game I started playing it and I fell in love with it now it's my favorite game so I definitely got a lot of ideas from it for the save but I didn't want to just straight up copy the entire story and everything I tried to make it feel different but yeah there's definitely a lot of inspiration from The Last of Us this building is from when Joel and Ellie go to Bill's town and Ellie talks about in our arcade machine here's the back of the lot super detailed I think this is the one that took me the longest to do they've got a little garden set up so if your son wants to come visit them they can steal some of their plants this is Todd Hodge's bar he's very protective over the place there's a warning sign that says we'll shoot on site he ran this bar by himself before the outbreak and he lives in the apartment upstairs here's another angle this jukebox has a dialogue note between a Todd and his niece Delilah on it back here is the kitchen I haven't play tested it but I included all the requirements for the restaurant lot type so if you want to try it out you could turn it into a restaurant here's the arcade machine that I was talking about it's actually not CC it's super cool it's actually just paintings and a bunch of debug objects I'll put the person's Gallery ID on the screen so you can go check them out this is Todd and Linda Linda is actually Todd's best friend's wife but something happened to him at the beginning of the outbreak so yeah he stole his best friend's wife I like him as a character a lot he's like a smart ass and he's very like Gruff and grouchy he's super sweet when it comes to his niece Delilah that lives with him this is Delilah's Dad it's his brother so you'll be able to read about that beside the bar is a cafe and a bookstore with an apartment upstairs I'm gonna go to the cafe first this is the first floor there's a little kitchen area back here as well and upstairs is just a loft area then next we have the bookstore here's the inside another angle it's mostly untouched there's also a kids reading area down here and then above the bookstore you have Delilah and Mitch's apartment Delilah really likes to collect things and learn about the old times she was only two when the outbreak happened so she has no prior knowledge of what life was like before everything happened Delilah is my favorite character in the save she has the most storyline she has three journals this rock even has a story behind it his name is Pebbles Mitch's journals are over here this is Delilah she's my favorite character I love her so much I wanted to create a character that I could relate to I know that if I were stuck in a world like this I would be absolutely and die immediately I would give up straight away so Delilah's not good at surviving on her own but she's very smart you go into her inventory you'll see a broken friendship bracelet this was made by her best friend Quinn but yeah check all the Sims inventories because most of them have things in them this is Midge his backstory is pretty dark just like Delilah's but you can read about how Mitch ended up being at the bar with everybody I am super obsessed with them and with their entire story the last thing I want to show y'all is this lhv Memorial tree it's where survivors go to leave little notes for the people that didn't make it this one is from Kai he's a super cool character he's always wearing a gas mask so you'll be able to easily spot him Kai's sister got killed by the Marauders so after that he went on this whole Revenge thing and infiltrated the group and pretended like he wanted to be part of them so that he could wipe half them out all right so I think I covered everything that I want to discuss I'm really happy with how this save is turning out I definitely want to expand it so comment down below what world you think I should add next I made a dead end playlist that'll be in the description if you want to go listen to that it's what I listened to while I was building everything but yeah if you play in the save please let me know what you think and thank you guys so much for watching goodbye mwah
Channel: florwalsims
Views: 15,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ilj3rt7IP8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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