ZOE VALENTINE | Season 1 | Marathon

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[Music] the best magic tricks are the ones that make you question reality but the key to selling a magic trick isn't skill it's Showmanship it's like Houdini said what the eyes see and the ears hear the Mind believes let me tell you what I believe I believe I wasn't born special like my sister Charming social dating the football star I was never like her I didn't always get things right Zo can you come join us half the tricks I know are pretty boring easy slate of hand stuff so yeah I can make a coin disappear behind someone's ear but that's nothing compared to my sister she pulled off the greatest disappearing act of them all she died [Music] M nobody ever knows nobody ever SE praying to the Lord praying for my soul now please don't go oh no I think of you whenever I'm alone now oh no I think of you whenever I'm alone so pleas don't [Music] go I got need and fingers and face so you should run I got to love regrets and sins it's so much fun let's one [Music] holiday that's my best friend Brody when we were 10 I forced him to start doing magic with me he agreed under one condition that we share it with no one so in return I promis we'd make No New Friends hello to you too Zoe hi Brody how was your weekend I practiced that one trick but I'm still messing up the end butter fingers you're riffling too fast we've discussed this let say there Valentine I'm so sorry for your lost Joey she's sorry a month later her name is Zoe oh I get it my my name is Sarah but my friends call me Britney go buy whatever name you want girl uh no my name's actually Zoe as you can probably tell not making friends was never a problem for us does being popular make you stupider Brody it's fine they've literally spent the night at your house I know but they're not my friends they were my sister's friends and that's Isaac Jones my sister's ex-boyfriend or I guess widower even when Cleo was alive he never noticed me he still doesn't Earth to Zoe do you want to practice M or not yeah of course sorry X2 minus four right who wants to would someone other than Miss Betts care to solve an equation today h yes Cleo come on up I mean Zoe coming up [Music] Zoe maybe she should go back to her own grade x * x^2 - 4 very good go work Zoe don't forget your homework tonight on solving proofs hey me it's me Isaac you Isaac me Zoe um yeah I just um I want to let you know that some people are going over to boot's house tonight it'll be a bunch of Cleo's friends if you wanted to come thanks thanks I'm cool cool like you're coming or or cool like you're not interested cool like thank you for noticing that I exist but I have [Music] plans [Music] this photo was taken the day before my sister's first diagnosis dad took us out for ice cream while Mom stayed home with Cleo she was sick in bed we brought her home a scoop of mint chip her favorite but she couldn't even eat it well no I don't think that because Mom I got I got to go who's that your Aunt Judy Zoe please I've told you countless times to just put your stuff away it's not that hard to put something back where it belongs I'm just tired then go to your room and take a nap why can't I just take a nap here just do what you want you always do anyway sometimes I think my mom wish it was me who disappeared Casper maybe your dad can take you to the in cages this weekend yeah maybe you used to go every weekend how come I'm never invited the last time I threw baseball at you you dove into the hot dog thing I was four all three of you should go I have some quarters laying around Tony have you seen them they were on the dresser Tony yeah this weekend um I have to work could I be excused yeah I guess can I go to Brody's house if you're home by 9:30 what why not 10: Cleo's curfew is 10: if you finish your homework thanks for having my back Tony what I I'm sorry have to call Judy back [Music] hey stranger still too cool to come out tonight uh I'm actually supposed to go just for an [Music] hour sure but really just for a little bit I have to go to my friend's house [Applause] [Music] this was a bad idea just stick by me is that the other Valentine I didn't know you partied like your sister you don't know anything about me you wish I did chill boot Isaac hey is it just me or does this party suck I feel like we're missing something um Ka oh Cleo that's such a down her she would want us to have fun I just like don't really like being sad I want to kiss boots tonight ew boots he's so gross girl have some standards he's cute he's a jerk a cute jerk look working with Robin Robin she taught me that this tough guy exterior they're typically like sweet shy songwriters well not really but let's go back uh Joey what are you doing here I have to take this there's nothing in the box hey mom or dad or Brody if it's not one of you three you have the wrong number leave a message after the beep hey Zo where are you you're not answering any of your texts you didn't get kidnapped right I don't want to have to call your [Music] [Applause] mom you canot find it we going to [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right y'all I think it's time for some spend the bo you already know the but for any of our newbies you kiss who you land on no cool Fe my sister was into this game yep and if you're going to be at this party you're going to play too look don't worry this is like your first kiss and everything all right boots go first why me because it's your house and you've already made out with every girl at this party so just spin it you should kiss more often Alison it'll shut you up bottle never lies ew scoss gross keepa Evan that kind of rhymes actually it doesn't Al my turn spin it again out come nuh-uh you know the rules no redos I think I'm just going to sit this one out guys no come on you're embarrassing me just kiss her it's not like you haven't before all right jeez Allison your turn try and beat that straight out of your latest wet dream Milo just respin it don't be a jerk boot [Music] [Applause] uhoh I can't Zoe it's typical yeah [Music] right [Music] when Cleo came back after the surgery my mom told me everything was going to be okay that I didn't need to worry after she got better Cleo was more popular than ever everyone wanted to know the girl who had cancer I bet she would have been prom queen but she only made it to [Music] [Applause] [Music] homecoming a disappearing act has two parts something disappears and then it comes back if Cleo ever came back I guess I'd ask her who she really was how she made being in high school Look So Easy all the time how she was such an ace at [Music] everything and why she pushed me away Houdini once said it's still an open question as to what extent exposure really injures a performer [Music] boy in high school any kind of exposure can get you in trouble I'm just saying you didn't have to kiss both of the Sanderson twis last night me the bottle doesn't pick it not me you're gross that's how the girls like it admit you were waiting for us bro waiting for what waiting for us boys to undress and get in the showers am I right oh yeah that's totally what I was doing no seriously who looks better with the shirt off me or Isaac gay jokes haven't been funny for like 10 years dudes oh it's not a joke if you're actually [Music] gay [Music] hey Brody Clemens I know you saw me don't make me run after you wrong side of the bed this morning you blew me off last night I texted you back yeah I like midnight sorry I fell asleep on my physics books theody Dynamics in my right right whatever I almost called your mom I'm fine you don't have to worry about me so walk home together later we'll see what do you have now English Lit algebra cuz I'm cool like that I don't think being 2 years ahead in math is something to brag about he says the guy who not only reads but writes Moody poetry it was one time in the darkness of AdAway whence a lone man walked alone I hope everyone worked extra hard on yesterday's homework assignment because today we have a pop quiz nice of you to join us Mr [Music] Jones take one of the [Music] tests hey keep your eyes on your own paper please ended up not being terrible yeah because you've kissed like everyone already at least some guys are still interested in kissing yeah Isaac is being so lame it's not like Cleo would even care anyway I feel like she would totally want him to be happy Tred telling him that he's got like some weird obsession with the Valentine's my God I can't believe Joey showed up last night I think it's Zoe and yeah that was STS weird did you just say that Zoe Valentine was at a party last night don't get any ideas FR Valentine got a Pity invite but you're definitely never allowed hey you hiding from me no can I walk with you it's a free country listen I'm I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable the other night you don't have to apologize I shouldn't have pressed you to come to that party I just I just thought with Cleo not around you might be lonely I don't need your pity friendship I know I know I'm sorry it's all just been really hard you know I used to tell c a lot of things about myself what was she like to you I guess she was just kind of different with different people you know like like she was a lot of people's best friend and they all told her stuff like personal secrets I didn't know that about her oh I I always assumed you two were really close that she just kept her family stuff private well you assumed wrong anyway I'm I'm this way oh okay uh I'll see you later uh [Music] maybe dad why are you home the internet went down at the office again that happened last week too you're right it did we really need to get that fixed don't we how was school it was cool we learn about paleontology that's like dinosaurs my favorite one is the Velociraptor do you know what Velociraptor means you tell me Speedy Thief Isn't that cool if I were a dinosaur I'd be that one hey asper can you maybe not mention to your mom that I was home early today how come well I don't want her to get jealous of us two dinosaurs spending time alone together hey I thought we were walking home together maybe you confused me with one of your new friends what one of the friends that you met at boot's party last night it's not like that then explain it to me Zoe it just happened all of a sudden all of a sudden you're sister's popular friends want to hang out with you and you lie to me about it Isaac just really wanted me to go and he was dating Cleo so I couldn't really say no what does that have to do with anything you don't have to get it okay but it's different for me or for Isaac I know that your sister died and that she was dating him but that doesn't mean you have to lie to me okay I get it I screwed up if you want to yell at me go for it my mom's probably at home waiting to the same thing sometimes I forget that Cleo is really gone it was a dumb party anyway you would have hated it no one did a single magic trick lame let's never go to another party again it's not like I've ever even been to one well if we're going to be magicians in Las Vegas with our own show no more fighting de de as long as you answer my text from now on I can't stay mad at you how about we go inside and practice some scarf tricks does David Copperfield need a haircut no his hair is perfect I heart you [Music] bye Brody see you tomorrow see you hey how was magic practice it fine rough day just just a weird day want to talk about it was Cleo different when she was just with you uh what do you mean like when it was just you and Cleo what was she like well I guess she was a lot like your mom she could be pretty stubborn but she had that great sense of humor she used to tell me knock knock jokes I even in the hospital just yeah I loved it when she told me those but I can't remember the last time she told me one though hey don't you wow me with one of your magic tricks okay pick a card any card okay now put it back in the middle M mhm going Shuffle it up okay is that your card get really good at this think you got a million dollars up your leave ask and you shall receive dinner Casper come set the table okay the world's most famous magician was named Eric wise when he arrived in New York he changed his name to Harry Houdini though I've always thought it'd be more interesting to have a secret identity or maybe a secret past hi yeah thanks for calling back some kind of of riddle for someone to solve are you to judge [Applause] me you just [Music] you magic only works when the audience is willing to suspend their disbelief if they're looking too hard then the illusion is shattered have a great day at school bud bye Dad bye bye the trick isn't to fool the audience but to earn their trust and become someone else all together all right I'll see you when com kicker what are you stalking me now what do you want boots well it seems like every time I turn around you're here you got to crush on me or something whatever yeah whatever oh thank you is he always like that unfortunately yeah I mean boots only has one speed total jerk face well for the record I think it's awful what he does who cares if you like guys I'm not actually gay then why do you let him call you that cuz who cares there's nothing wrong with being gay uh yeah but don't you want people to know who you are I'm fine Zoe I [Music] promise yo hi you got a trick rabbit in there how dare you I would use real rabbits or no rabbits at all Houdini would be proud speaking of you want to practice at lunch can't you hanging with the cool kids or something haha no I am working with Miss Hughes on a problem set but I can practice tonight sure I fun in algebra [Music] nerd s are you're trying to be friends with all of Cleo's friends or just Isaac uh this is about that party I didn't even want to go then why did you you Isaac asked me to and what's it to you anyway what it is is before your sister came along Isaac was my boyfriend and I'm sad Cleo died but I really don't need another Valentine try to get my way uh the last place I want to be is in your way then step aside hello um okay I just haven't been there since Cleo was sick okay um I'll see you there [Music] bye hey hey thanks for coming wow you do look a lot like her [Music] hi Daddy Daddy I have a really funny joke to tell you uh I can't wait to hear it Cleo knock knock who's there ET ET who God bless you Tony uh one second honey Tony what are you doing home um I had I had coffee with a client over on this side of town so I just I just swung by afterwards it's the middle of the day I just needed a little break I wish I could take a little break Brenda we need to talk just do me a favor and pull yourself together before the kids get [Music] home yo Brad can I talk to you for a second it's Brody not Brad oh well you are Zoe's friend right the one and only till you came along I just I just used to date her sister as well yeah I think we're all aware of outway former it couple um uh do Zoe ever say anything about me about you to me yeah or or to Cleo Cleo barely even acknowledged either of us oh okay that's good well anyway uh some people are coming over to boot's house this Saturday if you and Zoe wanted to come by well we appreciate your offer Zoe and I are actually training to become professional magicians so we really need to focus on our routine but if our plans change you'll be the first to know catch you later Isaac that feels like forever ago did you guys meet here yeah yeah we were in treatment at the same time and we lost our hair the same week so you knew each other well yeah as well as possible but I've always been curious about you and your parents and Isaac she told you about him yeah I mean we were always brutally honest in in our situation you have to be but yeah I was I was kind of crushed I'm sorry you know the funny thing about Cleo is you never really could stay mad at her what oh no you just remind me of someone I'm sorry I interrupted no no no it's fine I mean I'm I'm not going anywhere well hopefully she explained it all to me you know typical Cleo and then I understood what do you mean you understood what oh oh it's it's nothing it it doesn't matter much now um I'm sorry if this is a weird question to ask but um were you in love with my sister it was well I am I probably always will be and um did she love you I think so at least sometimes how we doing today Kent o sorry I didn't realize you had company oh hey Dr Clint uh uh this is zoee Valentine I remember I was so sorry when I heard your sister passed away I treated her a few years ago I'll give you two a minute you know I I saw you walking home from school and you're exactly like how Cleo used to describe you she talked about me yeah yeah all the time I'm sorry that's just weird to me cuz in these past few years she hardly ever talked to me doesn't really make sense why could she talk to you but not me I'm her sister I I have to go hey if you come again do a magic trick for [Music] me [Music] [Music] hi from all your past Des [Music] told me you're in the magic Free Yourself [Music] try to find another place another heart to hold you but you can never really free to be a good magician you have to win over everyone in the cow but sometimes there's a skeptic in the room somebody who doesn't want to be fooled that night or maybe ever [Music] again Houdini used to hide secret keys in his bushy hair or in the hollow part of his shoes but getting rid of them wasn't so easy at the end of his set he'd invite an assistant on stage when they shook hands that's how he got rid of the key point being even a genius needs help sometimes how many times have I told you not to leave a mess in the living room hey I've been missing that one since Monday I'm sorry Mom I'll try to be better about cleaning up thank you [Music] do you think we make if there break hey Mom do you want to go see a we later like we used to kind of I have plans later sweetie maybe next week uh is that why you're going through your dresses just some spring cleaning [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] stles we're just going to make it plural [Music] right [Music] haha oh old one oldie like [Music] me bro thank God I've been losing my mind boots his house Isaac said so has an alien life form possess my best friend Brody's body and suggest that we go to a high school party together okay okay fine you win I'm in well man I don't know how I feel about this I knew we should have just stayed home and practiced you were so mad that I came here without you and now you're not sure No New Friends was a whole lot easier come on Hey Zoe qah hi he's your friend he's cute this is Brody bro me and Britney what's your sign uh my birthday is August 31st Virgo that means you're shy he's not shy when you get to know him trust me I will be right back hey hi how are you I'm all right I see you're becoming a regular at boots' parties does that mean you like popular oh definitely not once people forget that my sister died I'm sure they'll forget about me too that's crazy well um I mean you're definitely one of the most memorable people in math class by most memorable if you mean Most Wanted by Allison then she'll come around do you want to go see if there's anything to eat I would love that but I just have to go talk to Isaac first oh I didn't realize you two work oh no no it's not like that yeah that's what your sister used to say before they got together I'll see you around who inv to you freshman um it's Brody but freshman is fine Alison be nice to her new friend yeah he's so cute and funny don't you think yeah but then Mr rosin to signed that essay last minute but it's like he knows we have you have a thing for Mr Rothstein that's so gross I didn't know you guys were gay for each other no we're actually talking about that Lit assignment you know the one you're going to fail s are gay how are s's gay they're just words on a piece of paper whatever I'm going to talk to some girls hey hey is this heat taken no no come on what you doing you think she's up there just watching us all the time I don't know if I believe in that stuff Alison got her hair done tonight I guess if Cleo was up there she would have made a rain on her Allison and Cleo enemies to The Bitter End it was intense dramatic your sister did love the drama hey um does the name Ken Andrews mean anything to you yeah yeah that was Cleo's friend right from the hospital yeah um I think that I need to tell you something did did he tell you something about me no um I just got the feeling that there was something going on between him and Cleo like maybe she was cheating on you so you don't know shouldn't you be upset Zoe there's something I need to tell you our relationship was a lie but not not in the way that you think I'm gay I'm sorry what I'm gay and your sister knew okay she she was protecting me after Cleo got better we just just became really close you know and I've been dating Alison for a few years I just I told Cleo I couldn't take it anymore why didn't you just break up with Allison it's even worse when you're single you have to flirp with girls and talk about how hot they are and you can tell anybody because of boots right yeah he's not the most accepting why are you even friends with him beat down he's actually a good guy but he doesn't know who you are it was Cleo's idea if I broke up with Allison and started dating her no one suspect me then you know when I was ready I could just tell people I was getting close I really was think CLE went and died you're the second person on the planet who knows jeez I guess the only person on the planet something about the Valentine girls I guess [Music] hey freshman you want to make out uh yes please okay what is this yeah your friend is uh yeah I'm trying not to think about it should I go check on him no I think you might need a moment to recover I think I might need a moment to recover hey um did you find Isaac yeah and you figured out whatever you needed to talk about yeah I just needed to ask him something about my sister sounds like she was a pretty good girlfriend though oh Cleo and Isaac they're like one of those um story book romances you see on Netflix you know they're perfect together I was a little jealous yeah I mean I think a lot of us were one minute I'm talking to her friends and the next Alison bets is kissing me in front of people I thought I was dreaming uh I think you mean a nightmare did you grow devil horns after hey I'm sorry I'm sorry well I had to friend for myself after you ran off with Isaac I just found some old pictures of him and Cleo thought he might want them tonight was fun some of your sister's friends aren't terrible I might even want to hang out with them again so no more No New Friends policy I think we could both stand to do a little less magic and more socializing with actual people our ages hey there's nothing wrong with doing magic no I know but there's also nothing wrong with going to parties which car is that weird what uh I'll call you tomorrow Zoe your curfew was an hour ago why was Cleo's doctor driving away from our house we were just at an event together a charity thing why didn't dad go it was last minute it's not a big deal where were you I was at a party it was last minute it's not a big deal [Music] [Music] the thing about Houdini is that he knew not every assistant was right for every job for certain moments the toughest [Music] moments you want just the right person in the ring with [Music] you somebody who understands your [Music] world inside and out if there is one thing hini knew besides magic it was pickpocketing like magic pickpocketing requires you to draw the eye away from the action and it make something disappear in the blink of an eye mom mom Zoe what are you doing I'm looking for my magic coin your what magic coin have you seen it maybe it disappeared as a sign you should be doing way less magic and way more studying I'm literally 2 years ahead in math so what more do you want for me woman dad have you seen my magic coin haven't seen it check the money jar I did there's nothing in there that's impossible I just put a bunch of loose change in there [Music] yesterday okay but what if you want to be underwater half the time I it's still too space I don't know man I'd want to be a mermaid okay what have a shark tried to eat you you punch it in the nose does that actually work does what actually work punching a shark in the NOS are we still debating living in the ocean versus space I thought we decided on Space yesterday whole zero gravity and floating food thing yeah that's what I thought okay but I was thinking about it again last night and I changed my mind hi Isaac hey Allison you look really pretty today and I'm also first in my class but please only compliment me on my appearance I a't nice s why are we hanging out with with children Isaac oh we aren't hanging out you came over here and interrupted so what do you think my chances are of making out with her again isn't there somebody else anybody else like literally anybody nothing's impossible I mean you're a goodlooking guy your star is rising it out way Allison likes both those things what no Isaac we have to keep him humble this been last X is the variable and is a stop what Mr Vargas if you're done flirting with Zoe Valentine would you solve for x please so we in Milo sitting in a tree I'm going to kill you let me make it up to you meet me in this classroom right after school for what the opportunity of a lifetime [Music] Oh yay hey what's going on as you may know ke and I on the leadership Committee of the student council and we've been tasked in finding bright new talent to run for Student Council by the end of the year and we think you should run for treasurer both down the time uh did you guys like rehearse that so I don't know it's not really me I feel like it'd be a natural I could probably stand to do more things than card tricks yeah strong maybe Oh yay I'm [Music] excited can I talk to you yeah but I'm surprised my mom let you upstairs people let you do a lot of things when you have a dead sister so how would you feel if we took a break from Magic confused you've been so into it and you s me that really aggressive rehearsal schedule around the scarf tricks yeah no that that sounds like me I've just been thinking there's a lot of other ways I could be spending my time yeah um I'll be honest with you though I only really got into magic because you loved it it's what you always did to make Cleo smile what's that supposed to mean you've been lying about liking magic and I didn't only do it because of Cleo well she's the reason that you got into it Zoe you don't have to keep doing magic just because Cleo loved it okay then I guess we'll take a break yeah if that's what you want I want you to tell me what to do I can't this is your decision is this about Allison do you want me to say that we should stop doing magic so you can look cooler to Allison wait I thought you were the one that wanted to take a break yeah I know I do okay okay good talk yeah felt pretty weird to me well I hope I can still count on your vote in me for what longer story I'm going to go and I feel like there's going be something going on between me and Milo but I don't know how am I supposed to know sorry know what oh I'm so sorry you're trying to rest I should just go no I I need the company so what what else is going on at school some of Cleo's friends well I guess they're my friends now is that weird it's only weird if you make it weird okay well these friends want me to join Student Government maybe you should I don't know that was always kind of Cleo's thing yeah but you should hear the way she talked about those clubs NHS FHS that other one with the S ASC outway Spirit yeah anyways it was those clubs that like really gave Cleo her drive and purpose and where she made some of her best friends well I mean Magic's kind of a solo game so I guess it might be nice if I get to know all these new people who might be my friends it certainly couldn't hurt Kent I'm heading out so if you need anything nurse Carol's on duty tonight all right you kids don't stay up too late what was that oh nothing [Music] or [Music] I just SP the most romantic restaurant in [Music] town bravo bravo Encore prepare to be dazzled as it turns this flower into dad's ugliest time don't look don't look okay voila that one's so much better now you've gotten so good okay I'm going to be your favorite pick a card any card is this your card how do you do that I knew it Zoe that's amazing Pick Pockets steal things they think they need someone might think that in stealing but find an escape or themselves Casper but taking something from someone doesn't turn you into that person it just leads you further away from yourself Casper I took it I'm sorry H what is all this about I have to make sure we don't lose anyone else what are you talking about I spent all the coins from the coin dish and then happened what happened Cleo died so I have to make sure we always of coins no one else can die Cass you didn't kill Cleo then what did why did it happen I don't know why she got sick it's not your fault it's not anybody's fault promise [Music] promise Houdini said my brain is the key to set my mind free and that's true whether or not you're a magician there's no one who can make you feel worse about yourself than you can not the school bully not your parents not your best friend just your own brain telling you things you don't want to [Music] hear you can't sneak up on a girl before she's had her coffee sorry it's okay I don't drink coffee so I was thinking Junior Spring Fling is coming up mhm do you want to be my date what it's just boots and some of the guys on my case about not having a date and how are they going to feel that you're taking your dead girlfriend's sister who's a freshman better than taking someone who doesn't really know me I don't know Isaac okay look I wasn't going to say anything but you need to come because there's going to be a surprise and you're not going to want to miss it is this more student council stuff I already said I'm going to run no well kind of okay look the student council came up with this fun idea for the Spring Fling and I know you'll love it okay trust me okay I guess wait really sure oh my God thank you thank you thank you what was that about nothing didn't seem like nothing fine Isaac just asked me to the Spring Fling wow you give up magic for one day and then the coolest kid in school asks you out I didn't quit magic and he didn't ask me out okay sorry but what if Milo wants to ask you how do you even know if likes me even I know he likes you so the junior class Spring Fling with Isaac Jones who would have thought I'm sorry what oh um we're just going as friends hey [Music] Allison [Music] does everybody have a date to this stupid Dance with [Music] Me hey freshman do you want to go to the Spring Fling with me yes please cool I get off me I'll send you a picture of my dress so we can coordinate just send me the color that way the dress can be a surprise [Music] okay Milo hi uh what are you doing here sorry I mean hello hi nice to see you um welcome to my living room and also what are you doing here uh well I wanted to tell you that I think you're funny and smart and I think you're really cool thank you look what I'm trying to say is that I like you and I like you too good well I'm glad to hear that [Music] Zoe [Music] Valentine will you go to the springling with [Music] me um I'm I'm kind of already going with someone [Music] else oh I'm so sorry who is it Isaac wait Isaac asks you yeah but it's not like that we're [Music] friends dude where were you practice is over I was asking Zoe Valentine to the Spring Fling you know I'm too bad you already did that you're asking a girl to the Spring Fling what' your boyfriend say no shut up it off [Music] what hang on Vargas look I'm really sorry all right I I didn't mean to get between you and zo okay then why would you ask her to the springling so boots will get off my back about not having a date so you take the girl you know I like wow Isaac thanks you know 5 years of friendship means so much it's not like that okay then tell me what it's like explain you know what I'm done I don't care have a good one I'm gay what yeah and Zoe knows she was doing me a favor I'm telling you this because we are friends and a girl is certainly not the reason that should end I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner so that's why you're always defending me with boots doesn't what he say bother you yeah I'm not ready to come out [Music] yet I get [Music] it I like to go out for a meal for a change we need to figure out some of your sister's medical bills before we can just spend frivolously like that that reminds me Tony Dr Clint is going to speak to the hospital he said there's a better payment plan than the one we've been using that's awfully sweet of him why does he know so much about our finances mom I told you I ran into him at a charity event I didn't know there was a charity event was it at the hospital yeah Mom tell us more what was the charity who was there was it catered they have Dominics that placees such a great menu no phones at the table good thing I'm done [Music] then and now Milo is upset and Allison hates me even more I don't even want to go to this stupid dance I just want to crawl under my covers and pretend that none of this is happening I think you should go to the dance I think it'll be a really special night trust me yeah maybe I just thought all this would be easier I thought I'd be able to see Cleo's world and it would help me move on but now my school life is just a mess and I miss her more than ever you know maybe that's okay I don't know I just I just think you have to walk through the pain to really understand it but I don't understand it I just keep finding more questions about her than answers like why didn't she want me to be a part of her life and why didn't she want to be part of mine I promise she did then why didn't she help me figure out who I am why' she leave before teaching me about boy drama and and our parents now even to apply a freaking cat ey because she wanted to protect you she kept her distance so it would be easier I don't know sometimes that's what I want to to do with those who love me maybe it's not the best way but it's the only way she knew how to handle all this she also knew that you could handle [Music] it hey what's up you look weird I have to tell you something I have to tell you really fast because I feel really bad about it okay I want to go to the springling with Milo and I know he technically asked me after you asked me but I think he might maybe really like me and I think I might maybe really like him it' be really fun if we go together so please don't hate me I don't hate you I can never hate you you have my blessing and just to confirm he does like you a lot well who are you going to go with myself I'll be fine you send me a dance though [Music] deal Houdini was right when he said my brain is the key to set my mind free the moment we forgive ourselves for the things we can't change that's when we begin to [Music] heal [Music] Dad hey so looks like we had the same idea huh do you come here a lot yeah on tough days guess it makes me feel like I get to spend some time with her I'm sorry that everything is such a mess what do you mean you're stressed about money and mom's mad like every day we're going to be okay [Music] here we are going to get through this all stronger than ever there's nothing this family can't overcome but none of us can do it on our own [Music] Zoe I'm always here for you your mother is always here for you never forget [Music] that Isaac's downstairs okay oh you really look gorgeous honey thanks Mom it's grown back so nicely too bad I'm going to have to shave it all off again honey you beat this last time and you're going to beat it again [Music] Zoe come in here and look at how beautiful your sister [Music] looks [Music] [Music] Zoe you almost ready yeah I'm just trying to decide if I can wear these heels all night I like the ones you had on earlier they didn't really fit they were cleos you look [Music] stunning you've really come out of your shell this semester zo we yeah I feel different is that a bad thing I don't really know yet Zoe look I'm doing my best I know that I've been we're all getting through this in our own [Music] ways where are you going I just need to take one quick stop before it's go time hi hi are we insane for going this junior dance did you come all the way over to my house just to ask me that one question yes then yes you are insane but not for wanting to go to the dance I think it's going to be fun really no I have no idea I am so nervous what if Allison was kidding about wanting to go to the dance with me and I show up and she laughs in my face doing magic alone in our bedrooms is way easier than this so true okay see you there see you there hey Zoe you look really [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful come on come on come on on come on come on come on come on let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come you look great Zoe that necklace is amazing [Music] thanks [Music] hello everyone welcome to the annual Junior Spring Fling I want to thank you for making this evening such a success and I want to introduce someone to explain how we're going to make this dance even more special in the years to come Mr Jones than it's over good evening everybody thank you all for coming out tonight as most of you know we lost one of our own this year Cleo Valentine was an amazing friend active member of our school's community and loving daughter and sister she's missed by so many and we here at AdAway wanted to make a special tribute in her honor so tonight we have a few surprises uh but first please join me in welcoming the entire Valentine [Music] family and our final special guest Kent who was very close to Cleo during her time in the [Applause] hospital K and CLE were both treated at AdAway Memorial hospital and I am so proud to announce that tonight from now on all ticket sales from the junior spring fleing will be donated there in honor of the incredible Cleo [Applause] Valentine zo Valentine would you want to come up here and accept this on behalf of your family in the hospital [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello um I'm Zoe and I guess I guess I just I just want to say that um you about to see something truly remarkable astounding and [Music] amazing what are you doing a magic show and we're doing it why same reason you did it for Clea look at their [Music] faces great work by the amazing brodini am I right ladies and gentlemen this is one of Cleo's [Applause] favorites pick a card any card now don't show it to me but I want you to write something on the back now my assistant bro will hand me my silk handkerchief oh so now I'm your assistant do it or I'll saw you in [Applause] half and try and break my [Applause] H [Applause] yeah [Music] sorry I pulled that on you yeah don't ever do that again I know you'd be great how you're a valentine [Music] girl hey you were amazing Could you teach me all of that Cleo would have loved that can I maybe come and dance with you and your friends absolutely H to go over by Isaac I'll see you in a minute should we maybe go join him I'm sorry I'm I'm just not [Music] ready hey hey man now I get why Cleo love this place so much yeah it's pretty special yeah it makes me hate the hospital even more well then come on we've got to live up every single second of your jail break time no Zoe Zoe no no no no no no no no on the run again on the run again again hey look at the other Valentine her name is [Music] Zoe hey Cleo it's me [Music] Zoe I don't know how Heaven works but if you can somehow hear me I want you to know that I miss you so so much these past few months have been impossible I felt so confused but I realized that that's okay you try to protect me from pain but I can handle it I'm strong you help make me strong so it's okay if [Music] I'm incomplete without you I'm going to be okay and I'm going to make you [Music] proud [Music]
Channel: Brat TV
Views: 354,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brat, zoe valentine, zoe valentine season 2, zoe valentine new, anna cathcart, anna catchcart brat, diego velazquez, isaac zoe valentine, chicken girls, total eclipse, brat shows, crown lake, brat crown lake, to all the boys ive loved before, bailey sok
Id: UJ8keCD1aak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 38sec (4598 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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