Eugenie, The Rebel | Zip Zip English | Full Episodes | 4H | S2 | Cartoon for kids

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hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret thank you foreign no way it's totally in the rules don't tell me I don't know how to play soccer [Music] [Music] you were lucky that's all bring the ball back here and I'll show you who's the Stars [Music] but Eugenie you touched the ball last so you have to go fetch it there's nothing to be done about it it's the rule okay if it's the real ity nonsense that was no foul [Music] dogs for you [Music] so show yourself not at all it's not my fault if you don't like the rules you see you Genie Town games are like that okay it's not like in the forest where you can do whatever you like well I wish I was back in the fall she's been to the Forest Chase the one she's our supreme god Sweetie Pies it's dinner time why don't you go back to the forest for dinner as soon as the Supreme guide returns we'll move into action [Music] I'll believe it [Music] at least here nobody can stop me from sleeping oh awesome God welcome to you what are you doing here who are you my name is gwenevere this is Angelica and this is Gustav we came to save you we've seen how the other pets mistreat you it's true wash goes too far sometimes but oh those wretched dogs those servile Lackey that the humans beck and call how dare they abuse yourself you our Supreme guide ah [Music] a oh no she's already in the kitchen she's gonna eat all the camel oh no Eugenie doesn't need anything about what do you mean supreme god it means that you are the one who shall lead us to Eugenie what are you doing here who are they we are the prlf the pet rabbit Liberation Front our mission is to free all rabbits captured by humans and guarded by their wretched hounds but of course let's go these guys are completely crazy really very nice and I want to stay with us anyway we're going nowhere without her [Music] okay how about we settle this with a carrot tossing contest if I win you go and Eugenie stays with us if I lose Eugenie goes with you if she feels like it okay okay I'm gonna show you what real character is about watch and learn [Music] wow with carrot testing like that Eugenie will be going anywhere thanks wash up we go comrades but hey but that's cheating you're not allowed [Music] so where are we going to a wondrous beautiful place we'll explain later not in front of that dumb dog [Music] you can't just abandon your big brother like that leave it Sam if Eugenie prefers to go off with cheats and yesterday wash you deserve to be abandoned all on your own new they're coming along I'm gonna join your pure relief thing with you you should join the llri instead the link for lousy rabbit impersonators [Laughter] Liberation Front can we come with you pigeons are pets come on that's enough let's go a bit of respect all right they may come with us the most important thing is the happiness of us between God so where are we going to the forest the land of Freedom huh the forest for the forest isn't a land of Freedom it's the worst place on Earth it's very dangerous there are terrifying Predators everywhere there is no worse Predator than human beings who live in towns the forest is our Salvation there's no way I'm going to the forest you are a supreme god the only one here who has been to the forest I beg you please take us there without you we can never make our Dream Come oh okay but don't say I didn't warn you [Applause] there you go we're there here's the forest wow I love it everything is so natural here you mustn't hanging around here for long we might bump into Mitch he's awesome Grizzly we'll never let's go thank you Eugene thank you for the bottom of our hearts could you take us somewhere with a bit more light please it's a bit dark around here here is this okay awesome comrades at last we are free this little trip is giving me an appetite when do we get to eat uh see in the wild you have to go foraging for food yourselves thank you dearly Eugenie for taking care of it but you've got to learn to get by without me we've already voted you're taking care of dinner foreign [Music] what's all that stuff why aren't there carrots on the menu because carrots don't grow in the forest anyway it's your problem we're going home you are our supreme god you are staying with us if you go we'll come after you we know where you live get it the prlf never gives up so go find us some carrots and get them move on around here go back to the Living Stones it's all my fault I should have never gone along with them but you were to know and I'm never abandon you a chicken Dairy never deserts her friends me neither but maybe I may just head back to the Living Stones at some point to fetch them shut up I've been trailing you Eugenie zip off your costume and show the prlf you're not a rabbit when they discover that you're not the supreme god they'll let you go amazing but that's no reason to start cheating again when we get back to the living Stone [Music] real rabbit I cannot be your Supreme's guy ah that weird creature has devoured all Supreme gods hello rabbit impersonator was right the forest is full of evil Predators run away that before we retrieve the height of our supreme god rally round prf [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you um [Music] mission accomplished Angelica you okay hey how about this nice to see you Pals thanks Susie and thank you friends you are awesome that's your service at the pvlf we stick together see you soon okay feel like getting back to the Living Stones there's a soccer match on TV we can check out the rules well I never what an incredible punch Christopher has just floored his opponent see no fell you can tell I'm not cheating of course you're cheating we're watching yeah very delicious at this time of day I'm sure they're tucked up nice and warm at home with your masters you'll see the four of us are gonna have a ball I'll take very special care of you [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] so what's the surprise you'll see if we don't leave soon we'll miss the lunar eclipse just one minute I've nearly finished here we go system activated now I can control the whole house I am a one-man smart home wizard what's a smart home whiz head no idea but I think we're about to find out allow me to demonstrate greetings and welcome to the Mirage home automation system your remote assistant smart home dream wizard dinner is served [Music] no wow [Music] and you haven't seen nothing yet [Laughter] and that isn't all but we have a lunar eclipse to catch don't worry honey it'll be all right here when we get back in the meantime my furry friends I prepared a special program for you here we go see you tomorrow morning is gonna end in tears good luck [Music] it's like Rebecca don't worry guys I've got it this here tablet is where it's at when he says I've got it that's when we start worrying right nature Escape deactivated there you go just ask the expert okay let's see why don't we create a little atmosphere how about a little music [Music] Now That's What I Call Music how about a little massage [Music] sorry good idea to play with the tablet Washington of course it is Sam you'll say the possibilities are endless [Music] sounds like [Music] um I'll go look for the Stop button just a second got it covered it's okay I found it proper goldscape activated wow is it getting hot in here or is it me [Music] I'll sort this out in no time oh we pressed that big green button there and stop the whole thing don't worry Eugenie I have this situation under control you'll see adjusting to maximum temperature you make costumes melting wash [Music] I'll learn toxic matter detected [Music] quarantine commenting disinfection complete oh quick hi oh what was that alarm will you never get a moment's piece around here those neighbors sure are a Wild Bunch [Applause] oh sleepyhead oh I think we got a tiny problem we knew we were wild animals no Sam we're locked outside who knew no costumes no kibble [Music] stop you'll wake up the whole neighborhood then what are we gonna do breathe deeply everything is going to be fine and let's just keep calm if this really is a smart house then it and I aren't gonna get on great hi Mirage I'm Washington would you be so kind as a let us back in hmm silly little misunderstanding our costumes aren't toxic and we really need to get them back they could at least say something what are you gonna open up you're disconnected I'm gonna jump that's a good thing you told us to keep calm hey watch I've got a great idea to get back into the house good job Eugenie but I have a better idea we'll go in via the roof give me a hand Sam we're gonna need some gear is it me or does he never listen to my ideas wanna hear it Susie remember when you snuck into the house through the piping system perfect hey say where are the girls gone Rush are you sure this is the right time to go skiing I know what I'm doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you Susie can you hear me let's do like we said okay [Music] yes okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] on inside she has yeah she went into the piping system she was meant to press the big button switch off the smart house and let us back in but great idea so why hadn't she done it [Music] this is the Meltdown system meltdown says don't meltdown [Music] [Music] press the big button the [Music] the big button on the wall situation critical remote control disabled contacting owner [Music] I can't see Susie we have to get inside that house but where's Sam hello hello can you hear it Susie we've lost her there's no network we have no choice we have to get inside that house now on three we go we have outside instead good idea you're right on five then [Music] okay [Music] foreign there you go problem solved right let's get our costumes back I'll take care of you that's a maximum fire alert fire alert [Music] wow that was a close call [Music] what is that it's happier looks like the program went crazy where are our poor Little Darlings [Music] my dear little angels you must have been terrified for sure I'm going to uninstall this hopeless Smart House system straight away and you'll be getting double kibble all week looks like I made the right decision going with them huh I don't know what you're talking about we came through just fine yeah so what's that then [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave it's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] s you'd rather be playing something else why this is fun uh sure and it's Thursday and on Thursdays get it I'm too fat yeah The Living Stones they probably brought back food look at what we brought back for you one for your genie one for Susie one for Washington and this is for Sam and Victoria it's a cat tree Sam you'll love it give us five minutes and we'll put it together for you Washington no playing ball in the street okay okay what's the point of a carrot you can't eat they're pet toys guys apparently pets love this stuff seriously I saw it on TV this for example is a ball launcher folks use them to Zing a ball into the far distance look well they do recommend not to use it in town it's meant for the beach or the countryside [Music] [Music] first I assure you Mr police officer sir a ball just fell out of the sky where could that ball have got to there it is [Music] you wash I recognize that snout of yours a mile away you don't recognize me it's Magnus hey Magnus of course it's been ages buddy yeah you're telling me you're looking pretty sharp what's with the fur look dude it's not my real fur it's a costume thanks to this I managed to get myself adopted by humans now I live in the lap of domestic luxury I knew you'd pull it off one day you always wear the sharpest fox in the Box don't exaggerate anyway how you doing well you know what the forest is like grief all day long I came into town to see if I couldn't find myself something to eat I'm starving [Music] yeah come on well your place here looks cozy can I come in [Music] hey what can you hear me huh yeah yeah I'm gonna help you Magnus I can't leave you like this where's the kitchen over there who took your time did you find your ball is wash acting weird to you how does watch do that wearing his costume but not wearing his costume both at the same time I've never managed that this are you crazy Madness is a wild guy 100 the Livingston's will notice and then imagine what will happen if you get spotted with zoom hey easy everything's fine Magnus is just having a bite to eat it'll only take five minutes A friend in need is a friend indeed remember back in the forest forest it sure was rough you're right we've gotta help Magnus so can you show him the house I'll wait for you here ah I'm gonna take a bit of time out of my costume you can smell a wild animal here Campbell now is that what you call him damn awesome please stop are you crazy that's not that's my bowl domestic life has rules and regulations everyone has their own bowl and nobody touches anybody else's if you want more kibble you go find the Masters [Music] hilarious do it again meow meow hey my cable lock nut 17 on shaft 19. what's a lock nut oh it's a cool here whoa what's that that's a Vic Victoria the house cat no the things she's sleeping on there it looks real comfortable no it's her question no Okay Okay click the rules and regulation stuff a fat lot of good day off ain't that all right fatty hey hey no what you're gonna who's he your buddy what's these washes buddy [Music] yeah over here I had to run in with Alvarez but it's okay now how's tricks with you aren't good your buddy Magnus took my cushion and if you don't get rid of him immediately I'll take Sam's kibble hostage what that's not fear Magnus is already eating my share there's no way I'm sacrificing myself whoa your human guys are trying to make some weird Contraption and the noise is atorocious I'm a light sleeper me but I don't get a moment's piece child wash see you around that's what friendship is all about making sacrifices you're right we did good helping Madness are you joking he stole my kibble if you were in the same situation wouldn't you have liked Magnus to give you his kibble yeah but he mean to say you don't steal my kibble hey Magnus you okay tell me yo I got a little favor to ask my sister is starving you couldn't lend her your costume could you I mean well let's say that uh foreign and brother-in-law too okay with you looks like washes lost weight he looks like wash has gained weight again no is it me or is Wash's weight yo-yoing madly I get the impression our lovable little fur balls are up to something [Music] this is not good schnookums we are not happy [Music] wash is behaving really weird if it continues we'll have to take him to the vet [Music] [Applause] you haven't seen a wild animal around here I'm sure I picked up the scent of a world animal wow don't set because if he turns up and if the Living Stones don't call the vet then I will okay okay I'll get it back relax it was a joke all the same if I don't get my cushion back in the next five minutes there's going to be trouble hey there no overtaking there's a lot here for that costume hey look if it isn't washed yeah you're right how's it going what are you doing here quiet anyone know where Magnus is Magnus uh I gotta talk to you now don't go thinking I'm complaining but I kind of need my costume no worries wash but you'll have to queue up like everybody else that's right two you know Magnus so far you've only seen the upside of domestic life it's not always a better roses there's loads of horrible stuff you gotta do to deserve those Rewards we have to hug our masters say what hug our masters it's this thing that you'll believe it when you see it [Music] two he he's taking his time getting his costume back so do you have it nearly I've got a plan but I'm gonna need you we're about to embark on operation snuggle [Music] I think our little honey buns want to say sorry for their Monkey Business earlier shall we move things up oh it doesn't matter little Sam we'll buy you another one snookums he's not going too far how about you wash you want to join in come on give us a hug [Music] dad hogging stuff is horrendous how do you put up with it could you have absolutely no self-respect I'd rather go back to the forest and put up with the grief Washington hey you it was like can I turn my turn Sam not gonna happen I'm too fat is that it okay go on while aboard [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend sound abort his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave but the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ive [Music] what time is it [Music] [Applause] Veronica I have a confession to make hey you're not the only one here and majority rules it's always the same with you guys and I'm already 138 episodes behind 100 magnetic totally invisible it's a brand new magnetic zipper the future is now Zip Zip zipper invisible that's what we need with those zippers no one will ever know we're wearing costumes my friends welcome to the end of all our worries [Music] silly what do we do with the real costumes toss them into the dumpster cause the future is now [Music] super invisible yeah you even feel like this is my real fur [Music] you can't get this I'm stuck [Music] the magnetic field created by the zippers is way too powerful quick everyone outside [Music] just in time foreign if this continues the neighbors are gonna get suspicious there's no choice now at the count of three we take off our costumes one two three [Music] those magnetic zippers look pretty cool on TV but in reality they're just a bit right well no use crying over zippers come on let's go home we'll put our old costumes back on the wash our old costumes got thrown in the dumpster oh [Music] my God [Music] I'll handle this [Music] is radish uh we're looking for our costume Sam I didn't sting you but you're not in here [Music] but who would want to steal our costumes that's your daddy's not chicken but [Music] what in the that's us how can we both be over there and in here at the same time and with fried chicken yeah [Music] Bros you gotta let me some [Music] Christmas don't open those voices they ring a bell [Laughter] it's the raccoon gang they took our costume so they could pretend to be us yeah well we'll see about that give us back our costumes you a bunch of imposters imposters who you kid isn't it you who spends your time pretending to be household pets yeah well uh still those are our costumes huh and um [Music] four of us otherwise those two humans are gonna catch on what makes you look fat go on get lost go back to your Forest you losers these are ah costumes now and that is our life all right [Music] and our reputation is shot all that work we put into becoming perfect pets has just gone up in smoke this time we're Gunners it's back to the forest no no way are we gonna let them take over our lives they're gonna find out what we're really made of yeah we're gonna show them how I'm not a dodo bird this time you've gone too far raccoon hey guys I think these fossils didn't quite catch our drift yeah ah you didn't hear what we said is that it huh our beloved little pets they're being attacked by wild animals huh [Music] go back to the forest you nasty beasts right okay so strong arm tactics don't work we're gonna have to use cunning use what uh our intelligence okay so I've got an idea they'll need Victoria Islands we're gonna let you get some rest now [Music] hmm do you seriously think we're gonna let you choose channels [Music] but you here there that's not us in the house oh well then who is it the raccoons they stole our costumes yeah it happens well I'll be I hadn't even noticed how is this my problem [Music] even can't tell the difference between me and a dodo bird listen Vic I got a plan and if you can help us you can take control of the remote I'm all ears [Music] hey guys you hadn't noticed it's time time from what uh bath time have you forgotten it's the humans who wash us the pets [Music] what come on be bright my friends it'll be over quickly and you'll see my plan is going to work foreign and what's more the living stones are real sticklers for Hygiene when you put up resistance they pull out the bath robot Enforcer it's time Darlings what in the world has gotten into them [Music] oh [Music] [Music] Mr Robot go get ready for bath time there's a problem of mistaken identity here we're not pets look Mr Robot yeah one girls [Music] Christy I feel that the flame of my heart is wavering oh come on only 137 more episodes I have a confession to make [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave he's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ive ah what a beautiful day for a picnic see you this evening Am I Dreaming or did they just live without us but I'm starving you stop we're sharing the meatballs no no Sam Sandwich don't worry it's just a teeny weeny tomato stain I can get rid of it in a blink with my eyes closed boom there you go oops you're lucky Sam just so happens I'm an expert wow what no nothing [Music] and now all we have to do is wait for my costume to finish Washington [Music] it's impossible to get a decent nap around here hey a documentary on dogs oh wow just what we needed with this silky coat Affair and fascinating looks the Afghan Hound has always been the darling of the dog show beauty contest doesn't surprise me at all that Alvarez loves Beauty contests excellent sense of smell which makes him a marvelous hunting dog capable of chasing down rabbits gazelles and even foxes I think I understand better now why Alvarez doesn't like you Washington ah don't be ridiculous Everyone likes me we met with a proud owner of an Afghan Hound who has decided to train his dog for hunting over us there's already one every beauty prize there is so I thought it was time to move on to more serious things like hunting animals just to let you know that we'll be home sooner than expected because of the rain is everything okay ah right of course you can't answer me see you later oh no my costume I absolutely have to put my costume back on ah come on always works on the sixth try you have selected the extra long cycle your washing will be finished in three hours [Music] I've got to get out of the house immediately Sam you keep him from coming into the laundry room Susie and Eugenie you bring me my costume when it's ready quick wash they're here be extra careful wash remember there's a fox hunting Hound on the loose in the neighborhood [Music] I hope you'll be okay be extra careful wash remember there's a fox hunting Hound on the loose in the neighborhood everything's gonna be just fine they just wanted to scare me that's all and I'm not afraid of anything anyway honey do you know where Washington is no he must be hiding somewhere in the house because of the storm I'm gonna go do some laundry and then I'll go see if I can find him [Music] oh what's going on Sam [Music] what in the world is he doing no idea but it's pretty funny I'm not gonna last longer juice we have to come up with another plan to open it right okay time to head home my costume must be clean by now it must be the storm that forced him out of his natural habitat it's a lucky day Alvarez [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] okay Alvarez may have a good nose he's not half as smart as I am [Music] the boss came this way you're doing a great job we're gonna find that Beast [Music] come on wash just a few more feet to go what hey you just an old box of rotten bananas oh [Music] that cat will never cease to amaze me that's the understatement of the year thank you look all you had to do was unplug it so sooner let's just say it's going to allow me to finally have a quiet nap [Music] please let me go I've got 12 hungry pups and nothing to feed them I came into the city looking for garbage but I'll be gone in a blink I promise and to be honest I don't even know why you'd want to hunt me I I I taste really bad my skin is too tough oh I hate check it out I'm nothing but skin and bones hmm okay all right then hunt me down and tough luck for my little children they'll be left all alone in the forest and wind up dry and brittle like little crackers you like crackers right Albert uh sir fox dog pee you huh so you don't want to hunt me I'm not that disgusting after all and I should add that I am a highly respected fox in my neck of the forest hmm here taste me and tell me to my face I'm not worth being hunted come on taste me are you nuts or what I've never hunted a fart in my life how gross can you get but I thought that Afghan hounds just love to hunt foxes yes well let's just say that oh I much prefer a beauty contests ah but then what do you want this whole hunting thing the idea was my masters [Applause] before Alvarez get him that's quite an unusual cat dance honey that cat has never ever done anything like a normal cat so what do we do now I guess I'm gonna have to hunt you otherwise my master will never forgive me I know we'll pretend you've already done it the hell's that work no one will ever believe us I need way more all right how was that you're happy now yes did you get the Hulk zombie [Music] oh my little fault Hunter I am so proud of you Yes dear neighbors that is what happens to Wild foxes who dare come anywhere new Alvarez's took I am the great Afghan Hound Fox Hotel Supreme all right let's go home and run you a nice hard ball how could I have been so stupid and so cruel all because I wanted to take a little nap wash you were the funniest Fox alive the nicest the most handsome that is the most handsome and the most intelligent and the most intelligent and also the strongest and uh hush [Music] well Vic you just said it yourself I am the handsomest strongest most intelligent alive yeah do you seriously think I'm afraid of a wimp like Alvarez why I bet that as we speak he's getting his hair done for the next dog show beauty contest [Laughter] [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Samba board his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] what she wants to work in supermarkets throw out perfectly good food into the garbage do that go figure Sam you know humans always doing really bizarre things shouldn't we invest the girls to give us a hand nah this is our treasure Sam just for the two of us there it is we're gonna put everything in the cart and bring it back to the yard what are these two these two dead people yeah we uh want to get the leftovers from the supermarket cause this happens to be our dumpster I'll have you know let me make things clear this entire street is my turn maybe we could share like 50 50. yeah we never share with losers what what did they mean by losers losers hmm let's see how should I say this you for example with your tacky costumes well you're losers and they are the exact opposite they're cool huh those guys they're cool the coolest guys in the world have you ever heard of zipsters but they do weird things no no I shouldn't they you know when you're cool you're allowed to do anything totally hipsters impose their coolitude they absolutely rule the city Sam I've got a plan so we can get our treasure out of the dumpster we become zippsters feel like that we were losers and that's gonna change once we become zipsters we'll be so cool that Fang will be dying to share with us um you know what if he refuses then we'll help ourselves after all zippsters are allowed to do anything this zippster kit I ordered on the net is just awesome there's him [Music] voila where's zipster Sam you sure about that absolutely Maybe take the guide to being a perfect zipster you know nah don't need it just look how cool we are so I'm hesitating between ridiculous and hopeless [Laughter] [Music] you're making fun of us nah no way it's just that we've got the look but not the attitude remember what the girl said sipsters impose coolitude they're allowed to do anything we gotta impose Sam shut up sorry girls but we want to watch something else [Music] I think you are anyway a zippster have you gone totally wacko don't you dare put your butt on my pillow didn't get it I thought they just loved zipsters they think we're fake zipsters no it's because they know our beards are fake if nobody takes us seriously Fang will never give us our share of the food of course once we're outside nobody will know these are fake beards and this time we're gonna follow the guide to being a perfect zipster you see Sam in order to pass ourselves off as perfect zipsters we gotta do cool stuff like that hmm our turn to play [Music] hey those are ours [Applause] who are those two bozos [Music] you're the one who has to look out buddy cause we are sisters foreign [Music] wouldn't be worse than Sam Livingstone would it impossible seven washed out of beards [Music] what are you doing we didn't steal anything Sam we're zipsters we impose ourselves period [Music] cookies oh yeah [Music] it's you're not easy being a zippster yeah but it's worth it check out all our admirers hmm stop who do you think you are anyway it's absolutely forbidden for pets to make little kids cry where did you come from [Music] yeah well we know the animals who live there and they're nothing at all like you especially watch who is more handsome more intelligent more here right total nonsense as for you two guys [Music] every stepping of footage here again you bubs Sam can you believe it we look so much like zipsters that nobody can recognize us do you realize what the future has in store for us way better Sam a future without our costumes since no one recognizes us anymore there's no reason to hide foreign [Music] [Applause] can you believe this we have reached a level of ultimate zipster to Sam We Rule the city so now's the moment to go find Fang and recover what is rightfully Ours from that dumpster hey yo hip cats how's about going 50 50 on the dumpster with me and my main dude here yeah and why would I do that cause we have become zipsters zip what this is dude isn't I look sufficient poop what are they doing we are doing the ninja which is not something for losers that's right fine and now we belong to the club that rules the city we were like who's at the city I'd say I thought we were zippsters of course we are and since Fang doesn't want to share we're going to impose hey there you clowns didn't you hear you peanut butter they're wild beasts for your life and to think the solution was in front of our snouts the whole time all we had to do was be ourselves the Wild Ones why didn't we think of that sooner that's probably why we didn't think of it sooner [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you oh no my lettuce smoothie costumes come on I got an idea then to think that we barely even got to taste the life of a zipster [Music] foreign the heck are those Critters looks like a rabbit in a canary wearing beards unbelievable don't move I've got to take a photo from my Instagram account [Music] oh rats we forgot all about our wild animals [Music] whew that was a close call who's the coolest now huh way to go girls thanks a ton but you can get rid of your beards now enough zip stream for one day girls those dipsters are girls with beards Santa thank you we have decided to share our treasure with you at least the zipster effect helped us get rid of fang yeah like the no costume effect bye what a bunch of losers they don't even have beards and yeah everybody knows that if you want to be a hip pet you can't be without one foreign [Music] with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] s [Music] no no I was about to be my record you'll get it right next time Sam yeah we'll be back and next time Vengeance will be ours Amigo first to the stuff I guess to choose a TV program come on maybe you could try it from the opposite direction tomorrow back already huh sounds like it's coming from behind the house whoa what is he doing do you see that Sam what do you think it is a surprise it's a guy who decorates things in secret so when the owners come back and see them they have a big surprise awesome you think he wants to surprise the Living Stones too no idea but sure is pretty oh no why'd he leave so soon he didn't even finish his surprise ah the end of being a delinquent how about we all prepare the Living Stones a surprise you yeah you'll see It'll be amazing [Music] oh if your plan was to surprise the Living Stones you sure did a great job oh no no no no not our costumes you do that wasn't defending wow one two I mean no they're not groovy at all drink we have to wash our costumes straight away lucky the living stones have gone out for the day we're back already no spots what are they honey come quickly I think wash and Sam have gotten some weird disease ah you're hideous come on [Music] oh how Troublesome how very Troublesome what what is it what's up with them I have no idea what I mean to say is that I need a little time to uh to compare the photo with my database and Carry Out further analytics in the meantime I advise you head home we have to find some way to wash these spots off otherwise that Vettel finally find out we're wearing costumes and don't worry my secretary will keep you posted about just how uh your pet's disease is coming along [Music] we've gotta get them out of there and fast come on let's try to win them yeah you wouldn't go back to the forest in the rain is it cold no kibble no TV no roast chicken Sam give me a hand here hmm [Music] not even a small bar of soap okay plan B we gotta get out of here let it go go on lunch break later [Music] and I do believe you have sick animals to attend to okay foreign [Music] I'm gonna lock this door Vladimir I know what you like see when you found the problem call me when you found the problem yeah hear that blush the door is locked Don't Panic we'll find some way of getting out of here no I don't know yet we need a sick there you go what was I telling you huh dear that looks serious I better move on to business stuff oh well but won't let me have any pudding again [Music] we need something to remove the paint remove the paint she understood now we just have to wait for them to get back [Music] Jimmy well but you're going to be proud of me they have a cute and flamed bubonitis a highly rare disease that died out several centuries ago incredible huh I knew we'd turn you into something someday the illness is caused by a dangerous virus that is extremely contagious babies extremely contagious put on a pair of gloves everything's gonna be fine [Music] don't move I'll go see who it is [Music] Buddies what how on Earth accomplished your day has come at last Vladimir a cute and Flame bubonitis is back and you've got a cage full of specimens favorite glues Glory oh well Bob [Music] come on we're organizing a press conference within the hour and we're gonna show the world in its greatest specialist with this extremely dangerous virus is about an extremely dangerous babies I'm too young for this I still have so much to live for so many unicorns Tina okay let's calm down all right Sam let me remind you the spots are red paint and it's only paint okay right now we've gotta get out of here and fast impossible to open from the inside your gauge is a lot like mine all you have to do is push it well done wash you're amazing don't thank me thank our new buddy thanks buddy so wear your cage look sometimes I get these mood swings so that put me in a special cage but if you'll lend me a hand the opening is below the door hmm I always knew that us cats could count on each other us cats the genetic cat you're a tiny dog I'm not actually a dog I'm a cat a cat meow meow and I hate dogs everything okay there buddy doesn't like dogs right I'm sure there's some hidden message in all this enough that box going crazy oh yeah what's going on well uh I've got to choose which bow tie I'm going to wear for our video conference they're going to contaminate us [Music] calling Vladimir your press conference with the world's greatest specialist is about to start any minute now this is your chance Vladimir be a man and show some guts you're right I need a nut gloves a protective mask easy now easy you know Washington isn't merely a dog he's actually a Sam don't give away our secret uh cat hey I'm actually a cat too meow meow yeah so are we meow meow you all gone completely crazy huh is he being serious my word it looks like a cute and Flame bubonitis has even more serious side effects than I'd first imagined put yourself together Vladimir now we're real cats yeah we love clawing the sofa purring all day and eating salmon kibble isn't that right Buddies oh looks like we got ourselves another crazy mud in our tails I [Music] talk [Music] video conference activated hello hello [Music] what just happened to us guys that story was complete nonsense no they are careers is delinquent silver but our costumes are still covered in red spots don't forget [Music] it's time [Music] honey look how they play together hmm that for sure is quite unique [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave at least not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure foreign [Music] [Music] what's up with you the livingstones aren't even home why bother looking clean 100 synthetic fur you ain't practicing so what do you think Arnie is real is the real cat s whatever you do you'll never ever be a real cat because you've got no magic powers what what are you talking about black magic powers sing in the dark for example she's a wild birds can see in the dark okay maybe but do you know how to multiply kibble hmm thank you yeah well I got x-ray vision I always knew how to multiply cable well I'd be pretty darn surprised if you knew how to become invisible what did you just say I better believe you first you have to close your eyes you're okay you can open your eyes now [Music] wow that's awesome tell me how you did it tell me tell me tell me please please tell me pretty pretty please tell me your secret after all I'm almost a cat too huh no not possible not allowed to I swear I won't tell a so [Music] that's it it's that simple [Music] that's how you do it but it doesn't work I can still see myself it's normal only you can see yourself I can't see you anymore though thank you okay that makes sense careful Sam is invisible [Music] yeah oh of course that's awesome can I become invisible too no it's too bad but only cats can do it no finally I'll be able to do everything I ever wanted Sam Sam where are you oh yeah seriously Sam where are you foreign [Music] has he lost his mind I think he's digging for acorns what a cat would never do that they're gonna figure out in a blank that something weird is going on oh yeah you really think so hey people but I can't see him yeah well maybe but he's still invisible no way that's nonsense because I can see him I knew something was fishy you're the one behind all this quick we gotta stop Sam before it's too late just look at the yard I've never seen a cat do anything like that in my life well he's a a wild card yeah no no he did it for a treasure hunt right okay great but um we gotta start looking too otherwise Sam's gonna win hey can we play two I think that's enough they've fallen for it let's go [Applause] laughs [Music] Dave I can take all the food I want without anyone seeing me he stole my hot dogs playing the trampoline in these guys safe hey double Thief I'll find both of you we gotta find Sam as fast as possible no telling what he's capable of doing he thinks he's invisible no no what if he takes off his costume [Music] wow [Music] oh the sun is already high in the sky it must be noon already and I'm gonna miss pigtails gotta find a TV if you're gonna find him yes he can't be far now if I were Sam what would I want to do if I were invisible eat watch TV [Applause] managed to get inside all the TVs this is an emergency oh no they know where he is I'm going in [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well I'm sure not scared of any ghost train [Music] foreign should be here shortly and I hear they're really dangerous animals phew they haven't captured him yet quick let's go quick we gotta run you can see me of course I can everyone can see you why do you think there's nobody left in the amusement park they all ran for their lives when they saw you without your costume yeah that's impossible I'm invisible I told you we're playing Santa's invisible did I do it right can you see me now hello Sam you feeling okay it doesn't work anymore I don't get it I'm a cat and cats can become invisible one you're not a cat two cats cannot become invisible Sam Vic and Susie were teasing you yeah my costume I left it at the construction site what am I one of my Susie's gonna go get it it's the least she can do and we're gonna get out of here before the animal pound arrives stop the you're gonna give us away got no choice what a fox as well as a wild boar set back up this place is crawling with wild animals [Music] what the driving a bumper car what next come back you lousy babe [Music] stop it Sam it just doesn't work just not possible not possible follow me yeah I'll never ever leave you again [Applause] yo oh this time you won't Escape me you bunch of things this way [Music] time to settle a few scores and I have every intention of coming out on top it's right about now we could use some of those magic powers okay [Music] I can't see a thing Thursday follow me hey it's starting wow oh Meg you were on the sofa we didn't see you become invisible oh yeah hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Music] I don't believe it is there no peace and quiet to be had anywhere [Music] even our teeth are so scared they fall out oh my I lost a tooth don't worry it's just a baby too I'm sure there's already a new one growing in its place he planted in the yard I heard an old oak tree will grow on top of it with tons of delicious acorns acorns that grow into acorn trees oh yeah oh yeah so then if we planted tooth it would make a a cheese cheese so maybe we should avoid that scenario by tossing it in the garbage most certainly not you bunch of fools baby teeth are worth a fortune what in the city when you put a tooth under your pillow during the night a Tooth Fairy comes and gets it and leaves a present in exchange don't you remember Biscuit the little mouse who lives with the Living Stones well biscuit works part-time as a tooth fairy oh that's all nonsense yeah I lost a tooth two months ago a biscuit never came with the slightest gift ah could be your tooth was too boring for him yours Eugenie is way more interesting what's so sweet special about my tooth well for rabbit that's one huge tooth and I can assure you teeth like that are pretty rare here in the city I'm sure you'll get an enormous present [Music] thank you hello awesome [Music] wake up [Music] what did you get for a present uh that's the dumbest present I've ever seen two what a cheapskate I'd make a way better Tooth Fairy here's this [Music] biscuit has made fun of us yet again well why the long faces you said that Eugenia would get a super present and she got totally ripped off instead yeah yeah laugh all you want but we haven't said our last word what do you want just what is this lousy gift huh Eugenie left you a super tooth and she deserves a super present give us back the tooth we're gonna see another tooth fairy a real one this time two two can't go back on it now and for your info I've been running baby teeth Incorporated the company that handles all the teeth in the hood for years and and for years a ratitude is worth a clothespin no more no less you [Music] get your lucky stuff clothespin [Music] do you hear that Sam yeah it's my stomach growling I've only had four meals today his food is totally exceptional today I'll give you five kilos of cheese and uh a muscle 20 kilos of cheese and a muscle but 10 kilos enormous 15. 12 kilos and half a muscle it's a deal right I have to organize Transportation now 12 kilos of cheese Eugenie got totally ripped off and we got the proof now I'm Gonna Make a Deal what is it you want this time well according to the latest news flash it appears that eugenie's tooth is exceptional and that it's going right on today's tooth Market is about 12 kilos of cheese so either we get it back or we get the cheese that's how it's gonna be we'll have to resort to more forceful methods [Music] oh yeah you guys are totally nuts are you okay nugget I'm so sorry because of that dumb present that biscuit brought me he's really a mean a lot actually got a present for biscuit why you and not me drop it I bet it's because we tried to eat biscuit a couple of times you know how those mice hold a garage [Music] I believe you have something that belongs to us hey you give me back my toes right now [Music] come on that looks like a tooth come on open your mouth it's for your own good you know you mustn't suffer in silence Darlings uh listen honey the easiest thing to do is to get an appointment with the vet tomorrow morning I don't know whose tooth this is [Music] now given the size of it I think we can count out Susie no indeed we can honey birds don't have teeth oh yeah right if the Living Stones take the tooth to the vet he's gonna tell him it's a wild Boar's tooth and then it's gonna be a one-way ticket back to the forest for all of us steel tooth during the night they'll see it's missing tomorrow morning and they might suspect it was us too risky oh I know what if we replace it with nuggets cat too brilliant idea Eugenie yeah well good luck with that nugget and Fluffy's door is always locked at night Susie you could get it by flying through the window whole by those two loonies no thank you but I do know how you can get in wash I just found a super video explaining how to use a clothespin voila whoa awesome catapult Susie get in position everyone ready operation close Pin will begin in five four three two one zero [Music] Sam are your muscles made a silly putty or what pull a bit harder this time okay [Music] zero zero [Music] I set a bit harder Sam not super hard if all you're going to do is yell at me I always stopped healthy [Music] what are you doing here get out of here on the double unless you want to wind up in the dog pound yeah I come as a friend actually I come as a little mouse uh a fairy Mouse biscuit sent me a dog fairy Mouse yeah that's it and uh since biscuit doesn't have time to come pick up nuggets tooth he asked me to undertake this super important mission for him but didn't that means I'm going to get a present oh [Music] your present oh yeah uh [Music] so who's King of the deal well how'd you do it they seem s great no you know the usual part of the deal Nugget had no choice but to hand over the tooth oh yeah with nothing in exchange no no no of course not foreign oh yeah two kisses come on we got work to do [Music] oh yeah even if I tell you I've got that exceptional tooth and that I'm willing to make a deal I thought the Living Stones went off to the vet with a tooth quite right except that as we speak the vet is examining an itsy bitsy cap tooth no doubt about it this is a shark's tooth which means that the tooth belongs to none of our darling furballs now that's great news interesting in exchange for the tooth I'll give you two huge clothes pins we want eight kilos of cheese and a whole muscle you're crazy three kilos of cheese and no muscle six kilos and a muscle do you think Rush will be back soon I'm starting to get kind of hungry no let's hear it for the king of the deal check it out [Music] hey it's better than a clothespin no you can say that again Watch who wants some [Music] oh please [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure foreign [Music] [Music] go floating in the sky [Music] [Applause] are you okay you heard it all no no you're all fried more like never feared little sis sand the firefighter is here [Music] that didn't come from the sky that was you Genie Eugenie still has all that electricity from the cloud inside her she'll get over it [Music] has dreamed of having super powers say guys I think it's time to get inside what happened to you I don't want to know all I want right now is for you to steer clear away from me okay whoa what a kill Joy [Music] foreign blows for no reason our hair stands on end the TV goes Haywire we must have a polter beast a polter beast you mean Poltergeist a spooky ghost thing that's right lock all the doors turn off the lights call the science police I want every test possible honey look the TV is working again mama that's weird it's like it's coming from Eugenie time for a visit to the vet maybe don't you think [Music] when their program ends and they see Eugenie is still electric the living stones are bound to take Eugenie to the vets we have to find some way of de-electrifying her I got an idea seeing as you're the smartest guy here maybe you could find a solution yeah guess what Sam the solution's already in the bag this is gonna be fun the electricity in eugenie's body comes from the sky on that we agree yeah and it arrived in her body via the kite line yeah so if we want to cure you Genie the electricity has to go back the way it came so how are we gonna do that and Susie blush you're a genius oh come on not only will that plan never work but what's more it's plain dangerous Eugenie is more likely to get zapped by lightning like she did last time why [Music] well you know nature you know nothing Victoria don't listen to her girls Ms know it all here was just trying to show off yeah if you believe Miss NoDa the girls aren't even allowed to fly kids because kite flying is too dangerous I cannot advise you strongly enough not to listen to that silly Fox and your knucklehead brother Eugenie the Vic do you have a better solution uh no [Music] it has to hit a cloud that way the electricity can right like a lightning bug hey we can't say the same about you what did I'm a lightning bug no glowing and bright no need to panic it's just a side effect it was all part of the plan you'll soon switch off Eugenie however we do have to make sure that the Living Stones don't see you like that this time it's an emergency pulling out let's go [Music] foreign too much shoes go look in the window see if my strategy is going as planned what exactly did you well I was hoping that everything would turn out fine [Music] what is that glowing object doing in my clinic think I'm some kind of electrician or what it's a rabbit Vladimir a rabbit who was afflicted with a rare disease if you manage to cure it expect glory and the Nobel Prize no doubt a very interesting case of a cute rabbit lapis radiantess is it serious doc well should I know I've never heard of the disease until I saw this rabbit but do you think you can do something yes it was a living room lamp I could unplug it or remove the batteries but here what we have before us is a rabbit do we not leave this with me I shall keep her under observation overnight I will see what I can do [Music] it means we'll be able to operate by night without anybody seeing us by daylight the mission would be way too risky but with you Genie beaming like a lighthouse we're sure to be spotted no at night everybody's in bed asleep come on there's the switch no battery compartment this is beyond my abilities manual you remember the Nobel Prize Vladimir [Music] it was much more fun being a rabbit than a bedside lamp he's not there you're new he must have already discovered she's a wild animal he sent her back to the forest besides lamps do not run off in the middle of the night isn't that right at least we know where she is now full arm activated that'll stop you from running away for sure [Music] what's gonna done that [Music] I should have listened to miss now at all huh okay I admit the alarm was not part of the strategy but I do have a plan B we dig a tunnel right inside the bench forget it you only have to take the right ventilation duct okay stop [Music] the rabbits they ran away there's a whole gang stop we better hide say I've never seen a street lamp with rabbit ears before my lab but Nobel Prize [Music] oh wait it's a shortcut that leads straight back to the Livingston's house [Music] okay okay anyone can make a mistake some more than others oh look there's a light in the street oh no I'm sick of being a bedside lamp we have to conceal Eugenie so the vet doesn't see her but what if we touch Eugene he will all frazzle it's the only way Sam foreign [Applause] [Music] we must have picked up the charge in the name of the law I am rescue where is my lamp I'm sure I saw it here no sweat [Music] you have some kind of plan to get us out of here maybe a better plan than last time on the count of three we go in for the hug one two two three [Music] so what are you gonna say to watch The Genius I confess it was a pretty bright idea [Music] you're not asleep so tell me if you genius after electricity to us and we Zapped it to the vet who's he going to zap it to Sam the main thing is that we're all here together all four of us nice and warm on the living Stone sofa let's get some Jedi okay [Music] good enough not to wake us he really is quite something if you want my opinion he should be awarded the Nobel Prize foreign escaped escaped not at all she's here and she's doing great do congratulate Mr Vladimir he truly is a dazzling man dazzling is the right word [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret tip Chop Chop hurry on up it's the neighborhood swab-arama Drama by chef and swap exchange and change this swap around the shenanigans is a pain they've taken over our yard blush look up at the sky and smile Sam there's no way we're gonna tan we're wearing costumes [Music] [Music] they look like laser specs like in the dog from outer space that movie we saw yesterday I think they look more like the super specs in the Royal Chicken commercial who wants to detect roast chicken [Music] hey guys cool if Mr L takes them we'll get to try them out and then review the location of hundreds of those chickens let's go I don't believe it it's the supervision specs what have you got to give me an exchange oh well how about this a magnificent Hedgehog key ring yeah but lame I'm keeping my specs don't move I'll be right back we'll never get to find out if their laser specs or roast chicken specs they're those chicken specs it's obvious fully they're laser spec Sam wanna bet what a drop we've gotta find out who's right stay here guys come on you Judy I have an idea you okay Mr betzer Eugenie is passed out come quick I don't believe it why do people always hassle me with their pet is sick I hope someday someone gives me a good explanation good job girls ready to lose the BET Sam [Music] me first shoot there are no roast chickens in the yard face up to it Sam you lost the bet I told you they were laser specs give them here hang on these aren't laser specks they're specks that warp reality incredible did you see Sam [Music] did I see what oh vitamin deficiency probably a little ejection of carrot juice in the ears that should do the trick and soon she'll be bouncing like a kangaroo again yeah anybody what's up with me all along but seeing is their nervous chickens hiding in the yard washes washes we both lost don't look so sad it's not a problem it's not a problem no it's a catastrophe what these specs do is show us without our disguises what what get your paws up you'll give them please Vladimir I have an offer you cannot refuse I will exchange for your respects for wait for it wait for it this [Music] foreign [Music] not bad it reminds me of the work of a lesser-known 20th century French master who specialized in Ducks what do you think I'll take it but only if the kitten has a clean bill of hell if the vet gives up the specs Mr L will see us as the wild animals we really are no no I can't go back to the forest watch do something mom mom I want the sunglasses all is not lost Eugene it's showtime [Music] thank you [Music] okay the cat does look a bit pale don't you think but it seems healthy to me it's a deal there are yours whoa do you realize Honey Buns I now possess the best supervision specs it's all I needed to complete my collection yeah come on we gotta get rid of these Alfie can't you see there are absolutely no sunglasses glass here what's the point in telling lies now keep quiet and stay out of mischief humans are so easy to fool it's almost too easy for a fox okay what do you think we could do to get rid of those wash we're gonna bury them Susie yeah those chicken specks why can't we keep them for us but Sam those specs did not detect roasts [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] super villains beware supervision is on his way ouch what is this Flim Flam you can't see anything with these specs [Music] it's a sweetie pie hey buds I found for you and the canary well she isn't a canary at all ha Very funny Alfie the Youth of today they have such wild imaginations but why are you all wearing underpants stop that's enough now Alfie stop trying to show off wild animals now we've heard it all you be good my Honey Pies phew he really had a sweating there if we're sweating it's because it misses Livingston's knit hats the will plus their costumes plus today's magnificent sunshine it's no surprise for sweating this is outrageous these glasses are fake you can't say a thing where are the real ones click activate emergency plan your child is simply Delirious those specs should never be worn without the costume they are far too powerful he could start hallucinating all kinds of stuff this pair is totally safe for you to wear oh what it was thank you oh dear I'd better go test them out indoors instead [Music] I have something to confess to you Alexandra not if we're faster than he is wait up super villains I want to inspect you with my super Visions facts [Music] phew it's you Vic wow these specs sure do work good and now where have my super villains got to wait up super villains I want to inspect you with my supervisions specs this family is really getting worse and worse hahaha [Music] so we can't keep hiding all day get out of the way you're not transparent you know Alexandra please kiss me where are you oh no I don't believe it not the old power cut trick I know we'll do it like on the TV we'll stop supervision from seeing us and grab the super specs from him I'm going to get you my little super villains I've gotta talk to you sweetheart it's about our darling pets supervision At Your Service one minute aha I know where my super villains are hiding I'll be back [Music] farewell roast chickens [Music] she'll turn on all the lights great trap super villains [Music] nobody is faster than soup honey as you're terrifying Our Little Darlings with your silly spectacles no really of course they don't recognize you with your specs in costume foreign oh no I'm sorry sweetie pies I'm gonna throw these naughty spectacles in the garbage come on come here I'll give you a super hug [Music] [Music] wait what if someone finds the super specs in the garbage who do that only wild animals go rummaging to trash cans and seeing as they're none around well said Sam here I come [Music] hi I'm Washington of fox with my friend Samba boy his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll be back tomorrow don't get up to anything naughty look how cute they are whatever could go wrong a whole weekend alone awesome this is gonna be the longest weekend of the year yeah [Music] what an overpowering odor straight from the forest floor really maybe it's time to clean our outfits you sure wash remember last time it didn't go well at all yep but this time I found the instructions so everything's gonna be hunky-dory it's easy you'll see any Fox Cub to do it I can't wait to see this with you around generally the word easy means catastrophe foreign [Music] there we go now I just have to press this little boy [Music] awesome I know how low you guys can think but this time you've really excelled yourself wash do you believe it what am I gonna do with this hmm you could play dolls I don't understand what happened that machine is completely nuts the living stones have to get a new one all we can do now is um order new costumes yeah nice try Susie I don't like to be the one to tell you but dogs don't bark like that believe me it takes years of experience like I've had to pull it off right I do a great puppy and what's more I've always dreamed of being a dog I wouldn't have missed this for the world it's super disguised as a bird [Music] order placed our new costumes arrive tomorrow until then we can just take it easy and enjoy [Music] foreign [Music] I'm done with dance routines let's see what else there is we're very honored today to have Professor Jones in the studio the well-known Hunter and collector of rare species and unusual specimens his Museum contains wonders of the animal world many unfamiliar to man ciao Professor what do you make of this footage of a small flying dog that has gone viral on social media is it a hoax or is it a genuine scientific discovery I'm not quite sure but what we do know is that evidence of this legendary creature's existence can be found in many sources sometimes it plays a role of messenger to the heavens but in later writings it appears as a retriever of sacred flying discs and as an archivist of Bones they're joking aside if the creature does exist you can be sure I shall track it down and you'll have all the answers you need hey that was me I was on team did you see that everybody saw it yeah you're sure to be a big hit in his unusual specimen Gallery okay let's not go overboard he'll never be able to track us down you reckon Washington then what is that outside [Music] he would have recognized the house from the video he's good I don't want to be stuffed quick you gotta get that costume off Susie [Applause] just when I thought you can sink any lower you're on your own here guys uh-oh sounds like it's coming from the garden [Music] the owners must have gone away for the weekend good I can set up my equipment atrocious craftsmanship fox has a ridiculous face and such calls fur well anyway I have a job to do time to get moving old hello what do you mean I of course furred in ridiculous face what are we going to do that you're right Eugenie we have to get outside we'll go hide in the garden Shack what he notices there's nobody in the house he'll leave in the meantime we have to get that costume off again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] how could we ever forget Susie and we forgot to have dinner I'm starving totally too he's starving oh I'll never be able to hold out well we don't have much choice we have to get back inside that house and find Susie before Professor Jones does infrared check man census check gamma rays check garden and house traps check that flying dog will never Escape my clutches [Music] nobody move Jones thinks he's clever but little does he know he's dealing with an expert in Cutting Edge Laser Technology me smooth expert movement detective run take cover peace [Music] look I'm a real dog [Music] what's all this racket huh foreign dog is mine sleeping is capable again let's go we're the only ones who can save them now let's see Target defined house cat a Vogue a house cat time to pull out the heavy artillery you won't get away no dog can resist this not even a flying dog calm down girls we still have to get rid of Professor there must be a trap no Susie [Music] at last soon this flying dog will be stuffed and exhibited in my museum what are we gonna do to save Susie and where Sam disappeared to [Music] I must have died and gone to heaven [Music] incredible I've hit the jackpot what fantastic specimens they must be mine use this diversion tactic to release Susie from the truck I'll go look for Sam indoors [Music] foreign it's me quick we gotta reach Susie and Eugenie before Jones arrives [Music] [Music] do you want to stop being a rabbit is this thing open how about this one what on Earth is going on [Music] foreign okay that's enough flying dogs for one day right let's get out of here what the fox two balls and a black bird I've never seen anything so mundane all that effort for nothing a flying snake has been detected in this how dare he call us mundane subconscious here we go our new costumes have arrived uh maybe I got the sizes wrong I don't believe it you see that if I've always dreamed of being a bird I Can Fly yeah I never thought you guys could sink quite so low but looks like I got it wrong again [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave but the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure [Music] but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Music] [Laughter] foreign pets getting really really huge yeah I may have been going a bit heavy on the portions lately [Laughter] I hear the call at the Campbell [Laughter] thank you hey guys what is that huge thing it's all stuck inside give me back my camel right let's just calm down and tranquily analyze the situation did you come out history crummy Kibbles looks like our brand new super kibble dispenser has them intrigued with a diet like this they'll slim down in no time let's let them Savor their breakfast what that's it thank you do that to us calm down Sam we may as well help ourselves to the supply stock I mean it wouldn't be the first time huh they're all locked they're all toured see you this evening foreign oh no we have to wait five hours and 54 minutes before dinner get it open we're goners any silly costumes which are too tight well since we got no food [Music] flying pizza delivery your dreams become reality order your XXL pizza now by just punching the OK button on your remote control to each your order has been confirmed like pizza [Music] wild animals uh the delivery guy [Music] he's breathing he's just unconscious so we've got to get rid of him immediately besides he saw us without our costumes foreign coast is clear whoa hang on what's that noise in his trunk seven who knew they're underway oh my goodness [Music] yeah congratulations have been given a new delivery buying Pizza dispatch push one to confirm your next delivery has been confirmed the Flying Pizza Dispatch Center awaits your arrival oh right we've got no choice then no way can Flying Pizza find out yeah if their emergency team shows up they're gonna find their delivery boy out cold and what's more discover our real identities remember he saw us without our costumes straight ahead ahead and then you take the next right he's still asleep that's a good sign [Music] a hairpin turned you said it was straight ahead [Music] so anyways right there you turn your turn to die down wow [Applause] [Music] foreign what's going on with you you are late and you took long enough to confirm at the last delivery do you think it's gonna work [Music] you're not a very talkative now listen up kiddo no more of being late you do your job fast and you do it well capiche otherwise I send in the emergency team and believe me you don't want to see those guys unless you want to wind up as a topping on the next Pizza well this job sure isn't easy yeah it's easy shopping right I take your silence as a yes New Order and process of being delivered mushrooms [Music] quick we're ready hey where is Sam what do you want you pretty much you hey come back with you give me back my pizza doll Sam no foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we gotta make it across otherwise we'll never make it in time I can't watch [Music] it okay that's great so we deliver the pizza and that's that looks like the house of it veterinarian where did the oh does my special flying pizza with extra pepperoni and sausage and oyster toppings going to get here I'm not doing it me neither come on a bit of Courage guys a man who likes Pizza can't be all that bad and besides we've got no choice otherwise the emergency team turns us into toppings come on let's go [Music] [Applause] so late again if they're not here in 30 seconds I'm calling the flyer pizza's emergency hotline [Music] quick we gotta deliver the pizza we can't let him make that call [Music] ah finally say what has happened to you young man hmm lackluster fur snout is dry hmm you lack Vitality energy you need to get out more old boy get some exercise do you like playing with rubber balls right so what you need is a pick-me-up I'm also prescribing you three days sick leave your job is exhausting and here's a tip you're lucky you know two more seconds and I was going to call the emergency hotline thank you but where did all the wild animals go build animals the medicine must be kicking in already [Music] Flying Pizza has another order for you push one to confirm you kept the watch well what I think it's pretty are you crazy or what do you want to wind up as pepperoni topping foreign [Music] I don't know try walking [Music] foreign it even looks like their muscles are toned up and they look so healthy don't they yes as if they had been exercising outside in the fresh air all day well well I had my doubts about that kibble dispenser but I can tell you we're certainly keeping it now oh no [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret tip [Music] oh see that cloud it looks like a roller coaster you think so I say it looks more like a rubber ducky no do you have mud in your eyes or what it looks like a vacuum cleaner it's so obvious so so did you get it did you get it did you get it got it whoa magnificent my dear Alvarez your tattoo is totally awesome what a tattoo now that is classy it's got two what's a tattoo pumpkin you're not you're not it's almost time for a show you coming here Genie so what'd you get tattooed an eagle a mermaid so where is it well there of course numbers I do not believe it that's the dumbest tattoo I've ever seen uh did you just say the tattoos were so classy for sure except Alvarez's we'll dissolved her to expert at least know that all dogs and cats must be tattooed it's the law my master is just checking and making sure the neighbors are following the new regulation uh for sure I knew that yeah yeah of course of course oh that's time no but uh seriously your tattoo is super cool what tattoo parlor did you go to get it done tattoo partner I went to the vet to have it done Silly [Music] super soft two-ply twelve rolls three ply six for uh there furry comfy are we even out of it huh tattoo TV TV show the news all about [Applause] Mr Livingstone is doing his shopping online it's now or never Sam he'll be the lookout tattoo bingo [Music] oh these ones are way too awesome I knew you didn't have to go to the vet for one what a loser that poor old Alvarez is and voila [Music] exactly what we need your order has been confirmed congratulations you have just won four free rolls of our Christmas special toilet paper available wow did you hear that honey Mr Livingstone right this second I sure hope that Mr Livingstone chose the same delivery [Music] Mr Livingston's delivery check it out Sam who rules now ha ha ha now isn't this classy they're awesome whoa you guys are heavyweight oh yeah you look amazing with those especially wash oh yeah more like big time vulgar I'd say oh seriously is this a joke or what forget it he's just jealous of our cool tattoos come on we're gonna go show off our stuff to someone else you Victoria if I'm in here it's precisely so you'll leave me alone hey come on you've slept enough already look [Laughter] oh yeah yeah long hair going down your neck and you'll be perfect do you really think so nope forget it Sam she's jealous too let's see your tattoo a number just like Alvarez how super cool is that if we have numbers tattooed in our ears it's not to look cool you fools it's so we can be identified wait a sec you mean that that's why all dogs and cats have to tattoo silly ugly numbers in their ears [Music] here now this month's top 10 tattoos squash what are we going to do first we gotta think Sam if the Living Stones see our tattoos they're gonna look closely at our costumes and realize who we are so we've got hey there guys it is our lucky day oh you'll never believe this honey but with the four rolls we just picked up why we won eight more that we can pick up right now we absolutely have to get rid of these tattoos [Music] I'm sure this will do the job [Music] hey stop everything now John Bruce tattoos his torso little does he know that this rash decision is for life but after years John Bruce discovers that certain Hospital surgeons are able to remove tattoos with laser treatment lasers aren't those used in outer space films that's cool Sam all they have to do is aim well so they can only disintegrate the tattoos no what's gonna be the hardest is finding the lasers how the heck do we get up into outer space huh Can we go to the amusement park instead it's right nearby and besides they've got tons of flying lasers there awesome idea Susie Sam we're out of here not a second to lose [Music] Retreat everybody keep going back through the Kitchen perfect time I was looking for you it's about your pets all your pets have been tattooed I presume uh yes yes of course because that is the law any animal who has not been tattooed shall be considered wild and as a consequence sent to the local power perfect timing did you know that animals who have not been appropriately tattooed are totally forbidden from going out in the yard sorry that's the law after all we cannot have just any old wild animal hanging out around here hey there sweetie pies where are you quick Sam let's hide all this come on now wash be a good job let go of Sam we have to go see the vet to get your tattoos leave them alone honey they're stressed out it's normal don't worry the vet will know how to reassure perhaps we should also ask the vet to give them a checkup what what are we going to do we've gotta stay like this Sam if the vet sees Our Tattoos he's gonna look at our costumes and then we'll be gunners is it no no don't look the lasers are inside come on it doesn't seem to work [Music] this gun is a fake what a bummer where can we find a real Laser Now [Music] real alien able hey hey wait what are you doing around on yes but look they forgot their stuff do you think it's fake too Mr Mrs Livingstone the vet will see your pets now you can wait here it won't take long wow if I go back to the supermarket in less than an hour I can win 10 new rolls of toilet paper ten can you believe that honey [Music] I told you they were inseparable Vladimir but that shouldn't stop you from being able to tattoo their ears are you serious Velma I wouldn't know who I'm tattooing Saba wash web or such well in that case why don't you separate them yourself you were right this has got on long enough what is he doing he's giving up Sam he realized that it's impossible to separate us that's good Java there's nothing like freshly ground coffee [Music] you you found a laser so who's the best my English Blown Away come on no doubt about it some of those beautiful tattoos I've ever done right yep we got tattoos now too and check it out our numbers are even way higher than yours ridiculous thank you guys for the helping hand you did a great job on this one [Music] in France honey the supermarket was hosting a contest on their website and I won my way to toilet paper can you help me carry it inside [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] in order to trick its numerous Predators certain insects blend in with their environment such as the phasmid which takes on the appearance of a stick the narrator just explained that it's an insect that disguises itself as a stick are you crazy I'm the king of Disguise I should be you new Genie are pretty awesome too well duh I taught them all they know [Music] that's wash or you're doubting with a sister who loves you so much [Music] you would be the king of Disguise don't bother looking I have reached a level where I've almost become a real dog one thing I'll say you sure aren't the king of modesty come on girls let's leave the king with his jester yeah I am going to turn you girls into the queens of Disguise [Music] oh you are awesome when it comes to making authentic looking disguises the costume is nothing actually the most important thing is to try to embody your characters try parking uh Susie let Eugenie handle the Barking okay [Music] we're going to have a gas just you wait and see if you are able to full wash and trick him into giving you his share of kibble he'll have to admit that you guys are the queens of Disguise they're coming Falls in your court is that box there yoping poppies [Music] oh they're the cutest puppies I've ever seen am I ever annoyed you could have told me you had kids I mean how long have we known each other Sam I'm a fox foxes don't have puppies I cannot be their father understand but I understand how you might be confused after all I am the king of Disguise so it's logical for you to see me as a real dog what are your names way to go girls okay so you you're gonna be Napoleon and you are Jean-Michel you are so awesome when it comes to choosing puppy names oh and where darling creatures come from these puppies are under my responsibility puppies are you sure they're puppies very funny Vic I know a puppy when I see one thank you oh honey look what Washington found what [Music] whose puppies are they they're surely abandoned and wash has taken them under his wing we're gonna take great care of you Darlings you must be starving I'm gonna take care of that on the double foreign don't you think we should talk about this new Adoption before getting all carried away not here not in front of the puppies yeah I know Napoleon no Jean-Michel those are for the adults you've had your dinner Sam you're being heartless they were abandoned I bet they've had nothing to eat for days here little guys don't listen to him he's selfish account now [Music] I'm so happy the living stones are adopting you let me make some room for you in my basket Sam you stay with them I'll just be a second you should go hide your stuff no nice stuff what's up these little puppies seem so starved that you wouldn't want them finding a roast chicken under the sofa or in the bathroom closet now would you thank you mind looking after them for a sec I'll be right back we did it Washington noticed a thing and he gave you his portion of kibble you two are definitely the queens of Disguise and now as soon as wash comes back you take off your costumes okay I can't wait to see their faces when they find out well uh I don't think so we're gonna stay puppies it's way cool is it big a canary or a rabbit and besides we get three times as much kibble let's say what well yeah somebody's gonna eat Eugenie and Susie's kibble too uh girls it's great you won but now you're going to take off those costumes immediately you're just jealous cause we're the queens of the sky are you sure and I bet you just want to pretend you're a dog listen whatever you want but I will have warned you just you two wait and see who has the last laugh you don't want your magic the puppies are going to grow up fast and soon we won't have any more room in the house I'd love to keep them but really we can't you're right but we can't just abandon them we have to find them a thing I've heard that Mrs Appleton wants to adopt a pet for her children crazy are you sure it's true they are a bit weird but that's just one more reason I'm sure the contact with pets will help them straighten up [Music] let's make sure oh thank you so much I'm certain that My Little Darlings are going to care for them as if they were precious Treasures [Music] aren't they just adorable no we wanted a turtle and you're giving us ugly puppies instead so I'm sure you're going to adore them and just look in their eyes you can tell they already love you [Music] [Applause] I don't believe it I just don't believe it Napoleon and John Michelle have disappeared a big brother must never let his little brothers or sisters out of his sight for example I never take my eyes off Eugenie 24 hours a day oh yeah and where is Eugenie well she's uh [Music] we're the worst Elder Brothers in the world and John Michelle are Eugenie and Susie disguised as puppies what it started as a joke to prove that you weren't the only one who was a Master of Disguise Washington but I have to admit it got way out of hand the girls are prisoners of Alfie and Gracie but that's just awful what are we going to do what do you think we're gonna do we're going to free them but to do that Washington's going to have to dress up as a turtle what are you joking hey I thought you were the king of disguises yeah you're disguised as a turtle are you sure of that be patient while the king of Disguise lets his talent emerge [Music] who could I prepare for you ugly puppy a super dirt cake and a bowl of pebble soup [Music] a turtle hey Genie Susie oh no we got here too late I'll be in Gracie have already eating Eugenie and Susie I'm the worst big brother in the entire universe don't be ridiculous children don't eat puppies at least I don't think they do there's got to be some other explanation there they're in the toy box [Music] es we're gonna get our super Turtle to swim in the bathtub yo no she's floating I want to see the turtle be a submarine oh what the oh that water I'm sorry I can't do anything cats cats hate water yeah but thank you Amy get two and uh since then two what do we know [Music] [Music] shoot that nasty awful puppy is gone wow and it comes down to it it kind of stinks being a puppy it's two little kittens are irresistible Candlelight Sam they're not kittens you can see full well they don't look like cats what could they be though I'm sure I've seen them before those those are real puppies I thought you knew how to recognize a puppy Washington ah yeah of course I knew that but hey look it's TV what you see is always distorted it's hard to recognize things and there's this glare gets in my eyes and I I I right instead of being the king of Disguise you you will be the king of bad faith by any chance would you what [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave he's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguises a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the living Stone that's for sure foreign [Music] [Applause] it's just a scam it's obvious a scam let's scam there is no scam Vic it's plain to see that's Magic to ruin your dream Sam but magic does not exist of course magic exists my Grandpop had a Magic Flute that could magic everybody and everything even when he was hungry Grandpa Zachary would toot on his flute and chicken would come running straight out Bewitched by its magic spell it's totally true and because he spent his time eating everything in sight Grandpop Zachary lost all his teeth if that's not proof what is it's baloney that's what it is you know what my Grandpop had a pixie tambourine and whenever he shook it everyone started talking humbug say he must have been buddies with your grandpa wash haha very funny I could bring you back a Magic Flute no problem Vic okey dokey you do that in the meantime I'm gonna conjure myself up some magic shut-eye abracadabra who are you gonna try it on there are no chickens around here no need for chickens we got thick yeah it's too the big Shooters smell good she must tasted amazing not to eat her Sam we have to prove to her that magic exists I'm gonna magic her with my flute here put these on your ears that'll save you from falling under the magic spell but what are you gonna use it's a traditional Fox Float foxes are protected from it laughs say vague could you please lend us your cushion sure no problem whatever you want come on take a seat don't stand on ceremony no making she could bring us some kibble too sure no problem feel free to ask me whatever you like don't be shy your food come on can we try come on please please sorry girls it's traditional Fox flute only works with foxes oh if that's the way it is we're gonna make our very own Magic Flute yeah a super duper flute in the canary rabbit tradition wow thanks dick thanks Vic no make like a banana and split would you sure with pleasure so Sam if this isn't the life huh kibble an account in a cushion Bliss he was how about you magic the Livingstone so that they let us hang around the house without our costumes on smart idea only problem is I don't know if my flute works on humans I've never tried [Music] hey it's the sculpture I made in art class I wondered what had happened to that oh amazing you found it honey [Music] I should have dug deeper you know what honey this has made me want to start sculpture again I'm gonna get myself a big block of marble to make a sculpture even bigger and we'll put it in the living room whoosh how are we gonna find out if The Magic Flute has worked on the Living Stones they always get so starry-eyed about everything if the flute's magic is really worked they'll understand everything I say could you possibly take a band of wild animals into your home please because anything you want we have a fox in the house amazing oh whoa I always dreamed of living with a wild boar how about we welcome them with one of our special homemade smoothies the night is gonna be good here [Applause] This Magic Flute is awesome say let's give it a go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] spell has been broken by that weird sound quick cover your ear Sam [Music] could you possibly remove the jar of my head please of course any may help you and we'll go fetch you another smoothie that stuff sure smells weird and what's more it's disgusting I gotta wash this stuff off and one certainly couldn't wear outfits like this in the 21st century they'd be thrown in the garbage immediately you of course anything you want you should be ashamed of yourself scaring artist dogs like that look what you've done to them maybe we're not playing the right notes [Music] thank you [Music] you okay Sam yeah happy is the bigger than what do you want to watch hey what's wrong with you that's the first time you've ever let me choose a program where you're the one holding the remote don't tell me the flute is Magic to you too honey was it your crazy idea to zap up this chocolate soap and radish smoothie no I uh where are we going to look for a block of marble for my new Statue [Music] I think we better get our costumes back on Sam no they're in the dumpster and the dumpster who put him in the dumpster I did yeah it was the woman on the TV told me to do it it's you making those ways he really doesn't work like washes Flew come on [Music] hey do you think this flute works on people on the TV too how are we going to get to the junkyard without our costumes [Music] can you drop us off somewhere please of course whatever you want come on get in see you soon guys look after yourselves thanks guys those guys from the pound are really cool why are we usually celebrated them [Music] yeah foreign [Music] shows right now as I speak of fox and a wild boar are at large in the local junkyard there is no cause for concern the site Guardian is faithful Hound has a problem under control huh wash and sand now's the moment to see if our flute really works here are costumes they're gonna recycle them wait for me get your ear muffs on Sam gonna wake up the guard quiet keep the noise down yeah I know it's because he wants to play come on my here that got him so but I think Jake's every daughter wild animals in my junkyard we have exactly five seconds to get out of here five four three the costumes [Music] foreign [Music] there you are what can I do for you after all that running around a massage would be most welcome hey Nursery kibble right here in the boat please hmm anything else I expect you're wanting a massage too while you're at it ah that was too good to be true what on Earth was that horrible sound Titan Titan man [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] you hear that darling sounds like the engine's wearing out you think so I hope we don't break down before we get to the vets [Music] all right they'll come back until you know how to heal animals Vladimir get a on yourself and man up you see that looks like the vet has been thrown out of his own Clinic no more annual checkups a doctor velma's right I'm incapable pointless useless a dead weight in this world ashamed of my profession don't don't buy it I hate my job I've never become a vet if my mom hadn't forced me to my big dream was to become a Tibetan flutist everything will be fine Vladimir go on home and take but this is my home I haven't anywhere else to go Mommy okay we'll take care of you you'll see in a few days you'll be raring to go again come and hang out with our lovable little fur balls for a while I'm sure they'll put a smile back on your face we gotta get out of here before that monster sees behind our disguise we head back to the Living Stones once he's gone ready one two they're so excited about showing you around the house they jumped out before we park okay we're trapped keep your distance and make sure the vet does not see your zippers okay what kind of distance I don't know two yards two and a half that's about 20 25 sausages and and Sam or 250 sitting in a line let's go play with our Darlings in the yard you'll see It'll cheer you up to no end in you go sweetie pies hi everybody Run for Cover uh fluffy babies I bet I scared them away no they're only for only hide and seek call for them and they'll soon come running uh a Philadelphia not bad he is named after a city but not that one the name's Washington oh yeah uh Paddington uh Lucy a zucchini uh close it's Washington Sam Susie and Eugenie oh yeah oh Washington sub Eugenie Susie it's a trap don't move oh they probably didn't hear you I haven't cleaned their ears out in over a month sweetie pies here they are look how pleased they are to see you how about we all go play ball they love playing ball don't move okay go go first [Music] let's see they don't want to play with me it's obvious you have to throw the ball further look this oh [Music] Vladimir I am so sorry are you okay can you hear me I want my mommy how about we play that huh you like that playing that it's a game he's sure to win it'll give us confidence a huge boost Mr Livingstone you are a genius [Music] I never wanna hear anyone mention that job again never I'm packing it in right this minute [Music] that means we never have to worry about a minion wash that's what he wants us to think but it's a trap a trap to get us closer to him on your guard you can be proud of yourselves next to you poor Vladimir has packed in His Brilliant career as a vet you should be ashamed of yourselves I warn you if you don't give him a big hug right this minute you won't have any kibble I'll give you five minutes it's blackmail don't give into it that's how it all starts first zero kibble then you gotta sleep outside finally you wind up at the dog pound or Worse back in the forest hmm okay Sam go give the vet a big hug why me because uh go on I'll explain later okay but don't forget this time all right or else I'll get you thinking you're taking me for a ride TV is better with pictures don't you think say I'm going to show you my favorite program the famous Tibetan flute to a beauty absolutely it's remarkable Sublime soon it's time for my favorite [Music] no Sam give him a hug jump on his lap quick or goodbye kibble forever [Music] a cat disgusting it'll give me fleas get out of oh what's soft fur oh it feels like acrylic fake acrylic fur see that honey Vladimir's got his smile back so what because of him I can't even watch my favorite program come on the main thing is he's perked up a little and with Sam he sure to soon start feeling better and better don't worry Sam I'll make you another one [Music] what's gotten into you that's our family photo album hello there are people waiting out here and you've been in there for hours okay okay it's all yours anyway there's no more hot water left Matt Vladimir is really getting on my nerve come on honey we can't just throw him out at least he's not sleeping in our bed huh he's gone too far he has to go it's time for him to go back to the clinic you know he doesn't want to be a vet anymore well I'm going to teach him the joy of curing sick animals you'll see what are you gonna do our babies are in perfect health [Music] girls we have a situation I was in the oven and I'm doing in the oven in the middle of the night well after they've roasted chicken I love licking the sides of the oven but hey that's not the issue I was in the oven and I heard the Living Stones plotting in the kitchen they want to put something in our kibble to make us sick so that then that can make us better whatever you do don't swallow a thing okay Sam where are you going I want something to eat it makes you hungry sorry Sam too long to explain but from now on you gotta stop eating anything [Music] cover that quick but you're the vet I gave up that career as you well know and anyway I threw away all my instruments no I picked them out of the trash can any other questions hmm how does this work again you put it on the heart but on your heart Sam's heart and you put the other end in your ears no you've got to put those bits in your ears it's pointless I'll never manage it's been so long since I gave up it was only yesterday that that is pathetic Never Gonna cure Sam the only thing that can kill him Susie let me remind you that the living stones have doctored all the food to make us sick are you sure about that it sure is two plus two makes six two plus two makes four you Jelly Brain The Living Stones haven't poisoned anything not the kibble not the canned food nothing nada zilch I think they have can you tell me why you're all covered in red spots Vic huh Can you it's makeup knucklehead the livingstones want to make the vet think that I'm sick so then he can cure me build up his self-confidence and clear on out this means we could give Sam something to eat we could put a bit of cast that could work why he hasn't broken anything we'll have more luck with a medical encyclopedia let's see now where are we camel Caribou here we are hey move me you'll never believed it I jumped I was eating kibble it was awesome what a fascinating book don't you think if I'd known all this I might have been a better value meow what's up I don't believe it I cured him I'm a genius of animal medicine it's blade to see how is the world managed without my talent for so long I've made up my mind I'm taking up my stethoscope again and I'll base my clinic here here we'll put the waiting room and hereby trading room it's gonna be cutting edge high-tech state of the art what do you think how about you head back to your clinic instead Velma it's me I'm going back to work medicine needs me Vladimir cured our cat without so much as touching him it was phenomenal exceptional you must take him back I know you'd get your old Touchback Vladimir welcome home incidentally I believe you have an appointment for your adorable little animals oh really no no no just her routine checkup thank you goodbye thank you I think I've had enough events for one day that was close boy am I ever happy he's out of the house I got the kind of like him no I can't wait for the next appointment [Music] hi I'm Washington to Fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave the city's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguise is a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary food could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Music] it works what a beautiful ears you have miss you Genie [Music] oh big beautiful years oh happy birthday to all you rabbits out there and all you rabbit lovers [Music] funny stores are going to spoil you silly with games and goodies and a free Beauty kids right right [Music] uh what what's going on girls I can't see anything they want to go to be bop bunny for a free beauty kit pretty obvious no sorry we're super busy we're into something absolutely awesome here racing at top speed of the black slug can cover more than two centimeters [Music] sure promise tomorrow [Music] what's that hmm South Jenny go to the Bebop bunny Baron a state-of-the-art self-driving car wash we're actually kind of busy huh and besides Miss they remind you that cars are reserved for humans only come on call it Sam I just want to have a look I wasn't gonna drive it Relax The Living Stones are gone for the day and when we get back the race will only be half over sorry if I say yes then I'll lose all credibility around here so the answer is no [Music] oh okay all right [Music] [Music] I can't see anything through this tinted glass welcome aboard the funny mobile passengers please get in it's so beautiful during your trip enjoy all the comfort of the Bunny Mobile automatic pilot with GPS speed regulator soft drink dispenser and free call at zero one one nine eight nine nine nine eight eight one nine nine nine nine one nine nine seven two five three in case of emergency destination [Music] push stop the car no we're gonna get caught oh come on Sam don't worry the windows are tinted so there's no risk are you sure we're okay I get this feeling we've been spotted you see I told you we had nothing to fear if you want to access your relaxation options punch in the bunny button option one massage music option three carrot juice [Music] blush this is too awesome do you think they awesome make Kitty movies [Music] but we are moving it's just that the technology in these cars is so sophisticated that you don't even notice you're driving when in fact you're actually speeding down the road [Music] no because like right now we're speeding huh are we there yet hurry up this is taking so long all right already girls I'll speed up all you had to do was asking success and their beauty kids are going like hotcakes hurry up if you want to get your hands on one they won't last long [Music] okay okay everything's under control Don't Panic situations under control turn this thing up [Music] [Music] an alligator in a tree how long will they come up with next oh the animal pound yeah well with the tinted glass windows we're cool oh yeah and you think that works when they're open too [Music] acceleration activated let's go forget the alligator kid this is your chains [Music] ah they're not following us anymore well of course not they're the animal pound not the police you have reached their final destination we'll wait for you in the car girls don't be too long okay what did I say huh it was all just Child's Play [Music] Ed bunny control to enter a new destination deactivated manual Drive is activated drills we go do you think we've got time here so we should hurry up yeah all right he's probably getting a massage in the bunny Babel right now I bet he's at 7th Heaven speed up they're right behind us [Applause] [Music] whew your gun we're safe yeah rush you can slow down they're gone I'd like to except I get the feeling that the accelerators like uh stuck [Music] thank you Sam don't touch anything this is no time to slow down [Music] wow you look awesome come on quick let's go show them and watch [Music] how are we going to pick up Eugenie and Susie without getting caught call the emergency number I think Now's the Time New Year good idea what was the number again [Applause] Sam and wash are going to jail I really like his Daredevil style he's totally healed reminds me of the blind bird Joe hi buddy Washington driving the Bunny Mobile think you could help him ditch the guys following them an awesome driver like him well that would be an honor flight formation open fire [Applause] [Music] come on guys we're going Sam boy oh boy [Music] yeah but boy did we ever have fun at people funny and you got your beauty tips hey it works yeah can you tell me why we're calling them again drop it everything's cool I ditched them who knew I just realized how are we going to get to the girls battery dead please recharge battery I repeat please did you just touch something [Music] do you know where we are Sam you have no idea even when I was little I couldn't find my way home from one mud puddle to the next so just imagine here are you serious this is right over there here's a genie Susie of course we knew where we were we were just waiting for you so shall we go home yeah where's filthy if the living Stone seems like this they're gonna want to give us a bath and then they'll see our costumes in I knew we should have stayed in front of the TV Strat you're right hey how did you do it what what clean but funny all-purpose cleaner wow that works awesome thank you Sam I told you we'd be back in time for the end of the race yeah but now that we missed everything in the middle I can't figure out what's going on oh your snail race totally stinks we bought bunnies way better hey Darlings we've got a surprise for you we're taking you to the Bebop bunny Fair you agree [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend sandovor his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave City's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ive thanks Washington well done good dog here you go a little rule bring me up my newspaper will you you'll find me in my bedroom you dogs are so pathetic all those disgusting chores to chew on some old shoe no way it's delicious I was Wards great for the teeth good little doggy who does everything daddy tells him to got a problem Vic you're not jealous by any chance are you joking CS cats wash we don't have to go boot looking humans for love and appreciation all we have to do is be ourselves beautiful agile gracious everything a dog is not baloney dogs are a match for cats in every Department yeah so if that's true can you for example explain to me why dogs can't climb trees whereas cats can oh yes we can it's just we have better things to do I'll go climbing trees whenever you want big yeah really but warning if you fall then [Music] elimination basically if wash Falls he loses [Music] looks like I've got time for a little cat nap [Music] poor little Washington need a helping tail go on grab hold you're breaking my little heart hang on tight [Music] foreign [Music] looks like you've lost me cat I would say that I am very disappointed with your performance Victoria but speaking is wash his best friend I am pleased with the result way to go while she run boy ready to pay the price for defeat come on don't even think of it oh look at Daddy's cute little dog [Laughter] [Music] are you through are you happy now can I take this off [Music] hey wash not coming to say hi what's he doing lying on Victoria's armchair go to wash get up come say hi Washington Washington ah a wolf how weird see that honey wash doesn't look like himself today it looks like his head has gone flat no he's lost weight his skin is hanging off his bones okay honey pie double ration of kibble for you today dog kibble it's disgusting Washington You Gotta Eat gone [Music] himself a double ration of kibble and we didn't it isn't funny yeah okay time for some exercise Washington that'll soon perk you up [Music] dude it's like blush's costume has grown too big for him it's because it isn't washed Sam it's Vic wearing lashes costume yeah oh yeah Nick wearing luscious costume big bearing luscious costume figuring Russia's costume hang on wash wearing no who's it again go on Washington catch foreign reflexes are Rusty Washington you're beginning to worry me luckily I have a nice juicy vitamin and Rich bone for you push it Seer wash Vic is hopeless at playing the dog what it has to stop right this minute I've spent two years training to create the perfect dog act and Victoria's ruining it all in one afternoon if she carries on like that the living stones are gonna kick me out you're a dick yeah me I mean thick and then me if they throw Vic out wearing my dog costume even if I do get it back the living stones will never let me in the house against him [Music] give me my costume back like I wanted to keep it you could have watched out you nearly ruined all my efforts at passing is the perfect pooch let it be a lesson to you I didn't ask to wear your crummy costume hey and another thing are you ready to fess up that cats are better than dogs not on your life thick okay if that's the way it is I'm keeping it and don't expect me to play the perfect pooch I am hopeless at dog stuff the worst of red Washington my slippers Sam go tell Vic right this minute that I admit cats are better than dogs and maker give me my costume back please you bad dog don't ever do that again otherwise you're in for trouble no give me that Washington you've been a bad dog you don't have a right to your Washington calm down stay there and don't move it's punishment time for you you naughty dog come on girls we're gonna leave Washington on his own he has to calm down he's being punished [Music] Russ told me to tell you that uh the cats no the dogs are better than cats what dogs are better than cats if it's War wash once he's gonna get it ah peace and Tranquility it looks like Washington has finally calmed down have you gone crazy who did that own up right this minute oh [Music] things are getting way out of hand we better go one wash what about my costume is she gonna give it back yeah I do knew they cut it off into the yard and Mr Livingstone said you're punished and you have to stay on your own in the kitchen how to stop bugging Vic she's really mad there's gonna be trouble huh what what kind of trouble Washington please calm down what did you say to Victoria to wind her up like that exactly what you told me to say the dogs are better than cats no that wasn't it you naughty naughty dog Washington go to bed this instant I shall decide what punishment you deserve let's go oh no what's got in so wash dreadfully we better get your costume back I have an idea try to tell the living stones that Victoria has disappeared that way she'll be forced to show herself without my costume and we'll be able to now oh Victoria you are so sweet not like bad bad Washington imagine if wash attacked Vic or one of her other lovable sweetie pies he's already attacked a postman what if the next time he bites I hate to say this but for the safety of all of us we must call the animal pound honey it's our duty no this is the end wait what if Washington is sick maybe that's why he's behaving like this you're right honey I'll call the vet this instant I'm obviously really busy right now right now so don't call back until you've forgotten your problem let go for a little walk to clear our minds honey we'll give them a call when we get fast Vic where did you put my costume so tell me our cats yes cats are better than dogs but for Pete's sake give me back my costume if I don't get to play the perfect push when I get home I've done more seeing as you're such a good little doggy you should be able to find your costume all on your lonesome with your legendary sense of smell no no no no no no no no foreign they stink of cheesy feet you can't smell anything else in the background there's something that smells good kind of perfume that's fix Aroma she left her scent on the slippers when she ripped him apart all you have to do is track down her odor visit everywhere she went and eventually you're sure to find wherever she hid your costume how do you know all that you've never been a dog before nobody in the forest guys always kept stealing my acorns so I had to learn to use my snout to find him I found it they hit my custom in the kibble I can smell it but where is it still Panic it happens it's what you call a fast League keep looking there must be another Trail going around circles are we you cheat as mock dogs go I confess I'm impressed with you how about we make a piece how about we say a fox and dog disguise is equal to a cat like that idea look honey it looks like wash is feeling better maybe we don't need to call the vet after all of course it must be those vitamin and Rich bones that made him crazy like that he must be allergic to them I'll throw them away it's silly I know but I think I finally developed a taste for them what Only Fools never change their minds no [Music] hi I'm Washington the fox with my friend Sandoval his sister Eugenie and Susie the Blackbird we found life in the forest too tough so we decided to leave he's not a place for wild animals then I had an idea disguised as a dog a cat a rabbit and a canary who could resist us not the Living Stones that's for sure but to stay here we'll have to keep our secret [Music] hurry honey we'll be late for the yard sale [Music] I was just feeding our lovable little fur balls hey my lucky coot you weren't thinking of but honey it went out of fashion 50 years ago so it's a collector's item my dad gave it to me he wore it Woodstock the legendary 60s Festival don't you realize it's staying here see you later sweetie pies be good yes are you crazy she's asleep don't wake her up you know what she's like hey dick can you know me you're kibble a cursive I can't gotta share everything what have you done to him you maniac no it's not Alvarez it's our Masters on hilarious huh whoa awesome it's just like Alvarez it's fair nickname for Alvarez tell us excellent hey Sam go on tell us what his majesty has on his mind what a disgusting stink I'll do everything to wash your mouth okay I hope the clown shows nearly finished since when did the cat dare you to give orders to his majesty King I don't believe it ever they dig out a new costume they have to do something dumber than before Alvarez isn't a furry Funk he got out of the wrong side of his dog bed this morning so I advise him to come nowhere near me because I have an unfinished cat nap to complete [Music] what is a cat doing on my turf I marked this tree this morning get out of here yeah well hope that someday you turn into a cat then you'll find out just what it's like having to constantly deal with goofball like you hi kibble I don't believe it [Music] samates because I'm worth it [Music] [Music] Sam cousin Sam say Alvarez catches you here you'll be in deep trouble you better skip battle [Music] no what are the are you crazy you'd better get out of here quick this is Alvarez's Turf that's right and I am Alvarez no it ain't you what of course it's me so can you tell me yeah true name [Music] [Laughter] the curse of Victoria the Day of Reckoning has arrived oh God oh God they've all gone screw in that yard [Music] no I don't I don't believe it that isn't me it is you well because of the curse of Victoria she transformed you into a cat but that is ridiculous yeah well if I were you I would go ask her to forgive me and lift the curse otherwise you'll never be a dog again again ask for a cat's forgiveness but no dog has ever stoop so low so everything's fine you're a cat now [Music] okay girls that's enough the livingstones will be home soon Sam put your costume back on if you knew however it does it it's so hot in here [Music] Sam how many times have I told you to be careful girls come help us find it [Music] hey guy what happened to your legendary sense of humor Vic uh you haven't seen Sam's costume have you Sam's costume uh no why oh no the Living Stones since when did they knock to come home good point Washington it's me Alvarez I'm gonna talk to Victoria it's a gym that was an Alvarez after all no it looked like a cat and I'm sure I've already seen him someplace before Beck you stole Sam's costume and put it on Alvarez that's it huh that was fantastic you you should see your faces well done Vic without his costume Sam will have to go back and live in the forest and us too and you know what it's like living in the forest you know what it's like okay okay it was a joke we'll go get your costume back okay Sam you're gonna hide here while we retrieve your costume and put this furry thing back on if the Living Stones catch you before we get back they better not find a wild boar in the house but wearing that thing gets really hot nice the word he must know how to put an end to this curse [Music] doctor did you see that it's unbelievable if you cure him the Vets Nobel Prize is yours for sure uh but Velma what if it contaminates us we'll start barking too it's too dangerous we've got a call of the professionals hello [Music] [Music] quick we gotta catch Alvarez before the pound guy or Sam's costume will be lost forever [Music] we don't have that choice we must get Sam's costume back whatever it takes we definitely saw that weirdo cat charged down the salad there was a bunch of other animals on his tail where did they get you we're barking up the wrong tree there's no cat here let's move on out holy kibble that was a close call oh that for that knucklehead Alvarez say where did he get to [Music] cursed Beast are you willing to ask forgiveness and grovel at my Paws so that I may lift this terrible curse I'm sorry so so sorry I'll never tolerant again I promise that is better now open your ears I shall release you from your curse using my magic incantation so they're the lucky guys at least it's cold where they are but I wouldn't get to be in their shoes Hello Honey Pies we're home okay this magic spell number is truly hilarious but uh just what is your plan to get Sam's costume off Alvarez's back without him noticing no idea you're Mr wise guy around here you must have some idea huh me no way maybe I do is that it am I become a dog again okay are you done yet no need to take me for some Bozo your magic baloney isn't working of course they do the Spells will summon your spirit clone and this demon will help you find your true exterior open your eyes your clone is upon us we're both of us here it's my costume oh with this seat I was ready to sit down for the ice and snow no much about penguins they're cool all I do know about penguins is that Penguins didn't charge miles around town to get your costume back Sam so zip it up quick before Alvarez wakes up how about we put it in the kitchen hang on a minute dear just let me get out of my coat see that see the hanger for fluffy right Sam hey honey have you tied away my lucky coat somewhere wow what a crazy adventure that curse episode was no I never Alvarez's killed my code what coat Alvarez you turn back into a dog obviously a dog is for life foreign [Music]
Channel: Zip Zip [English Official]
Views: 847,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZIPZIP, ZIP ZIP, ZIP ZIP series, ZIP ZIP cartoon, cartoon with animals, Washington the fox, ZIP ZIP episode, cartoon for kids, cartoon compilation kids, cartoon in english, cartoon network, video for kids, cartoon for 8 yo, cartoon for 7 yo
Id: utRYMSJRa5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 41sec (13901 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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