Zhongli and Venti Meet Old and New Friends | Genshin Impact 3.4

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not long ago before Lantern right I met an old friend vents to his help things have been a lot more stable than before you should know him he's seeds of story brought by the wind and cultivated uh did pilot just unconsciously complete the thing that voice creepy hmm if I'm not mistaken there's someone knocking at the door don't just sit there Zhang Lee go welcome our Gustin no such need I'm coming in you finally let me in hello hello no matter if we've met before or not this moment marks a brand new encounter old friends are new Happy Lantern right oh it's the tone deaf bird oh he seems to carry a valiant Breeze wherever he goes it looks like we're gonna be friends Fate has brought us together so come on take a seat and be my guest help yourself oh I'll ask them for another set of cutlery this young lady here is as bright as a fresh bouquet of flowers in the mornings Rising Sun she no doubt is the one with the most Authority here whoa these dishes look amazing is it really okay for me to join in all right I'm digging it huh it's you oh isn't this genuine hmm gen you uh yep now that I've taken a closer look you're a fan of genu's Works aren't you I'm at cincho at a light novel convention oh I wish we'd met sooner I never expected that there'd be another person in this world who could interpret genu's new novel as thoroughly as I could venti you're being too humble considering your poetic Talent your fundamentals are way more impressive um could this new guest be Master Xing Cho's friend yes yes monsters become more active than usual as we get closer to Lantern right I was patrolling dihua Marsh a few days ago when I happened to run into this this hmm you've already forgotten I'm a Bard remember and bards go around singing wherever they like oh right and this Bard was performing in dihon Marsh it was a moving Melody and it made me feel relaxed and at ease I couldn't help but stay and listen thank you for your patronage I understand now too I'm Jeong Lee currently working at the Wang Chung Funeral Parlor it's a pleasure to meet you new friend and I'm his boss oh and if there's anything unsatisfactory let me know anytime that's very considerate of you oh no wonder only a boss has Savvy and reliable as you would be able to hire such an impressive consultant oh you're too nice Fenty not to brag but our consultant truly is impressive his knowledge extends across the stars in the land and there's nothing throughout history that he doesn't know from the sophisticated way he speaks it's hard not to suspect that he could very well be an adeptice in disguise shall you're an adeptice do you think it might be possible I sorry I'm only good at conquering demons I'm afraid I don't have much knowledge in that matter uh really but pyman thinks you're super knowledgeable huh oh right uh it's a warrior he doesn't come to the city very often so it's uh pretty normal for him to not know anything yeah really I've actually heard a few things about Mr Zhang Lee before the guests in the tavern talked about this refined and courteous man who instead of having wine at monstat's finest Tavern ordered a cup of hot tea with the most complex name now that you mention it I seem to recall that there indeed is a musician like yourself in monstat I've heard that he's elegant and amiable his Works witty and vibrant it's no overstatement to regard him as the best Bard in monstat oh now you're making me embarrassed say that monstat's poetry is a little run-of-the-mill sometimes there's one I heard a while back that went the old house is renewed welcoming the spring Breeze Awakening old memories the meanings there but the word choices are unimaginative and there's a distinct lack of literary Flair I think so too the composition needs a little jazzing up if I were to give it a go I'd make it an old melon on a vine a new flower that grows fine oh good one it feels unique and has a nice ring to it you have great taste Wendy I was afraid about you what shake hands of course of course hmm hey shincho hmm mind learning me a few books when we get back and pick out some well-written ones I don't know if it's my own lack of literary knowledge but I couldn't tell the difference between those two I don't think it's your fault Chung yun's right it's not our fault [Music] oh you have a point but speaking of why is its own deaf Bard here are you here to take part in Lantern right too I heard that Leela will be hosting a lantern ripe Music Festival this year as a musician myself how could I possibly resist the temptation to come take a look or listen getting to know other musical styles is essential to sparking inspiration don't you think as for the Fontaine friend who hosted the festival I saw him near Stonegate the other day the iridescence tour has finally been held successfully for once so I had to congratulate him and don't think anything of it by the way I was watching as you entered shinya kiosk but no one seemed to notice me should I say that it's because I'm an expert in hiding or that a certain someone deliberately ignored the sound of the Wind whenever Lantern Right comes around Leo Harbor becomes bustling with activity people are all busy watching the lanterns and strolling around the shops and they might just go travel somewhere on a whim it is rather difficult to predict another's whereabouts the festival is in full swing and proceeding smoothly and we're all gathered here with Friends new and old this is no doubt a wonderful occasion worth celebrating to come together with all of you at the beginning of the year one can't help but be filled with joy in A Moment Like This I propose we raise a glass together in my case tea in lieu of wine ah very well said Mr Zhang Lee that was exactly what I wanted to say now I'm getting a little self-conscious I didn't cause you too much trouble barging in like that did I we usually drink wine during occasions like this over in monstat but since Mr Zhang Lee insists on drinking tea I'll give a toast with tea too everyone thanks for the treat you're welcome as the host of this Gathering I hope everyone enjoys the food and drinks may this year be better than the last considering that everyone may have other matters to attend to later sticking to tea seems like a good idea uh all of a sudden they started proposing cows you should should we what's with the urgency sure have you two finished eating it's always nice to have a breath of fresh air after a meal helps with digestion um I I will come too uh yeah okay then don't forget to come back are you all right I it's hard to describe it's not that there were those among the Adept I Who Loved Gatherings and idle Chit Chat sometimes they would call up a few others for a drink even I got dragged along to their Gatherings many times the Adept I all have their Specialties making most of them proud and arrogant everything they say is Straight From the Heart it never gets too complicated but this time no no I didn't mean that so you know his true identity I'll get straight to the point then the animal archon is a free spirit and his temperament is as carefree as the music he plays on the flute it's easy for a god like him to live in harmony with humans and that's something I might never be able to do hmm it does sound like something you would say no matter I know my circumstances whenever I think of the ordinary conversations I've had with you it feels strangely novel yes The Parlor director went out of her way with the invitation so it was difficult to turn her down I had made mental preparations before agreeing to come you told me that all the guests today would be acquainted with elemental power and I knew that you would be here but I didn't expect the other guests to be General capezis always said that we should live in the present and enjoy every pleasant surprise perhaps that's what I should do with what I'm feeling now but I think he meant designing clothes for those around him clothes were intricately designed but inconvenient to wear brother bosacious never tried to hide his distaste in front of him Rex lapis did like his designs and even collected quite a few the outfit he wears now was also designed by General capis himself I never saw him wear this during the war I didn't expect him to start wearing it later oh here you are um I'm not intruding right you're not what is it a hotel saw that everyone's done eating and asked the staff to bring out the desserts my mom got so anxious that you weren't back yet but you scarfed down her dessert without the usual slurping and munching [Music] and to be honest I was kind of worried too you looked a little Restless just now and I thought you weren't used to the food here and was planning to head back to wangshu in for something Yen Chow made you're worrying too much why would I [Music] anyway let's head back please wait there's another reason why I came looking for you here take these I brought them for you almond tofu yep since the masterful chef's competition you could say that Yen Xiao and I are not only competitors but good friends as well I visit him at Wong shuin sometimes to discuss their cooking I heard him say that the esteemed guest on the roof loves nothing more than a good plate of almond tofu so I learned a thing or two about the dish from him I'll be honest before hutao invited everyone she secretly came looking for me told me about the guess she planned to invite and asked me for some suggestions on what she should order so I made a few servings of almond Tofu for you guys in advance take them as a token of gratitude for your support when I told globa that I was making these for you he started eagerly running around the kitchen and helping a lot too thank you for the trouble there was no need to I'll take them thank you and guoba too you're welcome oh the Almond tofu I made probably taste and feels a little different from the type Yen shell Cooks please let me know if there's any improvements I should make okay that's all alrighty we should head back now we can't keep time on waiting [Music] you're finally done Whispering secrets to each other so much for promising Pine you'll be back soon how could you say that to my mind in that case besides having no sense of time hi Mama let you know what having no sense of fullness looks like your dessert is all pymons sorry to keep everyone waiting no worries we're all just chatting here there's no serious business to take care of whether we're chatting outside or inside it's all the same Spider-Man's too busy eating to talk to you but even though we're all well acquainted by now I think this festive Gathering deserves something ceremonious oh is this some local custom nope this is something I made up so that good luck will be on our side that's all spontaneity is the best choice to make here um let's use this incense burner on the table it's been lit for so long now that the incense is running out I'll leave refilling and lighting the incense to the most distinguished guest among us all lighting the incense will signify continuous growth and prosperity in all our endeavors in the new year I see perfect symbolism as expected of hotel and speaking of the most distinguished guest here today I'm sure we all agree that it's Mr Zhang Lee I'm not very familiar with the details of his past Deeds but chatting with him has been a real eye-opener even for a Bard who has traveled all across the world if knowledge were a form of power one could even say that you're a wielder of unlimited strength but when it comes to having a way with words the notable Bard is certainly one Cut Above the Rest I just happen to have a good memory it is such an unexceptional skill yet you made it sound like an unparalleled talent I am truly impressed since we all get to nominate someone um I think it's only fair that we let the Parlor director light the incense huh that won't do don't flatter me just because I'm your boss we are looking for the most distinguished guest here as the host I shouldn't be involved in this discussion at all now that we've enjoyed this table full of Delicacies how about we let our one and only Chef here do the honors um is this really the way this works I didn't cook any of these dishes it's not a big deal just look at her xiangling the disciple of an adoptist the stove God's best companion the winner of the masterful chefs competition the only heir of the famous one mean restaurant a good old friend of mine there's no better choice uh why does pymon feel like we're back at square one again up you're making me embarrassed if we're looking for a distinguished guest surely the Second Son Of The Fan Commerce Guild counts it's one of the largest Commerce guilds in Leo Harbor huh don't get me involved in this oh not a bad choice with the Commerce Guild's young Master lighting the incense we're all sure to make a huge sum of Mora in the new year that's not how it works making a fortune is indeed a fine wish but it's of lesser importance than good health and happiness which means we should choose Chong Yoon the skilled Exorcist who keeps everyone's home safe from evil spirits huh now you're nominating me I can't be the one when we have the Conqueror of demons right here Adept a show has the most seniority among everyone here today we should I refuse I am most certainly not the most distinguished guest here you should all be able to make the right judgment based on your observations one person here is well acquainted with everyone else oh that's right even though you're always mocking pain on you're still pretty popular with other people no wait time on said she wouldn't talk to you again huh who else is there huh huh does that mean Pine months the most distinguished guest oh well that was unexpected I agree pymon's just the one we need without a friend constantly by your side a long journey would become dreadfully Lonesome but once you have someone there to brighten up the atmosphere everything along the way will become Lively and vibrant too ah The Traveler has traversed many nations and left behind a great deal of fascinating stories but without pymon they would have become quite monotonous pymon plays an indispensable role in making your journey a happy and smooth one uh those were genuine compliments right Q you may buy my weight for a long time but my one's not mad anymore don't take everything to heart pymon friends tease each other all the time hmm that is indeed true love where is I trust the Traveler's judgment [Music] the world's most excellent traveler's greatest companion guide and friend pymon will be refilling and lighting the incense for us here you go take the match and don't burn yourself but if things go really wrong here's the two for one coupon [Applause] oh it's getting late I won't take up any more of your time you're all free to go as you please yep the tea was amazing too you don't have to go up polite on me just remember to come when I invite you next time hmm let's see it's dark out so I'm going to accompany xiangling Singh Cho and changing back home as for the rest of the guests I'll leave them to our consultant no need I'm headed towards the harbor to meet a friend on the ship there's no need to trouble one such as Mr Zhang Lee I think you know the place I'm talking about come meet me anytime it was great getting to know you all let's meet again when the spring Breeze begins to blow bye oh we should write poetry together sometime we'll catch you all later then don't forget to return to the Parlor later there's something I need you to do understood see you later well then Rex lapis just Zhang Lee will do I live as a mortal in Leo Harbor now I am just one among many who Begin work at Sunrise and retire to rest at sundown if we were to consider status and seniority as John Lee I should be respectfully referring to you as a debt to show ah heaven forbid not you two I meant what I said I heard that during the lantern right Music Festival you conferred with Street word Rambler and Cloud retainer I take it as you've gained a lot more knowledge about the past the same truth will sound different coming from different people as more bear witness to a story feelings and interpretations expand in variety too I once had a pleasant chat about the past and present with the sumeru scholar named Soraya and learned a few things about her research topic from the evidence she found in the conclusion she made her area of research is already very close to the truth but there are multiple sides to humans and gods alike in the Legends recorded by humans some gods were depicted as arrogant and condescending While others were kind and capable but whether to me streetward Rambler Cloud retainer or younger adeptide such as Xiao and gonyu those Adept eye and gods that may seem extraordinary to humans are something more akin to close companions this was as true back then as it is right now just how shall may seem unapproachable to most but the traveler has proved otherwise so there's no need to dwell too much on certain things rexla I mean Zhang Lee what you're saying is it looks like you understood what I meant ah the director asked me to accompany you on your return but I don't think you'll need my protection I'll be taking a walk around and admiring the night scenery after that it'll be time for me to go back and meet up with the director goodbye for now everyone's gone now it always feels a little empty inside when a lively celebration ends but at least you always stay by time on side no no no I'm gonna mix up Hi man the best and most distinguished travel guide will always stay by your side Traveler good that you're aware of that Michelle is there anything else you want to do we could take you on a tour of leeway Harbor no need I've stayed here for much longer than I had expected the city lights are a fine sight but it's time for me to leave the events of today occurred so abruptly I appreciate your kindness okay I'll see you next time then
Channel: MaxLeveL
Views: 212,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact story, genshin impact lore, genshin impact chracters, genshin impact voicelines, genshin impact voiceline, genshin game, genshin, character introduction, lantern rite, genshin impact lanter rite, zhongli, venti, zhongli and venti, zhongli and venti meet, genshin impact zhongli, genshin impact venti, zhongli and venti dinner, zhongli and venti together, zhongli and venti cutscene, the exquisite night chimes, xiao meet venti, venti and xiao, xiao
Id: xdt1aU9vUQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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