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ladies and gentlemen gigabyte have possibly done an Ipsy and have commented in public that a new generation of ryzen processors will launch later this year so does this mean Zen 5 is going to launch much earlier than expected will these be apus or is it something entirely different well let's take a look at the comment because I think many people are probably wondering what the hell not least of whom will be AMD wondering why AMD are being basically blasting in public by one of their Partners even though these new products are entry-level servers CPU support does not end here and the am5 platform is to be supported until at least 2025. the next generation of AMD ryzen desktop process will come out later this year and will also be supported on this am5 platform so existing customers who purchased these servers today have the opportunity to upgrade to the ryzen 7000 series successor which I would assume to be ryzen 8000 or what have you so the question is what actually could this be I mean the most obvious thing is Zen 5 but the most obvious thing in this case is also the most untroppable because Zen 5 almost certainly will not launch this year and there's AMD really steps up its production cycle and it's at the moment anyway scheduled for next year in fact this has even been shown on amd's own road map so I'm very skeptical it will be Zen five so let's just take that you know and put it in the Catapult and launch it as far away as possible I don't think that's going to happen so this leaves us with a couple of other options the first would be some type of Zen plus if you will or Zen four plus or Zen four refresh whatever you want to say this is honestly something I'm again rather skeptical of I've heard absolutely nothing about this and while I'm sure there are definitely bits of information I don't know about personally it seems very unlikely that this is going to happen I I'm very skeptical now it's also possible that it would be some type of Apu in fact I actually have some apus in a moment in the Phoenix lineup that I'll tell you guys about however the issue I have with the Apu side of things is that and you can see the road map yourself on screen which does kind of and this leaked roadmap you know it possibly does give us a hint of what's coming but even then if you were to look at this you can say well does an APU in a server capacity actually make any great deal of sense now again these am5 processors are basically being used again in servers like 1u units so it's you know I suppose it's somewhat possible but again not 100 so I was told about numerous skus which will launch later this year I haven't had time to verify this yet but I'm putting it in here anyway because quite frankly I find it kind of interesting and it's possible that one of these phoenix-based processors is something that possibly could make its way to the desktop in one form or another however I was told about the ryzen 7 7840u the 7640u the 75 40u as well as the 7340u and these are going to launch essentially late Q3 but again I don't know if gigabyte are actually referring to these specific products or not it's a very interesting one I've reached out to numerous sources at the moment because all of this information has just come up in fact uh I'm gonna level with you guys today was not actually supposed to be this video it was not supposed to be a news video at all I've actually recorded a whole bunch of stuff for Intel's battle major and that was was supposed to uh be launched today um with you know all the specifications I actually have all of the specs now for battle mage performance targets a bunch of other stuff so if you're interested in how Intel will be competing in gpus you should just definitely check that out it should be uh probably tomorrow I think that should be up now depending on other schedules but yeah that was supposed to be today not this but a number of people reached out to me asking what the hell was going on and as I said I've reached out to some people I'm still not 100 certain it's very possible gigabyte themselves have just screwed up and you know something's going on there's been a miscommunication somewhere or another I honestly do not know it's going to be very interesting though to see how AMD responds to this I'm sure we're going to get clarification one way or another but let's switch now to amd's fsr3 which as I'm sure many of you are aware fsr3 was announced kind of a while back around the time of the 7900 series gpus announcements and you know on the surface it does look pretty cool it's essentially a rival of some description to nvidia's DLS S3 and AMD are claiming up to two times performance increase versus fsr2 but that of course is even higher when you consider native resolution amd's FSR free Tech will soon be here and they are looking to double your frame rates over fsr2 there are a number of things that the company have disclosed and we can get some idea of how it compares to dlss free from Nvidia as there are a couple of very key differences now as of the time I'm recording this the PowerPoint presentation has gone live on their website however the video is still stating that it's coming soon because of this I'm putting out a quick video here just to go through some of the finer points but I will go much deeper when of course AMD provides us more information as I could interpret if you'll get why I said that in a moment some of the information however potentially I could be getting some stuff wrong because again we don't have a complete overview of how this works so the first slide introducing fsr3 gives us a pretty good idea of what AMD are looking to achieve the first and perhaps most important thing is that the transition from fsr2 to free is going to be very easy and offer a full and open license so this is really good for developers so if the title already exists which has fsr2 then it should be really easy to simply just go plonk and of course support FSR free further to this they are offering up to a two times performance increase versus fsr2 of course this means that if you compare it to Native the speed up will be even greater depending on your system configuration and what quality settings and resolution that you're using further to all of this they are going to be achieving this with frame interpolation which is a little bit different to nvidia's frame generation now this is where an asterisk appears and I want to say that still some of this information is a little murky and hopefully we'll get a better understanding over the coming weeks on exactly how this uh how this differs and what type of quality and so on that we get because again not all of this information is present yet but of course the technology also hasn't been released general public so it's going to be very interesting when they do put this available you know what developers can achieve with it because fsrs 2's adoption has been pretty quick so that's just a really quickly move to the native rendering to FSR free and you can see that there are of course comparisons between native rendering without upscaling with the majority of the work of course being the main rendering workload and then you've got like the post effect stuff like your blurs or whatever taking up very little time then you've got fsr2 with two times scaling and then finally fsr3 using a two times upscaling as well as frame interpolation the next couple of slides really give us the insight into how all of this works so introducing fsr3 with fsr2 we're already Computing more pixels and we have samples in the current frame we could generate even more by introducing interpolated frames achieving up to a two times frame rate boost in the process the good news is that high probability will be at least one sample for every interval pixel no feedback loop but the challenges are you can't rely on color clamping to collect outdated samples non-linear motion interpolation is hard with 2D screen space moves and vectors and interpolating final frames means all Pros press it post processing excuse me and UI also needs to get interpolated now if we look at the early look slide FSR benefits from synergies between upscaling interpolation so this is where we start to get a much better understanding how all of this works it leverages motion vectors and amd's fluid motion to produce the interpolated frames good motion estimation is key for interpolation as well as fsr2 itself can be leveraged for additional internal for additional internal information latency of course is a really big deal when you're dealing with generating or interpolating frames if you will and so Gamers will need both High frame rate and the lowest possible latency now of course just how in terms of quality amongst other metrics this differs and compares to nvidia's deal instance 3 we can certainly speculate however you know interpolation just by its very nature is different to nvidia's frame generation now I say this of course because frame generation itself certainly has not been perfect there are certainly some situations where dlss3 starts to fall apart and it can also not be perfect with latency again it does depend upon the system itself so it's going to be very interesting to see how all of this plays out with AMD I'm going to be very curious also to see how support differs across different gpus and different system configurations as well as different resolutions interpolation has been certainly a bit of an eyebrow razor for many people and again because it's essentially different to invidia's technology which uses a host of different data to use basically the tensor cores of the GPU as well as things like motion uh Vector data and so on to actually physically generate a new frame rather interpret a new frame it's going to be very curious to see quality comparisons on this with that said I am super excited still because you know what the reality is that let's say for the sake of discussion you've got 7900 XTX you know you may not need to worry about this anyway but it's going to be more beneficial I suspect for people with lower to mid-range gpus who perhaps just need that little bit of extra kick and yeah of course Ray tracing as well so it's going to be an interesting comparison I suspect over the next while plus as well adoption rates the reality is of course the dlss you know it could be literally the best thing ever it could give you a shoulder massage but if you don't own an Nvidia graphics card or you own a Nvidia graphics card which doesn't work with dlss free such as even nvidia's RTX 20 series for example yeah that's not going to help you at all so like if amd's product does also says solution does allow you to run on let's say you know competitive Hardware um you know a range of different gpus and obviously by default that's going to be awesome for gamers so there you have it guys fsr3 is looking very interesting there's also been a bunch of info that's been updated for uh Intel's xcss when fsr3 finally gets fully detailed I might do a comparison of some description of all of the different Technologies and how they work especially of course since we also have like temporal stuff with Unreal Engine as well so possibly I'll do some type of update because I was putting those videos out but obviously that information is a little old now because we're talking about fsr2 and fsr1 I think it was and of course uh DLS S2 so obviously there's been a lot of movements there I think up sampling and generally just being more efficient in GPU rendering performance is just obviously the way to go at the moment especially when you consider that um you know not everyone has access to the highest performance devices obviously consoles are a thing there's you know laptops that type of stuff I'm going to be super hyped to see what happens in the next couple of years I think frame generation and fake frames like it or not are just going to continue to evolve obviously everyone and their mother at this point are talking about AI it's you know the new thing with that said hopefully you have enjoyed this video if you did well it's YouTube you know what to do I'll see you soon guys take yourselves bye for now foreign [Music]
Channel: RedGamingTech
Views: 20,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zen 5, ryzen 8000, zen 5 release date, ryzen roadmap, zen roadmap, amd desktop cpu roadmap, zen 5 2023, ryzen 8000 2023, release date, fsr, fsr 3, fidelityfx super resolution 3, fsr 3 vs fsr 2, fsr 3 vs dlss 3, fsr 3 how does it work, amd upsampling, amd upscaling, frame interpolation, fsr vs dlss, amd vs nvidia, fsr 3 fps, fsr 3 frame rate, performance, gaming performance, ray tracing performance, gaming, ray tracing, news, analysis
Id: YUchnRuF23k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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