Zelda Totk Review. Just Embarrassing Nintendo

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[Music] so in this Zelda Link gets his masturbation arm ripped off then his girlfriend or how as a Japanese link would call it his living owner hole gets teleported away not wanting to feel like a stranger pleasing him for the rest of his life thanks to his new arm he pees us out by making a belly flop from the sky in our seriousness tears of the kingdom is a direct sequel to breath of the wild it takes up after the story is concluded when Zelda and Link are exploring a dungeon below the castle they awaken again unlike creature link gets all his powers trained and Zelda of course gone Zelda games have a story and I mean this sentence literally all Zelda games have one story Zelda is in danger the world's about to get destroyed by Ganon and you have to save it the names might change a bit but this apocalyptic plot is present in all of the games the only game I remember having a different story was the one of the instruments where link is the one who destroys the island by waking up the birds that dreamed of it I had a different version of the game for some strange reason but let's not dwell on that I will not go into the story as a whole I might comment on some points but the story is not worth going into because the Zelda games are gameplay oriented and not based in reality water prevents 4 damage no matter the height platforms don't break no matter the weight tears of the Kingdom that's his own rules and that is for the better because the fairy tale atmosphere allows certain derivation from reality unlike some other game that are about physics but have wormholes you can travel through in a jumpsuit seldates of the kingdom is breath of the wild one point at all it brings new features and many olds and that is exactly the problem breath of the wild was groundbreaking and even inspired ganshin impacts but even if breath of the wild was a 10 out of 10 which it wasn't then tears of the Kingdom cannot inventing is more impressive than Reinventing when in early human history some fellow came up with the wheel it revolutionized civilization and the human species as a whole if I would now announce that I have invented the wheel no one would react because we already have the wheel it's not impressive but embarrassing and I find this the best adjective to describe tears of the Kingdom because it has 99 of all the flaws of breath of the wild and brings very little new features it still runs like a horse without legs looks like the thumb of a clumsy Carpenter and has so little quality of life features that it often feels like aliens programmed it based on what they think humans would like to play which also explains the controller let's say we have a game that costs more than most other games that was developed over 6 years exclusively on a console the development team owns they had full control over the game and the environment on which the game runs if that game now has frame drops Stardust and bad Graphics we could agree that this would be embarrassing for the developer right a normal person would assume that a game with this budget of time and money would have a decent quality we can agree on that right tears of the kingdom is that hypothetical game and it brings me no joy to tell you that it has all the technical difficulties from above breath of the wild also had these problems but it was the first game and the whole engine has to be programmed but tears of the Kingdom has the exact same engine and no improvements at all a possible defense might be saying that the switch has poor Hardware so the developer has limitations a switch costs around two-thirds of a PlayStation 5 and the PlayStation has 3.5 faster CPU speed around 10 times the t-flops three times more RAM 20 times more bandwidth three times faster GPU and some Minor Details all in all we can say that the PlayStation is around 50 times better than the switch and costs only a margin more that may since you got ripped off well me too but coming back to that argument you are essentially saying that tears of the Kingdom cannot get better performance because Nintendo ripped you off with old cheap Hardware which sounds Hollow to me this may not be a big deal to most people it's certainly not for me I can forgive some stuttering and poor Graphics what we need to acknowledge that Nintendo takes a lot of money for their consoles and games and ships out on hardware and voice acting by the way not even the intro is fully voice actors the movement of Link has not changed since breath of the wild which was running jumping gliding and climbing all limited by Link's stamina what was most impressive in breath of the wild was the dedication to absolute freedom there are no invisible walls if something is visible you can climb it your movement options are for exploring while in combat your movement changes slightly and you almost never use the collider or climbing while fighting your powers are more ambivalent they can be used for fighting and movement but I see them at that more for movement than for combat in tears of the Kingdom one of the core abilities which is actually new is the ultra hand with which you can lift up anything and combine anything it's actually impressive what you can do with it and there are a lot of funny and astonishing constructions players made on YouTube you can use this often to solve puzzles Traverse between platforms and even climb or do combat but the ultra hand is nothing new you Nintendo just put Lego into the prep of the wild engine it's cooler but most of it was already in breath of the wild that just allowed players to construct with their ability to combine another is time reversal you can use it to throw back objects to enemies lift you up when a boulder falls from the sky and you can climb onto it then reverse you can also use it by combining reversal with the ultra hand you first lift up an object keep it a while up and set it on the ground now use time reversal and you can get on top fusing lets you combine most things with your equipment this includes equipment itself though you can get a shield shield or a stick stick this almost always improves the stats and is the crafting system of the game in breath of the wild you had to scavenge Canon's caster for some good weapons but in tears of the Kingdom you get a good base weapon of something like a sturdistic and combine it with monster materials to form new powerful web it is here where the lack of quality of life features Hurts the Most combining a weapon you have should be as easy as going into your menu select the weapon then select combine and choose the material what you need to do is finding the material you want in your inventory then hold it now out of the menu lay it on the ground now equip your weapon choose the power to fuse and then use it this is so obviously horrible that I cannot fathom how does pass testing this has now nothing to do with the fuse ability but I have to point it out while I'm at the topic add some Contraptions which I would call a gacha machine you can exchange some items to get a role for special construction materials we will come to later you also don't get a menu because that would be not tedious enough instead you also have to hold all items place it on the machine which will always play a cutscene you can skip the cutting but not the last part which will still play this was cool maybe the first three times but I was bought out of my mind the tenth time the same is true for cooking I loved jingle and how the ingredients you also have to put in manually dance in the cooking pots I loved it for about five times then it crossed out on me it's like getting your favorite dish every day for years until you puke please dear developers don't just look how players engage with a system but also how often the last feature I'm excluding the camera because allows you to Traverse solid matter if it's above you you essentially swim upwards and this can be used often with the exception of the ultra hand most of these abilities are at best gimmicks cool but in comparison weak I now have to criticize many decisions of Nintendo that were also present in breath of the wild you may criticize me for doing a prep of the white critique now instead of Tears of the Kingdom but that's not my fault it's Nintendo's because they have not fixed anything in six years breath of the wild had horrible combat tears of the kingdom does improve on that by having horrible combat but now in the sky and underground you can block and Dodge a text but only if you look on the camera if you don't you get hit if you have locked on you also might get hit because sometimes link does a long jump backwards sometimes a small one sometimes The Wrong Enemy is locked on when you evade you get based on die roll a fury Rush sorry a flurry Rush which slows down time and lets you do damage sometimes it works sometimes it don't you can get the swash before the enemy even started the attack or sometimes after the enemy already did the attack sometimes you're nothing near the enemy press Dodge and get a rush blocking does break your Shield Butters only work reliably against enemies that you have locked on sometimes you get hit even if the enemy stands right before you and you have your Shield up just because link locked on the wrong dude because fighting itself costs resources this means that the fight might cost you more than it earns based on chance combat is frustrating and boring because even if everything works like it should be you only ever jump back or race your Shield wait for the enemy to attack and then punish whatever you are fighting you cannot go into the offense because most encounters have multiple enemies if you swing a large weapon some enemy will strike from Your Flank the system was already bad but that was six years ago oh sorry that was written for breath of the wild just now so let's see how tears of the Kingdom improved on that what jokes on you because they didn't the only thing they did improve on is the enemy Rarity but I would argue that they only doubled the enemy counter and that means they actually designed the same amount of enemies like for breath of the wild which was already not enough most enemies were already there it just took two games 12 years and 140 dollars for a decent enemy variety that scratches on the par gentian impact did improve on the combat but that would be an unfair comparison we should not compare the game of an indie developer and the game of the eight biggest game developer by Revenue that would be totally unfair if it was reversed but mioho at that time managed to make an overall better game than breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom while being essentially an indie developer who prior only developed mobile games just embarrassing Nintendo Spirit ashes is another problem in Zelda but that might be more personal when doing the main story you get essentially Spirit ashes from elmering that lets you summon Immortal ghosts those spirits take on enemies to damage and have special abilities you can turn them off so you can decide if the comment is too difficult or too easy for you but that is exactly the problem for me because they don't only impact combat but also exploration as you know weapons break after some time and in tears of the Kingdom bombs need to be stockpiled this means you have to use your weapons to break rocks and there is a lot of Mining and sell the tears of the Kingdom it's in part of the story and progression one of your companions The Rock dude can destroy these with his abilities so you can have an indestructible Mining and tree cutting tool which I welcome you might say so what you can turn this off for fighting and turn them on for mining that is a valid point but going into my inventory every time for each Little Rock and turn this on again was such a hassle that I left them on all the time the same is true for the wind kit that lets you Glide faster and longer and that created other problems because they like to cuddle and I do not you want to pick up anything and the companion comes near you so you use your ability which one time nearly killed me while picking up a bomb flower it was a very bad decision for Nintendo to make the pickup button the same for the ability and speaking off they also made the skip dialogue button the same for closing the conversation so sometimes you want to skip dialogue but instead say no to the NPC and have to talk to them again tears of the Kingdom like breath of the wild has a heavy incentive on exploration but had already had problems and is now worse because gentian impact exists doing anything in game should have a cost and a reward even if you beat an enemy without getting hit them you still have to invest time you get materials and in some games experience as a reward if you spot a secret you pay it with attention for reward a reward always should reflect the cost if you beat the strongest enemy in a game you should get the best reward if you beat the weakest enemy you should get the lowest reward in Zelda the balance between costs and rewards are completely off many chests or spots you find in game will get you at best another Shrine which improves health or stamina but only one quarter a co-work seat which gets you more inventory for weapons Shields and both or a sage orb which improves your spirit ashes summon most of the time you get a useless consumable or a weapon which breaks ganshin in comparisonment also had poor rewards but there was never a fluke all chests did improve your overall score but in tears of the Kingdom you are often left with the feeling that you just wasted your time for one example I did a puzzle and some exploration for like 10 minutes then I opened a chest with 10 arrows in it speaking of wasting your time let's talk about strides shrines are simple little puzzles with little walls they usually work like this introduce a concept based on your abilities apply it in the Next Room and expand it in the third room sometimes the third is absent the puzzles are never really complex for song shrines I'm thankful for that for others I wish there was a deeper exploration into the system I can however understand how this happened first Nintendo tries to appeal to both children as young as AIDS and adults and because children can hardly waste their intellect to adults we have to lower hours also when you make dozens of shrines you cannot put everything in the top 10. you have to keep some concepts for later shrines some Concepts can also be not expanded only padded if a shrine is about addition it introduces one plus one equals two as a concept then the player is asked what is three plus five then in the Next Room you get 50 plus 20 plus 40. this is all you can get out of addition you can have more or higher numbers but the overall concept stands the same if you know how to solve it more numbers will just make it take longer it would increase the difficulty in quotes but not a challenge which for me is an important difference a challenge is fun you overcome it and feel good difficulty just means harder but not necessarily more fun for example working overtime as a construction worker might be difficult but hardly fun while having more and more complex bosses in a game is more difficult but also more challenging you can Spot the Difference by what you seek out you seek out challenges and avoid pure difficulty search for bosses what you want to work overtime if you have no gain like not getting paid shrines are too easy and neither difficult nor challenging in both breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom most people come to the same conclusion and compare them to dungeons I heard this from multiple sources online and in real life to the point that they had to check for this video many say that breath of the wild was not a real Zelda game because it did not have dungeons for everyone who belonged this I have a joyful message dungeons are back and with it it shows that it was never a huge deal let's make this by example there's the fire temple from time alone I think it counts as a dungeon because it took me about one hour but I also searched every nook and cranny and used some unconventional Solutions all temples including the fire temple work like this you have to go to the boss but there is a roadblock then you go into a room and see a problem you solve the problem in that room and sell them with a second room in the fire temple you have to push your friend into the gong in one room you see the gong but cannot go to it so use your Ultra hand to make a ramp and shoot your rent up there are multiple rooms each with puzzles then you fight the boss which is unironically a huge step up from the poor excuse boss fights in breath of the wild but if you think about it one or two rooms with a puzzle then the next set sounds a lot like shrines right so maybe people say that dungeons were more elaborated in older games even though I never heard one example so I checked I gifted my N64 to my little sister so I watched some walkthroughs of Ocarina of Time a link to the past and the OG Zelda and no dungeon Works differently three to five sets of puzzles and nothing more complex than in tears of the Kingdom or breath of the wild so everyone who thinks old Zelda games had more complex dungeons I'm not saying you're wrong I would like to have some examples please explain to me 5 puzzles of a single Zelda game that were more complex because I couldn't find one okay for the sake of argument let's say you proved me wrong good job but there's still the question should or Zelda games have dungeons or are dungeons iconic for the series let's analyze the argument by itself statement one is Zelda games had dungeons statement two therefore dungeons are part of the series they are Zelda content statement 3 breath of the wild does not have Dungeons and tears of the Kingdom just has shrines disguised as dungeons statement 4 therefore those are not Zelda games this is essentially the argument first of all we usually take aspects we like as typical for a series we would hardly say that bugs are part of the Elder Scrolls games and if by some miracle the Elder Scrolls 6 does not have bugs it is not an elder scroll game well I would say that but as a joke so most X Games had y statement 2 is why is part of the series you're not stupid you know what statement 3 and 4 is I'm not wasting your time I'm not Nintendo given the argument we can say that Zelda Ocarina of Time was not a real Zelda game because all older Zelda games to that point were too deep the second Zelda game is not a real Zelda game because it's a side scroller other Zelda games had music based on an SID ship so all newer ones are not Zelda games you can see how this goes you could put in any statement of older games into that argument but using this as a template even if true would restrict Innovation because a developer might be shamed down by always having to put in content some people decided where typical of a series we cannot say based on content alone what is typical Zelda content is it the iconography what is Iconic for the series it's kind and in the name is it the movement is it the music the Queen's suit being overpriced on cheap Hardware so let's ask a different question who decides what typical content is many people would say the author the author decides what his or her work is about many set Fahrenheit 451 is about censorship and the author said it isn't in the 60s then in the 90s Ray Bradbury changed his mind and said it is about censorship then you look him up and he wrote it in nine days and did not plan anything so maybe it's not about anything in the first place if you think the author decides this then yes all Zelda games are 100 Zelda games it's right in the title I don't think authors decide what their work is about I think the content itself does because of this little mind experiment let's say I write a book that was only one passage all furniture should be prone this is not a metaphor and there's nothing to interpret that is my book then if people ask me what is my book about I say it's about space Twigs waging a war against the space sea mermaids but only on Mondays and it follows the young sea mermaid's Captain floppy flosser who saves the universe of the true enemy later revealed as space vampires so what is my book about brown furniture on my space tracking mermaid vampires TM I cannot give you an answer because my answer is that there is no 100 certain answer there hardly is in life all we have is perspective but for better conclusions we need a lot of those so here I offered you mine roast me or agree with me there might be no certain answer but there is a solution which is having difficulty options most games have them and it does not always need to be about combat Monkey Island is a point-and-click puzzle game and harder difficulties make the puzzles harder obviously we could do the same for Zelda normal is the level aimed for children and harders for adults you can have two sets of dungeons based on which difficulty you choose to sum it up exploration is unrewarding combat is bad and shrines are waste of time what is left legal this is maybe the funniest part for me because you can fuse together nearly anything it's literally legal and it can be used in combat and exploration you have some ancient tool that lets you Clyde fly serve or shoot and this is really really cool but there are two problems first you need more battery power which you get from the deaths which is just a dark level you can light up you also should not touch certain spots and there are some unique enemies but all in all it's just not that special but very atmospheric and tense I really like the depths you need to search them for seal Knight combine siona to Chargers and then use charges on your battery which means Nintendo won this year's prize for most needless steps for a mechanic again congratulations it takes quite a while to get the batteries but even if you do you can hardly use your constructs for a longer period because some places are too steep to narrow have too many trees or just empty and you want to teleport the constructs are cool but only for such a short time that I think it needs a proper environment there are even tools for attacking enemies so let me showcase this you can make an enemy search in protest on top of an enemy searching Roomba with a weapon they now hunt enemies and give me the nostalgic feeling of watching Robo Wars again building your constructs and let them fight enemies is more fun than fighting yourself which says as much about the combat as it says about the mechanic using the Lego mechanic also leads to more freedom traversing the world in breath of the wild your meter for exploration was stamina and by extension some resources that restore stamina but the bottleneck was always the queen little disc of link with the addition of the ability to make constructs and many of the new ancient tools it became perfectly possible to play the game to its fullest without upgrading stamina instead of colliding you can build a collider instead of climbing you can build a tower or use Stakes for climbing the player is presented with this freedom but this also has its own baggage in form of old habits many players like me will use primarily climbing and colliding to Traverse the map but I can only suggest a run or if you don't want to commit to such a lengthy time Endeavor a few hours of self-restriction use only your abilities and never climb or Collide except for a short distance or to prevent fall damage it makes you appreciate the new mechanic and leads to new Solutions most of these problems could be solved by difficulty considering difficulty games can be broken in many ways if the game's difficulty meets The Player's skill we call it the flow while having higher difficulty will result in frustration and having lower assault and boredom I made this point before tears of the Kingdom lack its predecessor is broken on the lower end of the spectrum it is too easy this is the fault of the combat which if you don't rush getting a high armor will be fairly challenging the saving system was the first quick and is so Lex that even when defeated there's hardly any penalty for comparison the difficulty in Dark Souls came in part from the run to the boss where players at least in their first Soul game had to fight difficult enemies again to reach the boss it's one of the key experiences for the first time playing as old skin imagine that Dark Souls lets you save after each enemy and if you die you get full health and when fighting opposite saves every 10 percent of Health this would break the game as it is as it does in tears of the Kingdom while the saving system cracked the game difficulty the healing system broke it completely healing is done by pausing the game and eat your inventory like in many Elder Scrolls game or Engen impact the key difference is that in those games that are more than 10 years older it is restricted how many you can eat at once giving you a sure heel but not indefinitely in tears of the Kingdom you can fight as long as you have resources but those are abundant I think the system itself works as intended because Nintendo kept it as is this opens a new question which is the reason and my guess it's for children a child of eight years might find the game too hard like it might find the puzzles also too hard I searched for this and found an Internet site that let kids write reviews and many wrote that the game is really difficult and you need to think a lot which confirms my suspicion from the shrine part but the solution is still the same difficulty options you can keep the game as is for the children difficulty but for adults make adjustment to both saving the game and a restriction on how much stuff you can eat this is a minor change in the system that would have a Major Impact for a proper difficulty I cannot see a good reason for not having both and it is a shame that whenever I see enemies I feel exhausted instead of excited because I know I will have buggy easy combat that takes too long and no rewards to speak of for the next part I will talk about some other teas that not fit well in one section most video game players break off The Narrative of games between lower and main story some may call it setting or side stories but the cut is most of the time between what is presented to finish the game and what is not for example speaking to a random non-essential NPC would be for the lore the same is true for reading books I am already very dismissive about the story but the lowest inverse integrated if you talk in tears of the Kingdom to some NPCs or even on the end of side quests you get some lower tidbits but these always just reveal what you already know finding an ancient text reveal that there is a great Calamity under Hyrule Castle which is literally the opening seeking out law is never worth it because it is tautonomous the overarching story is even very depressive if you think about it according to the game Gannon attacks around every thousand years and your only job as a chosen one is sealing him not defeating link has the sword that seals the darkness not a sword that beats the living out of the darkness link is the hero of procrastination because the problem will come again and destroy the world just some time later the story is already neither deep complex not dark because it should also fit the taste of children so it never really comes up that side as father abused her for years but in the absence of a deeper story is nothing else and that is the problem another mishap is the control and it would bet that many had his experience tears of the Kingdom uses like almost every other switch game are vastly different control scheme to any other game or console if you come from the soul series or any other game you would control with a controller on PC or the PlayStation or Xbox you will find Zelda more difficult than it needs to be I cannot count how often I push the wrong button just because Nintendo needs to do their own for my standpoint there should be a general control scheme to all games and if your game derivates from that it should have a good reason we all could agree on Nintendo's scheme but given that most games already conform to one or two different schemes having just Nintendo go with the times would be less work than the other way around the only way we can force this is by pointing it out every game and give it a lower score for me alone this would cost them one point I hope other people on YouTube or in magazines will also start criticizing Nintendo for this but given the blind praise it got despite all tears of the Kingdom's flaws I see little chance to that you will often find Edison who holds up a sign to his boss Hudson the one from the first game Who Built Terry Town your goal is to stabilize the sign so you can build a foundation but refuse us to let go and put a sign onto the ground out of respect he will stand in snow blizzards the desert in rain and through the whole apocalypse just trying to protect a sign despiteing his boss who probably does not even care much so Nintendo finally made a truthful representation for the hardcore fan base to probably also look like him the deaths are by far the best content in the game when it comes to exploration in the depths everything is dark and with that I mean really dark what most players will notice is a faint orange glow which turns out is not Donald Trump's re-election but a route that emits sunlight those function as Tawas that also emit light permanently Illuminating a part of your deaths there are more Roots than Overworld towers and it took me an embarrassing amount of time to notice that under each Shrine is a root what makes the death so great is the subversion of exploration in tears of the Kingdom's Overworld as well as in breath of the wild fallout Fallout New Vegas and many other open World Games exploration is cognitive driven you see a landmark from a distance and wonder what it is so you explore this was already pretty genius and followed 3 and breath of the wild because it makes exploring a task the player gives to themselves motivated by their own curiosity in other games games with question markers this works sub-optimal because exploration is made a core The Depths are worth this by removing all cognitive options without lighting the roots and those are not always visible sometimes they are behind a giant rock or mount with the oppressive atmosphere and the corruption mechanic that removes one Health semi-permanently unless link gets sunlight the deaths are by far more dangerous and omit a sense of foreboding Doom your motivation thus changes from seeing a distant landmark and being curious to being able to see anything at all this is no free spirit exploration but needful survival the crown also has corruption which makes evoking something dangerous you want to make this area safe and Survive by getting seal Knight which you need for your batteries I touched on this before but wanted to elaborate on this it is a Ash the frame drops significantly in the depths and everything has the same texture more runes or diverse terrain would have worked wonders instead you could just a dark open space with very little to find for the last point I want to show how much Nintendo ships out on you doing the main story you find sages and solve the quest each one gets a cutscene and it's always the same yes I am your ancestor from a Time long past yes I am your ancestor from a Time long ago indeed I am your ancestor from a Time long past yes your ancestor from a time-long past source of those foul rocks he sent that monster to keep you from obtaining the stone you just found my secret Stone thank you that monster you defeated the source of that intense blizzard it was summoned by The Demon King he thought he could stop you from obtaining the stone you just found my secret star you bested the monster that solidar domain but it was a servant of a greater evil The Demon King his true purpose was to prevent you from obtaining the stone that you just found my secret still The Demon King is responsible for sending the monster that caused the sand shroud but the monster's true purpose was to prevent you from obtaining that stone my secret Stone secret Stone Demon King so this is the first you've heard of any of this then listen carefully to what I have to say let me tell you about the imprisoning war and the duty of all people Demon King secret Stone this is a lot to learn all of a sudden I know but listen while I tell you what happened in the past a tale of the imprisoning war and the mission our people must accomplish that stone that you are wearing yes and it is important you know more about the stone and the Demon King so listen closely to what I have to say it concerns the imprisoning war and the destiny of our people Demon King secret Stone don't worry you will understand soon enough let me tell you of events in our distant past the events that shaped our people's Destiny during the imprisoning war the rest of us survived and it wasn't long after that climactic battle that someone came to see me her visit would set the Goron's Duty in stone the sage of time one of the six Sages the magic restraining The Demon King will be undone he will return when that time comes a noble swordsman named link will oppose him but link will need help lend him your power your fire the Goron's Mastery of Fire in that moment the duty of the Goron people was clear another of the six ages the sage of time came to visit me and her request would Define the Rito's mission in the future another of the six ages the sage of time the destiny of any of so clear another of the six sages the sage of time came to visit me and she set the Gerudo on our destined path the magic restraining The Demon King will eventually be undone when that time comes you must help link he is a noble swordsman who will fight that monster The Demon King will return the magic binding him will be undone when that time comes a noble swordsman named link will oppose him the magic restraining The Demon King will eventually be undone when that happens a noble swordsman named link will oppose him we must help lend him your power he will need the Zora's control over water so please he will need your assistance lend him your power the garuda's control of lightning but link will only succeed with the Rito's help summon the wins and support this hero it was clear what part burrito would play the course of the Zora's future was clear path of the Gerudo was clear at that moment they copied and pasted the same dialogue four times there is so little dialogue doing the main story and they still cut Corners I don't know how someone can defend this Nintendo did a good job with breath of the wild and then they did almost nothing for tears of the Kingdom even worse they did not improve on the objective flaws on breath of the wild tales of the kingdom is not a bad game it's just embarrassing farewell
Channel: Dreamlord
Views: 807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Analysis, Videogame, Game, Critique, Rpg, Gaming, Melee, Boss, Bosses, Combat, tactical analysis, meaning of analysis, Problems, Enemies, Enemy, Bossfight, Game Theory, Apokalypse, JRPG, Writing, Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, Tears, of, the, Kingdom, Switch, Perfomance, Embarrassing, Nintendo, Exploration, Reward, Bokoblins, Weapon, Tempel, Dungeon, Link, Ganon, Gerudo, Zora, Purah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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