Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - THE FINAL SHRINE!

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shut up hello everyone and hello YouTube uh this is from a live stream we are about to hit up the final Shrine I figured out that there's only spoilers one 52 shrines we could have been 160 but I mean it is what it is all right so I'm gonna be recording this separately and we are ready to see what happens we're at the fall Shrine in the Legends of autism Kingdom add to where my tears to the kingdom shirt with the sleeve the raro arm sleeve and um this stream I guess this stream got lucky because uh himself graced us with his presence during the stream uh Mr Chris Hackney uh who voices of the king so let's get this show on the road all right Let's do let's do it do a final strategy and I already know where it is thanks to the light Roots all right so we gotta put on this the best drip and then just in case whatever it is actually no I'll keep myself so the follow Shrine is here thanks to the light root right so we're gonna go ahead and go to Skyview Tower here oh oh it's gonna be good it's gonna be grand I hope it I there has to be a prize there will be prizes right just like um with the original breath of the wild I'm just really excited to see what the prize is in this one let me just shut up let me just shut up let me just shut up all right let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it oh look at that beautiful sunset with Hyrule Castle all right now let's play the game and the shrine is that away I've done all the shrine quests so it's not gonna be one of those hidden hey bring the gem to the thing whatever so let's do it oh boy let's go excellent yeah that's fine let's go I've man like just a side note sidebar 160 is a nice round number and we could have had it filled out of the hearts but I do believe that they're going to be saving something like that for DLC um I still haven't got all the batteries yet I got uh obviously full Samurai wheel Full Hearts as it's gonna be once I get this last one and I that's what I'm gonna work on next the battery right so there's still plenty of juices to come to play and I'm pretty sure I'm clocking in close to like 150 hours uh but we'll have to wait and see uh what else what other dangers I can get myself into oh that is okay it is a crossed the The Gorge all right you know I could have probably dropped down from a yeah wow I promise I am I'm a good gamer I'm a good gamer I'm a God gamer I just keep forgetting that the sky has shrines all right let's get it let's get let's get it uh oh it's one of the high ones too I still got to get all the sages Wheels as well unbearable code please no uh what happened all right we're directly above it ish it should be here and it should be pinging it should be pinging because I did all the shrine quests right I'm making sure uh Adventure log yeah Shrine Quest complete so it should be pinging but it's not why is it not pinging oh because I probably don't have it set up oh I'm dumb all right hold on all right there you go it's still not pinging why isn't it pinging there oh there it goes there it goes there it goes has to be in a cave and that looks like all right so it's definitely in a cave that's I I've been there but it's not good all right down below where's the cave yeah where's the cave all right all right I'm gonna have to do the bullfrog thing again hold on uh Adventure like actually uh compendium right here Perfect all right uh track all right I literally just went in circles you know what all right this will help me out my motorcycle will be wait where is my motorcycle mobile all right the anticipation is getting me knowing that there's a shrine nearby it's lower all right maybe I access it from the Gorge oh yes yes yes yes yes yes all right there it is is that it that's it all right take me to your leader is that the cave that's the cape there it is it's there that's it it's it it's that it's there all right your your your your job is your job is over thanks thank you for your help all right that has to be it yeah this has to be it all right uh we're in it to win a team discovery the final Shrine is Tana gar Canyon West Cave all right oh Zone architecture indeed indeed we are here oh wow the flower Shrine had to plea in a place like this Matt yo you don't want none uh oh yeah the font Shrine had to be a place like this all right ow actually all right yeah you got this minor I believe all right remember you can't you're too tall all right gotta dismount all right you know boo you're up here we are Matt Rock okay the shrine is here I can smell it this had to be the final Shrine where all the Zone stuff is this had to be it oh man oh you know you got this oh the anticipation is killing me kite shield no thanks uh you know what's on cooldown mineral [Music] all right that did nothing thanks all right mineral let's get it ah that doesn't work all right you know but you're back in it I'm putting you in all right uh okay what an area to explore it's like it's Destiny coasting into the arms of Destiny man I don't need your church just all right it's in there I can feel it you know boo you know you know it's time for that come here in it all right it's in there I can wait maybe all right now it's definitely in that direction yeah I can feel it right you know boo this is your moment to shine all right damn this goes deep this goes really deep all right oh you know all right here we go the final Shrine surrounded by zonai owls oh this has to be something special this has to be so like yo they knew they knew ladies and gentlemen the final Shrine of the HMK playthrough the Inuit orac shrine let's do it [Music] thanks all right and before the comments but you only have 102 Clorox all right it's not it's not a blessing so the final challenge I was this the right role okay uh the right rule uh this looks simple enough roll the ball down ah proceed ah let's see now we got two and why thank you hey okay who's kind of going off the rails a little bit we're like hey all right go go go go all right all right all right all right all right yo can we build a snowman with that all right three of differentiating sizes and uh whoa [Music] [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] you know there's no way [Music] [Laughter] ah tears of the Kingdom everybody oh boy I was like man like what if I just shoot something at it all right the final shrine completed oh boy we're seeing this for the last time so we're letting it play out yeah I'm definitely gonna have to like you know speed up what I was attempting to do with that laughs so I wonder if the final Shrine thing will activate if I go to the uh statue the hylia Statue or after this because uh technically all like since I complete all destroys all of the like corruption from Gloom should be like gone from my being all right there we go this is the final light of blessing oh wait there we go make your way to the Temple of time there you shall find a super reward for efforts oh it's in the Temple of Time not in the um okay oh the shrine Explorer cyclists but first we're gonna turn this we're gonna turn this stuff in and then we're gonna go to the Temple of Time but there is a highly statue in the temple of time but I'm like yeah Temple of time we're going to the temple of time we're going to the temple time first well enough hanky-panky all right let's do it it's time the Temple of Time and they meant the the sky Temple of Time right all right we'll just go this one all right I am excited I got I gotta say I gotta say I have I I I have an idea of what it could be and I hope it's not that uh but let's let's let's let's see it's gonna be great it's gonna be grand uh a suitable reward at night though all right that night was that night seems cool a suitable reward from my efforts will my efforts be in vain you know what nah nah nah nah I'm sorry I'm being extra for this but enough I'm sorry oh boy [Music] now this is something suitable for my reward my eternal reward all right let's see all shrines completed in tears of the Kingdom let's do this oh yes the Temple of Time yeah homies can take uh a suitable award let's see what the reward is here we are Temple of time I'm here wait do I gotta go to the top is that the top is that the top of the Temple of Time all right because we can make that happen all right oh dang all right so I already did this so I already like did the like little side quest uh it was like oh you know to learn the history about the Temple of Time so are you gonna give me my prize yeah two lives are like hey now let's see oh no what it's not here huh maze deeper into the regular Temple of Time it's fun it's anticipation [Music] all right so I guess we have to go like deeper into the Sanctum Where it All Began yo the hype is like ah I'm ready I'm Ready Freddy oh and the bell's ringing 7am oh there's a chest one chest just one chest all right is that the prize uh but perfect statue right here and I get my final heart container all right this should Purify Me completely now since you know [Music] but it's fine we started the we started the beginning of the game with a full line of hearts and a full stamina wool all right you have sufficient power like I don't know I don't know about all that oh Sage's will all right so let me still gotta do that all right this is the final treasure is this it all right let's see what it is [Music] ancient Heroes aspect this item is set to contain the spirit of a hero who once saved Hyrule the heroes Oro will envelop the wearer what okay hold on the heroes aspect boar is like the Triforce owl dragon boar uh all right all right all right what whoa who what I have so many questions but red hair and a tail is this they I don't have the picture on me I don't have the picture on me I don't have the picture on me wait no no no no no no no no what what is no no no oh the hero from 10 000 years ago was a zonai and had a tail oh what this yeah this is definitely a new timeline this is definitely a new time a whole home the here ancient Heroes aspect the item to say contained the spirit of a hero who once saved Hyrule the heroes or will involved the wielder bro what hello I was not expecting that whatsoever is sir telling me a hero link was once upon a time a zonai and I have a tail and everything [Music] will people recognize me oh oh wait what dialogue how amusing you almost looks like the figure depicted on the screen so during the calami 10 000 years ago this guy saved Hyrule and wielded the master sword so was he a link the Spear of the Euro came from a different Source oh wait all right hello there's yo where's that zonai guy at where's Tara at [Music] oh yo I gotta say Nintendo one thing that's crazy about this is Nintendo really put this in the game to shut everybody up that said what if Ganondorf was a hero from the red hair and that bro [Music] another game DLC or another game DLC are another game not DLC or another game [Music] foreign [Music] I'm shocked ancient Heroes aspect I am honestly shocked because this is like oh I can only wear that no way so I can only wear that does it do anything for me does it make me stronger what is it does it do anything all right let's try to hear that one saves our roll to her as horrible so the Zone armor is definitely based on what he wore and that's why it's red because red hair Nintendo can't just drop something like this in the game as a reward for all the shrines and just be radio silent no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no the DLC has to like talk about this no no yeah this is this is definitely no this is not this completes it that this is definitely a new timeline this is definitely a new timeline and I all right I already got a video set on like you know talk about this like a new timeline and this just adds to it this just adds to it who are you imagine imagine it takes place asked and you play as this character in order to give context to router to like the Zone ain't also so so after mineral passed and after raru was killed by like afterwards sacrifice his life to seal Ganondorf another zonai descended from the Heavens to assist against the great Calamity ten thousand years before breath of the world come on huh can I enhance this oh hey Knox guts and zonite um okay looks like some hinoxes are gonna get the business yo but where the okay all right where's the where's the tunic of the wild though I I where's the tunic of the wild I still don't have those oh I need I'm gonna beat the game later with this this is gonna be so funny to wear when I beat the game all right guys thank y'all so much for coming out thank you so much for joining me we have gotten all the shrines and wow until next stream until the next video this has been HMK and I'll check guys later [Music] no no no no no
Channel: HMK
Views: 7,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tears of the kingdom, zelda, zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom shrine of light, final shrine of light, tears of the kingdom final shrine, hmk, HMK tears of the Kingdom, Ancient Hero's Aspect, tears of the kingdom gameplay, all shrines completed tears of the kingdom, all 152 shrines tears of the kingdom reward, all 152 shrines reward reaction, nintendo, nintendo switch, zonai, master sword, Zonai Link, ancient hero's aspect reaction
Id: fYST6vriW0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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