ZELDA: Tears of the Kingdom is EVERYTHING we WANTED | Nontendo Podcast #53

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we are one hour late but one week only oh oh yeah oh yeah I forgot did anybody even catch on some people in chat were a little numerical issue okay because we are live right now if you're listening pre-recorded pre after the fact uh we are live as we record this and we're an hour late it's 2 p.m we usually start at 1pm and I'll talk about that but we're also a week early this is episode 53 and we haven't done episode 52 yet uh reason beings that's recorded and it was a fun celebration of our one year and it was supposed to be today but there is so much Zelda hype Bob and I are both playing through tears of the Kingdom right now and there's a lot a lot a lot we want to talk about and we didn't want to wait a week so yeah a little wacky we're doing episode 53 technically first but it's our show so we did a whole big Extravaganza for 52. so we didn't we didn't want to ruin it by calling this yes it's also uh we had to push it back because it's zelder time as I say zaldis we both have a fun little wacky ways of saying Zelda in fact I don't even say Zelda right at the best of times it's pronounced Mario anyway it's pronounced Mario uh but episode 52 is a fun celebration that's isolated there was nothing topical about it it was just a fun happy time that you guys are gonna love so you'll see that next week let's talk about zeldor also hello chat it's nice to be there as a chat here yeah so I should be live you haven't been alive since the Mario movie and uh now we get to talk about the zeldor we have those big time news that we can't pre-record speak time Big Time there's so much that I want to talk about honestly we could just gush about the game for it for three hours but there's also a bunch of other dot points and cool things happening around the game that I want to talk about uh right right right right right right how much have you played I want to say I've played about 10 hours which is the surface it's scratching the surface of a Zelda game but uh it that's like a long time to play any game I think that's enough that's enough for a first impressions uh when I when I released my first impressions video on my YouTube channel I had played about 10 hours so you're at that point now and I'm happy I'm very excited to hear your first impressions uh so the game takes like 50 or 60 hours average I think upwards of 90 if you want to like for me I'm gonna be closer to 90. I know with breath of the wild it took me 80 until I felt like okay I've done enough I can finish this uh this game is like three times the size of that game so I might need to rain myself in just to see the story I think I'm gonna do a similar thing to what I did in breath of the wild I think I'm gonna try to finish it in shorter than average time just because I just I I like to laser focus do me a favor just do the main story points and and wrap it up you can probably finish the game in 30 hours if you do that I heard uh voice critical talking about how he beat it in like 15 or 20 hours and yeah yeah he brute forced it and he did basically what I did in breath of the wild he just he said when he was towards the end he just didn't want to go backwards and he was getting one-shotted he just died a million times but he was just so you know yeah but if you want to punish it I mean that's kind of what I did you watched me fighting that one boss that I definitely should not have been fighting I have four Hearts still I still have the hearts I've started I believe entirely you can do it I believe in you I just I want you to at least see the story Beats at least see the story beats I don't care about the story I don't care then why are you playing all right okay there's so much story there's so much lore and so much story there is a lot more lore in this than any other Zelda and I apparently I haven't played and I have played uh I've done six uh eight hour streams and probably played at least 10 hours off air so do math on it but uh my my path to progression is very much I'm gonna get distracted by everything on the way so I've only done two of the phenomena's phenomenons Phenom phenomenes how do you say it the the uh yes yeah I've done two of those I just got to uh Goran City uh no spoilers until we until we say there is spoilers but that's how far I am in the story doesn't seem like far for the amount of time I've played but I also have like completed a whole ring of stamina I have like maybe 12 Hearts already I'm like going ham on on all the side stuff so that's where we're all at now do you want to gush about the game first yeah or do you want to talk about like how it sold 10 million copies first oh well now you just said that so now we gotta do that you want to do that and then we'll gush about the game and then I want to complain about something okay sure okay so the game has and this is and this is and I pulled this uh snippet from another article that I've actually already closed and lost so I can't credit them but tears of the Kingdom sales should be a wake-up call for gaming and I 100 agree Nintendo is out here doing their own thing taking five years to finish a game you have other Studios pulling the rep caught on games if they're not finished in six months or pushing things out before they're ready the games fail the game's bomb rest in peace OverWatch 2 uh Halo infinite infinitely terrible right and then you have Zelda taking five years and selling 10 million copies in three days breath of the wild sold 30 million copies total in its lifetime and this already has 10 million this game is insane it's because of the massive audience that breath of the wild created and also because was uh nobody had a switch when the breath of the wild came out and definitely nobody had a Wii U and people just trickled in buying breath of the wild as they trickled in buying a switch so now everybody's got a switch one thing 20 or 130 million people have switches so well uh half of those are us with our collections of switches though oh yeah I have 10. there's some overlap so uh now there's a lot more people with switches so now there's a lot more people that are capable of buying this game and that's why it's sold so much has it can it can't be common for a sequel to outsell the original right I can't think of many situations I mean that happens it's all the time yeah because the first game sets the install base the first the first game gets all the hype around it and then again I can't think of like come out as well I'm not really counting like let's say a game released in the 90s and then it gets a sequel in like the 2000s I just mean like directly after a few years after I can think of offhand like maybe Halo 2 probably did that maybe Gears of War 2 games like that Resident Evil 2. uh okay okay Metal Gear Solid too usually the good ones some point Moving on but it's still cool to see a third of the install base from the first game a third of the player base from the first game sorry already having bought this game in the first three days I can't wait to see what this trajects uh something that uh uh I I think I'm skipping ahead a week here because I'm not actually I don't want to ruin it but something that we did talk about in episode 52 I'm pretty sure is that the switch has sold seven games over 20 million copies um this will obviously be the eighth game to add into that for as far as first party games go Playstation still hasn't even sold one game let's hit 20 million I think I think it was God of War Ragnarok maybe possibly or or the first God of War sold 19.5 or it was Spider-Man sold 19 points something something like that but that none of them have broke 20 million and we have Nintendo breaking seven and now eight over 20 million I'm gonna throw Tis the kingdom in here Mario Kart Deluxe 8 has sold over 50 million yeah Mario Kart is an insane phenomenon this is I mean Nintendo are out here doing something that is unprecedented and it's it's wild that public conception I think as far far as like among hardcore Gamers or the general public would assume that switch is the underdog console it's the underperforming Nintendo's doing their best but I have a PlayStation I'm playing last of us I'm playing the real games I don't play baby kid games yeah while Nintendo is out here on the back of a failed console hitting record numbers yeah they know insane they know what they're doing because they're spending many many many years thinking just a phenomenal game they're putting everything into the the franchises that make them the most money whereas other companies like we're looking at Activision and Ubisoft and those guys are just fart now games every year because they're cash cows when if they spend a little more time on them they might make a little more money on the other on the other side I mean they're all a dime a dozen all of these cash cows all these games that come out and I have fun with some of them sure because some of the formulas I get for instance repeated are still fun the third time I mean I had fun with Assassin's Creed Valhalla not enough fun to finish it I definitely got bored and trailed off I was really suffering because of that and 100 they just I think released a statement that they're putting everything into the next Assassin's Creed because of how bad they're doing they're really banking on the next Assassin's Creed making the money like all the other assassins they just they did that recently when they were going to find out people are just gonna burn out on Assassins I don't want to talk about UV stuff too much but they kind of when they when they released Origins they kind of did that where they were like we're gonna go back to Assassin's Creed I'm gonna take some time we're going to skip the yearly release we're going to spend two or three years on it and Origins came out and it was sick and then they started doing yearly freaking releases again yeah with Origins and odyssey and and Valhalla and they will get rinse and repeat again um this is just what happens when you slow down and you take time and another cool thing about Nintendo and I had this thought is it's because they have no one to answer to it's the same company it's still Miyamoto is still involved with like Mario and still involved in Zelda it's the same people that created these games and these IPS back in the 90s which is in the late 80s which is insane but you don't you don't have any other company out here that is ran from from the top to the to the hardware to the software to having a say in every element by the same people that created and innovated back in the 80s and 90s you just don't have that anymore and as much as we all complain about how behind they are with their online infrastructure using a mobile app and them not under because they're so old and they're so backwards in their thinking with a lot of things on the other hand because we have these wonderful old farts so I love so much in control of this company we have situations like this where we get Zelda so honestly All Is Forgiven I don't even I don't care anymore that Nintendo is outdated that they have behind ways of thinking about influences about the online infrastructure because I care I care about that I don't care anymore we can still care about that the greatest game of all time and it's because that they are just so set in their ways where they're gonna take their time and they're gonna do their thing and they're gonna be Nintendo fine be Nintendo screw us through the player base we don't matter just keep making games like this and they're making these games for us the player base they do have investors they need to be a little crazy but the investors they just they just don't care I've listened to those investor calls and the investors are ruthless that they'll be like Nintendo why did you do this why why did you make a handheld blah blah blah and they're like just trust us and if you don't take your money back we don't care we're going to be fine on our own they really they've been around for over a hundred years and they've got money in the bank so they put a lot of uh stake on these risks that it works and well it works you know but it works it works I would say it works almost every time when they take that time on something Wednesday no you said you said when they take risks it works every time which is not true when they take their time on something sure it works in the switch era almost every risk they've taken is paid off because the switch was a big risk and it paid off true and there's we can we can say other things were risks like uh it's it paid off when they released a [ __ ] Pokemon game every year and those are just going those are just not great but they're making a lot of money that's a Pokemon company that's not a part of this conversation no it is part of the conversation and look at how garbage Pokemon was oh absolutely garbage someone said to me when I was playing Zelda they were like this makes Pokemon uh put Pokemon what are they called scarlet and violet look worse and I was like no no it doesn't they look it works on release isn't that crazy that we forget the name of Pokemon I always want to say sword and shield uh someone said in chat uh what isn't right most people from the 80s have moved on I I understand that most people developing the game making the game probably running you know out of the studios I'm not in their 70s and 80s they're probably yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of old people that work in Nintendo but the people that are yeah high up that are directing that are producing that have to say that that are the kind of like directing the game and producing the game and they want the game to be a certain way that's for the most part all the same people all right well some of the same people if they weren't there in the 80s they're still old people that work at Nintendo a lot of the high ups are really a little bit out of touch and as the games industry is getting more mainstream they're starting to figure it out but they're Nintendo is the slowest out of all the companies to figure stuff out but sometimes being set in their old ways really pays off and I think this is one of those cases with yeah with Zelda whatever the new game is called what is it tears the kingdom uh something like that sword and shield Zelda sword and shield well it kind of works um so yeah sold 10 million do you want to talk about the game that's why we're here who wants to go first so I haven't I've been trying to avoid talking to you about it because I wanted to talk on the podcast we've talked about a little about it we've talked about it a decent amount I think it went through or or we played together some nights and play Valerian and we and it just comes out it's just kind of diary is out yeah I think that this is one of the greatest games of all time which is crazy because first of all everybody thinks I hate Zelda I don't know if you guys can hear me I am slow clapping right now baby where you want to put on the dealers right now I've only played 10 hours of it so I feel like I can't put it on the two because that's more than you played all the other games you put on the tail list so breath of the wild no I play breath of the wild more bro actually [ __ ] you I played Ocarina uh the top game in the tier list is breath of the wild and this game is better than breath of the wild so it has to go above that so it has to go number one on the tier list I was gonna say whenever I do make a video I I this is a little bit of a spoiler I guess but who cares we're here now we're here early I'm gonna make a tear above whatever the top tier was I just did a tail list I think my top was probably asked yeah s s s uh it's it's above it's above everything like I'm not moving anything down because breath of the wild hasn't all of a sudden become an a it's still an S tier game this game is just better than I do honestly think it is the greatest game ever made yeah I yes it so breath of the wild did a lot of things like pretty much near perfect that was already one of the greatest games of all time yeah and somehow like like leading up to three single element in this game is improved yeah leading up to this game we kept saying it's it looks like it's gonna be more of the same it's gonna be breath of the wild but with stuff and we weren't like rum but we but we had no idea what the scope yeah I'm shocked I I never would have expected it to be anywhere near as different as it is so it's it's like they took breath of the Wild stripped it to only its bones and then redid everything it's yeah incredible what they were able to to do it and the mechanics that they added make you play the game in a completely different way that is better than what we already had yes and and people saying that they they use the same map and stuff I listen I didn't explore that much of breath of the wild but I don't recognize a single thing in this game my my pants uh my pants are getting tight listening to you talk right now keep going buddy yourself that's all I got that's all right every element is improved upon itself even down to little things like I hate to start my my gushing story with this but it's the first thing that came to my head but every little thing has improved even if you go to a stable now like it's such a simple thing but now Stables will give you points every time you use them to and and you can build those up and get rewards at the stable and I know that's such a little thing but it's like Nintendo we're really trying to say hey this was in the last game but how can we do it better and there's a bunch of other things that happen at Staples now too there's so many side quests at them I end up stopping at stables for like an hour or two because everyone almost everyone has a well that you can go down and explore they often have a bunch of side missions and characters to meet around them it's a it's a focal point there's even a whole ongoing Mission about going to stables and finding out new stories and gossip from the area which makes you want to hit every stable there's a reason to go to everyone and I literally spend hours at at each stable let alone like the rest of the game it is such a distraction game yeah this game's really bad at uh getting distracted yeah yeah you have the big four things to do but yeah on the way there there's a million like I'm trying to Mainline the story and there's a million things distracting that you end up doing I'm not even trying to Mainline so I'm lost in the source my guy I'm drunk on this I'm high on it last night I played for eight hours on stream and my goal was to get from Zora City where I started to Goran City I didn't make it six hours in I looked at the map I was only halfway and I had done so much on the way there was a point where I was trying to get to uh one of the Laboratories to get an item that I won't ruin and we saw the laboratory it was maybe a 10 second walk ahead of me but there was something on the way that distracted me and from that point I ended up so far away from the laboratory showing multiple other things that I had to end up teleporting back just to get to the laboratory it's it is nuts dude every time I think I finally got somewhere I am I I've left to do something else yeah I thought I was doing one of the main four things that you have to do and I turned out I was nowhere near it I was like wait I'm in this giant Temple thing and I'm not even close to the point that I was trying to walk to and then I got stuck doing that for like three hours and then I didn't want to go back yeah there's main missions there's side quests there's side Adventures I think they call them which are like greater than a side quest then there's just random things to find around the world one of the craziest things to me is this whole time leading up to launch we were so focused on the sky Nintendo were like we're going up into the sky there's going to be things up there and I kept saying wow I hope it's big I hope it's not just floating platforms with a chest on it kind of like Wind Waker or Skyward Sword I hope there's like things to do up there like and they never once talked about the entire underworld you know they just talked about what going in the sky we need more time for the sky right now I'm up in the sky playing the game and I gotta be honest the sky isn't as big or as fleshed out as I thought it was going to be in my head initially because in my head initially I had no idea there'd be anything else so I thought the sky has to be completely full with new things it's not there's a lot to do up there but you can't really spend you know too much time up there it is kind of puzzles and floating platforms yeah but that's what I like about it is that I like to figure out how to Traverse through I know like it and I'm not upset that it's not too expensive because we literally got an entire other Hyrule which is way more expensive than I thought the sky would even be just underground and they never talked about it it's like a bonus Hyrule it is insane yeah there's three levels there's there's three levels and you unlock shrines kind of on all of them so you can teleport from the underworld to the sky world you could be doing something in the sky and then fall down to the ground and can we talk about I know the FPS struggles at times if you hit the towns especially kakarika it becomes a little bit of a slide you turn out all you pull out Ultra hand and it's it's rough uh yeah it does get I'm not gonna let it does get rough at times for the most part it's completely smooth but it does get rough at times but can we talk about how incredible it is that you can be in the sky and you can see so clearly the entire map of Hyrule below you and then just seamlessly jump down and fall into the world load into the world seamlessly no you don't see any like load frames no I I don't get any FPS issues it looks clear and crisp while I'm streaming it a lot of people are asking me and I'm not even kidding new people come in and they're like is he emulating the game what's he playing on and then when I'm like I'm just playing on switch they're like wow it looks so good it actually does for a switch Game Crazy impressive yeah I mean it's off of the bones of a six seven year old games yeah so it's insane that they're able to do what they're able to do they did make a lot of drastic graphical improvements like the clouds are different and stuff digital Foundry has a great video on what they did apparently there was a patch day one that added some sort of AMD like feature that drastically improved the frame rate so what you see now is kind of the best you're gonna get out of switch Hardware it makes it so that no other company no other developers have any excuse when they're developing yeah you can absolutely make it work on on switch Hardware the Pokemon company for sure has absolutely no excuse but all that being said the switch Hardware is still holding back this game I think that oh yeah it's it's incredible that you can Traverse the whole land seamlessly and load times are completely non-existent it just kind of loads in front of your face but pulling out the ultra hand and having frame rate dipped to like one frame a second is kind of rough and if we had some more powerful Hardware that would be a little bit improved also I wanted to bring Hannah in but I didn't tell her right before this she uh started playing it in portable mode which is incredible that she's even playing the game to begin with that it must mean that that surprised me I wish Kim was playing so Hannah started playing on her uh launch switch in portable mode and she goes this game looks like [ __ ] what's wrong because yeah well the game loads first of all it's 720p no matter what switch you're gonna play it on uh the play in portable mode and you're loaded in you got all this like beautiful like golden grass around you but on a 720p little screen that's gonna be really sharp and Jagged and a little gross looking um again I think they did a phenomenal job and I think the game looks beautiful especially when you're playing it docked and I haven't really played it too much portable on my OLED but I the next switch is gonna make this game look a lot better yeah I wish that was a pro um yeah that would really help a couple things one get that goal in our lead what are you doing she could just come get this one no true treat the girl right go get her an outlet she's got it man playing on a launch switch and we are two of the steps which shows on YouTube I gave her my uh switch light and then she gave it back yeah because it sucks no it doesn't suck it's just it's not as good uh I will say I'm play I've played a ton portably on the OLED I think it looks very nice on the OLED I think it's the nicest looking way to play it actually monitor the OLED still 720p that's why I planted on my 4K TV and yes the reason why the switch is so good is because it's just it's condensed at 720p you're not blowing it up too much the OLED looks fantastic the lines look clear and crisp honestly it looks incredible I think it looks amazing in a handheld I will say that uh you spoke about the yellow Autumn visuals for some reason I find the beginning area specifically but a lot of these Sky areas they take a bigger hit resolution wise something must happen when you're up there maybe rendering in the down below as well so you can see I don't know I find it does crush it a little bit and the uppies looks and runs a little worse than anywhere else which is a shame do you mean the frame rate uh the resolution almost kind of gets crushed I feel and it just kind of looks a little bit more uh it could it could have a listing e it could have a dynamic uh resolution I'm not sure about that but I I I think that it's good the grass looks too sharp I think that I literally just think that's what it is I like I like the grass on the actual field it's a Hyrule but up in the uppies I love the colors I just think it looks a little more crushed but still great I mean breath of the wild had a horrible color contrast on the switch you had to like really mess with it when you're capturing footage and stuff to make it look good and and even you have talked about playing it through an emulator before am I outing You by saying that you've talked about playing breath of the wild breath of the wild that's crowd control it has to be emulated yeah so that looks better than it does on the switch because it's in 4k it's in 4k and there's color differences it looks a lot more vibrant and stuff yeah yeah well when you play one I want to say that tears of the Kingdom looks more vibrant than breath of the wild ever did on switch Hardware so they fixed a lot one million percent yeah so when you play on emulator uh they usually come with pre-built uh Clarity mods that make it look a lot better and they boost it up which breath of the wild sorely needed I know you might have this image in your mind of a beautiful green Lush game but if you actually go and look at it it's a very muted game uh it kind of rode the line between cartoony cartoon bright colors and just muted uh Twilight Princess colors and I spoke about this before but whenever I used to make thumbnails for that game or gameplay for that game I'd have my editor boost up the saturation and the colors to kind of bring the game to life a little bit because it looks so dull and boring in thumbnails it wasn't colorful there's something that's technically wrong about the way the colors were yeah it did it looks not bad it looks wrong it looks a little off yeah it's it's raw it doesn't but this game fixes it this game is boosted up the colors and it looks gorgeous and I love that the uppies is a more full aesthetic with the brown and the yellows I think it's a really nice touch because it kind of gives you an extra season that we didn't really have in breath of the wild and it makes a lot of sense because everything up there is new and fresh and different and then you have the down below which also looks pretty fantastic actually it arguably the best looking part of the game I don't know I I love the way it looks down there I love the way it sounds down there with the music um have you have you taken note of the music change when you're falling down a Chasm yes well only because I uh watched that IGN video where they fell from they went to the highest part and felt oh worst part that's satisfied yeah there's a lot of different changes and stuff it's really cool oh that's so cool the music in this game is is stepped up uh I mean breath of the wild had great music but the music in this game if we can talk about that for a second has has a whole Notch up where you have the down below music the up music the Hyrule music but then you have the changes in music as you change the platforms uh epona's song has a as a few different variations in this game uh no spoilers but I met a character last night that had its own version of Epona song I'm pretty sure um I don't know if you noticed but link hums uh Zelda songs and tunes when he cooks no I did not it's so cute when uh now when Link's cooking you'll hear him go um and like just little things like that like a bunch of different Zelda songs he does this on the storms uh yeah man just so cool how they stepped it up um there's so many little things I I love about the game I think breath of the wild did it but I'm so impressed there's so many NPCs and I love when you go up to one they'll kind of comment on things that are happening around them like uh they know when it's raining they know when it's hot out and I just love that touch of like talking to an engine just talking about the weather yeah you have a specific conversation typical NPC Behavior it's so cool I was watching Jackson stream and he talked about how uh there's a lot more NPCs in this than there were in breath of the wild um and I kind of understood I understand that because breath of the wild to me felt like the great Calamity happened everything sucks you're all alone you just woke up after 100 years you got to try to figure things out so it made sense to me that there weren't a lot of like NPCs in that and now the world had a lot of time to recuperate so now you have bustling like communities and stuff yeah I think it was used as a bit of a crutch in breath of the wild right like I don't I don't know if there would have been NPCs I don't I don't think it's a it was a conscious Choice Nintendo made where they were like let's not put NPCs in as much because it's a dead world and it's like it's Calamity it was an excuse for them to not have as many can't like logically it makes sense so it's almost like it's a little dead but the world is dead but yeah you're right this time they're making a sequel you've got to fill it full and it makes sense logistically that the world is healing and that people are flourishing again and they're making new towns and they're they're trading and they're going back and forth and you're finding people everywhere and yeah there's NPCs everywhere and I swear at least a quarter of them have a have a little side quest for you they either have an actual official side quest that like logs in your book or I swear every single other one will tell you something of importance very rarely they'll tell you nothing and they'll have a fun little thing of dialogue box they'll often be like oh I was walking here the other day and I think I saw a treasure chest or I I heard there was a big monster out this way or uh or they'll be like have you ever tried mixing this and this it creates a wonderful porridge you know like there's always just something that you can gain from talking to an NPC and it's yeah it's cool I don't want to mess with that I don't I don't I'm just like I've been talking about all of them because sometimes too they won't even they won't have a mission bubble but they will literally say hey I saw someone run over there and it will even take the screen and move it over there and then it'll come back and it's not even a mission it's not logged it's just a random NPC and if you go and do it you'll probably get some reward for it or find some little mini story in the world that's easily missed because it's not apparently there but my problem is they always have a long flowery way of saying like the what their mission or the story beat that's like four dialogue spit it out you talk to him and you look for the red text and you just and you see the red and it'll say like big mountain fine treasure and it's like okay got the duck points if you miss anything in the conversation where you're like oh shoot I skipped too fast you can hit Y and bring up a whole log and that's why I've had to do it a couple times so far yeah uh because I see they're just drawing it on I'm like oh my god get to the point like let me because I think it's just a regular NPC and then I'm like now what do I do and the chat is because I play it on Twitch and the chat's like you idiot you missed it and then I have to go in the dialogue but I've done it a couple times where I think it's a regular NPC I skip through and then it brings up new Mission and I'm like oh no wait what I mostly try to skip just random NPCs but there's that one guy with the sign where you have to help him oh I put the sign up that when I first saw that I'm like oh dude I could build you a sign and then I build I build this insane Contraption to hold up the sign and then it falls and you're like what I did that was perfect I built the perfect thinking that I'm there for 20 minutes when I was supposed to be saving Princess Zelda I know I love that guy so I there's I mean you pretty much said it but if you haven't seen him in the game he's everywhere he's holding a sign up but if he lets go it falls over so you have to use whatever is around you to keep it standing up but it's always different the sign's always a different shape or a different direction or size sometimes he has a kind of a sturdy base and sometimes it's just a point that'll fall in any direction uh and it's always wacky how you have to like kind of set it up but what I love the most about it is there's no way of doing it there is literally no one way of doing it you can do it any way you want and everyone does it different I was watching a little bit of Arlo's uh First Impressions on this game and I was watching him do one that I did and sometimes I get wacky with it but this time I had a very simple way of doing it and then I saw Arlo's and he built like a giant Arch and like it was he had like a beam shooting down that was holding on from the top and I'm like that is so extra but hey if it works it works yeah no I my first one was insanely complicated and then you you finish it he's like oh thank you you helped me stand it up and then it like cuts to black and it fades back in and he he Ruins Your Design he like does this like stupid like half-assed like way to like oh yeah yeah and I'm like what I okay the very first one I did all I did was take a long two by four and I shot it in slant and it held it there and it was perfect and he's like great thank you and then he does his thing where he like does modal and I'm like all right that's definitely worse the first one I built was like an aesthetic one so that you can still see the sign and I was like dude we got it we got it nailed down and then he built his and I'm like dude Again part of Nintendo just having a bit of fun and a bit of silver well it's like it's like you were just supposed to help him hold it while he nailed it down not create the base for his son but the silly I think is the fact that when he does finally do it it's probably way worse even than what you mean yeah which I love that it's so funny um there's a lot more I could gush about it and I and I and I will and I want to but do you do you have any complaints I'm interested to hear if you have anything you don't I think I've been complaining uh the biggest complaint I have is the controls I mean they're the same as they were in uh breath of the wild but um there it's it's a little insane that there's no way to change the controls and I know that you can swap B and X stop saying that it doesn't fix anything it doesn't it feels weird yeah yeah because I we both have the same problem where we'll like and I see other people do it too you you like get into Panic like like when you're yes when you have to do something really quick uh like use the ultra hand ability and like oh no the Minecart's going away I need to very quickly I always throw the spear and then I'm like trying to run but I'm crouching and like because yeah yeah the trolls just don't feel so intuitive anymore I had the same problem in the first one I think they've streamlined it a tiny bit but I don't know what it is if it's I want to watch a kid play this because I think it might just be my old tired brain but it doesn't control there's there's standard game mechanics that aren't standard control schemes and that's what it is because we're so used to things like run and and crafts and stuff being certain buttons and they're completely different for me it's not just that that is a little wacky but I think as far as Ron jump Crouch all of that stuff I think I've got that down what I really struggle with is the menu system like when I'm In the Heat of a battle and I'm trying to like change swords but I I press Shields first and I'm like no no no not Shields and then I press the right button but turns out my bow is out and I can't change swords on my butt so it's flicking through bows now instead yeah so I'm like oh okay so I gotta get out of that now I have to press the attack button what's the attack button again okay X okay now I'll hit nope that's Shields again oh okay swords I've got swords and then I do the same thing and sometimes I'll like have that but I'll be pressing L because my brains I'm trying to fire so quickly right like I have an enemy is like a got an attack coming and I'm trying to do all of this before it hits me and now I'm hitting like the ability button too yeah part of why we throw the the our swords so much is because when you're in the ultra hand and you're moving things around you use R to move it around and then for some reason you want to do it really quickly you want to get back into it and do it quickly and you end up just hitting R before you're in the ultra hand and it messes things up so it's not I and people in the chat are already saying that you can change the controls like on the system level but it's not as easy as just changing the controls there's mechanically the buttons work differently than they do in other games like the max like pulling out weapons and and your bow I agree and combining things and and throwing throwing items and attaching them to your arrows and stuff is all wacky the way that you get to those certain menu options I kind of think though I don't I don't know if there's I mean maybe I mean I can't think of a way they could really do it too differently though I think the issue is you have bows and swords and shields and abilities and then you can attach things to your bodes and swords and shields and abilities and there's only so many buttons on a controller and ultimately I think I I would get a little confused no matter what because there is so much and I would stop forgetting so there's a lot I don't know to do and when I picked up brother the wild after not playing it for a while I kept saying there's too many buttons that you do if I if I was to try and reprogram it I wonder if you know how you press L and it brings up a wheel of all your items I think maybe what I would like a wheel of all of your abilities which is yeah something that would do it didn't do that in breath of the wild which was a very good upgrade that I like that the item wheel is a good imagine if you can hold out it freezes time it brings up that wheel and then you can hit d-pad and it switches to weapons and d-pad and it switches to bows d-pad switches to uh Shields and it's it's all in the same freeze so that when you press L and it's Shields and you get it wrong you have to go out which unfreezes the game and then quickly go back in and freeze again in a battle that gets really frustrating I think if it was all behind the one freeze menu that might be the only way I can really I would probably try and innovate and maybe change that way you just flick between every I don't I don't think it's unreasonable to want weapons to be behind a wheel like there's other games that would be nice I think the issue is you have so many weapons but I've seen that done in games before where you just there's more tabs you just flick between more tabs yeah so I don't know there might be something there either way it's it's there's a lot of stuff I think if you've never played games before you'd probably be fine playing Zelda but uh if you played a lot you you know that things could be different and that things have been different before and that things sometimes work better when they're changed a little bit like having a weapon wheel or something yeah I agree so that I see that as a it's frustrating but I don't complain about it too much because it's almost like there's so much going on I mean they did their best maybe uh my my only complaints are then they're very small because I think this game is near perfect is uh my only real complaint are the core kids that you have to take places there's so many of them and I love it I actually do love is one of my favorite things to do in the game but so many of them are way too easy like it's way too like my friends over there and you look and he's just down a hill and I'm like I can walk that like if I can walk it that's a little too easy they're showing you like what this mission is because you're gonna have to do it a lot so it's like I've done probably 20 and I would say 15 I could have just walked him in yeah I did one last time I played where I built this you know awesome car and like sat in it and drove him there and then I was like wait I could have just walked there was no yeah that's my thing if I can just walk I I don't think I don't think I need that many where I can just walk but I love the idea of you have something get it here and how are you gonna do that and there's been so many fun ones I have a clip I shared to Twitter of me literally just strapping a rocket to him and trying to blast him off and I didn't get that because it was in the sky and it was a cross Sky platforms that stuff I love uh the Sign Guy I love him every time I see him and that's that's I've done him like 20 times now um I think that's really it man I really don't have any real complaints I mean anything that that I might say hey this is this gets a little repetitive I mean there's a billion other things I could be doing so who cares yes it's optional like if you don't like the car Rock kids just don't just don't do it yeah just don't do it you don't have to do it I liked breath of the wild so much because of how you can just do whatever you want anything you do feels like you're you're progressing it feels like you're getting to the end whereas other Zelda games don't feel like that it feels like there's a set path that you should be taking and if you don't do that you're you're wasting your time at least that's how I felt uh unless you want to do side quest uh but breath of the wild it feel these these side quests feel like you're progressing you're getting more powerful to then finally save the princess Everything feels like you're powering up and in tears of the Kingdom it's that tenfold like there's so there's so much more to to distract you to get in your way but it's still I love that you're loving it it still feels like you're going towards the end goal I've never felt closer to you the fact that you have these abilities to like build [ __ ] it's just it's just a giant playground you were smart have it shut up having the like these traversal abilities like this we haven't even talked about the Ascend ability and I know I know I know and the the developers said that these were like god-like Powers they're cheat codes basically that they had during development that they were like we had fun doing it so why not give it to people it completely changes the game it it welcomes you to break it and I've never gotten to a point where I felt like I broke it but like I'm so glad you broke it makes it it makes it so much more of like a playground they uh and I set this on a stream at one point when it started to hit me there's a certain element of being a developer and making a game that when you make a game like this you need to let go of I don't I don't want to really say the word pride or um expectations I guess of people aren't gonna solve something the way you want them to like every other puzzle game I've played there's always typically one way of solving it right and if you try and like hack it do it quick it's almost I guess frustrating for the developer because it's like ah I didn't think you could do it that way damn you didn't solve it the right way but Nintendo really just had to let go of that like every puzzle I've come across there's an obvious way they've laid out or sometimes not so obvious but they've giving you the tools to do it traditionally but if you want to do it a different way why not one of the first dungeons I did there was uh like this fan and you could stick it on a thing and you could Spin and it would raise a platform and then you could hop across but it let me bring in all of my items I've been collecting so far and I had like five rockets on me so I just stuck a rocket to my shield I zipped up and I was done with it and it made that it was like like I sold it it even gave me the satisfaction of solving it but I did not do it the way that was intended there was a whole contraption that I didn't need and I love that and as a developer to look at that and be like oh cool look at the fun way he solved it that's what we wanted him to do like his own way that is such a nice uh I guess letting go of of preconceived notions of how people interact with your video game and you're right God powers like just zipping through the sky you would think that would break literally any puzzle but they're so smart in how they've designed the world in the game where it's almost like they would expect you to break it this way and if they didn't want you to break it that way it's kind of designed in a way where you can't just zip through you know what I mean they they the ceilings are really high for example you end up uh trying to look for areas where there's like overhangs that you can zip up and there's really not that many so they they purposely designed the game so that you know your your Ascend ability has has its limits like it's still feeling like you're doing crazy [ __ ] when you use it but they like it's it's not like they decided last minute let's just put the ascendability in there they designed the whole game around that yeah the entire world from the sky to book to the main to the below they had to have that thought of what if they used recall here so yeah sorry Ascent yeah we didn't even talk about recordings rewinding items yeah which is another one that breaks the game they had to design the whole game every every dungeon every cave with what if they used to send here okay Ascend is cool recall let's go to it I have found such a hacky way of using recall and I love it um you can recall something so wait let me let me reiterate this you can God Hand something Ultra hand something like uh like let's say a giant wooden platform you can leave it on the ground you can bring it up with your hand you can move it anywhere you want let's say you move it over to a cliff face that's far away from you you bring it back you put it down stand on it use Recall now it'll go up and it's almost like a floating automated platform you've created it will record back to where you held it so I've been doing a lot of platforming and sneaking into areas that I'm and cheating puzzles just by recalling things I one of my favorite times was uh there was this whole dungeon that had a Minecart Track and that you walk in there was where you had to put the ball then you go down you drop down a steep platform and the ball was down there and there was a whole Minecraft cart track that went all the way around the dungeon and all the way back up with multiple challenges and puzzles on the way to get the ball there what I did I dropped down I record the ball up I rocketed back up to the platform and I I it was holding halfway up and I just grabbed it with recall and brought it up and plopped sit in the hall and I just skipped the entire thing yeah and they're cool with that they like they want you to do that why not Zelda games I've learned that Zelda games are really good at making people serious no they're really good at making people feel smart and this game took that to a whole nother level you're so smart yeah the the whole no matter what right is you because because you're figuring stuff out with all the tools that they laid out and you're like oh my God that was awesome if you solve it the way they intended you feel smart and if you solve it the any other way you feel like you were better than them you feel like you were smarter than the game yeah so it's a win-win yeah meanwhile they were like yeah no it's cool that you do that go ahead yeah we don't we don't care we don't care we want you to otherwise they would take away everything like there's multiple shrines where you walk in and you're naked and they're like hey start from the scratch you can't you can't bring in anything try and solve this one like and they still have multiple ways of you solving it while you're there but you can't bring in all your stuff right but then there's there's every other one where you can just bring in your stuff and if you have a rocket with you you might be able to cheat the entire I've cheated so many shrines yeah I'll say that Nintendo has gotten better at this over time like they they've gotten to the point where they're cool with people playing however they want to play but there's still some cases where they're like no no you're supposed to play it like this and then they like penalize you for for trying to go too crazy like for example with Pokemon mm-hmm that's what the whole Nuzlocke conversation that we had but uh with Zelda biscuits is nuzlocking Zelda right now he is I clicked on his screen he had a giant one on his stream and he started at the beginning and he's like hey Bob I'm Bob playing uh uh if I if I die I start the whole game over I already did it once so far I wonder how he's doing um we talked about we didn't talk about that he beat the game yeah he beat it last weekend he beat it like in like three days he's like an 18-hour stream and finished it one night yeah he go he goes um right at the end stream doesn't end until I beat it and then he streamed for 18 hours because he was six a.m he was not near the end uh okay so I here's the thing stream has a big two on it right now by the way he is uh he has died twice twice I I want to talk about more elements if we can but uh let's just bring up biscuits while I talk uh I I don't think anyone can talk about every element of this game I think it's impossible to talk about it all under an hour I think a comprehensive review of this game is minimum minimum an hour we've already been going for almost an hour and I think we've scratched the surface on talking about the game I mean if you're listening to this whether it's live pre-recorded later we've probably missed so much that you're like man I hope they talk about these we're gonna be talking about this for a while there's so much I'm only 10 hours in there's so much more I I don't feel like I'm nowhere near the end but I'm trying to get there what what main ability we talked do we talk about them all God Hand Ultra hand uh Ascend recall isn't there another one you get there's a there's one you get later that I think I know I don't wanna I don't want to talk about that yeah okay so I guess oh fuse oh literally like the whole thing that you do the entire game that's yeah that's I was trying to explain to my brother because he really hates uh uh weapon degradation and I will say it is super annoying in this game but only because you get such cool fuse weapons so when I get to fuse a weapon with something and I get this really cool thing I only get like two fights with it and then it breaks and that's super annoying but you do get cool [ __ ] yeah the degradation is annoying but it does extend its life and it makes it last quite a bit um but the I where I'm at at the game now I have a lot of options that aren't decayed uh where I'm not I'm kind of throwing away decade items more often than not I think it and I'm not sure what the the logistic or the or the mechanical thinking is on making all the weapons decayed other than early on making sure that you're rotating through weapons really quickly because they've implemented the system where you can kind of to patch them up you can use them for longer by fusing so maybe they were like let's make the make the base of it uh break quicker to kind of to subvert that early on but where I'm at now I'm finding a lot of weapons that I can fuse with that uh that last a lot longer and something I'm starting to experiment with now that I'm finding a lot of fun with is initially I was just fusing like Spears to Spears and I'm like let's make a really long Spear and it's doubling its attack power cool stuff like that right now I'm really getting into almost every enemy you beat drops a specific item that has a specific amount of attack power and when you fuse that to a sword or a base or something it actually creates a cool weapon and really boosts its attack so it doesn't just attach it to the end you know how like you attach a sword to a sword it looks really weird and janky and they're like off-centered so when you attach let's say a giant Trident horn from a goblin hope whatever they're called to a sword it doesn't just attach it to the end of the sword it actually replaces the blade and now you have like a really cool looking dagger almost that's like a trident and it has a lot of attack power it has like a big boost in attack power so I'm getting into really creating these cool weapons now um and not just making like double Spears which is fun but then not as uh not as helpful so explain this to me because people keep telling me you could just fuse a weapon with another weapon or or an item and it will make it uh it'll repair it basically make it divide less that didn't have I've I've had weapons that were on the verge of breaking and I fused it and then it just broke after it was yeah so I'm actually not entirely sure myself we do have people in chat here um that could maybe help us out but yeah I did try that too I was like oh so this this weapon I fused something and it started breaking so here was my big brain I took it apart and then I tried fusing the braking pot with something else but it broke really quickly yeah I got I got that awesome I I bought I I fought that boss and he dropped something really cool because I was way under leveled for the boss so I got some awesome thing out of it and I fused it with with I think my highest powered thing that was almost breaking I fused it with that immediately broke the next time yeah so I got one use out of the cool thing that I just I just uh built yeah I'm not 100 sure I mean you're early in and mechanically I haven't messed around with this ability too much I'm kind of only now exploring with actually using items um up until now I've just been there's so you come across so much like so many swords so many I swear this was actually another tiny complaint I had I forgot I was gonna bring up but all I'm finding is decayed weapons and Opals in chests like I kind of wish I found more cool things so all I'm doing is fusing Decay things to Decay things and what do you do with Opals is that just for selling I don't know yet I don't know know and don't ruin this for me Chad I want to figure it out I don't know why this game is giving me Opals like crazy I will say that the gems if you haven't played around with this yet you get a lot of gems in general rupee sapphires whatever four also so this is all blurring together right now so if you like talk to the old guy well you know how in Resident Evil you would you attach them to uh trinkets or they're working yeah same thing if you attach these gems to uh weapons they become Elemental so like a rubius fire sapphires water um oh so that's what the f I have never actually tried an opal I'm not sure what that does but there has to be more to the opal situation because I swear to God you get Opals for everything I'm so stacked full of Opals something that's cool that I found have you found a magic wand yet no so they added a magic wand item I don't think this was in breath of the wild if you attach the gems to that they're like super powered because it's a magic wand so like the wand even do so the one on its own does nothing it's a stick but if you put a ruby on the end it now shoots like three massive Fireballs it's like a huge AOE whereas just putting a ruby on a normal thing is like a one uh and there's there's so many you can attach so many things to so many things right like I found it I found a an enemy that attached a mushroom to the end of a sword he hit me with it and he bounced me away um I've been really messing around with the uh the the the bat eyes for the Homing those are sick dude they're so helpful I have this really cool clip you know that giant construct you fought yeah I was on like a Slither of Health I was about to die he was on the Slither of health and he was doing that big Cube form where he was rolling around trying to squish me and I just couldn't hit his freaking thing and I put a an eyeball on it and I shot it and it went and it killed him and it was just the coolest like snipe you you said we fought that in two completely different ways so how did you get most Okay so there's a lot of different ways we were fighting that so this is the only boss or or this is the only thing that I thought that had a health bar yeah it's the first one that I ever fought a new boss in the same way that like a hinox or uh a start stalinox or whatever those those kind of like Talos where you you're in the world and you find like a big like beast and you kill it like it's not a boss boss it's a new like construct boss so it's not a spoiler there's a bunch of them but they're a really cool fight because they're designed in a way where you can use all of your abilities to interact with it so the way I fought it for example when it turns into a UFO when it's like up in the sky flying around and it shoots down bricks my first thought was I'm going to recall that brick stand on it go up with it and that's what I did I did that at first and then somebody in the chat then somebody in the chat said just do the ascent and I was like oh yes and that's what I saw you do and it it blew me away because at first I'm like my my brain said okay he's up there how do I get up there let's find a way but someone else's brain could be like well he's a platform now above me I'll just Ascend through him and I'll start attacking him that way but I mean there's so many I mean you could use uh like a rocket to get up there Etc um another thing I was doing is I was using the eyeballs to try and hit his thing on his back because I couldn't really get to it yeah yeah you were just spot you were just using Ultra hand to like pick apart blocks and I didn't even know you could do that I was like oh so I didn't know when I first saw him I had no idea what to do with this thing because again it's the first boss I'm fighting uh I I had no heart so he one shots me every any shot is a one shot and I'm dead uh so I saw I just started picking him apart and then I realized that he had a weak spot and then you have to pull that one you were just hitting his thing right yeah I was just going for it I was grabbing it ripping it out of him and then and I learned that from you and now that's how I do it I also have realized that uh and I think you realize this too you only have you could pull out like six or seven random blocks and it'll just kind of fall apart yeah if you do enough he'll just start to get weaker and fall apart if you just Ultra hand him apart and just touch it it immediately disconnects so you don't even have to like drag it away it's already disconnected so I was just like I don't understand what you mean by that so you know how like you grab a block and you take it away you grab a block take it away just grab it let go it doesn't even matter if it's you don't have to pull it no it's disconnected so I'm just like back oh that's that's much better yeah it's much better because he is pretty slow you can just kind of spam through it yeah I I really like those fights but just like with a hinox or anything like that I've gotten really good at it now I kind of have a rhythm and they're a little easy but uh still really fun really fun to discover and and get good at um so cool I there is so much I want to say is there anything like you know because we're coming up on an hour and there's a couple more things I wanted to talk about anything else you really want to gush about or talk about I feel like I got a yeah again I'm only 10 or so hours into the game I'm still alive we can always revisit it once we both finish the game too we're going to do another con another conversation we're gonna be talking about this for a while because I feel like right now we're still somewhat avoiding spoilers for for for listeners sake I mean yeah probably that's something we should talk about how uh this is the I've never seen anything like this before uh people really don't want to consume Zelda content they're really trying to avoid uh spoiling I think we're I think we're coming around on the other side of it now I mean we have a couple thousand people watching us right now which is nice and it's well it's obviously high for us yeah I think people are much more willing to hear discussions and reviews yeah because they're further in they might but no one wants to see playthroughs or anything they they want to experience it for themselves which I understand and I've seen that before in other games but I've never seen it on this scale usually there's people who like are interested enough to watch but not interested enough to buy it for themselves play it for themselves or maybe they don't have money now and they want to watch and they'll play it again later like in the future but this is the first time where a majority wants to get the game and wants to experience it because of how popular it is and they really don't want to have it spoiled for themselves yeah we've seen that immediately on kind of a grand scale like uh all of us streams on Twitch we've all started playing the game day one we all had pretty strong opening days people are very willing to watch the intro because more than likely they've already played through the internet well not me my well let me say my numbers were still low but they were more willing is what I'm saying so my numbers were higher than when I left the plateau and then they took another big hit um but they were higher they're more willing to watch the start and then it takes more and more of a hit the further you go in but yes in general everything is down um you know I was expecting much bigger numbers for them for the beginning especially we have some different scales here we have me you scoot for hibiscus all different levels of streaming right now um and we've all noticed like a half in our viewership and I think for me the biggest comparisons I have to draw from uh I I like to stream every release of it of a new game a day early I've done it for almost everything and everything from Bay Netta Origins to uh Pokemon I'm usually close to a thousand if not over it uh co-current viewers and and Pokemon the last Pokemon was like close to 2000 it was a huge day for me uh uh this and and another good comparison is my breath of the wild crowd control event that I did recently I streamed eight long days to over a thousand people every day and at its peak often I'm hitting 2 000 people uh this game I just broke a thousand viewers on day one and I've been sitting at about 600 to 700 for every uh stream since then great numbers and higher than my than my if I just went live to do just chatting or talking or whatever but half of what I would expect or an event like breath of the wild crowd control and probably a third what I would expect for a brand new game and a Zelda game yeah and you have an added boost because you're like known as a Zelda guy so you already yes yes even though it's lessons too yeah it's less viewers than you would have expected but it's still you know not as bad as it could be yeah like for me I'm the same way I usually get a lot more viewers I stream a game a day early especially if it's a new Nintendo game people want to know uh but I'm getting less viewers than I do just playing [ __ ] Mario maker on like a Tuesday you know so like she's wild it's very strange I think part of it is also it's super saturated everybody's playing it but I think for the most part people just don't want to watch they want to experience it for them I think that's the main thing I think saturation is a killer for smaller channels um and I and a hot goes out to them but I for me I think I'm just getting crushed by spoilers and I am and I can't stress this enough so happy about it this is my favorite game of all time what I love to have a thousand two thousand people watching me play it of course the more people the better I'm here to entertain and I put a lot of work into my stream so it would be really cool to have people enjoy them but ultimately Zelda is so important to me I was scared to stream it because I was scared chat would ruin the experience for me they've been freaking fantastic I I streamed on YouTube day one and I did have to mute the chat because chat YouTube chat sucks I say that as we're live right now we have a fantastic Community here my YouTube chat sucks I don't know why he's got a shitty Community you heard it here first for some reason yeah it was it was just full of spoilers you had a you had a it was a big strip it was a big stream people outside your audience when I say YouTube chat it's people outside of me that are finding the stream and they're coming in and just dropping a spoiler uh my actual viewers and people are obviously wonderful but I was scared to stream it because I was scared of getting spoilers and I've had had such strict rules in chat of no backseating no spoiling no asking me questions because I don't want I don't want anything to be ruined because I would hate a spoil so the fact that people are taking this so seriously that they love Zelda so much that they want to experience it for themselves that it means that much to them I and I I know this is a weird thing to say and people might not even believe me I am happy that people aren't tuning in I'm happy that people are experiencing this for themselves because I'm happy they're experiencing it for themselves too I love watching you I'm actually a big fan of ribiscus he streams during the day and I love watching him while I'm getting worked on I haven't been able to watch him for a week or two I refuse to watch him well that I think this is a very smart what he's doing now doing a Nuzlocke where he has to start he knows he had to that's such a good idea also because he already beat the game so he yeah and I can watch him now but I wasn't watching my friends play the game by the way he uh he's died four times so far and he's wearing Lucario because he's he is and this is not a joke he is a furry and he is if you go back there if you go back it's actually in his uh tags down there between English and anime he actually he has a big crush on Lucario and we love that for him yeah no we're alive I mean yeah there's we don't discriminate here actually that's a great segue uh speaking of uh things that you can make sexy when you probably shouldn't okay do you want to talk about it or was it actually made a penis wait do you want to talk about PornHub you want to talk about the penises you said to add it to the list all right so it's on my list I I said it as a joke okay we can talk about it we won't talk about it we won't talk about it I already talked about it on the other podcast can I can I I know we're running a little over time and we also have to do a live episode for patreons um which I don't know if you remembered that I don't know much time right now today I know I know can we quickly talk about Metacritic because I'm a little pissed yeah no we can that we have to that's very important okay so on Metacritic if you want to bring up that first link I put in there the game has 96 great score right I mean that is a phenomenal score it's a phenomenal score it is uh it's wrong one one point off from breath of the wild watch Breath 97 97 yeah now it's wrong now do you want to know why it's wrong Jordan why it's one point under you yeah I know I know because even though it has uh pretty much completely and entirely if you want to bring it back up I don't know what's happening yeah I was messing around something completely and entirely positive reviews in the 99s and 100s there was one and now as of today I noticed there is two 60 and 70 which if you know how statistics work even though there's only two mixed reviews and 95 positive it drags the overall percentage down taking it from what would be a 99 to literally a 96 because of initially one guy and now two now where do you get off no matter your your opinion on the game whether or not you like it how do you let your bias affect it that much that you're that you're going to be the sole reason this is when you say that like it's a review he's gotta review it based on what he thinks I understand that but you're the uh there's two now which is whatever but the only guy you're the only guy you're gonna drag it down three or four points because you had a bad time now here's the thing look his review yeah I was I was gonna say look at his reason a lot of this happens a lot on Metacritic there's people who will go completely Against the Grain just so that people like us will talk about G5 that's what they've done they've gone Against the Grain just because they want people to talk about them they gave it a 60 which even objectively even if you don't like the game where you don't have a good experience to even look at this objectively and say a six out of ten which is a failing grade mind you like this is a d d minus this is a fail he's given it a failing grade like I understand you don't like it maybe you have certain bias against it but to look at this as a reviewer objectively and give this game a fail that's extreme like I can see giving it an 80 you know on the low end because you didn't have a good time with it but you have to take yourself out of it a little bit I think to fail it but it I I was looking that his whole thing summarized essentially I think there's a if you leave a snippet that's pretty much a summary of it is that it's too much of the same his whole thing is really uh that it struggles to follow up on the Masterpiece it's too much of the same thing I was looking at some of his others he called it uh he called breath of the wild the masterpiece is that what you just said okay well yeah getting in the very beginning the follow-up to a divisive modern Masterpiece who who is divisive about breath of the Wild he's been out for six that's what I'm saying all right anything bad about breath of the Wild it struggles to cater to those who miss its roots like I don't I don't understand what you played his his whole and this is why I'm annoyed his whole argument is that it doesn't follow up to breath of the Wild correctly it fails to follow up to breath of the wild which the common senses and if you've played it for more than a few hours is that it is better than breath of the wild it adds the breath of the wild and it it one UPS breath of the wild down to its core in every little element so if all the arguments and all the standpoints to take is it doesn't follow up to the greatest Masterpiece of all time and then give it 60 but then agree or at least hint or assume that breath of the wild was a masterpiece that's what I mean like you can be annoyed that it doesn't follow up and rate it less than breath of the wild but you're going to give it a failing grade because of that I looked at some of his other reviews um I actually linked his uh page yeah I wanted to know what the other ones are uh I linked his page uh down the bottom there G finities now he they don't review a lot of stuff it seems like they review a lot of the big hits which is is good because we have some reference here I don't know where it is but he gave God War Ragnarok a hundred now I don't disagree that it's that it's a game that should be rated really high demio and 80. I we love that how is demio better than bro I don't disagree that that Ragnarok should be high but if your complaint with breath of the wild or taste of the Kingdom sorry is that it doesn't innovate or it's too much of the same or it's just DLC or whatever your argument is then that's why you're gonna fail it it doesn't follow up and then give Ragnarok which let's be real as much as everyone loves it almost everyone agrees that it feels like a PlayStation 4 game it feels like just a continuation of the last game it doesn't it adds some but I wouldn't say it completely innovates and changes the game in a way that Tis of the kingdom does in that scale to give that a hundred I mean I think that's a that's a pretty clear-cut comparison I think between sequels and you're going against your own [Music] theology at that point they just seem incredibly harsh they gave atomic heart a 50. you could also look at um and by the way if you're looking at the screen here the top score is the Metacritic score the bottom scores that confused me forever somewhere on here there's Sonic Frontiers they raided Sonic Frontiers higher than breath and tears of the Kingdom they gave they also rated Pokemon Violet in 80. yeah the game which is violet and 80. Pokemon Violet has a meta score of 72. my guy they gave Sonic Frontiers an 80. yeah so this is the only reason I'm annoyed I'm not looking at this guy or this or this uh this publisher and being like Oh you I don't I don't like your opinion it's more like where do you get off having the opinion that these games are good having the opinion that Ragnarok is a perfect game and improves on the last having the opinion that Violet had no issues you know despite the fact it was a broken game doesn't do as much as the last one it doesn't improve as much as I would like failure they gave him neon away at a 90. they're okay in my book yeah White's sick well here's the thing Bob they gave pretty much every other game a score that I would almost agree with like I almost agree with everything else they've scored they gave Persona 5 Royal 90 I mean last of us I mean Last of Us Part One what do you what do you think play along at home what do you think they gave Last of Us Part One a literal one for one carbon copy remake of the first game that didn't innovate its idea wasn't to change anything just to improve the visuals I'll let you know what they gave it 90. they gave they scored it above the 88 that Metacritic gave it overall so that wasn't that wasn't the only uh uh mix or or what do you call it that wasn't the only moderate uh that wasn't the only mixed score on metacrigue there was two there was uh G finity and then there was but why though which is it the name of a website that sounds like they're just you know being pessimistic it sounds like a troll website yeah uh I I didn't check I like that you linked their uh like like their history of what they have on Metacritic because I haven't gotten a chance to check that out um okay this seems normal let's see yeah that's normal but I also uh that there the issue with this one is they review everything so it's a little harder to scroll through but I did happen to see Sonic Frontiers from them um and I did link that in the dock as well I think Sonic Frontiers is a I'm only using it because I happen to see it while I was scrolling through and I think out of everything I saw it's the best comparison because Sonic Frontiers kind of aims to that they the developers admitted they were inspired by breath of the wild um they gave power wash simulator a solid 90. oh my God they just know games so they gave Sonic Frontiers the same score as tears of the Kingdom they think it's an equivalent experience at a 7 out of ten so Sonic has no Jank uh definitely as fleshed out of a world and exploration and fun and again I love Sonic I had a great time with it but even I would give that game a six for as much fun as I had that's beside the point Sonic Frontiers is ultimately a unique and satisfying ride through some of the best Sonic has to offer for years so to me you've rated this Sonic against other Sonics and giving it a seven fair but but again how do you give breath of the wild I'm at 70 I respect more than 60. 70 I think is at least you you see some Merit but you just really didn't like it but 60 to fail it is so frustrating um I want to also point out uh we've talked about this before how we think review websites it might help them if they review score if they review games by committee like a big website like IGN yeah if they have a committee of people do it and they put their scores together there is one website that does this and it is famitsu and they're like a there are there are huge Japanese uh magazine that has been reviewing games for many many years uh they finally released their score for breath of the wild they have four people review it and they they four of them will review it out of ten and then they add the scores together so what do you think most places should do what do you think they gave breath of the uh tears of the Kingdom oh wait did you tell me what they gave it individually just then or were you just I was saying I was saying they score it out of ten each each person there's four people each one scores it out of ten so okay then at the end they put them all together people might okay yeah a number out of 40 where do you think they gave it I think I think it's going to be a similar situation to what happens on Metacritic so I think you're going to end up somewhere at above an eight um I'm gonna say nine no do it out of 40. oh out of 40 yeah you met 40 people no no it's four people and they each rated out of 10. so the score is 40. oh oh God God my brain can't even above 30. I'm gonna guess 30 four 40. they gave it a 40 out of wow yeah that is the the this is an article by so they all gave it a perfect score Yep this is an article by Nintendo life um where am I going here uh oh no 40 out of 40 after receiving unique uh reek ratings with the four of its critics since its first issue in 1986 famitsu has only given out 28 perfect scores placing tears of the Kingdom in with some of the elites I think uh five of of those 28 games are Zelda games oh you know so they always give Zelda games I was about to really have that back and then I saw Skyward Sword had a 10. but no that's a great way I think that's very prestigious that they don't give out tens that much I yeah to go quickly I found for context uh the summary of but why those review I think it's interesting to read for the right kind of player someone who just wishes to explore and live in a gorgeously Divine fantasy setting this game will offer countless hours of enjoyment that sounds good that sounds like a 10 out of 10. however if you're like me we're not buddy your bias is about to ruin this and when you are presented with a quest to undertake you simply wish to follow that quest in a way that feels fluid and rewarding this game has some huge hurdles to overcome so he it sounds like or they sorry I'm not sure who's reviewing it sounds like they didn't like the open-ended thing we've been gushing about this whole game where you can solve anything any way you want he literally writes when I get when I'm given a quest I just wanna do that Quest I don't I want to feel free too and One Direction this guy yeah but this game gives you that this game gives you there's always a way and then there's always your way so when breath of the wild came out I struggled well when it came out it was the only game for the switch that year I struggled saying it was the best game for the switch because maybe people don't want an open-ended experience maybe they want something more linear like a Mario Odyssey because I think that that's also a phenomenal game it's just a completely different type of but doesn't does that make the game bad if it's just something you wanted yeah it makes it bad to you absolutely yeah that's fine but you're gonna review it negatively when it's a good game because it's your review you're allowed to do what you want oh no I agree 100 but I think there's a certain level of Integrity of like oh this isn't what I was looking for I'm gonna fail this game it's not my kind of game I don't like these types maybe don't review it maybe don't review it then you know what I mean like is there is there a fish let me finish my guys I'm gonna let you finish tears of the Kingdom doesn't feel like that to me like breath of the wild did where oh maybe some people won't like open-ended experiences maybe they won't like something like like tears in the Kingdom that's not the case I think that tears of the Kingdom makes it so that you will have fun in figuring it out no matter what I it's interesting that you say that you're so different on it too because I actually had a friend of mine that guy that works at aew Charlie he messaged me and he was like I watched a video you convinced me I'm getting tears of the Kingdom I hated breath of the wild and I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa I love the game but if you hated breath of the wild maybe not a good idea here's the thing I replied late and he'd already bought it and he had said I'm a huge fan of Twilight Princess Ocarina and I love the more linear puzzles um I'm intrigued by the crafting though and I quickly fell in love with it I purchased it Friday and I and uh yeah that's what I mean I think that's what he said uh I played a ton of Zelda I must admit the game actually feels like I'm playing an old school Zelda title I'm really enjoying it I I think that uh tears of the kingdom does a better job of giving you direction if you want the direction yes because because you have the spot on the map it's like go to this spot and whatever happens in between is is cool too but go to this spot and breath of the wild didn't say go to the spot it said figure out where the spots are and that's a little off-putting to some people I think this is a great place to start winding down in the summary of I I yeah I think they really took every everything that we wanted from breath of the wild and they've added it and extra and they really listened you know you see that in the crafting and the exploration and the flying I mean what's something that breath of the wild really brought out of people creativity wise people were making flying platforms with the little uh octopus sacks that you could make make float in the air right you were building things that you can now officially build in tears of the Kingdom ways of people trying to break breath of the wild and find wacky ways of getting places and shooting through the sky maybe using hacks they're like well let's just give you a rocker and you can just do it if that's how you want to play the game you can just play the game that way people were complaining about weapons breaking so I actually kind of like weapons breaking um but I think Nintendo looked at that and they were like okay then here's a way that you can extend the life of weapons or you can play around with weapons more so maybe them breaking isn't such a bad thing or doesn't happen as often um and then yeah people complaining there's no dungeons or there's no traditional Zelda elements I think they found a way there's no traditional Zelda enemas enemas there's no traditional way of really getting coffee and shoving it up your rectum and flushing yourself out and Nintendo said look coffee trade drinktrade.com here's a here's an item that gushes water stand over it and turn it on you know they have they have added everything they've added everything but they've kept everything that made breath of the wild great and I think they really innovate a breath of the wild and then took the feedback and took the way people were playing it and they made the perfect breath of the wild and I I don't know where they go from here haven't they said they said they're going to keep this format I haven't heard anything like that someone came into my chat the other day and said what do you feel about Nintendo saying they're going to keep this form out for a while I don't know if that's true that seems like not something they would say yeah I don't know I was like that they love keeping things open-ended they like to have the yeah I don't think well then in that case also they like to change things so much between releases that I don't think the next result is going to be anything like this I I think they're gonna have a really hard time topping what they already had but I think that they're gonna try to innovate in some weird wacky other way yeah we'll have to see I mean that's the thing uh Zelda I'm not even ready to have this conversation because I'm not done with tears of the Kingdom but Zelda traditionally changes every iteration this is the first time we've had more of the same but at the same time they really did find a way to make this feel completely different I I don't see a way they can go back to traditional risotto as much as we all love Twilight Princess and Ocarina well we um uh as much as we may some of us love those games I don't see a way they can go back to it because it's a huge step backwards as much as I love them I would miss this this is too good this is too this is better this is better so if they innovate it and they change it completely they've got to do something better they've got to do open a new open world maybe a new iteration and I mean we've had linear zelders where we're reborn in and we get to do new puzzles and new Dungeons and new water temples I think they just got to do that again I think they've got to reborn us into an open world but it's a new Hyrule or it's a new this or a new that um it's so hard to top because they're also like explaining the lore and stuff of the game that we've been trying to figure out for decades so like yeah and that too this feels like they're like this is like the Avengers end game they're like we didn't even really touch on that too but yeah we're finally getting this huge story with cinematics and voice acting and it's all the combination combination of it now combination we've got English is your story it is of breath of the wild we have the backstory of age of Calamity whether or not that's Canon or not at this point I don't even know but either way you've got all this story leading into the kingdom and it's so epic it's never been this Epic yeah it's gonna be so so so hard to top this the only thing I would say that could and will Top This is just looking at the future of Hardware you know we've got the next Zelda would obviously be hopefully not on the switch and they can play around with even more and they can get even crazier with the hardware of the time and and we can do things out of the scope of what we can expect right now from the switch so that's the only way I can really see this getting any better because again it's hard to imagine going to A A Different World other than the breath of the wild world but when you're able to create better visuals and create better Landscapes and have it run better maybe there is a world where they revamp and they make something really cool that looks even better and we're like oh okay this is this is better this is this is you know remember that remember that old cinematic trailer we got of a Zelda game back before Wind Waker where it looks sick yep uh maybe we actually finally get that well yeah I don't wanna speculate about how this could possibly be better because I couldn't when it's oh yeah no I'm not I couldn't even imagine this game the way that it is now but that's why it's interesting to think about because you know it will happen and how is that going to happen when this is so good yeah I mean I never imagined this game being as good as it is and I'm only 10 hours into it so so glad you love it thanks man I'm still gonna try to beeline the story though yeah I hate that I hate that that's the thing is I don't typically like games like this and that's the way that I want to play it and I'm having a good time doing it I'm having a great time it's personally for me 10 out of 10. best Zelda game ever um I don't think that's even goggles of playing it right now I think that's just fact also uh quora is new Mummy she is very hot and um oh yeah yeah actually now that I've said that I hope that she's over 18. so that's realizing she might be the whole thing's gross yeah in the last game she was six so in this one like the body of a six-year-old so this one it doesn't make any sense it feels weird I don't want anything to do with it and that was also part of the PornHub search it's probably kind of part of why I don't want to talk about it it is weird it's just weird wait wait wait people are speculating I don't know if it's kind of people are speculating that it has been 12 years no it's way more than five you know how I know and uh because of pearl because it looks more than five there's a lot of hints of more than five but there's a town you can go to and I won't spoil this but there's a town you're going to and there's two characters you meet that you met in the first game when they got together and now they have a kid and that kid is an adolescent for sure you know what I I just don't like you know but canonically 118 that feels super weird very anime very anime don't like it Grand mummy guys wrap it up do we need Zelda do we need to find Zelda that's all I'm saying there's plenty of great mommies of this game though I would take a Great Fairy we're we're we don't even need Zelda she's being weird in this she's floating in and out yeah giving us mixed signals there's plenty of options I don't I don't like girls that are hard to chase you know what I mean poor is right there we're gonna do a bonus episode right now right yeah we're doing a bonus episode right now bonus episode uh so if you're a patreon or you want to quickly become a patreon head over to the Nintendo patreon and sign up for the low price of five dollars you'll get access to 53 bonus episodes that you haven't seen yet that is over 20 hours of 25 hours of content waiting for you for the low low price of five dollars can you believe it I can and we're about to add to it with a live episode and if you're already a patreon come join us over there please because uh we don't want to be lonely come out come hang out with us um if you're listening to this rate is five stars if you're watching on YouTube like the video comment down below let us know how much you're loving Zelda any way you can on our Twitter in our Discord or down below we want to hear it alright I love you guys so does Bob right yeah sure I love you for both of us bye [Music]
Channel: Nontendo Podcast
Views: 159,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Podcast, Nontendo Podcast, Beatemups, Wulff Den, Wulff Den Podcast, Beatemups Podcast, Nontendo Podcast Trailer, Video Games, Gaming, Video Game Podcast, Best Video Game Podcast, Best Nintendo Podcast, Wood Hawker, Wood Hawker Podcast, Nintendo Direct, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Podcast, Gaming Podcast, nintendo switch, zelda, zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda totk, totk
Id: Pw9J12GrB2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 26sec (5606 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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