Zehnder ERV - 2 years Later at My House- Worth it

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hey friends welcome back to my house you watched any of this house being built I call this the real rebuild Series this is my family's personal home that I finished about two years ago and on this video we're going to spend some time with that piece of equipment right there that's a Zender Erv basically a fresh air system the lungs for my house it's been two years and on this video we're going to show you the normal maintenance and the maintenance you want to do at the 2-year Mark we're also going to spend a little bit of time talking about ervs and Lessons Learned this is my first house I've ever lived with one and I've learned a couple things it's been awesome but there's been some surprises along the way that I didn't quite expect so we're going to spend some time getting into some really nerdy details today today's build show all about Zender maintenance and Lessons Learned let's get going all right friends nerdy video hang on we got a lot to talk about we're up in my attic I've been here now 2 years years so my zender's been running for two years we're going to show you some annual maintenance and I've got two really smart friends with me we're going to talk a little bit about how my unit has worked some surprises after having a well ventilated house I've never lived in a house with an Erv before so let me introduce uh you probably met Shan Harris before in fact Shawn is the guy who helped me realize at my old house that I needed to rip everything out we showed uh a lot of rats running around in my old attic before we rebuil it and Sai is uh saie you're kind of the lead tech guy sales guy at Zender right you well you do a little bit of everything yes correct I'm sales and tech support sales and tech support so two years ago we installed or two years ago I moved in I should say uh sby I've done a pretty good job of uh maintaining this unit but I'm hoping you could walk these guys through what's it look like to maintain your unit and as we're talking about that scheduled maintenance I want to uh add a little Keller commentary right because manufacturers every manufacturer Sean has recommendations but as you know and as you guys are going to find out recommendations are that they're not necessarily what's happening in your house with your number of children with your dogs whatever it is in your climate so I think that we're going to learn a few things so saie first off what's the first thing you need to do on a maintenance uh for a unit like this so the you have lensy connected to your unit that means that you have option for internet y so what I'm recommending for everybody to do on the unit before you touch anything just take a look on the unit do you see any noise weird noise weird signs dripping water any problems if you don't have any major issues then we start approaching the unit and take a look what's happening what we can do the system was built very easily and the simple maintain we opening the front viser and we have the two filter slot openings here which is technically the major maintenance for any homeowner y you take out the filters and so you've got one filter which is filtering incoming air and one filter that's filtering the exhaust air out of the house correct so you can see on this unit that this side of the unit we call it the outside side these are the two pipes which is pulling the air into the house and pumping the air out from the house yep and these two pipes going towards your house and coming back from the house so they are Supply and extract yep got it so the filters are different we have two type of filter on our units a MF 13 filter easily identifiable because it's a red color yep notes on the end of the filter and mve 8 filter which is black now why do you need a filter on the exhaust side I bet people are wondering what difference does it make we're just throwing that air outside what's the purpose of that exhaust filter so the exhaust filter is protecting the core always keep in mind the heart of this unit is the heat exchanger core which is behind this front which we're going to show you in a minute which will show how it looks and what it needs to be done for maintenance on that that core is the heart of this unit and the two fans here and here so when you're cooking you taking a shower you using hairspray not you but your wife or your kids it's possible that chemicals can come back towards the unit and we want to capture those particles with this filter because again and we want to protect the core got it so let's show how dirty those are and I want to keep in mind uh that the manufacturers rcks like if you're just looking at the the specs remember this is a Swiss unit they originated in Europe they say that we should change this filter after a half a year 180 days I learned pretty quickly on that I need to change it more quickly or sooner than that and that filter sa's been in for around 100 days I actually have a note in my phone to change it at 90 days which is half the recommended time Sean what's your opinion on why that thing's so dirty yeah Matt so you live pretty close to a highway and uh there's a lot of breake dust that gets generated diesel fuels all sorts of things that are happening with air quality next to a highway that you really want to be filtering that out you want this filter to do it not your lungs to do it so being able to have this filter do that is great but obviously you're going to have to need to change your filter more often than someone who lives out in the country who may get a lot of dust or something out there as opposed to to here so and look at that differ Sai holy cow so this that's what I just pulled it out this is 100 days in use and that's what the brand new Sparkling White filter looks like and I think Sean's right in the money you know I'm not that far from a big highway I'm in the city I'm like 10 miles from downtown Austin Texas you know I've got all the big city pollutants going on in the air and you know I lived across the street for 15 years without an Erv in a pretty leaky house a uh four or five A50 blower door on that house across street that you did for me years ago this house very tight almost passive house standards I'm pretty close to 6 ac50 so this is the lungs and in my old house this was happening this was in the air at my house and here we're able to filter that out that's for me this is a big reason why I really like Zender and if you look at some of the competitor ervs out there to Zender very chintzy filters not this level of filtration yes you are correct so my customer is asking all the time that when I know when the filter is dirty this is a perfect example when it's black it's dirty I think new Zender going in you really need to check it about every 60 days or so and see what's it looking like and when I did that I was shocked oh my gosh look how dirty this is after only two or three months now now Sabie um uh so that filter change comes in a set you can get a kit of a black and a red and it's simply just pull it out push it back in it's really straightforward correct so the set comes with two filters black and red and you just pull it out some of them is in a plastic bag some of them not you just take it out from the plastic bag you take out the old filter you push in the new filter the only thing what you have to pay attention there are arrows here MH and the arrows has to point up yep so I'm putting the filter in with the arrows up on this side and on that side is the same thing the arrows up yeah smart now I put intake filter and exhaust filter labels on there but you know Sab you mentioned to me off camera earlier I think it'd be really smart for me to put a little uh red filter and black filter just to make it even more dummy per it's definitely HS in lots of cases because people are not necessarily expert knowing what is the exhaust filter or intake filter and New York for example where I work you don't even see these pipes because everything is above the rck just the unit yep that's right so you don't know which one is which certainly okay so let's let's talk talk about filter changes real quick their app is fantastic it's really really easy it connects easily okay so we're going to hit the uh comfo control app that's the app that uh is talking to my Zender and you can see it's in medium speed right now let's go over to filters so hit this and then it's going to walk you through that process open up those two doors pull the filters out uh this filter is the incoming this filter is the outgoing put the Caps back back on uh filter change complete we'll hit done done and your timer is reset for 100 days okay now my timer's reset so that's what we're going to be doing uh initially every 6 months but I've decided I'm going to do that on about a 3-month basis on my house and Sai was able to get into the uh installer settings and actually change my app that's something you could do with your uh installer when you're working on your system they can change that for you uh salby at a year mark though or maybe twoyear Mark what's the time frame that we' actually need to clean the core so lets me jump back changing the scheduler you don't need the installer settings that's any home owner can do that Under menu filters and here is the filter scheduler got it so we can actually change it right there up and down from 100 day to 180 so it's any home owner you don't need anybody to do that so if you're a homeowner and you know that your filter is getting dirtier than 180 days you can actually change the schedule and it will give you a warning signal that you should change the filter because I reached 100 rate 100 days gotcha so maintenance at Xander we recommending large maintenance on the unit large maintenance includes take out the core and wash it clean it in every 2 three years two to three years okay so not every year I'm right at the right Mark at two years at the older CA series it was was definitely 2 years recommendation at the queue the documentation for the core says 3 years but if you clean it in 2 years it's never going to hurt because when you open up the unit you will see lots of things inside of the unit depends what is the environment you're living in some people have creatures inside spiders insects dead bugs right vacuum that out vacuum that out we will open up the unit so you you guys will see what we're talking about don't be scared because this unit is pulling air from outside and on in this pipe lots of things can come in and that will end at the filter here and when you changing the filter you're pulling out and you put in the new one sometimes the bug fell down below the filter so it's on the top of the core or Fells down to the bottom of the unit it's just the Beast of the nature it's perfectly fine the unit is not hurting by that we can vacuum it out clean it out wipe it out and put back everything together and the unit runs again got it and the core is pretty stra straightforward you're going to take that to a bathtub uh you're going to use this little uh uh what is this a T20 bit or something that's a T30 T30 to pop that off and the core slides out we're going to wash that in the bathtub with water let it dry out put it back in it's pretty straightforward so if you are handy and you have mechanical skills and you are confident that you can do the cleaning for the core then you can do it yourself yeah however I highly recommend to have trained technicians to do that hvc contractor or Zander agents because we know what we do it takes us much less time uh but at least we know what we do so only touch the unit if you're confident that you can handle it properly if you're not just get help from professionals okay now we have a couple other filters to do though right saie we're not done here just at the unit correct so Matt at your house you guys got a unique installation as you can see you have an additional filter box here for additional filter options and uh we recommend it at Xander for California World wildfires but in this year in New York and up Northeast we could see the same issues what California dealing every year we had four or five days of beautiful orange Cloud all around so additional filter it's a great option and so this filter is giving us additional filtration before it sends to to my house for the supply side right correct so if let's take a look at how dirty those are by the way if you're looking through the airf flow it's coming through the pipe coming through the murf 13 get to your fan and your fan is pumping this way towards the house so your second filter is here so let's take a look and I've got some new onabi ready to go for you I like to keep a stock of uh at least two years of filters laying around and this is a little bit more of an expensive filter and you could vacuum this every 6 months and in fact I did vacuum these 6 months ago but let's see how dirty they are after the magic box they're tight in there aren't they they are tight because we want to be sure that the air is not going around the filter that's right yeah tight is good in this case tight is right as my father-in-law says which is my favorite uh funny family line whenever his wife asked him whether this dress is too tight so old and there's new I did I did vacuum these six months ago In fairness so they've been vacuumed once and my plan was to vacuum them once and then change them at the end of that year and boy they really need it look at that that's crazy Sabie yeah just keep in mind that these filters are MV 15 rated filters these are capturing really small particles less than 2.5 so even smoke potentially could be captured by these right not the smoke particles yes but the smell not got it so for the smell we can use in the same box it's called a carbon filter charcoal filter so that's what we're using for areas with smoke you can you carbon filter as well with the m 15 or just the charcoal itself without M 15 that's an option as well and uh just keep in mind that vacuuming this will not necessarily will any make any change because their particles are so small that they are actually inside of this material and not coming and this is not an inexpensive filter I can't remember exactly how much but I order my filters uh from the Zender USA website what is that s Zender america. Zender am.com they've been great about uh I'll I'll order those in there at my house in a week and like I said I order them at a big bunch at a time but this is my last pair of those so I need to order some more of those so we have marks on these filters as well as any other filters it shows where the air should flow so when we installing them we want to be sure that we're following the instruction so air flow from this direction so that one so the air coming from here to there so the arrow is supposed to point that way and while sa's putting those back in there's one one more filter that you're going to have to go through the entire house and hit and that's at each one of your exhaust locations and we put this cardboard box on here because we spec one in my conditioned attic this allowed us to commission it but I kind of like it because it tells people who are visiting what it is so this is a sucker this is exhausting and so uh it's sucking air out of my attic and this little cone filter is just really to keep the duct work clean is all it's doing so it's been at least 6 months since I've touched it you can see how dirty it is it's not terrible but I'm going to go ahead and just run that underwater upside down uh downstairs and then I'll switch it out and actually have a full set of these that I've been doing that with so here's one that still has a couple of particles clinging on there after cleaning but I left it up here to dry it's good to go I'm just going to pop this back on here it's got a little nub on there and if you haven't seen my other videos this is really the heart of the system they can when they when they commission my system system they're able to change this uh uh damper basically move it in and out with this little dial here and they're able to actually commission the CFM so when uh Zender designed my system they said here's how many cfms were trying to either Supply into this room or exhaust into any particular room they dial that in and look at that that's all it takes so now I'll go clean that out and I'll store it back in the attic but that's pretty much it on a 2-year basis now I just need to come up every 3 months and change those filters change your filter but why I wanted Sean here uh in particular is I want to have a little conversation about what I've learned on this system uh with a 20 2800 foot house and with uh four kids and a a big dog you know my dog's like 70 lbs or so there's a couple things that I feel like I want to change on the airf flow now that I've been in here two years and so Sean talk to me about what positive energy or what you would do in terms of figuring out how much air flow you need because we've got two different things going on we've got a local code that requires something but then we've got some kind of national standards will you talk to me about that sure so um ventilation um is something we all need we all need ventilation to to breathe and when we're inside homes uh lots of things can build up carbon dioxide voc's um radon from alah like all sorts of things we don't want inside our environments and the outside microbiome is going to be way more healthy for us than the inside so as much as we can bring that air in in a safe way the better um so that's sort of where this this stems from but Code Compliance has also come in and said hey we need to be doing this and so what what has happened is uh the City of Austin has sort of complied with an older ashray standard so 622 and it basically says okay how much ventilation should we be bringing into these new homes so Sean walk me through the numbers on the 2010 ashray and what that would look like for my 2800 foot house yeah so 2010 ashray is going to be 1% of the square footage so for your 2800 foot home that would be 28 okay CFM and then it's going to be the number of bedrooms in your home plus one so a master bedroom typically has two people so if you're thinking about every bedroom being occupied uh reasonably then that so yours four bedrooms four house so 5 * 7.5 so that's uh 30 what's it 37.5 yeah plus the uh the 28 earlier that we mentioned so that's 62.5 so 62 63 CFM is what would be make what would me code code comp currently under Austin 2010 standard from ashray exactly which is a hea and cooling uh body that kind of regulates or or doesn't regulate gives suggestions to that a lot of people pick up as code MH okay so 62 CFM continuous all the time exactly all the time coming in and uh what's interesting about this is Code Compliance uh for a long time you didn't measure this you just had to have a a box that showed that you were ventilating and who knows how much you're actually bringing in so uh so I would really like that they're now saying no we we need to measure these things we need to know how much we're bringing in not just install the device right so I think commissioning is key uh both with ervs and with any any ventilation system now positive energy design my house though with a newer version of ashray in 2013 they changed the standards can you watch through what 2013 would look like yeah so 2013 is essentially double what the the old ventilation rate is and that's 3 CFM per square foot sorry 3% of the square footage plus the 7.5 CFM per bedroom plus one got and so in this case number is about 120 or so right yeah exactly 122 so pretty much double what the the old code was and obviously their findings showed that ventilation is so important that there they want to double it right so that that just shows you that ventilation is an important aspect of uh of living in homes yeah and I and I think the point too here is that this number is a little bit of a rabbit out of a hat number there is no specific number perfectly it's a design guideline and saie your engineers uh when they designed the house for me took into account my actual family my dog in the house how airtight my house was going to be and you guys actually spit out a number a little higher than that so when we commission the unit originally two years ago my uh kind of normal setting was closer to 100 60 uh CFM rather than 120 so we me a little bit higher which a little more I think is a good thing but here's something I want to talk about my experience after being in the house for two years has been that uh my humidity has been a little higher than I wanted it to be I'm always keeping it below 60 but there are some times where I felt like it was hard for me to do that my dehumidifiers upstairs and my dehumidifier downstairs were set at a level that would dehumidify anytime I got to about 45% relative humidity but I had a hard time keeping it down to 45 I was getting in the 50s or even higher sometimes and I think that's because this unit remember one thing I want you to know this is the world's most efficient Erv but it's still will raise your humidity if you're in a hot humid climate like Texas because the enthalpy the amount of moisture movings roughly what 80% or so in this unit it depends on the speed how much air is coming through the core it's between 65 to 85% got it now the heat though is closer to 90% efficient so we could do the math on this but in other words if if uh Outdoors is 0 degrees outside and I'm keeping my house at 70 that incoming air is really warm it's only a couple degrees less than 70 at 90% efficient on the heat side but on the humidity side which is a problem in Texas often where it's really humid out it's uh you know today's like 80 plus% humidity outside it's real humid hum and hot out there so this unit at 60% efficient on the enthalpy or whatever it is 70% means that I'm still going to raise my humidity in my house because I'm exchanging air I still want that fresh air my house smells feels uh I sleep awesome in this house so it's worth that penalty in my mind but what I'm going to do saby now that I've been in here for two years is I'm going to have you as The Tech Guy adjust my numbers a little bit and I'm actually going to go down closer to what the 2013 ashray 62.2 numbers are and sa's actually already done that so medium speed for me which is kind of the normal run speed if I'm saying that correctly uh if you look at your app that's going to be two of the three bars is medium and I started on my little Post-It note there I'm pulling we've changed that to 130 CFM so pretty close to ashray 62.2 my low speed if I want to drop this into low speed would be 70 CFM and if I go into on vacation if I'm away for the weekend this has a away feature on here which literally is a button press and you can say hey how long you're going to be away for now that's going to be 30 CFM so it's going to move a little bit of air in the house but more like a puff rather than this full speed and then boost mode or high mode is going to be about 50% higher than my normal speed actually a little bit more than that uh at 240 CFM that's when you're showering uh that's when you know something's going on that you're making humidity you hit the boost mode in the bathrooms yes and just keep in mind that the numbers what you see on your app or on the display of the unit are cubic meter an hour so don't mix them with the CFM because this unit is from Europe y so it's metric Y and you will need to convert the cubic meter an hour what is the conversion just for the fun of it 058 is the multiplier 058 correct so you multiply cubic meter an hour with 058 correct that's when you get the CFM yeah so approx when I do calculation in my head I just multiply with 0.6 because it's easier to to calculate quick but just keep in mind when you see the numbers that's not CFM that's cubic meter an hour so you want to be sure that if you CH if you ask your installer to change your numbers that you using the proper numbers not mixing now Sean I want to ask you about this and this is one big reason why I wanted to hear Sean uh has been in a lot of houses he's he's seen a lot of issues a lot of people call him when they have indoor air quality problems at their house what's your take on these ashray numbers what I've experienced and what and what do you think about me changing the numbers now that I've lived in the house two years uh I think that that's great I mean everybody has to sort of prioritize whatever their goals are and um I think that the more ventilation we do the better but I don't want to cause any harm in our hot humid climate we can definitely grow mold pretty quick if we're over ventilating or even ventilating to the normal standards without putting the appropriate measures in place like dehumidification so it's really important that we look at the house as a system of interated systems and how this Erv system is going to need now a dehumidification system or maybe you know some some other thing right your enclosure is also very much related to this so when I go into homes um people really need these ventilators to be on and very often the AC guy or whoever it is just shuts them off uh so they don't they don't ever run because the the homeowners aren't really well educated on them actually running or even maintaining which is why I'm really happy you're doing this video about maintenance because that's the other thing I run into is the Erv never gets maintained it the filters never get changed it is terrible yeah way worse than the ones I see here and what happens is the filter gets so impacted that it bends away and now you've got filter bypass so the entire thing is just contaminated and it's just really sad to see that these are the lungs of the home this is what's supposed to be keeping us healthy and can potentially have you know sort of a negative impact so I like it so I'll be any you want to comment on that at all about changing my numbers from kind of the zinder engineers numbers to a short comment just to verify the numbers so at Zender when we design the system you send us the plan and we design the system we follow the code requirements ashray local mechanical codes and IRC right so IRC gives us mostly the highest number in every home because International residential code requires 20 CFM in every bathroom and toilet room including Powder Room mhm kitchen 25 CFM continuous so in homes with multiple bathrooms now but we see on the new constructions people have three four bathrooms that's easily put your house to 800 CFM even if it's a smaller home so that's a possibility that our numbers what we design for you it's higher than sray so your house is over ventilated compared with the sray number right not because we want to over ventilate your home because we want the house meet with the code because code officials when they asking for it they want to see that you getting 20 out from your bathroom yeah so when you have hot and humid climate and extreme crazy weather up north extremely cold and dry down here extremely hot and humid or even up north unfortunately we have not hot and humid days too during summer time what you can do is you can manually lower the speed of your unit to low speed and when the unit goes to low speed for that 1 2 3 4 days you will do a better performance on recovery on energy and enthropy oh that's a great point so you will not move that much humidity into your house so instead of jumping on to recommission and change the settings on the unit the easy way is just change the speed to low speed go into low speed and and uh you know you made a great point that that uh I haven't honestly thought about until just recently which is this core that's in here that's moving the airstreams near near each other and moving the Heat and the humidity is most efficient when it's on low speed because the air is lazily moving through there more of that heat and enthalpy can change but if it's on highp speed it's zooming through there it's not able to be as efficient so you make a great suggestion drop this into low speed and see how that feels uh so the air path is slowed down it's going to do a better job of moving the moisture through the core the heat through the core that's a really interesting tip to you know cuz ultimately again all these numbers yes there's some math involved but these numbers have been pulled out of the air by a bunch of smart people don't get me wrong but it's honestly uh a guide not an actual number and so you have to see what your house does how it's like living how you feel living in the house uh with that being said I want to ask you Sean about your experience with dehumidifiers and uh especially thinking about southern but also Northern houses how does that dehumidify if work in concert with an Erv that's a great question um I would actually just like to comment on what you just said about how the home feels so our bodies are great at telling us lots of different things about temperature and things like that there are lots of other things that our bodies are terrible at and you know colorless odorless gases right like so radon for example some's and you have no idea right and so um it's important that you don't just rely on feel and it would be really nice if everyone were doing some sort of indirect quality monitoring ah at least temperature and humidity but some other things and obviously these monitors are not going to tell you everything so it's sort of flawed in that way but at least you have some metrics to sort of go on as to whether or not we actually need to to ventilate uh carbon dioxide is another one that builds up and we don't know except for we get drowsy or whatever that is so um so anyway so yeah so I think that that that's going to be important but in our um and and to that end uh monitoring those things and monitoring humidity is really going to uh tell you whether or not you need to dehumidifier as well so if if we're not measuring we don't know if that dehumidifier is needed but in our climate if we are ventilating we need to be dehumidifying we have a big moisture problem here I'm a huge fan of separate dehumidification and I've also learned on two-story houses uh I don't I don't ever try and heat and cool a two-story house with one system I also don't dehumidify a two-story house with one system so in my house I've got a smaller Santa Fe upstairs a 70 pint Santa Fe and then I actually have recently changed out my downstairs unit to a bigger unit I have a 98 down there uh instead of the 70 that I originally had I swap that out and so I've got a little bit more capacity and that's one thing that I think I'm going to take away from living in this house for two years I kind of like Having excess capacity on my dehumidifier yeah I think that's a great idea there there's a number of things that are really great about that it's really hard to oversize a dehumidifier unless you're in a really small space where you can get a lot more heat in there so as long as you have a reasonable size home or reasonable space you're trying to dehumidify putting the biggest dehumidifier in that you can uh is really going to help that thing a function when you have extreme loads so like let's say that the doors are open or a party or something like that but B really going to help to um dry out the house quickly and efficiently uh when things do get wet and it's also probably going to reduce my run time so that I'm not running 247 on a small unit which means I'm going to put more wear and tear and maybe have to change that unit exactly yeah so the less it runs obviously the less like it is to fail sooner so yeah now Saia your house back in Pennsylvania you have a uh Zender Q just like mine you got some other cool stuff going on that we won't get into but you also have an air quality monitor at your house uh talk to me about what you found with your air quality monitor so yes I have the same unit what you have here I have multiple air quality monitors we at Zender be selling the CO2 monitor what you can attach to the unit so at the CO2 level goes up you have a party or higher occupancy or just cooking for Thanksgiving which is coming with a propane oven yeah your CO2 will go up and the unit ramps up automatically it send it and it start to bring in more air the other monitor what we sell is the relative humidity monitor so in the bathrooms in your house you have the switch what you have to push my kids don't have to do that because you have a relative humidity switch that will not switch just a sensor or sensor rather oh I like that so my kid's bathroom we don't we have the switch but they don't push it anymore is that a wired or Wireless a wired sensor okay so but we introducing the new wireless CO2 sensor next year and wireless switches for the boost mode as well oh that's super cool I like that there are multiple monitors on the market we're not talking about Brands but they are pretty affordable couple hundred dollar pretty reliable monitors they can even hooked up to Smart devices cellphones tablets and it's really worth to invest money into it because what I learned in our house for example example in the first three years we had extremely high radon Pennsylvania is high on radon so our radon level was around 16 18 woo that's that's really high anything over five is considered a problem right four and above four and above so I install the fan the house is done now to 0.8 1.2 which interesting is you can see how radan is floating based on water table barometric pressure and even our dryer we have a vented dryer if my wife forgets to open the window in the laundry room for makeup air for your dryer negative pressure will brings the raen up to even your 200 CFM dryer puts enough pressure on that soil gas that your radon number goes up without having makeup air for your dryer correct our house is .14 on air change so that's the biggest that's the if you're watching still on this nerdy video do not forget that that is fascinating so tier is the home more weird things start to happening inside I'm living in one with the family and I can tell you that things what we didn't even think about popping up yeah and this is my life I'm eating this for breakfast lunch and dinner this is what my life is so I monitor everything all the time and I'm look for trouble and um a smart home needs a smart homeowner yeah because if you don't have that you can put it down very quickly yeah that's a great point so maintenance is extremely important not just on the ventilation it's on your HV as well yes your the humidifier has a filter yep that needs to be changed yes so everything filter is the easiest thing to do is the cheapest way to keep your house healthy and safe yep like changing oil on your car don't miss itance correct we've gone long but there's one more thing I want to ask from you guys before we leave and I want you guys to get your unfiltered comment I didn't prep them with this uh you know Zender is the world's best system uh I think it's also the only system out there that really Ducks correctly with your fresh air uh I love how each bedroom gets its own source but you know there is this push back I get from people as I talk about this oh Matt it's an expensive system you know I can't imagine my clients being willing to pay for X Y and Z I've lived with it for two years I'm specking these in my houses I'm using these all the time now uh I don't really give my homeowners a choice very very often sometimes but I'm curious from from you guys uh how do you sell a system like this to a prospect to a client to a builder give us the two-minute elevator pitch on why Zender and why a system like this that costs more than just uh a fresh a input to the return side of a furnace or a ventilating dehumidifier I wish we could bring customers into this video because they could tell you exactly why they are loving our system yeah that's me there I'm a salesperson for Zender so I'm a little bit biased but the system is great but you have one in your house too and experienced it so my wife is happy because we have no dust in the house how about that because the air is filtered so there is no dust in the home the bedrooms are nice and quiet MH ventilation doesn't make noise our boys bedrooms are good smell there is no boy smell in theed I don't smell at all and I have three boys in one bedroom it's moving the air continuously our old house it was always a challenge to open the door at the morning so this is designed specifically to move air and as you mentioned it's neither a dehumidifier neither a humidifier the only purpose for Zender unit is bringing in fresh filtered air and put into the proper rooms where you need it and pull from the rooms where we want to move it out with contamination a quick note on your piping lots of customers seeing your videos and they asking the white pipes right right so Zander is selling we were planning to bring a piece of the flex and I forgot it but f is the new pipe what we're selling so so in other words this white pipe you see here this is an older spec now the pipes are gray pipes correct the new flex is a green guard rated U rated pipe and that's what we sell mostly in United States so the unit technically sells itself if somebody use it and put the word out and talk with other people they can tell you exactly why they love our system totally from me to telling you that it's expensive because this is the best that's a true but I'm biased because I'm living with this you get what you pay for but you get what you paid for and uh the maintenance is very simple even the service is very simple so this is a mechanical equipment like any other unit it needs maintenance sometimes sensors needs to be replaced easily you just changed a sensor on your unit yep easily accessible super easy I mean this is going to be here for decades to come and if I need to change something Parts wise it'll be available I can get it from a long time and you're not going anywhere a small since 13 years in United States with no problems here and there some sensor issues cleaning and maintenance is that reason so we're bringing you air where you need it clean and it's the same temperature as your house so as you mentioned the efficiency is so great that this air which is coming here on this pipe in a Delta 70 the temperature difference is only 67° with 90% efficienc you don't feel it you can't tell don't have draft no you have no idea it's amazing Sean your turn elevator pitch ervs maybe Zender in specific but fresh air why do you why do you think it's important for people to have one of these in their house definitely so when I talk to clients it's really about what their goals are for end a quality and then what their budget is to achieve those goals so if they have a lot of um sort of demanding goals and then that means they need to have a slightly bigger budget to achieve those things and uh I think think sa hit on a lot of great points that uh this is going to be quiet this is plug-and-play uh materials that are easy to change out um they've got an awesome duck system uh less duck leakage uh duck leakage is a major thing especially on ervs that are running all the time uh and how that can also impact into air quality from those things um so they're trying to set things up for everyone to succeed for the contractor to make it easy to install and so uh there's a lot of great things that Zender has going for them which is why why they're the best and if you just you know we say that they're the best we don't have to say it you just look at the specifications you look at their performance data and you go oh this is way more efficient than than other ervs so um so that's that's why uh it is a a big a big cost Delta but again depending on your goals I I think it's worth it so all right here's my here's my Quick Pitch that I'll I'll give my Builder friends in the audience here's here's an analogy I I stole from Steve basic that I really like you know if you're in your car and your engine is not running your windows are up you're in a zoom call in your car no matter what the temperature is outside how long does it take you to get uncomfortable in your car sitting there not long at all I mean you're talking maybe a couple minutes before you've got to crack a window or turn the engine on right now I could take a zoom call for 30 minutes in my car my truck outside no matter the weather and I'm generally speaking pretty comfortable as long as the engine's running this is your small engine that's running and keeping you comfortable bringing you fresh filtered air to all your bedrooms all night long and you're spending money on your health in all kinds of ways you're drink drinking fancy beverages you're buying organic foods you're youve got a gym membership this is an investment in your health I sleep amazingly well in this house and all of my kids get filtered fresh air all night long and so this is a reason for me to build a really tight house and to ventilate that house correctly and the Zender is a big part of that it makes my house super comfortable guys thanks for hanging in there for a really long video I'll put a link uh to Zender below if you've got a project coming up you're interested in one of these you can get a quote from Zender and they'll help you find an installer the whole sh bang they'll design it for you so put a link to that if you're in Texas and you're interested in talking to Shan IAQ texas.com sir is his company Sean's actually a very multi-talented guy uh he also owns the Arab barrier dealership here in uh in town uh you've seen him on a bunch of my videos running the blower door doing building science investigations longtime friend super smart guy and if you're not currently a subscriber guys hit that subscribe button below we've got new and extremely nerdy content here plus over on build show network.com uh that we publish here on YouTube every Tuesday and every Friday guys you know my outro right we got to you got to help me out with my nerdy outro follow me on Tik Tok or Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build [Music] show
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 30,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: cDrUE13ZymE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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