In So What?! We Take A Look At InSoFast Continuous Insulation

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the build show today one of my favorite topics continuous insulation that's right we're going to be reviewing some products from a company that honestly they've been around a long time and I just found out about this this is some really cool stuff it actually reminds me a lot of kind of half-faced ICF we're going to meet the founder of the company who's also a former Builder and we're going to be talking about some really cool products today's build Show sponsored by inso fast let's get going [Music] hey guys let me introduce you to Ed Sher the founder and inventor of this product and this company called inso fast now Ed before we jump into your product you actually have a builder background right I I do starting in the late 70s so we've seen a lot since on and you were framing houses in the 70s is that right that's correct and this product kind of started with your knowledge of Framing and you're building your very first house in the 70s is that right that's correct and tell me about that first house well it was a little 28x 32 split entry home with concrete block foundation and okay and uh actually had it work for a contractor that was wanting me to gave me free range to do things and he said go do it very cool we went from there and so that first house that you built in the 70s that's this was the tough time in America this is the oil crisis right Energy prices were through the roof what were you doing for Energy Efficiency on that wood-framed house with a concrete block Foundation well we were we just switched to 2x6 framing at that time and that sparked my interest in energy efficient building and what we could do better and that's kind of what we always looked at is what are we doing now and how can we do things quicker faster and better uh and save some cost along the way and you were in the cold snowy north right Minnesota so the switch from a 2x4 wall to a 2x6 wall in theory gets you that much more cavity insulation but even as a young Builder you realized hey I need something else besides these tubes to stop that cold from radiating through my walls right correct and that's why we started looking at technologies that was coming from Canada the time and we found that the exterior insulation was the was the key to Energy Efficiency we're not just getting a portion of what we're putting in the wall yeah so we we tried that we put couple inches of insulation on the exterior and learned from there uh we ended up learning that the foam board Shunk and everywhere that was taped and sealed was wide open especially the areas over the studs and the framing that were we were wanting the most insulation on were were bare when we tore into it interesting 10 years later because that foam had shrunk on you I watched an old video with you too Ed you've been on YouTube a long time by the way we got YouTube OG with us on the build show today I watched a video that was at least 10 plus years old where you had some XPS foam that was buried in the ground and I was shocked to see that foam had actually absorbed water when I think of that I think of foam in general as nonwater absorbing that's correct and with that I was shocked too cuz that was in pure sand real sandy soil I thought well maybe it was in clay that would happen but that was actually my own home when we went to remodel it is that right before we before we sold it okay so that soaked XPS maybe uh got you thinking hey maybe there's a better way and then we're fast forwarding a decade or so here but in the 90s you were an ICF contractor for a decade or so right right right right and that we thought was going to be the most efficient strongest most resilient and and we never got the mainstream contractors on board with it to buy in on it right and they still they still haven't I mean we used to advertise it would be 2 to 6% more to build ICF than regular but it was really 26 to 30% more yeah to do it that way but at the same time had a pretty uh interesting um start with products like this and so the very first inso fast product which is not too dissimilar to what I have in my hands here talk to me about how you came up within it and what separates it from other options out there in the marketplace yeah so we we chose to go after the low hanging fruit first and being in the ICF business and and knowing what the what the issues are with basements we loved the foam in there we love the the plastic studs to attach to there's nothing that's going to rot rust or Decay y but one of the things we found out is you could have a leak up over here and it would come in down over here so then we went to super good waterproofing to uh fix that issue but so our very first product we actually have a drain plane back on it so when you put it up against the concrete wall when that concrete wall cracks or leaks it's designed it's all shingle styled flash to keep your drywall drive and that's a uh a version of your very first product that you came up with right maybe this is version 2.0 but it's still basically the same product right it is this had the the stud that was flush with the surface M and uh the same uh special adhes adhesive dovetailed background that actually and it has the same in mechanical interlock or it has the same mechanical interlocking dovetails yeah so the adhesive flows in there and and sets up and mechanically locks it to the wall now I watched an old video this is at least a 10-year-old video uh of you and another guy which by the way when I saw the video I thought wow when Ed comes to the office I'm going to look like a shorty because you look really tall in this video that was probably a 7 foot6 basement right there but you and your partner are it looks to be just only using glue only PL premium and adhering these right onto the center block that's correct the the bead of construction adhesive a little 3-in bead is equal to a concrete screw holy cow uh 6 in on Center yeah so we found out very early it also has some other benefits it floats over irregularities up to 38 of an inch so it flattens flattens your wall that's pretty nice and it uses moisture to cure which is ideal so it's not going to another other words eat the foam either if you had some of that incidentally go on the foam okay Ed so this is your original 2-in stud that you're using on this panel but you also have come up with some thicker versions and this is your 3 and 1/2 in stud and if you look close at that doveet tail you can see these angles are pitched you actually have a patent on that don't you correct that's pretty cool and on the squeeze out on that PL premium you just have this glued to a uh looks like a concrete p I mean that is absolutely not going anywhere that is super strong isn't it it is it is and it's nice doesn't po poke holes in the foundation either yeah that's right that's right you're not making any potential in Ingress for water in the future that's pretty cool and then ultimately on your 2in panel that stud is showing so when you look at basement images uh you know photos you actually see those black studs on a 16inch on Center yes you do that's pretty cool another video of yours that I watched to getting pre for this video that's an old YouTube video of yours uh was one where you talked about the uh supplies that you need to do a framed basement it was actually this video right here Ed talks about Ino fast this is from 11 years ago I love it Ed you and I both have been on YouTube for at least I started in 2008 so I've been on as long as you have but in this video Ed I loved how you're like you know what you when you frame a basement out you got to go to the Home Center you got to buy all this Lumber you got to buy bad insulation you got to buy all this stuff and then not only that but when you're in the basement you got to work around ducks that are in the way you got Plumbing in the wall whatever it's a pain and then you go on to show how quickly you're putting these inso fast panels in a basement it's pretty impressive it really is and one of the neat things about it is a is a firsttime user or laborer is going to get the same professional results as a journeyman carpenter too so that's pretty cool okay so why EPs and your mind what is it about EPS foam that makes it different or better than some of the other foam options out there well it's one of the safest Foams it doesn't use any cfc's or hcfcs in fact we use steam to to expand the foam it's all closed cell foam and it's it works like a gortex or tyx so it will allow uh drying when it gets wet or if it gets wet which is typical for something you want for building materials in the basement yeah and uh and this coffee cup of mine that I got this morning at the old 7-Eleven I think this is a great example of the power of eps foam I mean this is what an e/ inch thick or so I've got almost boiling uh water in there my coffee is 190° is where I like it yeah and yet my hand is 98.6 so I've got at least a 90° Delta between this steaming cup of coffee and yet an e/ inch of foam makes it perfectly comfortable to hold and also if I were to leave this coffee cup on my table for a day or two none of that coffee is going to absorb into the foam and that's really the same with your panels too that's right and one of the things about a basement is you have that cold concrete walls that's like the ice cold drink that you pull out of the cooler yeah that's right so it eliminates that condensation as soon as you slide the foam Koozie over the top or the EPS over the top like that 15 times thicker than your cup yeah that's pretty smart now I also noticed that you got speaking of uh you know drainage or a leak uh or condensation you have some drainage panels kind of built into the backs side of this so this is your dovetail that's actually going to get glued to the concrete to the foundation but these drainage panels are intended for if some incidental water made it through to drain and dry that down to the bottom right that's exactly why they're there and we also have electrical raceways built into it so once you get all the panels up then you cut out where your box locations are and then you can just shove the wires through from box to box or or both vertical and horizontal so you can shove it up into the rim joist area as well so in this case you've totally eliminated that 2 by wood basement framing in favor of a product that you showed us how you could do an entire wall in what was that a 20 minute uh time lapse you and your partner putting an entire wall on even with obstructions yeah that's and the more issues you get into that are difficult to deal with with framing are really simple to deal with with this product with the panels that's pretty impressive I mean this is a builder who definitely had some thought in the process and understands it uh and the last thing that I want to mention on that is coming back to the example of all the stuff you have to get from the Home Center to bring down to your basement with your panels they're actually shipped direct to the job site in a cardboard box they're fairly lightweight and so all the materials are delivered to your house by the UPS man right right I mean as as quick as you can get the boxes or Slide the boxes down the stairs and uh adhesive gun you're ready to ready to go start framing that's pretty awesome now what else is interesting about this Ed though is uh as we were getting prepped for this uh video I was saying you know did you bring samples of your wall material your floor material your exterior material and you said to me no mant it's actually the same thing think about this if this is on a wall right here and then we flip this to a floor we've got the exact same properties there's no need to switch the foam or the formulation the only thing you might want to change is let's say your R value and change your thickness so talk to me about how you might use this in a floor situation so the floor it's really simple you want to get your walls done first then just order extra for your floors yep and you'll just lay the panels on the floor interlock them together and do what we call the floating method and you're going to lock it together with your subf floor that you put on top of it so you're going to stagger The Joint a little bit so your subfloor locks everything into place and got it this what we've found from the customers that done it is it's really eliminated the need for radiant floor heating it's really made it a huge Comfort issue uh get comments on how kids lay on the floor watching TV where it was ice cold before so that makes a lot of sense and in this image here it looks to me like that guy's only using maybe half inch OSB even on top of that is that right it is it's actually back you're back completely solid on there with the high strength compressive strength of the EPS foam uh you're over 200 pounds per square foot wow uh which is much more than residential codes require so and then is he going to screw that uh plywood or OSB in this case down to the stud on the inso fast panel yes just screwed directly to the studs speaking of screws we haven't talked about it yet but you guys sent me this display which I absolutely love uh any Builder nerd is going to love this this is one of your 2in studs and you got put screws roofing nails trim nails siding Nails drywall screws not only that you put them like right next to each other and I don't see any splits and I thought when I first saw this oh I'm sure I can pull that 16 painy nail out of there that's not getting pulled out anytime soon talk to me about that yeah we've really worked hard to with different formulations and kind of come up with a proprietary formulation that that works good for nails so when the nail gun goes in there it actually heats up and bonds to the to the Fastener itself so this material is actually heated up when the friction of that steel nail or screw goes through and and helps give it additional pull out power that's right that's pretty neat and also notice there's no splitting like these screws are like right up to the edge on here and nothing is split if that was two screws on the edge of a 2x4 we would we would have popped that uh that Pine right off and that would have had no holding power yeah we got a little carried away when we started looking at formulations and testing and seeing what we could do and you always have to push the envelope a little bit and try to get a little better by the way he's got several patents uh so this is this is not your average Builder I have no patents to my name that's impressive my friend that's pretty cool and then the thicker stud is being used on this other panel size so this panel size was 2 in and that is an r10 is that right yeah that out that uh is actually 8.5 8.5 okay so that would be equivalent to a 2x4 framing with r13 insulation in it got or but that's continuous obviously so even better yeah that's comparable to 2x4 with R11 insulation so yeah there you go and so now you've got an also a thicker version with uh a what did you say this that is 3 and 1/4 inch 3 and a/4 Ines yeah and then this overall thickness is 3.75 so just shy four Ines three and 3/4 inches yeah we wanted to have the recess stud in there for energy purposes so the Fasteners that fasten it will have be thermally disconnected okay so sorry here a little awkward change but what he's saying is that you cut out this phone for this display you sent me but what you're seeing is that stud which by the way they have an inso fast logo and it says what does it say recess stud at each one of those locations it's solid back there but it's hidden by a half inch foam and so when you screw in what are you doing with that screw head in fact would you show us how to throw a screw in there by the way sure let's move a couple things around hang on one sec let's move my coffee so I don't dump it okay so we're using a number 10 headed just the standard not like a not like a timberlock screw this is a number 10 by 4 and a half inch screw a fairly inexpensive screw compared to the timberlock style screws right right and for applications I mean you're going to be you're looking at about 18 cents or something instead of uh over a dollar for the structural but I won't screw it through and yeah don't screw it in my table but here let's actually screw it let's move it over so you can screw it cuz I want to see that screw head get recessed in [Music] there check that out so now if I did my math right we should have one inch embedment into our if we useed the four and a half inch screw uh no 3/4 in bedman I guess right because three and 3/4 and this four and a half screw three and one quarter three and one and four and a four and a half oh that's right that's right cuz it's it's one and a quarter so there you go so that's our embedment into our structure and I suspect there's a few people that would be worried about how much weight would that stud hold you know would that hold drywall would that hold siding what about if I put cabinets on the wall and as a matter of fact you guys made a video on that didn't you Ed we did so we're got a standard cabinet from The Big Box St mhm here we're gluing the panel to the wall okay and I should pause here we haven't mentioned it but by the Way in Su fastme all these panels that are made specifically for shipping containers and this happens to be their shipping container panel same exact panel just a different corrugation on the back right yeah it's designed to fit the exactly into the corations of the containers got it okay so this panel that's on the top of the screen now that you're seeing there that's just been screwed in in the two dovetailed uh kind of stud locations and glue is the only thing that's holding it to the steel right yeah so the panel was attached with just adhesive and then we're attaching the cabinet through the cabinet hanging rails with just two cabinet hanging screws and you can kind of see it so there's one screw there there's one screw there and this is uh just a crappy uh Home Center cabinet nothing special and then what's he loading on there those are concrete pavers they look like there's snow on them is that what I'm seeing it actually was done in the winter time we pulled them out of the back of our shop this is a Minnesota based company and then what the heck is he putting there now we ran out of block so we're putting pieces of Steel in oh my gosh is this crappy cabinet gonna hold that much weight that's crazy little more than the dishes you do in your cupboard typically yeah I would say so he's still loading the top up we do a lot of testing one of the things those blocks actually had little pieces of studs glued onto them for our testing in-house testing that we did holy cow these guys are brave there you go the cabinet failed after it was loaded with how many pounds did it say I missed that the cabinet was I think it was a little over 500 580 pounds and on this image here that I paused on the Hang rail is still there so in other words yes the studs with only two screw one screw in each one of those studs and just glue hanging that on the wall was able to hold five 580 pounds that's pretty impressive adhesive is amazing when you look at the safety factor it's way more than the than the five times for a bridge we're in the 100 times holy cow but not only that I think your your studs that are embedded on there are pretty impressive because this adhesive was back here to the in this case a a uh steel wall but a concrete wall and then you just had a screw into this not into the steel and that was holding the cabinet on no problem until we get to almost 600 pound so that's pretty impressive this is a serious stud yeah it's about the same strength as a 20 gauge commercial steel stud that's pretty impressive now here's what I like uh about this from a builder's perspective uh as we think about using this for a basement wall uh interior or let's say a basement floor interior I think the part that really resonates for me Ed as a builder is how we can eliminate several steps uh and those steps cost money and take time whereas your product we're going to unbox it we're going to install it and it's really going to save us both time and money and speaking of money uh talk to us about cost a little bit Ed because I think it's it's something that uh our audience here on line is going to be wondering about like what does this cost how do I get a hold of it that sort of thing yeah actually all of our prices are right online so you can order it directly online and have it Shi to your project that's pry so you're not having to run back and forth or anything to to get it so insofast docomo to the shop now section on there and then you can scroll down to which application whether it's a container interior exterior uh and there's all the pricing right on there so for instance that uh 2in panel flat panel which could be used interior or exterior uh a box of those is 128 bucks how much square footage in a box of that rough 40 square feet 40 square feet okay so you get 40 square feet for 128 bucks and there are volume discounts as you put in more you'll get a volume discount as well so and if I compare let's say the floor for instance uh in the past when I've done insulated floors on top of concrete I personally have done sheet foam uh and then I've done two layers of plywood on top of that and then um my finish floor on top of that like a nailed down hardwood and especially here in the South where we've got a lot of slab on grade and a lot of remodels it's a good system but I have gotten comments before that hey that's an that's a pricey way to go whereas your system boy that's a way less costly uh way to go I would typically say it is way less time way less materials way less labor yep and optimal results there's nothing in in the panels you're not that are going to rot rust or Decay so perfect designed and engineered for the wet environment that's pretty cool and I also like that you've got uh the stud in there so you've got solid fastening and you know you mentioned earlier that you could even use half inch OSB let's say if you were putting carpet down uh or carpet tiles if you were going to nail Hardwoods or tile though you'd probably step up to a 3/4 material right absolutely yeah I'd put a 3/4 Advance down on there screw it down and you'd also make sure those panels were offset so you didn't have a seam on that line up with a seam on your insofast panel too right right so that way the plywood locks all the panels in place because you're fastening over across the seam that makes sense uh and I noticed there's there's a bunch of uh kind of random lines on here what are those things used for those are cutting lines on there these are cutting lines right here so it it does two things it marks your electrical r bway mm which runs horizontal or vertical in this case through the panels and there's also a horizontal one at the top of each of the panels ah okay but it also gets your 16inch offset so you can put up your running bond instead of your stack Bond so it interlocks the panels gotcha together now how would you actually cut that are you do you have to use a hot knife on this just a long snap off blade utility knife is the quickest there's no Mass I have have one here would you give us a little demo what do you want you want to do on the flat or you want to do vertical I'll do it I'll do it right here okay perfect right through the L right there so all you're using here is just your standard Ula uh you know long knife with a snap off blade right nice sharp blade and usually one or two passes you can have it the thicker ones you're going to have to make a couple passes how about that it's just pretty easy sharp blade makes all the difference doesn't it absolutely that's pretty awesome and then also I noticed where your panels come together on the thicker board I noticed that there was also some grooves in there that I suspect have a purpose as well so let's see if we can get the camera to see those so Ed where these two panels are coming together what are all these vertical lines doing for us well those are capway braks to prevent crossover water you know if you're putting up sheet foam vertically you have that long seam that you can get water sucking through and around this breaks the app action so it drains and this is actually all shingle style flashed got it so and so we haven't really talked about it but this is ideal for an exterior insulation project right where you've got a built-in rain screen uh you've got built-in studs and you've got less penetrations into your uh whatever your WRB happens to be in the building right that's right and and Ed actually we we queued up a couple images on that that you guys sent me ahead of time let let me pull those up uh let's start with this one here so this Builder has uh a house wrap up and then you can see they're laying those panels up the wall how are they attaching those panels just with uh standard construction screws okay so same screw we talked about earlier like a number 10 just a little shorter yes got it and this happens to be the 2in panel rather than the so it's three and A2 inch screws then typically gotcha and then on in this case the stud is showing on the outside and again that's the same panel that could be used below grade they could be used on Floors it's really kind of a universal panel they are and then this panel which is a little thicker what's the R value on this guy that's actually 15.9 okay so in comparison to a it actually meets code for a basement for a 2x6 framed wall with R20 insulation okay it's actually written in the coat that's pretty nice and then I think we have some images of that job here and what am I noticing on the base of that it looks to me like there's a metal flashing going on first before that installation happens yeah there is a flashing to cover up that foam to keep it from being exposed at the bottom and you guys don't sell those flashings but every Builder that I know has either a roofer or a metal guy who bends those flashings but you brought a couple samples uh and that happens to be the base flashing right there right yeah so this would be what you start out with on the bottom so I don't know if you want to tip it up yep so then this would go onto the wall and that's going to cover the bottom of the phone to make sure the pests aren't getting in there uh that that foam's not degrading over time right cover that with metal right and then as we move forward on the house uh I love this example this house looks like a a fully Zip system sheath house uh and this is standard Zip system sheathing so that's a 7/16 uh OSB with that zip green facer on the outside fully taped so now we're both watertight and we're airtight which I really like with this system and then the Builder came on and did this uh R 15 what did you say it is 15.9 15.9 almost R16 panel and basically wrapped the house uh with that panel I'm also noticing that you've got a window here that's what I would consider a recessed window or an any window uh talk to me about some flashings that you could use for that situation yeah we've got a number of different options that we've developed for the inso fast panels This is a low profile option so when you're you put the panels up just leave a gap between the window and the brick mold and this just slides down into place gives you a low profile this you can attach your Hardy plank or your J channel or whatever you want to that for your sighting and uh real real simple low profile application yeah that's nice there's this profile application same same kind of thing only it's uh more traditional this also works great for the sell extension soed a little bit but uh it minates you having to do all that dreaded extension Jam work before you start and it's something that the Siders are accustomed to using this where they're not accustomed to building makes sense jams now in this photo you've got the inso fast panel going to the edge of the wall and there's no solid backing necessarily on that edge panel how are you going to attach your corner boards on there what would what would be your thought on that yeah so you just butt the corners together and it's nice to have a little little Gap in there so you can put the spray foam in and seal it air seal it anytime we come to an edge or a corner or the top of a window or around a window we like to air seal got it put a little spray foam in there to seal spray foam and uh and then if you're using a traditional corner board how would you attach that traditional corner board you're going to put it together just like you would ordinarily and then you're just going to use 6 inch long trim head screws to fasten through that's the most energy efficient way and the simplest way to uh do it and your siding will just butt up to there as as normal we're just starting doing regular construction details yeah that makes sense uh I noticed on this photo it looked like some of those screws were kind of uh preloaded is uh the guy on the left in the red sweatshirt pre- screwing and then handing off the panels is that what's going on there he is that was actually a product project that was done for uh Urban homeworks are kind of like a Habitat for Humanity and and those kids are uh most of them quite frankly haven't even run a screw gun before so we had to teach them how to run the screw gun but how about that they're building a a passive house there and the only thing they have to do is just put the inso fast panels on there to get it to passive standards for their house or you go Net Zero depends on where it's where it's built but it's one simple step yeah now that you say that I think that really is a big selling point of your system uh one simple step that could be a a new a new catchphrase for your website but that really appeals to me I saw another video that you guys made where you talked about you know traditional exterior installation you've got uh Fasteners you've got rain screens to deal with you've got uh wrbs on the other hand this system the Zip system in this particular case is doing the water and the air management and then your foam is continuous it's one trip it's one step and then you're ready to start attaching your siding you've got it grooved on the backside so if any incidental moisture got back there it's going to be able to drain out uh it's got some drainage plane on the front side and you could attach your let's say your Hardy siding or whatever right to that with your standard pneumatic nail gun right you can and I mean the neat thing about it is it's it eliminates seven different steps that are conventionally done and in comparison to uh even the other types of exterior insulation that are done where where you do rock wall you don't have to worry about that compressive yeah at all which and you don't have the structural screws in there at all so you're going to save I mean about a dollar a square foot is what you're going to save expensive screws compared to a structural scre and uh so it really when you look at it there is it's a tremendous tremendous value and savings there yeah I could definitely see that another thing that I think is interesting here is is a phrase that I've been talking about a lot and I did a podcast on was remodel ability uh you know what's going to happen to a house that I build in 50 years so for instance this house under construction when that siding in a couple of decades reaches the end of its life what are we going to do when we rip that off and what I'm what I'm thinking about this particular install is once these guys screw these Ino fast panels on with just a few of these number 10 long number 10 head long screws now that panel is going to protect my uh air and water barrier my Zip system sheathing it's also not going to get very hot or cold because it's got that huge amount of r value in front of it and I'm not nailing into uh when I nail my siding on I'm not penetrating the zip at all because I've got that spacer I've got that in this case 3 and 1/2 in stud and I'm nailing into the stud and that nail or screw is not penetrating my uh my Zip system so when I pull that siding off someday in 50 years uh I'm going to have some Nails in here but who cares because that's shy of the Zip system sheathing which should be back here in this case see none of those screws are penetrating it so I've got a much more pristine air and water barrier 50 years from now that I wouldn't have to boil it off would be my thought right because you spend a lot of time rolling and sealing and everything to have that all disappear with removing the siding is really really tough what what we like to think about it as a as a three and 3/4 inch thick weather resistant barrier that you don't puncture and that's really it actually is the belt and suspenders approach it actually is rated as a weather resistant barrier uh but we still use a a another weather resistant barrier below it yeah that's pretty cool Ed what do you what do you say to to people when they say uh why why would you do this when you can just add solar to your house uh and save the money on that exter instulation well this is there for the life of the home so it's as long as it's standing it's giving you a return it's comfort more than anything yeah but it's it doesn't become obsolete after 20 years or 30 it's not needing to ever be replaced and that's really the first step to to uh do this before you do the solar or the other I would totally agree and and it's really hard to retrofit this later where it's pretty easy to retrofit solar later so get solar ready but make your house as insulated as possible uh because it's ultimately for me as a builder I never sell uh these products these systems this additional expense to homeowners on oh look at this amazing Energy savings you'll pay back this in x amount of years on your electric bill I tell people look you're going to pay it back on day one when you move in and it's a more comfortable house think about a uh a bedroom that's a cold bedroom or that's a hot bedroom that is an uncomfortable spot on day one whereas if we can insulate that really well and air seal that really well you're going to have a really comfortable space and that is going to pay for itself every single day by you wanting to spend time there and that's really a good point with the bedroom or one room for the above grade applications for the wood framed applications and uh where it it's like adding another vent in the room for heating or cooling yeah it's that much difference and in fact you showed me some images like this one where people have done that just that they've retrofitted on the inside some insofast panels as long as you're above grade uh you know and make sure that obviously your windows aren't leaking you're not getting bulk water in there that'd be a great way to upgrade the comfort of a room like this photo right here it is and one of the neat things that our customers say is it's they know exactly where their budget is because they're not tearing off the drywall they're not find doing everything else it's always tough time to find out figure out where to stop yeah on a project so that's a really great point this is uh this is just a gives you a starting and ending point Ed before we close out the video I do want to mention we didn't we mention it briefly earlier but you guys have a full line of insulation that's specifically made for containers uh for both insulating interior which would be perfect for uh the hot humid south or exterior which is even better if you're in the north you might actually need both if you're going to turn that into a living space but I I actually visited a a ranch not too far from here the office that had it that's how I got introduced to you guys uh made a a quick Instagram reel about it cuz I was so blown away it got a million plus views and I think that's how we got connected and I loved hearing your story about building all those years being an ICF contractor and then coming up with this idea patenting so many of the parts and pieces of this uh and now having solutions for so many places in the house it really makes a lot of sense to me as a builder thanks for coming on at anything that we miss that you want to mention it awesome opportunity to just be here and be able to talk building with like mind and look forward to showing more products that's awesome dad I appreciate it last question for you I know you've got a ton of info both on your website and your YouTube channel do you have some tech people available if people have questions or have a specific application they want to ask about we do we actually have real people that answer the phone and a phone number listed on our website how about that that's awesome so if you need these guys shoot them an email shoot them a phone call you'll actually get real people will answer you impressive stuff is thanks for sponsoring today's video thanks much a lot of fun guys insofast docomond in today's video Ed and his company everyone I've dealt with really really cool people with some impressive solutions that I've not seen from any other company in the marketplace that being said guys if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button below we've got new content here every Tuesday and every Friday and oh by the way in our website we're up to 13 contributors now publishing videos every day of the week just about over on build show so go check that out that being said follow us on Tik Tok or Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build [Music] show
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 149,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: api16ADvi3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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