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and today we're going to take a look at how you can move your models with sub tools from ZBrush over to substance painter we're going to take a look at how you can do that and also one extra tip just in case you haven't seen that yet hey what's up guys and welcome back to ask NK so today we have a question that has to do with how you can move your models from ZBrush with sub tools over to substance painter and this region is coming from Michael crisp and he writes as it would it be possible for you to make a tutorial on how to or the best way to export multiple sub tools from ZBrush to substance painter yes sir and we are going to get down to business right now so directly here you would notice that we do have a cheeseburger and this cheeseburger is well you know one of those things that we did in class you know and it is actually a model from one of our students in one of ZBrush classes all right so what we're going to do is we're going to go through and take a look at all of this and I'm just gonna go through and take a look at all of them and you can see that they are all individual piece actually if you go over to the sub tools you can notice that they are all individual piece all lined out so right here you might have also noticed that our students have actually gone well to name these things properly so if you want to get these things out the first things you need to do is you need to make sure that you understand that substance painter is a texture in app right and as a texture in app you need those things to be individual that is number one so that you can texture them individually so that is the reason why we have the subtool exporting and the second one is these things needs to have UVs of course substance painter you know the new version of substance painter does support UV unwrapping automatically but then I think it is best practice for you to do this you've ease yourself do them yourself and then you can export it out and very cool way to actually export this or do your UV x' is by simply selecting these objects as they are you can go over to your ZBrush plug-in go over to where you have the UV master and simply hit here to create UVs if you already have you this done if you go all the way up and go over to your UV map you notice that you have a UV map so right now if we move this you can see that we already have an automatic UV just right here some just returned this all the way back next in which we have to do is relatively simple you know if you come here and you start exporting this objects one by one you might have a hard time actually in putting them into substance painter so if we click here and you go over to export you'll be able to export one obj file at a given time which would give you a whole lot of files which you have to go into another app to compile together and before you start exporting but then you can also cramp these things all together as one piece and export them as obj and take them over to substance painter a texturing but you may not have all of that you know flexibilities that you want then the next which you would like to do is to export these things together as an FBX so for you to do FBX you need to come over here Z plug-in ZBrush plug-in go all the way to FBX export imports make sure that you have visible on if you have only selected on is going to export selected object if you come over here and you have all turned on what the objects are visible and objects are not visible it's going to export every single thing so dependent on what you want to do you can simply do that so with this done what we're going to do is just simply go over here and simply stone export export this and then we're going to fire up substance painter so that you can take a look at what we have alright so we substance painter here what we're going to do is simply go over to file new and select we're just simply going to select our cheeseburger with a spot that is out too and we're simply going to you don't open and let this things be so from here I'm just simply going to click on OK and I'm going to get every single thing directly in here so depending on how heavy your file is substance painter will go through and get this since in if you do not have UVs substance means automatically create UVs for you as it imports this files directly in here but I'll strongly suggest that you create your UVs somewhere else probably because you want to add direct to where your textures will travel within your mesh and that is the reason why I would suggest you do that but if you don't really care about that so much then you can just simply get your UV directly in here in substance painter so with this loaded in you would notice that we have our objects all here in form of texture sets so they're all hearing form of texture set so I can go over to bread and right now I can just simply come over here and change the color now with that done I can start lecturing right I can text out these parts I can switch over to a I have the meats and I can start texturing so everything that you have now are individual piece of your sub tools that you can texture independently so I'm just going to go through and texture this so here right here we have a quick one which we've gone ahead to do and you can already notice that you know we've gone through to you know paint in a couple of things here and there can't extra distance as much as you want do all of those you know beautiful stuff that you want to do drop in shadows if you want to get shadows drop in some stuff if you want to get those stuff directly here and you can start seeing you know some very cool results at the end of the day so this is totally up to you if you want to get your stuff directly in here you can take this procedure and you can get very cool results but then there is also a very neat and cool way that you can get your models into substance painter so I've already talked about this in the channel before and I'm also going to talk about it one more time so let's say for example we have this alright so we have this hammer and I'm just going to simply select this one because these are the one which is the main one is extremely heavy scroll all the way up and simply use the OD copy and paste so in case you have not seen the OD copy and paste link is going to be in the description to that video where you can you know use that script use that plug-in use that add-on whatever you call it you can use it to copy 3d geometry from one app to another and the beautiful thing about the OD copy and paste is you can actually copy from literally every app alright so from Maya to ZBrush from ZBrush to substance painter from substance painter to blender from you know from from here today all right you so you can do anything that you want so what we're doing right now is we just simply copying just the subject so while copying this object we're going to fire up substance painter right now and with substance painter loaded up what we need to do is just simply paste so once we hit the paste button because that object doesn't have you v's substance painter automatically create you this for it and it's going to run through the entire thing and simply give us this object directly in it so with this object loaded up looking all clean you may want to get this the way it is and use it for anything that you want actually you can start texturing this object directly from here but then if you want to bake your textures of course you can just simply jump right here and start baking your textures and you can select all of the textures that you want you know make sure that you have everything that you want done and you can simply beat these textures so if you're trying to create a PPI workflow then this is definitely something that you should consider doing and of course you can see the power from vidiian substance painter you can actually get your stuff beating really really fast of course we're going to copy a video about this very soon so you just simply keep an eye open on that just in case you want to see it so from here on what you can also go through and start texturing now the downside for this is right now it doesn't support multiple sub tools so he only supports single sub tool so in case you're trying to travel from blender or ZBrush or any app over to substance painter I strongly recommend that you check the link in the description follow that video understand how you can work with stuff so that you can actually get this to and start working with it and for that of all ZBrush to substance painter I guess you guys found it very interesting and this is how you can move your files or your sub tools or your model or anything that you've created directly in ZBrush over to substance painter and start texturing right away without using your sub tool hierarchy or anything like that so that's definitely going to be about guys I like to know what you guys think about all of this in the comment section and if you have any other question if any of you guys have questions about this or anything regarding to this please drop them in the comments section and of course if you like this video or you learned something from me you can go ahead and give it a like and don't forget to share with a friend and if you're new here is definitely going to be amazing if you can hit the subscribe button and also turn on notifications so that you don't miss the next video or the next updates and until I see you guys again with you tutorial updates free Friday tutorial Tuesday tips and tricks things like this peace you
Channel: askNK
Views: 29,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: substance painter 2019, substance painter 2019.1, substance painter 2019 free download, allegorithmic substance painter 2019, projection tool substance 2018, substance painter 2.6.2, siggraph2019, substance painter 2019.3, substance painter 2020, painter 2019.3, painter 2019.4, baking in substance painter, filters in substance, photoshop brush in substance painter, Automatic UV Unwrapping, Paint Roller stroke, udims in substance painter, zbrush 2020, exporting zbrush subtools
Id: Xti0XkdtHYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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