Displacement Map Setup | ZBrush, Maya and Blender Workflow

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hey guys have you had this issue where you create a very very cool thing inside of subversion but don't know how to render all of this millions of polygons inside of Maya or blender well today I'm going to show you how to do that by using displacement Maps so there's a couple things that you do need to do before we jump into displacement Maps first we need to have a like a subdivided mesh of this character right here I actually already have one I did a series measure I used to measure let me get it right here there we go so it's this one right here as you can see now let me very quickly load my other tool there we go so this is the low poly version I just used Siri measure but one thing that I did do is I managed to get some UVS going you can use or get UVS wherever you want I use the blender in this case to get this ones but you get the name instead of Maya or whatever and you're gonna have your low poly version of your object and you're gonna have the high poly version now what I'm going to do here is I'm going to append the low poly version to where the high poly version is and first I need to transfer all of the details from my high poly to the low poly if you already have a local and a high poly you can skip this step so I'm gonna go to the low poly version I'm going to press Ctrl d 1 2 3 4 times in this case four times is the amount of times I need to get close to the same amount of points that the original High poly mesh has as you can see I went a little bit over the limit but it should be more than enough to get a nice result so with this I select the low poly now and over here in the tool menu I'm just going to go to project and project it all in this should project all of the details from the high poly into my low poly ends since the local pressure it should pretty much like hold everything very very nicely so as you can see right now there we go we got our high poly version ready so I'm going to turn off the high poly we don't need it anymore and this is the low poly even though it doesn't look like a low poly anymore this is the low poly so if I go all the way down to the lowest of division this is the new low poly that I want to export because it has the closest silhouette to everything else so I'm gonna go up here export and I'm going to export this as Kindred low uh obj is fine I'm just I'm just going to say safe and that's it and again just make sure that we still have our UVS right here so UVS we morph and there you go so we got the exact same UVS ready to go now from this low poly you're gonna go to the C plugins and we're going to go to the multi-map export in this case I just want to export this place map but if you want you can also export normal map from here I'm just going to use the displacement right now I'm going to export this at 4K resolution you can go even higher if you need to we are going to turn a flip B on this is very important because zebras usually flips the ubis in the v Direction and on the export options we're going to go to the displacement map and we're going to select adaptive if you're going to smooth your object you're going to select a smooth UV otherwise you don't need it actually you do need smooth UV um you don't need adapt because we're going to be using software's modifiers and very important we're going to export this as 32-bit exr scale set to one do not change any else anything else everything should stay right here this is the most important part we are going to export the displays map going from subdivision level one if you're going to be using a higher subdivision level you can switch this up or lower depending on what you need midpoint 0.5 very important again so once we have this we just say create all maps and we Define where we want these things to be exported I'm going to export this to the um what's the word to the desktop right now I'm just going to call this displacement and I'm just going to wait for settings sorry the audio caught a little bit right there so I just need to wait for receivers to do its thing and there we go so if we take a look at the map that we have right now we need to open this inside of Photoshop and you can use uh exrio which has a plugin that I recommend in one of my shorts it should be around here and uh this one is one that's going to allow me to see what's going on so a displacement map is a map that we use to push points up and down depending on how we have them if I press Ctrl L right here and I just crunch those numbers a little bit you're going to be able to see all of the very nice information that we have right here so all of the black points our points are going to be pushed down and all of the white points are the points that are going to be pushed up so this is what the displacement is going to be doing okay so let's jump very quickly inside of Maya very well so we're inside the Maya don't worry I'm going to show you blender as well but actually blender is a little bit faster um and the thing that we need to do is we just need to import our low poly elements so first things I'm going to do here I'm going to go to my assets folder where I have all my stuff organized and the Kindred low should be right here so yeah there we go we drag and drop it and that's it so this is the object the low poly object with its GBS and everything we check the UB address you can see that everything is working fine first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to say mesh display and just a softer Notch to make sure that everything looks very nice and clean let's scale this or actually let me check the camera here look to select there we go yeah we can definitely scale this so we're going to scale this a little bit more so we get a nicer effect uh light should be should be good and what we're going to do is very simple we're going to go to our hypershade and we're going to assign a new material to this object so right click assign new material Arnold AI standard surface and on the hypershade on this AI standard surface let's call this m a mask so that we know that this is the Kindred mask there we go we are gonna use something called a displacement note so I'm going to press tab here and I'm gonna look for displacement I'm going to use this displacement Shader and the interesting thing here is the display administrator has a shading group we don't need this one we just need to unplug this and plug this back into the new material that we have up here so oh so right here right there hey come on there we go so now we don't need that shading group anymore and in this displacement Shader is where we're going to be plugging in our displacement very simple here we're just going to press tab look for a file texture file texture there we go and we go into our file here and we look on our desktop for our exr so the exr by default it's already set or should already be set to a color space of raw this is very very important if yours is not set to Raw change it to Raw because we're going to be using it and from the displacement map we actually only need the information that's coming from the red channel uh technically there's ways where you can extract or save information other channels in this case we just need the red Channel and this goes into displacement of our displacement Shader right there so it might seem like that's all we need to do but there's actually one more thing that we need to do on our mask right here as you guys know displacement will push and pull the points of our surface so that it matches what we have in zbrush in order to do that we need to have the exact same amount of points that we had in zbrush otherwise this is not going to work so on the object itself we're going to go to the mesh shape we're going to go to Arnold and down here sorry on the mesh oh yeah it's right here Arnold subdivision so on the mesh shape you go to Arnold subdivision and we're going to set this to Captain Clark and on the iterations which which is the amount of Divisions we're going to set this to 4 which is the exact same amount of Divisions that we have inside of zebras so now at render time this Max mask is going to be subdivided four times and then the displacement map is going to be applied so let me just very quickly there we go and let me just make sure that I have my system set to GPU perfect so Arnold and render and if we go here let's go of course to our shotgam which is our main camera it's going to take a little while to prepare and boom horrible it does not work why is this not working because it's worth it because there's one very important thing that we need to change which is a little value so you guys remember that I told you not to move things here inside of sebrush when we were doing the export it we're telling this thing that our displacement app is going to work with gray as its middle value set to 0.5 and by default Maya changes the numbers a little bit so we need to go to this display administrator node and down here under Arnold we're going to change the scalar zero value to 0.5 and that's it once we do that and we render there we go the displacement app should be working perfectly perfectly fine as you can see right here let's just very quickly go to the material I'm gonna go to the m a mask let's make the material a little a little bit darker and a little bit rougher and if we do another render you can see all of the 1.3 million points that we had instead of zebras are now here inside of Maya and we can render everything perfectly perfectly fine so this is the way you set up your materials of course if you add like textures normal maps and all of the other maps that you normally do you can continue to add on top of the displacement but this is the setup for displacement here inside of Maya now let's jump into blender as I told you blender is a little bit easier so I'm just going to show you here real quick we're going to say file import and we're going to import an obj there we go and we're gonna go to do or is it Source images able assets Kindred and Kindred low there we go so again right click and shade smooth to make this a smooth little nice effect right here and we're going to go to the shading tab on the shading tab right here we're going to assign a new material to this thing so I'm gonna delete whatever material it has and just assign a new one there we go again I'm just going to call this m underscore mask so we know that this is the Kindred mask we can also change the color like you can do whatever you want here with the materials nothing nothing fancy nothing new but we're going to look shift a we're going to look for a displacement Shader and this displacement right here is not going to be connected to the actual material to the principle bsdf it's going to be connected again to the material output which is like the shading group from Maya we just connect this to the displacement and that's it now of course we need to bring our image so if we go to desktop and we bring our image right here we need to make sure again that on the color space is set to linear or raw both of those work perfectly fine and what we want is we want to extract this color into the height information so by doing that you can see that we already get the projection of the element board we're not actually changing the silhouette just yet so on the displacement you can see that the mid level is already set to 0.5 we don't need to change anything and the scale is also set to 1 which is perfect so that means that at any point both here and in Maya we can scale this object and do animations and whatever and the displacement should always remain appropriate to the size of the object that we have now in the same way as in Maya we need to tell this guy to subdivide so I'm going to go to modifiers and I'm going to add a subdivision surface modifier and we're going to tell hey at render time go for four subdivisions finally on the renders we're going to change this to Cycles we're going to change this to GPU and very important we need to go to the Shader itself and all the way down here on the settings of the Shader we need to change the displacement From Bump only to displacement and bump or displacement only whichever one you you prefer once we've done that we can actually go into render mode you're gonna see that it render time this thing is actually going to be pushing the surface and we're going to be see all of these points and all of this amazing details up like take effect so yeah that's pretty much it my friends that's how you apply displacements and everything to your object right here now let me show you what you can do at the very end if you of course continue working on this texture it and do some very amazing things look at this so yeah that's it my friends if you want to learn more about the 3D World don't forget to subscribe we also have a premium course where you where we go over the modeling sculpting texturing shading rendering thing of a weapon for a triple A game so if you want to check it out there's going to be a little video up here and um yeah hopefully you like this video make sure to bookmark it I'm sure you're gonna need it every now and then when you need to remember how to do the displacement property or properly for both Maya and blender So yeah thank you very much guys I'll see you back on the next video bye
Channel: Abe Leal 3D
Views: 11,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush Displacement, Maya Displacement, Blender Displacement, 3D Modeling, Displacement Workflow, ZBrush Tutorial, Maya Tutorial, Blender Tutorial, 3D Sculpting, ZBrush to Maya, Maya to Blender, ZBrush Techniques, Maya Techniques, Blender Techniques, Displacement Map, 3D Design Workflow, Advanced ZBrush, Advanced Maya, Advanced Blender, 3D Modeling Techniques, ZBrush to Blender Workflow
Id: hHV3M7bTOnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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