Zbrush Polypaint - Painting Made Easy - How to Apply Materials on Armor - Tutorial

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today we're having fun with Polly Payne first we really need ZBrush got our model here you can double-click on this little divider and open it up go up to color click on this little wheelie and drag it over here now you have your color palette docked just to that side by default down here ZBrush has white and black selected the one on the right is the active color so if you turn that you can see your color is going to change on your mesh so if you select white again it's going to go back to normal that's just based on the material that you have selected here on the left side ZBrush has all these different types of materials you can select so the type of material you have affects the way that the color looks when you change your color to anything other than white it changes the entire model so the whole model is red right now but that's because I haven't assigned a color to anything so everything is just showing me a preview of which color I want to select the way that we're going to apply a color to any one sub tool hold alt click on it you have RGB and you have M if you just want to fill a single sub tool with a solid color select your color first turn on RGB up here at the top and now go back over to your color menu select fill object and it's going to fill that object with just that color so now if I switch back to white just the sash is brown select the face make sure our GB is turned on go over to your color menu fill object again go back to white and just that sub tool is filled with that color and we can go to the eyeballs here select white fill object go to the arms select white fill object so you get the idea once you've filled all of your sub tools and your scene with an individual color now when I change my color palette nothing changes because everything has a color already assigned to it trying to zoom in here real close hold alt make sure you're clicking on that sub tool in order to paint open up your brush menu go down to P and find the paintbrush now the paintbrush turn your Z intensity all the way to zero and you're gonna want to set your RGB intensity that means the amount of color that's coming out of the brush down pretty low I usually set it so two or three make sure that RGB is turned on select whichever color you want and as you begin to paint it's pretty low intensity but you can see that that color is now starting to come through without deforming your mesh when you're doing colors you want to start with a very low opacity symmetry tends to take away from the organic look and feel of color so most of the time when I'm doing poly paint I just keep symmetry off so a side note when you're going to fill an object like I was just going to do here I went to fill the eyeballs with a yellowish color my RGB intensity was set to eight so when I hit fill object it's only filling that part of the eye with eight percent RGB intensity I have to turn my intensity all the way up to 100 and then hit fill object to see that full color applied a thing to be really careful of is if you're using another brush like claybuildup brush or a standard brush make sure RGB is turned off because otherwise it's gonna think that you want to apply color while you're using that brush alright so now you have base color on your object if you want to put base materials you can assign materials the same way that you can apply paint hold alt click on our armor go to our material tab right here and if I want it to be shiny and metallic looking I can select the metal material and now that material is applied to everything it's a low way to fix that if we do it the same way we do with poly paint turn RGB off next to RGB is this little m' for a material turn material on and hit fill object in your color menu now if I select madcap white which was the material I had before everything else goes back to madcap white except for the armor so the color and materials work the same way you have to select your sub tool first fill the object with either a color or a material and it sticks to that sub tool so say you accidentally fill the part of your object with the wrong material like here is filled with the reflective color and it looks bad so I want to erase that material go to your materials select flat color now if you select white turn on em and hit fill objects it's gonna flatten out that material back to base normal so when you go back to your original material now you can see it's back to the way it was before so working with poly paint I like to use layers if you go over to the right side here select layers create a new layer and make sure that the record button is turned on right here you can click it on and off by selecting this little icon so when the record button is on make sure the slider is all the way to the right and what that does is it records what you're doing on a new layer so say I want black everywhere when I give them a little mustache if I grab this little slider and bring it back to the center put it to zero it turns off whatever I did on that layer and if I want to turn that layer back on I can turn the slider all the way to the right again if I want to paint again on this same layer be sure to click the record button right next to the eyeball as long as it says record that means that you can do whatever you want and it's recording and as soon as you drag the slider back to zero it turns off that layer you can just go and create a new layer paint on your object make sure record is turned on and then you can turn it on and off whenever you want if you like the changes that you did say I like my moustache and glasses here that I drew of my frog I'll go down to bake all if I hit bake all its going to apply that layer to my model so now the layer is gone and the paint is permanently on my model now yeah that's pretty much it those are all the basics of poly painting that you need to know then it's pretty much just refining where you want your colors start with really really light thin opacity and just work your way into your darks and layer on colors the way that you want wherever you need them that's all I got time for today guys thank you again for watching next week I'm going to get into a tutorial for Z spheres and how to create perfect hands in ZBrush thank you again for watching I'll see you guys next week [Music] you
Channel: Gatz 3D
Views: 17,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, polypaint, 3d paint, gatz art, zbrush polypaint
Id: MpYs2sXUTFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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