Zbrush Head Sculpt 32 - Demon Princess

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hello everybody and welcome to this time-lapse video of the demon princess a couple days ago I did a sketch of a demon girl with horns and this inspired me to do the sculpt I thought I did a human Prince in the past and this would be a good addition to to that character I also wanted to challenge myself to construct a female character from the skeleton up to see if I can achieve it I always struggled to sculpt to draw believable female characters and I even get a little anxious before I make an attempt to start one I don't know I mean think about a lot of stress on myself to do them justice so I decided to brush up my approach that I did with constructing the face with a skull first and this time I wanted to be a bit more detailed in the blocking phases as well and I wanted to challenge myself to create a female character from the beginning from the ground up to to the final character and I think this was a really good exercise to do especially to see where still needed to improve yeah this is mainly the reason why I decided to go for this sculpting approach in the first place with the demon Prince that you can see here somewhere popping up where would test my knowledge of the skull and the facial muscles and then build the model from the ground up and a lot of people asked why I'd go through the effort of locking the skull in first and this is the main reason - to study and to really nail down the the fundamentals of anatomy which is the skeleton doing the skull over and over again is a really really good exercise and I like to talk about that with my with my colleagues and my university that studying the human skull was one of the most important exercises for me in sculpting and learning how to do faces and characters because it's it's a fundamental skill to to be able to block in the big shapes and really define the plane changes in the proportions and establish the the object that you want to sculpt and the same approach in blocking out the basic shapes I use for everything else just in smaller details for example the nose we're blocking the basic shapes first and once the proportion and placement and everything is set then I go into the details and refine things even more the same with the eye and I usually start with inserting the eyeball and then filling up that area inside the eye socket with volume to cover up the sphere mm normally I would then carve out the eyelids but this time I edit the bulge over the eyelids for some reason and it helps me to get a feeling for what I'm doing and why things have the shape that they have I noticed in the past that I was looking at images from from people and Anatomy references and I never really knew what I was drawing because I didn't knew what was underneath the surface so there were shapes and bumps and skin that i just copied but I didn't know where they're originated from and once I learned the the underlying construction the bones the muscles the attachments of the muscles and where they where they wrap around and overlap each other I really learned to actually see the reference and I started to learn what all of us and not just copying what I thought I was seeing if that makes any sense but yeah long story short this approach of sculpting the the human face seems a bit tedious but it really helps me to brush up my knowledge of anatomy and yeah go through everything again and it's also a lot of fun to sculpt this way you you will notice little details and things that you never really questioned so you know just give it a shot and see what you end up with another thing that inspires me a lot in this process is when I started to get more into drawing and withdrawing it's way more common to construct everything before you go into the details and I think this is one of the main lessons that I got from my drawing exercises that I applied to my 3d modelling that I really go into the details with the big shapes that make sense that I really try to get a drive from every angle before I move on to the next level of detail so the foundation is is everything if the foundation is right and everything that follows will be much much better and you can't fake the end results with nice details when the foundation is not working so no matter how good your details are the foundation likes the quality then the result will end up looking not so great when I approach my drawings I really think a lot about what I want to draw before I put down the pencil I used to draw with the standard pen that I bought in fine micron pen just recently after I watched some videos of Martin Abel from able art we used one in one of his traditional drawing videos and it was a lot of fun to see that and his same great contents it's very inspiring so I bought one and tried it out and it's it's really great yeah the Buddha pen really forces me to make conscious decisions since I am stuck with what I put down on the page and I used to sculpt my 3d models basically putting on volume and it was more a hit or miss kind of thing and I stumbled my way to the finish model but through drawing and really nailing down the the construction and learning how to put down conscious strokes I learned more to do that with sculpting as well which increased the speed and the quality and appeal as well I think and over time because of the repetition you develop your own style I would say so you know drawing really really helped me a lot with 3d this hit room is kind of sculpting it was responsible for most of the designs that I ended up with that you can see on my channel for my older videos but I always had some some ideas in the line that I wanted to create in 3d now with getting better at drawing I can actually design characters first before I do a sculpting video or sculpt for myself which is a lot of fun yeah a lot of characters in my mind and I think I'm currently breaching the the gap between what I can imagine in my head and what I can put on paper there was such a large gap between what I was thinking about and what I was able to put on paper in the past and I think the gap is now closing a little bit where when I have something in mind and I start to draw that it actually ends up as the similar subject because in the past I had an idea and then I put down the first mark on the page or made the first few brushstrokes on on the sculpt and then it would turn into something completely different because the the sculpt itself or the drawing itself had more control over the page then then I had and you know with enough repetition and practice and looking up great resources especially drawing references which I repeat over and over again this you might have noticed but this is really crucial for me in learning because the 2d tutorials are much faster to grasp concepts like constructing and proportions and Anatomy and 2d is such such a great tool to really nail down the fundamentals and improve with your perception and your eye hand coordination that's why I really liked you to follow those and there's some great resources here on YouTube as well for example proko obviously modern-day james or cynics of metal jewelry yeah they're just a bunch of people that have really great tutorials on characters Anatomy perspective everything that you need to know and yeah just look them up and see if you find something that grasps your attention and then just follow it this the most important thing to to get a tutorial and then not only get the input but do the output as well so apply what you learned because there's so many details in there that you wouldn't have noticed otherwise if you actually apply it then you can start to ask questions and not just perceive the answers so yeah drawing exercise really helps a lot the next thing that I wanted to talk about is a little bit off topic but I'm currently moving into another flat and this means that there is a chapter coming to an end and the new one starts this is always an exciting but also pitched unsettling time since there is so much change and there lived in my old room for six years now and that was long term but yeah I'm planning to do a lot of things on there and the next time since my studies come to an end as well I want to get more serious with putting out content and making videos because there are a lot of fun for me and I'd like to see the response and that the videos seem to help and I would like to continue that and just focus more of my time energy towards that so I'm also thinking about starting to stream at least I want to try it out for a few times and I'm planning to do a stream where a test out Blender Scotland lender and because I haven't tried it yet actually I did for half an hour and it seems pretty promising so I'm really looking forward to to test it out more and I would like to share that journey with you so in addition to that I would like to stream traditional drawing as well as my usual sculpting in ZBrush and maybe depending on the project and just Maya stuff or blend this stuff as well so I'm just trying different things out and and basically showing you what I did to improve my heart and I'd like to know if you're interested in that just telling the comments if you want to see more of these time-lapse videos or streaming and tutorials yeah a lot of exciting times I had this year seems like the year of reconsidering and making plans and starting to get into new activities and doing what I wanted to do for a long time so I'm really excited for what comes next and I think that's that brings it to knit and I hope you like the end result of the demon princess if you're interested in the rendering process I made a tutorial about that on my channel already and that you can check out and if you have any questions feel free to leave them down in the comments I try to read every comment and answer as much as I can and yeah I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you in the next video bye you
Channel: Fynn GB
Views: 127,388
Rating: 4.9665818 out of 5
Keywords: 3D, sculpt, zbrush, 3dtotal, vfxboard, deviantart, fynn, gb, große-bley, character, anatomy, design, creating, characters, making, sketches, behind, the, scenes, animated, short, film, challenge, female, demon, princess, fantasy, dungeons, and, dragon, dragons, off, timelapse, community, blender, streaming, twitch, maya 3d, autodesk, pixologic, 3d axis, zbrush animation, dungeons and dragons, udemy zbrush, udemy
Id: kD4ZzDO9pY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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