Zbrush - Creature Mouth / Next Step After Dynamesh

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hello in this video Sharia I can give you a creature mouth also this video will serve to show you what you do after dynamesh so that image is a great tool for quickly building out your model and experimenting with shapes in the general design of your creature and other things but once you've got that you need to move on to a different style animation several downsides the first is that your topology gets very dense and it's not very good for animation or anything else so then we have to move on to the next step I also want to be able to work on the inside of the creatures mouth and if you if you're a very complex creature of lots of internal parts that image won't really work for that so here's what you do first i'll go into the side view here just by holding shift and snapping into this side and they'll turn off perspective holding control I will make sure that mask last source activated here and I will mask off pretty much the jaw hold ctrl and click here to soften it a little bit then hold ctrl and just click here to invert the mask switch to rotate wer and position the transpo transpose tool right about here and rotate the mouth open all right now I will hold control me in this election and once more to Dinah mentioned and actually before you do this is actually good idea to make a duplicate so we have something to fall back on right in that way he kind of compared before and after all right dinah mission and now use claybuildup to give a hole here what do you want the mouth to be so the mouth is a very delicate part where in order to do a good job of sculpting you really want to be able to sculpt with the mouth open and closed because the mouth kind of the lips kind of change shape depending on where the mouth is open so I won't do the full mouth here I'm just going to sculpt it very quickly and basically here Cleopas are very great to say basically you want to use the animation just kind of make a hole here make room for the gums and the teeth and the tongue all right here what I would do actually mash this area off here go under display properties double you all right let's leave it like this for now all right now you basically want to turn that a mesh off and activate zremesher here I like to do what I like to do is set the adapter this down to very low set a good target polygons count and then hit zremesher now before I actually hit this your measure button what I want to do is create a duplicate because when you remesh we will lose a lot of the detail here it's not too detailed here where we'll lose out some of the things that I've done here so what I would do is have a duplicate here and then I will hit C remeasure and we'll get a much simpler result here all right here's the result that I got so you have a much simpler result and we lost a little bit of the detail here but the upside to using this is that now I can very easily work both with a lot clean topology as well as I can always hold shifty press shifty and I can now easily move the forms and kind of correct various parts of it when you're working with dynamesh you can have a very dense mesh so you can't really go up and down the division level so it's harder to kind of make adjustments here but with this mesh I can work you can have it be detailed I can always go down here and just work with a few vertices here to get what I want so it's a lot easier to adjust basic forms when you have a simpler geometry anyways what I would do now is go up and make sure this is visible as well what I would do is go up one level and project now I will go up one more level and project so that's a good way to use the projectile feature and what I'm doing now basically is all the details from this I'm transferring transferring to the new mesh so now we have both the benefits of cleaner topology being able to work with our creature and move them around at with this level at the lowest of the vision level and all we also go up and work with them at a higher level and I will go under layers and I will make a new layer here make sure that the highest elevation level is active and then press the layer button click on name and that will call this mouth closed and now I will use the same technique except now I will close the mouth and now all I have to do is just make some adjustments here I might have to do some sculpting here but basically now I can work with the mouth closed and open so I could get the best lip shape by having the mouth closed and open that's one of the things I can do for convenience is I can mask the inside of the mouth so first I would do is control ship can isolate this alright so I will mask the inside of the mouth here all right and there we go under polygroups and group masked now this is actually part of a separate polygroup so now if I want to just have the mouth visible I will hold ctrl shift and simply click on the mouth and now I can work just on that without having to worry about any anything else so I can just work on the inside the mouth I can also remove the mouth by holding ctrl shift alt and clicking and now control shift and drag here to invert it another mouth is gone I can work without seeing the mouth so the way that lips work is that they kind of go inside of the mouth so so they kind of start out here then they kind of go inside you all right so this is a very quick example but we can see how the characters mouth can now close and open so remember that when you're rotating the jaw the jaw bone goes somewhere from about the center of the ears so it's about right here so when you're rotating you want to make sure that the transpose tool is located not here but closer up there so you can see how well it changes when the mouth closes and opens you can see there's a lot more stretching in the skin happening here so notice notice how the skin folds here change when the mouth closes and opens notice how this area right here becomes more stretched out as the skin because remember when the mouth is being open this skin starts to stretch in this direction just like cloth or any other material so pay attention to how it stretches okay so we got these stretching in these flaps these folds happening here these areas of stretch skin so now we've gone from a simple dynamesh model that had bad topology and we can't really go up and down so the vision we went from this model right here which pretty much had no mouth and we went to a clean model where our character has a mouth and we can open it and close it and we can get the best lip shape possible because we can work on the mouth in its closed and open state so we can for example close it here and there work work on the work on the mouth a little bit here if you're getting if you're getting this message what you can do is activate the recording mode and then you can go up and down to the vision and modify it without that message popping up so you can you know work on the mouth and you said the vision level working at once closed you know add wrinkles here perfect the shape of the of the lips that you want here make the lips larger or smaller here and then you can open it and close it open it up and now work on the shape of the lips some more well from the inside work on it here whatever you need to do to perfect the lips you can work on the inside of the mouth here and isolate this area work on the mouth from here you can control shift alt deselect hide this area and I'll work on the bottom here control shift old deselect remove the hide the top hide the bottom work on the top here to get the best mouth and inside of your creature as possible and just keep working from a closed mouth open mouth also work on the way that the skin stretches here and things like that thank you for watching it and take care
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 61,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, Computer Animation (Industry), creature, free, online, education, learn, class, lesson, arrimus, walkthrough, tutorial, 3d, digital, sculpt, 3D Modeling (Film Job), 3D Computer Graphics Software (Software Genre), dynamesh, remesh, topology, layer, mouth, organic, internal
Id: pSsEfdzieRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2015
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