Tips for sculpting a mouth in ZBrush

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so today we're going to talk about sculpting lips and we have a sample here of roughly where we want to get to and it's a few things we should note about this before we start I have some references over here which is almost you know caricatures of lips but really do help show the structure of them and then some reference for how they actually are line up so there are certain things that we have to take into account like that when you're looking from the side view the edge of your lips at the outside of your lips basically will roughly reach where your eye starts so when we're looking at this from the side our mouth shouldn't be going much further back than where our mouth starts at where our eyes are basically and if we're looking at this from the front generally as a general rule mouth will come out to roughly where the irises so imagine where the iris is here were roughly at that point and that's not always the case it depends on ethnicity and you know whether a person is a big mouth or a small mouth or big eyes or small eyes etc but the general rule is to go to them guide so we're going to be sculpting on this head over here which is prepared for this and you see that we're starting off with a flat surface and without any definition on it so the thing that you'll notice on the other one is that from the side we actually protrude out quite some distance so what you're looking at is a line I will actually come from your nose down to your chin and will generally be very close to if not touching your lips so depends on the person sometimes it'll be touching sometimes you won't again it's it's down to all kinds of factors but on this one since look we still do need to create this volume because there are teeth in here which are pushing these lips out so if you have a flat surface like that that's the first thing that we need to fix so we can just take a large move tool and grab that area and push it out trying to indicate where the volume of these lips is actually going to be that's a good start for this you notice if we go down and we look at the bottom of this that there's place for teeth in here but if we take this and we move too far out or basically if we start making a curve that's this wide well then that would be a very wide set of teeth so it's unlikely that that's the case so need to make sure that when we're taking our volume out we're not doing it for the entire width but roughly the width of where the nose would go and where the teeth would go so once we have that in place we're ready to start carving in actual lips and philtrum filtering being the ridge here down and from their nose and you'll notice that that runs from the edge of your nose here edge of your nostril on the outside so we start off and the placement doesn't matter too much because we can always change this but generally you're talking about roughly a third of the way down and I'm going to change to a down standard to her third of the way down between your nose and your chin and we just draw out a line here going out to roughly where we think the iris would start so this is basically a little sea bird and not much else and that's going to be roughly where the inner part of our lips are so the outer side and we may be a little bit high here but we can always fix that afterwards so the first thing I'm going to do is define that upper lip so this shape here we want to define where that is so I'm just going to draw that out using damn standard so damn standard normally we cut in using alt will actually push out I'm just gonna push out and say what I want that to look like this so this is up to whatever lips reference that you have that you want to match some would be obviously more pointy than others or softer than others or you may not even have this some some lips in fact and for cartoon lips and are often quite simple like that so but we just start off with something like this as a start point saying well this is roughly where we want our lips to be now you'll notice that when I do this obviously if we were to look at this from the side looks ridiculous it's starting to look like a mustache we still have to build up these volumes but the very first thing we're going to do is gonna grab a move brush I'm just going to take these points and move them forward trying to create that lip distance and that also includes the center point at this point here which is just as much forward as the rest of it so once we have that we can push this forward and we bake effectively have an open lip with a very strange-looking philtrum and very strange in area above the upper lip so what we need to do there is just start building that in so I'm just going to take a claybuildup brush and just start giving this some of the volume right here this is for the philtrum and hold down alt to carve it in and I'm just going to soften that out by building up this volume down to that lip I don't even smooth that down when we get to some place that's indicating this is this closer we already have an upper lip here now pretty much you may not get this first time this is gonna come with practice so don't be disheartened if you're not getting your first time you can see I have quite a curl on this at the moment so there'd be a lot of modifying as we go along where you're constantly correcting here I'm gonna push this back down again and smooth and the whole lip may move after I've been sculpting it for a while so I'm not gonna get too fussy about that so this up this bit here does protrude more than the rest and you see that in real people as well it just comes out that a little bit more but it's generally still coming down at an angle and I have mine coming quite bulbous lis coming out from the bottom rather than from the top so you see for most of them the top is the highest point and it just immediately comes down at this angle and that's not what we have going on here so I'm going to exaggerate this even more by pulling this stuff out the upper lip I'm gonna pull the center of the bottom lip in a little bit I'm not concerned what's happening to the actual bottom bottom lip I'm just looking at the bottom of the upper lip as it were so I'm just gonna pull this in little micro adjustments are all that's all that are needed and smooth this out and a little bit happier with that so this sharpness of the lip is not something that we're going to keep but it is good for just showing us where things are so we can make this a little bit more bulbous and now we're gonna work on the lower lip so we'll do the same thing again we're gonna take the damn standard brush and I'm gonna hold down alt and you want to kind of define where I want this lip to be now the shape of it is actually more like that this kind of is kind of a round bottom down here that then goes up to a top like that so and if we look at this from here we're looking at you know kind of a round bottom that goes around here like that so we want to emulate that shape over here as well so I have a round bottom that comes up like that now I've exaggerated this it doesn't really matter we're going to be adjusting this quite significantly maybe I exaggerated a little bit too much something like that is fine so this is effectively what's really happening with ellipse you can see this bulbous area down here and this is this like almost comma shaped lower lip so we can take a play build up to again PCB and start building up our lower lip keeping this shape in mind so it kind of comes in underneath here and comes around and this is what this upper lip is actually sitting on so I'm just building up some volume here into this kind of round karma shape roughly up to the limit of where and are actually over over shoot it a little bit because obviously this is almost a caricature of that it's gonna overshoot a little bit and then bring it back in here my tears are damn standard to tighten up anything that I'm feeling is start to get lost I'm even gonna cut out a little bit past they're actually just gonna smooth this bit out here with holding down shift I'm gonna take my move brush and move this lip out and try and get some of this shape back now for me the curl of this is maybe a little bit too much this curve here and we can take some of that out and these micro adjustments are what you're going to be doing here all the time so I'm now giving the right giving the lower lip it's coming out too much so basically our upper lip is generally is a little bit more out than than the lower lip it's further out at this point if we draw a line straight down this one is inset so on our model over here that's not the case so we have the option inside which I'm just holding down control and masking our upper lip so we can just kind of mask that whole area just to protect that so now when we grab a big move brush bmv I grab that lower lip we can kind of push it in gently and have it sit underneath so that's a better position for it now you'll see underneath the lower lip that we have this kind of soft Turner now it's quite exaggerated here but it is actually quite um quite strong so what we can do is we can do the same thing we did with the upper lip we can now mask our lower lip I'm just holding down control to do that and now I'm just gonna grab a move tool I'm just going to push that in I'm gonna leave in press smooth hold down shift to smooth out a control drag to get rid of our mask and now it's just about shaping these lips into the lips that you want you'll see most lips have a little pocket here a fast that kind of runs from where the lips pinch in here at the end this is this little pocket of fat and it's worth putting that in and it just kind of helps add to the believability of it so it comes down from your your upper lip we'll do that we smooth it out a little bit smoother it quite a lot but you can see that it adds that little bit to it we can smooth it down here at the bottom I'm actually going to smooth the lower lip a little bit and you'll see that generally on lower lips there's not this line here is our almost the texture that's defining this rather than an actual line as such so we can actually smooth this out down here you're not really going to see where that then split between lip and and skin is I want to hold my damn standard and just type that pull that back in again and I'm even going to start softening this stuff out here now this little Ridge here I'm just holding down a shift and just softening this part down let's move that back a little bit more and just choose our move tool and make any modifications as we see fit after this its you can see actually here I have to lift the upper lip the upper part of the upper lip actually extruding quite a little bit more so we can pull that out that's the case and then smooth soft back so these little micro adjustments now are going to be what-what finalizes your lip and then given stage you can go back to your down standard if you want to add more definition to it just holding down alt and I'm just running over it like that and then just going backwards and forward softening as needed sometimes you will get this kind of little almost like a double lip kind of thing though you can pull that in here and then just smooth it out yeah sometimes I'm going to undo that do it one more time here it kind of falls down underneath the lip so when you smooth it out down here where it doesn't actually happen anymore and I'll tighten this up and as I said these are just now micro adjustments that are up to you to decide depending on the reference that you have so often you'll smooth this out so if we go to a side view here I can see that I need to pull this upper lip up a little bit so I'm gonna do the same thing as I did before I'm going to mask out our upper lip and I'm going to take the upper part of the lower lip and pull that up that just gives that that extra curve up here at the top of the lip so from that we can then smooth that back down again and we can dynamesh at any given stage just to make sure that what we're getting is what we think we have and that we get that every time we dynamesh let's go gentle on your smoothing when you are doing it she's going to change the color of this just a little bit so we can see what's going on here and you can see that my lower lip here is actually coming out quite significant anymore and so I'm just going to tie that back a little bit and I feel like my chin isn't actually coming out enough I have too small a chin here so I'm just going to move this back up give it extra volume once you get to this stage then you can divide your model as normal and start adding in extra surface details so if we hit control D a couple of times just to subdivide this and then we can use our whatever textures you might have or some standard brushes or whatever to start adding in some kind of lip details that's up to you when you do look at real people however you will find that lips are often a lot more subtle than you think so it is worth toning it down a little bit and you know it's not necessarily I was gonna have these one lipping further than the other that totally depends on the person and so sometimes reality is very different from the idealized sculptures that we all tend to go for all right hope these tips help and as usual please do consider subscribing thanks bye
Channel: Sean Forsyth
Views: 2,176
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, sculpting a mouth, sculpt mouth, mouth sculpting, zbrush mouth, mouth sculpting tips, 3d sculpting, introduction to zbrush, learning zbrush, zbrush for beginners 2020, zbrush for beginners tutorial, zbrush for beginners learn how to sculpt a 3d character, 3d, sculpting
Id: _JhTlOTd5iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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