Zac Poonen - In The New Covenant Our Inner Life Is Primary

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there are two words that I have found distinguish the New Covenant life from the Old Covenant light I need to clarify the V you know the word covenant is the same as Testament so many people when we talk about the Old Covenant being abolished we're in the New Covenant they wonder whether to be able to stop reading the Old Testament that's not true see this description of the 39 books as Old Testament is something made by math you'll never find that God said these 39 books are Old Testament no we're here and from the time of Jesus the books that came out to that 27 books are called New Testament but that's a human description God never called ago he asked him in the New Testament mind you of that but for our convenience we refer to it as Old Testament New Testament we refer to chapters and love the original writings there were not chapters no verses but what we mean by our covenant is the agreement the word covenants agreement with God made with his realize through Moses on Mount Sinai they gave him a lot of laws and it led to the Israelites living a much higher standard of life than the rest of the world that's absolutely true in the rest of the world there was a doubt read murder all types of things but it's very little of it in Israel because they had the law and almost all laws in the world today are based on those Ten Commandments but in the New Covenant Jesus came to show us what God originally wanted let me show you a verse in Psalm 103 and Psalm 103 and we're so it says here God made known his ways to the to Moses but his actions to the sons of Israel that was the difference between his ways and his actions or act his ways are inward inner his thoughts and attitudes and purposes which are not visible his actions are visible and because Moses went up to the mountain he understood God's heart he can put it like that what was it in God's heart and that's why he was a normal say he was like an old New Covenant personal in Old Testament times just like there are millions of Old Covenant people living in New Covenant time today he understood behind the action what was God's purpose whereas the Israelites could only see edge and in the Old Covenant that's all you could know so in the when we come into the New Covenant because the holy spirit comes to dwell within the first thing that happens is we begin to understand God's ways and our inner life becomes more important than our external moments so I want to say to all of you in one way in which you can discover whether you have come into the fullness of the New Covenant is can you honestly say that your inner life is more important than your external life in other words you're more concerned about what God thinks of you but nobody's watching then you are concerned about what people think of you they're watching in other words you're concerned about your life in secret then you lighten public that's one mark of a new government person he's much more concerned I'm not saying he's perfect he may be slipping up in his thought life still they made me that occasional word of anger that he speaks to his wife her husband but that disturbs him that's the point if it doesn't disturb him because he says well nobody heard it then he hasn't understood the new government so the new covenant person is not one who never makes a mistake but if he makes a mistake in secret it disturbs him for example if he had a bad thought when he was sitting somewhere or saw something he looked at a picture and a bad thought came into his mind nobody even dreamt that he had a bad thought nobody would have even imagined it but it disturbs him and he immediately goes to God and says Laura I'm sorry I slipped up there forgive me cleanse me now an Old Covenant so-called believer will never do that he's only disturbed by things that spoiled his testimony on the outside Oh somebody hurt me lose my temper but nobody hurt saw me have that dirty thought that is the mark of an old covenant person and we must face up to that and say Lord I am an old covenant person please lead me into the new government if you are honest God will help us what I mean in pretending no no okay those are the people I have seen even in many of our CFC churches you hear the truth and you have the truth the truth and never change is it possible for people to hear the truth of the new government and never change sure Jesus himself says to the churches in the book of Revelation chapter two and three words directly from the Lord and at the end of it it says he who has ears to hear let him hear well that's not referring to physical ear which everybody has who has a year in his heart to hear what the Lord is let them hear so the Lord recognizes that a lot of people sit in Christian churches are not in the New Covenant at all their external testimony is much more important to them than their private life their external words which they speak of much more important than their motives Moses knew God's wings so as I'm saying that is one of the primary marks of New Covenant life and I hope if you're not there yet I hope you'll make it your goal well I'll tell you honestly I was born again and for many many years my external life and testimony was more important to me than my inner life I tried my best but I wasn't so disturbed if I slipped up in an area where nobody knew as I would be disturbed if I had slipped up publicly but a time came in my life when I was fed up of that I said no this is not what you came to do for this is the life of a Pharisee and that's what I am and the Pharisees when people you can't employ anything so turn with me to Matthew 23 you see we know that the Pharisees are people being crucified Christ and Jesus condemned him like everything he condemned them more than he condemned murderers and thieves there's a thief and a murderer on the cross he forgave them with adulterous woman who we forgave there was a five times divorced Samaritan woman he forgave for the Pharisees those are the people to whom he said in Matthew 23 in verse 33 you serpents you brood of vipers how do you escape the sentence of health and these were people whose doctrines were all correct I want you to see that Jesus said to his disciples in verse 1 2 and 3 the same chapter the scribes and Pharisees first of 3 whatever they tell you to do Jesus sanctioned the teaching of the Pharisees saying everything they tell you to do you can do because what they're teaching is right this is like an evangelical fundamental church preaching the truth there's no false doctrine here that's mr. Parris's then what was wrong with them let me show you in Manteo further down to that chapter and verse 25 you clean the outside or the inside is full of robbery and self-indulgence so the outside of your life is clean but inside you are indulging yourself there are many ways in which you can indulge yourself you can indulge yourself by letting somebody have a piece of your mind and anger you can indulge yourself with lusting after a bottle without our knowing it you can indulge yourself by extravagant spending and money unnecessary things there are many ways of self-indulgence but nobody sees them because you externalize the outside of the cup is clean so the Pharisees did have a clean external life problem was with their inner body so mark of affairs even today a lot of Pharisee sitting in the church let me show you in 1 Corinthians 4 what the Lord is going to judge in the final day Christ comes again and we will all stand before him every one of us one place we're not going to escape to the judgment seat of Christ and it says here in 1 Corinthians 4 the reason why we should not judge or condemn other people now the word judge means in the New Testament condemned because there's a right type of judgment which is discerning error that type of judgment we need otherwise we'll only to see there are fake preachers false manifestations the Holy Spirit if you don't discern that you'll be deceived but the judgment that way you've condemned somebody and sentence somebody in your mind we must avoid judge condemning and sentencing people is the job of the judge and holy God is a judge but I can discern what's right and wrong and I can say well I don't agree with that and I would not follow that preacher but he's a fake that type of judgment is needed otherwise we all be deceived but condemnation it tells us here verse 506 4 verse 5 why we should not pass a judgment in that way or other people the reason is we don't know everything about their life don't go on passing judgment before the time it's almost like saying you guys who have a age to judge people a great age to judge people just hang on the time will come when you can judge as much as you like but that time has not yet come it's not so you can never judge just wait be a little patient and even judge people as much as you like and that is when Christ comes again because when Christ comes in other words he's telling us when Christ comes go and judge as much as you like because in that day he will show you not only the outer life of this person that you saw and on a video screen the Lord is going to display everything that a person did from the time of his birth and that video screen will replay his whole life his whole life from the time of his birth which includes what normal videos cameras cannot record thoughts attitudes morals are all recorded on this videotape of art memory see nobody will be able to dispute that videotape in that because this is all memory replaying it and come back to this in a moment currently between the revelation in chapter 20 where it says that in Revelation in chapter 20 it says here in verse 12 I saw the dead the great and the small standing before that's wrong and the books were opened another the book of life and the dead were judged from the things which are written in the books now if you have a margin in your Bible like I have it says the in the original it's not books its Scrolls you know that these type of books are available only in the last five six hundred years printing was discovered only late fourteen hundreds so when it talks about a book in the Bible he's talking about a scroll it's like long parchment let's roll and roll and roll and roll with and then you roll this side if you want to read the next chapter you roll some more and it's rolled all the way to the end here and if you want to go back you roll this one already roll this go it's it's a scroll the nearest thing that we can that we have seen of a scroll today is a videotape a videotape is like a scroll if you've seen these old videotapes it's all warmed up on one side and then it whines and goes to the other side and as it goes around the other side this side gets opened up and I have explained on the screen you see all that's happened so we can say the videotapes were opened and it's the videotape of our memory from the time we were born the tape that's running in our memory you know how you can recollect something like and recollect things I did when I was 10 years old good at math I can directly I can't recollect everything because a lot of our brains of the dying is there it's recorded there it's all there I've heard of people operating on brain of the person and touching some part and suddenly the guy remember something he never I remembered all his life it's there every thing that you ever did that you ever said to anyone in private or in public every thing that you thought every attitude that you had from the time of you were born towards your parents or neighbors or relatives and every little thing you did in secret every word you spoke and anger or bitterness and every gossip you engaged in somewhere and every everybody who cheated with money all the unrighteousness you did with money and which you thought you escaped nobody ever found out and it's it's all there in your memory and we can say it says here that the books were open they were judged according to what is written in the books means not just presses the rewind button when you're all standing there and then just on the screen for the whole world to see will be my life and your life and I cannot say it I didn't do that yes you're on video tape playing it you can't see and I never had that attitude sure you did it's your own video tape recording it and what did we read one Prince is forth then you can judge me because then you get the full picture right now you'll see only ten percent what you see in another person is only ten percent I wanna tell you even those are married for many years you don't see everything in your husband or wife a lot of thoughts that go through their mind you don't have a clue attitudes you don't have a look but in that day everything will be played back and it says the Dead will be judged according to what was there now why does God do it there's a proverb in four circles even in this world it's judgment must not only be done but was seen must be seen to be done and that's why when it judge writes a judgement that usually about 500 pages of it and for something because he has to prove this is the reason why I'm sentencing this guy to 10 years in prison or whatever it is it must be seen to be done it's not just that I've got I got in my mind the judge says I think he's guilty 10 years in jail no he's gotta read it all harm judgment must not only be done but seen to be done and so when God sends people to hell in the final day nobody will have a question why didn't that guy go to hell but you see his video tables if you yourself will agree with God say I deserved it and that's the day but jesus said many who are first will be lost some who are last will be first in other words many in stood up there in the front is great preachers and great Christian leaders and when you see the videotape of their private life you'll be absolutely shocked to see Wow was he like that but I'll tell you something spirit-filled people who have discernment will recognize such creatures even now they will sense in that spirit there's something wrong with that guy you may not be able to explain it and that's how the Holy Spirit tells you there's something wrong better be careful don't listen to him anymore but in that day you know vast majority of Christians have not discernment they just swallow anything anybody says and does he quotes a verse in Scripture they swallow it but in that day there'll be no doubt even the person with least discernment when he sees the video today we see this guy was an absolute crook and a deceiver so that's what it means many more first we'd be lost that we weighed out of the end of the line and then we gotta help or Jesus said in one place in Matthew 7 that people are going to come to him and say Lord we did miracles in your name turn with me to Matthew 7 i point out these verses to you so that you know these are not just my bright ideas so that you know it's in Scripture and it's good for you to know where it is Matthew's Gospel chapter 7 and verse 21 onwards not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven when he who does the will of my father and many will say to me important what there is many not just a few people many means maybe 10 million creatures will come to me in that day it's probably an understatement we probably do much more than that 10 million or a hundred million preachers preachers would come to me on that day and say Lord we preached in your name we cast out demons in your name not in some heathen God's name we did miracles in your name and the Lord will look at them after playing this video tape the entire world is an audience you saw this guy's life his private life you saw his attitudes motives how he swindled poor people of money with all his preaching on telling people to give money and yeah he did certain miracles because I had given him certain gifts do you know that when God gives a gift to somebody he doesn't take it back it's willing you give somebody a birthday gift and afterwards he became your enemy when you go back to this day he returned that but the gift I gave you 10 years ago you don't we don't even do it as human beings God gives a gift to somebody he doesn't take it back he gives a mattock if we preach he doesn't take it back scary the greatest proof of it is the devil himself when God created him as the head of the Angels he had more supernatural powers than any age and when he sinned because of pride God took away his anointing but he didn't take away his gifts and that's the devil can do so many supernatural things you read in the Bible that he could send fire from heaven in the days of Joel just by the way the first person who sent fire from heaven was not not Elijah who brought it down the devil brought fire down on job's animals and all that and he had power to tear down houses in the job children were staying at tremendous power where did he get it from he certainly didn't get it after he fell away and became the devil he got it before so God doesn't take away a person's ift's so just because you can preach well doesn't mean you're spiritual and just because somebody can preach well or he in the sake he doesn't mean you spiritual I'm not fooled because I know that many many people millions of people in the final day who heal the sick will be sent to hell because when the video tape is played it says the Lord is a verse 23 depart from me get away from me what is the reason you lived in sin you practice sin so you'll discover in the final day that the important question will be not how much you preached or how little you breathe not how much you how many miracles you did or how many demons you bastard but what was your attitude to sin that is going to be the most important and only question in the final day and you know like in India we have in the end of school year we have think for the final examination it's not like that in all schools believe you the final examination at the end of the year is very very important because whether you get promoted to the next class or not is dependent on your results in their final examination and this is the final examination when Christ comes back and so when children are studying for the final examination we tell them study for the subjects that are coming in the final examination don't study politics because that's not coming in your final examination I am good to know a lot of things that use but that's not coming in your final examination next week study for physics or science or math that's what's coming in your final examination so here's the final examination when you stand before the Lord study for that what's your attitude to sin it's not how much did you preach not going to the Bible that you know not how many miracles you did know or not how many you sang or how many musical instruments you can play or cannot play no what is your attitude to say that's the only thing that's gonna matter so now we can turn back to 1 Corinthians 4 and verse 5 so don't go on passing judgment before the time because I found the vast majority of believers the vast majority that I have met if they see a television preacher preaching powerfully and doing some what I call apparent miracles a lot of it is just illusions like these magicians and you get fooled by that don't be deceived don't it's not time to judge you will see in the final day there are a lot of those people are gonna help try some that must be how many of you believe that that man whom you see on Christian television apparently but a world famous preacher he possible that he'll go to hell I think the verse which already believes will not drink that that method or that's how deceive people are healing that man's gonna help I like my likely look at his attitude of money look at the number of people he's taken money for him to build his fancy Palace somewhere yeah it'll all be this close in the final day it's better to know it now why is it better to know it now so she don't get fooled by that bad it's very very important in that day here's what the Lord will bring to light there are two things mentioned in verse 5 very very important these are the subjects coming for the final examination 1 the things hidden in darkness that means the areas of your life which other people need nothing about can you think of areas in your life which other people sitting here or your relatives even your closest family members know nothing about all the times you've cheated in examinations all the wrong things you got by deception and the number of people you took advantage of and you never got caught crimes for which other people were caught and you never got caught you thought you were lucky you're not really lucky there's another judgment yet to come and nobody escapes that much a lot of people escape things on earth notice it the final one yeah you know for example I've come to see that a lot of crooked evil people somehow escaped by bribing the judges or by using political pressure or getting pardoned by some President or there's so many ways you can get out of here on the earth but the final judgment there's no pardon there is no forgiveness of me on this earth it's appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgment so the only time you can ask repent and ask for forgiveness is this this life you can operate the last minute thank you for the process you can't do it but don't wait to the last like people who say I will repent at the eleventh hour usually die at 10:30 so they never get to the Leventhal so it's better to repent right now wait to the last minute you know it doesn't work like that it's very very important the things hidden in darkness what does that mean the way you speak to your husband and wife at all their attitude to them and your pride so you don't think there is jealousy all that gossip which you won't do in the church but when you do with your husband and wife at all you say oh that's okay well it's all gonna come tonight it's all on the videotape there's nothing which is not recorded on that videotape of our memory absolutely nothing he's working 24 hours and the other thing that God's gonna reveal is the motive of men's hearts see what is the things hidden in darkness which is our thought life and our attitudes towards people with unrighteous things we've done which nobody knows about the second is our motive in other words maybe something you did that was good but the motive was easy for example preaching a sermon very good thing to do but if my motive is to make money for myself it becomes evil immediately it's like putting a poisonous animal poisonous creature into a good dish that you prepared you cooked a nice dish and then you put a poisonous animal but creature into it it's why is the whole thing that's exactly what happens you know it can be a wonderful sermon but the motive was I want to get money or I want to get some honor I want people to appreciate me in other words I don't want to point to Christ I want people to see me be drawn to me the mountains of creatures like this month it is multitude in fact was we already like this they compete with one another even in churches to show that I can preach better than that guy can imagine coming into the Church of God and trying to show that you're better than somebody else it happens it happens in the best of churches or I can sing better than somewhere else very very difficult to in our church in Bangalore in all our churches see if the churches we'd never allow anyone to sing a solo because I've seen almost every single person who sings a solo is not trying to glorify Christ he's trying to actually what a good voice yes and I tell you God couldn't care less what somebody's voice we are here to glorify Christ the more tip that can be a wonderful song so moving what's your morning what's the motive of all these Christian hymn writers who write these modern songs is modern song you know Peter about three four lines that he repeat 10 times what is the motive with which they write I mean the only three or four lines in it for the guy you know and so many thousands of dollars with that because every time anybody's things that they've got to claim something not like these old writers like Charles Wesley about who never made what sent their songs Fanny Crosby the blind songwriter she didn't write for money all this is going to come to light I've been telling you the truth and just preparing you for the final examination so that you don't get a surprise in that day but don't worry about the witness presently you should know it's my responsibility is a feature of God's Word to make sure that all those who migrate are not surprised in the day of judgment that's what I often say in my own home church I say something you may think I'm very hard on you sometimes but in the day of judgment you thank me for telling you the truth and when you see the condition of a lot of other people who listen to these are the preachers and didn't tell the whole truth the motive of your heart sometimes you know you can say something very nice and I can be a sting in it you know that we've all done that motive it's going to happen you say something to your husband or wife there's a sting in it that'll come out in the and the videotape is played maybe you can justify yourself now with various excuses but in that day there'll be no room for excuses because even the hidden motives will be exposed the very very important brothers to be ready for that day let me show you what the Apostle Paul's attitude was because he knew that day is coming turn with me to Acts chapter 24 exit the Apostles chapter 24 Paul was standing before the governor of Felix and giving his testimony and he said I want to tell you is one thing I'm absolutely certain about absolutely 100% sir there will be a final examination that is the one produced sorry acts 24 Acts of the Apostles 24 and verse 15 he is turning to the Jewish people and saying I have a hope in God that his Jewish people who are accusing me all of the Christian being accused by those Jewish people they also believe in a resurrection and I also believe in resurrection and I believe that there will be two resurrections I I know this for Bible teaches that Revelation chapter 20 32 resurrections not all human beings will be resurrected at the same time when Christ comes it says the dead in Christ will arise what about all the others in the grave there will not arise their resurrection will give another time but there will be a resurrection of the righteous and a resurrection of the wicked and Paul says I know which resurrection I want to be in I want to be in the first resurrection not in the second one and because I want to be in the first resurrection there's something I don't I do my best were 16 to always maintain a blameless conscience before God and for me that is the way you and I can be prepared for that final examination and to make sure we be there at the first resurrection I say that I'm absolutely certain verse 15 that we do resurrections what a resurrection of the righteous what a resurrection of the wicked because it none of us know anything about eternity of the future except in the Bible is not a book in the world that tells us about the future accurately except the Bible if you don't know and you don't know anything about the future and thank God is told us what's going to be the future there's going to be a resurrection of the righteous and the wicked and in view of this I say with Paul I can say this honestly today it was not true the early days of man was born again I was careless in the early days after being born again after being saved I was careless with my consciousness and the reason is I never heard strong preaching I never heard I never had a spiritual father who would pull me up and say you're wrong I listen to preachers who just tried to keep me happy and collect my tights that's all ever interested so long as the offering was okay didn't worry about where people were going but hell or heaven or if they just accepted Christ that's it no you did go to Paul and say hey listen Paul I thought to be in the first resurrection all you need to do is accept priced and Paul you did that 25 years ago why you need to worry so you for not actually be sort like this in view of the grid that would be a resurrection the righteous thank God I read it was 25 years ago I accepted Christ is that what he says here now you may have got that theology from somebody why not get correct theology from Scripture look what Paul says in view of this I do my best to keep my bungees absolutely clear at all times always means 24/7 in other words if I did something wrong today I don't wait to settle it tomorrow I mean are lifted is like but thought gets into your foot you don't wait till tomorrow to pull it out if dust gets into your eye you don't wait till tomorrow to wash it off small things like what affects our body we act immediately why don't we act immediately when we our conscience convicts us or something because even though we save your believers we act like unbelievers my body is more important than my conscience he is your body more important than your conscience and you're an unbeliever or at least you're acting like an unbelievable truly born again Christian will say okay I want to keep my body fit but my conscience is much more important in my body you can add cancer and AIDS and still go to heaven if you repent but you can't have sin on your conscience then go to heaven even you know in the private health I do my best to keep my conscience blameless not only before God but also before men see every sin that we commit is against God every single day thought attitude motive were action everything is before God but some sins are also towards men for example if I slap you that's a sin against God birds also sin against you if I cheat you that's a sin against God and also sin against you so then I have to settle it with God and with you I had to apologize to God and apologize to you but if I only had a dirty thought that I apologize only to God so I must see the sins which I've committed only against God I've had a wrong attitude that's falling before God I confess to him but if my action or word affected another person in some way I have to apologize that person now I would say as a general rule we have to be careful here that we send matters right me we don't have to torment ourselves about things we did in the past week which we cannot settle you know sometimes a man's been wear it when he's 40 years old and he's done so many wrong things in his life so many people and I've had people come to visit brother Zack out of the world will I settle all those things over okay it's not giving a verse to comfort you turn to Acts chapter 17 and verse 30 you know there's an answer in Scripture everything by the way I've been a believer for 59 years and I've faced numerous complicated circumstances in my life but I'll tell you about honest testimony I have never never found a situation in my life for which there is no answer in the Word of God but I must know where to find it that's why one of the first things I did after I was born again was to study the Word of God intensely the result is in almost any situation immediately some word of Scripture comes to my mind giving a solution to that problem so here we read in acts 17 and verse 30 God overlooks your times of ignorance but now that your time of ignorance is over he's telling you so when you apply that to your life there are times in our life completely ignorant of God's ways we didn't know what to do and a lot of us did a lot of wrong things some of those things we can set right I mean I remember before I was murdered I had cheated the government of taxes and things like that I paid it any back but there's certain things which you do you cannot set right think of a man's gone and committed adultery with somebody how could he said that right I think you can apologize to that person but beyond that he can't undo what he did so the certain things you cannot undo then you should not torment yourself for your the devil would like to talk with you you're up to here up to here see you did that you did that you did that you did that but if you can't do anything about it God understands it God understands what you can do it what you cannot do you don't have to torment yourself so let me say that we must have a clear conscience before God at before minimus add this close to it saying that God understands what you're able to do with it's overlooked a lot of things that you did in your ignorance but now he tells you to repent now that you've got light and there's a very comforting verse I often give to people concerning things which they cannot set right you may find it helpful to you in many situations second Corinthians chapter 8 2nd Corinthians in Chapter 8 there are many many situations where I thought this verses helpfully he's good to know the Scriptures and you know what I did in my the first Bible I had I did not know anything of the Bible when I got converted I was born in a Christian family but I hadn't read the Bible eight months to the age of 19 I got the murder I knew Jesus died for my sins and all when I had read through the whole Bible so there's a lot of things the Bible I read it running it for the first time so because I wanted to get back to those important verses I would underline in my first Bible in what verses or highlight it in some light color so that I would find out my first bag was full of highlighting and Bart's with it but it is so helpful to me because it solved so many of my problems and here's one of those verses sacred is 8:12 if the readiness is present that means the willingness you're willing to do God's will then God accepts you let me paraphrase it according to what you're able to do and not what you're not able to do what you can do and not according to what you cannot do by God knows is impossible for you to do something and he doesn't torture you saying well I won't forgive you till that is set right when he knows you cannot set it right I'll tell you one extreme case that happened in India it's a truth true situation a man wrote to me was a very very poor man he was a laborer somewhere there's many many years ago and he wrote to me saying I never met him he just probably read some of my writings that he wrote to me brother Zack I have a question I am a very poor man and he told me how little he was earning and he said I have cheated people over thirty thousand rupees which was a huge amount of money for him at that time thirty-five years ago and he says how can I return it I aren't so little so I wrote it based on this verse I said can you return ten rupees a month it's like if you have a debt of $30,000 can you give ten dollars a month back it means you deny yourself ten rupees a month and send it back and I told him I have calculated it it'll take you just two hundred and fifty years to clear your debt if you pay back ten rupees every month you're not going to live 250 years you probably die in the next ten years it was already not bad but do you know when you stand before the Lord the Lord will adopt it as if you paid over your hotel God is so good because he accepts you apart into what you're able to do but if you don't even pay that 10 rupees then that'll be another story you could do it and you didn't do it so the question is not what you're not able to do don't torment yourself I can't do that I can't settle that there are 101 things you may not be able to settle but what about the things you can do do that keep your conscience clear before God and with warm air I remember what I said one of the main words of the New Covenant number one inner life inside Old Covenant was outside you look at the Ten Commandments maybe I should show it the Ten Commandments are listed in Exodus chapter 20 in Exodus chapter 20 you read the Ten Commandments and I am the Lord your God where's - who brought you out of the land and you shall have no other gods but me you shall not make an idol verse five you shall not worship an idol you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain verse 7 number for you but it that's the third commandment you shall not take the name Gloria but when the fourth one is verse 8 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy I want you to notice one thing all these are external you shall not make an idol you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain I'm the Lord your God that's what it begins with you shall not make an ID you shall not take the name of the Lord your God faith must keep the Sabbath day holy and number five on hours 12 honor your father and mother is external and number 6 verse 13 years a lot more of external number seven you shall not commit adultery external verse 15 number eight you shall not steal and number nine you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor notice it's not you shall not tell a lie this is impossible under the Old Covenant put to overcome telling lies I mean believers find it difficult but bear false witness is referring to in the court before the court and is on some holy book don't bear false witness against me with nine Commandments everything to do with external life but at the end just to remind people don't think you're retained about standard just because you keep those nine because you can't keep those nine the tenth was in Word you shall not desire your neighbor's wife or his house or anything belongs to your neighbor your neighbor's daughter every girl who walks down the road is your neighbor's daughter you must not desire every picture that you see of a woman on a computer screen anywhere it's your neighbor's daughter if you desire something there even in your mind your sin who would keep it nobody could keep it in the old testament nobody never noticed in mark chapter 10 when the rich young ruler came to Jesus mark starts with chapter 10 and he said in mark 10:17 good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life Jesus and what you probably good there's no one good except God you know the commandments notice the commandments he mentioned read carefully verse 19 don't murder don't commit adultery don't steal don't bear false witness honor your father and mother I mean he didn't have to mention about idols and taking the name of the Lord way because all Jewish people were very careful in that it was the other ones related to man that people were careless what about the 10th commandment thou shalt not desire why did he mention that have you noticed it you read the scripture carefully you discover Jesus did not even mention the tenth commandment because no use mentioning it Jesus knew that nobody could keep it so Jesus stopped at the ninth commandment don't bear false witness and the man said I have kept all these things from my youth if Jesus had included the Tell kamagra that fellow could not have said it Jesus stopped there say have you kept at least the first nine had kept it okay but said all that you have he was not willing to do it so then you see that Jesus recognized that nobody could keep the tenth commandment now you see another example of that in Romans chapter 7 Romans 7 you know Paul was the man who wants to prefer it the judge in acts 23 1 he said I have lived with a good conscience all my life just like that rich young ruler I'd kept all these Commandments from my youth the second fellow who said that was the Apostle Paul in acts 23 verse 1 now this Apostle Paul which kept a good conscience all life he says in Romans chapter 7 and he says the law is spiritual verse 14 but he says here when when I got the commandment verse 9 sin became alive it said that main the commandment live and which commandment is he talking about see verse 7 watch what about is the law sin no I would not Romans 7 verse 7 I would not have come to know sin except through the law and he's not talking about the nine come on he's talking about the tenth one I mean the first nine is that I can understand but I did not know that desiring in your heart was a sin I would not have known he says that desiring the word covet is to desire or to lust it's all the same meeting the Lord said you shall not lust boy I didn't know that was a sin I thought going in committing adultery was sin but here it's a new shot at last so when Jesus said lusting is a sin he's just you meditate on the law you get it easily explained the tenth commandment is not some especially new law but sin listen to this this is you see the honesty of this man born when I read that commandment that you shall not lust I was honest with it and sin produced in me lusting of every kind so he said Paul I think you mean your mind was so filthy you who said I lived with a good conscience all my life lacks 23:1 you could only keep the first nine Commandments right absolutely right pause yes and it came to the tenth one I just could not keep it not just one type of lust it says you're lusting of every single kind I love busted out two women a hospital after position honor I lusted after every single thing you can last after he's just being honest and I died but that is the requirement of the law and I couldn't keep it the law is falling worst well but I couldn't keep it and so verse 11 it killed me I thought I was a life till I read the 10th commandment I saw what a sinner I was but that's not the end of the story but he says something wonderful happened through the death of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit the Romans gave verse to the law not the law of the Ten Commandments which Moses gave another law the law of the Holy Spirit law of the Holy Spirit is not 1000 Commandments no the law of Moses was actually 613 commandments 10 of which he just spread the law of the Holy Spirit is it says here which is life in Christ Jesus that set me free so he's not end of the story is not in Romans 7 and verse 9 saying I died No he's just telling us the road he went through he finally comes to place resist the Holy Spirit set me free because what the law could not do verse 3 listen to this very for first what the law could not do what is it law could do the law could keep him make him keep lying Commandments what is the law could not do the log would not make him keep the tenth commandment it's the only thing I know a lot of Hindus non-christians who keep the nine Commandments they don't wash surprised that they don't commit adultery they don't water they don't steal a lot of upright people but there's never a human being was kept the tenth commandment but here the Lord says the Holy Spirit came the self in freeing and what the law could not do that inner the Holy Spirit came inside and did it this is the wonderful thing about the new color it changes your inner life gives you victory inwardly dear brothers and sisters you want to enter the New Covenant seek for inner purity don't be satisfied with the outside of your cup being clean the vast majority of churches can I tell you I put preaching from every single denomination from Catholic to extreme Pentecostal everything in between hardly anyone talks about the inner life for the external life pure externally okay well that's an Old Covenant life that's not the New Covenant life at all the law it says the law kills you the law of the Holy Spirit has sent me free that's why I believe that speaking in tongues is not the evidence of the Holy Spirit the evidence of the Holy Spirit filling a man is he set free from this in earnest he that hasn't happened I say you need to see God and say Lord I want to be a rarely controlled by the Holy Spirit and a spirit filled life is the spirit controlled life that needs the Holy Spirit isn't the driver's seat now until now you were in the driver's seat now the volume added over the driver's seat to the Holy Spirit he controls your taki controls your eyes he controlled your thoughts you controlled your attitudes he controlled your hands he controlled everything he's in the driver's seat if you're controlling your eyes and you're performing your tongue brother/sister you are in the driver's seat no matter how much you say your filter the spirit and no matter how many times you speak is you've gotta let the Holy Spirit get to the driver's seat and when the Holy Spirit sent me it says you know what the law could not do God it so that listen to verse 4 Romans 8 for that requirement of the law can now be fulfilled in us what is the requirement of the law you shall not last he says that at the previous chapter that requirement can now be fulfilled in us this is the new covenant then we can obey the tenth if there's a big if you walk day by day according to the holy spirit that is why Paul says I keep my conscience clear 24/7 he's not saying he never slipped up he slipped up he immediately sets it right let me give you an example of it return with me to Acts chapter 23 see we must start over all ideas of the victorious life as if it's a life where you never make a mistake where you never slip acts 23 it's a perfect example of it this is the Apostle Paul standing before a judge and saying brethren I have lived my life with the perfectly good conscience before God up to this day for 30 years he was a Jew not a Christian but even as a Jew he lived with a good conscience according to the nine commandments of the law and then he says after becoming a Christian I still live with a good conscience that means if I slipped up I immediately confessed it to God and man and he says I lived with a good conscience then what is the next thing that happens the high priest is a very interesting it's almost humorous slaps and tell somebody to slap him on the face and immediately Paul loses his good conscience do you see that he turns to the high priests is a new whitewashed wall but God will smite you now we know that's a sin because when Jesus was slapped if Jesus did not reply like that and anything Jesus would not do is same please take that definition of sin and Paulson and he's about 55 years old now he's been a Christian for 25 years but what does he do he immediately sets it right he said his conscience right that's how he kept a good conscience and that's how you can give a good conscience to so then you say what does it mean to our victory over sin I'll explain it when a little child falls you'll see a 10 month old child falling falling 100 today you can say that's a picture of no victory defeated defeated defeated but one day that child learns to walk you look at that two-year-old child normally walk it's running all of us have learned to walk but is anybody here who can say I will never trip and fall even physically no you can trip on a stone outside and fall right here but you have learned to walk you can't say just because you tripped up once I have learned to walk but that child who's falling happy to be that child as they I haven't learned about yet that's the difference between victory over sin and the occasional fall we have learned we come to a life a victory but like Parker he may slip up you may speak that rude word but you immediately apologize you know when I need married couples newly married couples I tell them you want a bit of advice be quick to us forgiveness from one another and be quick to forgive one another keep that in your life and fifty years from now or a hundred years from now if you live being quick to ask forgiveness I'm being big to forgive you will need that word all your life don't delay it but if you examine yourself you married people you'll find how typical it is to go to your partner and say I'm sorry for what I said just now what I said ten seconds ago not what I said day before yesterday that's easy but what I said ten seconds ago I'm really sorry for that there's a humbling there you go to God and confess Oh Lord I'm sorry for what I spoke to my wife just now now how is it that you can go and confess to a holy God and not confess to an unholy mine doesn't that sound ridiculous you can confess to a holy God Oh Lord I'm sorry what I did but it's unholy wife you can't ask her forgiveness I'll tell you what what it proves it proves that your repentance is not general you're fooling yourself when you say you're repented and gone to God because you cannot go to a holy God and say you're repented if you can't go to an unholy human being and ask forgiveness from there the proof that I can go to a holy God and ask forgiveness is proved by the fact that I quote an unholy human being like myself and ask her forgiveness I'm sorry I want to encourage you maybe you never heard all this and all your married life you better hear it now be quick to ask forgiveness 24/7 keep my conscience care for God and men so people whose marriage as I have conducted I see them ten years later ask them are you quick to ask forgiveness are you quick to forgive they say okay as they keep it out and some of them are honest they say yeah brother it takes a little time I say okay work on it make that time shorter and shorter and shorter delay son to zero the time between the action and the asking for forgiveness it's very important I keep my functions always clear so that I can stand before the Lord if I may in Matthew chapter 18 there's another thing that we need to bear in mind this is not asking forgiveness but giving forgiveness that's also important Matthew 18 Jesus spoke about the story Peter Cain said how often shall that's my brother Hall how often should I forgive my wife seven times a day and she's seventy times seven there's another scripture where and it's Luke 17 or 18 which is in the same day seventy times seven forgiven and then he gives an example this is a parable was a very important parable of King suddenly gone with the slaves one of the slaves owed him ten thousand talents now that's a huge amount of money it's 15 years wages it says in my margin of my Bible wages of 15 years no much do you earn in a month multiply that in a year or other how much do you want to be your multiply that by 15 that's what this guy owes a huge amount about hundreds of thousands of dollars and he says please have mercy on me for 16 have patience with me he'll pay you where is he gonna pay that much he was just bluffing but the Lord said okay forgiven go freed now he goes out and he finds his fellow slave who boarding was small amount of money just a very small amount of money he's already been forgiven hundreds of thousands of dollars maybe millions of dollars and this guy goes in $20 or $100 something like that and he catches him by the throat doses pay back what she holds and that chap said the same thing to him that he had said to the king have patience with me I'll pay you but he was unwilling verse 30 he said no I'm not gonna forgive you he takes him to the board gets him locked up in prison and some of the other slaves saw what had happened and they came to the Lord I reported you know what this guy did offer you forgives the last he put this other fellow in jail for not paying his name is dead so the Lord called him back verse 32 you wicked slave I forgave you that massive debt just because you pleaded with me should you not have had mercy on your fellow slave in the same way that I had mercy not you and the Lord was moved with anger and handed him over to the torturers and said you've got to pay back all that I forgive you now my question is this first of all does God unforgive what he already forgave a lot of people will say no I want to tell you he does here is the clerestory he forgave this man a massive debt sin millions of sins that guy went out and wouldn't forgive somebody else some small sin he committed against him and he God says okay all those millions of sins that I forgave you 20 years ago they are back on your head now you gotta pay up for that he unforgive he cancels that forgiveness but a lot of people say hey but the Lord says in Hebrews 8:12 I will not remember your sins any more correct read it carefully he doesn't say I've forgotten your sins no if he had said I've forgotten your sins and he can never bring it back he says I choose not to remember which is a quite different from I've forgotten God has not forgotten the sins I committed 60 years ago I haven't forgotten them myself don't tell me part memories worse than mine he remembers every sin you come in and even the ones you're forgiven but he says I choose not to remember when I look at you you repented a bit you asked Jesus to cleanse it it's cleansing the blood of Christ when I look at you I don't look at you as ah this is the guy who did that thing you know and look at you as one who's not sinned but I remember it very well and if you four don't forgive somebody all of that I put it back on your head that's what Jesus said my heavenly father verse 35 will do the same to you to whom is he talking is he talking to unbelievers knowmaybe verse 21 is going to Peter Peter is one of his finest disciples he's telling his disciples you and I are his disciple he's telling us my heavenly father and your heavenly father will do the same to you if each of you does not forgive his brother from his heart what is the same thing God will do to us number one he put all those sins we committed all our life back on our head say you're guilty and secondly verse 34 he hands over to the demons the torturers are the demons he will say ok Satan you can go ahead and do what you like with this guy you know just like God allowed Satan in the book of Job - okay you can destroy his property destroy his children touches body but don't take his life God gives permission and here it says God will allow the devil I'm absolutely convinced in my mind that some sicknesses that people have are because they haven't forgiven somebody I don't have the slightest doubt about it whenever people ask me to pray for them for their sickness and before I lay hands on them and pray for them I always ask them only one question have you forgiven everybody who has hurt you in your entire life your father your mother uncle odd people cheer to Duke your family properly I don't care what it is I'm not just saying have you nominally said to them forgiven no it says here in verse 25 forgiving them from your heart but I say forget it I don't want even think about it it's not there in my mind anymore I put it away I don't care I want to ask everybody sitting here forget about all the others have you forgiven every single person who did any harm to you in your entire life from your heart if not I want to say to you your heavenly Father won't do the same to you easier every father he'll do the same to you then he did to this guy you can hand you over to the torturers or maybe some of your sickness not because of that and any amount of pills and injections and treatment will not cure you you gotta forgive first you gotta forgive that's happened to me I remember I mentioned this before once I had a injury in my hand once when the doctor was careless before my marries this is 151 years ago and when I discovered that this happened to me this Merve injury because of what the doctor careless mr. I wrote a very rude letter he was a believer I wrote a very rude letter did and as soon as I posted it mailed it became back the Lord said you should never in that letter write another letter ask him to forgive me I'm forgiven I said Lord I'm sorry and I wrote a really repentant letter to that Bell and you know I had gone to a neurosurgeon and the guide examined me and said this you've got to live with this for the rest of your life so nerve injury didn't live with me you're sorry this doctor was careless of the way he had to do and I wrote that letter I'm sorry brother I really feel bad that I brought like that to you you didn't do it deliberately it was accident I'm sorry please forgive me as I draw all that I wrote it by a previous letter you know what happened in a few days I got easily I've never had that problem for more than 50 years I don't believe I ever been some amazing not proved to be way back that the power of forgiveness don't ruin your life don't ruin your health because of an unforgiving attitude it always pays to forgive others even if you don't do it because you want to punish it with God at least do it for the sake of your health that's second best with the best is you cannot fellowship with God it is impossible impossible if you have a forgiving somebody even if it's your wife or your wife's parents the way they cheated or your wife's relatives it doesn't matter what it is maybe some stranger maybe your neighbor or your boss I don't care who it is that inner life and only you know whether you're forgiven from the heart and I'll give you one more example I thought I had forgiven somebody this is another case where I had somebody done some harm to me and I said Lord I've forgiven it and I really forgive him from my heart and then a little later I heard that something bad happened but I felt a little happy and there's work there are you happy I said yes Laura I'm happy that something some evil we felt that worse the Lord said that proves who did not forgive him from your heart I got light then I discovered that if you have if you wish some evil for someone over Cuba that is the clearest proof that you haven't forgiven from the heart so nowadays when I forgive somebody I go one step forward say lord please bless them mightily and bless their children and I want to do well that that would prosper I want to make sure this and I mean it from my heart and if I hear that I'll rejoice yeah we learned throughout the stakes that's a wonderful thing I told you there are two words and then you come to I spoke only about one of them you know the second one is the word always in our life always in the Old Testament you rejoin this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it is the Sabbath day by the way and let us rejoice and be glad today we are in a perpetual Sabbath every day is the Sabbath we rejoice in the Lord always forgive always and in everything give thanks at all the times pray as we read this now without ceasing that's new Catholic life in everything give thanks rejoice always so these are the two words the New Covenant inner life is more important than the outer and the second is is not just occasionally but consistently all the time 24/7 let's pray Heavenly Father help us we pray that far the Holy Spirit strengthen us within that we never never never forget a few things we heard today and give us faith and the power of the Holy Spirit honesty to acknowledge where we have come short we know you love honest people and then if we are honest it will lead us into this Guardian I try to be true for many who are sitting here who I believe are really sincere and otherwise they would not come to this church help them Lord to come into this life so that you can build a strong body here that testifies to the truth that was New Covenant life prayer in Jesus name
Channel: NCCF Church
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Id: y6u1imBh7-8
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Length: 76min 0sec (4560 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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