Watching Our Inner Life - Zac Poonen (Telugu)

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- cuckoo Mon Amour everything that's in the perolli an MSHA never ontology so now and if we are believers then what our responsibility is in these days are they with the Mooga yes wasallam on amou che will listen in 20 lira worked in service iniquity Bhatia PMD one of the most important things that we need to understand is the big difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant in our dough Anthony Vaughn derek ofenham on the repo material unit or DHS a Nevada Viswa Sangha telesco Valley in the Old Covenant they had one tribe out of twelve that was devoted to do full-time work pathognomonic Ranallo pioneered the para lo look at both Roberto Mafra made the unis have across one Japanese for the airport a border and that was a tribe of Levi lady go through and if you didn't belong to the tribe of Levi you could never be a priest yay we go through an icky chanmin at one to Aria or quad on oh yeah oh go to the on allele but in the New Covenant everybody is a priest wrote the name under the budget every ke prati what color code on oh yeah Jake oregano or two and I mentioned how in the new covenant the church is the body of Christ you can accompany banana lo Sangamo Greece to Sri Rama go Dorothy and in the body although some members are more important than others every member has a function I do Bruce Arena wallow when you came upon me when I watch a movie called OCHA magani prety away Ivana food Oh No Wacha vegeta wanna be the heart for example is more important than a little finger well without on a poo wouldn't a guy I want to be he should not cheating in a way look at a bouquet me you know you can live without your little finger but you can't live without your heart I got suture anna-marie Danny then he can throw a chance on a dick good Nick I can oh you have got Chitty Chitty can available but even the Neil has got a function there are you all the tornado company only everything in our body when it come are a city and another twenty petty the cooler even the hair on our hands everything's got a function Monica said it over to the Union to the lodge you Sarah are devoid of opinion that we must remember that that in the body of Christ every born again person has a function I never got these two Sarina below coroner 20 sang no Ilona practice superior code I know woke up any an ad or in the who Nevada but in many churches i th allas allas angle look the work is all given to the full-time workers i Takara food today at a sale will go narrow Warrick e are Chilika made a profit on it only all the others are just listeners Mita wonder Gordon okay will mo slow thilaga cut Souter that's not God's will re the units at Uncle Eddie see if we have some part of the body that does not fulfill its function you can have a serum low pony bajalia Erica what if any narrator rotate that is if it's paralyzed then after la la I think that puck Chihuahua which in the market my right hand is paralyzed then it can do nothing put a chile gallica why do you go in that day did anybody grab then it's useless passenger the body is to carrier on all the time he said here am I can get an iPod on oh he also had a plan and I've been to Moscow Connecticut area of mosque after they appreciate me so there are many believers like that so all over the US who are slow but you are much more like honor and you ask yourself what do you do for your local church hello let what they say hello the part regatta gala you know what is to love what do you do for Jesus Christ yes who crease the course of images to now say when I go to the meetings I go to the meeting you may say I go to the meeting mean Luke are some officials about women uh no but that's not enough some of the villain and imatra lovely that is just to sit and listen anti-guerrilla la would shorten our internal you must believe you have a part in the body of Christ Christmas ALM low need woke up by the unity and it'll put together you may not be able to preach no would insulate a lack of auto but is there anybody here you can say I can't even pray I tempera jail you know begin with that saying Lord I'm not able to preach but I can pray for the church gala somebody Jay Leno Chico Gatti's unless elbows on your property I can pray for the Lord servants be able to say vocal of also problem chest uh no I is there anybody here who cannot speak a word of encouragement to someone but if you could go on a water keep boats and welcome our tomato chopped Ramanujam you know millions a very very easy I tell us all you don't have to be very educated or a lot of Bible knowledge to speak a word of encouragement it's a little ball changer and goes on here Adam did you know we're able to predict merrily or a word of appreciation Parramatta eternal on Oprah Simpsons alone those are things we can all do 100 shaking that we do you could NEMA anime the more we do such things al aren't equally Pinilla watch a stone approach we can do our part to build this body ye sang-hun in hermano Jade oh no one apart tomorrow he's wrong it's very important in the last days that the Lord has a clear witness for his name in every place in the chair tonight a practice or takodana Christopher raka raka raka raka Miroku iron Cooper take me to the suction MODOK and God does not want any lazy members in his body tonicity Ramallah yamato-kun elope but the castro would you know I used to live God does not reveal himself to lazy people indicated they will do so our fourth all abou Donna Donna protection but to go to all the Apostles whom Jesus chose have you noticed what they were doing when he chose them yes sucrocorp especially God I nailed purchase Kokomo parlo prep to occur coronary LTS to Navarro Peter and Andrew they were fishing here through Ghani and Reagan II wahoo Chapel whatever they're working hard but it's oppressed already seen as to whatever fishermen very hardworking people indicated Chapel opportunities all good ending while they were fishing fishing he called them wow what a child is a chopper uber to not profitable Church James and John were repairing their nets and I call it Yaakov Johan loco dunno telephony 20 wiry walala Lubavitch a moon are and Matthew he was an accountant keeping his accounts when the Lord called him Mattei is a probability no collector who down already do you read any type in the Gospels like this finicky a character who knows what the law you Bashar tomorrow to stone up there was one lazy man sleeping at home and Jesus went and called him be my apostle I say yes all others Agricola watching up opposite Oregon linear which are plane have you read that - sorry honey no matter what yeah another thing a parolee he did not do it then he does not do it today hardline detainee do you know how to put on why any shade they were not great preachers these people we're I'm gonna pour Narwhal avocado they were faithful in their work why are you over in a twenty panel oh sorry and oh we're suppose any when your but when you become a member of the body of Christ you must say Lord I have a job to do Marie please to sit in a low privation chin Tata Neal chief what is electrode a punny what did you wanna do I need a bootlegger I am sorry that I haven't done it properly till now I in a particular my name is Ian Thorpe oh sorry tkachenko so if you can't do anything else new ink a year by the jail arena start with prayer for our planet apparently Lord of course you all pray for your family I also want to pray for something else in the church which is not connected with my family the moon was a lovely Brown ten years went on and if you - Monica beta something for someone equal goes on your path or no no pray for somebody who's serving the Lord they would say oh cheese tonight when do you walk away to go so Marilyn so you may not be able to do it every day whenever you remember connected Navajo no put a little chain you too but I said I quote you that's one thing what cup a cup you the second thing we can all do ren-dono March a gallon a 20 day today is learn to speak a word of encouragement to other cool hey Liam Callaghan j-20 Martov of India Manou chapo' the world is full of discouraged people indigent a prevention support unknown IRA Hashimoto put to metal or to me when was the last time you spoke a word of encouragement to your husband it's a nanny but that Oprah's one colleague is to new model Arden hundred a model into mu you kuru you may have to scratch your head and say oh here's a kiss goodnight Taliban the Taliban are you Bella when was the last time you spoke a word of encouragement to your wife I did everything anybody who blows I'm going into a Montague chip in the chamber sorry you proved let me ask another question what up there president Uhuru tonight when was the last time you criticized your husband there what Annie Barton TT was eleven to be much engineer twenty somebody may prove OSA that was this morning are you recommending Mahanagar today say mom pop art no TTL or your wife when did you criticize her naked in a bar you know they car na VI Mercy general see those things we do so quickly I am hotel histórico chase a stone if you live like that you are not ready for the coming of Christ you are everything that used to let me take this the rocket across on a sitting a live I want to tell you some practical things that will help you to be ready for Christ's coming please to rock Iraq or some oh our chair and I am you know gigantic when it inhibit the job done do you like to have your home full of all types of rubbish thrown here and there on the floor Loney UT mundo gondola can elope leg on each a passive our own in urban accustomed are criticizing people is like that you tell any of your more sensitive go to Atlanta pacify rain it's like throwing all types of rubbish inside your house ending a day in T mundo garganta gonna chat about your own say Lord I want to finish with that they were nearly DeNiro so but yeah Justin I want to encourage people for ancillary no probs is dunno I want to appreciate them why do you know progesterone if they do something good I want to appreciate it Munchie Jason one a vegetable done own your children you must appreciate what the good things your children do we fill earlier than a bunch of unjust I want a volunteer Ibaka Michiko Ali why am I saying all this in divinity Vishal and you can I today I want to show you a verse in relation to the last days I'm cheating on someone eg Walker which in Ibaka in any is available to Birkin on in revelation and chapter 12 record on a grand amo onion davechowie mo we read here about the last days and it says here the devil has got great anger revelation in chapter 12 and we read in verse 9 how the devil is going to be thrown down into the world at the end of time Yun Chao dinna Malolos a fellow Ayakashi mucukunda Co 3 were to Naru why he and why he can throw off Unga wanna D and then I want you to notice the last part of verse 12 Ananda what you know load shirobako mere authority that he knows he has only a short time left so he is going to be full of anger Chanukah Sameach mo Quincy MA Anita Lee su Bernie ba who crawl the Mogul owada mes new deity not it's like a snake you chase the snake and it's running away from you you put it over cut Paul Mooney that into me vent about the sample of the song and then it's trapped in a corner an eeo Kamala Kelly / indeed o mundo Galilei one now tell me she knows I'm gonna die now I put in a 24-hour I said thing I wanna do to me very angry and tries to hit it you so all a form of the Anganwadi right side anyway but Ricky by YouTube tries to bite you you know what I mean a car mechanic a hard way that you practice tune the devil is called here in verse 9 a big snake you could have told me the what you know logo dunno a sarcoma Maracana Burton and he knows he has only got a short time left única gets a la taco so maybe one or two Safin over killer suit now when I told you earlier about what's happening in Jerusalem and Iraq yellow sheilamalone oh you Ruffalo the Lutheran tradition do they prepare a styling channel you may hear it today heroes enemy Ravana - no and you may forget it tomorrow they premiere much about you well I'll tell you somebody who doesn't forget it I'll tell you someone who does not forget that idea Mary a mighty chip on had went to all the good engineer mater that's the devil are these hiya Tommy what about children he doesn't forget that that in his heart are my children do you know that the by devil studies the Bible indigent a if I ever lose heart on will go down Oh Bible its adulterer and he knows after he Ellison things are happening around Jerusalem now Jerusalem atutor as are you tonight adapt rst through he knows things are happening and around the river Euphrates how about the ear operation ology approaches to Nativity you produce an ethical inch Attila so he knows it dr. Nathan he knows these things are written in the Bible if anyone on a Bible or I but he knows that these things are indicating that the return of Christ is near yes agrees to provide a lock on us dr. agon the Japanese when you go da terrible sinner to south on until soon for 6,000 years the devil has been free to roam around this earth I take all the valence ultra low booming epidemic upon him in Chile Nicky what is which only and now he knows there's only very little time for him left hey Tay you put him out remote are solid cool so my alma mater certain killer soup how does he know that uh yeah there's a South on the phone because he's read it in the Bible indeed a Bible Laden's alter article you know the devil knows the Bible so well that he even quoted a verse to Jesus Christ haha no Waverly until you could you send a super a warning but Oh which aisle to Richard some believers are so foolish that they think if you know the Bible you're a spiritual person Solomon are you going to buy even like a Coogan idea listeners a day when Andrew apne radical tyranny that's not true Adi Sachin kado if you obey the Bible you're a spiritual person no the other one can be low but it a new automatically more important than you're going through the Bible the Bible must go through you you come why you will know that you know where no one can take what I know by will watch ammonia crow Danny convinced to go to a lolly there are many people who post I have been through the Bible ten times Solomon is I got a doctor Bible in coordinated by this our loop salvation and it I'll tell you what I desire nah-nah Corrigan in me the job done if the Bible the whole Bible can go through me once that's enough by even a mob to locusts are you now her game Lauren she a diva lega lega Tate saalu the devil can boast he's gone through the Bible hundreds of time I taste haunted garage there are your Bible in an opening one bellas artes again but it does not made him spiritual Itay underwater honest a peridot Peter are you impressed by somebody with Bible knowledge Solomon Lee my baby look Nana boo brothers in Jolin do you miss one denial I've seen believers who are impressed when a preacher can quote this verse that verse the other words the other words it's all money you guys have water go to you two are to all the - PO - what you up to no blow and without even referring to the Bible they can quote a verse there are the solomon in yesterday by Belotero corner golden award Oprah's neurologist and they can quote so many verses from memory and type $84 Solomon D well Lynch Eleuthera that's good my today but that's not spirituality that's what I'm saying Adam after more odd Jack Nicholas Carlo an immigrant you know the devil quoted a verse to Jesus Christ in the temptation yes sir christopher water so this was a peridot pollution Alero pristine chair and out of all the 31,000 verses in the bible he picked out exactly the right words to tempt Jesus yochabel original Bible owned a super award shows in silico so serene a 2013 or 2014 honey which in unused not if he can term Jesus with verse in the Bible he tempt you with the verse in the Bible years super awarness Arena Trudeau chinotto shows in signaling in a prone in Dakota water so then say Colorado so I am NOT impressed when a person can coat the Bible and the theater by even accountability will Lynch award low and NT I'm takin a mitzvah that only shows he's got a good mind ah Solomon she Panama for a good memory to remember what he's read Parramatta after key magic now but a shaky one of the it doesn't mean he's got a good heart I mean Michael Morin God don't get discouraged if you can't remember all the verses and she original anyone I don't know maybe whatever not one and itself on actively if you obey the verses even if you don't know where they are that's okay whatcha nollie I coulda wanna vote I leave when I get out what's in a little over to be dead in about two so the devil studies the Bible and he knows about Jerusalem and Iraq what's happening today Hannah cable to the south on order to kill ezel Bey will go there TT I cuckoo Iran who initially injured now go believers also read that in the newspapers there are you suppose it would on no paper adulterer but they don't know the Bible so they don't know this is means that Christ is coming back soon i t blue yes - Roberto Guerrero Donna give you sang Catalan Attica I always led and even though you may have heard it today in the euros I mean even in dojo the devil will try and make you forget it by next week what's your Waunakee laughter what a much wider to something inside any end about that and you go back to thinking that Christ is going to come after many many years you know something other Brava years were robbed of any ology minuto but the devil is not a fool I just thought there are no more khuda God oh he knows after the Appeals Bible is the Word of God yeah by a blue David of what came on us and he knows what is happening in the world Robin July in Geraldton or he's innocent and he knows Christ's coming is soon his soup Roberto Roberto an assassin he's very angry on the chat and talk Ramadan anybody that is one of the reasons why he has started so much persecution against Christians everywhere under caution when I have been a predator that Christ we rode over God Himself are these windows to not see when you read about persecution of Christians and churches in the papers Tata pepper Lou Marie Christ over no Sangha Rocco Austin attorney him seven inches algebra who is behind all this he Rama him sub Caramanica or normal we may say it's a political party Murano kun da yoga Raja gay party on dojo no card any Chanukah it's the devil are the assault on Oh gnarly everything evil comes from Satan you local oye killed nsarray Southard waarom at Romeo's tune D if I harmed somebody else Nia no you're never sorry Holly will he stay who instigates me to harm somebody money nene until hani that again JT I do not get the change to the yellow that's the devil I didn't I yell and I've got a chance Tony so we must see when we see all these things happening you when they go to their dominoes - inappro-- see i remember jesus said that all people will hate you for my name's sake na na mo moany metamerism la cerva dhianeila jetta we ain't never throw do I say young that's not surprising that's what Jesus said we will be hated by everybody I'm the Ravana Lucy registeration Prabhu jeopardy garden Akasha another but what did Jesus say IDSA a new Japan love your enemies nice it through no payment Jenny bless those who curse you mean those shipments wanna demons and pray for those who persecute you you know humans in Suwanee for what it calls on pretend Sunday because they don't know what they're doing anything about ingest another worry Polly though do you know what you and I are if you are born again three gentlemen generate a new Venini imouto - tano kill sue since in the book of Zechariah chapter 2 J Craig random Orenda watch I'm Logan a communist a and verse 8 you know channel dominated chapter 2 verse 8 get a Grantham or another time or even a watchin one day the Lord says how would you - nor the last part here by the law the one who touches you is touching the apple of God's eye nany can oniy can you pop on motootto naka no Papa no more tuna do anyone who hurts you Nino yeah but I am Yukos chemical ostinato is touching the apple of God's eye evany ah a new pop on a world war ii nür do you believe that you're the apple of God's eye damn Aniki neo devonee gonna pop on us actually dallisa I believe that Nino Maternity please remember this verse Zakaria chapter 2 verse a decorator no more never Jam whenever dojin anime developed Roberto grabbed by a baboon secondi and those people don't know that they are touching the apple of God's eye Nicosia McCallion check on tomorrow be a winetka no good - no mood to naranja Chantal is all cake see when Jesus was being crucified yes superb our Sylvia Burton are you he said Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing time to arrange a general be readily annika we're in exchange to move how can that be are the LRA can you kill somebody and not know what you're doing new work in Istanbul so now how do you tell you equal NHS - not to go only they were killing Jesus on the cross sea level oh yes you know water zombozo on a row how can you say they didn't know they don't know what they're doing they were Chechen up any water utility then he probably eligible you know what he meant was this I know there ain't a day they don't know who they are killing whoa whoa yeah but in its of Luton RoR utility that is what they don't know I need some boots on a victory billet you worry delete it think they're just killing a man Morocco banished it is I'm guessin alguna they don't know that I am the son of God Nino they become all an unofficial war okay soon if that was the greatest sin that anybody committed on this earth killing the son of God the owner coumadin is sampled aha pirata will not be a pariah the murder would label but they didn't know that what are you telling them on our show they thought this is just a false prophet uh you know Verona para Bernardo and when people persecute Christians are they within a Christ or a new puzzle or sphere here is just an operative they don't know they are touching the apple of God's eye the only kind of guru guru - no one masaccio Maury oregano not they're blind what a gritty Warhol do not so the devil knows he's got a short time on the Jettas how can you tell sue why can't I remember his he anger is very great after Nick Kroll demo Papa masala Amitabha gonna be and what do we read here you know monitor the territory in Zakaria sorry Revelation chapter 12 pregnant random open and ever watching a moon he's got a title here after the key you can recur nama da moneh in verse 10 and by the what you know he is called the accuser of our brothers so hold on let me the upper wall the ACA twenty upper body where the devil keeps on accusing God's people Yemeni president no problem me Eduardo upper all the ways to serve when you also start accusing God's people then you're also joining with Satan I don't know my god the only problem is when you walk or the eastern or Day APOD you somebody we knew we can point out error and wrong doctrine what God to reduce it down into monetary gain we can point out hypocrisy Jesus was always pointing out hypocrisy may I should I don't know probably SOR it is you but in a deeper way the zoo but also we have to be careful that our heart is not filled with the bad attitude towards people Rozelle Alicia Malo children ykd Amara her name alone Indian decor do we cannot be ready for Christ's coming if our heart has got a spirit of accusation against others you totally Mia the narrow ACH went to a couple would think I can you who the unit like their day was a rock and of course on who sit then Gallio remember this is written in relation to the last days in a day ungentle ensemble engine of Rostov ara you what you know Donna D the devil has studied scripture he knows the time is near anything against a founder go Bible Bagatelle sue Sam I know that they're gonna tell us who he knows that is six thousand years is finished now his time is very short all the way as author lae boy I need some luck one day now very soon that Jesus will come and lock him up in the bottomless pit octi total lunar probe Aeneas Worcester ooh like a mellow mellow widen even in chaste urdu it's like a criminal who's been running for six thousand years and he now knows the police has come very close to catch him on all the other songs around again address to go but I pins were through the owner write a police officer a break his anger is very great and again Geoffrey Wawro Cabo Wabo don't they will persecute the Christians Parrikar a stolen old him sabeti but he will make the Christians also have a spirit of accusation against one another I'll even among a Christ all over but now walking on air I'm open it would overflow would anyone be absurd you see a lot of that these days uh yeah they're all cool American Bertone any believers yes wha salute sit at home and speak evil of others you tell apology in tendo to marklar don't oh if there is a problem with somebody in your church go and tell your elder brother welcome we're gonna got a family than a so much so much later yeah Sangha penguin Chapel middle in our church I have said this you pull Sangamo I've said this in our church mas angle immediately that if you find something wrong with another brother maracas over there so that's our sister low focus water-efficient lodi given up the entering akka cannabis they come and tell me not what she marriage up one day that's not accusation ID narrow Narron kado that could be helping that person because i can go and help a person get out of that ending idea how much you know chata no bite about that again he rebellious aho that is rej too if you won't talk to other people about it you can't do anything about it not even cheney we said of the martyrdom dora after which a 2000 be shower again correlated that is accusation ah Kanaka pani Kamali nitronium Murata never open up and here it says the devil knows he's got a short time and the chatter south on low top was away on the revolution so worse then he's accusing people day and night they got devavrata embargo low a todo de una servo dilemma the Nariman order the devil is a full-time worker sought on order to shed any some honest eye open end of irony is the hard most hard-working full-time worker and under identical tempo my ass authority some phone as I was yesterday what is he doing hello day and night madam began upon his cruising accusing accusing a narrow more potent errababu Tony Romo Padang he will come to you I need a bastard up and say will you help me to accuse that person it is already there an error my body no sign yet on you know ro you say yes I wouldn't you want me to accuse ah buddy I want me Nana yeah ordinary mobile app on it you say he said that brother in the church is something wrong I think I don't miss a ball is he to whom should I accuse money I wanna know about what they won't tell all these people okay cool ah poor drenching American you're busy like a fool I go and tell all those people until you Mulligan evenly under 30 goes gotta go Tsubasa do you do that party manage a star that's what the devil is doing in the last days he Antonello south or the cheese 200 upon a date don't hold hands with Satan and the chapter south on approach a each a caliber though what is the solution for this I didn't really get punished kahramana paella how to get rid of this evil engine by together because all of us have had this happen indigent a la bruja dunno either the routine only because we got this poison from our parents mana pellet n de- Qi Yi we shine Nomura all / t scrub it has come all the way from Adam I'll go mother kanonji wish someone of a sacred mission he got the devil put it into Adam Satoru Hammurabi head he accused his wife saying she only made me in a body and in a Tendulkar on a barrier and Japanese Adam o basin this habit of putting the blame on others Annika eternal enemy ninja has come all the way from Adam although they didn't your mother sang karamaneh oh this is my wife who did that you gonna buy anything adjacently blame somebody else always on the chatter i'll yellow guitar boy or mellow don't let alone even in children Villa Lucia if you have two children who fight with each other Parramatta either Peleliu kaput loud boom pay you ask them who did it ever - Jason they didn't so are mine any other you know yeah I'm mining earthen have you ever found a boy who comes his daddy I didn't I'm the one and for a nation dad in an achievement change a propeller order gotta butter I know you don't find such children al-'ardi Pillman again ever again we've all descended from Adam indigent isn't about Allah also ha when we are born again monolith region immediately get rid of that habit ah Allah or the material or TCN if you want to be ready for the coming of Christ please the rock also said thing I wanna go to now get rid of the habit of putting the blame on other people eater approach Allah made an individual award this way get rid of the habit of accusing accusing now inter lamellar narrow movie Narim will be a priority say how shall we get rid of this habit Itay he attached a doll award in German and Allah type in Chihuahua Jesus once said the story provideers what was that / kappa - he said if you cast out a demon from a person like a big village over the yen and elevate a cell and then he keeps his house empty after water after you who they have a colleague on me you know what what the demon will do a bicycle that went up were trapped by a yes to me it says he go and bring seven other demons inca here the yellow part Oconee and come inside Miley Kalevala Lobo Chi and now there'll be eight demons inside you brakiri visit the Jelena vaasam why in the world because he when he cleaned out his house he did not fill it with something good afternoon yucca yucca a grub immediately Connie a casual Tammany afternoon in Pulido I'm sure you've all read that parable with Jesus said well when here's what happen are you open and in the underside one time when the evil spirit is cast out of a man yeah oh wait Ramanujan who there was a bad girl / he wanders round and fathil me related order Camuto Camuto checks up and finds this chaps house is still empty honey-roasted armata he would hang a cardigan on a he brings seven other demons in occupy you go you know the yellow Jesus Jesus saying yes I am when you get rid of a bad spirit when you get rid of a bad spirit woke up and thought man nobody buy me dinner bro don't keep your heart empty me brother Yanni car Liga once or do fill it with the opposite end again day ah Mario Kart moto and keep something good there ah carafe I will trap not all new and improve them when the evil spirit comes I'll put all our trap much in Apollo this is all the house is occupied icon Hey Pavitra para nada que la nena Aleppo Ali ne le moteur now let's apply this to this accuse eating spirit accusative spirit yucca narrow warp in 2000 I need in Manama sister accusing others speaking evil of others you Telugu teacher the moon aeromobil all we've all done it mandragora Jessa I have done it me and Jesse I've repented of it Nina's a village ambassador but I hope you will repent of a miracle an OPA shut up Ernie don't just get rid of that spirit ah no no Mira Theseus one day and keep your heart empty we go to the animatron colleague on Sodor you'll have a great problem me go I don't you tell mother about this I was there if you want to get rid of the accusative spirit permanently under chanta unanimity a drachma knows I'm burning up I'm Eric shacking up I'm in solid a make sure your heart is filled with the opposite by a trap mother I know number one now anything is changes falling that's why I told you in the beginning and the worst when a problem on is open you know learn to speak words of appreciation to other people litora Priscilla no mana Mumma - Kuniko into a car somehow Annie pin Sigourney not because they are perfect man amazed Aparri bone avocado but because that is the spirit of Jesus Christ yes so crystal Provari optimal on each a monkey Marta wait were saying I'll give you one or two examples what I didn't do that I don't let me just Anna in Rome Matthew chapter 8 mother I show up I even have a time low we read of a Roman army captain you cannot look I see a body but one donar and he came to Jesus one day in Romans chapter 8 and verse by a Matthew chapter 8 verse 5 in Vinod time Umatilla either channel or overruled yes watahotaho and he came asking for prayer for his servant to a sick Lucas cheer roguish ama the one at 20:10 estaba borracho so prob then i attended of course machado Matthew 8 verse 6 what iswhat in other words amo either version one day and he said Lord can you please heal my child a servant oh yeah you say yeah but also need October Joe now his house was many miles away Harlequin a mile adorable Otani Lully Jesus said I'll come and I'll heal him near whatcha mean devotee Nero's foster the Goblin yes Don OH he said no I never tomorrow I'll go I'm a sinner nado Papa knee I'm not fit for a holy man like you to come to my house look up re-shoot elevator 20 new nagua ordered about dining in aroun igano you just stand here command the sickness to go I think you think a second owner ooh-ah Raghav will you wanted to God nature it will go then than ar-raqqa me lagoon just like when I tell my soldiers to go they go panini blue I knew another day an awkward on a signing alone are formidable thorough and Jesus said yes I another verse 10 by the which and I have never seen such great faith in anyone in Israel you saw L alone you don't be this war sunny in a totally the Nibin e ina our chair Bernardo was that Roman captain a perfect man he Roma sitaji body attano Babu Nora he had never read the Bible nothing Bible in a Toledo he did not know anything about Jehovah or the God the true God yeah you could are you for such a Maya do animation theory though he didn't know anything he ever tell you the nothing but he had one good quality Anthony go Comanche lack Shalini he believed that Jesus has all authority yes earth crystal serve Allah Karim any other Ranger that one good quality Isis praised him I'll go to my recollection all other Callaghan and Oprah various Latin East London teacher he may have had a hundred bad qualities a finicky one Letcher election I don't know JMO Ghani I'm sure many Roman soldiers were very evil people at many bad qualities in the chair tonight at almost hiney alone upper Gordon oh allah oh allah oh allah you know i mean if he was a Roman captain he must have killed so many people after aromas I heard about the governor 20 already and Thummim it's underwater on turtle but jesus never said anything about all that then I got a Papa Papa Papa Chile three parties were like Prabhu he saw one good quality and the Munch election Arnie provideers what you said that Jesus does not have to come to my house in the country yes soon I integral Donny Karuna come here ten kilometers away paddy kill cattle sickness to go I tape I'll deliver tomorrow Ghani ina odd nature for money I don't know how many believers have such faith you don't be in this war Sonny eat him this was romantic 11 our oh Jesus appreciated him yes I utter in a presumption chakra that is the Spirit of Christ crystal all night when the Atmos of Hamid II if you develop if you allow the Holy Spirit to give you the Spirit of Christ please - so barnickle again Mary Parish at that minority even if you see one good thing in somebody you appreciate it well yellowness arrow Comanche boo no need our birthday Danny knew me to go you will learn to appreciate your husband and your wife much more than you do today Kanika marry anybody any Danny Burton agony yoga no mundo Rose aluminum with metal down you'll appreciate your children Hill aluminum it's Boogaloo Tarrou your children may be very naughty like all children are no youth repeal elaborate chillip you re got 200 on watcher I'm sure there's some good thing in them Tom Waddell Oh when a man selection Al Gore by watching you Jesus was always looking for one good thing what Comanche lecture uncorrelated eternally see another example maracas with a harmonica in John chapter 1 your house walked over a chime oh jesus met a Jewish person for the first time Yoda Victini vaca Victini yes I am others are callous Cunha drew in Nathaniel verse 46 and 47 Nullah by our own Oliver yellow you could an attorney Le Pen over tonight as soon as Jesus saw Nathanael Nathaniel oh no yes I had to invented a he saw one good thing in him a cannula what collection and innistrad he was not a perfect man after no paruppu Ricardo he may have had a hundred things wrong in him than a local a wonder of election are not sure but he saw one good thing well Comanche latina like there's a man in whom there is no guile you know you tell you too manche Israeli rule it's Anna Lou Caputo boleto I wish somebody had taught me this habit when I was a young man nano chin appeal or go yellow you wanted on a blue election along with a condom in the bobbin is any oxygen I took many years to learn this ye such a Nutella scorn ago so he knows how albertine and from my mistakes I can tell you very good nanny and I guess in a poor worker but he made me do you know don't we teach our children from the mistakes we have made as parents and the Chatham Murray man was chasing a turnip forgotten Oh Bertie LLL come on both in Salima so here's what I'm telling you marry me - children are in the last days the devil is knows he has a short time south or to go until the nominal Oh suppose are we on that bill so one of the things he's going to do is to persecute Christians what am i after no J Gallagher - the entire a heist over under him since you know the other thing is going to do is to make believers accuse one another rindo the authorities apparently this was a localizable an enema but I I want to get rid of that spirit of accusation on the chair the narramore pay twenty yoke are somehow an engineer a pin so gory but it's not enough to get rid of it I did I mean we depended Ahmad Rashad and if I just get rid of it after some time eight spirits will come and spoil me he making it worse than any village abate in our me Megaton enemies Isaiah Austin ally if I get rid of it Nino are our lecture like this rest day replace in my heart na roda a mellow Donaghey Beluga the Spirit of Christ dose of harmony neeru bajwa one look for one good thing in others it'll loosen up no munch election I mean that sort on one good thing welcome bunch election on all the other hundred bad things ah well actually all one the 100 - and speak that ah mental action man what is you know muttered there is a man in whom there is no guile you go copper tubulin esri area do I have never seen such faith in Israel yes Roy yellow are turning this wasp on awakened soul level you know what will happen in there with metal is ever actually my heart will become good ah Arthur what a cry maybe not only imagine moving about boring those evil spirits come there are no place in my heart you brew enemy today yell III go to jannat like there now here what is Ta'ala do that is how I can preserve my heart for the coming of Christ crease-tool rocket of course on Avedon gamophobia Nene no but reponsible you know in the end of time until alone as we approach the end mon amour ah low comedy goes to nah bro and the coming of the Lord Prabhu rocket abou the important thing is not what we are on the outside Monomoy yoga bahia manga gonna barge a de Cadenet but what we are on the inside mon amour I'm Taryn amylose at the Luxor alkali boondoggle in Matthew 25 mata is so uh anyway I do Jesus taught a parable about the last days she would acknowledge someone and she Prabhu vaca-oom our own shop tuner he was teaching people how to be ready for his coming year are in the rocket goes off Brazil Allah said about Holly and then Buddhist rod and he talked about ten virgins you could have put him on a conical in China marketed and he said all Chen were virgins body money Hennig aloo it's not that five virgins and five were prostitutes and a claw Heidemann the oppidum Angela guru cannula no I'd agree racial kado no no why do you mind about a canonical a versed 100 chill ten virgins by the Monday food oh no Kenya colada one to Naru and all ten took their lamps and the lamps were burning and they went to meet the bridegroom Peabody Lutie subbu Naru civility is gonna rope over ya Pendley Kumar in the color super Danny given to Naru so this is a picture of believers you cry he Kanika on the record on the swath of this addressing owner but five of them were foolish and five were wise item guajillo I intimately taking about no I develop buddhini Lulu how do you know which category you are in Marini oye what goo Lenovo Nicola telly telly Ali see we're going out to meet the bridegroom in the condemned are openly kumara little squirrel angry with know who is going out waiting for the coming of Christ Mary Cristo rock Rocco so y ahora si the world today who is waiting for the coming of Christ Robin Chujo yes dr. Abbas oh he's reducing the overall it's not the non-christians here I started Luka no it's Christians waiting for the coming of Christ please place the will increase the record about Senga Roberto not but some are foolish in some are wise I didn't really look under a boutique anub arak wander and would delay Navarro and Jesus said yes I am gonna read the bridegroom came I tape no come on Regina blow he took only the five wise with him ie the booty like a nickel on Houston Valero and the others couldn't go i I don't know Buddha Lena well Bali do they were left behind Varro very good word but afterwards they came and said in verse 11 Lord open to us and he said I don't know you Mallikarjun Aloha war would share a bottle with you Monday me Reverend in Aragon I'd given up on Modern Art so what is the lesson from that in the Romagna power you verse 13 the marushin allah be on the alert mana mu n 2 y aguada valued ally what are we supposed to learn from this ye you know how netting up our ID I don't want to be left behind when Jesus comes yes I ever chin Apollonia no vinegar ecovillage a putt tabara Bordeaux and this parable tells me there is a danger like that under Chapter II Oman Oman Achilles moon eh-eh-eh-eh-eh you do want to work up Ramadan they jagrata sue me what is this external light which all 10 have she by the Monday food are know by King God give me till you will go can you do not G zhis said let your light shine before men Rosella Mundra me will you go can about sunny one day and they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven me Munchie keelaurow water to see para lo commander attend any my home was not low in one sentence the lamp speaks about our external life under Chetta Yaakov allahu an ad a poem on ad mana banca privada no are they practical images to know your external testimony as Christians pray stronger Marah Bahia's hawk Shamu do people think you're a good believer no munching is wash when a president golden era praise the Lord nearest otro your light is burning Nyoka nene chavita muta'ali stone people in your church think you're a really good helpful believer oh my nice angle on our 20 new volunteer Solomon Chavira you're so much evil oops haha hey Karan Antonio ready to help than anything in the church hello yeah party chatter can you say Raymundo goose to me wonderful your life is burning Kanika nyaka Viva móvil Ubu tuna deborah stotram but you may still be a foolish virgin because all ten their lights were burning indigent a local American Eagle irani one table in the chattering tape a demanding available car burtoni some people think I've got a good testimony I'm a good Christian and you know solamachi Christ only when's action Gelman are oh so we're all these ten-yard everything apart Amanda gonna tell Eva not all of them the lights were burning well yeah vitamin D but it the Apollo whatever tonight but the bridegroom took a long time to come ITA marry me Luca model demo some amo Alison gesture suddenly at midnight verse 6 there was a cry sing bridegroom is coming you could have what you WI sleek and I'll go up in Tokomaru HS righto then everybody woke up under coral already trimmed their lamps Varro the Apostle says kanaru and it says in verse 8 earring with aluminum Domenici nightlight chapter 25 verse 8 you know I am the Roman and community the foolish virgins said you could have good today in a conical oh please give us some oil because our lamps are dying out array my DVD lo I will tonight me noon eloquent you know any market one day the lamps were burning idea worry abou tabh Knightly duty loop it was flickering and dying out item Eren Unal a Conda a bi report on Aquila plop record all denied the wise virgins were they had in their pocket an extra flask of vessel of white a minimal amount of co2 container twenty Evie Eadie DVD I rip open over at loner H&R old picanha you read that in verse four Nala go channel Amara goes to the wise took some extra oil in a vessel in with them how can I ever on that day he pep Inlet booty booty gala Varro Tama DVD litter ferocity hello Nora this is where Puri so what is that symbolize you kannababu easy mark with Danny Assad regime Gandhi you got a picture this in your mind he did me Marcello apart on that Sunday here is a wise virgin you could have look a booty kalakanya there holding a lamb on a DVD but only that's all you can see a DVD converter to me but in their pocket why you son chiloe see del oh they got a bottle of oil see a sign in the new name another mother you can't see that ID maha-prasada later by degree generally inside the pocket in the can't I deal open up a una uh what's thrown over already now you look at the foolish virgins either a bootlegger Nicola Naru they've also got a lamp burning wall about a DVD Williams only they've got nothing in their pockets hey wha who was thrown low below motto sweep day one even le outwardly you look at them biting loose they're all ten by the Amanda Porter they look the same oh okay everything I've ever gonna you know that's how it is in a church Heidi's I know lar we think another loop on inaudible when I look at a church some kind in intuition up loop I look at all of you me and the main solution of blue shall I tell you what I think Nino algae and knowledge in Egypt on oh you all look very holy Mir I'm gonna pop oregano Bertrand nobody here looks like a sinner poppy I already everybody looks very holy undergo to fire in again about the narrow and you can't buy who you look more holy anything if I was gonna take a bow buddy show think I can oh brother and you close your eyes when you pray you look really holy otherwise rather yes then I'm done using and he had the partition third ruler lady and you sing news apart now oh you're all holy people me rather ago but I shall take an order the lamp is burning anything they add they available all day but how many of you have got oil in your pockets I don't know me I'm Tara now alone loony anthem and a girl even our own aku tyria do you know what that oil is ah noona Dro it's our inner life mana an Turanga givethem jim all of us there are two parts to our life mana Javita Lorinda boggle you donate one which people can see waka demo by da can about any other which people cannot see random of a Brazil of totally ready the lamp everybody can see beauty any practical tools to narrow the vessel nobody can see it a local all night went is CJ no I also like working are which is more important yeah they would kill any man ago you think of this building you Capone others who stays building has got two parts he bono Laureen Dubeau gala night one which everybody can see vaca Tama under the Florida room to Naru it's very beautiful well it's Alice I'm gonna burden but there's another part of this building which you can't see item id local a total any acaba Gandhi sir Foundation Adi kannadi tell me which is more important yeah the MOOC MOOC me the government sending what you can see or what you can't see waka Tama Huata galoot around I render with its were like both Rama if this building doesn't have a foundation I would not like to stand here ye power on aqui para delays in video and get a metric by Iran I'd like to run away I'm over Alec we've got there a part button because I don't know when it'll collapse in the end al with it I don't care whether the walls are painted or not but it must have a strong foundation Anakin very Gordon let's go remover Terrell a letter or no kind of Guatemala of otago son you know that wonderful verse in the Old Testament how can a mother cannot no matter what you know man looks on the outward appearance mana the mana world Oh by Cairo one those to do but God looks at the heart the able to through the an adjuster that's like saying man looks at the lamb in addendum on older DVD chose to nadu God looks at the vessel of oil Viejo city alone on a one dollar an ultra what have you got there Anika ah yes he did a Yemeni have you got some oil there I coulda unknown a one other have you got the life of Jesus in that part of your life which nobody can see ma by DK can over on our twenty I'm Tirana below yes I do believe another oil is a picture of the Holy Spirit throughout the noon a parachute that piranha solution brings the life of Jesus inside up I should help or not they will achieve anima now pro demon Loba like this one how do you know whether you have the life of Jesus inside yes I do when your local attorney canonical Adela so you can have a checkup neo barrage into God's do you have a good attitude towards other people get an appraisal apart la manche why carry carry guna wha that is the vessel at the end they are CD you speak nicely to other people you tell Tom iti marker go that's the lamb are the DVD you speak nicely to other people that's the lamb ah Kanaka Mary prevalence you're a loser martyred Robert debe maybe some people speak nicely Taliban attacker martyred aru they don't have a good attitude in their heart I don't will be able to walk no much awake at all although they have no oil in their vessel warrior caste hello nuna lado there's no life of Christ inside yes so please - ah - geo Mohan a mellow little it doesn't matter whether your lamp is big or small Canada marine nyaka gave a moped leg on that gentleman it is burning if it's burning it you know I do Mary Adi Julie's to take a TV Lou told a parolee your vessel inside must be really big I tell you prevail oppa Lynette went out see them across are up at the nunnery so Jesus said Robin is or another that's the moral of this story Anika you know not really need the part of my day I was a parent those are the people who are ready for the coming of Christ al onto our water a provocative cousins hidden they went in they went inside with the right groom pindy kumar auto part of our local elevator and the people who did not have the vessel of oil high day in manila sit alone una later Gurudwara even though their lamps were burning worried DVT low-value who - nobody gonna know many hours I - Marie for many hours the light not burning oh you know Dan tell everybody our DVD Rini they were not ready when Christ came I take Cristo watching aluminum water C dengle ear I want to show one verse before we close in proverbs chapter 4 sama telegram da moon Olga whatcha knowin our Sam low Mugen blow Martin ro I told you something in the morning they can only know Marty upended me today that if you listen carefully to God's Word in these two days in the day they would watch a movie in the middle salad jacket after Havana like Japan you obey it I mean it won't be Marta lova lova dolly I guarantee you'll be ready for the coming of Christ mera Arizona today again about you know blue crystal Agri cosas de notre we are not teaching information here you could I you know samachar mo onions Iran goes on morality we're talking practical Christianity our children are Paco minor case the one who did you much so that you can be actually ready when Christ comes Cristo watching opportunism bogum you know some suit to read on Delaney and since his coming is very near I in a rather a semi-open go on they're gonna go we've got a hurry up and get some oil in our vessel come on October Ronnie when I sit there and in the Noonan in Pahlavi proverbs chapter for family unknown alga jmo verse 23 you know why mood of our channel watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow the Springs of life I could not when da matta even today me who live alone only Gemma the hollow below there no cavity Anita can't a Mucha muga new food a monopod remove a cop out of ammo should you watch your external testimony Careca Mary Bahia suction Inuvik are corny yes Oh Dominic Sally make sure your lamp is burning me UT approval ooh Tony who's Wally but ten times more than that Itay patty replica anti-venom ooh Kimo watch over your heart me who they are nipple on Naboo katsu Cavalli Oh diligence it says here you could have to say I never deny rent a into unknit a condemned because all the real spring of life comes out from there in the good day eg Mahalo and liquid on oh I'm Kunal achieve idea province to tonight then he speaks about the external life ah terawatt nai on Ibaka DVD bridge amatriciana do be careful about what you speak with your mouth you could have noted Oh Marc Rajic twenty mátalo be careful about what you your eyes verse 25 you know hazel onii-chan' Tito to say twenty waters in Jakarta be careful verse 26 where your feet take you you know what you know the combination it is in a powder molecular these mineral tomato katsu Bo all that is the light then that would have a legate what other people can see it up results or tagalog indeed but it all Springs from the heart I T then they will over let your body move up to me so you need to take your heart more seriously and the Chattanooga um told ya great saga until miss atanga co- slowly if you take a decision today you wrote an IOT tomorrow chest a Lord from today they lie in art energy I'm going to be more concerned about my inner life than my external life now by hand using a day I'm trying that joining someone Nietzsche you know every my today all of China chest on home Jesus said in Matthew chapter 23 mother swap the arrow a model Oprah when you re Chaparro 8023 mater sorta airway muru he told the Pharisees I could happen si todo Prabhu Geppetto like this everything as a parent a Matthew 23 verse 25 you know my Munna watch I'm low you know why I'd about what you know you clean the outside of the cup but the inside is all dirty we all get nano Palomino by - what is yours - not again a low opera Mottram Oh at the Opera throwing Ione that's the same thing which I've been saying nearly polish a pin a martyr than you go to Ebay What did he say you should do Pokemon eventually verse 26 you know we are low first moto Monica first mortem of the Riga I don't know that any Challen sober on jasmine only first clean the inside of the cup I never do another day well hope Ilona that any Meera mundaka suit each Andy and then the outside will be clean automata by the Year 900 a show brenigan Bertoni are you willing to listen to that Carnegie Marta yes a tune in a vinyasa Melinda if Jesus were standing here yes I yeah walk away like Anil Anil Jamuna today he would say to all of us new chopped oh this is what he would say provide a Superman Agora chatter oh my children napela lara first clean the inside an Turanga Baha'i mundo de nouveaux Subramanya Swamy or in your heart your attitudes are right me who then will owner 20 why carry mana stop aloe China and super hang out on a loop that your thoughts are pure me - Ilona although just reading alone aloe gel and report on oppai withering out on our low yeah be careful about your words new pollutant amar da Vinci dia Greta make sure there's love in your heart me who them elopfamily not low a vessel full of oil is a heart full of love for people even in de una one or twenty vaalu proven in da prez aliphatic la prima Callaghan a war a heart full of love for God gaben eco some of the holy women in DiPrima and for people Roselyn bellicose our women and our prima then only the external life has got value akuto Mater Dei Bahia now at what the deepening Angelo's to say Jesus spoke the story of the ten virgins in relation to the his second coming and it's a tyrant no rather than someone is probably as who are ye when the technical ability marklar do not he said be alert here and record I know John with it on a day why did he not explain the meaning of that parable to us ah Nolan returned a amber up then a problem Monica knew both in Salado because he wanted us to exercise our mind and think about what he means ina children already Martin o Manawatu camaron green Salani Manabu dan in obvious anger all oceans aloni so i hope you will allow this truth to sink into your heart yes actually me rodea el apology baba you to not loo miru almaty star any nam to nanak spray rather than jet o Heavenly Father para lo the tannery I pray that what we have heard today will remain with us forever in order me immediate release at samos a sure thing um all over the regatta we really want to be ready for your coming Lord Jesus yes a Yanni rocket ago so my own drone is an acceptable in our club we want to be like those wise virgins waiting for the bridegroom a pendulum a pendulum our logo so it will juice - no Buddha delica Nicola la help us to watch our inner life Micah an Teranga G Danny katsu Gordon sha will pray in Jesus name yes tsunami low-carbon a chess tournament you
Channel: CFC India
Views: 36,574
Rating: 4.6378603 out of 5
Keywords: cfc, sermons, zac, poonen, telugu, satan, overcome, conference
Id: DM2BwT83m1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2011
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