Yummy Grunge Gelli Prints - Part 2 of 2

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[Music] [Applause] hey welcome back for part two of yummy jelly printed bronze sheets so these are the finished ones that I did and I did five of these and I wanted to show you real quick I'm gonna flip through this and then I also got a bunch of these really cool ones with my newsprint so I'm gonna show you all of those I just wanted to show you this real quick this is my gigantic 18 by 24 counts on newsprint package and this paper like that staining technique I did in part one you really can't get away with doing this so I'll talk about that in a minute but this paper I really like it for jelly printing it's super absorbent and it's thin and it pulls up the under layers of the paint pretty well if they're not too terribly thick so this does a great job as you will see in just a sec here let me get that out of the way I hope everybody's staying safe out there and I want to say real quick I did a friend sent me a message on facebook and I just told some other people and I did hear that people were seeing it on the news that they're finding a shocking number of people passing away from Kovan 19 have either ibuprofen or Advil in their systems so I just wanted to let you all know to stay away from those two they're saying to go with tylenol so I just wanted to pass that along keep us all safe okay so I did the five here let's go ahead and start with these this is definitely my favorite I'm gonna bring in a tad this one is easily and by far my favorite it's got so much depth and richness to it I really really like how this one came out this one's fun - I just I used my you saw how I just put a little bit here in there real sporadic with the Titan buff and then I ended up glazing over it and putting some of that sepia fluid drips on here dry drips of water - and that works really well as long as your paint is still wet if you put it on when your paints really setting up it doesn't work there as well so but it's a fun technique to get these drops they're in there I don't know if you can make them out but the paint was already setting up I would have had better luck having done it a little sooner these are very similar here I like this too I like them all of course I really am very partial to grungy backgrounds you know Robin always talks about old walls and that's what keeps me coming back to her channel Timon again is that she has such a command over making things look old oh and on that note Vicky another gal on our design team Vicky Ross I'm going to go ahead and leak everybody's stuff below this video this is not a design team challenge but it's jelly printing and all these girls do such amazing stuff but back to Vicky Wragge she's doing these Venetian plaster portraits now to get a real old-world look on her portraits and I just watched one of her videos where she did a bunch of collage and her work is incredible - I found her by us both being on this design team together my phone is going crazy sorry about that and then now Pat I've been checking out all of you know I'm so busy I'm just always running but what I have time I love to go and look at everybody's stuff and then Patti tally parish sent us some stencils and I just did the jelly printing video of that it's in my in the playlist and on my channel and she does some incredible work to just end end designs her own stencils and they're all she sells them at AI stencils dot-com I don't know if it's AI stencil or AI stencils dot-com one of the two but a phenomenal phenomenal artist and then we've got Rachel and her channel is soul rain art and Rachel does the most beautiful African tribal print art and it is just amazing so I'm really growing my artistic toolbox by knowing all these women and I hope that you check out the links below and check out their stuff because you will just be you will fall in love with the skills that you'll gain from watching their channels so here's this one this one came out kind of neat I just pulled some print on the edge and I've been seeing people do this normally I wouldn't think to break up a sheet like that but I really like how that came out and another thing that can be done with this is it can be tore and of course and then just used separately for collage these are really thick by the way I used Canson mixed-media nine by twelve inch sheets for this for these five grunge ones I did and I'm going to scan these today and I'm gonna make a video on how to convert there's been questions in my world about Photoshop so I and I've been wanting to how to do a screen computer screen video and I'm sure it's very easy so I'm gonna hop on today and just film a very quick tutorial of how to convert one of your originals into a printable product I'm just going to show you my process it's really quick it's really easy I it's easy for me the way I do it and I think it'll be very simplified to show it so I'm gonna be working on that today wish me luck please it'll be my first one so these are all gonna get scanned first sure and then what I'm gonna do with these I think I'm gonna make more I want to have at least twelve for this kit and I have five now but I want twelve and then as soon as I make the other seven I'm gonna go ahead and make this a kit and put it in my Etsy shop and when I get that done I'll try to film the making of the other seven but I lose light and so I can't always film everything but I will absolutely show the entire kit in a quick little video and give you the link to it okay it's funny because Rachel so Lorraine art she is really partial to warms so every time I was pulling out my yellow ocher and my nickel azo gold I thought of her cuz she's so into the rich warm palette and I like warm and cool I like it all but what that girl does what the warm palette is amazing really check her out okay so those are the five grunge's that I have made so far and then these are these are a couple prints that I pulled with I had some scrap water paper laying around and I pulled these too and you can tell I pulled them from the same section I had some major old paint build up on my plate and I ended up having just scrape it off which really made me sad but it was so that could that it was just too it was too much so I did show him part one how to stain your paper in order to pull it all together that's what I did with all of these and you can kind of tell I blended I missed a little bit of blending right here but that's totally fine with me but they blend out really beautifully if you water down your acrylic paint whatever acrylic paint you're using just water it down and make it quite runny and then you can kind of glaze over the white unfinished parts this hair is a good example of one that really came out my favorite of course so you can just kind of glaze over the white I missed a little of the white but that's okay I'm gonna leave that in but you can do that so easily to pull your jelly prints together when you have problems like this right here so I'll be staining those I thought about doing it in this video but I already showed it in part one so I'm not going to do that I'm just going to show you guys what I made now the problem with this newsprint it's so thin these are the newsprint prints I pulled so I'm just going to show you real quick this paper is so thin there is no way you would be able to blend out your colors so you can glaze this paper still but I think you're gonna get sharp lines I think I would get sharp lines I haven't tried it I really don't need to I have enough experience as an artist to know that this paper is just not going to cooperate a couple options you have for using this newsprint paper one you can use a really you can do like a watercolor glaze on your jelly plate or a really thin translucent paint that you can see through and then you can glaze over top with your jelly plate which I may do with these and two you can digitally enhance them in a program like canva or Photoshop or any of those out there so you've got options I just it's funny because I got a bunch of that paint pulled up on here and then I got nothing else and it's really beautiful it's really cool I'm I I have a tendency to want to regulate everything and make it all uniform and I have a past as a faux finisher so when I did people's walls it had to have some uniformity to it and so I'm trying to break myself of that now and just let this print like this is a great example just let this be what it is and leave it alone oh I struggle with that big time so let's go ahead and flip through these this is the golden burnt sienna oh just a gorgeous rich color I really like this one and I just love jelly printing I'm so glad I got my plate out again it's been a long time and I don't know about you guys but for me jelly printing is like the neverending project because I'll take pages out to pick up this corner and and fill in that part of the paper and it's like this endless the stack of papers I'm working on just keeps growing and growing and I don't really know how to manage it very well I don't know if I'm alone in that or not but I really just feel like you know I sit down to do it five pages cuz i sat down to do literally these five sheets for a video and I ended up with these and all of these I guess I have trouble stopping evidently is my deal so I'm trying to learn how to be okay with this kind of broken up because it's really gorgeous and I take away some of the gorgeousness when I follow that need to have everything uniform like this page here's a great example this is a really cool print but I do not care for that you know and it's again me picking on my own art I'm sure these came out really really neat I have two of these and here it is oh my gosh here's one of my all-time favorite prints out of this batch I had done a little nickel nickel Azzo gold to pull a print on something else and there was a tiny bit of it left over on the plate and then I put Titan buff down over it and I as I was rolling out the Titan buff this it mixed with the nickel a so gold because the nickel Azzo got reactivated because it's a fluid so it easily reactivated it and I ended up with this gorgeous beautiful orange II old wall looking print and the great thing about this newsprint is look at all this stuff it pulls up it's really power a powerful paper for pulling your old layers underneath up so that's why I am really attracted to this actual paper for jelly printing and then here's the second one I pulled this right after I pulled this one I think I had to add a little more Titan buff but you know you do so many it's hard to keep up with everything now this is um yellow ochre with some undercurrents of black and then I pulled up a lot of stuff on this one - I love this yellow ochre here was a weird when I did I pulled out a craft smart turquoise because I had ran out of my gold and turquoise and I just wanted to pull a turquoise print I had had there's a tiny bit of remnants of patty Patty's tribal stencil in here I just used this sheet initially to pull some paint off the stencil so that I could pull the stencil and get another print from those videos but I love how this one came out - I think it's pretty cool now these are some of my favorites this color palette right here just sings to me I have this color palette I like the Grays too very much but I had some blotchiness with it I don't really care for when the paint blobs like that I usually use my jelly plate for a palette like I said before but this here I've got more of it in here oh my gosh do you agree I just love that so much that's a lot of a mixture of Titan buff and that bronze though oh it's like a liquid bronze it's a little thicker it's not a fluid but there's a lot of both of those in there and then of course it pulled up a lot of stuff from the plate here sabor gray this one came out really nice with the other colors pulling up on it see and all this looks really cool I'm learning how to just not overwork stuff you know I have a tendency to overwork things sometimes and these you know I thought that these kind of got overworked but the beauty of jelly printing is that the more layers you have the more depth you get I think but there does come a point where I can just take it way too far so I try to learn how to just do something like this and just let it be finished oh here's another one I really love now I would probably I just don't like this part so much I would probably tear it see what I mean it's just a constant progressing progress not perfection this is a printer paper sheet that I pulled and and this is just a cheap piece of printer paper I really don't like this for jelly printing it's it's got whereto absorbency it did pull a lot of the under stuff off and I love this print I think it's gorgeous but I first said I just don't know what it is I really can't put it into words I'm not a big fan of printer paper for jelly printing here's another one of my favorites this one I had laid down a coat of black paint over my little palette as I can't I just kept loading up my little palette with layers and layers of colors and then I put down black and pulled this and the neatest thing happened because I had bent my plate and worked it and cracked all that paint on it well the cracks showed up on this print and I feel so lucky that that happened oh I love it so more yellow ocher this one pulls a lot that a lot of metallics and hair it looks kind of like alan metallic alligator skin or some kind of reptile skin there that's the beauty of this paper picking up the under layers this this newsprint is great for that here I just pulled some you know X when you have that extra strip of paint on your plate and your papers not big enough to catch it all of course kind of cool though I really like it kind of same thing here I really like this strip this would be great washi tape right here it's so funny because I was catching up on my Robin videos last night and I've been staying up late watching videos just trying to catch up on what everybody's doing and Robin is so quick to so make an original and she'll start turn it apart and collaging with it putting it in our books and part of that mortifies me because i get so freaked out and i I don't know how to be at peace with this but I get so freaked out over using my originals I feel like I have to scan every little thing I do and then I can tear it up or alter it or whatever but I just I I tore up an original that I was in love with one time and I did a project with it and the project came out so not what I had in mind and I am still aching over the loss of that original maybe it's just me I just struggle with that so you know what I do I scan I'm gonna scan all of these today as is just so that I have them and then when I tear these up I can not completely pass out from holding my breath over it that's how it feels to be there's a little strip of yellow ochre and that's all that's on that sheet I probably won't scan that I think I'm okay with not having that that's funny all right here's another printer paper but it's cool I just wouldn't use this I mean it would be my last resort I guess I had a lot of black paint down and it pulled it really weird and it looks I love the texture I got from it up here it's really kind of cool but I just it's not my fav here's this and I took my roller and ran that ran it and made these lines of yellow ochre and Titan buff mixed and I don't know I don't love it I don't hate it I think this prints really cool how it pulled the blueish grey I love blue and brown together it's sounds like it would be terrible but with the right tones of blue and the right tones of brown it is such a phenomenal color combo I think here's some more this is a lot of Titan buff on this one same with this one this pulled up a lot of stuff that I had on the play it's just really a beautiful little print some of these I want to their littler they're smaller pieces of paper so I'm thinking about making like a just a smaller you know a paper kit and keep them kind of close to the original size because I don't want to I always scan it 300 dpi to keep my the quality the resolution high so it doesn't get pixelated but I get afraid of taking something like this and then sizing it bigger and I'm probably perfectly fine with it but I think I'm going to take a bunch of these because I got so many this time and I'm gonna make a card digital kit and I will put I will let you know when I do that too and put it in my Etsy shop I do want to scan these I've got a project coming up I've got the April design team project coming up and I'm doing a trailer I'm filming it right when I'm done filming this and I'm going to show you the April Robin McClendon printable kit and then the kits of mine that I'm using and I'm gonna scan these today so I think some of these are gonna make it into April's projects the originals so wish me luck for that too so that I can use my originals without losing my mind so like this I really like this part here this is kind of cold this and it's kind of cool too there's little bits and pieces here that are just really perfect for collage some of these manned up getting digitally enhanced because I just don't really care for that right there being so bright and bleak you know so I'm a digitally enhance some but I'm good at showing clearly what's in the kit I take a lot of pictures and you get ten pictures for every Etsy listing you do and I use all ten of them because I want people to know what they're getting here's some dark blue and black yellow ocher and bronze and green a lot of color in that one this one's pretty cool I did this off-camera I did I go so long my camera dies but I was doing messing around with some corrugated cardboard and got a little bit of markings I definitely I'm gonna do a tissue paper soon I've got to do the fabric necklace tutorial first but I want to do just us just nothing but tissue paper jelly printing video and I want to use a lot of corrugated cardboard and other elements in that video too I just gotta get it all together I've been filming a lot we've been at home with all this Kovan so I've really just been filming like a madwoman editing uploading everything takes forever to upload cuz everybody's on the internet so that's been a challenge for me everything takes longer this is a really nice print Herot this is really nice - very subtle I love this like I would just die to tear this up if I didn't have it scanned I think I have a problem there's a really nice one of the gray and black got some Titan buff in there too or just about the under this cow bits and pieces just pulling off my plate I'm trying to pull now and not let it build up to too much because then it won't pull it all for me I found then I got to break out the tape and I'd rather have it on I don't want it on the tape because the tape is shiny and I'm such a matte finish artist I'm really a matte finish person I love metallics I do love metallics but I don't really care for a shiny surface so much so anyway enough of that here's all these and here's all these so I hope you enjoyed this video this is part 2 of 2 and come on back for the fabric necklace tutorial and the tissue printing jelly printing tutorial and the april design team challenge tutorial so and also by the way with the design team challenge Robin just totally gives us the kit and we have complete artistic license to do whatever we want which I adore that because we all go in different directions and you get so much flavor from each person in the design team from the finalists and everybody's linked below so I will see you soon have a great day and stay safe and healthy [Music]
Channel: Art Archaeologist
Views: 3,192
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Yummy Grunge Gelli Prints - Part 2 of 2, Yummy Grunge Gelli Prints, Art Archaeologist, Gelli Print Flip Thru, Grunge Gelli Print Flip Thru, Gorgeous Prints, Gorgeous Grunge Prints, gorgeous grunge, mixed media, mixed media collage, mixed media art, gelli plate, gelli printing, mixed media collage tutorial, mixed media art journals
Id: wQb85i8vsds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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