Gelliplate transfers and watercolours With Lucy

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hi everyone you're with Lucy from Archard angel and today I'm going to show you how to do some jelly plant transfers onto watercolor paper so what we're going to do is use just a watercolor paper I have chopped up you need to have fairly smooth not really heavy tooth watercolor paper and I've got my jelly plate I've got some paints I'll talk about the kind of paints that are better to use I've also got a black here and I've got my arm rollers and everything ready to go so let's get started but before we do if you liked my video please make sure that you subscribe to my page so it's Archard angel and subscribe to my youtube all the links are below and also you can join us at live art journaling and self development and that's a free group where I do live videos every week with Jolene Payne so please feel free to join and check out the links so let's get started and now a lot of people have difficulty with doing image transfers and one of the things that's most important is the amount of ink that you put down or the amount of paint you put down on your jelly plate and so I'm gonna do this first with the black one because I want to show you it doesn't that is far too much so that I'm going to pick up so I'm gonna second I'll just get my challenge knife you really need to be very careful how much paint you put down so I'm gonna take more than half of that away okay now it's also good to be in a place that's not too hot and what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to prime my plate now I know the first couple of times that I do a jelly play pool that it will not work beautifully I just know it's not going to and you can see here I'm doing it quite thin but I'm not going to do it too often I'm just going to use a piece of plain white paper and I'm with that I'm not going to end up with anything and it's just to prime my plate just in case sticky or there's any issues with it okay so we're going to put down some of our paint again take our roller you can see here I don't put a lot of paint and what you need to do is if the paint you're using doesn't work try another paint this is just a Holcroft and black acrylic paint so now I'm going to take a picture and she's just a practice one take this print rub it with your hands or you can use your roller too now as I pull it off I can see that I have so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take a piece of watercolor paper and I'm going to spray it with some water just a little bit I'm doing that away from the edge just leave it a second I'm gonna put it down on top of there and without letting it move I'm going to put rub on this I'm holding it in place I haven't soaked the paper I've just given it a little spritz see how that's turned out and we've gotten quite a nice image so because we've given a little bit of a spritz to this paper the image has been has darkened a little bit on the paper so I'm really quite happy with this result so I'm going to attempt another one now and again I'm going to use just a little bit of paint so it's a little bit tricky doing it on watercolor paper simply because of watercolor paper has a texture to it so this time I'm going to spray my piece of watercolor paper in plenty of time before so that it's kind of sinks in and I'm going to down and I just rub like this so if you do this expecting everyone to work you will be disappointed so we have the cutest little dog there and this paper is wet and it's a little bit too wet so I'm gonna dab it on my towel and I want the top of the dog's face so I'm really going to push this time and try to get that acrylic to stick onto that watercolor paper and again we've got quite a nice little picture so you can see there it's different it's a different picture than you get with just acrylic on to normal paper because we get this watery effect and we're going to do some stuff with watercolors with this to do something to make more of picture later so we have two pictures now please don't expect this to look exactly like it would if you were doing it on shiny paper or different paper this is a different effect so just I try the big girl face this one here with the sunglasses looks pretty good you can see here it's thin it's probably a little bit too thin I can see a grey area in the middle day just put a little bit more on we don't want it so thick that you can it's glossy we kind of just want it to sit I suppose it looks right when it's a satin not a gloss now there's some creases in there you can just kind of push them out of the way I don't know where they are I'm also going to wet this you can dab two pieces of paper together if you like and just could have let them soak a little bit now each of these would have worked perfectly can I say if I was doing them on - normally we're not getting as many of the dry areas we're getting the real black areas in this this is terrific so now what we're going to do something with this at the end so that'll be part of my next part to the video I'll just do a couple more and then we can do something else now I'm going to do them all in black I was going to do them in some other colors but I think the black is working really well and you can see every time I do another one it seems to work a little bit better so just looking at your plate if the plate is shiny there's too much paint on it if it is satin there's just enough paint if it looks really dry or it separates put the tiniest bit more paint on and spread it out with your roller but definitely not loss you really want to put it down so you don't get too much gloss or too much okay now i pre-wet that paper but I think it needs just the tiniest bit more spray now rubbing this a lot harder than I would with normal paper because of the texture so what I'm gonna do see what we ended up with okay so we don't have a great eye on this side and the mouths only just barely there I don't know if you can see that but it is but what we're going to do with this with watercolor is great next so I'll just do one more and then we'll have a play with paint so I'm not even cleaning it in between I'm just now I've got it going but I'm just gonna keep going and do which as I won't and now I realized that that watercolor paper could be a little bit wetter so this time so every one of these is a bit of an experiment I can see that separating a little bit [Music] we've got a pretty good face they're really quite quickly get that watercolor paper on make sure we do it nice and hard some working some won't and you know these can be all collage pieces if they don't color paper starting to roll up and this one has turned out beautiful so we've got her on the watercolor paper she's even bleeding a little bit which is really nice so very happy with that one very happy with that one I'm gonna take my plate away quickly and wash it and after that I come back I will show you what I'm going to do with it okay now we have three different pictures here that I'm really quite happy with so I've got this one here now she has only got part of her face but I can still see the rest of her face so I'm gonna take advantage of that so I can see the rest of her eye and her eyebrow and I can see where her mouth is and I could even see where her nose is so that's gonna be a benefit to me when I start water coloring this so we've got acrylics here and acrylics will work like a little bit of a barrier to the watercolors so we got to play with them and I think we'll start with this one here because I really wanted to show you that some of the mistakes that you make all the things that you think are mistakes aren't always a mistake so I'm just grabbing my brushes and some watercolors so I'm just going to use the classics these are for the Prima marketing I've really dried my watercolor paper so I don't have to worry about it it is a little bit bent but that's okay and I'm going to just choose areas so around here I want to put a bit of color I wanted to have some clothes that are a bright color and only thinking I'm going to take because that's her hand there I'm gonna take some red and just do a wash over the top because I've used watercolor paper and acrylics so I can do wash so if I do a whole wash here spread some color I hope you had to just let it blend and make it pretty outstanding even adding a little bit of purple in between just in that dark area here add some purple close to her face and she's got like something I'd like a hair band or something in and I'm going to color that too and I might do that you know kind of a bright green color in it so this has given me a basis of a watercolor painting using my jelly plane which it's pretty terrific and just letting the paint the lead into itself a little bit here and I think I might just sort of darken the whole background with the purple so I'm gonna just she has hair too but we can't really see it see it so I'm just going to wet if you wet your paper the watercolor will actually kind of lead better we can put some hair in here as well but the good thing is to actually get the picture that you used which it's very difficult to see so sometimes actually actually this one here and to be honest she doesn't have ha she does never hear bad that's just her hair but it looks like a hair band now so that's okay too it's creative license I think and she's got her hand here which is kind of nice now I'm going to use some flesh colors and I'm going to put some color into her I use a smaller brush for that I'm gonna do her iron Brown so I'm gonna put some Brown in this one as well because I can see the whole outline of this eye I don't know if you can but I can in this particular case so I can add that eye to the picture so I've done it eyebrow far too hot we'll never mind she'll um just have slightly higher eyebrow on this side and just think of that one on that side so I'm pretty much just tracing what is actually there and the mouth that's all I'm going to put here and now rather than doing a whole painting and drink her flesh color and everything I'm just going to take some red and and I'm just gonna make us sort of a skin color so it's going to be you just gotta add as much as you can until you get a color you like and it's always good to have a piece of watercolor paper somewhere that's far too yellow so I'm just going to put heaps of water in that and put a bit more pink in it and still to yellow have a tiny bit of blue in there I'm not looking for us a real flesh colour anyway but I'll just put a little bit more water and that's close to the color I want and now I'm just going to do some sweeping strokes on her I'm not going to try to make her look real I'm not even going to so just some tiny bits of color down under her neck this is a really cheap watercolor paper so it doesn't perform nearly as well as a good watercolor paper and it's probably best for this sort of purpose so I'm going to take let it bleed so I'm letting the paint bleed a little bit wherever it can so I'm by no means trying to get realistic colors here I'm almost banking it monochromatic but not so just by playing with this you can add a little bit of lighter color here to give shape if you want but I think other than just a bit of extra color here and there and I think this needs to be a bit more like half so I'm gonna say she's got a hairband and then run hair down here she doesn't look anything like she used to but we have a great watercolour Gelli plate project this is the great part about it you have license to do pretty much whatever you want a bit of orange in her hair just bit of a wild redhead so there we have one of the girls from our jelly plate and I think she will look great if we tear her out and we do a journal page with her so we can and I like to tear the paper so that you can see the tad edge and she's ready to go make it erratic so there we have her that's one so I'm just going to work on the other two quickly this one here is really quite bright already so this one here I'm going to do something different I'm just gonna get my brush and this is just a big wet watercolor brush and I'm gonna soak the page and this one I want to make a bit it's like a double - I'm going to use tropi lose this time and I'm gonna take colors and just let the colors do their own thing let them drip a little put some water in there and make them run and choose another color don't mix them just let them mix themselves and I'm just dropping this with with the brush and brush off I think I'm going to just add a little bit of blue to it and I think I might make this outfit just a little bit more blue than the rest of it see I'm just dubbing water and watercolor paint here and over this area here even though it's black it's kind of nice to give it a little bit more color I'll just finish the outside here first so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to put a color behind it so because I've wet it I think I'm gonna put a purple into it so wherever there's a bit of white paper the purple will show through and that's just to give the black a bit more life taking that purple shadows slightly down and then I think I want to paint your lips in quite red really quite pink and I'm gonna edge it a bit of a gold color just to make her face stand out just that little bit more than the rest so where the highlight areas are I'm just adding a bit of yellow and pretty much other than I think this kind of lends itself to little small swirls put some swirls in the watercolor paper and this is just to give texture as it dries it won't stay really swirly so I'm gonna give it a bit of a okay so that's how quickly we've got this one done and I'm really very happy with her so we've got these two from our Gelli plate projects and we're just going to do this one here I keep dropping with my brushes no idea what they all are okay now this one here again I'm actually going to put some color in the background just so that wherever I'm actually gonna color the whole thing and I'm just using purple and pink at the moment it's just so that your black is not really black black and then I'm just going to this one here she's quite beautiful on her own so I'm just gonna add some fine shadows to this one so a little bit more shadow to the purple here and this is where the the watercolors really do lend themselves now I'm just going to take this bright red and lips in a bright red and I think she needs some crazy eyeshadow so I'm gonna put some green eyeshadow that's probably something from Rocky Horror and just some of the skin color again and just with a wet brush so I haven't used really any talent in painting this other than using the pictures that were there and using our Gelli plate transfers now watercolor paper can be a little bit more expensive than normal paper so you know have a go on some normal paper first you can even do the watercolors on any mixed media paper but here we have three images that have been created with our jelly plate image transfers and you can also add some darker areas if you want with a pen so I would probably just add some areas where you can leave it exactly how it is these are all going to go in my journals as journal pages so I hope you enjoyed this if you enjoyed my video please join me on please join me and subscribe to my page I do lots of different videos videos on watercolors and all sorts of things so please join me and if you like that and you want to see more videos as well you can join me on live art journaling and self-development which is my page with Jolene Payne where we do live videos every week I hope you enjoy it and get that jelly played out and have a great bit of fun thanks very much you're with Lucy from art shed angel thank you bye bye
Channel: Art Shed Angel
Views: 3,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artjournaling, art journal, mixed media, mixed media techniques, drawing, reviews, lucy campeanu, art shed angel, learn art, creative art journaling, mixed media techniues, book binding, gelliplate transfers, gelli plate image transfer, gel plate printing
Id: Cow0bM6zB1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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