Gelli Printing with Found Objects

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good morning everybody how are you happy thursday it's ten o'clock eastern time on a thursday morning and it's our regularly scheduled facebook live did you have a good week if you are just joining us i would be thrilled if you could let me know in the comments if um you can sit and hear me okay because there's no point me talking to myself right um so yep if you could just let me know that everything looks good i would really appreciate that um i'm gonna sit my coffee while i wait for you to um just to let me know that everything looks good well i got a heart good morning laurie how are you thank you mickey mickey's here good morning thanks amy thank you it's just um it's kind of embarrassing when i'm talking and no one can hear me so just cleaning my desk it's a little messy from jelly printing so did you have a good week hi frank good afternoon thank you paula good morning hi peggy oh peggy says help i wonder why you need help peggy let me know if you need help with something good morning tony hi jane from a damp new jersey it's really sunny here sorry to tell you that well maybe maybe the dampness will come north but it's beautiful oh oh janet says she can't stay for the whole time but she's got her supplies out ready grab a magazine janet go grab a magazine um ali says i'm loud and clear loony of leather head says ali nice ali is now the looney of leatherhead excellent hello chris from lancashire good morning maria from chicago yay marilyn welcome marilyn marilyn said it's good to be here i can put it up on the screen it's good to be here my week has been good she joined the handmade book club yay congratulations we're so glad you joined us okay so let me know in the comments everyone who did the challenge last week and who um who who has um finished their book if you haven't no big deal but let me know in the chat if you um did the challenge last week and if you had fun i just sipped my coffee oh it's scalding hot so i had a choice this morning it was um makeup or coffee so we chose we chose coffee so i apologize i look a little tired this morning my hair is still semi-wet um because i was on the phone with mickey at eight a.m which was early for me but um yes coffee or makeup and um yeah coffee one so sorry folks um i'm gonna put my apron actually i'll wait and put my apron in a minute um let me see who did the challenge oh it's raining south bend carol finished the challenge yes you did a lovely book carol really nice um oh look at this look at sharon she made two i love it melita enjoy the challenge emilia his ruth ruth is on her second book yay ruth um someone else diane is working on more lois finished oh thank you chris pamela did the challenger loved it yay thank you folks um look at the um no oh oh good thank you i didn't mean to do that one but yes there you go virginia she finished the book and she's got two more in the works excellent all right that's what i like to hear the whole point was first just to help us take some action right so um i'm gonna get started oh ida did two and four of the minis oh is that the little mini notebook nice i like it i thought that notebook was really fun um okay just a couple housekeeping things before i jump into the uh demo i said i would do today um i got a little happy mail thank you this is from mandy avery i don't know if you're here today mandy but look at this beautiful um postcard she sent me oh there she is i love the slow pace of doing a piece a day says mandy yeah there we go i agree mandy and thank you for my lovely postcard it's i'm a hand-painted pumpkin obviously but it's beautiful so thank you it's going on my wall of fame over here with all the other lovely things that you folks send me so thank you oh i'm glad you like the minis too joanne i wasn't sharper so thank you mandy i love it let me put it somewhere safe i don't want it to get paint on it um this month's um challenge sort of overall challenge is repurpose and so um interpret that how you will it's still october apparently feels like a very long month but it's still october because we're all waiting for november 3rd um but we're still in october so the challenge is repurpose um so um that's sort of informed my choice of project today so and if you didn't catch uh dj gaskins interview that we did several weeks ago is on my blog click on the blog link at the top and you'll find dj's interview and that sort of kicked the month off and it was kind of dj's idea to make the month repurpose so make of the challenge what you will um repurpose an item repurpose a small piece of your book repurpose an old project into a new project interpret it how you like okay um i'm going to oh jane says what were the minis oh um so in the do you i'm not did you do the five day challenge jane so in the five day challenge we did the main book i could just grab it it'd be so much easier uh where are the minis oh oh here it is here we go here we go so in the five day challenge um this was the main book and then um just with the off cuts on the on the saturday i showed you how to make this double-sided notebook which is a uh it's like a double pamphlet stitch notebook so it's just a double-sided notebook and someone did ask why has it got the two covers in the middle and uh it's just parody and i kind of like the idea of having a double-sided notebook joined together so that's what that was jane it was the fifth day of the uh i mean the sixth day of like a bonus for the challenge so um but challenge is closed now folks i'm afraid but um the book club is open so um quick question where can i find a new thread sorry at once i'm not sure which thread you mean a new thread um let me know tony what kind of thread you mean um yeah the sound went karen cause i walked across the room sorry okay all right folks um i think that's all the housekeeping we have oh yeah i did say that the book club is open i'm sorry oh thank you mickey for posting that um fran is on her fourth little journal linda made six of the little off-cut books oh good excellent um and so yes the challenge is closed folks but i will do another one probably um next year now because um mick and i quite pooped from doing that challenge um but we learned a lot and we'll definitely do another one next um next year and um but if you missed the challenge and you're still interested in the book club there's the little thingy magic on the bottom to sign up so i'll just leave that up there for a couple minutes so um today we're going to do some jelly printing with um some reclaimed or repurposed materials so i know a lot of you already use bits and pieces from around the house and the dollar store and you know the kitchen junk drawer to create interesting patterns on your jelly plates but i've got a couple different ideas today to share with you and i'm going to show you how i use old magazines to create masks for my jelly prints so here is and one of the reasons i wanted to do something with content for you is because um i think we all sort of struggle with um knowing what to put in our book sometimes so so i'm just clicking um so you know we make all these cute books this is a book club book from i don't know what month it was called long cross stitch so um and then it's a really it's a size i really like i love this kind of size it's like 4x6 or something so i've started to fill it with um these jelly prints that i create with the masks from the magazines so this is one um that you've probably seen on facebook already it's another one and then i'm probably gonna put um journaling on this side i think there's one more there's a couple more shaker more there's another one um and then here's another one so i think you can see i did this on um like a ledger paper when i when i flip the camera down i'll show you again but sort of i think couldn't kind of see the ledger paper through the um through the printing so i'm going to fill this book with these um sort of silhouette jelly prints and then they'll be text here so i just wanted to give you some ideas to put in your book oh thank you mickey said she posted a link to the weavers not tutorial great thank you hi barbara thank you anne oh you're welcome jane oh tony got you so tony says she ran out of sewing thread and needed to do the weaver's knot so mickey um just gave her a link to that thank you um question from oh i've forgotten your first name i know it's not a lower oh forgotten do you well apparently there's a truck going down the road do you glue the prints onto your journal or directly print i glue them so i cut them out where are they i um print them on vintage paper and i cut them out yeah i'm just not that sophisticated to um print directly in the journal so now i cut them i print them on um found papers i'll show you these a little more closely in a minute and um here's some of the other here's some of the um people silhouettes the woman and i print them and then cut them out very good question and then i glue them in with um my medium so all actually no you know i use glue stick for that i find matte medium a little wet on the paper that's in this book so this is a drawing paper and i find that the matte medium's got a little bit too much moisture in it and it wrinkles so i use glue stick um an acid-free glue stick to stick them in there okay all right oh you like the black and white end papers thank you yeah i do too i forget where it's from but the fun right it might have been a wrapping paper who knows we all have such a big stash of paper okay i'm gonna put my um apron on because i'm very messy so the tools that you're going to need for this are a jelly plate the size of your jelly plate is going to depend upon the size of the image that you want to work with so if you've got the big um is it 12 by 12 i think i i do it or 14 by 14. it's huge um if you have a huge one the kind of images that you use you'll either use multiple images or you will um find a large image and when i say image i'll tell you what i mean in a moment so you're going to need a jelly plate you're going to need a brayer you're going to need some paints i only use three about three paints um and a black and white so even though i have a huge cart full of paint you can see here i always um just stick to several colors and um what else will you need some found items to make texture so i literally went to my recycle bin and grabbed a bunch of things to show you um what else will you need you'll need something to put your jelly plate on so i have like a piece of acrylic but i just or plex i have a piece plexiglas but i understand apparently plexiglas is hard to find right now because all the stores are buying it so you can use a piece of freezer paper taped to the desk um piece of glass and that's to put the jelly plate on you don't want to put it on paper and also a palette of some kind so that could be palette paper that can also be a piece plexiglas and um some waste sheets just to roll off your brayer get the paint off your brayer and obviously something to print on so i'm going to be using vintage papers to print on today but feel free to print on the most appropriate material for the project okay let me i'm going to flip the camera down folks um mrs any more questions kathy says if you have a jelly plate bigger than you need can you mask off oh sure yeah you could you could just say you had a big jelly plate you could just put um paint in the middle of the jelly plate good point good point but you really it's just an excuse to buy lots of different size jelly plates um but yeah it's just so you don't waste paint because especially if you're using um the golden open acrylics which i'll be using they're kind of pricey and in terms of paint use what you have use what you some people prefer the cheap craft paints you know the 99 cents little bottles and some people like really fancy printmaking inks use what you have on hand experiment and find out what you like to use most i like um the golden open acrylics because they just give me more work in time um thank you for this tip vicky um vicky says is a good source for thin plexi and for mounting plates for thin plexi for mounting plates thank you i've never used jungles but i've heard good things about them okay let me find some colors of paint i'm just gonna like use primary colors so i'm gonna use um quinacridone magenta the yellow the hands are like yellow and i think i'll use phthalo blue maybe maybe i'll grab a payne's gray too okay i'm going to flip the camera down and um explain about the magazine and the found items so let's get organized that's okay elaine good morning elaine good morning penny you're not late it's okay i've just been yabbering on as usual okay here's my desk hopefully you can see that okay um let me just i'm just going to actually could you just let me know in the comments if you can see that oh clearly enough maybe i need to put the light on i'll put some oh there we go that's a bit better so to print on i'm just going to use um pieces of ledger paper this is old ledger and it somebody has writing on which i really like so i'm going to be using this ledger paper to print on and here's just a few examples of um that i said i would show you here's one that i haven't put in yet i'm not sure if i love that yet i might sort of gussy it up before i put that in here's some of the others that maybe you couldn't see very clearly when i held it up so these were the ones um oh thank you daria you're all clear um so these are perhaps what you couldn't see on screen you can see the i'm text underneath so if you didn't have a um old ledger you know you could use dictionary paper as we're repurposing but also you could decorate a plain piece of paper with like a rubber stamp or your own handwriting um there's no text there and you can see the text underneath here so i for my um papers i am repurposing old ledger paper what else are we repurposing let's just move those out the way to make some texture i'm gonna i literally i'm not kidding i went in the trash and found this envelope um well it actually wasn't in the trash so i'm gonna use probably i might even use this side this old envelope that's got some um bubble wrap so i know we all use bubble wrap but i can't i mean i like bubble wrap i'm not sure actually this is gonna print that well i might need to pull it apart i need to get my knife in there and pull it apart don't let's see if this will come out can i remove the comments when i'm demoing um i don't think so so mickey just asked can i remove comments when demoing people have to do that oh yeah yeah thank you oh i'm sorry thanks folks there we go obnoxious comment that's funny sorry mickey just texted me i'm just trying to see if i can get this out no so we'll just have to use that as it is what else will i use for repurposing i found this old egg carton i mean who's ever looked at the bottom of an egg carton look at those cute um that you can make so i thought wow that's a good one this one you all know of course a lure holder but it's a nice size so when you're thinking about items for repurposing what you want to think about is the size of your plate so i'm going to be printing some of them on this small plate and if i use this for texture i just need to keep in mind that it's fairly large in relation to my plate size when i print on my 8x8 plate that's actually going to be a good size and then on the back here this pattern which is really cute this is from clothes detergent this just doesn't really show up on this little plate but it'll show up a lot better on the big plate so when you're looking for items to use for texture just sort of keep in mind the size of the plate you're using i know most of you have eight by tens another i found this large bubble wrap which will work really good for the larger plates um bottle caps i'm sure you're all aware of and um oh look at this mushroom we had a stir fry last night and we had mushrooms and i was just about to throw this in recycling and i noticed this interesting pattern on the back of the mushroom box so this again would work really well for a bigger plate and try to keep these organized um the other couple items i'm going to be using is i just literally this morning it's still wet i um finished this facial oil that i have and of course i was looking at thinking oh that's an interesting circle it's like a circle inside a circle there and also it had this um pipette which has got a lovely rounded edge so not only and a rounded edge here so i could do some prints with this because it's rubber but also because of this rounded edge i could see how you could do some really nice writing in your jelly plate with it um and because it's rounded and soft you're not going to um damage your jelly plate because the gelatin plates are quite um delicate you can um sort of get little nicks in them so let me just make sure the comments are okay there go i got rid of it um so so yes so they're just some ideas but i mean that's just like a handful of ideas and you'll just come up with a million of your own i know you will so i'm just trying to keep everything organized so the magazine oh and also winner we all use this right for texture in our jelly plates but there's this edge here there's this here um hang on one second um one tick hang on i just need to adjust something andy yeah hannah wants to call can you call her please thanks okay that's what you get when you have a daughter in college she wants to call you at all hours all right so also in the recycling bin um magazines so this is what i use to create um the masks and i look through the magazine and i try to find interesting silhouettes so the little house shape i did these last night actually this little house shape that i used as a mask i think that's a person well you get the idea this little house shape here was from a country living i just yeah my mom always buys me a subscription to this and we get it nailed over here but um this was a little house from just a little illustration so i cut the house shape out cut the window and doors and um that was my little mask that i used for those ones so you just want to go look through a magazine and look for silhouettes so for example um apparently apparently country living does a dating agency who knew um this is actually a silhouette which is kind of interesting but i thought that right there would make a really interesting mask so we may do that later um also like this health shape here i thought that would be kind of cool and these people too could cut these people out or you could just do this whole um house obviously you're going to simplify it so with this house for example i just cut out the windows and doors you if you do it very deli if you cut out very sort of delicate details they're going to rip when you pull it off the um of the jelly plate if you if you want to do very detailed mask with your jelly plate you're going to need to use like tyvek which won't rip but we're repurposing so we're repurposing a magazine so you could repurpose a tyvek envelope if you wanted more details that you either drew you'd have to draw it yourself i guess so keep them keep the shapes fairly large and not too much detail um other ones i had a quick look through just to give you some ideas like this page here there's some interesting silhouettes here this um seed pod i thought that jar was kind of cool and the bird um other interesting this one here i'll probably use it's an and i don't even know what that's an advert for i don't know who knows insurance maybe that's an interesting shape i mean it doesn't have to be people that's that's a nice one too so you could see how you could sort of cut out this silhouette um if it doesn't have to be people it could be we'll just look through what else you could find like you know like this for example that's an interesting shape that you could use um flower shapes leaf shapes um like chairs as well like chair shapes i think are really interesting in um that you can find in magazines so whatever you know whatever you kind of catches your fancy really so that is what um that's how i find the masks and i use detail scissors or an x-acto to cut them out and generally scissors works well because we're doing quite large shapes so i cut out this bird earlier [Music] i cut out this bird earlier and this is too detailed right here this is going to rip probably so i'm going to cut that off um i went in with the knife but i think that's going to rip so scissors are just fine all right enough yabbering let's let's lose the magazine let's get our gel plate set up so i'm going to do um i'll do the big silhouette first with the eight inch and then i will um do the house again or the bird jelly plate you can buy these or you can make your own we'll store them in this clamshell box that they come in and between pieces you of pieces like acetate so this is just a very old piece of plexiglas so i what i do for um what's the word registration is that i pre-cut my papers so here are my papers for the eight by eight jelly print they're a little bit bigger so for registration i take one put it underneath the plexi just put a little bit of glue stick on the back so um elaine says you can use a die cut that's a good idea so i place this on the table underneath my plexiglas and i center it and then i use that for registration when i lay down my um new piece of paper i line up these corners so that's the way i do registration it's not super fancy but you do have to just keep checking that um stay this is centered so i'm just going to center onto the camera so you can see like that okay does not want to stick all right so who here has done jelly printed before and what is your favorite paint to use you could tell me in the comments curious to know let's pop this here all right so i really want to get this registration right because we'll be doing at least two layers of paint on here so if we don't get it right okay i like to use palette paper to put my paint on you could use something else hopefully you can just see it there at the edge of the frame i'm gonna do some yellow um let me see what everyone's saying in the comments so yes tell me what you like the huddle can you see that just the boat no there it is this can't get everything in the frame unfortunately so let's move this over a little bit let's use the phthalo blue see what what is your favorite kind of paint to use i just leave the golden opens but they are pricey i will admit okay so what i'm going to do is put down a layer of color so the first step is a layer of color then some texture from our found objects and then we'll pull a print um i'll do several of those and then we'll put down another layer of paint and we'll use our mask so let us i'm using a little brayer because it's more appropriate for my size of jelly plate than i'm using but if you had the larger plate i would use the larger brayer which is like this this is probably what most of you have but i like um i just like this smaller one and i don't put the paint on the um jelly plate for this technique because we want a very thin layer so i just take a little bit off the paint here and then work it on the palette paper and then bring it to the plate because if you make a very thick layer of paint this masking technique is not going to work so very thin layer let's do a yellow [Music] and then get a piece of scrap paper bye bye yellow and then i'm going to take a little bit of magenta you can't see this sorry it's off the screen piece of magenta [Music] i'm going to take some of that magenta off so that i can mix them we go so that's a thin layer of paint that's a really thin layer of paint um but it's kind of well that's the kind of look i like i like to build up thinner layers so i'm gonna use what should we use let's see what this looks like yet i guess i literally finished with the face oil this morning do some small circles here we go let's grab a piece so here's a piece of my paper let's actually use a different one for now let's use this one for now so we're going to lay down make sure the plate's centered line up in the corner there rub rubber up oh that's interesting look there's the oil from the bottle you pull off oh look there is a cute circle i like that a few too many um brayer marks for my liking but i don't know about you but i find that um it takes a while for my kind of plate and me to get warmed up so when i put the paint on i only go in one direction like this so that um i get all the paint off the roll if you go back and forth sometimes you'll just get like half the paint off the roller so let's um let's get rid of the excess paint and try and mix this up a little bit better than last time there we go all right we'll just do a couple of these and then we'll do the masking should we try the egg carton i kind of like this let's go off the edge a little bit oh it's fun [Applause] and then um nothing else oops because i'm working with the golden opens um i've got some working time maybe i want to put some on the edge like that grab another one center the jelly plate on the guide underneath and lay down your paper so you're going to make a number of these backgrounds i should have done some ahead of time but that's okay oh that one's pretty i like that that looks good um and then let's do one in some yellows and blues so favorite paints um let's see ginger she's still looking for a really good black black oh interesting golden fluid acrylic says joanne fluid acrylic says a lot of people some people like golden opens um yes mandy says to use an extender that's a really good idea okay so i'm getting rid of all the paint on this waste sheet i'm gonna give myself some more yellow and then um let's do some yellow and blue i'll just do one more of this eight by eight that is too much paint okay so that's too much that's too thick so i'm gonna spread it out over the whole plate like that so we're looking for a super thin layer let's just get a tiny thin layer get rid of the excess so you can i mean you can really see how thin that is we could go probably a little heavier if we wanted to we go but you see how i'm trying to feathering by going back and forth with my um sprayer oh look how cute that is you know that's gonna be used in something let's do one more um let's do what else looks good the large bubble wrap we'll just do on half though oh like that and then we'll use the uh choose the tip of this i really like circles but if you like lines go for it one more so i'm going to be um i'm going to break the rules a bit here because my printing is at the top so i'm actually going to move this move my jelly plate a little bit um higher up i can't move the um plexi because the um tripod legs are in the way so i'm actually going to move it right up to the top so that i get this in my um in my print so i'll just have to remember that so um because the paint is so light you generally don't get a ghost print from these um i could see there's a ghost print by printing on a um waist sheet for you to see but there's very little it's very little because with the paint so thin um but look how nice that one turned out i love that one so i'm excited to put something over that okay so let's just leave it for there with the 8x8 let's start using our mask i'm going to use a solid color so i used for two fairly light colors here and a light coat paint and i'm going to use a darker one over the top so for these two i'm going to use the phthalo blue and i can even add in a little um payne's gray if i wanted to make it darker so let's say that um this was quite a bit darker i might use a payne's gray to get an even darker contrast print on the top it's all about sort of figuring out what the contrast is but i think the phthalo blue will be fine i'm just going to center it because this print is centered on the piece of paper and let's give ourselves a thin layer of the phthalo blue so this is where we're going to use the magazine okay just assume other things [Music] so that's again it's a very thin layer and if you wind up putting the paint directly on the plate i find it hard to get a thin layer you may be more accomplished than i am but i just i can't seem to get a thin layer when i put the paint directly on the plate so i just like i say work it on this palette paper or you could use freezer paper was that gonna fit well let's see shall we now i could put texture on here if i wanted to i could put some texture in this blue for this one shall i yes i'll put some texture in the blue you don't have to put some texture down lay down our magazine cut out gently press so these magazine cutouts they i might last a couple days i don't know where the house went but this over this house one um will last a couple days a couple sessions the one that i used for the the um the girl in the book this one um only last this one only lasted one printing session probably because i had this cut out here and it eventually just like fell apart so all right so then lay this down we get the print we just made i think it went did it go this way i can't remember which we're gonna because it's centered we just line the top up lay this over the top give it a good rub and oh let's hope it looks good i'm gonna peek oh yeah it looks good performance anxiety so then you get the silhouette on the outside and then of course you can also work with the piece that's left so i'm going to use a waste sheet to get rid of this excess but you could use a piece of paper that you plan on working with so there's the x oh that one's nice too that ghost print that one's cute i like that and then you can remove the mask and you may well get another print yeah you're gonna get another print from this too so let's lift this off so this is a blueprint sorry it's upside down so i could put it on top of here if i wanted to i think i might put it on top of here uh should i put it on top of this one let's try it center it oh no this this one's right at the top isn't it so i don't center it put it like this let's put this on top of here so sometimes um you can get this second print sometimes you can't okay let's see what this one looks like it might not come out oh but it does there we go so that's that it's kind of cool right okay um you can wipe this off with a baby wipe if you like i'm not gonna bother i'm just gonna keep it like that keep it dirty let's put another layer on and we'll do one more and then i'll answer questions and i'll do if you want me to work on the smaller plate i can [Music] or i can just answer questions um also um what was i gonna say to you remember okay one more time let's put this cutout down well i can't do it upside down i'm not that smart let's um put some put some texture here what the bottom of this will look like maybe with yeah i don't want to do that let's just do the um let's do the cardboard let's do cardboard on it there we go i like the cardboard and um maybe we'll do the and i tend to just use like a handful of items to do um this texture because well first of all the sky's the limit i mean you could literally find anything but if i'm gonna do a whole series of prints i want to kind of keep some consistency in the different shapes that i have if that makes sense so let's lay down we're gonna center this one and put this on top you know what am i gonna put that one i think i might um yes i'm gonna put this one on top of here center it there we go there we go and i'm just rubbing with my hands and i'm rubbing all around the edges where i can feel the plate um if you wanted to you could get a clean brayer and go over the top so if you had one of the huge plates you could get a clean one of these and go over the top you could also put a waste sheet over it if you somehow got ink here you could put a clean waste sheet over and do this too because you know sometimes we get excess paint and perhaps you want to keep the back of the print pristine to do a front to back print oh that one's cute so there's that silhouette that one turned out nice um and then let's pull this off oh no actually let's get the excess off any so what we're doing is pulling off any excess from here i don't think there is any very little and then we'll do another print oh from this so i'm going to do it on this paper i'm going to bring it down so that i can get the print the handwriting in the print and then just like say if i had dirty hands i would protect this in case i wanted to do something else on the back okay so maybe i was making these into double-sided signatures for a book i'd also want the back to look good okay okay that one came out okay i think i'd prefer it with a um colored back okay so that is that um i want to show you some of the ones i did last night with um the house i just want to make sure i keep this silhouette safe because i want to use it again later so i did the um small plate last night this size plate with the house and um let me just pull this plate away and give you some ideas um so some of them are like that turned out nice this one turned out really nice that's my favorite but occasionally they don't turn out quite so good that one i like um this one however not so much so what you can do is go back in and alter them so like this one here i went in with some marker and sort of filled in the green to make it more vivid this one here i went in with um i've got a tiny watercolor palette let's have on my desk rather than pulling out huge watercolors and i just went in with some watercolor and made this background a little darker and i'll probably just cut it out the same with this one i i went in with some rubber stamps for this one and then um i think another one where's that one maybe this one here i think i went in with some watercolors as well to enhance the print um another thing that you can do to these prints is that one thing i like to do is to outline them so you see here i've roughly outlined them with a pen and i really like that sort of look it gives a little more definition and another thing to think about is the um kind of paper you're using so where did it go this um what's this called this ledger paper has a certain texture which i mean i really like so it gives a certain look to the print it gives like here it gives a fairly crisp look to the print this dictionary paper um gives a more blurry look and so does this vintage paper because it's like a slightly different textured paper it's like a more absorbent paper so it's going to give you a different look so neither one is better than the other just different papers with different absorbencies are going to give you different looks with this type of printing so it's experimenting it's so let me see let me use any questions does it matter if the brayer is hard or soft um i use a hard one i've well do i use a hard one let me have a look i think this is a hard one right i think this is a soft i don't think so i think i prefer the softer one but i i don't personally i don't think it makes much difference all right see some people vicky says some people use the additional jelly plate as a palette yep so betty says yes i could use the ink left on the mask you're right betty so what betty's saying is that the ink that's left on here we could then put on another piece of paper it might be dry we could put it on another piece of paper and roll over it will probably be better on a jelly plate to be honest so there's a little bit more give um but yes you may it's it's dry there but you may well get like a ghost print from the excess ink on the of the mask as well good point trying to keep that safe point um let's see you can put on fabric yes and make book cloth oh i love it very very that's a great idea hold on where is that mandy i'm going to put that on um let's see where's mandy so yes mandy makes a good point you can print on fabric and make book cloth using wood paste rather than the iron on stuff i like it um how do you clean the plate oh i have to clean huh fair enough um that's a very good question let me just turn the comment off i use baby wipes um but if you find those to be wasteful um you can use a piece of you can just use water and a rag or i think and some people run them under the tap as well when they're finished um and then i also do the same thing with my um brayer so you want to make sure you don't leave this uh you make sure you don't allow paint to dry on this i've got a little something on there so i just use a baby wipe i tried to keep it you know the amount to a minimum um but generally while i'm printing i'll just use like waste paper to lift off any excess ink good question oh my gosh so joanne leaves hers dirty nah good good idea baby wipes yeah oh uh what's the wheat paste comment someone says luis says what's the reason pace comment so mandy was saying that um you could do these prints on cloth so like a piece of um muslin or white cotton for example or even patent and then once it's dry you can back it with paper using wheat paste and that would be book cloth so this book here is covered in book cloth and this burgundy's book cloth so how cool would that be to like make um the prints actually on the cloth and then cover the outside of the book all right okay uh what other comments are way some people use the colored baby wipes in mixed media that's a great idea so like this i guess we could yeah let this dry and then use it that would be really cool actually all right let i'm gonna switch the camera over unless you unless you want me to do any more demos i can i could always do a demo on the small plate if you like um but i think you've probably got the idea uh hold on let me switch cameras here we go um let me turn the light up i'm happy to do another demo with the small one but i think you probably get the idea um so mandy's answering a question for you mandy says so whoever asked about the soft cause i can't remember who asked about the soft and the hard brayer mandy is answering your question here will i drink my coffee harbors are used for inking up lino cuts and wood blocks so the ink doesn't fill in the negative places soft braids are best for jelly prints all right thank you very much mickey's gotta go make book cloth now um and the reason um that you use the wheat paste and paper to make the book cloth not the iron-on um fusible webbing is because of yeah fumes you don't want to use because then if you perhaps heat up the acrylic paint it might give off fumes um phyllis says do you sell your books with prints or they for my own use they're just for my own use i mean i suppose i could but um i don't so i mean no reason why not right like i think they're cool um but no i don't um karen says is wheat paste the same as methyl cellulose no it's not the same um we methyl cellulose is not as strong adhesive as wheat paste but it's really useful though methyl cellulose it's really useful for making paste paper because it um if you make up colored methyl cellulose it doesn't go off it lasts forever methyl cellulose is also really good for adding to pva to extend the drying time so methyl cellulose while it's not as strong and as an adhesive as wheat paste it doesn't um go off like wheat paste so it's actually kind of nice to have in your arsenal and it's pretty inexpensive um ally's brain is blasting buzzing yep um nancy says why did i never think to print on book cloth well don't thank me got that mandy you're welcome all right just my run-off paper and did a print arlene says she just took some of her run-off paper and did a print on it best one yet nice excellent um question from diane is cornstarch paste as strong as wheat paste i don't know i tried making call i don't think so i don't think it's as strong but i could be wrong so i have made up cornstarch paste diane for um making paste paper and it worked out fine but i've never used it as an adhesive so i don't know if you answer that question if anyone does let me know oh you're welcome arlene mandy has another idea mandy's our jelly printing queen if there's a crown to be given today it's mandy she's a font of knowledge when it comes to jelly printing she says how about jelly printing on craft text so for those of you who don't know kraft tex is a paper fabric do i have some here uh oh yes i do it's a paper fabric and um so which you know you can use for lots of things lots of uh people use it in craft project bags and pencil cases and all sorts of things but we like it to make books and it doesn't rip so if i just pull this off like this it doesn't rip and you can sew through it nice mistake on that there you can sew through it really well and with a machine or by hand and you can use and abuse it so it comes um dyed and so pre-washed or you can get um white brown black tan color which you could then jelly print on very good idea lady okay um more questions if you mix pva with wheat paste does it sour after time yes phyllis it would yeah i'm probably not as quickly though as normal question from penny could you make iron on book cloth before doing the jelly prints good idea yeah exactly um the only thing is though penny that that fusible webbing is expensive so say you made the book cloth and then you did a print and it was a bit in there you know what i mean um you would have wasted like a couple dollars on the fusible webbing if you had to throw it away but that's a probably good way of getting around it for sure um okay where did i buy it what where did i buy what um let me know what you are looking for joanne i'm happy to answer um all right folks um who has more questions so if anyone has any questions about this pop it in the chat i'm happy to do it um just to re recap the steps i covered my jelly plate with a very thin layer of a couple different color paints very thin so i didn't put the paint directly on the jelly plate i put it to one side on a pallet very thin layer added some texture with found objects and i pulled a colored print which just had some texture in the background then i found a magazine image i liked i cut out a silhouette of that magazine image um i re-inked my plate did a little more texture put down the silhouette and then printed over the top so and here are the ones that we did today so the red and yellow was the background print with some texture and then the blue was the second print with the silhouette i think this might be my favorite so the um yellowy green back was the background and then the we did a layer of blue put down the silhouette and then is that how we did that oh no we laid we laid um that is the ghost print of the the second level i believe and then here's the other one so we had a pinky orange background we use an egg carton to make those circles on the back and i laid down a layer of blue paint put down my mask and then printed over the top then i removed that mask and then that's the print that resulted from when we removed the mask so there's lots of different combinations that you can do to get prints and then this was another one too not my favorite but you know what we could do something with it right if you also have um so i wanted to remind you that most of you here are already in the book club but if you are not in the book club i want to let you know that it is open until sunday and then it's closed again until next march which is a long time so if you have questions about that feel free to put that in the comments too if there are any club members here and i know there are there's any advice that you want to give people um i'm sure they would appreciate that too um let me see what questions you have uh so jean says you can buy craftex on ebay excellent craft text is available on amazon yep oh craft sorry joanne craftex so yeah i buy craft text you can buy an amazon in packs you can also buy it directly from the people who make it which is c and t publishing so the letter c ampersand t publishing they make they publish books too like craft books um but they're the ones that make it so you can go on their website and you get the full range of colors and you can buy the rolls but if you're doing an amazon order for something else or you've got prime you can get it on amazon um let's see and the jelly plates i have never used a jelly plate i bought once in the package ah well diana time to get that jelly plate out um let's see thank you mickey what's the name of the fusible material um there's lots of different kinds and it depends what country you're in um donna um i use something called steamer seam so steam as in steam iron a seam s-e-a-m i get it from joanne's and i get it in nine by 12 sheets but you can also buy it on a roll and fabric stores sell it um i think in the uk it's bonded web so it's it's um i think it's using quilting quite a lot and also in sort of making clothes but i use steamer seam it's the one i use bunda web yep craft texas at joann's excellent um so diana says she's new here and she did join the club but she's overwhelmed with all the great info it's okay yeah i understand it is overwhelming but just do one thing at a time just one tiny thing at a time and you'll be okay uh claire has a jelly placeless package yes i know what you mean i have lots of things in the package oh applique that's what it's used for mandy yes applique thank you that's all lots of people use the um fusible webbing for thank you cydella uses heaton bonds cydella's in ireland she uses heat n bond so if you're in europe that's what you would use okay folks um okay i guess i have a list somewhere i don't think there's anything else that i was meant to mention but i should look at my list right um no i think i think i got everything on my list um are there any other questions did we do the hour yes we did are there any other questions about the book club or the jelly or the jelly printing technique we did today um i'm happy to answer them and so um next week we have a facebook live on a thursday just back to our regular schedule don't ask me what we're doing but i'm sure it'll be fun i just haven't actually got to next week yet um oh thank you linda thank you ali um nice to see you um nancy uses her recycled practice japanese brush painting oh on her jelly print that's a good idea so um nancy was saying that she used you know an old paintbrush obviously not a nice watercolor brush but you cannot use an old paint brush to make interesting marks on your jelly plate nice but yes you're repurposing by using an old paintbrush i like it yeah honestly amy isn't it addicting amy says she can't wait oops sorry i lost amy can't wait to try this jelly print it's addicting it is so addicting good question marie can you coat the magazine with anything i guess you could right maybe you could um what i've done in the past if there's been a magazine image i really like i photocopied it which probably against the law but anyway um i photocopied it um onto like glossy copier paper so that i had several copies in case i ruined it but i guess you could maybe coat it with something or put it um put some double that plastic what's it called a clear contact paper on it too to protect it so yes i'm sure there are ways um but almost like part of the fun is you can only get so many prints from it and then you have to do a different one but yeah good good question marie i like it good question [Music] okay i'm glad you liked the demo paula thank you um you're very welcome thank you everybody put in packing tape oh yes and arlene arlene suggests put packing tape over the magazine image tube to protect it good idea thank you liz all right folks it was lovely to see you i will be back here next thursday um oh claire's gonna use dies i love it um feel free to reach out with any questions that you have i will try and get back to you as soon as i can i'm a little slow on email as you all probably know but thank you for being here today it was fun we had lots of you and um congratulations to everyone who did the challenge welcome to all our new club members and there's still time to join link is down there we close on sunday um i would love to have more people to get you all addicted to making books so i'm glad you liked it laurie thank you everyone it was fun um oh happy to do more jelly printing if you like in future facebook lives i i love i do it i love it i could do it all day if if if i could but obviously i can't so okay i will see you next week thank you everyone it was wonderful to see you thank you mickey for being here and being in the uh the chat to help answer questions and um i'll catch you all next week have a wonderful and creative week remember to post all of your um jelly prints in the the free um facebook group crafting handmade books um remember to to um yes show me show me what you make sorry you got the wrong time terry i apologize um but we will see you next week and you can watch the replay alright folks take care have a good um have a good week i'll talk to you soon bye
Channel: Vintage Page Designs
Views: 12,347
Rating: 4.775785 out of 5
Keywords: gelli printing, gelli plate printing techniques, gelli plate, gel printing, gelli printing tutorials, gelli, gelli arts, vintage page desings, handmade book tutorial, bookbinding tutorial, found objects, found objects art, gelli arts tutorial, gel printing techniques, paper craft, book arts, monoprinting, mixed media
Id: HHWhq3yNd8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 19sec (3919 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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