YUMMY Air Fryer Recipes for TWO & My Air Fryer Cheat Sheet is HERE!

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looking for air fryer recipes for one or two people I got you [Music] today I'm going to show you four complete dinners you can make in your entire air fryer for one or two people and I'm so excited to announce to you that my brand new airfryer cheat sheet is here several months ago I surveyed nearly 2 000 of my viewers and you told me what boots you wanted to see on this cheat sheet so thank you my team and I narrowed the list down and went with about the top 85 86 items and then from my real life experience we identified the correct air fryer temperature and the cook time for all of these foods and you know how I love to use internal temperatures as a guide when I'm cooking food so yeah we listed that too so now when you want to cook something up rather than searching Google or flipping through my cookbook to find a similar food you will find it right here go to airfryercheatsheet.com to learn more and get my cheat sheet in your kitchen are you ready for some air fryer meals for one or two people let's go this one is a super simple our barbecue chicken pizza recipe and I think you're gonna love it now this one you're going to want to grab some naan bread these are some little mini ones but you could get regular sized as well and then of course some mozzarella cheese some sliced red onions some fresh cilantro and then some barbecue sauce this is my homemade barbecue sauce it's in the Cookbook by the way and I will also link to it down below and then if you want you can also do some marinara or pizza sauce and then you'll need some cooked chicken now for dinners like this I really love to use leftover chicken but you might not have any leftover chicken and this is where the cheat sheet comes in super handy because you just want to cook up some chicken so instead of going to Google or searching through my cookbook to see how long to cook chicken you just come right here it's right here at the Top chicken breast cook temp 380. it's gonna be cooking anywhere from 10 to 18 minutes and that's because it just depends on how thick your chicken is how big it is but we tell you the internal temperature of 165 so you get it spot on by the way my daughter Haley who's a college student developed this dress recipe for you and it's one of her personal favorites thanks Haley so what she likes to do is preheat the air fryer 400 and just to kind of crisp up that naan bread a little bit and dry it out she pops it in there while she's preheating it I'm just going to give it about three minutes okay the airfryer is preheated my little breads here are just nice and toasty it maybe could have had a few extra minutes and I'm going to just put them right here on the liner it's just going to be easy to maneuver the pizza now barbecue chicken pizza one wouldn't necessarily think you would have a red sauce on there but it's kind of a cool flavor combination so I'm gonna go ahead and put red sauce on one of these little pizzas and then to my cooked chicken I'm just going to add some of this barbecue sauce however much you want it's going to help keep it from drying out as it all Cooks up in the airfryer open the barbecue sauce I'm just gonna spread right here on this other pizza and then go ahead and just spread your chicken right on top of your pizza now if you're cooking up chicken just for this recipe you'll probably just need one chicken breast and that will give you some leftovers possibly for like salad or another meal and just throw on those other toppings however you like them you could even do that cheese first and then put the chicken on top if you're worried about it flying around I love fresh cilantro it's one of those things you either love it or you hate it let me know down in the comments below I've got one child that absolutely hates it it tastes like dirt to him and then just some red onions however much you like oh and that's gonna be so good now remember I had preheated this airfryer since I did my pizza right here like I said it's gonna be really easy to just pop that right in and if you have an air fryer that's super powerful it's just going to blow all of that around just let it sit there for a couple minutes it's going to warm up the cheese make it heavier and then we're going to cook it up okay that's been sitting a couple minutes and now I'm going to hook that up punch this up to 380 and it really just needs anywhere from three to five minutes don't give it four oh oops um I just read the directions Haley gave me like all the way through and the fresh cilantro it goes on after you cook so yeah okay I am starving that looks amazing okay then just carefully lift it right out the air fryer and let's eat okay nobody's home from school yet and I'm starving I cannot wait this is the one with the red sauce and that is so good Haley thank you for telling me about this I'll show you what the kids think as soon as they get home eating the second one as well I'm that hungry and by the way the cooked cilantro just because it was just a few minutes it really is not bad at all oh and did I mention that I really like the one with the marinara base better than the barbecue base it just is a little bit too strong with all barbecue base and with the marinade marinara the marinara the marinara base just really balances out the flavors so nicely oh boy look who's getting taller than me me oh like who's also very very much taller than me this is non-barbecue chicken pizza ready try it non-barbecue like naan bread oh okay give it a try [Music] where's the barbecue [Applause] whoa what do you think whoa wait a minute I've got one child that absolutely hates it it tastes like dirt to him the green stuff yeah yeah it's cilantro other than that it's five out of five out of five for you Logan what do you think three guys are 4.5 out of five which is pretty good for me it was a time you like it even with cilantro I don't like cilantro but it hasn't ruined the pizza for you right well now that taste of this cilantro back down the floor bees right here are my go-to pork chops the brown sugar rub is amazing and the recipe is in my cookbook you can get a yummy airfryrecipes.com but I'm also going to give you this entire recipe right now for this one you just need some pork chops and it's really not that much just some salt and pepper garlic powder paprika ground mustard and brown sugar and a little oil so I've got a tablespoon of brown sugar I'll add a half tablespoon of paprika a teaspoon of salt three quarter teaspoon of pepper half teaspoon of ground mustard a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder and a quarter teaspoon of onion powder and if you want to you could throw a pinch of cayenne pepper and this right here is your rub just give that a nice little mix and I've got my two pork chops here they are pretty thick and I'm just going to lightly spray them with avocado oil you don't have to have an oil sprayer you could just pour some oil right over the top and the point of this is a couple things by the way if you have some hard little brown sugar rocks like I do here just crumble those up because we're going to rub this right onto the pork chops and back to what I was saying about the oil the oil right now is going to help us keep those spices right on the pork chop just sticks it and you can either put the oil on before you put the rub on or after I don't really think it matters that much and then the oil is also going to help these get nice and hot and crispy on the outside now sometimes what I like to do because because other pork chops go ahead and put the rub on and then just freeze them and then you've got dinner for another night and let's take a look these are a good one inch thick pork chop if you have thinner you're going to want to cook them less this one actually looks just a smidge thinner so this one probably is gonna be done before this one and since this is a dry rub and I really don't feel like cleaning an air fryer today I'm just gonna put these pork chops right here in this little airfryer liner I know a lot of you already know this but I list all of the things that I use in my Amazon shop so you can quickly find them you can go to airfryertools.com to quickly find that so we're going to bring this up to 380. you can see their pork chops 380 and it's going to be between 10 and 15 minutes we're aiming for that internal temperature of 145 and the reason for the range is because the thickness it's going to depend on how thick your food is and how much time you're going to need so I'm just going to go with 380 for 12 minutes I'll take my shake reminder and I can add more time if needed here's a tip for cooking two things that once in the air fryer if you utilize the cheek sheet and you can see we're doing workshops right now you could come over here and see if there's some frozen vegetables you would want to cook with it or overhear some fresh vegetables possibly pick something that kind of cooks in the same time range and just set it right next to it or if you have like a rip vegetable or potato that takes a lot longer to cook hard boil it in the microwave then throw it in the airfryer when your protein is just finishing up cooking there's a little Shake reminder I'm going to utilize that time for two different things I want to check that internal temperature remember we want to get this up to 145 and see you can see this thicker one is a little bit cooler just gonna use a fork to flip these I think we are pretty much right on track I'm going to just let that finish up cooking so it's so good let's take a peek coming about 1 20. 23 over there we're so close so so close so here's what I'm gonna do flipping these over one more time I'm gonna give it just a little light spray pop it in this time I'm going to bring it up to 400 but just for like two more minutes to crisp out that outer edge that out oh it smells good and temperature is spot on let's double check this thicker one looks so good I'm gonna just let this rest right in the airfryer and we'll taste test in just a couple of minutes okay these are called brown sugar rub pork chops mmm what do you give it once again that seasoning is that's kind of unique tastes constantly unique um probably a four out of five for me four out of five same all you need is four ingredients to get this entire meal on your table this one's super versatile you just need some frozen veggies I'm going to use broccoli some rice or today I'm going to use some diced cauliflower and some teriyaki sauce and since my meatballs are frozen I just come to my frozen food list I see that it's 350 for about 10 minutes and there's my frozen broccoli this one says 300 for 10 to 12 minutes so what I'm gonna do is just throw some meatballs in my airfryer just however many I need for the number of people eating and then do the exact same thing with your veggies and I'm going to test something out usually I'll cook this on the stovetop or the microwave but today I'm just gonna put a single serving here and a dish and slide that right to my air fryer just make everything fit in here and let's just see how this does okay so I'm going to pop this right in my air fryer and I'm going to bring it down to like 340 just to compensate for the meatballs and for the broccoli let's just see how that goes all right my dual blades does not have a shake reminder and usually I do not need to shake but I'm going to add the teriyaki sauce now you can just do a half cup just kind of whatever looks good for you it's really just an eyeball type of thing of course it's kind of runny but I'm gonna swirl that around because I kind of like it my broccoli too and I'm also just gonna stir up this cauliflower rice see how that's going it's definitely heating up so it seems to be working fairly well we'll just pop that in give it about five more minutes and see how it is and time is up got a nice little Char on that cauliflower rice wow wow wow and for meatballs it says 160 for that internal temperature let's just take a peek here these are coming in right about 140ish the broccoli's looking done though all right so when things like this happen it's a simple fix first I'll go ahead and pull out that cauliflower rice and I'll just pull out my veggies since they are nicely cooked then I'm just going to spread these out a little bit probably let them roll in that glaze then I will find it right back in and this time just because I want it to char a little bit I'm going to crank it all the way up to 400 I'll just give it like two more minutes yeah those are looking fantastic now if your food has cooled down and you just want to reheat it one option is to cover that with foil which I did not but you could cover it with foil to keep it hot while you wait for the other food to cook or like throw it right back in for that last minute of the cooking and it's just a quick little reheat so I'll just do right back up to 400 for like one more minute to get everybody nice and hot that smells wonderful okay here comes meatball taste testing just a bit of sausage look they're Teriyaki meatballs what's up what are you doing what do you think okay mid I'd definitely give this a four out of five but it'd be a five out of five kind of like a certain sauce to it like you've got any sauce it'd be really good okay I did throw teriyaki sauce on there but it was just like thin looks yeah someone else I can dip it into okay all right okay good good good thank you I adopted a skillet recipe for the air fryer and I think you're gonna love the sweet and sour chicken for this one we are going to start with a bag and yes you'll need a plastic bag or a brown paper lunch sack and I'm gonna add about a half cup of corn starch and then just some salt and pepper just to give it a little bit of taste there and pop that off and give us a good little Shake then you want to cube up or slice some chicken it's about one and a quarter pounds and for me that came to about one and a half chicken breasts and the most important thing is just to get them somewhat similar in size now here comes the fun part we're gonna just take this all up to oats that chicken and remember how I said this as a skillet recipe so I'm going to use my dual Blaze if you have an air fryer that has a rack go ahead and take that out but if you have like the kasori Pro 2 this will still work but I'm just choosing this one and since I'm really like frying up this chicken I do want to preheat the air fryer even though it's the Dual Blaze and you really don't have to I just really want that Sizzle because I'm going to utilize the oil so I'm going to go ahead and preheat that for about five minutes while that preheats I'm going to just go ahead and put my chicken here on a plate we don't really want all of this cornstarch to transfer over into the air fryer so I'm gonna go ahead and just like dump on the plate so then I can just lift them out piece by piece okay now I've got a sizzling hot air fryer it's not really sizzling but I'm gonna go ahead and coat the bottom of this with some oil and I'm just going to use tongs and shake off that extra cornstarch and place it in a single layer right inside the air for your basket and then I'm going to give this one more spray this is one of those times where I am going to use a little more oil than normal just because I'm trying to get that truly fried effect and let's bring it up to 400 degrees and we're going to do anywhere from four to eight minutes we don't want to cook the chicken all the way through we just need to get browned so I do want it up there at 400 and I'm going to go for six minutes okay now while that's cooking we're gonna make the sauce start with a quarter cup of sugar a half cup of apple cider vinegar a quarter cup of ketchup one tablespoon of low sodium soy sauce and one teaspoon of garlic salt go ahead and give that a good mix we're gonna add this to our chicken so here we are oh look at that sizzle let's just do a quick little temperature check here oh yes these are pretty well cooked through so we've got to add the sauce now at this point if you don't have an air fryer that has a tray you can remove if you just have a basket then go ahead and grab any oven safe dish and you'll put your sauce right inside of it and then you would throw your chicken right inside of that pot but since I just have this nice open space here on the basket I'm just going to pour my sweet and sour sauce all over my chicken swirl that around a little bit to mix everything up now we're going to cook this up right back at 400 and we just are going to cook through with that sauce so I'm going to give it about three more minutes and now oh look that's caramelized kind of nicely now I'm just going to use a slotted spoon pull this right out if you had some rice ready you could serve it right over some rice or keep it covered up in a bowl and cook up some broccoli real quick and see what's cool since there was cornstarch all around that chicken it really helped thicken up this sauce you could thicken it up some more either on the stove top or really even in this dual Blaze air fryer with no problems sweet and sour chicken ah whoa I've never tasted anything like that before that's really good I like it I'm gonna give it I'm gonna have a three and a half star right I think maybe I don't love that sauce recipe but I'm impressed that you could cook this like the whole thing in the air fryer that was pretty cool four out of five three four out of five okay now make sure you go to airfryercheatsheet.com it's a snack this amazing cheat sheet magnet and you can watch more airfry recipes right here thanks for watching I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Empowered Cooks
Views: 88,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air fryer recipes, cosori air fryer, air fryer, easy air fryer recipes, fabulesslyfrugal, fabulessly frugal air fryer, fabulously frugal, fabulouslyfrugal, air fryer recipes for two, empoweredcooks, empowered cooks, cathy yoder, best air fryer recipes, airfryer
Id: c2oIis11hgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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