YUKONG RAISED! How To Build & Use Her! (Honkai Star Rail)

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hi muglets today we're going to be releasing the new four star first actually I just kind of wanted to yukung we've actually already gotten her up to Ascension five so like there's still lots of other things to do like traces her bonus ability doesn't seem all that important so I might just keep her at Ascension five for now we would have the stuff to uh max out her Ascension and her level but honestly I don't feel like it's even that important especially because I do want to get to uh lotshaw soon as well because I mean yeah she doesn't actually scale it with anything the main difference is we can't get the skills up past eight as far as her traces are concerned I don't feel like I need pretty much anything here she does actually do damage with her ultimate I will level her base skin Talent a little bit but I don't want to put a ton of resources into it honestly because I feel like they're not very important I imagine we will have to do some Basics with yukong here and there because I don't know if it's reasonable to expect she's doing her skill every single turn especially in harder content where you might need to be healing a return to to stay alive though with lotshaw and his amazing healing and even passive healing he might be the opposite of skill hungry he's like on a skill point diet we'll go ahead and get this bonus ability resisting a debuff application once we'll get the HP it's cheap this down here is really cheap stuff as well so like it'd be kind of a waste not to probably same with this site honestly like it's really not expensive enough to not get it immediately so there we got pretty much everything besides these three up here because they are very expensive and I don't feel like it's worth it right now got her ultimate to eight her skill to seven we actually could get her skill to eight so sure why not does it go up by another five percent it does so I guess eighty percent at Max yeah now that she's raised her traces have been raised I'd say it's just a good time to talk about her what she's doing I'll make it somewhat brief though in a nutshell she's a buffer she Buffs attack create and crit damage three of the main overall damage stats and she Buffs them by a very large amount 70 attack 26 create 58 crit damage here at level eight there's something I wanted to mention because it's often misunderstood but this 70 attack boost alongside pretty much all attack boosts and attack percent stats you get from relics or sub stats Etc are all based on a character's base attack we'll show this in gameplay later but like my genuine for example has 3000 attack so you'd think a 70 increase would bring this 3000 to over 5 000 but that's not the case if we hit more stats and look at this gray number this is his true base attack the only way to raise this is by leveling him up and giving him a strong light cone this flat number attached to the light cone is 582 is base attack that's one reason five star cards are just gonna be almost always superior to four star cards even if perhaps the ability down here is better it does make a significant enough difference especially when you're building someone with a lot of attack I usually wouldn't go into this Spiel for everything but I just feel like it's important because we are dealing with someone with a very big attack boost and the attack boost is still good I mean 70 of 1280 is still almost 900 attack so we're going from 3000 attack to nearly 4 000 attack we will actually look at that in battle later so you can see a more visual dual representation of what's Happening creating crit damage are a lot easier to understand it's going to attack on 26 and 58 to these stats right here so our Genie one's not gonna have 57 he's going to have like nearly 80 crit rate and like 260 crit damage or something crazy along with a nearly 4 000 attack once we have all bonuses so she's overall just a pretty insane buffer as for the light cone we are going to steal Ting yoon's card for now which is actually brought me a signature I suppose I used to use this free to play one on my team Yoon and it's actually pretty close in terms of what it does to branyas as for relics the general stats I'm going for are speed and energy regeneration that's what I feel like she needs the most she doesn't technically scale with anything so you're just trying to make her fast and get her burst fast let's just start with those honestly going for the link rope first this is the only place you can get energy or generation rate in mean stats we do have a single energy regeneration rate on the set I would want for her so we're gonna go ahead and equip that honestly I'm not even sure if we have an imaginary orb I'll probably give it to her uh we do not though I do think four piece musketeer would be good as it increases speed further another six percent there which would help since she already has pretty high base speed at I think 107. unfortunately we only have a three star boot so we're gonna have to make do with something else my genuine unfortunately is not all that fast at 124. I couldn't get many speed Subs in his build whereas my bailu has nearly 140 speed so I'd either need to slow her down to be slower than genuine it worked out before because team Yoon had won less speed than bailu so Bailey just went first and she was out of the way and then it was Ting Yoon Jing Yuan but especially with yukong and having this two-piece set here she will always be first because their action will be Advanced forward by 40 percent what I'm thinking for now is just to give up on that extra five percent energy regeneration rate for now until I can figure out a situation where it works better because I really wouldn't want to slow down my healer which would mean we can go for a good old imaginary damage boost orb to see maybe some potential with her burst we have a ton of those just not on the right set but yeah going back to boots this set is really our only choice that will do sort of anything for us so it'll increase our break effect which is okay it does some something I would prefer four piece musketeer but that's not even an option right now so we're gonna go create a body it has speed there we could just go a broken set but like I have a ton of these pieces so may as well get that little extra effect there if he does manage weakness break someone that's an extra three energy so it's whatever we're gonna basically just put speed as our sub stat require I wasn't expecting literally one of those gloves to have speed as a sub stat I mean I guess it makes our choice easy we do have four different of these and in fact we already have one at plus 15 so we might just go with that it could roll to give us more speed but at the end of the day we do need to still be slower than bailu so we just got this one up to 12 uh speed rolled once we'll get them up to 12 for now that that's where I leave temporary gear honestly and when you go to replace your gear you're not losing too much by tossing a temporary plus 12 into a fresh gear you're losing maybe a level or two so but it's not that bad this is probably going to be the only permanent gear this energy regeneration rate on the energy regeneration set sadly no speed on it but what can you do so we are getting like a speed roll on pretty much every piece of gear here so I gotta kind of leave and check her speed currently it's already at 1 30 and we haven't even touched the boots yet so that's kind of scary bailoo's Boots aren't maxed yet so I think I will do that so we have a little bit more room so she's at 141 now I guess my Yukon can have 140 plus 7 is the most we can do for boots right now as she is already at 139 another level would boost her to 141 I probably could have built her a little better offensively and especially for what we're doing right now I probably could have even gotten away with not giving her speed boots and giving her a four piece musketeer set sort of like my team unit is currently built in with 137 speed she has attack boots but yeah I think for now anyway it is a good enough build what I'm probably gonna try first is my typical team and just replacing team Yoon with uh Yukon the speed order is actually bailu yukong jinyon Clara yeah finally goes first we're just gonna do a basic there and then as yukon's turn currently we're at 1280 plus 1762 we're gonna go ahead and do the support buff here to 26.58 again nearly 900 extra attack there which is significant alongside yukon's light cone we're getting an extra 30 increased damage here let's just go ahead and do his AOE skill you know 22k 24K so we could go ahead and do her supportability again so we did her skill we have those two little turns there we're gonna do her ultimate now getting that criterate and crit damage boost I mean 90 100 single Target isn't horrible for I guess a buffer so this time lightning Lord will have the attack bonus but not the creating crit damage bonus I'm not sure yukong is that good of a partner for Jin Yuan until she's uh E6 idle on six because at that point doing her burst gives her a roaring bow string stack so doing her burst gives the next acting Ally attack crate and crit damage so you could just time her burst like right before a strong light lightning Lord goes off but as she is E1 right now it's not that great even so nice little 54k there with just the attack boost and yeah she's got to do her skill every turn and genuine also has to do his skill every turn and he can't even know so it's pretty rough honestly this team might really not be the best though my only other DPS right now is Sila and she is also quite skill hungry though I'd say it's not as damning if you can't do a skill with Selah because genuine you really do need to that increases his lightning Lord which is like his main attack early that's the real Ultimate well now we can do skill and and ultimate again it won't work with lightning Lord but we can at least like do that there with 33k and a little counter from Clara unfortunately not an ultimate counter I am curious how they play on pure Auto so I'm going to go in with the same team we'll just do four waves here I just want to see how they decide to uh use the skill points like they just use by loose there uh we got the attack boost and now we're doing genuines of course Clara has no choice but to do well Yukon just did skill and now ultimate so genuine there and he has it for his ultimate so honestly not bad uh he will not have it for his lightning Lord which is unfortunate he will at least have the attack boost though so I mean Otto's not doing a horrible job but it might be coincidence also Otto is reserving a skill point for Yukon pretty much every turn though I think even higher priority than genuine skill oh there we have the attack boost for uh Clara's counters which is really nice that was honestly an incredibly fast four rounds there perhaps Otto is a little Smarter with Yukon or it's just coincidence that everything worked out actually quite well I do want to try out a Sila team as far as speed goes she slots in the same place as genuine so it's not a big deal her stats overall are a little worse than jinguan she's a little less well built but still this could be interesting because seala's main damage comes from her ultimate which is easy to control unlike genuine's lightning Lord which is just it comes whenever it comes one thing I want to do later for a little bit of fun is to replace bailu and Clara with Team Yoon and silver wolf just to see like potentially crazy numbers so there she goes she gave the Boost nice little 18K from Sila couldn't kill though unfortunately okay now she's doing her burst and I don't believe we even have uh I don't believe we had the buff at that point which was unfortunate now she's doing skill and then ultimate but again that may have just been coincidence now Sila did have it which is good and Silas double attacks do not take her uh point off either so that's nice see a nice little 81k there from Marcela burst I am curious to see if Otto is just going to use her burst without doing the other thing first but so far it's always lined up that she gets her ultimate at the same time as her turn I mean it makes sense she gets the vast majority of her energy when she does her skill and not before that she only gets a bit when she is attacked so honestly I'm probably gonna have to manually get her ultimate and see if she just does it immediately so we'll try that first we also do have some simulated Universe to do so let's do something wrong and just do a normal attack with our Yukon and now we're gonna go on auto and see if she just does her burst or waits until it's a turn again does skill and then burst let's see what happens nope she just does burst okay Otto is dumb that's unfortunate wait no what happened oh of course Selah gives herself speed I didn't take that into account Sila with her speed boost is just a bit faster than Yukon which makes everything really bad we just kind of have to make her slower there's not much else I can do right now okay I think that actually worked 100k burst there I'm pretty sure Sila had all Buffs at that point ah yes oh damn this is Sila's second burst with the buff still active yeah I'm feeling Stila is gonna be a lot better partner for Yukon pre-e6 after E6 I think uh genuine could work a lot better but until then I think seal is way better because she can just do a lot of attacks and you can control when she does her burst for maximum damage and now the speed has gotten messed up again I don't understand what is happening deep freeze reduces speed by 12 percent apparently she has that and Yukon doesn't maybe she avoided it somehow either with just resisting it or because of her uh debuff Block it's crazy so many things can go wrong and besides that issue we're having a super bad run we've gotten one hunt card well I'm not sure if a team like this could work because there's no healing I I did kind of want to try it we'll try this level 70 Guardian damn it sadly this one already has Quantum res so we can't get the res decrease so we could burst on it and reduce it fins did that work def minus 41 all right cool I'm not even sure if we can use a skill point I want to see Silo's skill as well so we're gonna just okay we got the attack reduction unfortunately let's go and do the uh support with team we're gonna go ahead and burst on Sila get that damage increase and use the skill on seala as well we're also going to do yukon's bursts to get the uh crate rate and crit damage boost so our Silas should have pretty much everything now and actually I just realized I probably shouldn't do her skill because that could endure turn and then she won't have the buff anymore but what are we shooting at currently we have nearly 5 000 attack 80 crit rates so it'd be pretty unlucky if we don't create 248 crit damage damage Boost from tingin's light cone 30 benediction giving us 500 attack amidst the rejoicing clouds giving us 50 damage and we also eat a flat attack plus crit damage foods and then of course the guardian Shadow here with uh death reduction so it's not as at its active ability we need to get uh res down on this guy which is not really possible because he already has Quantum but oh gonna see what it does boom 177. yeah that's by far the most I've ever seen from her we literally just pretty much one shot at the boss here that's crazy but we still should have all the Buffs so let's check out the skill now yeah 64k skill and we still have the buff and now we're getting all these speed boosts so her light cone is maxed out at this point sadly we don't have another burst to use but yeah it's pretty funny let's just do another skill here yeah 50k skill that's just that's just cracked let's check out this boss already has electric on him so it's just a 50 50 chance between Quantum and imaginary I guess let's see if we get lucky yes it is so we're gonna go ahead and do her burst we'll do silver wolves burst hopefully he doesn't resist the death down I don't think so in fact now he also has the type 2 bug decreasing it by another six percent death and the quantum res -20 and the all type damage res -9 let's go ahead and give the buff to Silver Wolf here alongside of course the support Point let's check what we're working with now yeah it's pretty much the same stuff honestly as far as Buffs are concerned but we have more debuffs on the enemy now let's just give it a looksie I guess maybe another one shot come on boom uh it wasn't it wasn't that much more some for some reason I'm not sure why exactly but we still have the buff let's check out those skills yeah 64k skill I know we can only do a basic which still killed him a 31k basic all right that was that was pretty nice it's not a realistic team to be honest before I fought this guy I had to go fight some minions to make sure we all had burst ready like that's the first thing then I used some item that increased my crit damage further etc etc so it's kind of like fake but it's just a fun little thing to do honestly I was talking about her eidolons after summoning and I mentioned that none of them seemed very important and honestly I still think they're not that important but for that specific case like with lightning Lord unfortunately like E6 would help a ton with that problem but for pretty much every other damage dealer it's not a big deal because generally the bulk of their damage comes from burst anyway which you can do whenever you want to and doesn't even use one of her little uh roaring bowstring Stacks but yeah I would say that is Yukon raised very very nice buffer it does require quite a bit of team and speed managing but yeah make sure tell me what you think about the video and Yukon in general in the comments down below if you have some other things to add on to the video feel free to drop him down there leaving a like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed as always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 46,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honkai star rail, honkai, star rail, yukong, yukong build, yukong team, yukong showcase, genshin impact, hsr, best character, moga, mogawty
Id: GTia00b7YLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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