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what a petulent child what a petulent child that did not get what he wanted in the way that he wanted well hey friends and neighbors this Chuck out Sheran Park Farms welcome back to the farm it is a beautiful fall morning on the farm we got a bunch of chores we got to do today we need to move our egg chickens um we need to move the cattle um I don't know what else we got going I need to put out some hay we got a lot of stuff going on but stick around to the end I've got another it's been it's been a while coming but this one's been bubbling I've got a furious rant so hang out with us let's get some work done and let's see what Chuck is upset about today man they're [Applause] loud that good I'm trying to make friends with him how's that working out it's working pretty good it's a slow process to I need to go read that book uh how to win friends and influence not it there's my favorite Chen which one the white one yeah she's pretty so we've seen a real decrease in egg production back during the summer we were getting 70 and 80 eggs per day uh one day this week this one day last week we only got I think it was eight and so we've added a light uh this is just a 12vt light comes on at 3:00 in the morning stays on for a couple hours runs off of a 12volt battery we got a 12volt battery a charge controller and a timer uh hooked up to a solar panel outside uh and that's what charges the battery and then the light just comes on by itself this time of year you will get get that closed this time of year you'll get a real decrease in your production because of lesser amounts of daylight and also we got a lot of chickens that are molting some of these look kind of bad they're losing their feathers but U that's one way you can keep your egg production up is to add a little bit of artificial light and that will stimulate your egg production and uh keep those girls working all right our chore for the morning we're going to move the uh we're going to move the egg chickens they've been here for about 2 weeks uh starting to get a little bit of of uh pressure on the ground a lot of pressure under the Egg Mobile because the poop through floor so we get a little bit of a hot spot under there so we're going to move these guys today uh we got a couple sections of netting we're going to start right here where this joint is on our poultry netting and we'll just put a couple of pieces of netting up one or two going that way one or two going that way we'll join them up at the end then we can open up I'll take the New Holland we'll back her in hook up the Egg Mobile Pull It Forward into the new spot and uh take the old down we're off and running so those of you in healthcare will understand this the supervisor is here this morning doing skills check off making sure I know how to do this so uh no mistakes will be made yeah I'm sure that'll work [Music] out almost dry ain't it ter they having trouble getting them pushed in in the ground yeah yeah so we've talked about this before when you're putting up netting Poulter netting sheep and goat the hog fence whatever and you want to get a nice tight straight fence put your joints together where your two ends of your uh fence panels meet put your joints together first lay it out put your joints together first and then go back and take the SL back out of your fence take that out of the middle that way you can pull it nice and tight and it will stand upright and it'll look nice and it'll be effective if you've got a weak floppy fence that's falling over and it doesn't have good structure to it that's not a good fence you're going to have problems with Predators or your animals getting out or whatever the case may be so do your joints first and then pull your slack out of the middle she's going to come along now we'll stand this up pull it back make make it nice and tight next post pull it up stand it back nice and tight you go tie that one yeah I'll go tie that one look at there see and that's how it's all going to go and you see this side over here well kind of gets lost in the other but all this stands up nice and tight looks good looks good works good that'll we you out won't it trying to push them push them steaks in the ground some of them go in real e yeah some of them don't go in at all yeah all right and we're going to install the gate because somebody you don't know somebody do you there somebody in Every Family some Farm somebody don't like crawling across the fence which I understand it so we're going to use the gate this I've showed this before this thing is really nice two posts one's going to go on each side and then we're just going to hang the gate we'll show you how that works we're going to hang the gate on that and then when you come in to get eggs you just come through the gate you don't craw over the fence it's actually pretty nice it's better than doing a face plant yes it is the ground is so hard yeah it's just dry me work on this one so I can get it in this that looks like a piece of that white cotton twine that I had here's nman this ain't a good sign usually when y'all are doing something when I get here it means we're going to have a busy day we are going to have a busy day I think Chuck was just bored ready to get out terrible I'm just going to tie this in a knot that's fine yeah that string right there it's hard to get it stay in like a butcher not anything all right you need to slide this side down because you got you not tied on that one like I so yep so this has got two uh round clips like that this slips down over your post other one slips down where' it go over the post so there's your hinge side and then over here you got your latch side let bring it P it in a little what are you doing enough it's fine it's fine yeah it's fine okay yeah and this is your move your hand or this is your hinge side just slides down over your other post and boom there you got a there you got a gate so to operate it just raise it up swing that thing open ain't that nice there you go walk in walk out oh there they [Music] [Music] go and there's always a few stragglers Lolly Gaggers so that's really all there is to moving the Egg Mobile just setting up the netting hooking up pulling forward so while we're out here we're going to replace the shavings in the nest boxes they're getting kind of crummy and some of them are kind of empty so we're just going to fill the nest boxes back up with shavings real [Music] [Applause] quick that makes all the difference in the world just to come in and put in clean shavings in your nest boxes keeps helps keep your eggs clean got to be diligent about closing your birds up at night put your put your bars up so they can't get over and sleep in the nest boxes chickens are going to poo where they sleep and then this is what your eggs are going to look like got a little bit on clean eggs don't have to wash them ready to eat we all here doing her business and it smells nice it smells wonderful in here smells like Pine shaped I mean it's really nice no stinks all right I'm going to put out a roll of hay um and this is kind of a junk roll but I'm going to put it out we've got plenty of good hay left in the barn um between the three that we just took off to the Butcher and the three that went to the sail um including caves and I'm counting anything that's H 12 14 months or less as a calf um including the well everything um we've got 18 left so is that right yeah 24 M yeah 18 we got 18 left and we've been so dry um here for the past month and a half we're just not getting a lot of good grass growth and you can see the diff you can see the demarcation line where they've been um and it's been a while since they've been here so we're going to come back here in a little bit but I'm I'm give him a roll of hay and we're probably going to start giving him a roll of hay every other day is somewhere in that neighborhood just to supplement uh there're still I mean there's grass here but it won't last them long cuz you know there's 18 of them and we've been moving pretty regular not every day I admit not every day but pretty regular and it's just not it's just been too dry so I'm going to put a roll of hay out and we'll bring these guys across and we'll give him about a third of this field we'll leave him here for a couple days and we'll move him to the upper third and then we'll probably continue to rotate but we'll rotate with a roll of hay every day or every other day or whatever the case ends up being so but uh yeah one of the things about farming you've got to kind of adjust based on your weather and we were good in the spring but boy we've been dry here lately so they're ready to move look at them they come over see what's going on and there's a couple more of these are ready this guy right here real close that red one right there it was in the running to go to the butcher uh the black white face right there is real close there's another black white face back there that's real close everybody else we're kind of holding on to them because of potential pregnancies um the big black bony looking Hol Steen cow will go and then the white bony looking Jersey will go they will go for whole cow hamburger one of the cabs that we bought back in January she's really growing there's our new baby man she's she's beautiful love the color on her real chocolate real pretty chocolate color and then this is our other steer he was born he's a product of and that girl right there and he's looking really nice so he's doing good there's the cow report we'll get everybody moved here in a minute let's see I think this is St the St Patty's Day calf yeah she's really coming on good she looks good let's get their hay out we'll get a piece of fence up open them up let them have some new grass all right I got that roll ha put out and I rolled it out here where I had a bunch of pig weed that was growing up we had had um a training Paddock here for piglets at one point in time and so you get bare ground you get some pig weed coming up so I rolled some hay out I didn't get all over it but it rolled some hay out on it that'll seed also put some carbon down little protection to the soil but I just and roll it and we unroll hay we'll talk more about this in future videos I'm sure but you know people say oh you're wasting hay was hey no you're not they're going to eat a lot of this but what they don't eat is carbon back on the soil and there's seeds in this so we're reeding we're providing some protection for the soil we're feeding the soil with carbonous material and this is what we want we want better soil so we're growing better grass so the cows do better so we got I put up a new piece of fence you can't see it CU it's far but it's right up there above where the Egg Mobile is put out a new piece of fence I move the shade mobile down here so they can have some shade it's mid November Man where's the year gone mid November and I think it's like 72 today I mean it's kind of warm out here they're hanging out down here in the shade so we need to give them a little bit of shade so let's open them up everybody's down here I think they're I think they're ready to move let's open them up call them across and let these cows have some new grass C come [Music] [Music] on come on a little bit come on you need to come over here with Mama that's one way of doing it all right had 24 three to the butcher three to the sale so we have 18 I think that's what I said a while ago math on camera is hard it's it's a challenge for folks that are doing videos is trying to do math on camera like being caught called on in class so what's happening here looks like we've got a subset of them that are going straight for the grass looks like majority of them are going straight for the grass and then we've got a handful of them over here that are going for the hay and that's fine so I think the hay will supplement it will slow them down eating the grass a little bit it'll slow them down help our grass last a little bit longer but they're not going to be here but for a day maybe two then they'll go to the upper field up there and that'll be that'll be their moves but everybody's looking really good looking real good these are the ones that these two these three black white face right here the last ones that we bought from our friend Mike everybody's looking good this one's probably the smallest one of the bunch the other two were pretty close to finished this is another one that we had bought from Mike um it's looking real close to finished so man everybody's doing great [Music] later that day I'm all about multi-species grazing but I'm not about this multi-species comingling in my fence so up at the house looked up walked out on the porch we have cows in with the chickens we got geese out good Lord let's see if we can get cows what a gum so we get these cows out oh there she is come on there whistle Brites scoot scoot come here okay I'll come help you look at that we got ourselves a world class hurdler on our hands here good Lord oh oh oh oh what are we going to do what are we going to do let me fix this fence let's [Applause] [Music] go [Music] Ruben what you got now I think the lights's working we got 20 so yeah so we went from eight two or three days ago to 12 to 12 to 18 yesterday to 20 today so I think the lights I think the lights help I think they're okay think that'll slow them down the's you know I don't between1 and 2,000 I mean they'll that should keep them out see there's 1,000 1,700 1,800 I mean you know is what it is look there's a little bit all right I got a couple things on my mind couple things I want to talk about um first off I'm sure y'all have noticed that some of the content on the channel has changed um we've been doing some more project kinds of things like with the shop uh and then also The Sawmill so I'm curious what are your thoughts on the variety of the content on some stuff I see a real dip uh with very few views and then other things I see you know what I would consider normal or maybe even spikes and Views seems like the Sawmill videos have done pretty good for the I've only done two of those but both of those have done really well and that's how that's how we make it on YouTube is through views and so you know I want y'all to be to have stuff you want to watch and not just content that I'm putting out there so leave me a comment below what you think about the the content and what we've been doing there and so the second thing on my mind is this first off I want to give a big shout out to those folks that support us on patreon really do appreciate that and for those of you that um don't know about patreon we do have a patreon page set up um if you go over there and you join we get lots of questions we get hundreds of emails texts calls comments on videos comments and messages through Facebook I get hundreds of those per week and it is impossible for me to answer all of them and so we use patreon for those folks that are monetarily supporting us we use that we try to answer those questions first so if you've got a question that you're just dying to have answered then you can you know join over on patreon put that question up there and I promise I answer questions over there if you're a patreon member and you've asked a question and I've missed it send me an email and and and we'll we'll correct that little we'll correct that little deal but the other day and then we also do Consulting we also offer Consulting Services we've talked about that folks that are interested in farming getting into farm and getting started into farming that kind of thing we offer Consulting Services um we do phone Consulting we will come out to your place you can come out to hear there's just a number of different things that we can do but we offer consulting services to try to help people get up and get started and and and grow their business quickly well about a week ago sa got an email from an individual that had in the email there were about four different points that would need to be addressed they were not quick simple answers um there were there was some qu there were some questions in there so SRE you know she she triages a lot of emails so she sent this individual the information for Consulting because based on his email that seemed like the most appropriate thing the most appropriate way to help him well the next day or two days later I got up and I had an email from Google about a review that had been left on our on our page on on our web page and y'all know if you go to Google and you search something the page of the place will come up and there will be reviews there's five stars and you can you can see how many reviews you got well this individual left us on one star review and a very snarky comment and so I I responded back you know just like I told you we get hundreds of emails calls text messages comments and that kind of thing it's impossible for us to answer but here's the part that that just makes me that just kind of kind of Fri me a little bit what a petulent child what a petulent child that did not get what he wanted in the way that he wanted and was asked to pay for information now I'm not all that in a bag of chips but I can help you if you're interested in this in this business and getting started in this business I can share with you things that will get you two and three years ahead of starting cold I can make you money I can help you make money and that information is valuable there's there's value in that call up any attorney's office and ask them for advice on how to fill in the blank and see what they charge you call up a CPA tell them you got to tax question see if they give you that information for free you know we're yeah we're Farmers but listen we're not we're not redneck dirt farmers that are out here scratching it out like and you know got tobacco juice dripping down our jaw and a transmission in the front yard that we've got to trip over when we go in the house this is a Professional Organization we work extremely hard here to do a good job to treat our animals right and to make this a thriving profitable business and I can help you but I can't help you for free my time is worth something we've worked all day today moving chickens moving cows processing rabbits bringing chickens out of the brooder and our and our day is only about halfway done we're we're busy people and I'm glad to help you but it takes time for me to stop what I'm doing and get on the phone answer an email meet somebody out here at the farm and spend two or three hours with them just because I'm home because this is where I live just because I'm home doesn't mean I don't have something to do you know but what a petulent child to go leave such a nasty review because he was asked to pay for valuable information but if you're fans you believe in what we're doing you think we're doing a good job go over to Google flood us with some good reviews and let's just kind of wipe that guy off the off the off the list of nasty comments that he's left so man that just just boils my water now I'm going to ask you for for your prayers like we always say please keep us in your prayers may God bless you and your families and we'll see you on the next video [Music] thanks
Channel: Sheraton Park Farms
Views: 41,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wranglerstar, rant, modern homesteading, family vlogs
Id: jmgsHmACrh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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