The FUTURE Of Our Pastured Pig Operation

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well hi friends and I was just check out at Sheraton Park Farms welcome back to the farm so the past couple of videos we've been focused on chicken but today today it's time we get back to our roots let's talk about some pigs hang out with us for a little bit that water hose right there got laid down the first week was here been here it's been perfect hello mamas hey Mama how are you you're dirty all right everybody likes a good piglet video so let's do a little update on our piglets so these man they are real they're really good they are really gross oh we're in heat over here oh and we're in heat okay scared the piglets off all right so these piglets here are um piglets from three different sales that were unplanned pregnancy from our boar uh Jake and Jake is no longer with us but these were unplanned and that's actually worked out to be a pretty good pretty good thing for us um these piglets would typically be piglets for next spring to start processing November December that kind of timeline um so that we would have pork for markets next year and uh have pork ready to go in the spring so we've got there's a couple of different groups there's man they're crazy got that love and feeling [Laughter] so this so like I said this is pig these are piglets from three different moms we've got another we've got two is there two more groups over there on the southern yeah there's two more groups over there on the other side of the Hill there's 23 right here 23 here how many is over there 20 20 and 20 over there so we've got 43. now we get asked how many times a week multiple times a week I mean seriously four or five times a week easy four or five times a week do you have any piglets for sale have you got any piglets to sell I want to make a declarative statement right here right now no we do not have any piglets to sell I wish that we did but we just don't we're gonna need so there's 43 here we're gonna need all of these ain't we yeah I mean we're gonna for next year the way it's going we're going to have to have them out because sales are just out the roof sales are crazy this year um best start ever for farmers markets and we've had we've not even had a good a good Market weather day yet it's either rained or been cold and windy yeah it's been horrible but we're but we're I mean sales are just through the roof and we're we're selling more bulk pork too aren't we are we doing more holes in houses on pork I know I know we're on beach we're doing more holes and halves on beef which that's a totally different problem we'll get into that on a different video sausages are the thing right now like breakfast and dinner sauce yeah like and Dewey bro like we're out of bratwurst aren't we yeah not now because you just got you just picked up went and picked up some Wednesday so how many pigs was that I don't remember that was four that was four so you picked up four pigs worth of pork on a couple days ago Wednesday this week that restocked us on a couple of our sausages and and they'll need more like I got 50 pounds of mild patties yeah and that's not enough when the next set of pigs go and we'll have to get 50 more 50 more pounds so and I got um foreign yeah so the next round which is in two weeks I'm gonna get 50 more of my own patties and 100 of hot patties yeah so it's just sales are just through the roof so you know I wish that we I wish we were going to have piglets to sell I really do because we've we've done well on piglet cells in the past and we we like helping folks out and you know we've got some we feel like we've got some pretty good pasture-based genetics here now because we've been doing this for a while and we've got some proven sales and some of that kind of thing but uh it's just y'all I'm just afraid it's it's not in the cards um this spring for us to be able to sell piglets but at any rate good looking group here um they are so so between all the piglets these and the ones over on the other side of the Hill there's about uh three weeks difference between the oldest and the youngest we're getting really close to weaning size and we're probably going to do the weaning here in the next week and a half to two weeks cast rate males we're not keeping any boars I think we've talked about that a little bit in the past we're not keeping any bores we're going back to AI we like AI because it's consistent the timing we can time exactly when we want to have piglets you know if we've got a bore in we we've got a range of what three to six weeks yeah we AI we can narrow that down to what about 48 Hours yeah yeah I mean so last one we yeah yeah and we hit it right on the nail right on the head yeah we knew the day we projected it out for Christmas Eve and it was Christmas and by God that's what it was yeah about this is about two o'clock on Christmas Eve afternoon no it's a little learning that because we had to go to Mom and Dad's might be a little early on the day that's that cold day sure that was awful look at the grass yeah I got grass hanging out of his mouth right there that's a pretty girl right there yeah boy yeah I mean these are good looking pigs these are all half Berkshire half mix um and when we say mix there's some Hampshire some Yorkshire some duroc some Hereford some different different um breeds in here but all of these are half Berkshire pigs so that should look like we got one little boy there that might have a Scrabble hernia so half Berkshire so this Beast should be some good quality pork all right let's go over on the hill we've got some more pigs in the woods over there that Mama is in heat buddy she is she's got it bad She's Got It Bad let's not growl y'all can't hear from here well let's oh yeah he's got a scrotal hernia bad don't he dang y'all look at that thing okay um so let's go over here check out these other piglets and see how they're doing over there all right real quick I want to do a plug for some swag we've got some hats I've got some Maroon with the white backing these are the Richardson 112s with Sheraton Park Farms logo and name on it I've got some maroon and some blue um I'll post a picture of the blue in here right now so we've got these for sale on our barn to Door website I'll post a link in the description down below if you would like a hat go over there and order one thirty dollars free shipping so order your hat and we'll send you one out Erica here they are oh yeah hello mamas yeah look at that oh everybody's being lost so here's the rest of our piglet group this is our Superstar mom how many she have this time I don't even remember now she had 17 total yeah she's weighing or she's going to lean with him you want to Wing 10 okay so this is the rest of them so these piglets are all a little bit older than those over there but we're going to let the piglets out there hey Mama catch up with these we'll wean these at a little older age than we do the first group that we saw but that's fine it's no big deal so these guys so these are all either Jake babies these are all Jake babies aren't they uh yes they are yeah these are all these are all natural natural conception and they are all half Berkshire um they're either half Berkshire or three-quarter Berkshire yeah that would be it they're either half or three quarter and then the rest of it is Durock in them so the black ones are three or at least three quarters yeah the black one's like this guy right here at least three quarter I mean he's just got a lot of Berkshire look the more black they have the more likely they are to have more Berkshire in them and then the redder they are the more likely they are to be like half and half so but anyway good looking bunch here again I wish we were going to have some to sell but these are all going to be um piglets for next spring next spring market and they'll be processed over winter as the winter time comes around now what's the fate of these moms we had talked about you know we were gonna we had initially talked about we're going to keep out some new South some new guilts and and breed and that kind of thing we're going to run these girls again aren't we yeah this one the one up the hill yep and then that one that's over there with the feeder there's a spotted one over there yeah yeah this one with all the piglets around it she's going away in two weeks she her last two litters have been zeros oh for oh ain't she she's hitting the big goose egg so she's gonna her very first litter she had tan and weaned uh six yeah and then she's been the last two Fair ones have been zero and over yeah so she's gonna go um but this girl here she's doing good we're gonna keep her I'm gonna run her again and then our Superstar Mama down here we want to run her again as well so um as soon as these piglets are weaned we're gonna start looking for heat aren't we because we're gonna go ahead we won't we really want to get these girls bread June or July don't we if we can so that we're having piglets October first half of November um if at all possible is that right would that work uh November July August yeah be Middle October look at here and then what we'll do um I know it don't look good and then what we'll do from there is if we keep them and run them another round we'll we'll do them right after Christmas won't we yeah we can do them right after Christmas so we're getting everybody kind of back on a on a regular schedule now we had missed some breeding opportunities early on on this Farm because we were trying to use bores and we just we just did not do well with that so trying to get back in the AI game look at these man alive that right there is a pile of piglets dang gone lazy piglets not one trying to eat my boot all right there's a piglet story all right so this is our this is the feeder group and we've been talking about these for a couple weeks now look at that thing this one right here that is a that is a muscular pig look at that coming up here yep so this is what you know solder said a minute ago this is this is what we're used to ain't it these are the these are the pigs we've been looking for um so you see the belly on these pigs yeah and how short they are everybody says oh they're wormy no they're not Army they're just getting fat and so what will happen here in the next couple of weeks they will um get skinny and get taller yeah so like for example these pigs right here are about two weeks ahead and they are it's hard more of a profile see they're taller and skinnier they don't have near the belly on them they're about two weeks older so I mean it works is it two weeks or is it like a month no it's a month it's they're about a month older yeah so you know that's that's sort of the growth cycle that we've noticed in pigs is they get Short Round and fat then they'll get a growth spurt and they'll get kind of tall and sort of lean looking and then they'll get fat again and then another little growth spurt so that's just kind of that case especially on these red pigs yeah especially on the red pigs that's just kind of how this seems to work this group here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen there's 19 in this group these are pigs that will be ready for processing starting in about eight weeks is that right yeah yeah we'll be looking into July middle to end of July and that'll be some of the lighter colored pigs yeah um they were born um Die Young that big old they were the ones that we carried some of them into the house yeah they that's exactly right there some of them in my shirt yeah these are some of the ones that we carried into the house so they were born November kind of a cold nasty rain spent the night in Brewers spent the night in the brooder that's correct and so they'll be ready starting uh in July and then the red pigs um you know the way they're coming on they're going to be ready about the same time but these will be pigs that we'll do um through July August September and these will be late season market and then over winter pigs is that right and then our piglets up on the hill they'll kind of fall they'll fall in behind for next spring exactly so we've had a little bit of a conversation the past couple days about how nice would it be to process all of these at one time yeah but our problems are um store I have uh we don't have appointments for that many at one time and we don't have space for that man storage is a problem we would need a much bigger a much bigger freezer or some some freezer storage but we were talking about you know it's one it would be one trip to the processor it would be one trip to pick up and then we could have just a huge stock of product available somebody comes up and wants 100 pounds of sausage we would we would have that so you know new set of problems I think the the storage is what's getting us right now to be able to do that so but anyway and everything we do there's a choke point yeah and that choke point is something different all the time and we work on the the one that needs worked on the worst and once we get it we'll go to the next one it reveals another reveals a new one yes so we solved a problem and then another one appears that's kind of the theme in farming ain't it I think it is yeah especially if you're you're focused on growing growing and growing and growing yeah yeah we have a conversation there now then when his when he's big enough enough yeah you know but the demand is really grown this year and it's crazy it's just unbelievable so all right so these are our feeder pigs we've shown this setup before big area that's cordoned off into six different sections they've been here about four days now and so you can see that they really kind of worked the grass over pushing stuff down eating some grass let's take a look down here at the section they just came off of so they were on the other side of this fence up until like say three or four days ago they really worked this over down here we did overseed back with some sorghum sedan grass so they were here and then prior to that little buddy looked a fat pig got the hands on that thing all right gone what a pig before that they were over here in this Paddock overseeded it with some sorghum sedan grass and you can see that really coming up right here and starting to Green in so they they're on a paddock they come off and then they don't go back for about five weeks so that's working out really nice to give the paddock some rest and uh overseed get some Greenery going and they're not in mud so you know yeah we get a little mud around drinking stations and that kind of thing and there were some bare spots here but these pigs are not on Barren ground they're not in in dirt they're they're on Greenery so really excited to see what these pigs are going to be like when we get them back from the processor what are those pork chops gonna be like what's that sausage and that bacon going to be like I think having them in a in a grass pasture with more access to Greenery is going to make a difference in the quality of the pork to be determinable so anyway seven day rotations on the New Pasture lots of green stuff everybody's looking good all right there they are piglets feeder pigs um we're kind of get we're kind of starting to hit our stride back on pigs again we had had some misbreeding opportunities early on here on this farm and it caused us to you know kind of get a little out of kilter but now I think we sort of get getting things straightened back out we're getting our feeder groups tightened back together man I'm losing my life we're getting our feeder groups kind of tightened back up back together like they should be planning our breeding out so that we're faring when we need to and not having these Oddball farrowings and fairing groups of sows at the same time instead of one here and one there and getting kind of off kilter and that sort of thing so but anyway Farms always a work in progress and uh we do love pigs so like we always say please keep sending prayers may God bless you and your families and we'll see on the next video thanks [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sheraton Park Farms
Views: 35,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastured pork, raising pigs, pig, pastured pigs
Id: zw3r32xouck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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