The Hard TRUTH About Our Farmer's Market Setup

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well hey friends and neighbors this Chuck out at Sheran Park Farms welcome back to the farm it's Saturday Saturday is Farmers Market day and today is the day that we're going to take our new mobile Farm Store out for her maiden voyage we're going to take it to Clemens today to one of our regular markets and we're going to see how this thing goes like we said in the previous video if you saw that brand new setup totally different we're changing things up we got to keep it fresh we got to stay ahead of the competition so hang out with us for a little bit let's go set this thing up and see how it works and see if this is going to do as well as our old setup and uh if we even like it hang out with us for a little bit all right let's see it's what time is it I can't even get my socks on 20 minutes after five before you turn on the you got them on 25 minutes after 5 Saturday morning new trailer and this one got up raring to go and he's so chomping at the bed he's trying to run me out of the shower before I can even get my shower done got a hustle we got a hustle so what we done overnight um we've got a market box so this has got all of our stuff in it cash box some of that kind of thing got it we worked on our chalkboard sign and we're going to be reusing well we'll show you when we get there we're going to have to reuse some stuff right now we've ordered some new but we're going to have to reuse a few things we'll get all that fixed but most importantly we're armed we got coffee so boy it better work too boy it better work this morning all right let's get after it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here it is this is what we've ended up doing now we are reusing our red and white tent and a red and white tablecloth I've got a new tent coming new color I think did you do green and white yeah I think I got a green and white tent coming then we're going to get we'll get new tablecloths we've got two Booth spaces in the back we still got our Meat Market sign um specials for the day and then so here's the trailer so the customers will come in grab a basket if that's what they want to do we have pork over here y'all didn't see this on last video we packed these things absolutely full I mean jam packed full we've got I think we've got a little bit of everything that we carry um and in some cases multiples multiples of what we carry uh like for example our Stakes Porter House we' got we have all of our Stakes here there are no Stakes left back at the shop uh rib eyes are in here I mean every the whole everything that we carry all the steaks are here ground got a little condensation this morning I think that'll go away as the day day wear is on roast um we just it's all in here over here's the chicken cooler we've got leg quarters we got Wings breast packs More Wings whole Birds some halves half chickens some so we were able to get a good good variety and plenty of each product that we carry in here lights are on looks nice we had the coolers we had the freezers plugged in last night so everything stayed nice and cold and froze we packed this yesterday that's going to be another benefit of this is been able to pack sometime during the week we'll just leave it plugged up it's just easy to leave it plugged up and then uh we're ready to go up front uh we hung our um Sher Park Farm sign this is this was a gift from our friends Jamie and Sarah over at seven stands a couple Christmases ago this will be perfect it's perfect place for red and white against that white or red against that white background really stands out um got our eggs in here we got more eggs outside I'll show you that in a second we got eggs in here um we do have some hats Link in the description below if you're looking for a hat I got the charcoal ones and the maroon ones so also got a fan going in here cuz it you know for when it gets hot and it's comfortable it's comfortable right now so I think we're ready here on the inside of the of the trailer everything's ready to go we'll see how it works out all right so customers going to come out I'm going have to work on my steps steps a little high customers are going to come out we've got more eggs out here on the table cuz we got more eggs and we can save Grace over right now um Baggers a square we got a cash box back here and then a place for me and sa to set of course I think we'll be up and in the in the trailer something turn your microphone on there I think I got you on mute all right what you think I'm tired already you said you're nervous so you don't think it's going to work I'm I'm second guessing myself yeah I think it's easy to do something new totally new yeah I'm I'm feeling it I'm feeling it pretty hard yeah I think I think we'll be okay and then another thing is customers are walking down the aisle over here uh they are able to see the side and if they're coming from the other side they can see it as well so I think we're ready to go oh we got the generator on the back of the truck it's quiet we've asked the neighbors um as the folks from homegrown bubble Scott over here and Annette they don't think that we got too much noise so I think we're going to be okay all right let's see how it goes fingers crossed here we go what's up world are you all right brother man you to budddy heck yeah how the elri justar all right all right sauce yeah got [Music] isie are she's not a ma she's a lady that's right I'm not a man I'm a little lady you are a little lady all right we're about uh 2 and 1/2 hours in does that sound about right about 2 and 1/2 hours in and uh we've had a good day so far and we still got a couple hours to go cuz this is sort of a special day they've got a community event going on on the back side of the market over there so what do you think so far Pros cons good bad ugly um we've seen most our regular customers and they're really liking it they're really liking it there's another one the in-laws yeah you're going to be on a YouTube video now that's what happens when you sneak in hey hey hey all right so before the folks came up we were talking about the good the bad the ugly what's working what's not um I am tickled to death with these freezers they uh they're opening and closing opening closing opening closing all morning here and this one is at 10° and this one is at zero it's the beef and then the chicken corol which has been open the least is below zero it's atus 10 wow so what do we need really TI what do we need to change um we need a better way of telling people how to get in and out I think we need a better way of identifying this is still this is us and not another Booth yeah cuz we've had two or three people come in for eggs and didn't realize that this was us yeah we got to tie it together yeah we do tie it because over here is where we're checking out eggs bags all that kind of stuff is over here we got to tie it together but you know we've got signs everywhere but people just aren't reading them yeah yeah um we were talk Tony and I were talking about maybe putting a sign out here in front that said entrance or enter here or something like that yeah I was hoping that that board out there would would do it but it's not yeah it's just not going but anyway um so that's the that's I think that's the biggest problem getting here getting people to recognize we are the same booth yeah yeah cuz we've doubled our space here this year and there's no red coolers that's what everybody's looking for so I'm going to have to start bringing a red cooler with us and just sitting it out there on the table just setting it out there so one thing that we did notice early on was people were not coming in so we moved sandre in here and she's been sitting in here and that seem to help I think people walk up and they're like am I allowed to go in there is it okay for me to walk in they think this is like a a equipment trailer with the market or something yeah they don't realize so I think something we could do if you look at those freezers on the other side there's a big white panel yeah I think we could put our name on those panels y there well you know I've got those big decals I wonder if they would fit yeah we need I think instead of putting them on the sides of the coolers I think we need to put them on the ends put them on the ends yeah okay all right it's been a big day we're about uh we're a little over halfway yeah we're a little over halfway we about two hours to go we've had a really good day in sales yep majority of our sales have been repeat customers that are coming back so so and it's and I expected it to tail off now because um the regulars are used to this thing being over at 11:30 Y and the people that are coming out here for this other this community day yeah there's a big event they don't know we're here they don't know what's going on yeah all right good deal I think I think it's working though ain't it we got we got to fine tune some stuff yep we got to dial some things in but I believe we're going to get there believe it's going to work whistle bres time to pack up ain't it I'm ready what do you think I like it end of day impression I like it like it yeah think it's going to work out we're still got some tweaking to do yeah we got to fine tune a few things product held up pretty good today terms of amount of stuff we've had a lot of traffic today we've had a lot of traffic today had a whole lot of traffic today uh we'll go home and we'll uh give y'all some numbers on number of sales but you know I mean the coolers or excuse me the freezers I'm going to have to change my nomeclature I've called them coolers for so long the freezers um are still pretty well stocked which is good you know it's not good because I wish we would have sold out but the prep for next week is going to be that much easier uh to get you know we got stuff in the bottom that we'll fill the baskets up with so that's uh that's going to work out pretty nice but so the thing I'm going to do now is sort of um like where there's a void I'm going to put something in it to keep things from shifting around yeah while while we're driving yeah that's a good idea that's a good idea so but we'll get home and we'll give y'all some high level talk about how the day went um and y'all have sort of seen it now you know we've got out here's our outside piece um customers been coming up checking out over there we've been you know doing eggs and bagging bagging product and that sort of thing got a little bit of a void here between but tell us what y'all think what you know what could we change what would you recommend would be a good idea to uh make this a little better you know we've got a few ideas of our own but interested to hear what y'all think so we want to get packed up and get to the house Angel wants she W Angel won't yeah she's got to be all up in your business all right so we've been home for a couple hours now um since we got we've been home a couple hours from the market and what have you been doing I took a nap I did not we had a uh had a viewer come by had reached out to me um earlier in the week and had a Hemlock log that they wanted cut into a square can so we got to play with the Sawmill a little bit this afternoon and it was 22t and we were a we got every inch of that thing off The Sawmill that we could get we had to cut a little bit off for it to work but anyway so the market um and the trailer I think what would you on a grade scale a to F what would you give it I give it a B+ you'd give it a B+ okay I think I would too um some things that we need to work on um some things we need to tighten up I mean I think there's some efficiency opportunity there too um we do have a new canopy going new canopy coming for the tent and we also have new tablecloths coming so I think that'll that'll clean that up I would like to see us move the tent a little closer to the trailer but we've got this issue with people coming out that that side door excuse me coming out that side door so we've got to get you ever feel like you're being watched we got to get that figured out um sign or mat or something back there entrance come in enter here something like that yeah to get folks in the door yeah we need something to a lot of people thought we were two different booths so we got to do something to fix up got to tie together yeah we got we'll figure out we got to figure out how to tie it together but I think we can we can come up with that and we need to get some stuff out here at the farmer practice a little bit but overall good day we had a lot of really positive comments from the customers ton of positive comments everybody likes being able to Y folks really folks really really liked it folks really like being able to look down and see the products yeah that was huge and I think people were kind of surprised that we had changed everything up yeah yeah they were kind of the folks that hadn't seen the video and came by like they didn't recognize us so we got a little bit of training to do but I want to talk a little bit about numbers so this was a community day um the village of Clemens uh they had a bunch of entertainment and and fire trucks and police cars and all that kind of stuff over on the other side of the park from where we were at U but the the farmers market we had a lot of new vendors a lot of vendors there so a lot of vendors um but we had we had good foot foot traffic today so I'm going to give you some big numbers just overall just to kind of give you an idea of how our day went we had 52 transactions very nice that was good that was really good and the average transaction was right at $57 so which is awesome that's awesome yeah so you y'all can do the math and I believe here's what I think I think customers coming in being able to see beef pork and chicken drove them to buy multiple products and to be able to just pick it themselves exactly yeah just pick it themselves just open the door reach in and grab something get what they want yeah yeah that was nice because I saw several people go by and they thought they were done and they said oh look at that and they grabb Yeah Boy yep so and that I think that's the power of having multiple options for folks did we run out of anything today I ran out of mild sausage complely that CRA that's crazy ran out of mild sausage but just about ran out of hot dog really have one pack left over wow how about that but anyway overall good day happy with the trailer um we discovered early on it's too small yeah we do need a you know we need a bigger trailer because we need some bigger freezers and would also be nice take it next level customers come in and buy and check out in the trailer instead of having to come back outside and do that but there's no way for us to fit all that in there right now with the size that's on down the road way if we go that far with it yep um also uh shout out we had some viewers that came by today uh that normally don't attend that market um so we'll we will not be there next Saturday but starting the first Saturday in May is that right first Saturday in May we're going to be at the CL wom Farmers Market from 8:30 to 11:30 so if you're in the general area come on out and see us we'd love to meet you y carrying some hats and maybe getting some swag and some other stuff so even if you don't want to buy a meat come buy you a hat and I'll post a link in the description down below for hats if you're interest in hat Shameless plug Shameless PL ain't nobody else promoting me ain't nobody else promoting me I got to do it myself hey lordy everybody and then another thing lots of comments today everybody loves sa I was almost nauseated a time or two everybody they all wore skinny jeans hu did not have on skin no Huck did not have on skinny J he's a cute little fell but anyway like we always say please keep us in your prayers may God bless you and your families and we'll see you on the next video [Music] thanks old hot breath thing box yeah [Music]
Channel: Sheraton Park Farms
Views: 20,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ahbNjlgWyxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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