Youtube SEO Tutorial | Rank #1 on YouTube (Step-by-Step Guide)

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what's up this is simon back with another video and in this video i'm going to show you step by step how to optimize your youtube videos so that you'll be able to rank on the first page for certain keywords even if you have zero subscribers and i'm not just going to give you some random tips what i'll do is i'll take you live through every single step from keyword research to actually uploading and optimizing your video for the youtube algorithm i have used this exact method to rank for some very high competitive keywords like for example this video that's ranking now number one for the keyword how to make money on instagram and i have uploaded this video when i had just over 2 000 subscribers also to make it very easy for you to actually implement everything that i'm showing you in this video i've created a youtube optimization checklist that you can use every time you create a new video so you don't miss any steps when it comes to optimizing your video for the youtube algorithm so you can download this checklist for free i'll leave a link to it down below in the description of this video and as this will be a bit of a longer video i'll leave timestamps of all the steps down below in the description so in the future you can just come back to this video and re-watch certain parts alright so let's hop onto my computer and get started alright so the first thing that you always have to do before you even decide on your video topic is keyword research that basically means we try to find certain keywords so phrases that people type into the youtube search bar that we can rank for so when somebody types in for example how to get views on youtube you want your video to come up on the first page so people can actually find your video and you get views and i wanna um give you an example of what happens if you do this step correctly and what happens if you skip this step or if you don't do this step at all so on the top here you see one of my videos that i've done almost a year ago and on this axis you see the number of days it has been online and on this axis the number of views and in the beginning you see i did get some use for my subscribers but then it dropped off very quickly and i didn't get any more views and the reason is because i targeted far too competitive keywords for my size of channel and that's why even almost after a year i don't even have a thousand views now this example on the bottom here i actually did my keyword research correctly and i targeted lower competition keywords that i'm actually able to rank for and the way it looks is that in the beginning you might not get a massive use also but as time goes on and your video gets ranked for those keywords the views keep growing so after a little bit over a year i almost have 20 000 views for this specific video and you probably think that okay that's not a lot i want to grow quicker but the thing is you basically have to be realistic with your channel you're not going to be able to rank for high competition keywords when you just start out on youtube so you want to build up your channel with long tail keywords with low competition keywords and then keep um targeting more competitive keywords as your channel grows so the way people do this or the way i do it is by finding one primary keyword that's the keyword you want to optimally rank number one for and then three secondary keywords that you also want to get some traffic from and the easiest way to do this is by using easy to use tools so tubebuddy and vidiq is basically what most youtubers use to do their keyword research and to do a lot of other stuff that makes your youtuber career easier i'll leave link to links to both of these tools down below in the description these are basically extensions for your browser that will give you a lot more information about keywords and how to optimize your videos you can decide either if to use tubebuddy or vidiq i personally use both of them they both have free plans so you can do a ton of stuff with using them with a free plan i have the paid ban for tubebuddy because i use some paid tools for the from them and i have the free plan from vidiq and i basically used the best of both tools so you kind of have to find out what works best for you it's it's kind of preference so the way it looks when you have installed those is you have your like i'm using google chrome so this is what it looks like for me um this is from with iq so you see the performance of your channel in the last couple of hours and days and here's the thing that you have for tubebuddy and the first thing that i do when i try to find new video ideas is i go to this icon here which opens up my tubebuddy dashboard here and then i can click on launch keyword explorer now and that will launch my keyword explorer and that's when i type in the topics that i want to do videos about so let's say for example i want to do a similar video than this one i want to make a video about how to get views on youtube so let's type in how to get views on youtube and you always already get some suggestions here on the bottom and let's just click on this and explore this keyword so what what tubebuddy does is it kind of finds out how likely i am my channel is to be able to rank for this specific keyword and you see the overall score now is poor 6 out of 100 is not very good and that's actually already customized to my channel you can go to unweighted here and you see that for most channels it's actually not good to target but you want to actually use this one so you have it customized to your channel and they always analyze search volume so the volume is actually pretty good a lot of people type in this keyword but the competition is very high and optimization strength is pretty good optimization strength basically means that the videos that are already ranking they can be optimized a lot more which gives you opportunity to optimize your video better and rank and outrank those videos basically so it wouldn't be very clever to just go for this keyword so what we can do is we can check out what tubebuddy gives us as alternatives to find a keyword that we can actually rank for so you can go to related on the right side here and click on how to get views on youtube fast maybe this keyword we can rank easier for so let's analyze it again and that as well is not a very good keyword to target you see that we have a score 3 out of 100 so let's check another one how to get views on youtube fast 2020 let's click on this one let's and you see we get an excellent score so 82 out of 100 what you realize is that the search volume has gone down a bit so not as many people type in how to get youtube fast 2020 compared to how to get views on youtube um but still a good amount of people are looking for the keyword and then the competition is pretty low which is perfect if you are a small channel and then the optimization strength is good as well so you can outrank other videos just by optimizing your video better with keywords with your description with your tags and all that kind of stuff so this would actually be a good keyword to target and what's also cool is that once your key once you are ranked for how to get views on youtube fast 2020 if youtube actually sees that you have a very high quality video people are watching your video all the way through then you will be able to rank for how to get used on youtube fast and how to get views on youtube because that keyword which is a higher competition keyword is part of your lower competition keyword the longer tail keyword will basically guarantee that you will get some views so that youtube gets the chance to analyze your video and see that it's actually a good one and it's able to get that video into in front of the right people so the next thing that i do um is i actually go to a vid iq which is the second plugin that i um i've showed you and they also have a keyword research tool which works a little bit differently so i take the keyword that i have found here copy this one and paste it in this one here and this is basically how i find my secondary keyword so i type search and what with iq will give you is the actual search volume of those specific keywords so this is my main keyword that i want to target for the video and i want to find three secondary ones so what i could use is how to uh how to get more views on youtube fast it's already part of my keyword but how to get more subscribers how to get youtube views how to grow on youtube they all have a quite decent search volume so this is also worth targeting you also get an overall score which tells you if it's worth targeting but that's basically how i get my secondary keywords so cool we have now our primary keyword and our three secondary keywords um the next thing we can do is or we should do is content research that's basically the goal here is to find the things that people actually want to know when they type in that keyword so you want to find out what your video should be about that will keep people watching and here again an example of a video that i've done as well with and an ex an example of how where i didn't do this well so here you see this is a 40 minute video and 40.4 percent of people actually watch the video all the way through this is called audience retention you get this information inside of your youtube studio and that's actually pretty good so people click on the video and then it's pretty normal that some people will click away after a couple of seconds you can't really avoid that but um you see a lot of people actually watch the video all the way through compared to um this one where the majority of people 75 percent clicked away after a couple of seconds of the video so they obviously didn't get what they were looking for that's why you have to do content research and i'm going to show you a couple of ways you can do that so the first thing you can do is just go to google and just type in how to get views on youtube and see what already works inside of a search engine so google just like youtube is a search engine and they try to find the best content for people typing in this keyword so just go through some posts there and check out the posts that actually work and that's the content you all so you also want to provide to your audience because that's what works and that's what people are actually looking for you also get some youtube suggestions here so you can also type in how to get views on youtube into the youtube search bar and then you will find some video ideas here here all you can also get some ideas about titles you could use about thumbnail ideas don't copy it but get some inspiration another thing you can do is go to quora or answer the public which are question answer websites where people just type in random questions about specific topics so um if you if you type in youtube views into quora youtube views then you see people asking questions how can i get more views on youtube is it safe to buy youtube views so you could include in your video about the topic of buying youtube views and all that kind of stuff and then another site i want to show you is answer the public this is a very cool site as well so let's uh type in youtube views here by the way i will leave all the websites i'm talking about down below in the description so you can check them out for yourself and then answer the public will give me a lot of questions that i can answer for people interested i typed in views views sorry i wanted i wanted to type in youtube views youtube views okay so this website will give you a lot of questions that people are interested in that are interested in youtube views so this is what it looks like you get questions with why when where will so basically all kinds of questions so let's check out some of them um why youtube use not updating why youtube views get stuck why youtube views are different or how how youtube views work how youtubers pay so there's tons of different ideas what you should make a video about and you want to make that based on what people are actually looking for and not based on what you think people are looking for that's very important okay so do content research before you prepare your video then what you want to do is you want to prepare a content structure that's basically to boost your retention rate this is what we've looked at before you want to get people um to watch your video all the way through and also you want to increase session time what session time is i'll give you an example so let's say i put out a video and then somebody clicks on my video and then ends up watching five more videos and then actually stays on the platform for like an hour or two that means that by somebody clicking on my video the session time of a viewer is maybe one or two hours which is pretty good so you want to get people you want to keep people on the youtube platform and when youtube sees that your video is keeping people on the platform then they will promote your video and there's a couple of ways you can do that but what you want to basically do with all your videos is you want to have a structure that works well on youtube and the structure that most youtubers use that are successful on youtube is this structure here so you start off with a hook you want to hook your audience to make them curious about what's to come and you want to make a lot of them watch all the way through so you want to take the first 15 to 60 seconds of your video to hook your audience the way i do this do this with educational content is i tell them exactly what they will get out of this video so i tell them exactly what i'm going to teach them what they will learn i'm gonna tell them some results that i've gotten with what i'm about to teach them and i'm also sometimes tell them that they will get something for free or they've got an extra tip if they watch all all the way until the end of the video if you have like a vlog type of a youtube channel what you can do is take the most exciting piece of content of your entire video and put that in front of your video and start that start the video with that with that intriguing piece of content that gets people curious and gets people hooked and so they watch all the way through that's very important if you miss this step then a lot of people will not even watch the first 60 seconds so you want to make sure to not miss the hook the second thing is your story this is the content of your video this is the value that you provide so for me for my educational videos this is where i actually show them what i've promised them in the beginning of the video now the way i do this is i either write a whole script for my video um or i prepare some bullet points so the topics that i want to cover because i don't want to i don't want to get sidetracked because if you get sidetracked and you go off topic then people will not will click away and they will get bored and they will lose interest so you want to make sure you stay on topic and kind of have to find out what works best for you but what i found out works quite well is just preparing a bullet point list or what i'm doing right now prepare like a powerpoint presentation where i can go through and just talk over now the last thing of your video so the end of your video should be a call to action now if you actually run a business with a youtube channel if you're using youtube to get leads for your business this is where you can actually get people to your website or to your landing page or get them to sign up for your email list all that kind of stuff um but that comes at the cost of actually decreasing your session time so if you take people off the youtube platform then youtube will maybe not rank your video as high because other videos um tend to lead to more session time so keep that in mind but if you actually run a business at some point you have to take them to your business off the youtube platform so if you do it do it at the end of your video but what you should always do throughout your video is actually get people to engage with your video so ask for likes for comments as to share your video and also let people know that they can subscribe to your channel if they want to see more content from you so i do this all at the end of my video but the thing is that a lot of people that watched until the middle are not there at the end anymore so you also want to make sure to increa to include some of those calls to action in the middle of your video or even in the beginning so um let me just practice what i preach and ask you to like this video if you actually got some value out of it so far just give me a like here and also give me a comment down below if you have any questions so far so try to kind of include this um so that it appears natural don't just randomly ask for likes make get a little bit creative so people will actually want to give you some engagement so engagement is very important and also at the end send people to other youtube videos um or this could be a video of you or it could be videos of other people so that it will increase your recession time which will show youtube that you have a video that will keep people on the platform which again will make youtube rank your video higher so that's the content structure once you have done that the next step is to actually record and edit your video so um there's one many people get scared because they don't have any expensive equipment i think they have to be very high quality but the cool thing on youtube is that you don't have to put out high video quality um for your channel because it's still like um a creator platform where all kinds of creators are on there and the most important part is the quality of your content not so much the quality of your video except maybe you do you have like a videography channel and you want to do a very nice film looking videos but like for the video i'm doing right now it doesn't matter if i have like a camera that is um that is 2 000 or i'm using the webcam of my video because what you want to get out of it is just the information and you don't want to see like a blockbuster video so if you only have an iphone use your iphone to make videos and then you will see as you grow your channel you want to upgrade anyway because you want to continue to improve on your quality and that's when it happens naturally but don't let that stop you just just make sure you have quality content and then start filming your videos with whatever device you have also make sure to not forget to shoot your vid your thumbnails because um in a later step here we want to create a custom thumbnails for your video because if you don't then nobody will click on your video that's just the way it is so you want to make sure to actually think before you start shooting a video what your thumbnail will look like so that you can shoot your thumbnail when you have set up everything to shoot your video so don't forget this step then the next thing like i said you want to create a custom thumbnail and here again i want to give you a good example and a bad example this is again from my youtube statistics here this is an example where i have created a very good thumbnail that grabbed people's attention um and i got 11.3 impression click-through rate what that basically means is that for every thousand people that see my video 113 of them actually clicked on my video and when you have a very high click-through rate that that um tells youtube that if if if youtube shows this video to a thousand people at least um 11.3 percent of them will click on the video and that's the goal of youtube promoting your videos they want to get people to click on them and stay and spend some time on the platform so this is where your thumbnail is very important along with your title as well and this is an example where i kind of messed up on the thumbnail and i only got 1.3 percent click-through rate which is quit quite bad all right um now i want to give you a quick example here um in this video i'm going to upload a new video i'm going to walk you through everything how i optimize it and this is the thumbnail that we're going to use um so depending on your content you want to use different types of thumbnails for my educational videos like i want to rank for the keyword sales funnels for beginner for beginners and um the the thing that works well for those kinds of videos is if you just have the thing that people are looking for in your thumbnail so i have a high quality looking thumbnail and people will see okay this looks like a video that will be high quality and they will click on it if i would choose if i would just use like a freeze frame of my video that i have uploaded it would look something like this and you'll see why this doesn't really stand out and not many people will click on this so you want to make sure to create a custom thumbnail and the easiest way to create a custom thumbnail is to use a website called that's how i started to create my thumbnails i now use photoshop but photoshop is a lot more complicated especially for beginners so i suggest if you don't have any design experience just use it's very easy i'm going to show you quickly what it looks like so this is the website here and it's totally free so 100 free um so you you have a lot of templates that you can already use so if you do like a travel video you can take some inspiration from this one and you click on this as a template and then you can just change the text right here um traveling yeah you can change everything you can also use another template here like this one and you can you can get some inspiration from there and also just create your thumbnails and then download it here very easy create a thumbnail in like five minutes all right so you have created your custom thumbnail the next thing is to actually upload and optimize your video and now i want to take you through exactly this uploading process because youtube kind of walks you through the whole process with their with their system and the way it looks like so i assume you know how to upload a video so just click on the top here create and then upload video and then you get to this screen here i already started it a bit so the first thing that you have to enter is your title so you want to make sure that if you want to rank for specific keywords that you have your main keyword your primary keyword in your title so for this video it's sales funnels for beginners then i also include something um mostly in brackets um complete tutorial or 2020 just to make it a little bit more relevant um another thing i want to say about thumbnails i forgot actually is you probably have heard of clickbait and clickbait is something that many people don't like and i understand why they don't like it but the thing is it works and i'm not saying you should do click bait the thing is if you can do click bait and then deliver on what you do clickbaiting on so then then you should do it um but if you don't if you can't deliver so if you like okay i have i got i became a millionaire overnight and then you don't actually you haven't become a millionaire overnight then it's bad but um it's okay to be a little bit clickbaity as long as you can deliver that's what like if you know mr beast um he's doing this very well so he's clickbaiting but then he actually does the stuff that he's click betting on okay so back to this one so again the title make sure your primary keyword is in the title and then let's talk about the description of the video this is where a lot of your optimization will be so you want to make sure that your primary and your secondary keywords are included in your video description and i always prepare my video description before i even upload my video and i basically have a word document where i prepare all my bullet points and my script and everything and this is also where i prepare my video description so i always start off my video description with um one or two sentences about what my video is about and i include keywords in those sentences so here you see um this is my primary keyword for this video sales funnels for beginners you want to make sure that this keyword is in the first sentence of your video description then i also try to include some secondary keywords this is um if that's possible then do it what you shouldn't do in your description is don't list your keywords just one by one so don't go sales funnels for beginners how to build sales funnel by sales phone softwares because google um or youtube try um they notice when you just list down your keywords they want to see that you build real sentences and just include the keywords there so that's what i do uh with the first one or two sentences and then because youtube is also my business i get people to sign up for my email list and that's why i that's where i include a link so here i'm giving away a free affiliate marketing ebook and i put this link just below this part here so people can see this link even without clicking on the show me more of the description button then i always include some links about um about things that i include in the video so like in this video i talk about video iq tubebuddy kanban and stuff like that so i will include those links down below in the description i will put them here then the next thing is i do a more detailed description of my video that i utilize to put more of my keywords that i want to rank for this is the main part where i put my secondary keywords um again don't just list your keywords actually build sentences that um that are grammatically correct and that makes sense um the reason we do this is to to to optimize our video for search engines it's not because many people will read your description most people will not read this but we will but we use this to optimize our videos for for youtube for the youtube algorithm then what i do is i include some links here i do affiliate marketing so i have some affiliate links about tools that i use and whenever somebody clicks on those links there and buy something then i will basically and get a commission for it um then i have some social media links from of mine down there and some hashtags now hashtags um is something that youtube has introduced i think one or two years ago and nobody really knows how or i haven't found someone that knows how effective they are they are probably not as effective as on instagram um but youtube gives gives you the possibility to use them so it can't hurt to actually use them so i always put in three hashtags in my video description then if you use affiliate links inside of your video description you wanna also have a disclaimer that your video description contains affiliate links um and that you will receive a commission when somebody clicks on them so the most important thing for optimizing videos is to start your video off with sentences including your keywords and then also put a description with more keywords all right so i already pasted my description in here so we can go on further then make sure to actually upload your custom thumbnail so that here is where you can do this click i already done this so you can click on here upload it and then it will show up on top here and we also see that with iq and tubebuddy they give me a lot more information on the whole process here so i can click on the top here where i see a report and they remind you to put tags keywords and title keywords and description triple keywords and they also give you like a checklist of what you should do after you upload it okay um then if you have playlists you want to make sure to add this video to a playlist for so far for me this video relates to affiliate marketing so i'll just add it there done then um is it made for kids no then make sure to actually click on more options here because that's where we actually add our tags if you have a paid promotion obviously to this year and tags is also a big topic on how to optimize your videos so my strategy is that i want to include tags that are actually relevant to my video i don't want to include tags that that i think have a very high volume or that i think are very easy to rank for i want to include tags that are related to my video because only when youtube sees that people um interested in those tags are watching my video all the way through that's when i can rank for those so by using a tool like um like tubebuddy or vid iq they actually give you recommendations for tags and that's how i find my text so i already sort by relevance and then i just add the text here i already have done this otherwise the video would become too long so these are the tags that i've used for this video make sure to actually max out your number of characters that you can use here so and you have 500 characters make sure to use most of this okay let's move on to the next part this i always leave it as it is i allow betting publish blah blah education so choose the category allow comments and then go to next step now if you already have like a thousand subscribers and a hundred thousand i think hours of watch time within a year you have the possibility to put ads on your video now many people say that if you put ads in your video that will improve your rankings and you will get more views youtube itself they say this is not true we don't favor videos that that have ads in them now it does make sense that youtube would favor those videos because that's the videos that make youtube money personally i i can't tell you what is true but i put ads there because it makes me money and um yeah maybe youtube ranks the videos higher i don't think so actually because i see youtube youtube channels that are very big that don't put any ads in their videos so yeah you can try it out for yourself so but i put on monetization so you can choose this here done and then you can um actually if your video is longer than 10 minutes you can you choose to put ads during a video and after your video and if you want to place them manually you can click on place manually and then just put them throughout your video so let's say i want to put two ads in this video let's say after four minutes i put an ad and then here's another one already in there i'll put this ad here if you want to maximize the revenue for your channel um what you want to do is put the ads mostly in in the beginning of your video because that's when most people actually are still watching a video and that's what how you can increase your ad revenue but that just on the side okay so we've done our ads click next now you have to say that you don't have any sensitive content okay next and here you have the possibility to add an end screen and add cards i always add end screens because it keeps people on my channel so what i do is i always use this um this layout here where i have my my channel icon here where people can subscribe to my channel and then um i suggest them to watch another one of my videos and i don't choose this video i let youtube choose it so you have the possibility to to just click on best for viewer and then youtube because youtube knows their audience youtube knows exactly what they need to show your viewers to make them actually keep watching so that's because that's why i use best for your and so for each individual viewer this might be a different video okay so save this one add screen end screens are added next thing is card so sometimes on the on the top of your video screen you will see some cards where you can send people to other videos so what i sometimes do in my videos is i send people to different videos depending on the topic that i'm talking about so in this video i'm talking about sales funnels i teach exactly what they are and i send people to one full tutorial where i teach people how to build a sales funnel and that's when i include the card so some people will go to that card and watch the next video which increases my session time and that will improve my video rankings so i'm just trying to find the part where i talk about this um this video here so this this is the part where i tell them to go and watch this video now that's where i add this card so i just click on add card then create new card and then i what i search for the video it's this one here and then i click create card and now when people watch through here they will see they will see this card coming on the top here and they will get to the next video so this can be very effective as well so let's see what's next cool we've done that next now you can already decide to publish your video right here and what i would suggest you do is you take your time with uploading and writing your description and optimizing everything and then just save your video unlisted because you wanna you wanna release your video when most of your viewers are actually on youtube and so let me just save this video right here so nobody's seeing it yet but i have the possibility to to publish it with one click you see now it is unlisted and so where how do we actually know when to no i want to show you something else really quickly so another thing that helps improving your rankings if you actually add subtitles to your video so i'm going to show you an example here so let's take this video and this icon on the bottom here is the subtitles which is called closed captions on youtube and that's where we see here the subtitles and i've noticed that a lot of people actually do watch the video with subtitles and i've seen many people say that subtitles improve your seo for your videos so that's why i i use subtitles for many of my videos that aren't too long and that i have that i have actually scripted and the tool that i use to do this i don't type it all myself i use which is an awesome website where you can just order transcriptions of your video so the way it works is you just click on place new order then captions and then you can integrate it already with your youtube channel so you can click on youtube here and then it will find your videos so here are all my videos and then i could just click on this one this is the new one that i've just uploaded add to cart and i think it's like a dollar for per minute that you have to pay here and um they will automatically um turn on subtitles when they have done transcripting my video so you save a lot of time by using i also have a link down there in my description where you can try out maybe i also can make sure to get you a discount with um i'll check that later um okay so let's now actually talk about when to publish your video so um what i use is vada iq and vidiq tells me when to publish my video so when you go to vid iq um this is the vidiq dashboard and again this is the free version so you can do this with the free version you can scroll down and then you see a widget here which says best time to post and what they do is they analyze your video views so they know when most of people watch your videos so for today the past the best time for me would be to post 8 p.m now um 8 p.m would be this year so most people are actually watching 8 p.m around this time i think it makes more sense to actually publish a video a little bit before this because that's when people start getting on the platform so i would say about 4 p.m would be a very good time for me to post here um so just make sure to publish around this time here and again just use the vidiq tool to analyze your channel and you'll know when the best time is for your channel for your specific time zone so publish a video when people are actually online now the next thing most people don't do but what i think really helps your video is to if you spend some time promoting your video especially if you already have an audience and you want to make sure to get your video in front of the audience because in the first 24 hours of your video being published youtube is gathering data and deciding where they should rank your video so i'm gonna take you through the process that i'm doing to publish my uh to promote my videos so the first thing that i do is i like my own video not that it really helps but it gets the ball rolling and it looks better than xero likes so like your own video and then the next thing is i put a comment i put the first comment under my video and what you can do with this comment is do a call to action so if you want to just get more views what you want to do is either tell people to go and like the video to scroll back up and like the video maybe in a funny way and what you can also do is give them a link to subscribe so what i've done in the past is like i've said uh this is the this is the best link you've clicked all day and then i've sent them to a link where they could subscribe to my channel so i got a lot of subscriptions that way and um if i want to take people off the platform if i want to promote my business or i want to get them on my email list what i do is i promote the free freebies the lead magnets that i have to give away so here i promote a free email marketing course that i'm giving away in exchange for that email address so because people scroll down to the comment section you can use this comment section to your advantage now the next thing you want to do is share your video with as many people as possible that you think are interested in your content so what you can do is go to your video then go to share and then you can just click on each of them so if you have a following just share it on facebook twitter tumblr whatever your social media following already is that gets some views going and tells youtube that you have a good video if you have an email list also share your video with your email list then what you can do i don't think every youtube channel can do this but if you already have some subscribers you get the community feature so you can go to your channel and share your video with the community feature especially when people are on their phones they will see a lot of content from the community feature so on your channel just go to community here and then post your channel there so write something why they should watch this video now so this video now obviously you want to spend some more time here and then you click on video and then you just choose your new video so now it's kind of buggy yeah so it doesn't doesn't work right now but you will get it to work make sure you post it on your community tab as well like i did here here are some examples all right and then this is the the professional part maybe like you don't have to do this but it definitely increases your ranking so the way google works um if you have known youtube is part of google and both of them are search engines and the way they decide to rank your video the way they decide if they should rank your video high is um if you have a lot of so called backlinks so when a lot of other high authority website have a link to your video that will improve your video rankings and they're pr i mean it's not very easy to get your link to very high authority websites but there are some easy ways you can use this one easy way i want to show you that i personally do is i just go on the website that i've showed you already which is a question answer website and i just go and answer people's questions and send them to my video because is a very high authority website that if you type in a question sometimes in google a website of quora will show up and people will find your video that way and you also get backlinks to your video which will tell google this is a high quality video that people are actually linking to so um again i'm going to show you an example here um your content so i think a week ago i did a video about high ticket affiliate marketing so i answered a question about what is high ticket affiliate marketing somebody asked that question i put the content of my video inside of that question and tell people here's a list of seven of my favorite affiliate programs if you don't want to read it all you can also check the video on my youtube channel so when you click on this they will get to my youtube channel and see the video so that helps the rankings that helps my video views which is a way you can promote your video and i have gotten a lot of use from quora and the thing is it's also a search engine so a year down the line two years down the line people will still find your video through quora and the backlinks will still boost your videos alright so those are the exact steps that i go through every time when i create a new video for youtube again don't forget to download my youtube optimization checklist which basically includes all the steps that i've covered here in this video so you can use it every time when you create a new video for youtube you'll find a link to that checklist down below in the description of this video so if you actually like this video and you got some value out of it let me know by giving it a thumbs up and also share with anybody who's trying to grow a youtube channel and is struggling a bit with getting views or ranking for certain keywords also leave me a comment down below with any questions that you have or any comments i love to also check out your youtube channels maybe i can give you some individual tips for getting more views for your specific channel also if you're new here make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit little notification bell next to the subscribe button so that you don't miss any new videos that i put out in the future i have a lot more tutorials coming about how to grow on youtube so make sure you actually don't miss them and that's all i have for you today thank you very much for watching and i look forward to seeing you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 59,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube seo tutorial, youtube seo, youtube seo 2020, seo youtube, youtube optimization 2020, youtube optimization, youtube video seo, youtube optimization tutorial, how to rank youtube videos, youtube keyword research, seo for youtube, how to rank youtube videos fast, how to rank #1 on youtube, youtube seo 2020 course, youtube seo 2020 english, seo for youtube videos 2020, how to rank youtube videos 2020, youtube seo tutorial 2020, seo on youtube, youtube tutorial
Id: qwD1LNYuCA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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