You're Using Conan's Tavern System Wrong...

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I got a comment recently about an unconventional technique you can use with Conan's new Tavern system we all know you can populate your taverns with this system but for role players what about other things well the best way to find out is to try I've built this structure here kind of ugly but we're here for what's inside and that is a small theater the actors within have been practicing hard for their next production but the seats are empty very sad but what if we could fix this I'm sure the seero theatric society would be very pleased to finally get some people in so let's give it a try now we're starting off simple every theater has a refreshment stand so I place the bar in the back left corner usually a Tavern bar would be in a central and easily accessible location but we're trying to use this as more of a means to an end so it's scrolled away here as for the seating 16 benches with two slots each for a total of 32 seating sockets we're going to try and get NPCs to come into the theater sit on these benches and watch the performance however firstly there is a slight issue and that is the Stalls at the bar they can't be removed and I don't really want NPCs sat there so I'm going to place some fighter throlls on these stalls so that the NPCs coming into the theater will have to populate the stands instead aside from the benches there's no other available seating so let's get the bar ke behind the bar open the doors and see if it [Music] works well it definitely worked but not to a great effect the bar only attracted eight MPCs which makes for quite a sparse covering in our theater not great for opening night therefore I added a second bar in the other corner and filled the stools with throlls again to see if a second bar would [Music] help yeah didn't didn't really do much I was hoping it would attract at least a few more NPCs but no such luck I removed the bars and cleared out all the NPCs and then tried again by placing both bar keep keeps in their respective bars at the same time and unfortunately no bueno so dejected and saddened I did what I usually do and got distracted I came back and noticed that actually it was Bueno more NPCs had appeared we had a total of 12 now but some were getting stuck which might have been my fault due to to the bench placement so let's fix that they definitely had a much better time pathfinding with this layout until this guy and his friend come in and then I just removed the bench and they kind of behaved themselves I then afked for a little while made a coffee all that jazz and just let the theater populate when I came back I was greeted with a truly beautiful sight with what I presume is the maximum amount of NPCs attracted we can move our thrs from the bars to the seats and the sepu theatric Society can finally commence their production for a reasonably packed house I'm going to be honest I presume this would work a little smoother than it did especially after the introduction of the second bar however after moving some of the chairs around and fiddling with the bars we managed to get a decent chunk of NPCs in here 26 people in total after the reshuffle minus eight thrs that are on the bar we managed to get a total of 18 MPCs in the theater and you know what I think that's pretty good as a proof of concept for alternative designs I also wanted to try the same idea with the bar completely hidden in this example I've built a mini Church front with pews and the such and the bars are actually inaccessible scrolled away underground behind a closed door you do have to put thrs on the tavern stalls as NPCs can can still fail safe teleport to them but generally this method Works fairly well I wouldn't be surprised if this method gets even better in the future I'm fairly sure just from my own experience that bars attracted less patrons in the public beta than they do now so I wouldn't be surprised if they're patched and updated in the future to attract even more than this however as an option for filling up builds I think this technique Works quite well and it opens up some new avenues for roleplay with the tavn system and they have it some alternative uses for the new Tavern system that was added with the age of War Chapter 3 thanks for watching and of course a massive thanks to our wonderful esteemed coffee cultist for continuing to support the channel over on patreon I know there's probably already a decent chunk of you that work this out but I'll be honest myself I just thought well Tavern system it always has to be a Tavern well apparently it doesn't but I think this actually works reasonably well once you knock out a few of the teething issues with the system hopefully you guys find it useful for your own builds again thanks for watching take care and I'll see you soon
Channel: Eradicati0n
Views: 10,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles, conan exiles tavern, conan exiles tavern system, conan exiles age of war, age of war, conan exiles new update, conan exiles roleplay, conan exiles pve, conan exiles pve build, conan exiles roleplay build, conan exiles tips and tricks, conan exiles building tips, conan exiles chapter 3 update, conan exiles age of war update, age of war chapter 3, conan exiles bar keeper, conan exiles tavern build, conan exiles building, conan exiles building ideas
Id: Vkll3DIt5Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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