The Best Archer Thralls in Conan Exiles 2024

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what's up everybody and thank you for joining me for another video my name is wack 4863 but you can call me wack so you already have the video where I showed you the THS with the highest melee damage modifier in this video I'm going to show you the THS with the highest ranged damage modifier better known as archers although I think you'd be surprised that not many of these THS that have the highest range damage modifier happen to be Archer specific to start it all off we have the two 88 ranged damage modifier and there happens to be three THS in this category and I have them separated on the screen because they actually have different Health gained per point in Vitality these are the Warriors of jbog now these only come in The Purge but as you can see they have 15 in strength zero agility 20 vitality and zero git they start out with 2,193 hit points and they gain 35.5 seven hit points per Point leveled in Vitality along with their 2.88 ranged damage modifier they have a melee damage modifier of 2.08 moving over we have amrath the Swift and this is the thrw that I showed you in my previous video for the top fighter and the top Archer this guy comes out of the box with zero in strength zero in agility 15 in Vitality zero and grit he starts out with 605 total hit points and he gains 27.3 eight hit points per Point leveled in Vitality his melee damage modifier is 1.92 now things are already going to get a little bit confusing for you when it comes to finding some of these THS because these two THS that I showed you the children of jblog are the only two that have the 2.88 range damage modifier and you can see there is quite a few in the list there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 and and seven of them that can come in a purge so the issue comes down to getting the right one and there's no way for me to tell you in game how to know if you have that right one because it simply comes down to one being herc Canan and the other one being shite so the only two out of this list are this one here and this one here that have the 2.88 range damage modifier the rest of the ones in this list only have a range damage modifier of 1.92 which is actually lower than everything that I'm going to show you in this video today the next one in the list stands by itself now this is actually a tier three throw this is The cultist Fighter 3 and I believe the only way to get this is through the surge they may also come in The Purge but this is the shite fire orb thrower so if you see a cultist fighter three throwing orbs at you it's likely that's the one that you want to knock out as you can see they start out with zero in strength five in agility three in vitality and 12 in grit they have 1515 hit points starting out they gain 49.2 hit points per Point leveled in vitality and their melee damage modifier is 1.92 now you're probably thinking much like I am that's not a whole lot to go off of The jblog Warriors and the cultist fighter are both hard to get and then not only are they hard to get you have to get either the arcanian or the shite in order for them to actually have that range damage modifier now I'm going to make it a little bit better here but not a whole lot these guys are actually devotes that you can get in the volcano at any point in time as you may know the devotees always spawn up there again these devotees are the arcanian and the shite so you have to find those specific THS and then tame them in in order to get this high of a damage modifier so if we look at this dvo you can see he has one in strength zero agility one Vitality zero grit starts out with 1588 hit points and they gain 106.53606202 but again with the devotes there's quite a large list and you're only looking for the hurc Canan and the shite out of this entire list to get that 2.4 range damage modifier the rest of the devotees in this list are going to have a 1.6 range damage modifier the exact same as their melee damage modifier but again that's not too bad when you factor in the hit points that they gain per point in vitality and I am working on a video that'll come out later this week that shows you which THS will actually gain the most hit points per Point leveled in Vitality now this next one stands alone or dare I say dances by thems this is an Entertainer I did not set them up to be doing this emote this is the shite dancer 3 and it can be found in the volcano it has a 2.4 ranged damage modifier it starts out with seven in strength zero in agility seven in Vitality zero in grit and it has 167 starting hit points they gain 34.1 15 hit points per Point leveled in vitality and their melee damage modifier is 1.6 this one out of all the other ones where their nationality matters is probably easier to find than the others because it's actually going to say she might dancer three so you can spot that easily knock it out and bring it back to your base another one that stands alone at the 2394 range damage modifier is The cultist Fighter 2 now again this one is going to be hard to get because you have to find the shite fire orb thrower and this is likely to only come in The Purge or The Surge if you're playing on syta they start out with zero in strength three in agility zero in Vitality seven in grit 1254 starting hit points they gain 45.1 14 hit points per Point leveled in vitality and their melee damage modifier is 1.67 to we're into our next group at the 2.32 2 range damage modifier and you might be hoping that this is where things are going to get a little bit easier to find these THS and I got to tell you it's not not yet it is still very difficult to come across these THS everything that I've showed you so far is actually very difficult to come across but don't worry there's still hope but let me run you through the 2. 322 range damage modifier category there are two Relic Hunter treasure seekers in the list at this level and unfortunately there's no way for me to tell you how to differentiate these Relic Hunter treasure Seekers from the other ones you see there is a rather large list of Relic Hunter treasure Seekers and this is number two and number four in that list and there's no other way for me to tell you how to go and find them they come out of the box with zero in strength 20 agility 10 vitality and 15 in grit they start out with 1763 hit points and they gain 41.93 hit points per Point leveled in Vitality they have a melee a damage modifier of 1.67 s bumping over here to the other guys this is Captain Mars and Captain pcore they have one in strength 30 agility three vitality and two in grit they start out with a 1778 hit points and they gain gain 126 hit points per Point leveled in Vitality they also have a melee damage modifier of 1.3 416 and both of them are said to be found in The Purge thus far I've taken you through this list of the absolute best range damage modifiers but I've got to be honest I don't think most of the people that are in that list are really viable options for going out and taming the next throws that I'm going to show you are the ones that I recommend going after and taming and these THS actually come after a couple of other THS that I decided not to cover in this video you can see the list of THS that I skipped on the screen right now so even though these THS that I'm about to show you don't have the highest range damage modifier they are the THS that I recommend going out and getting to use as archers and there are actually some archers in this category since most of what we've covered so far has been Fighters now this is the two 2.16 range damage modifier category and the two on the left are going to be harder to find and figure out if you have the right ones and the two on the right are the ones that I'm going to say go out and tame to become archers in your army starting off with the two on the left it is The Relic Hunter treasure Seekers again now this is Relic Hunter treasure Seeker number 10 and number 12 in the admin panel they start out with zero in strength 20 in agility 10 in vitality and 15 in grit they have a starting Health pool of 1637 and they gain 38.94 hit points per point in Vitality their melee damage modifier is 1.44 now I know many of you guys are going to be excited to see this guy on the screen this is duneman the Dron now he is an Archer the other nice thing about him is he actually has a guaranteed spawn and he's a normal speed leveler he comes out of the box with zero in strength 30 agility zero vitality and 15 in grit and 1,092 hit points he gains 7843 hit points per point in vitality and his melee damage modifier is 1.44 the other one that you're going to want to look for here is Saria Thorn she comes out of the box with one in strength 30 in agility three in vitality and two in grit and she starts out with 1238 total hit points now she is harder to find because she's not a guaranteed spawn however she does gain 87.7 five hit points per Point leveled in Vitality the other nice thing about this particular thr is that she is a fast leveler she is going to hit Level 20 faster than the rest of the THS that I've shown you today she is a Blackhand pirate Archer so you can find her in the Blackhand camps and her melee damage modifier is 1 .44 now I didn't get super deep into the list of range damage modifiers however I can tell you that the next thw that I would cover for the highest range damage modifier is actually going to be the accursed Berserker and the Samarian Berserker and I think going past that just doesn't make any sense because if you're going to run out and get a really good thrw you may as well go and get something that is guaranteed to spawn on the map like the accursed Berserker or the Samaran Berserker or dunan the Dron so that is the list of highest range damage modifiers and you should have some goals for who you're going to go out and tame obviously if you can get lucky enough to see amrith the Swift grab him otherwise just go for dunan the draon or Berserker and you should be just fine placing them in your Archer category don't forget to whack the like button on your way out and let me know in the comment section below if you were surprised by this list I'd like to thank all my YouTube members for your continued support y'all are absolute Legends if you haven't seen the video where I cover the highest melee damage modifier thrs click the video on the screen right now to check that [Music] out
Channel: wak4863
Views: 16,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wak4863, conan exiles 2024, conan exiles, conan exiles best archer, conan exiles best archer thrall, conan exiles wak4863
Id: utSzYG1trLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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