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this is going to be the spring Marathon 2023 I will admit that I'm a little bit under the weather I've had a lot of travels recently and last like day or two haven't been feeling 100 so I'll see how long I can stay awake how long my voice can last I'm prepared with with uh with water and also some like chai tea I think the chai has been brewing for long enough also prepared with Kleenex hopefully I don't need this Kleenex too much but it is a season of allergies so the Turman started about 19 minutes ago so I'm Lee joining but I still have many hours to Place some chess so if you're watching in the future on YouTube uh congratulations for clicking on what will probably be a very long video this is a spring marathon it's a 24-hour long tournament I don't know how long the eventual YouTube video will be but as usual I'll time stamp every single game in the video description uh hopefully with the opening and the opponents so please leave a comment what your favorite game is in this video and no more wasting any time let's hop in my bullet rating is 2800 exactly and this is two minute rated bullet so it's not the classic one minute and it's not three minute but it's kind of an average wait let me put in my earbud I don't have any sound okay we have a pirates here we go um oh this is like a what do they call this a philodor Okay so actually this is the opening that jobava played in oh what did I already go wrong I may have already gone wrong H3 is coming though okay so we both lost a couple Tempe Joe Bava played this against me in Abu Dhabi and that game I went for this queen B1 Queen A2 idea this game I'm gonna play a little bit more traditionally uh Rook D1 this is what jobava told me to do after our game and just play normally maybe I can take yeah let's take and some Knight H4 I'm subjecting myself to maybe some tactics but as far as I can see the tactics don't quite work for black takes takes takes and then Knight D6 okay let's play another five already dreaming of sacking and mating Pleasant position fully developed all the pieces are kind of happy here uh do I go all in take take might as well this might be dubious but it might be very strong because after it takes takes I'm hitting both nights although then there's Nyla 4 but then I checkmate also getting a big time Advantage here question are you gonna play the whole Marathon uh well you'll just have to keep watching and find out this is game one if you're in the try and conserve energy uh okay that's a good sign The Bishop's not being consumed so I can take and essentially be up upon so seven pawns against six Pawns up a lot of time here too thank you chess and beers I probably won't be drinking any beer this stream but I'll try and compensate that with a lot more chess okay let's trade and then Fork speaking of fork here's a spoon use it to stir your honey into my tea it's another Fork okay double legging zero rating it's a problem with being 2100 I view the 2200 and it doesn't count for anything but maybe I gained like a fraction of a point so whoa another game started I had the tournament open in a new tab okay um so new game not much break what is this D4 okay opponent is just going full ham mer uh always on passant uh oh okay always develop the king I mean If This Were King of the Hill King D5 would win the game okay Queen D3 is such a nice move ooh okay let's defend what a weird game D4 might be coming although probably not uh what is this position okay I'm gonna artificial Castle uh I'm up two pieces okay how to do this oh no my Bishop so Queen H3 is coming yeah play this move White's gonna sack everything wow wait I should be careful here is Maiden one I just simplify take you just simplify not my promise technique but opponents gifted me uh-oh okay upon this gifted me more than enough though so I can dig The Rook I'm still kind of waking up if I'm up a rook now or is in Queen trade primoves will come okay hey it's Z Nation for 66 months welcome back Z Nation Jess the OG sub of the channel I'll come back Misha zero happy one year and your tablet 39 months Young Gun with 18 months so again if you're just joining I played two games thus far um let's berserk let me try and climb my way up the standings opponent berserking back okay that might be my quickest game of the tournament was fearing the Stafford probably okay top 600. there's over 5 000 players in this tournament if you want to join uh you can go there's a few ways to join you can use the join command that will link the tournaments or go to the leechas homepage tournament is available there um not gonna berserve too much these first few games thank you Christine HP okay let's play a two nights are we gonna see an ortho shot Ortho Gambit time no okay this is like um what do they call this like C3 is the main move in Queen D7 I forgot the name of this opening okay I have to be a little bit careful I'm just castling Queen H5 Queen F5 I am temporarily up a pawn here foreign yeah for those not familiar with berserking um it's a pretty common strategy in tournaments like this to try and rack up the tournament points involves cutting the time and a half and then if I win I get an extra point for the tournament but I'd rather not take too many risks early on wow and my opponents are going super aggro so Knight G5 I can take it or queen F5 probably Queen F5 here pinning the bishop yeah two minute shots is a very different time format to what I'm used to [Music] hopefully I can get the hang of it let's play F6 first up a piece so really the goal is to not blunder anything not get mated maybe simplify to the end game Queen G4 looks nice light could not avoid the queen trade there thank you Occam's sock'em robots welcome back subbing for 31 months okay I'm probably gonna win this game on time but maybe I'll try and like generate some quick meets quick meeting ideas uh yeah D3 I got the Knight to E2 I don't think I'm gonna check these before White flags okay well I managed to resign before flagging so that's three games or wait no that's four games but one of the games was like a one mover playing Guido van h uh um I might mix up the openings as the stream goes on at some point maybe I'll take requests from the audience but I gotta play some of the classics first have a ponziani the best beginner opening Queen A4 is a fun move like even against strong players uh sometimes they don't know how to react like de4 is already just a mistake and White's winning upon yeah develop Castle [Music] Queen is Happy on F3 hard for black to attack Bishop F4 [Music] yeah just being super super solid I'll probably try and orchestrate some attack on the king side like H4 I kick the Knight around [Music] okay making progress so when the Knight moves I can take the bishop I could take the bishop of the queen how to do this let's take with Knight first there there this first and then Bishop F5 yeah the king is wide open now still takes a bit of work like I don't want to play H6 and allow Knight G6 okay preventing any knife from moving D6 threatening to fork with a pawn Queen side down to defending F6 a very difficult position for back okay the Knight wants to come here but I can play this okay hey I gained your rating point it only took what five games ticking one reading point generally with Marathon tournaments I lose a lot of reading because I berserk a lot and inevitably I lose to low rate of players so I have to enjoy my 2800 plus rating while it lasts welcome back to Andrew hey from Dominican Republic I saw um I saw an Instagram and DM from Yvette hope you guys are doing well thanks for stopping by okay I have to be mindful that I berserked this game so I'll try and be aggressive here also thanks for the hype everyone I appreciate all the subs and supports Mark valoy welcome back okay uh not quite winning the pawn because the Rook comes in maybe I can trap the bishop okay now I win the pawn and maybe a second Pawn yeah life is good here thank you ultimate pots are I maybe could have taken the third Pawn but more interested in bringing the queen into play uh did I just blunder I think I just plundered oops okay we'll trade Queens I'll lose a bishop but I have four pawns for the bishop I still have all eight Pawns always Castle it's never too late to Castle [Music] okay I'm gonna try and win this game without losing a single Pawn will it be possible wait can I get connect eight I have 18 seconds though honestly this is probably my closest game of the tournament so far I can't swim my lowest rated opponents okay Rooks like to support pass Pawns oh I lost a pawn okay that was a fun game grew this to my opponent like played well for the rating so top 200 . I'll berserk again we have a London jobava London taken Bishop G4 okay so I won the pawn I want to play E5 and control the center maybe E4 E4 will Trot the bishop if White's not careful does promoting count is losing upon yeah I've never thought of that but every time you promote to a queen you lose a pawn that's kind of sad but also probably kind of worth it any predictions for this stream probably not I have no idea like what's gonna happen so everything will be very unpredictable I don't know how long I'm gonna go for I do try and make sure I don't uh like overdo it I don't want to burn myself out too much I do want to sleep at some point within the next 24 hours okay rookie it looks really nice oh my point is in the chat look at this hi I'm playing against you the usernames match hello to my opponents hope you're doing well apart from the situation on the e-file no mercy here let me make sure I don't plunder any back rank mates I'm probably gonna win on time [Music] but I'm gonna try and meet before White flags uh like this gotta get the pieces into play oh it's almost mate and it's really close to Nate where's my mate it's made in two one two okay I can count to two okay games of my opponents um yeah Joe Bravo London's a trendy opening these days uh if you want to like study this seriously I think the main moves are E3 and E4 I would probably recommend E4 it's like the most aggressive response a Gigi so trying to break the top hundred uh playing a title player I think my first titled opponent I'm switching back to E4 I got a scandi I don't plan to this line I think this is called the leonhard Gambit opponent knows how to not plunder but there's still some compensation I would hope got my Bishops I think I'll play this maneuver to G3 and then try and use the knights and the Bishops to attack when Queen's a little bit awkward wow Queen's just chilling on A3 okay I'm already some ideas of taking the F Pawn [Music] yeah I like Knight H5 because it aims to remove one of the only Defenders of the king side um interesting should I take the Knight and take again not super clear this first I just want to lift okay I could take on E6 anything better take on G7 and take on E6 yeah this is trouble for black um I actually didn't get like fully what I wanted I just went back the pawn but there's still a fight oh a2's hanging but do I care I kind of care but now I don't care or do I have this move oh no my queen someone called ambulance but not for me yeah I think this is like resignable for back uh I'll take okay that was a cool move Queen C7 um all the pieces were under pressure there I gained another rating point okay at some point I'm gonna hit my Peak rating this stream hopefully that point comes later okay playing godaga I'm reaching the point where like every game I'll probably be playing high rated opponents okay let's play the barman variation I may be transposing yeah transposing into Cambridge Springs I've been doing a lot of like studying in these lines uh yeah E5 I was actually preparing to play the design against Anna cramling it's a tricky variation okay so black should win back the pawn there's a three like after A3 I'm supposed to Castle okay here I can take probably have to take now so we have an end game the thing's kind of liquidated pretty quickly there uh not thrilled about this Pawn but such is life I have this move Rook da coming oh no my Pawn it's interesting position because I have Bishop F3 I also have Rook T2 I think I'll start with Rook D2 so after it takes takes Rook D3 on Bishop E2 okay now we play F5 I'm controlling the only open file which should bode well for me B5 C5 I'd rather not have other files open closing everything down pawns a potential weakness a g file might open but that's fine with me Rook has access to G8 so if King H2 I have Bishop D3 hitting the rook and the pawn and still preventing Rook off one okay now yeah it's pin threatening this and if the key moves Bishop F3 I mean White's like very stuck here at some point I'll probably play Bishop F3 okay I'm just going after the pawn there's King G1 okay that's a free Bishop okay that was actually a very pleasant game um I played through pretty much all my Cambridge Springs preparation and it led to like in sort of liquidated late middle game early end game [Music] where yeah black just had a more pleasant position so I gained another reading point welcome back to NOAA constrictor welcome back to Jay good to see you so okay I'm at my Peak rating for this tournament but my Peak rating in bullet overall I think is like just over 2900 on the chess so still a ways to go to get back to my Peak okay I'm playing an opening here that I really have no knowledge about some kind of real slimo you play D4 a lot of Trades now not sure if I want to trade Bishops might as well win back the pawn trying to tie down this bishop to defending the pawn Brook C might be played in Bishop F4 I think the goal is just to develop and then control D5 pressure the weak D6 Pawn this Pawn is isolated and on the half open file H3 I think is a useful prophylactic move okay threatening this stuff and take with Bishop I could take on D6 take take your no wait let's take care first I will say this really doesn't feel like bullet chess it's just faster you pay splits oh that move I didn't see okay I'm losing back upon 95 there's some activity I have a double threat oh I didn't see that move but I have this move attacking everything okay the tactics gods were kinds of me there just stumbled into a good line okay no mercy I think the simple plan is to push the pawn okay he gained another rating points hey I was 64th Place but now moving up 40 seconds I think we found the meaning of life thank you slash lore yeah only 96 more games until 2 900. okay playing Libra moon let's mix up the openings play the English inspired by ding ooh oh this is uh wait what's the theory here E5 let's play F4 a weird version of Kings Gambit I have no idea this is a theory but it looks fun just want a castle soon okay we could be trading a lot so my Bishop's Unleashed this Pawn is also vulnerable I think I'm happy with opening I think you triple snake happy 20 months that's an interesting move it takes takes that's actually a good move try this I'm not sure what's going on actually I'm still hitting the night the positions opening up a ton down a little bit of time I might as well take yeah we're trading off a lot of things we probably have to trade Queens so after all said and done it's equal material opposite color Bishops I like this bishop Pawn combo uh you Rook here first threatening meat kind of this move okay a lot of tactics in the position trying to calculate the sign I mean simple tactic but okay I'll move quicker oh really oh I I forgot my Rook was defended by the bishop was defended by The Rook it's a mobile 4 Rook here okay so I made a very bad pre-move there okay it's almost mid but not quite put the visit back on somewhere okay opponent didn't go for the dirty flag yeah I got confused um because I thought the I didn't see the bishop was defended by The Rook so I was expecting takes and I was going to take and then I mean if if black went for Rook C5 I would have lost the I would have been losing material um okay good fights top 30. thank you Yoda lives forever how many people sleep to my videos yeah how many people have already fallen asleep right now okay let's play do I berserk I'll have a bullet game vlogmar dimmer time wait a minute I got confused this is not Theory I've really messed this up I should have played each five first yeah this is an opening gone terribly wrong but it's interesting still I just want to win the pawn oops 93 may be coming hmm maybe two hmm it was dangerous don't hurt me okay I took some work yeah this might happen more often where like we double berserk and then it's just a one minute bullet game two rating points for that I'll take it top 20. undefeated thus far playing another title player this might be my highest rated opponent we'll uh switch to London or whatever this is this is a pterodactyl attack oops I didn't mean to do that how bad is this Queen's like hustling was just a mouse slip and now I'm flustered oh this is a really bad position [Music] that maybe can hold on I think I'm holding on like just barely now the queen defends Knight's pinned I do lose that I don't know no that was my first loss wow my point was really faster like really really fast look at this point zero two seconds left ah let me turn on my heart rate monitor oh that was kind of sad opponent deserves a win there for being so fast 143 okay have to calm down after that long I had a good position to after stumbling there goes my reading and my streak but we move on playing Soul tie Good Luck play Sicilian okay this is some Theory which I haven't looked at in a while [Music] I think Queen H4 or is it 94 first in 194 first I might just be confusing myself I think I'm supposed to queenside Castle eventually okay here I win The Exchange I did concede the dark spot Bishop it feels like the king should be safe on B7 kind of a weird position though hmm I don't know what to do take on each three maybe this first I don't know the white definitely has compensation [Music] okay that's some success my queen wants to be on D4 there we go it's a free nights oops I blundered back material or did I there okay should still be fine just down a little bit of time I have seven I check first a little bit shaky I think I'm getting things done here oh mercy okay trying to inch my way back to 2800 welcome back to Kavita welcome back hot Cheeto happy 21 months was there a free night mist yeah I'm sure there are things missed in that game playing new Americana I think this is the first Carol con I'm encountering okay we'll play this sign so the idea is Queen R5 Queen E3 avoiding the queen drain black can insist and then B3 this might be some Theory Pleasant position though I have the bishop here now and D5 might be coming yeah D5 looks really nice and get the other Rook involved also threatening to take take and then Bishop D7 check yeah this is like already close to winning castling start with check how to do this C7 probably Rook G1 coming yeah this bishop is going to prove useful very soon so obstructing The Rook from defending if the king moves it walks into stuff that's a move though uh I guess I have to take [Music] um that's a good move there there it's not so simple like I lose back the pawn ah I'm not even better here also my Rook was just hanging oops but how bad is it oh it's pretty bad uh oh wait I'm not trying no I'm not trapping the bishop oh dear this is really bad still a little bit tricky though that's a great move oh no my Pawn oh I got Maiden oh what to do I hung a rook yeah rookie won man that was such a good position to 95 I just did not see coming maybe you should have started with F4 and I didn't see how to save my Pawn here like it might already be like not better for white okay back to tournaments oh things for the Dono to emburg wishing a spectacular evening not ready for pentatonic just yet have to stay awake a little bit more playing positional play do I try and play tactically or positionally this is actually a more positional opening this is like a really fun line in London um I think H3 is generally called for and B5 is already a threat yeah this is a very classic positional approach on the queen side B4 will come again might as well take the knights coming to D5 so I think I'm ready to train and then maybe my king will just chill on E2 I think delayed bong cloud I'll take Bishops coming to see southern ah Bishop's coming to B5 not so simple I'm wondering if the exchange stock will work like Rook B5 improve the king first take take take I'm not sure if it works okay Switching gears Kings misplaced okay I was expecting rookie six ah now I might be in trouble I'm in trouble here maybe it's okay in time travel okay a little bit too slow really oh this isn't good okay this is better let's go okay ah that took work took a lot of work oh at some point I was kind of regretting not taking the draw off her but I proved to be a good decision to play for the win it was very tricky position [Music] opponent like coped with the opening pressure pretty well I'm playing joyful scooter welcome back I'll Capitan PDX happy 44. okay so we have a queen's gambiter client I'm gonna stick with this repertoire the Cambridge Springs style although Bishop D3 right away will probably transpose into something wow I think I'm just winning a piece now yeah I love the piece there's a Venom of the Cambridge Springs and all these tactical tricks the queen on A5 swing over light spores are very weak lights missing the light squared Bishop darkspurs are also kind of vulnerable maybe this first yeah it takes something made into okay this is a nice game um yeah white has to be really careful here Knight E2 just walked into the tactic of hitting both Bishops and the Knight was a Target Knight F3 doesn't really help because as takes takes in 94 so white probably had to take a fun opening trying to get back on a streak 53 tournament points a leader has 88 are you planning on taking breaks it would be impressive if I stream the whole marathon without taking a single break probably won't happen though okay back to a pet line so I have the bishop pair black has a little bit more space it's probably roughly equal here okay so I want to play Knight G5 F6 or H6 should have been played there for black because once I complain Knight takes Bishop it's two Bishops against two knights develop this move so this Knight's pinned Bishop C5 is probably coming uh is this when material no it doesn't I got three we had this first and Bishop C1 I want to play this and this what wait what did I do I don't know what I did there unexpected hacking uh takes there there I think this is okay so if here I take take and then pin all right Knight C3 still might be coming or that move I have this move other than this move but then this move I don't know what's happening oh that's a good move Bishop B1 my Bishop pair is not too impressive yeah this is not great and try and open the position yeah that's a big problem go both nights are hanging oh everything's hanging for black so maybe I went back a night I could move them wasn't meant to be dull there goes a bishop it's almost stalemate ah let's checkmate if I didn't have a bishop here it would be still needs really was not meant to be there okay back to the meaning of life plenty of time to try and work my way up the standings playing bug rovich play E4 oh thank you zilfth with the tier one sub okay another two nights attack against Carol Khan um play C3 it's a more positional line I have the bishop here I think the plan is to steadily improve Queen D5 might happen might have to take we still have the bishop here but positions like this can lead to a long grinding like end game late middle game so I'll gradually try and improve with my Pawns and my Rooks play Rook D1 [Music] yeah I don't want to trade off maybe this idea I'm not sure about Knight H5 okay got my G4 moving um and try this it's risky though giving away the B4 Square maybe three first okay this is something a little bit down on time it's more open position [Music] ooh good move foreign there we go I can't touch me if I stand light squares I got touched no that's stalemate oh oh the first stalemate travel of the Stream and I'm the victim or who's the victim and maybe we're both victims the holiday [Music] I should have played this move I was made into okay top 50. my streaking this has slowed down a little bit but that's part of life thank you agranak oh playing this player again who's super fast do I berserk back try and get revenge yeah this player like bugs me in a situation where I didn't think I could be flagged okay this is a little bit questionable Queen E2 coming and probably a little bit worse here but I'm up a lot of time that's a good move don't hurt me wow okay there's a lot of Trades before is coming okay got the jobs on there got some berserking points welcome back to hamster him happy 22. hope you're doing well playing The Dark Knight Rise uh um what is this oh wow tricky opening not sure what to make of this okay F4 is coming so Bishop her two Pawns it should be in good shape Queen a1's hard to stop this is a funny move if it takes it's made in two if here what's happening I have this move now the tactics are flowing like a tactical waterfall wow that move just confuses me I think it's a free Queen there there I was looking for mates but okay I was uh it was an interesting game weird opening led to weird middle game thank you Dr Boogie fiva happy 14 months all right let's try and break into the top 30. it's been a while since I've been there playing trapezunt yeah this is way more positional I think early Queen trade uh some trying to figure out my plan Bishop C4 first preventing Knight of seven now this I might not be getting much though allowing the trade takes takes the night will be restricted at least now plan let's get this Knight to E3 and eventually F5 yeah there's some pressure here it was very kind of long-term strategy trying to use this F5 Square I'm fixing the pawn on each side this Pawn could be a weakness but it could also maybe use strength start by taking and B3 oops just hung upon yeah I'm not better here I'll try and play on though cause you never know oh there's a funny line before takes and then some mating ideas okay I'm trying to play for a win it's not so easy though there there [Music] I'm still not better but it's getting a little bit unbalanced let's get back to D7 opponent's taking time that's a good move I see fourth first hmm so it's equal material we both have four Pawns and it's getting spicy now okay I managed to win on time as a hard fog game I was a little bit quicker I think you lost my Gambit oh asking Gambit time okay let's scan it whatever my opponent does I'll play what's the gamut I can play against this Athens Gambit Evans Gambit time I don't know much about Evan's gambits but I'll try and make it work okay two pawns attacked is this really a line this might be online 's moving quickly I'm kind of scared I should be H5 that's a good move I have this move I have no idea what's happening anymore I can take here oops okay boat has ganned it oh that's not what I wanted uh oh dull my knight I gambited too many things what to do hey it's Jules oh it's Jules Gambit Jules Gambit is a much better Gambit than whatever I'm doing here but I'm playing on because you never know never as I'm when you have a rook battery oh no my perfect score this is my long lost adopted child I played Houston many times uh let's play A4 uh oh someone call an ambulance especially for me okay Pawn storming okay opponent gave back a queen they saw this pin but they didn't see the other Arrow and still lost though I'm down three minor pieces and two Pawns how am I not dead yet I have 11 seconds oh it's meat okay the King was bound to get mated somewhere okay note to self don't Gambit everything uh nobody's working let's try and get back on track we have a Four Knights a very uh classical opening this is a different move order than usual I don't mind this not bad to commit to G5 when I haven't committed to castling yet damage the structure a little bit yeah things look in Jewels for the raid shout out to Jules I hope you had a good stream if you're just joining this is a marathon of springtime it's a 24-hour long tournament uh I guess I trade Bishops I joined I joined the tournament about 20 minutes late but it could be a long stream at some point I'll probably get some sleep but who knows when that will be there there okay let's defend defend some more and see file pressure could be some issue C4 I'm actually in a little bit of trouble here okay I have one idea Rook C1 Rook d8 not sure if this works the ideas after takes takes yeah D3 would be a Target but not anymore hey Queen D7 ah this doesn't work though okay I'm gonna be down the pawn but Life Will Go On I mean White's extra Pawn is a backward d-pawn so it's not that bad a threes kind of weak never mind but I gotta move faster I'll slide in this I should play Queen B1 first and queen B1 King E2 and then Queen G1 yeah uh good move time scramble time it's a race oh no my queen oh the chess gods were not kind to me yes it's still meat oh the chest cards were very kind to me I I was hoping for queenoff too because that's like the standard ladder mates by Queen H2 came as the surprise but a very pleasant surprise I still lost five rating points but it could have been worse okay playing a okay have I not had a Stafford Gambit yet I don't think I have staff or Gambit time the first Stafford of the marathon okay we got a very high rated opponents falling into what is a pretty lethal trap no mercy here at Bishop G4 I think this is GG I mean Bishop C4 is like already a losing move surprisingly enough okay let's take this up a full Rook uh might as well trade yeah the Knight gets trapped okay that was pleasant yeah hopefully we'll have at least a few more staffords before the end of the Stream so top 30 it's hard to work my way up I really need to like try and get on a streak have another scandi play D4 this time go for the sign Bishop there 95 I don't know exact Theory here looks Pleasant though welcome back to Fang Duster hope you're doing well thanks for the bits welcome back to Pure happy 16 months okay let's be aggressive here E5 is probably coming Queen G3 with a pin okay this is essentially a pawn sacrifice I'll lose G4 the hope is I get something in return but maybe it's it's not so simple group D2 and Knight of two is a big threat there now I'm down upon my Pawn sacrifice didn't really work uh before I might as well so it's three on two the goal is to make a passer and then win the race of the past Pawns okay this move so the Knight can venture to C5 perhaps that's a good move uh D5 it's interesting still [Music] um it was very interesting foreign I just played way too slowly towards the end there oh what to do back to the almost meaning of life okay 44th all right let's try and get a streak try and untilt this is the best way to untilt hopefully staff again at the time opponent seems prepared uh or maybe not opponent got a little bit confused here wait now what do I do here this is probably a one way to punish this that's a pork a pin plus a fork okay 13 moves to offered win so far the Safford is unbeatable today I'm delivering me some like quickest wins I feel untilted now yeah I never resign when you have the Stafford gambits oh playing a 3 000 rated plus player interesting I just hung upon that's not good now what have I done and we're trading a lot I mean I probably have to go all out now there there [Music] not the move I wanted to play I really want to play F4 let's try this take okay some kind of tricky trick worked out what's happening though I'm somehow up material now I'm off the exchange Rogue A7 Rook C2 looks strong Rook B8 some issues with the back ring for whites and we'll see Bishop B7 but then I take ah there's that move so I want to play with this move [Music] no okay I'm gonna Rook but one engine blunder or didn't take it foreign I guess that's okay oh no my Rook I was trying to win I mean I can't complain after such a a bad position like I hung up on my my Center was in shambles I was not expecting that game to end in stalemate oh thank you premierco appreciate your words thanks for subbing playing big pirate again play this opponent once before ah that was a scandi game I think Maybe it was one of the first games of the tournament uh start with this and then if F6 I take an H3 wow that doesn't really help though he's still H3 take I take with Pawn I'm almost dropping the knights some weird tactics though yeah there's that move okay A bit more positional now this could be very Raj like I'm not sure how I actually fight for a win I guess I just try and gradually build up on the king side maybe you get in B5 unlucky when it stops it 'd be five let's try to orchestrate B5 Mercure no it doesn't work still so the goal is to eventually play G4 well I have another idea too unlock the king to B3 okay got in G4 if ever G5 not getting much I want to play for a win uh-oh okay looks a little bit stuck how do I do this let's get an F5 I guess you're actually making progress it's taking a while though that's a good move uh oh all the pawns are falling left right and Center okay does that make me a bad person I mean I really tried to like create chances and I got a dirty flag and some type of position where like there's a lot of ideas but it took a while to actually play the ideas uh a couple of people asking for Zen mode um maybe much later still at the point where I've kind of like to know who I'm playing okay playing rain go let's play this again I've been having good success with the Cambridge Springs had this this is I think the third game with uh this opening and we had this line earlier in this E5 line still following the game from earlier so ideas I'm winning back the pawn now earlier is a little bit different because I got some nice pressure on the D file here I think I should Castle I want to play C5 if I get the chance okay this time light's controlling the D file maybe some eventual F4 oh that's a fork there's this move though but then this move so the the pin would prevent me from taking the Rook oh there's this pin too wow and so many pins there there there I mean this looks good Force the bishop back to F1 I guess we just repeat sort of takes I take on C3 it looks good now it looks very good yeah D2 oh there's Queen D4 though um might as well take that's not so simple I got too relaxed what am I doing I might be losing this yeah this is not good uh what to do try this allow the queen that's not good though nice move let's meet wow I'm just losing after Queen A1 though yeah I missed connects connect uh connect five or connect six if you want to count the queen that was unfortunate had a really nice position [Music] okay 50th place um yeah I haven't had much of a streak since uh initial start of the tournament rating has gone down 40 points oh we have a Catalan a new opening I'm gonna play the Ray Robson variation and trade lights for Bishops foreign trying to make progress c3's idea I think it's equal material but uh a bit more pleasant for black E4 cons oof okay I can still tick with knights and defend so D5 Rook C5 okay this is a dream white can shift over venting rookie five yeah at the right moment C3 take okay now it's full domination uh Right Time Muscle stuff holding onto the pond I should still be winning I think I'm going to take this ooh okay and these games take work hey it's Ben and Karen what's up that in Karen I appreciate the raid shout out to Ben and Karen if you're just joining this is uh the spring Marathon um I'm about two hours in and I'm top 50. but been having some tough games so far all right let's try and achieve some D4 I don't really want a queen trade but maybe I do I don't know what I want all right let's take I have a similar type of like grinding position earlier oh thanks to everyone like subbing and resubbing a lot of prime Subs like four Prime Subs in a row a friendly reminder if you have Amazon Prime subscribe for free just like this Pawn okay G5 uh oh it feels so good I play Rook D7 first probably oh let's let's make sure my bases are covered so this one might happen wow look at all these Prime Subs it's a lot of Subs thanks everyone okay Knight D6 is probably gonna happen now but then Bishop B3 wow okay yeah free stuff is always very nice thank you man a lot of people subbing with prime for the first time Frisk widow's Kimmer tamalego bazic rarusi Jim Reiner all right playing Dark gross got a got an early H5 um okay I'm playing a perverse crab trying to pinch my opponent oh uh I'm not sure how special this is it looks special though you might can no longer Castle kingside okay more free stuff can't complain in G5 no need for G5 let's play this and going after the C Pawn there's Knight C4 oh there's a funny line I should have played this first I could have forced a triple Fork okay it's Bobby Briggs gifting five thank you Bobby I do appreciate all the hype okay and all the more free things C3 I just take with the Knights it's a fork but it's also like Unstoppable discovery okay that was pleasant so I'm on a streak of some sort okay muscle memory is taking over playing on London oh yes uh what's Happening Here Queen A3 so I'm pinning defending against scary things not sure what just happened there okay this is working out though this is a pin of my night getting trapped my Bishop's getting trapped but I win a pawn wow wow what is this game what is this it's just Castle within that nf2 oh no my Rook wait what was just happening wait I'm down on time no my time dull my reading oh it's so sad oh I'm playing coach Raven shout out to coach Raven but also sometimes streams Oops I did not mean to play F6 but maybe it's Justified okay so this is uh probably not a great position for me but it's playable fancy dull my thing no I'm missing things Let's Go full aggro now okay that's a double attack threatening made in one somehow this is actually not so bad for me that's a great move hmm I don't know what's happening anymore crazy crazy game this should be good for me oops I don't know if it's good for me anymore okay that somehow turned out to be good for me oh dear oh top 30. that was a crazy game like at some point I blundered a piece but then uh it was kind of a Gambit and then I don't know what happened okay another bullet game um why I did that uh foreign ah a little bit slow what to do a little bit too weak as well as difficult position in the middle game somehow I held on it wasn't meant to be 33rd we'll try and get to 100 points playing a hub another London uh this is a fun one this is a reverse Cambridge Springs uh E6 is a move there's a line here take take and then Bishop A6 which is winning here I think wait what's the line here take huh I forgot the line try this okay this is one idea just to expand on the king's side it's a fancy move and I defend B2 from a distance wait what take so I want a piece uh I guess let's move in Crazy position [Music] let's get out of there the pieces are scattered wow should still be okay the pawns attack three times and that keeps me safe I have 19 seconds I have to make a loose first there we go okay that wasn't easy oh man oh where am I the 31st Place Stafford Gava time we had this line earlier this is a fun one this is very fun oh no White's Queen okay I think I'm still undefeated with the Stafford a lot of quick wins with the sapphire too this is a fun line in the London there's Knight C6 here Queen E8 let's start with this I'm just pushing the H Pawn yeah I'm okay with the trade of knights the King on D2 actually if takes maybe bishop H6 first Queen side Castle uh take take yeah this is a discovered attack so up upon life is pretty good [Music] that's a funny move if takes takes the E5 square is cleared for the queen oh kind of forgot about that still looks good but it's super simple oh it doesn't work though Queen C7 Rook D7 takes Queen E5 F6 takes the queen defends uh so G4 and still looks good maybe you got Connect Four [Music] um take take 25 Block's gonna be stuck like after Queen on Fates king of it wait a minute friends first preventing Queen D3 it might not be the best technique it should be winning though oops okay now it's just a mess though I allowed perpetual no oh wow opponent doesn't go for it it's a risk okay that was a weird King Pawn ending man well I could have forced to draw but yeah the the bad decision led to a better story I guess or it was a good decision to play for win just yeah not enough time for black okay uh berserk back E4 so top 20 oh no my Pawn okay I'm going full Gambit mode the more pawns I lose the more open files I gain opponent maybe has the same philosophy oops I'm getting forked ah okay let me try and get some compensation here the more pieces I lose the last pieces I have to blunder always have to look on the right side hitting this Pawn and this Pawn okay should be winning now okay that was a weird game 17th Place so I have 96 points leader has 164. wow okay let's try and get revenge on this opponent lost to them earlier okay this is a nice trap okay 13 move win That's a classic track for that opening 12th Place past 100 points uh no berserking play D4 trying to be tricky with the move order got the bishop here probably not anything too special for whites uh yeah the Block's probably slightly for choice but this is a classic structure we're gonna five okay going for chibos um yeah the cheapos don't work how's my queen doing foreign very passive what else to do it was actually a very difficult position about explaining this well I'm trying to hold on I don't think it's losing Kingdom ending you're barely holding on really might be winning now this is winning okay man I was getting tortured for most of that game I got a very passive position somehow kept surviving and like the king pong ending I think my opponent just over pushed 11th Place uh okay never played this opponent before Sicilian time yeah so this is a typical maneuver oh I should have taken the bishop we were both moving too quickly there oh what to do I have to slow down a little bit really a lot of trains there not the move I wanted to play but I hold on to the extra Pawn eventually I want to get in B4 and Bishop C2 really Queen E5 huh uh what to do foreign way too much time let's go okay just enough time there oh man yeah I think opponent was going like playing too much on the clock and probably could have gradually flagged me okay I have a long winning streak uh I've played 43 games so far playing Soul tie again mix up the opening a little bit and time on of time d695 yeah trading a bit or not [Music] no draw F6 is questionable it's interesting though I didn't see five oh I'm in trouble yeah this is a big trouble there there try something good game ah what to do yeah F6 was probably a very questionable move okay what's the best way to untilt oh this is not quite a Stafford although maybe it will resemble a Stafford or maybe that's just a kind of an equal middle game I don't mind this like Bishop G4 reminds me of a marshall threatening to trap the queen there's some F5 actually don't see how to maximize Advantage here it should be good but take some patience actually this is pretty good that pawn should fall um [Music] still not simple [Music] you know why I went for this H6 maybe this is why so I'm winning dock upon up two pawns now okay so this little oh I was about to say this will be an instructive end game how to win with G and H Pawn but I guess we won't see it somewhere on YouTube I have a endgame lecture showing how to win that position okay this is a fun line E4 so opening up the position having the bishop hair uh there is Queen E5 defending both Pawns okay this should be very good now Bishop E3 I'll just develop taking almost works let's keep the bishop pair I'm dreaming of some tactics oh my knight Salman Khan ambulance oh but actually my knight G5 I have this move though what's happening so both Queens are hanging like Queen defends a bishop takes takes is probably a good trade for me if the queen Retreats I take here and there's a pin so I think this is okay oh Queen E7 okay Life Goes On a nice time advantage I think my opponent Burns a lot of time earlier trying to navigate through the chaos I'm gonna take on the A7 start with this not sure what H4 was but I made Luft okay I think at some point I'm gonna take a break maybe even end the Stream um because it's past dinner time and it's been a while since I've had food Bishop A3 wow the new opening just trying to play solidly here follow some principles the guy hung upon uh take take oh it's just a trade it takes life work that's fortunate maybe threatening this just be solid first so I'm hitting the Knight almost trapping the knights Knights are very tricky I think I want to take and then take if I get the chance I can find this and this okay that was a tricky game I'm top 10. Life Goes On tonight C3 it's a fun line this is a very tricky line of jobava London I mean black could transpose into some main lines there's Knight C6 whose takes yeah so there's a line takes takes takes takes E5 I feel like I've encountered this before like Bishop B5 I mean visually it looks very nice I am not sure what black does here there's two big threats if takes takes I win material uh thank you earlier to markadarka donk well it's key seven um if I take and then here King F6 may be coming wait what's happening Queen side Castle and just giving away The Rook although Bishop G2 Knight F3 takes her Rook it's made in two this is a fun decision sometime Checkmate in one that's also uh what quadruple Fork okay that was a very pleasant opening oh playing Soul tie again do I berserk how berserk but what opening do I play play D6 going through all my Sicilian lines oh this one it's a tricky move order maybe losing a pawn I lost upon but treating it as a gamut I have to be really really careful at this move so why can't Castle the one side Castle's other side take take I know what's happening anymore [Music] half pawns defended from a distance foreign okay why why go for a technique when you can Spike check oh man hey it's Nate Brady appreciate the rain hope you had a good stream if you're just joining I think this was my longest game 101 moves oh all right crossed some number isn't there some move cap on like games you can request analysis on are you not feeling well I'm a little bit under the weather I mentioned this at the very beginning of the Stream I don't know if people can tell based on my voice 100 accuracy it was very short-lived maybe towards the end of the game though 99 accuracy oh it's so funny because oh wait no 82 percent I thought because it's such a long game it just increases accuracy but not quite okay top ten oh playing a high rated player play some qgd exchange variation earlier my opponent fell for this trap this time it's not happening usually the Queen's on C2 by now I guess White's managed to not have to play A3 does usually played in these lines yeah F4 is a good move um I get away with sacking probably not yeah this is where I just hunkered down and go for some gradual expansion White's played the opening well because Knight should be on D6 if I play 94 we trade doesn't work G4 is a terrifying move I guess I'll play this really hunkering down King h8 I'd get mated wow what play from light so I don't want to open the file I guess I played this scary position Queen F5 might be coming or that move wow yeah Queen F5 is coming soon there's a force meat though I block on F6 that's a good move I have this move ah Queen G8 yeah I'm getting torn apart uh okay King will go for a stroll trying to find some shelter not the best shelter though oh he's played this really well I'm not even taking the pawn [Music] hey it's a skewer I feel accomplished wow I don't feel so accomplished I have so little time oh no my king yeah well you played really well in that game did I stand a chance what was my Improvement you can see two F4 F4 is a good move yeah Queen F5 first would have been more destructive but yeah the whole game white was in control [Music] okay still top ten um I want to eat soon so I think what I'll do is if I lose a game I end the Stream because I'm hungry so if I keep winning I guess I keep streaming this is a fun line a nice London trap thank you suds okay not ending the stream after that one still in eighth place thank you it's a rock fact s earlier to Gaston LV 17. oh I'm playing the same opponent okay let's try and get revenge if I lose I end this stream uh let's play this line okay E4 yeah this is some theory that I forget I Bishop D7 I may have already gone wrong like this might be completely fine for black and just try and develop keeping some time Edge hmm maybe threatening this wow I'm getting on Play It Again take uh it doesn't work I have a desperate move logical move really I blundered maybe some comp no no comp uh what to do if takes with stalemate oh no it's not stalemate oh so it's Checkmate okay oh no my stream okay it's time for dinner uh thanks everyone for watching made it almost almost three hours I'm I'm pausing not gonna retire from the entire tournament and just a brief pause uh I imagine when I come back I'll be out of top ten okay so I've what did I do I streamed about three hours of this tournament when it first began um if you're watching in the future on YouTube it's very possible I'll be combining the first part and this part into a single a singular video and the the entire video might be close to 12 hours I think YouTube has an upload limit of 12 hours but I do plan to play about the remaining nine hours so we'll see what happens when I pause a tournament about what 10 hours ago 11 hours ago uh I was in the top ten now I'm I'm still in the top 900. so maybe about like half hour or two hour in I'll run a prediction of what place I might finish but yeah I paused with 135 points currently the leader has 780 points so I have some work to do but top 10 still less than 500 so I got 135 points over the course of like just under three hours so if I do the math nine hours maybe 500 tournament points would be a reasonable goal um I am a little bit under the weather I have some kind of mix of like a cold and allergies so at some point I might talk less but I'm still alive and that's what matters I have some tea I also have some water so okay no more wasting time that's hot in and here we go playing alakyne Fisher uh staff for Gambit time still offering okay we'll have some sort of like symmetrical Italian so after D3 I like to play G5 and just go full attack because inclusion of H3 makes it much easier to open the file the use can mean so essentially white has to allow the bishop to come in or have to move the knights now Knight T4 is a massive threat yeah life is pretty good here in Queen E3 I could take but I think after Queen E3 Knight H5 is a bit stronger just setting up this and this no mercy I think this goes to show the power of the early like G5 G4 there is no need to Castle so if Rook G1 I could start with the queen H4 but maybe even better to take here first actually no Queen H4 or G8 take and then Fork in the end so here here here here takes takes fork and then win the queen okay 13 move win to start the beginning of the finale in my previous game I did lose previous stream ended with uh if I lose a game I end the Stream thank you Fang Duster trying to create a hype train welcome back to ponziani scheme I'll play the same opening so this time we might transpose into Stafford and we do I had a couple games yesterday with Bishop uh Bishop C4 so with this line going for Knight G4 H file is now open d4s may be coming you can play this though Knight G3 Queen H7 maybe still Queen H7 so Bishop Ford defending Bishop D6 attacking foreign oh no my Bishop I'm trying to figure out the final blow here not sure if this works actually white could take looks dangerous though I think after it takes I play Queen E4 F3 take take and then Queen g2's a main threat okay threatening three different things thank you stockfish thank you Fame Duster we officially have a hype train okay 16 move win no mercy a couple fun similar openings from the back pieces like very aggressive openings all right let's play Knight C3 from Bishop B5 I don't think I played the sign yet this tournaments just a Grand Prix attack Queenie one okay trying to lock down the queen side first hmm some tension okay now I'm feeling very good and two different pawns attacked uh I might as well take so Queen takes I play Bishop E3 yeah no mercy here when the night moves I take and the Knight F6 comes like really no mercy uh there's this funny move attacking the Knight and Pawn so I'm up three pawns and the exchange okay my longest game thus far this stream that was pleasant though playing ion Ahmed uh we'll play E4 again welcome back to CDR Siri happy 20 months subbing a tier two okay we'll play the setup with Queen F3 yeah Bishop C5 is just losing a tempo Bishop D7 it's a strange move because usually the Knight likes to come into play all right so I'm trying to set up a queen trap like Bishop G5 is now a major threat oh no blocks Queen yeah a lot of people would automatically take the bishop but Queen is more valuable thank you phyla thank you Benji chess I do appreciate the resubs I have a mute a mutes learned I I have alerts muted just to try and stay more focused um so I might miss various alerts but I do appreciate the support okay sagging upon at Bishop B2 I play Rook B1 and win the pawn back or not pleasant for black just want to check needs G6 I take the bishop okay the pawn can't be defended hitting this bishop open the H file try and swing the queen in or the rook in okay maybe one goal is to get back to the 2800 rating um not too far away have a lot of goals here thank you Mama Dev a first time Prime sub okay Stafford Canada time I'm still undefeated with Stafford this tournament as far as I know so the third time this tournament uh I was playing Bishop C4 and the the two previous games and this game all featuring the same line yeah this is double check no mercy here I'll have to make a compilation of like all these staffer games it's been it's been at least like five so far three from that line a few more from a different line but I think still showing to Be an Effective opening especially at this time control okay playing Tony realist it's berserk I want it to berserk okay uh time odds I guess I'll I'll take it I feel a little bit bad can I sack Knight F7 Queen H5 uh maybe not let's just play solidly preventing Bishop G4 I'm playing like very prophylactically the early h3a3 that move I forgot about life is pretty good here solid setup at the Rooks in made into the problem for black is this bishop and black would like to do this stuff still controlling space oh What's Happening Here oh no locks Queen got some fun pawns okay I feel a little bit bad I didn't berserk generally if the opponent of the zerks I'll berserk back I guess I should hit the berserk button before playing the first move there's not too many usernames that are four characters long also this is my first time encountering the Polish this tournament F4 F4 take I actually don't know the theory though they'll just be safe wait Queen here here 's another three let's do it let's have some fun there's a funny line uh Knight of three so I'll play F6 okay never mind I was imagining like my queen would come to E3 and exploit the PIN okay preventing light from castling interesting position so now I'm threatening this a lot of pins in this position pawns pinned this Pawn was pinned the night was supposed to be pinned but it moved so what's happening I think I can take and then take I think I'm winning a pawn here unless Bishop takes no then I installing upon so the point is after takes takes a rook defends a bishop oh okay I still want to pawn to the sign and just leave the bishop chilling play this move I should not have put my Knights in such a square it really should have gone here to support the other night foreign I have to sneeze I've gone all this time without sneezing and this position is really nothing to sneeze at and try and hold off might be winning another Pawn there's takes ooh uh okay let's bring the Knight to D6 so two Bishops against two knights Knights are actually pretty well coordinated Knight C4 approaching the time scramble it feels close to meat huh foreign I'll take it welcome back to munchie yeah I will be posting more on the extra Channel kind of got behind with all the travels but so a lot of streams in the pipeline uh play E4 it's been my go-to opening against Carroll Khan lately a two nights attack D4 here or no the sign Bishop Z5 Rook D1 okay I'll go for F5 yeah the Bishops generally like the more open positions on how to do this so I chased away The Rook from defending F7 and now I consume F7 and Black's in big trouble but how do I mate I'm threatening made in one and not immediately winning I might just trade trade everything and take take Bishop G6 doesn't really do anything [Music] okay I'll trade down so up upon now I have two Pawns be careful on the play H4 foreign there is no Fork okay that took some work required some just patience and end game technique uh but we move on top 700 top 650. okay this is a new territory white someone gambiting here I don't think I'm getting punished foreign so this is a threat but this should be okay oh just preventing Knight C3 and Rook B1 is coming okay I want to take the Knight but I want to lose a bishop or okay one's coming okay when I take the knights okay this should be fine now that was very fine hmm okay so staying clean the street trying to break into the top 600. maybe after this game I'll I'll start the prediction [Music] um just so people can major their Channel points guess which place I'll finish in I think this is the first D4 game on this stream there's been a lot of E4 today okay Cambridge Springs time this can be a tricky line if white doesn't know what they're doing it's one of the better lines though if white doesn't know what they're doing I think H6 is like H6 and castling like eventually C5 I'm actually forgetting the theory here odd some B6 move too maybe I start with taking remember one of the main ideas is to trade off my worst Bishop for White's best Bishop there's actually a game that dingler and played this opening is black and beat pragandanda like really nice positional game it featured some similar structure uh okay we'll keep Trading and queen C4 preventing Pawn C4 okay that's a move wait a minute let's not hang a bishop uh I've changed my mind a little bit passive but still solid up some time I don't mind this oh wait how the chance sir I want to do the the caterpillar I contract and then expand I could have probably taken the pawn okay so on a nice streak have not been berserking but maybe that's been a good strategy you your brother things earlier to Trevi uh playing Dennis 44 oh I forgot to run the prediction after this game staff again the time no Queen E7 I don't think is a main line Castle okay blacks I think mindlessly pre-moving now maybe suffering the consequences teotaki asking who I'm rooting for in the world championship if I had to choose probably ding but nepo's a friendly person [Music] it's it's hard to pick a favorite actually but it's been a fun match to watch so far okay so C5 is pretty much forced a Bishop's coming here and that should be lights out for black Queen B5 is very hard to stop okay let me take a small break and I actually already have the prediction set up um hopefully this makes sense so I do plan to try and play the rest of the tournament um let me pause for a moment so there's about eight and a half hours left um and people can choose between five options I'm currently in just within the top 600 so I think these are fair options um this will be a half hour prediction so people can be patient you can measure your your points right away but the prediction won't be awarded until after the tournaments and just to show um wait how many turn points I have 175 um top 10 is over 500. top 30. yeah I'm about 200 points away from Top 30. so I should be able to like pass 400 tournament points by the end of the tournament but people are also going to be rising so it might be hard to to cage we're all finished thank you Purple Penguin first time probably [Music] I know someone was asking about whether I can play some tunes generally I put these Marathon streams on YouTube and then there's all these issues with uh like copyrights but I did actually so recently I signed up for this site it's called epic epidemic sounds and uh it gives me access to a lot of like copyright free Tunes maybe at some point I'll experiment with but it should really be based off chat feedback like if majority of people want tunes and chats then uh maybe I'll listen okay we have a Blackboard Deemer so this is the line I like to play against BlackMart gamer giving back the pawn but after takes uh this Pawn's a bit weak wait I could have taken this Pawn though I think I already messed this up oops yeah I messed us up I'm gonna be down upon I got confused on the bright side of this Pawn is a little bit weak oh no my Pawn okay this is getting interesting now I think I'm trapping the bishop yeah White's a little bit slow with like the typical A4 A5 break let's pin the knights thank you wild basics I could take your first might as well just trying to make sure white doesn't have any compensation the bishop's still trapped it takes I'd probably take with knights oh no my other Pawn that pawn was probably free okay Bishop T5 oops what did I just do I was a little bit careless should still be okay but uh wasn't necessary okay timely resignation okay still undefeated this stream I'm playing Felipe played once before I think we played maybe last night or no I played Felipe when they were rated 1475. is this my first D4 of the stream it might be London time I have to sneeze excuse me man this position is still nothing to sneeze at thank you chat for blessing me and saluting me wow no mercy here want to play Rook D7 yeah Doc's using some initiative so I'm up a full Queen and plenty of Pawns yeah it was worth giving away The Rook for Bishop lost Defenders for the Locking okay here we go um go back to E4 this is a very positional approach okay this is also a very typical tactic latex G5 Queen's undefended and if takes I take your first with check yeah this Pawn should fall eventually I see a request for two nights Tango I could I don't think I played that yet this tournament oh boy and these dark swears so juicy I think I just take on F7 and win like all the pawns and mate actually I have no need to take any Pawns okay uh moving on okay if D4 lights Tango if E4 [Music] staff or Gambit time okay Italian time I'm cure Bishop G4 I'm just going over the classic Knight T4 I'll get the bishop hair I think I missed a chance to take the knights I'm delaying castling it's taking actually work I'm a little bit too curious because I'm threatening this okay this works after the game I want to check with engine though uh H5 okay I'll just trade I'll play this first yeah there's many times where these socks on each three are like very dubious uh real quick I should have taken here Mr chance although it's probably not that bad for whites maybe it is bad okay so the engine would defend this but only move d4 which makes sense just blocking the bishop am I queen and I can only do so much okay back to tournament question from cloud blood good have you ever gotten been so badly by an opening that you started playing that opening yourself I can think of at least one example um when I was younger like rated around 2000 I lost a really one-sided game to the schliemen of the Spanish like Bishop B5 and F5 oh okay we have the sign uh let me try and remember my theory this is a vukovich Gambit this is a move probably a few moves there though supposed to take it's been a while since I looked at the theory here yeah this is terrifying I'm up two pieces though interesting this is the sharpest line in ponziani I think it's almost refutation of the ponziani that uh trying to hold on Knight to cover his D2 thankfully thank you I'm still up two pieces or two Palms things like Knight C4 Queen B5 B3 should be a solid Construction five might be coming ooh wow very tricky I think everything's okay up a lot of material now a rook and knights okay yeah that was a that was a tricky game generally this opening it's it's one of these things like it's terrifying but if white doesn't get mated and holds onto material then white should be better but there's a lot of theory that I think we both forgot so I gained a rating point for that game top 500 keep moving on yeah this is already Pleasant here I've trapped the bishop ooh why he wants to try my Bishop you just want to win the pawn and maybe later again in Knight F3 I have three runs into Queen E3 foreign although where's my I guess I just win the night covering G7 foreign okay um I'm gonna take a small break and I'll be right back I'm back I got some uh one of these like lasange things hopefully we'll soothe the throat a little bit there was a sub from Anjali how do you manage the figure of yourself after a massive an important blunder I kind of struggle with this and it makes me not want to play chess much anymore yeah the thing thing to realize is blundering is part of the game like if you play enough chess it's gonna happen of course you want to like minimize it as much as possible I talk a little bit about how to deal with it in my round two recap from Reykjavik it was a video titled chassis stressful it was a game that I was like crashing a GM I had multiple like easy wins I miss um I ended up losing and it's so important to just take away lessons from every game and kind of shifts the mindset uh just keep learning and enjoying enjoying playing and ultimately like that mindset will probably help you reach your full potential rather than just focusing on like winning or rating okay back to tournaments almost 200 terminal points uh playing Resident douche should I keep pentatonic I'll keep pentatonic for one game I mean um because I'm gonna consume this uh cough drop thing so I might uh not talk as much let me put the mic further away so you don't hear like um oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let me turn off pentatonic I was in control most of that game and I plungered a piece but still had enough time that determent hello to Brad I slept like so so um yeah like not not my best sleep but that's okay I got a few hours worth oh hello to everyone named Brad gotta be at least a few Brads watching okay let's Castle let me go for E5 yeah an event of takes takes the knights pinned to the pawn Knight G4 I probably play Bishop B5 Chuck maybe this so it looks like I'm losing a pawn but I'm not because of Bishops tied down to defending the knights huh okay so takes takes takes there's division E5 I think you real life actuary another first time Prime okay smooth game foreign I've lost track of how many games in a row I've won but still undefeated the Stream oh thank you earlier to ipala and cola mix I appreciate the subs and Onyx a dog okay I'm not gonna suck on each three especially after King H2 but I'll still go for this uh kingside attack which is my heart rate monitor just stop updating and got disconnected sorry about that or maybe I've been consistently beating at 91 beats per minute hmm I want to play G3 let's play G3 so it's more of a long-term positional sacrifice ponds are doubled would be like steady pressure on the G file okay led to a quick tactic there because if we got to a situation where I allow white to play G3 then I can't access the square so it's basically removing the pawn so I have use of the square and the file and they pay off okay all berserk I think this is the first double berserk game in the Stream uh Latvian gambits let's play this I'm out of any sort of prep I don't know what I've done here shouldn't be too bad though or is it foreign oh I think I've reached a peak heart rate for this stream oh okay hey it's hashtag chess reading in a nice time shout out to hashtag chess I appreciate the rain have to cool down after that one thank you Erica Amy let me uh let me actually check the opening because this is a lafian Gambit but with Knight C6 it's like um a lot viewing combined with a Stafford oh just Queen H5 here Queen H5 how does this work G6 take maybe it's a little bit tricky though Rook G8 it's actually like an interesting variation I'm probably still worth calling into is white okay back to tournaments if you're just joining this is a spring Marathon I have not streamed the whole thing but uh or about hour and 15 minutes into the Stream uh there was a request earlier for knight's Tango but can only play Knights Tango after C4 and move two so we have one of these like a Torre attack resembles a London though yeah this is already pretty Pleasant a very typical idea and now the plan is to just go after the G3 Pawn not super easy to defend his white I guess Knight F1 will come but still a very pleasant position so if I take I feel like I'm spoiled for Choice F5 looks interesting so now that our file's open gee G4 the problem for white is there's some eventual pin or eventual Fork okay Pleasant game still working my way up playing Georgie this is a tricky line Bishop C4 opponent doesn't know it I think I'll take and then 95 simplify a little bit this light's a little bit weirdly placed okay now it's happily placed a very happily placed so E5 Queen D4 check he's still Queen D4 and rookie next Pawn should fall it's falling down the board East Africa there is Knight E4 here we trade a little bit okay let's take and wow what a move oh no my queen okay yeah I know D3 was hanging earlier I probably could have taken it I was more interested in winning the epon okay top 400. I still have my original tea from while I brewed before the Stream Queen C7 what do they call this like the rats it is a kind of solid setup for Black but white should be happy I think I just forgot about this Pawn oops black also forgot about the pawn I'm just a blind spot on A5 I mean I forgot the pawn was hanging but my opponent forgot the pawn could take diagonally okay up a piece here going after B6 thank you forcing gay tricks uh oh I did have Rook E3 so it wasn't that bad I just have to always be careful with the queen in King of lines some idea Rook A7 Mickey tricky wait why did I do that okay I'm losing that material I forgot my night was pinned if I took I'd get pinned and lose a queen but I'm up uh I'm still on material oh even after Bishop E3 up enough foreign foreign again I'm not feeling 100 but uh still trying to power through um still on the streak if anyone wants to count and tell me how many teams I've won in a row that would be nice but we keep going we'll play E4 I'll play a two nights attack transposing into Rubenstein Bishop D4 this is generally a pleasant already threatening to take and take the other way with taken take let's try it it's risky I have not like calculated fully uh let's meet in a few I think I think King G8 was best I think it was just winning for black although I'm not sure wait let me analyze okay I got the quick win but after yeah after King G8 oh this has been played before oh White's doing okay ah because Queen F4 Queen F5 I win the bishop apparently Rook ft and I don't have a win okay it paid off I think you remove happy eight months so top 350 the win streak continues so this is some kind of like Rivers London okay comfy position pieces are happy um yeah this move threatening made into okay a nice little tactic What place would you like to finish in I mean first place would be nice but I'm kind of far away from that I have 236 turbo points first has just under 900 okay ponziani time oh the prediction is over we did have a half hour long prediction of what place people are guessing I'll finish I think most people voted for like between 50 and 100. which I think is reasonable can I take I really want to take I mean Knight G5 is perhaps a little bit more controlled but this is a little bit more fun not a typical tactic like this is similar to a Greek gift but mainly exploiting the fact that this Pawn is uh undefended okay a quick win having a good number of Quick wins today playing classic wait Daniel fired shots at ponziani Daniel played the ponziani and U.S championships he drew like an almost super GM but it is an opening with maybe some limitations good very high levels of box prepared it can be a little bit uncomfortable for whites but at lower levels it's I think a great great beginner opening okay so this is a Ray Robinson variation of the Catalan um kind of an obscure line I'm losing back upon well I can take twice if white takes here I take on D4 I did have this line once last night the first part of the tournament that I streamed we have a very similar position to so it's equal material the black should be for choice E4 might be coming so I'm trying to discourage E4 by targeting the d-pawn no more back rank issues some idea of playing C3 okay now that you Pawn is backwards half open file but how does it make progress hmm probably not the best approach there oh it's going to be a time scramble I think I'm winning now okay that took some work took a lot of work um getting a rating point for that I'll take it trying to climb into the top 300. 7 hours and 41 minutes to go playing mcangel okay this is a barbin variation [Music] um the E3 I think A6 and then B6 essentially getting a pleasant setup so I can see the bishop here I'm not sure if the Knight belongs on e4 and maybe it's okay let's try it I might regret this it was very closely getting traps but F3 okay those are almost Free Pawn C7 hangs and then Knight G5 we're both trying to attack on the king side okay Knight H3 like almost Force mate if takes it's made in two oh uh Queen G4 is not made into now it's mates okay yeah position got weird I don't think 95 is supposed to be good let me check it though so I'm not supposed to take just continue with developing okay okay um E4 question from baby Yoda how many chess books have you read so far when growing up I had probably a few dozen chess books in my my household but I think it was pretty rare that I would finish a single book but I read bits and pieces of a lot of different books kind of based on what I wanted to learn whether it's tactics or strategy you're going through like high level games I have a very similar position earlier like almost exact same position I went for the Greek gift um this time I'll be a little bit more cautious although here yeah here I don't think it works but we'll still be aggressive foreign it's too interesting to pass up so after takes takes Rook of Southern's Forest and then Bishop G6 okay this is an eight and two yeah these attacks are like so vicious from the um from this opening is very dangerous opening to play in in Blitz maybe the sacrifice was dubious but okay I worked out berserking so we have a bullet game somehow I'm winning a piece here even though white was more active I still have to be careful though oh I'll check with King I know let's take with rook and then win F2 still have to be careful and just be extra safe oh this should be okay I think so I'm hitting the queen and threatening mates got a little bit tricky there yeah yeah there's no no mating idea D is covered by The Rook okay so the win streak continues that 31 wins in a row wow playing the zlog name full Bill gator oh I forgot to play Knights Tango sorry to the person who's been waiting for me to play that okay this is a fun one I'm getting a lot of like quick traps today oh it's so pleasant hey it's John what's up John asking about bungee jumping I don't think I've ever been bungee jumping in my life maybe someday all right so I'm up upon still takes a bit of work to convert um take with Queen oh okay I can take on F2 but with a wallet and Bishop E3 will fall okay the queen just wants to come to H2 Pawn wants to come to E3 so here here not immediately winning thankfully my queen was not trapped what is this position or the Kings on G4 threatening some Rook F4 now um it takes a lot of work objectively box should be better because pawns are weak I'm down on time yeah all I need to do is win me too some really loud thunder outside okay that took work oh man okay it continues yeah I think it's been a good choice to not berserk playing an ortho shotgabit now it's gonna be a risky opening to play sometimes the opponent's handling this well or are they seven looks good for light I can take on wait what's Happening Here I think I'll take your first and then 97. oh that's a move I'm probably not better here but it's equal material okay I'll make an outpost um and box played as well so far 's a little bit weak foreign oh wow does this work it might be okay for me yeah this is working out Dole is it still working out Maybe foreign there we go okay that was a tough game probably my toughest game so far this stream I was really really close okay I gained a reading point for that opponent played really well though neutralize the ortho schnapp okay we have a knight's Tango my first night's Tango D5 is generally not supposed to be great but okay if I take I lose a thing there's reminiscent of an alkyne I think white could play the four pawns attack I think I'd like to get the bishop here I'm gonna go for this attack [Music] um never mind uh maybe you still do something like Bishop F2 Queen H3 wow if I take so Bishop f2i Bishop takes F3 thank you Panther appreciate the first time Prime oh yeah somehow we traded off a lot and I'm up two Pawns yeah this Pawn is backwards ideas to attack it with everything can't quite Win It I can win B2 play B6 first just ensuring there's no counter play and light has a lot of outpost squares what's my plan to make progress I guess I'll win on time or B4 is one idea C6 okay although win streak continues 244 top 250. we'll play E4 let's play a new opening G3 it's like a weird version of uh Kings a new attack C3 okay eventually I'd like to play B4 G5 is probably coming and preventing the four getting the file some Queen A7 maybe I should have considered like Queen A7 here threatening made in one not so easy for black uh that's a good move take yeah D3 is hanging I think this is okay it might not be okay Knight C6 here here Rook B8 uh okay this should be fine though but still tricky so I'm down the exchange this is not good for me like holding on for dear life now some Rook B7 okay that was a miss finding this now there we go very tricky game okay welcome back to cool grapes happy 22 and mapper the 18. almost lost my streak there that was a close one all right let's play this I could take taking Queen A4 some potential targets here excuse me uh this position is nothing to sneeze at almost every position is nothing disease at thanks again for blessing me I feel so blessed so how to do this I guess this move threatening Rook B8 foreign that puts me at 277 tournament points uh trying to approach the top 200. let's just see my stats real quick 85 win rates um see I did lose some games in my previous stream average a point rating 2251 performance rating is less than my current rating it's trying to climb back to 2800 and yeah if you're just joining the stream this is a 24-hour long tournament I played the first like about three hours that I slept and I'm back for hopefully the remaining hours playing handle X uh I'll play D5 I'll go back to the usual London opening haven't actually faced too many londons foreign H5 [Music] [Music] haven't seen that H4 before [Music] allowing this I think it's okay though five because if H5 Queens like castling it gets weird Bishop D3 a very strange position should be good for luck take I mean might as well try and open the center Queen A5 like White's pieces are all kind of stuck The Rook can't move visual can't move Knights pins to The Rook it's a full party on the queen side I even have this move wow so take says this move I assume that's working although I'm not sure this should be working King D1 [Music] oh oh wow everything's hanging The Rook still attacked but the king's in trouble what a funny game wow I'm down upon my position still looks good now it's equal material now I'm up upon up on time too okay that was a cool game oh I have a new another tab open so another game just started okay let me turn off pentatonic so I think it slows me down a little bit we'll play D5 no London we have uh benoni that's typical idea in 1985 I think I'd like to get this set up Queen on F2 have this battery feels like a standstill on on the queen side box is moving back and forth maybe this idea something gradually improving I'm gaining time too hmm foreign there everything's still controlled okay pretty solid game a lot of maneuvering in the whole game uh gained two reading points for that thank you Jarl Carl five months okay I think this is my highest rated opponents so far this stream or maybe not maybe I'd not sure though okay let's play B5 yeah this is a case where I just try and hold on to the pawn it gets weird though White's gonna try and poke in prod I've lost track of my streak if someone wants to like count the number of games I've won uh feel free to do so take care C6 is defended yeah so that was another Free Pawn oops um it was not a good move should still be okay but not something to allow okay I'm still up a pawn before maybe coming next 97. it's a knight's pinned kind of wow Rook C7 okay I think everything's okay thank you Thomas Martin Knight happy 26 months foreign [Music] still not trivial oh foreign tricky ending almost let it slip okay let me keep it going I'll play E4 been playing a lot more E4 today I'm playing the Four Knights E3 A5 wow wait does this work so with A5 included I think it's just a better version hmm but how does it go there there this first a confusing position [Music] Queen side casting is probably a move yeah we're trading a lot this move first and then if I take it's still just a fair trade there's a trick though like Queen D5 take take Bishop G7 so Queen D6 is probably necessary a very confusing situation though uh you know this move no draw I'm okay going into this ending because Fox pawns are a bit fixed on dark squares ah okay I have this move there's almost solve Knox problems it's much easier to play this for white as this Pawn gets fixed objectively it still might be a draw but okay maybe this yeah I got the outside passer okay this is interesting end game weird opening though I'm curious after Bishop D7 what's White's best move castling I'm supposed to take first on C6 okay hey it's Pam welcome back happy 32 months a fox a fox says my streak so far is 39 wow okay I'll try and keep it up um let's play a wing Gambit how about haven't played this yet so I'm down the pawn but there's less pressure on the center I think I can trade off the Bishops I think already threatening these ideas and even if A6 I still play Knight B5 because of the PIN so A6 Bishop D3 there's Rook B8 take take I think I just saved the knights that didn't quite work out question what's your Peak feeder rating um it's like 24 20 something [Music] but that was back in 2015. I had a series of like really good tournaments I hadn't haven't gotten close to 2400s in a while okay eventually I want to play F4 maybe later at five if one person that file opens I'm see if takes I play Knight E3 [Music] hey someone's getting merch thank you someone how to do this takes this bishop B5 first if ever it takes I take on D5 yeah these pawns are immaculate oh no my Pawn okay interesting finish to the game also fun opening a very joyful opening top 200. playing fish defend Staffing avatime we'll see how much my opponent knows here this is not considered to be the most challenging line for black um it might already be like preferable for luck but it's still tricky it takes it would be six castle maybe go for C5 light squares are vulnerable F6 yeah so Knight F3 Queen E4 is winning or is it 91 oh there's a funny line 91 Queen G2 oh no my queen let me make sure it works though Queen G2 takes takes King G1 checkmate oh no my queen that's a cool idea you don't see too often allowing Knight takes G2 open the file yeah there's one legal move here so I think I'm still undefeated with uh the Stafford that was a fun one okay don't play in Chicago okay oh my streak I have to win to keep my streak alive yeah we always go into this line let's see what he has in store this time um there's a D3 first yeah with a pawn there Vlog might win it back but I have before in store E4 idea G4 probably Rook C1 probably Castle here New York fc1 and event of D4 giving up A2 C4 and this first I take not good kind of nice position to foreign there is one still me trick takes takes at stalemate oh there goes my winning streak what to do good game though I had a great position and then yeah this queen C4 move was very strong light burns a lot of time I mean I probably just have to give up the b-pawn and maybe it was better decision to keep cleans on the porn yeah Queen E3 what to do Life Goes On I try and rebuild my streak that may have been my best streak ever I think there's a way to check like in the chest stats Okay so on the threat I gotta watch my time pon's been playing very quickly oh thank you teotaki I don't have time to look at the question now um of the twin games I think this is okay very shaky though I'll find a G5 or F5 Queen G5 Maybe if white does nothing I just keep pushing my a pawn okay the square looks very juicy let's just defend first foreign I really gotta watch my time still pushing this game took work okay oh thanks for the consolation bucks do you feel you become stronger since you playing since you started playing OTB again um yeah I feel a little bit more Sharp like generally when I play OTB tournaments and then come back to playing online feels like I'm I'm seeing things of it more clearly it's definitely helpful like something about playing long OTV chess can really help build like intuition and sharpness when it comes to Blitz and bullets okay so this is a classic setup for a two nights attack I'm going for this idea hmm if we trade Knight G6 still trying to attack on the king side even though Black's probably casting Queen's side it makes her happy not sure what to do here you see foreign prepared the ventral B4 the queen of seven hmm yeah I'll gamble the pawn either C6 is coming or Bishop A3 that's a free Queen okay thanks uh to more people to Theodore who too big faster than lightly yeah we have a new streak opponents taking their time taking a lot of time okay ponziani time we're going to see the vukovic cabinet again oh no we see this one oh we see this one it was like the classic ponziani trap uh what's the line Queen B6 is like a tricky move but yeah here we takes takes and then Fork yeah Queen B6 is a main threat so what's the best approach I mean I'm up a pawn most people don't find Queen V6 so I'm taking my time here probably just an id4 Knight D4 and then Bishop E3 I wasn't sure about Queen G4 F5 because if it takes F2 would have been hanging but now it works and ponziani has been treating me well thus far uh I guess I'll win the queen oh my queen okay I'm still up of a rook the nice thing about being up so much material paying a queen I'm still up a lot uh like to Checkmate somehow it's actually very close to meeting okay I'll get the F maybe not get the fork wait let me watch my time I'll simplify I've been playing this game kind of mindlessly oh there we go okay yeah this is like a very classic opening trap I assume there's been over 50 000 games let's see wow seventy thousand yeah Bishop B5 is uh is winning oops uh wait where's back to tournament back to tournament yeah maybe not the cleanest conversion there but okay building a new streak that's three in a row um play E5 offering a Stafford oh Bishop B5 is the loss of tempo this could transpose into like some Italian [Music] yeah this is Italian territory I should not have allowed this move okay now it should be okay uh it's a regain Focus foreign only two Defenders I can have up to five attackers maybe even six attackers I guess there's some counter play like Queen D6 in the end I have Rook C8 uh how to do this play this I might lose back the pawn but I might not foreign Queen B7 Queen C8 trade with me please so I'm basically preventing the eventual Queen E7 and we go into the same line and there's no more Queen E7 because my King's on f8 two pawns attacked oh no my Rook okay game two rating points for that you're actually working my way back to 2 800. I just see I've played 99 games this tournament is this my 100th game try and make accounts uh yeah I'm trapping The Rook now okay one Bishop B2 I don't have to take it right away just going for some confusion eventually I want to play like maybe B4 and C5 F5 might be coming Bishop E4 white still has some practical chances pawn store him in Knights it does look a little bit scary like nights out of play hmm I'm getting a fort what to do okay maybe I'm not getting forked still very tricky though I'm still allowing it like okay now I have this move this move it's terrifying foreign maybe it's okay though it's not good losing the queen okay opponent miss queen E7 okay oh man oh what just happened there okay I was in big trouble like why you probably had multiple wins but I'll take it uh the new streak continues 160. six hours left six hours and 27 minutes left okay critical London line Queen B2 is a bit more critical I feel like I had this recently um I went for the same idea I'm pretty sure it's a funny idea so basically a trade but now the d-pawn's weak Bishops hits still some pressure foreign is necessary take let's just win upon okay the plan is Bishop B1 Queen D3 and queen H7 checkmates or maybe I I could just win D6 and then sack thank you Badger lock yeah I wanted to play this and this but Queen does defend now this is a big threat Rook B6 yeah so win back material I'll keep it simple okay trying to get to 150. oh playing a high rated player who I drew once before I'm going into this line okay what's happening foreign [Music] it's close to a draw but I feel like there's some winning chances here [Music] foreign [Music] oh we drew by repetition oops ah a little bit too slow to work on my mating technique with King and Rook uh got the winning position to well that's the first draw of the Stream wow yeah I was in time by like one tempo there just a little bit too slow okay no raiding lost or gained have a job London haven't had one of these in a while yeah the Deep one I guess just Falls I have to be very careful here uh what to do six as a threat is this a move this might be a move almost looks like I'm losing a queen but Knight B3 Queen B3 Queen defends A2 oh that move I didn't see but it's okay or is it okay it's equal material welcome back to Bracken Dawson happy 50 months uh oh okay this should be okay although what's happening oh this is very okay oh no my vision okay that worked out nicely oh you're running a marathon tomorrow oh good luck wow I had the idea of like getting a treadmill and for the next marathon like have the treadmill in my stream setup and then run a marathon while playing movie Just Marathon so that that would probably be a big challenge okay what am I doing here a five I want to play this trying to prepare G5 hmm if I play G4 it does closing Zone maybe that wasn't the best option I'm not feeling great here foreign [Music] I think I can hold my ground imagining some days sagging on like E5 okay opponent socks first I'm liking my chances now Tricky Tricky okay I'm trying some triangulation there at the end I was in trouble that game but we keep going almost top 150. playing bubaling who I've drawn every time that we've played oh they're the person who dirty flagged me and that King Rook ending okay time for Revenge hopefully this is new territory wait this is good territory I think or is it wait what's happening or is it bad territory I'm in trouble what to do but how much trouble or am I in trouble I lose a queen maybe it's okay foreign and rather not draw but I might have to a five no I'm not this move yeah I think it's just a drum unless my opponent plays on I'm down on time foreign how long can this game go oh my time okay oh what to do Gigi I should have taken the draw but then we wouldn't have such entertainment there okay I think that was my longest game of the tournament I was playing English opening yeah I got dirty Flags again this is a fun line okay this might already be problematic for black okay I just want to hold on to the pawn not easy to win the pond at some point the bishop will defend at some point I should make new tea too see his reached room temperature also castle at some points so this Pawn is actually a Target not easy to defend okay it was a nice English I won't play the English again been cycling through a lot of different openings yeah that's a free Pawn okay I probably should have played Bishop G5 there that's okay developed normally I'm not on an epic winning streak unfortunately unless you count my one game winning streak uh okay I'm just gonna play a waiting game I'm waiting for some opportunity okay G4 G4 wins a piece black will take um I have to be a little bit careful but the black queen can't come in I'm controlling all the squares Queen G5 looks nice and it's an all-you-can-eat buffet all over the board the courses keep coming okay oh yeah I felt like Pac-Man I keep eating the small dots okay 150. playing the person in 14th uh let's mix it up this is called the Vlog Mustang transposing into a reverse puritz I think I win a pawn here all right going after C2 I have to be careful Rook D1 uh okay this first thank you and Knight doesn't have too many squares like Knight D2 and then I take and life is good Fork there's a funny idea to play this move takes and Rook d8 I'm just consolidating I don't own a Mustang unfortunately maybe someday though that's a good move yeah not the car or the horse uh okay let's move a little bit quicker so up a pawn it takes work foreign I had good chances there even late into the end game although here yeah here it's already tricky I think I have to take or Bishop Bishop B3 and then walk the king and okay GG though yeah I couldn't quite convert the extra Pawn oh no my streak again the Life Goes On um been playing a lot of different things against our French let's play uh another two nights attack a lot of people are entering this line yeah we might both Castle Queen side I think I've discouraged back from casting King's side although A5 it's a sign that will probably have a shark game oh King's just chilling in the center situations like this I probably want to look for ways to open the center like C4 G5 oops okay that's not a good sign uh blundering things all right how to create chances I won't need down a rook take take no queensry just yet although I'm lying Bishop G5 uh it's not good the hope is that the block can't activate the Rooks that's a very big hope thank you uh Chinese oh okay well that's that's one reason to play on when being down a lot of material Miracles sometimes happen okay playing joyful scooter again [Music] last game was pretty joyful okay one of these again I've had a few opponents fall for this trap A4 doesn't really help because the whole idea is to get the Knight to B4 which do I want to go for here I guess I will okay a delayed version of this uh same trap so the point is G5 and The Bishop's trapped yeah difficult position for whites probably the best move is this takes takes Queen G5 and then sack apologies again this position is really nothing to sneeze at and look at this King okay I could take the pawn but is there a better approach it's actually a funny line Knight D3 Queen D3 Bishop F5 Queen takes F5 Rook E3 checkmate okay that was a very joyful game thanks again chat for blessing me okay oh we had this line before oh I remember that game yeah that was a crazy game opponent of blunder the d-pawn and then I blundered back uh just Castle although wait no I have to be careful the bishop B7 first uh oh if I play this and there's this move so I have to play this which is maybe okay I'm still up upon just some weirdness happening on the queen side I think you just goofy appreciate the five dollars okay you have to be very careful here Queen G5 eventually I just want to like push the C Pawn especially see one Queen H5 thank you Crosby 87 goats gifting to Dex DX how to do this take take I'll just push okay the Knight is entering the game wow not sure what's happening anymore I think things are under control still I'm just getting a little bit crazy okay so this attacks us and this chicks takes just play this okay oh that was close oh man um I'm gonna take a small break again it's a long tournament okay [Music] I refilled some tea she got some energy bar too which I just ate half of welcome to all the pickles a lot of people saying pickle okay joining again okay pentatonic for for one game but it makes me sleepy so I have to make sure I I don't fall asleep too soon okay let's play a bishop B5 check um I'll play the Slime Bishop A4 as what I played in Iceland against a strong GM [Music] wow A5 [Music] this looks nice takes takes this is okay so it takes takes Knight C3 Queen C2 takes Bishop moves or this line I'm in the pawn oops I'm in some trouble here actually in a lot of trouble ah that was not a good move Queen two is possible 22 is still possible or cleaning one's possible now what to do [Music] I have two's falling take have to try this foreign [Music] okay can you remove the sound please your wish is my command da what am I doing oh yeah sound okay back to normal and trying to rebound here I got a little bit too relaxed that game okay I think tea is brewed for long enough uh sure blizzard back yeah really [Music] um some compensation okay I think a draw is a fair result that game okay oh my to my finger disconnected again it did okay my heart rate was higher than 77 there thank you Google thank you to gooberfish happy five months oh my opponent there was in second place wow okay some strange opening it's already Pleasant for whites and this pin is uh pretty lethal Rook D1 coming or queen side castling coming also threading this so both Bishops are pinned on the center files maybe has an opportunity to take or maybe not take take yeah this is just a dream position like black is pretty much completely paralyzed okay 15 move win yeah I'm trying to climb my way to the top hundred it's a very gradual Journey we have some Kali system I'm making a chart some G5 ideas lingering yeah A6 B6 I think is fine for me if I take twice wow Chuck I'll need next move or at least in a few moves okay a nice quick win I'm gonna finish my energy bar so I'm gonna move the mic away from my my face we'll have a quiet game foreign thank you foreign foreign I would have liked to say oh no my queen a mic was a little bit too far away yeah this is a cool opening I discovered this like 10 years ago it was all prepped through bc3 and engine will give like a small Edge for white which means like there's full compensation okay moving on 134 actually I discovered this opening after encountering it from a black side and I got crushed and then I learned it from the white side let's play in English like the few games I played English I had decent results but here we have a qgd I usually play the box side of this position hey it's someone getting merch thank you someone yeah this is Pleasant like usually black does not Castle Queen side in these lines so unleashing the bishop on F2 wow okay the choices here and this looks nice try and overpower the knights Bishop D6 and Bishop B6 is coming it's important not to overthink I'm just trying to keep the game going in a lot of issues still in Black's position okay four attackers Knight's pinned only three Defenders wow where's my smothered means start by taking I guess I'll just simplify like everything [Music] I'll be up two Pawns in the end I'm down a little bit of time okay oh it wasn't easy the opponent resisted a lot there we have a new streak I'm playing for a win engine does not like this for black but it's interesting especially after Rook H2 okay either the engine will say black has to take the draw like Queen D4 only move Knight G3 is already plus four for white but the risk paid off still undefeated with the Staffing thank you Silo Simon okay playing for me never played this upon before oh it's Stafford gamut time okay let me show it to how to actually refute the Stafford it feels bad doing this but Stafford is objectively not a good opening uh okay it feels kind of good position is so nice for white black didn't play the most like challenging line though it could have gotten a little bit more messy I think A2 is briefly hanging there no mercy of that game uh playing this opponent they beat me at some point then I got revenge oops okay uh Cambridge Springs time now we have a typical qgd Exchange usually the Queen's on C2 by now I'm not sure if it makes a difference the plan is to play this and this and get the bishop hair so E4 with the queen on C2 there's Knight F4 um now I have this up a tempo Play Bishop G4 so it should be in decent shape to attack on the king side and white was trying to play position on the queen side this Pawn is perhaps a long-term weakness I'm just trying to throw the kitchen sink at my opponent all the pieces coming into play G3 is coming your Rook A3 I'm just trying to generate something more pressure oh no my Pawn actually made it is hanging um allowing light to take it the plan was just Rook T8 another plan is this and this I'm playing a little bit recklessly here but maybe it'll pay off I think okay two on the horizon foreign got the job done almost top 100. over five hours left okay play the main line uh what's the line here take some Bishop here opponent actually knows the theory here not too many people know Bishop E7 still a playable position oops meant to play Queen E2 threading a triple Fork down on time but am I just mating I might just be meeting if it takes its mates all right let's hack finally works yeah one interesting thing about when you're threatening a triple Fork in this case like black couldn't get out of it only one piece can move at a time but then I didn't go for the Triple Fork because the King was more valuable okay the apology is it's hard to keep up with chat I can only do so much at once especially after like so much chess uh all right let's play 906 and maybe Knights Tango maybe not have like a what is this opening uh Bishop Bishop G5 never mind variation I think I just want to trade Bishops and sure I'll wait for white to take I'll leave some tension but eventually like trade in 95 or not maybe Queen D5 that's very close to equal but if anything maybe there's some small push oh okay so I'm gonna lose the C Pawn but I get the Rook to A2 and there's this and this or this and this I think this maybe so it's a bit stuck a king can perhaps walk in can you two I take the pawn it was a cool end game I was down the pond but a White's been very paralyzed it's still not simple though okay I have to defend E6 maybe it is simple winning the pawn that's four on two I should play E5 there and go back okay back to this situation okay yeah maid is coming okay pleasant game my heart's still beating don't worry thank you scary Pac-Man okay playing Luca uh berserk back two nights attack oh no my queen yeah no one Falls for that except maybe a few people playing this losing this maybe we're both trying to attack on the king side okay wow I have to give back the queen I guess I do well played from Black oh there's a funny uh it's not working though oh no my Pawn I was almost background mated I had Bishop G1 though okay how did you get the pre-moves in wasn't super simple oh I had Queen G4 yeah maybe I missed Queen G4 there the fatigue is kind of setting in but hey I'm top hundred okay been playing a lot of this as tournaments in Cambridge Springs yeah this is pretty harmless um I think I can still play this gopher takes in C5 I have the bishop here Queen can maybe swing over this bishop wants to find a home on a long diagonal hmm I'd like to attack in Queen G5 and start pushing H Pawn just abandoning the pawn looks really close to being really good again abandoning upon I want to play Rook T2 or maybe even this move in Knight T2 Rook D2 0.92 and tricky threats and essentially I just want to remove the thing from defending the other thing wow take take I know this works uh well maybe it's okay though 93 I remove one thing so this thing's not defended after it takes takes King F1 Rook D2 then there's Queen B5 and I take the Knight so yeah this should be fine and Pawn's kind of scary but my attack should also be scary okay defending what's up Gary good to see you if you're just joining it's been a lot of Chess so far but I'm I'm in the top hundred 382 tournament points 94th Place Destroyer one of us is about to get destroyed I'll play this tricky line A6 E5 I think this is already preferable for lights like the bishop serves the purpose of discouraging Knight C6 okay let's play Bishop G5 and queen D2 some G4 idea wow I have a lot of choices here in G4 there's Bishop D5 maybe bishop D5 first and then G4 just so there's no like counter play lights trapped but there's G5 G5 take take Rook G1 okay F6 is coming so I didn't win a piece I could still equal material but now now I'm winning a piece oh Knights attacked um okay we'll play a very positionally I think group D2 and eventually maybe push the H Pawn C2 is defended enough times I've forged my knights with my Pawn it's a defensive Fork okay foreign ERS today but I'm I'm focusing on the marathon it's a more um more prestigious event It's a larger tournament never played this up on the before and staff for gamma time this line people usually don't go for the line here is 94 Queen E2 takes that's also a line I think I can just Castle so I went back the pawn uh oh I really just allow that there's almost 93 and G3 take take my G3 might be my best try I got too comfortable at least it takes a little bit of work for white to win the knights you might will have a what two pieces for rook and pawn probably uh yeah my Knights are gone are lived a good life probably could have been treated better I want to keep my Bishop I want to trade darks were Bishops easier said than done at least the position is kind of stabilized I'm not sure what my plan is maybe I am sure okay it's a tactical gift up on time and finally a material okay now anything can happen back to equal material uh there there King G8 okay I'm winning the bishop what a messy game it's still tricky too King wants to come to C6 okay very messy game I'll take it though I went a little bit astray in the opening there uh I'll take let's set up to play Let's play this one eventually want to play C5 um good move there it takes takes not sure if I can make C5 work um I think I just do it I'll be down the pond but at least I can breathe a little bit and the Knight can come to C6 perhaps so block hands and defends Queen can come to B5 or maybe not scared about my king sign maybe it's okay though wow I don't see the maybe I do see the point take your rook and Bishop are hanging this Rooks attack now God move fast faster not good okay I'm happy with the draw there I think I was on the back foot that whole game thank you shabbat Benji I appreciate the the sub and the words okay uh London time uh Free Pawn two Pawns maybe being a little bit too safe yeah getting kind of passive should probably get back upon just Castle I'm not proud with the way I handled this but Life Goes On me a five man I'm trying to untangle it's not easy though Bishop's really misplaced am I Bishop getting trapped in this move and D4 if necessary on Queen F5 though wow what's happening um that is not so clear let's do it because it looks fun it's really not so clear oh dear this doesn't work at all oh my gosh no ah I'm so angry I've rage paused okay let's rejoin what to do yeah I went for a line that I probably just shouldn't have okay tilt berserk okay B4 was not necessary ooh this looks fun okay that's how it's untilt I'm untilted now type 90 playing hub Play the song that Quincy it's uh I think considered to be better just because of this idea haven't played this in a while haven't looked at this in a while um of this move Rook D1 so I'm threatening to take twice and then play C4 back threat remains we might see Knight five B6 right really if I take and then take okay I'm on a piece as an opening success okay again three reading points for that so almost 400 tournament points top 20 and still above 500. I'm going to the sign I think the move is Knight H2 don't fully remember though it's two there maybe this first and now issue is now a threat it's getting spicy there there just preserve the bishop first I should have taken oh actually this is fine H2 is vulnerable but there's C5 coming so there's a D4 first I wanted to take but I wasn't sure and this should be good now okay I think I just play this just abandon the whole Queen sign if Queen takes B7 I sacrifice The Rook actually both Rooks both Rooks because after it takes King D7 takes I checkmate otherwise I have Rook H1 checkmates if only I could say the Rooks with more enthusiasm oh it's such a funny position though it was a fun attack King G7 I could sacrifice the queen wait does that work takes nah let's let's be civil only sacrificing the Rooks I wanted to play Queen Dick's G3 checkmates okay that was a fun game oh yeah the screen has to shake intensely okay [Music] I just minimized all my windows okay uh let's play this top 80. play C4 [Music] it was a tricky move order play A3 first taking my time wait a minute H3 I want to play D4 eventually Knight D4 okay now I want to play B4 eventually tracking upon Maybe C4 is still hanging potentially actually we have a very chill position [Music] and both sides are relatively solid [Music] I have a slightly worse Bishop but some b-file pressure I want to play Rook G2 I'm not too concerned about this battery b-files blocked the Rooks might Shuffle over yeah so G5 G5 is interesting calculating Rook here takes hmm I'm taking way too much time I don't know what to do though in D4 allows Bishop C4 but it's interesting foreign my Bishop's so sad yeah I'm all playing wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it yes okay oh that's the first uh classic stalemate trap of this tournament oh it didn't have to wait too long for it okay I'm so happy The Physician was so sad there and my Bishops didn't come to life okay slaw the sevens here in two seven seven seven seven seven seven seven okay wow interesting Gambit well it has compensation my Bishop's stuck gradually trying to untangle I think I'll just sack the The Rook it was this idea it's a funny idea threatening made in one I had Bishop F3 but Bishop age one is funnier yeah that defends but now in this move wow look at the harmony of the pieces so many long-distance relationships okay that was a fun game okay ponziani time another vukovic Gambit what's the line here Rook G1 I think there's a few moves here I always forget the theory after a certain point this looks okay I'm up a piece all right I mean the king is kind of just enjoying the open world 94's maybe coming I mean really I just want a complete development I really want to punish this Knight in this move now all right this move c596 Knight g496 there's a crazy line uh Bishop C4 I'm just leaving the Knight chilling if it takes takes I win the queen light's still trapped uh now I can take on C5 some back rank ideas Queen F5 Bishop D3 don't know my queen someone called ambulance but not for me yeah black is losing a queen or getting Maiden oh okay that was a cool game it's my second time running into this opening against panziani and it's very very sharp but it shows that like as black if you play this you really have to know how to get full compensation [Music] um because yeah it's sometimes fun being up material all right I'll keep playing E4 and let's play oh this is a what Levy was playing against me in our match about a year ago I think I'm supposed to take oh my Bishop's supposed to be here though okay I lost a tempo okay I have the bishop pair probably not quite threatening the sack but that's a potential idea I think G5 is a concession although F5 might be coming if I would hang the pawn okay no Queen trade just yet and now it looks like I'm winning a pawn oh there's this move okay things are really closing down I'm trying to open things up a little bit a small trick yeah this way blacks left with some weak Pawn we might see the exchange stock otherwise I just cleanly win the pawn oh maybe I don't yeah maybe it's still like roughly equal materials equal this Pawn could be weak it's a very strategic ending I have a slightly better Bishop at least ideas Rook G4 [Music] that's still Pleasant ooh The Rook worms its way in poking and prodding thank you okay that took work the poking paid off I've lost track if I've lost a game in the Stafford I had like a long winning streak with Saturn and keep it up this is not like a true Stafford accepted a pleasant position have the bishop here that's hard to resolve for whites although Queen D3 is a move that's also a move can I take not worth it okay another off the color Bishop position coming up in Queen H4 some F6 try this here here I couldn't play that five first perhaps I'm trying to break the defenses somehow there's an idea uh takes after it takes Bishop E4 although that doesn't work anymore never mind well the queen on D1 it would have worked um so this Pawn a weakness or a strength Bishop A3 is a big threat I think I'm threatening to take in Bishop E4 and there's Queen takes yeah it's still very tricky but now I'm threatening this and this essentially winning the pawn uh oh just blender everything wow I just gave away everything as a mating that I have this move though the queen is somehow safe uh but maybe not safe What's Happening Here well it has at least perpetual I feel so dirty oh what a crazy game and queen D3 was not a good move it's incredible that my king just has no Escape I wanted to play H5 it takes King H6 and G5 checkmates so I think King age seven was the best try yeah and then it should be a draw objectively but then I had to keep giving checks yeah I like game okay thank you Francis Wayne happy five months so 70 first place top 20 is still very far away okay we have one of these yeah they used to get the Knight to C5 and it's a positional battle foreign this might be a good move G5 was very unexpected all right so B5 I think the queen wants to do things on the king side okay I'm thinking I have to take this move that wasn't good allowing this it's still a fight I'm worse here A5 oh yeah yeah let's try this gotta run with a pawn some counter play I might be winning am I winning here I don't see the defense for a buck I guess that could take but then I shouldn't be worse oh there's this line too it sounds like with the King I think this should be winning because my king will walk all the way up and then find shelter on E7 oh maybe it's not winning it's not winning there's my king go okay black was desperate hard position to move quickly um wow yeah it turned around like weirdly quickly black had to be really careful of the pawn like around here after H3 maybe Rook C2 Rook C2 and then get the rook in okay play E4 have appearance transpose back into the usually when I play from a London there's some E5 ideas yeah trying to set up E5 Blackhand Castle hmm you know takes I had made okay creating the battery and the leader has over a thousand points it's crazy hmm F3 no Envision D3 actually not thrilled with the position but oh there's this move I could be in some trouble if black finds it not the easiest move to find though yeah I'd taken play this foreign so hitting the bishop here here here here Queen's out of play three attackers against F7 [Music] blocking the queen the apology is that I really have not been looking much at chat where did Eric go in the UAE uh I played in Abu Dhabi back in August I was also in Dubai for the world championship match all right let's berserk interesting yeah this already looks really nice wow let's start with this check it's kind of like a maze the queen just wants to get to F2 or win a rook uh there there let's win The Rook I am moving a little bit slowly but position makes up for it yeah no more Queen trade ah nice timely resignation okay nice place top 70. stand for again but time declined isn't there a funny line here I'll just take not so tactic well I got another tactic oh F5 is coming I'm the one getting tactic maybe it's okay though still tricky uh ah what to do okay I guess I keep the darks for Bishop and back to equal material we'll have some interesting end game it should be possible to play for a win here although c4d5s coming yeah yeah yeah so preparing this I think I'm just in time wow there foreign I think I have to play this I'm actually not sure about the valuation very tricky ending to try and figure out especially with a little time now I should be in decent shape I've got the password on the queen side okay man that was a very tricky ending I got a reading point for that playing fish defend again last game they couldn't really defend against my attack oh that was a fun staff organic Queen sack game oh what opening am I playing here playing like some Scotch Goring Gambit allowing def actually no that was fine yeah position seems fine um C5 Knight B5 going after this Pawn I think you see back happy seven months okay a lot of things vulnerable for black I want to do cool things but this just calls for some patience okay now let's do some cool things oh no my queen so Queen D4 Queen G6 not completely over it looks good though I want to play Rook G7 soon and this first so we're threatening made into and time to Rick lift okay okay 66th um slowly but surely trying to break my way into the top 50. I'll play E4 again as Stafford declines good for black yeah generally it's slightly better like objectively it's essentially a Petrov but white has lost a tempo so it's it's usually black having more fun I was supposed to play Knight D2 to F1 before castling I don't play these lines too often uh I think I went a little bit wrong there but maybe it's not so bad just a little bit less space the night's coming here [Music] yeah not the most Pleasant situation night's still coming in she takes a knight D4 in his wins something I think yeah this is not good for me Brooke here is my best try so I'm down the pond that could be worse at least my pieces have found like decent homes up at a time that's a good move take take let's try this actually let's not go too crazy I'll try this another five is a nice threat essentially trapping The Rook G6 would not stop it and it's still just worse here though but I'm up in time using the clock as a weapon just have to survive for a little bit longer oh oh yeah yeah all played from Black okay it's a draw this is proof that chess is just a draw oh man okay opponent football that game like I was under pretty bad pressure G3 I think I can take in C5 okay let me try and defend the pawn okay E5 now let's take some Bishop E3 but this should be roughly equal assuming light takes and wins the pawn back realizing this was probably not a great decision all right it's very quick to get the rook in maybe it's okay though this is Media threats it looks passive but the b-pawn is probably the biggest weakness here yeah it doesn't quite work for me wow good move I'm definitely not better here uh maybe I'm holding the idea to play Bishop A4 so Rook C4 I take ah very difficult position I want to play this move okay trading off one pair of Rooks should be some success and King Pawn ending is probably just a draw I'm definitely not worse here anymore yeah this is just a draw do I go insane oh okay now it's winning for me yeah white white should have just kept trying to repeat and we probably would have repeated okay somehow I won that I was under pressure the whole game oh I think I know this person yeah I know this person it's ilko we met in Romania in 2018 I think super friendly not sure if he's watching but I I hope I'm remembering correctly maybe there's another person with the same name okay we'll see how much Stafford he knows yeah the best move here is not easy to find the best move is E5 and like if you don't know it and don't have enough time it can be hard to actually figure out okay so what's the approach here takes takes I guess I'm just winning material we'll trade it's not the fanciest way to like convert the attack but dull I had ruggage one oops I was still lingering ideas of Rook H1 all right let's play this move I just plunder I just blundered was blocked into a pin okay now what do I have to do to play this probably want to keep those Rooks on the board right now you like trade I guess I trade I mean objectively white smudge powder hmm I can win the pawn that's not good no that's gonna be a draw it's a drug cocaine oh it was a nice opening I'm actually curious was uh I should have just played um Rook H1 [Music] The Rook okay I still got a what a point for that playing this opponent again um go into this this is another like Carol Khan kirganize a knight of six Bishop D3 just trying to be solid here and black is also kind of solid I might get the oh I might get forked that's not good takes takes takes I mean let's go for this yeah the play is getting messy Fox defending that's a move too all right B4 I can take here that's a good move I'm down two pieces I just realized I thought it was only down one piece so two pieces for three Pawns there's not much hope I gotta use my Pawns so they're full potential some tricks come back four maybe coming back for achieved not so simple for black you know how I've managed to make this happen I didn't want to play F6 let me keep my Pawns it's incredible attack like it's just about winning now how I'm winning this wow what just happened so I was down a piece at least in my mind and then I realized I was down two pieces how did that happen sysacton nights oh and I sacked the bishop but then my pawns just became like monstrous wow okay so trying to get back to 2800 from a long journey we have a bullet game oh dude we have a purple King that game we may have emberg being very observant okay let's play this maneuver at some point I'd like to achieve I'll post on D4 coming soon uh it's not meeting moving way too slowly here okay some pressure oh I got mated oops F4 was a tricky move ah I need better board vision okay try and learn my lesson uh I'll play this should be pleasant okay so we both have some damage structure yeah the problem for black is I'm going to invade via the G file there's never Rook G8 okay trying to get back on track wow there's over 22 000 players in this tournament it's a lot of players thank you guys Eagles first time rhyme son okay playing Frank Murat from Lafia I'm playing reverse London a queen is probably better like back where it came from foreign typical break here E4 was a bit committal it's interesting but this Pawn is going to be a long-term weakness I have the D5 Square now I mean take on E5 we trade everything [Music] wait what am I thinking that loses a piece okay let's play G5 first yeah white has three Defenders maybe this I'm going to transfer the bishop to E7 thank you to Elton Speculator another first time run go to be careful here let me just gradually improve G6 King G7 okay this should be nice yeah all these pawns are gonna fall unless my Bishop gets trapped have to be a little bit careful oops was I not careful I think it's still okay though ready to win the pawn okay I'm playing Dark Hunter supposed to work back on this line yeah there's some crazy lines here um that doesn't work at all it does it Maybe it could be working maybe it's working it's a very theoretical variation of London yeah double pin okay let me check that line real quick uh I mean we were following like Master Theory there's a Wesley Soul game here so I'm supposed to take ah so Queen C5 is not a good move Queen A3 is the best move or queen A5 is the best move and then castling okay Bishop G7 Knight C4 wow what is this uh just take and okay uh good to know okay on the streak three in a row okay we have a London but from a different side and I wants to be on A5 or on A4 let's start with this okay now Begins the night maneuver I'll try the pair of Rooks but not all the Rooks okay B2 is the Target now still tricky there's pressure but I want to actually make progress this actually looks promising King G3 I have rookie two I should be winning another Pawn discouraging Knight B4 this is maybe not the best technique okay now we force a trade okay pay has received our Bailey thanks for the rain I didn't realize that was two minutes ago I've been so focused on these games uh do appreciate it shout out to nasif it's a former Webster teammate of mine let me uh spelled his name incorrectly hope you had a good stream so if you're just joining this is a 2023 spring Marathon I've played for many many hours about five and a half hours into the Stream I played for about three three hours last night so it's been a lot of chess currently 56th out of like 20 something thousand people okay this should all be fine Knight C1 4 H5 coming oh I missed a free rook oops I actually like I was hanging for two moves too I was wondering why I've never seen this idea but Brook was just hanging oops okay at least I can find other free material yeah Connect Four trapping the bishop uh play G4 okay the top 20 is still very far away we have another bullet game yeah this is supposed to be better for black I think well maybe it's just playable for both sides okay this is looking nice little weird configuration here how's my Rook doing okay I don't trade foreign that was a funny mate okay ah thank you cue psycho first time Prime thank you Bubba okay berserk we'll play the sign yeah a lot of the players are not prepared for Knight C3 I'll take and play E4 um okay nice eight move win almost top 50. the goal is top 30. that was like the best spot in the prediction I ran prediction ended about a few hours ago okay going for this attack I'm transposing into some kind of dragon I kind of sack the knights there's also Knight C6 which is interesting I think I'll start with Knight C6 and then 97 and then H5 seems like a difficult position for black okay there goes the queen I think a lot of my opponents have been playing for much longer than I have like I've been playing for a long time but it's possible some people have been playing for the last 20 hours so as the tournament goes on it's so much easier for players to suffer from fatigue and hallucinations and queen blunders there's a fun line G5 F4 maybe not quite happening okay it's Queen side Castle F5 would be a fun move to get in yeah hopefully not lullaby intention so light's pinned now the Bishops pinned Dole okay that's one check I just didn't see it coming thankfully my queen was not hot enough too H4 I've actually prepared this in the past I forget what I prepared though okay let's just push I think I'm supposed to take trying to use a square yeah it'd be nice to trade lights for Bishops because then D3 becomes a lot weaker Bishop take first okay just trying to make the pieces happy Rook G2 on the horizon proxy8 and this move might be threatening Knight D3 Queen G3 not rushing though feels very wrong giving away the bishop but now Knight D3 I'll try it let's have it in Queen takes there there King runs to D2 like your Rook G2 looks good Bishop's pinned I have the C file play this move idea Bishop G4 okay that's a good move hmm I've gone terribly wrong okay well that could have gone much more wrong somehow managed to get the flag yeah my attack backfired I think I was a little bit too fancy there all right this is a fun line hitting the g-pawn it's one of these like tricky London lines that's black doesn't have to allow but when black does allow it can be pleasant um I think F3 four Bishop D3 first now we're trading a lot I'm Gonna Keep Queens on the board dark Spurs are a bit weak my Pawn I think the pawn is poisonous because here and then I sack and then mate there is this move that then takes and here it was a funny line okay threatening this maybe so it's equal material but my Rooks are more active they're they're the black ones should Checkmate me let's just play this and then Rook C7 it's actually still very tricky black should be the one under pressure and Rook F7 is coming and then probably another Pawn oops what did I do okay it's a draw or is it by losing I'm losing oh no draw how they found the win I can't believe I allowed that uh what to do hmm [Music] um though oh so sad I'll just allowed the thing had to keep my Pawn defended yeah some fatigue setting in but okay let's talk berserk opponents Works back try and get back on a happier note okay V for victory play and G3 is a good sign okay oh very fancy I've gone wrong again let's play this no it's not still neat I'm so sad I was setting up a stalemate trick uh that feeling when King takes E6 is played and the game doesn't end because I saw the bishop controlling but it's not it's not a stalemating pattern what to do okay top 50. that's the first time in a long time I've lost two in a row I think let's try and rebound okay Italian time take take and it's not so easy for white to resolve the PIN and H3 will come running this was actually a very pleasant game okay so three hours left 30 is okay so 513 oops okay that was muscle memory I think I'm giving time odds here unless my opponent berserk's back nope foreign maybe it's okay King will run back to where it belongs Now berserking isn't actually that bad at least in a case like this where okay Lock's been spending more time not too far down on time Bishop C2 Bishop D3 foreign still some work to do I think I just want to start pushing the d-pawn but the queen on D4 you know this is not perpetual okay got some berserking points there um do I continue well my opponent berserk back maybe not yeah this is probably a bad decision Pawn takes usually the bishop takes foreign all right okay got some more Biz working points um I'm gonna take another small break uh let me pause the tournament and reflect on how many games I've played played 160 games maybe I'll get to 200 at some point okay rejoining I got some coconut water organic also transparent partly all right let's play E4 and is this the person who plays the the googanity or no okay two nights um yeah this line I know I'm supposed to take and I think just like D3 and play the setup I haven't looked at this line in a while I vaguely remember some Hikaru fantasy of game but it was probably a bit different um okay allowing the trade D4 when Pawn can't be taken okay sagging the b-pawn was mostly intuitive but just trying to get the pawns rolling wow somehow trap with Bishop okay both Bishops and both Rooks like a dream attacking setup also upper piece wait a minute can be a little bit careful yeah so now I can take and move back unfortunately I can't really discover attack anything all of that things are on light squares this bishop can't attack anything or maybe now can it gotta move a little bit more quickly here so I'm threatening this okay now I can take and check it's a cool mating pattern yeah I got both Rooks smiling on the files okay 44th approaching 500 tournament points okay we'll play this line am I losing a pawn I might be yeah I'm losing upon but after it takes all Castle maybe there's some compensation Queen A3 oh this Pawn's a bit weak now b3i chocolate Rook okay that move was a good move um yeah I'm just down the pawn here maybe still some pressure though the bishop pair offers some compensation wow well played I was under pressure basically the whole game what to do I'm playing geek 76. H5 G6 um very fancy yeah my Bishop's not happy here uh what to do I'm really playing without a plan black is so solid okay maybe now I can do something with the Pawns King comes E4 foreign D5 let's play this first this is a move that's also a move wow foreign just a draw no it's not a draw takes takes King beats a move okay I guess we drew um yeah the night was tricky I infiltrated with my king the black infiltrated with a knight okay so I have about three hours to try and get back or get into the top 30. um maybe doable okay I'm going all out here I want to play E4 the light beat me to it so this is a cool idea because after it takes I've been threatening mates and both Bishops and now everything's hanging okay that worked out nicely I'm playing Carlson a little bit differently I messed up this opening earlier but we have a slightly different line okay all Castle queenside looks Pleasant um looks very pleasant yeah the final few hours of the tournaments we're gonna see probably a lot more blunders a lot more quick games okay a fork is coming okay 43rd no berserking gonna try and get my re oh okay all those work if my opponent berserks I observed back okay this is already Pleasant for whites foreign thanks for the read hope you had a good stream if you're just joining I'm playing the spring Marathon it's a long long tournament I'm trying to stay awake I'm trying to not get too attacked although this is a little bit unsettling I think I'm surviving yeah it was just under three hours to go time scramble incoming foreign [Music] okay I had too little time to figure out how to mate with two queens I had to go for the long distance by checks oh man okay so with one more win I'll break 500 . I actually don't know if this is theory it might be might not be looks okay though complete development yeah this is a usually the structure I like to get into London put the Rook back on the a file B3 I think was maybe a little bit too weakening yeah oh no my Rook I probably could have just taken the pawn wasn't the most necessary move foreign not too far away from zagalko okay no berserking a London time hey I got to 500 points on some achievement I'm not sure if I've ever scored 500 points in Arena tournaments I'm actually not sure what my best like Marathon finishes yeah this looks a little bit shaky at first but uh I think there's enough ways to make the pawn useful because whatever it takes on I'll get some panchain Black's actually a bit stuck here like King side down to a couple things relax just waiting I can wait too yeah maybe each four yeah this is really nice although I have to give back the pawn um I might have to play F4 here there is an idea let's try this bishop G2 ideas to trap The Rook okay still a fight okay let's not get mated I already messed up okay that was close I really like the position for the opening and then something happened playing a strong player actually they're in first place so maybe they're tired I'm kind of tired too though it'll trade a bit yeah okay I'm okay everything's fine okay oh [Music] took down the leader unfortunately they're still leading by a lot 1184 points man I was in trouble that game but my knight proved to be tricky all right jerk um yeah this is Pleasant already in Greek gift okay a quick win eight points away from 2800 okay more people berserking oh no my queen I don't know why I played this opening it's not you it's not good at all but uh it's a funny trick so I'm down upon thank you Tuesday June I appreciate the 1 000 nice win bets okay there's some compensation here maybe The Rook on d8 thank you fing Duster getting closer to talk 30. opponent disconnected briefly there um what's happening I want to take and meet this doesn't work or does it I guess it kind of works okay it was quick enough there that was a confusing game it's fp3 the third welcome back infinity I appreciate the energy could use some energy now I'm uh six hours and 40 minutes into the Stream thank you Gary uh 1 000 Victory bits Hazard with the first time Prime oh I didn't berserk back I was too busy thanking people okay so I have some nice timeouts here uh uh the A3 thank you Christine HP okay this is a fun looking position uh but how to make it even more fun Maybe by losing material the files are now open [Music] um okay I have my sniper Bishop I don't know what my Bishops are doing there there let's take I want to play this move okay let's Castle never too late to Castle thank you fluffy bunny wow okay Bishop's pinned and attacked oh that move didn't work at all oops I thought it was being clever okay maybe Knight's pinned now Chuck what's happening I think I'm gonna win on time okay black was so fast there wow but I was slightly faster also why has my heart rate just stayed at the same beat the whole time at some point I took off my watch and I forgot I took off my watch I don't know why I took off my watch or maybe it's a charges okay thank you banana peel also cheering a thousand bits and evils with us six months okay 34th Place here we go again [Music] um yeah this line it's a tricky liner there's a game between Hikaru and siddler very similar line I think Fiddler played Bishop G4 instead of Knight G4 uh oh I have this move Bishop Athlon I always play Bishop F1 this is terrifying I'm not even threatening to take I guess the plan is to play Bishop G2 which I can't do let's have some staff are Gambit finds double pawns Initiative for black trying to make sure things are intact foreign things are under control now f4 on the horizon I take foreign D5 King G1 which is made in two that's made into okay hey I'm back over 2800. I've broken even for the tournament I started the tournament at 2800 exactly I'll find a strong player now uh let's play this oh no okay how bad is this though There Goes My Queen no that's pretty bad it's really bad young children close your eyes or is it bad yeah it's bad King f8 uh what to do I'll resign soon like right now I played a little bit too quickly there what did I do I I think I was expecting Pawn digs like that's why I basically pre-move D5 with Knight takes I had to Castle okay 27.99 okay no tilting berserk back okay go for G5 oh have a very similar situation earlier one of my earliest games in the tournament okay let's be careful foreign Rook is about to be trapped or just hugged no it's gonna get out um okay and you get the timing down there okay back over 2800 thank you I play Sicilian dragon should I play the Sicilian Dragon next game let's pre-move C5 I'll play Sicilian Dragon regardless of what white plays uh D6 takes okay this is a slightly different line but I can still play a dragon setup it's actually a very pleasant position already some issues for white visit H6 um I was hoping for more still trying to play aggressively wow I really want to punish this move but okay Bishop E6 it takes I open a file takes takes and what if I take here okay let's be a little bit safe still trying to play aggressively that pawn is a very clear Target ing this okay finally got some tactics okay thank you I placed the ceiling Dragon for the inspiration 32nd Place trying to remember the opening we played earlier okay we have a nozzle was a crazy position so much fun it was a sack that's not good let's go okay okay I'm officially gaining rating this tournament I forgot to berserk sorry opponent I'll gladly have time odds I have to cool down after that last game thank you Fame Duster okay some B5 very intuitive sacrifice so takes takes e-file opens um take care first foreign B3 would be tricky okay 31st Place playing light like stop for Gaba time no one's really tested me in this uh the magical line so F3 here Bishop F3 is like kind of the common move these days F4 is a move too with F4 oh it's a line there I just still go for this and this is why I play the Stafford it's it looks dubious White's probably winning objectively but it's so crazy okay I have this move actually might as well just take oh White's probably actually just winning objectively uh oh I have to play this and if I take let's go for this it still gets weird running mate in one to defend everything Rook H3 oh good move I could take the bishop still some counter play take but not much well it's kind of struggling that's still losing though or is it no wow yeah there was a missed work at some point uh in this position okay Stafford gamut is unbeatable oh I was losing like the whole game probably played well am I supposed to do against F4 is white just winning H4 yeah it's just a bad line for black it looks cool at first so Bishop B6 okay oh yeah I remember this bishop B6 and then most people play E5 and then Black's doing fine after Queen G6 okay the Stafford Theory so still over two hours left on the streak this is a tricky line a lot of people wonder D5 Knight B5 Bishop B4 is the best move and then this is usually the follow-up remember there's some Richard report game where he played H4 and like just leaves the king or leaves a rook on each one and they shoot for black castling King sidewalks under Queen E4 although maybe it's playable on a five all right let's have some fun not your conventional way to develop The Rook ooh very fancy so my rook's trapped and I take okay so much regrets it's still playable Maybe still very playable like very very very playable oh let's be careful and this move so I'm kind of pinned a weird situation I'm other Bishop okay should be enough to win oops and this move okay as long as I don't allow a rook have one Jack okay mate is coming okay I'm getting some more rating that you decentralized the first time Prime okay this is the trial that I was talking about in the previous game it was Knight B5 7's hard to defend foreign for two minor pieces okay I'd like to keep things simple still kind of a fight foreign 's a little bit out of it but no need to do anything too crazy Pawn should fall a box very pinned down okay that's a nice streak going 555 29th Place seven minutes or seven hours and 12 minutes into the Stream if you're watching in the future on YouTube let me know if you've made it this far usually it's only like less than two percent of viewers at Mega's to the seven hour mark okay playing the strong player here I've had the sign a few times foreign no need to play A6 A6 B6 if I get the knights F4 the queen can come to H3 leads to some mating ideas my time ticking for don't know I might move there okay having some hallucination oh my queen I had to play Queen G5 oops oh I miss her so much it was such a good position to at least I win connect five a consolation prize I'm so sad now I'll still try and attack it's more fun to attack with the queen uh that's so sad in this move these moves like almost work like really almost works [Music] um and lose most of my hope uh what to do okay oh so sad the the position did have Swindle potential not quite enough all right let's mix up the opening English opening time and qgd yeah we'll play in a very classical Style hmm it's a little bit reminiscent to the like nepo ding game it's A5 setup [Music] I'm not getting much here I eventually want to play like B5 B4 or B4 B5 but it takes patience actually Vlog allowed B4 for a moment and still does and this is what I want it's uh it's actually a very simple example of a minority attack it was two on one trying to induce some weakness and box pawns are a little bit weaker now I'm not sure if I can exploit it and D4 is coming oh that moves ah okay let's play this still be okay why do I keep plundering my queen queens move backwards I'm so sad again yeah that's that's not even stalemate uh I had Pawns uh I had to move my queen there what to do yeah I need to just power through let's not get too tilted what's the best way to untilt do I go full berserk tilt okay if I can win this game I'll hopefully un tilt oh this is opening some weird Kings get it I think I'll try and hold on to the pawn not sure how easy it'll be but King is pretty safe yeah very low risk position now that's a okay not sure if this is the best approach I've really butchered this let's go okay oh that took a lot of work oh man still top 30. playing rage Hunter attack that much time to cool down after that one uh Play Bishop F4 What's Happening Here I burned a lot of time down the piece some small chances wow what's happening now oh let's check Doh I got fort Jack ah I hung a rook well played ah my 2800 reading oh no okay Life Goes On I have to settle down a little bit berserking again oh we've played this line a few times been getting nice positions yeah like really nice positions mailbox just a bit stuck here still takes work I didn't know what to do yeah letting this slip okay I have to be careful I pre-move this because King H7 Queen is stalemate okay oh man okay here we go again so hour and 47 minutes left the E4 uh Carol convoir yeah I've been having good success with this sign wow yeah let's just blow up in the king side and visual G5 uh okay it's not that bad I'm down a piece but there's still compensation I have three pawns for the piece too I've not lost a single Pawn yet oops okay it's not that bad oh foreign okay I was very fortunate there oh man 27.99 so 564 tournament points top 20 will be hard to get berserk not sure if this player berserks back okay I guess not Stafford Gambit Maybe interesting still playing in the style of the Saturn uh it has a little bit ugly though E6 maybe it's not too bad it is a confusing setup here it takes takes if I take with Bishop so this bishop defends D6 from a distance okay winning material somehow this worked out 29 seconds okay that was a cool game like not quite a true staffer Gambit but a lot of like similar ideas okay I'll play the sign I'll reverse bernoni [Music] um I've already gone wrong okay maybe it's salvageable not pleasant though yeah it was just a bad ending still trying to fight down the pond foreign yeah a little bit too slow and too weak there good game though I did plunger from the opening okay 569 all right let's play English this time I'm supposed to take with other Pawn this is playable though okay going for the vengeful D4 and D4 doesn't quite work like D3 and double up Rooks behind the d-pawn hmm Queen is kind of getting stuck that was a bad decision all right Queen is just getting trapped oh dear there there okay let's try this nothing works nothing works uh good move okay let's go for the one last trick ah okay two queens is too many yeah my momentum has slowed down a little bit okay another staffer declined uh 94 no just Bishop B7 so white has a bishop hair and this would be okay oh [Music] yeah we're both missing things maybe it's still okay I'm trying to trade still under pressure though idea of this hey it's chaspara what's up Jasper appreciate the rain if you're just joining I'm approaching the eight hour mark of this stream it's been a long one approaching the final 93 minutes of this tournament trying to hold what looks to be a worse ending but I feel like this is holdable Maybe 96 coming uh I'm still worse here but I have a knight which is known to be sometimes preferable and especially the the quicker the time control laughs that's a good move yeah this is big trouble still trying no don't hurt me die I got hurt good game ah what to do okay still still top 30. uh do I raise berserk I guess I do the only way to untilt yeah my rating briefly crossed 2100 now doctor low okay this is a pleasant position it's easy to play quickly I have the bishop hair all right foreign fight some F4 idea can I take maybe not that's not good still alive barely not really though my Bishop okay bones having some mercy those four Pawns what to do oh no my Rook yeah GG ah what to do okay still top 30. uh that's probably my longest losing streak of the tournament let's bounce happen at some point no more berserking uh even when my opponent has just berserked I'm gonna stay true to my word uh and maybe try and reverse momentum scandi time uh yeah this line is fun thank you Phoenix C6 oh no I've gone terribly wrong again it's not too bad I got two pawns for the piece our phone's taking their sweet time okay yeah the quality of play is really going down uh and I'll only be down and exchange for a pawn wow foreign somehow yeah that wasn't the best move but maybe it's okay I mean black has some issues here oh no my queen but actually my queen after it takes C7 it's winning okay that was a cool topic thank you chimpani thank you a cool I've hovered around the same place for a little bit now uh no berserking let's try and like get back on the streak okay maybe next time if my opponent berserk saw berserk back I feel kind of bad like taking timeouts King D2 opponents going full rage mode with the King I feel slightly offended okay how to control the center I didn't get to feeling cattle but that was the idea of G6 to put the bishop on G7 okay my opponent berserks I berserve back if they don't then I don't okay Stafford gather time can't recall if I played this against this opponent before but we've gone into this line already a few times um Bishop B6 I should have played this actually I just want my Pawn Cube pong Cube achieved okay Bishop G2 is coming oh okay I'll take that my Pawn Cube was indestructible that game okay let's get an ortho orthostnop only played this like once or twice this tournament so the idea of the gamut is to just really get a lot of development um but it still takes work to prove compensation I'm down two Pawns but black setup is a little bit awkward careful I'm gonna be down the pawn unfortunately unless I play this let's play this first okay taking my sweet time to win back D3 if D2 I probably play King C2 yeah I'm still in trouble though 33 is coming I think I have to take down two ponds black has a bishop hair but I have a knight a threatening actually to take in rookie four which is not happening okay some counter play oh good move someone call an ambulance for me I'm pinned wait I have this move I need some tricks still exist not over yet before is a threat this is a threat well there goes my Bishop up a lot of time now it's a pawn race foreign trying to calculate let's go I went for the the end game attack against the king opposition okay I was kind of dirty I'll take it though still 29th Place throwing this okay very positional game now yeah it's a maneuvering game foreign here okay lock finally cracked a little bit oops oops no I'm too slow ah what to do a lot of good position too it wasn't meant to be thank you barkovsky the first time some all right I have to channel my rage into good moves foreign nights have been misplaced so it should be on F6 it's still some pleasant ideas here Bishop G4 coming okay the idea is after it takes I play Knight D4 yeah this is very close to winning just have to watch out about this Pawn I'm up a lot of time here interesting okay thank you barkowsky gifting to Darko appreciate that okay here we go this is a fun Line This is a one of the tricks of early 95 um Black's doing okay still I think King E7 was a better move I'm back's a little bit flustered here okay I think uh Queen 24 wait a minute I have to be careful with how I do this idea is to play B4 also to take on G7 in this case I take on V8 assuming Rook B8 B4 if Knight C3 okay yeah this is nice now um requires a little bit more care though because Queen D6 I think it's better just to Castle first that way I'm not having to deal with all these checks in the line where I take the Rook okay the queen is almost trapped but not quite okay I would like to Checkmate before black flags might be hard to do though maybe I should just play safe too Rook C3 okay let's Rook beef and wait a minute the chuck I've already gone terribly wrong Chuck oh that's not good will hurt me okay my king will just run huh Like the Wind okay not my proudest conversion black got counter play there okay will this stream be a YouTube video yeah um this this stream combined with the previous stream will probably be about a 12 hour YouTube video so stay tuned okay stop for gamma time yeah this is one of the most basic traps foreign [Music] just be solid up a lot of time thank you Alpha Fletcher happy nine months and Von's Von happy 13 months oh let's check I was ready to win the queen wow fancy move okay still 29th oh there's a gap between me and 30th and if I win my next game I can LeapFrog maybe to 26th Place oh playing Soul tie berserk Soul tie usually berserks back but maybe not okay play one of these wait what have I done this is maybe okay I got the bishop here yeah soul Tai beat me ages ago about 20 hours ago maybe I think we played a few times Under Pressure here uh Knight's almost trapped somehow this works out The Accidental tactics I think it's Force mates and it's gonna be made eventually but no need to take the Rook okay a nice little pattern so 26th Place leapfrogged a little bit still very far from top 20 though hour and five minutes to go Stafford Gambit part 20 maybe having a lot of Stafford thus far we have the magical line oh no my Bishop yeah for a while Bishop F3 was like the most recommended move and this is completely winning for white but in this time format it can still be tricky yeah so a lot of people walk into this E5 line or not a lot of people like this is a very specific line but uh I think black is already doing well King G1 was a winning move okay but how to actually win this I take on I think just Bishop D5 The Bishop's pinned F3 has to be played okay let's checkmate okay how many games have gone to like this this full line I looked at this actually a few days ago I was trying to make these lines work King G1 wins actually most people have Fight King G1 E5 looks like so attractive but after Queen F5 um yeah it's not so clear like white has to be super super careful you know Bishop D5 so if F3 Queen D3 I was just winning King G1 oh wow King G1 Rook G2 Bishop F3 yeah winning the queen okay 600. got there with a Stafford I played over 200 games thus far I think this is a record for like most games I've played in a single tournament unless maybe maybe like a bullet Marathon had more okay I've kind of with a different move order than what I usually do so this is a bit more positional [Music] I'd like to get an E4 at some point maybe even D5 and black has some play on The Queen side like not the easiest position to play I should make a looft okay I trade Queens so E5 now could lead to a lot of Trades how is my brain not fried yet it feels kind of fried but I'm just trying to have fun enjoy the games if I stopped having fun I'd probably stopped streaming but still enjoying things the Rooks are about to have a lot of fun on the seventh oh but It's Tricky wow black just in time with boxing time there okay H5 is a tricky move the idea is to play H6 otherwise now I went off salon okay I have a position earlier that I really messed up uh let me try not to mess this one up oh yeah the king's getting mated two different meat threats there's one Chuck maybe a few spy checks thank you to vomberioca happy three months okay 24th Place the most difficult thing is my hand is kind of getting sore like holding the mouse for so long probably not that great for my fingers okay well let's accept the what do they call this nagmundson haven't had a nagman son thus far have I already gone wrong and this moves but then G4 I have no time maybe it's okay though foreign [Music] I have a vague memory of actually studying this take I think I just played through all my nagmanson prep from like ages ago I hung upon though okay thanks for not taking it yeah The Rook will be on G7 defending all the Pawns no I repeated that's a draw oh I was in good shape someone that too what to do okay I've played 204 games so far 24th Place a berserk Stafford Gambit time yeah this line is a good line for white it was H3 line but there's still some pressure oh pressure's Mountain I think I just suck Rook D4 coming or not at night's pinned okay somehow that worked out okay been going back and forth with this opponent I don't think we played the sign yet yeah under a bit of pressure here [Music] okay I want to take because it's risky I'm just losing a pawn what to do F5 Queen E5 Knight G4 queen of five not F2 still some tricks wanna play F6 now too tired to calculate everything just do it and see what happens so if it takes I take the queen take and take the pawn and maybe it's not so bad I'm still probably a little bit worse wait a minute do I have this move and King G7 though almost worked if we have a rook ending wow good move I have to play this still may be okay I'm just maybe hold on to the pawn yeah this should be a draw might just offer a draw unless black wants to play on I'll offer Rook trade wow vlog's playing on okay I'll draw like this oh okay I haven't lost a game in a while will this be uploaded to YouTube uh yes it might take a long time to upload though it's gonna be a lot of gigabytes if you're watching in the future on YouTube please like And subscribe this is a small token for the amount of effort it's going to take to post this video to YouTube okay defending the pawn I kind of forgot that we both berserked to be I feel a little bit slow here my position is very winning like very winning okay opponent was kind of fast maybe I missed something easier there okay I haven't seen this one before I think E5 was a mouse slip that's interesting though are more interesting for white again I'm a little bit slow but trying to get the job done I have a lot of Queens okay 6 16. oh playing Drago again I usually like to play okay I'll lose it back going into one of these I don't know what's happening wait I'm just getting meat no I'm not Queen here I Checkmate first oh something's in my eye oh it's irritating wow stop hurting me no no my thing I have a nice position too what to do I've had good games against Chicago [Music] my last scheme against this opponent they walked their King to H5 let's see what they do this time no there's like a t I still have some coconut water yeah this line doesn't strike the same punch Bishop B7 is interesting wow okay so we have some end game battle or queenless middle game foreign wants to draw I want reading though I mean I'm probably a little bit worse here but it's a three result game the night will stand happily on D4 um yeah this might turn sour very quickly uh oh yeah this is not good let's take maybe some counter play wow and B4 some counter played maybe I should have taken the draw but maybe wait what is this takes wow so that works um Checkmate is that Checkmate that's Checkmate wow it's checkmate I found man in the morning okay it's just out of nowhere I wasn't even thinking about checkmates wow okay that's why you turn down draw offers all right B4 wasn't Checkmate because Rook takes B4 and then I would be in check was some discover check try playing vovichas we have a Time lifetime score I think I just allow the capture oops we have a tactics are in my favor there uh let's play this it still takes work this move it's actually not so simple yeah this is gonna be a mess foreign take side Knight F6 okay there's a tornado warning do people hear that I have to run and probably take shelter uh wait we didn't repeat what just happened is there actually a tornado warning tornado warning take shelter now in a basement ah I might have to leave for a moment uh just bear with me I don't see any tornado out the window which is maybe a good thing let me just finish this game first okay seven was so sneaky yeah I hear the warning sirens I should probably take shelter doll my queen stole my other thing don't owe my time okay I'm gonna uh run and make sure that I don't get Swept Away by a tornado uh BRB I guess uh I mean look outside the window yeah I'll be right back uh pause and uh I can't really bring my stream setup to the basement but what to do uh BRB maybe I'll be in chat [Music] okay um I'm going to stay in the basement so bear with me one moment Okay so I'm gonna try and play the rest of the marathon from my phone and hopefully I can set this up I think it set up correctly though so uh you guys can watch my games but I will not be playing from this room so anyway uh thanks for wishing me all the best wishes and I'll be back hopefully at some points all right bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm back it's raining now but I think there's less risk of a tornado so I'm gonna try and play the final minutes of the marathon it's been a long long stream uh let me close out my tab okay oh I hope people enjoyed the the no face remote pentatonic I got a fun stalemate traffic in Chicago [Music] uh okay final few games here we go uh let's play this we'll have some fun in the the final few wait this isn't fun I am just losing a pun maybe it's okay okay I'm just gonna try and like play a game and not blunder too much it might already be worse for black but it's interesting okay a lot of simplification thank you Fang Duster yeah whatever there's a tornado you got to just stay calm the only thing to do I've been having a lot of Rook endings okay I think F4 is a mistake uh uh of this move [Music] start with this I think I'm still going to be winning a pawn yeah winning one of these guys and this should be a draw but you never know okay maybe some chances maybe not can try and grind this one not making any progress foreign wow okay oh there's a lot of rain outside I'm using a noise suppression filter so people probably don't hear it but it's kind of loud I think this will be the final game maybe one more after this no draw I'm losing upon or am I of this move Doh okay yeah dull my queen [Music] you never know you never know oh I'm so so disappointed okay oh opponent gave me the queen just a little bit too slow okay um well that's the tournament it's over for me I finished top 30. officially it ends in 15 seconds there were over 24 000 players I streamed I mean this stream alone was over nine hours I stream for almost three hours uh last night so streamed about half of it uh this will probably be a 12 hour YouTube video I think the limit is 12 hours for YouTube uploads so maybe just below 12 hours uh let's refresh congratulations Aqua blazing do I played a few times we had some fun games uh thanks everyone for watching one more to say um if you're watching in the future on YouTube let me know your favorite game in the timestamps I played 220 games I lost some reading but I survived the tornado at least so far
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 161,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, lichess marathon, spring marathon, 24 hour chess, 12 hour chess, stafford gambit, chess 2023
Id: 1e_2Lby9B1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 699min 46sec (41986 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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