STILL Trying to Qualify for the Champions Chess Tour

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I played in this last week for the first time in a while and I finished I think top 10 so I have another chance this week I believe the top three qualify for next round and I am on a one minute delay it's part of fair play measures for streaming this event and we'll also say there will be emote only mode during the games but I appreciate people tuning in okay here we go first opponents I feel like I played this opponent before wait does this mean I've I've lost or no I've beaten this opponent twice before I think that's what that means okay we have a London yeah for the most part I'll stick with my usual opening repertoire Knight C6 was the main move Queen B6 is playable too Bishop D7 pretty sure Rook B1 is like the the move to play here I was looking at the sign like a week or two ago oh hello I forgot to meet alerts another thing this is more serious than usual I do appreciate people subbing and resolving though and 95 95 might make a lot of sense actually just an attempt to get the bishop pair Bishop C6 like Wesley did something similar recently I can't remember if this was exact line though Bishop E2 looks very normal there's also takes some membership D3 I'm gonna go for that this is a very typical uh jobava London idea where we do concede the d-pawn but later there's potential to play E4 and yeah now I think I'd like to grab the bishop pair E5 might be coming I think it's okay though I think I just Castle there's no ideas of Knight A4 which I could play right away I think just Bishop G3 I'm not sure what to make of this opening it looks like very pleasant for black but I have the bishop hair E4 can come by for like there's some potential energy for lights by five now the drawback of E4 it does strengthen the battery but F2 is all defended so I don't think that's a big concern like E4 D4 would definitely be in my favor we ever get the structure then the bishop can come to C4 potentially I think I just play A3 Bishop A3 is met with 4k1 and now E4 black might leave the tension also there's Knight C5 and Knight C5 I have uh B4 Queen A3 not super clear I think E4 still makes sense and now this move okay so now Knight C5 is off limits sure because of E4 it's also kind of tied down to the pawn all right H5 so the first move that I should calculate is this move laughter takes the queen defends I could throw him before I don't think it works so I'm thinking Bishop C4 just a better Square for the bishop tying that pawn I could get hit with Knight B6 but then Bishop A2 be casting okay now C3 looks attractive three takes I probably take with H Pawn there's a lion uh C5 and then I take hitting the knights and then takes in the Knight C6 Queen moves but actually I'd just be winning because I guess there's Queen C5 there or no the Pawn's on C5 the C5 takes takes here that's winning because I take the bishop of the check and then take here okay I'm still waking up I have to work on some sharpness and calculation I really want to take with Knight takes uh things pin the only issue it takes with 99p6 Bishop A2 and then takes I don't think I can afford so yeah I have to keep the Knight defending C3 down a little bit of time black has a bit more space but okay there's Central tension things could very easily transform might be threatening before Queen A3 Rook a one Queen B2 Rook A2 dropping the queen so it might be six Bishop A2 Rook d8 let's stay um and the Knights misplaced on B6 I could take we see C5 that's a logical move I'm thinking about B4 because A3 is poisonous Queen B6 just play B4 I'm trying to destabilize the whole structure for black this move got a nice Bishop an outpost Bishop imagine Rook p8s few things to calculate I could dig on C5 play B5 take on D4 okay I didn't have time to calculate everything I just saw the prospect of Rook scene one Rook C1 where's the queen going in B6 I have Rook C6 I guess Queen B5 okay so this move's probably coming I'm over defending this Pawn so after Knight F6 I can move back I free up G3 for the the knights also potentially we can swing in if I'd use King G2 Rook H1 maybe eventually have four a business preventing Rook C1 but it's also a Target nightbeat what's the point I didn't want to play this move but felt necessary so D3 I have this move that's getting crazy though Queen D4 Knight D5 um I want to play F4 a forestall on the horizon Knight's attacks time Situation's not good it doesn't seem like B2 immediately it might be to F4 you take a bishop A4 almost F4 because I've taken the pawn but I think I'm forcing the trade of Rooks like after takes takes my C Pawn's very quick to push there's line where does knight move Knight B1 C6 Queen E6 C7 Queen F3 Bishop F3 and there's takes and queens [Music] wait a minute there's got to be a win after Knight P1 maybe just simply C6 Queen E6 Queen A4 I defend everything it was really about anticipating box next move I see two I have to push Knight B5 I still push yeah I think the C Pawn's stronger than the d-pong was this move and that was desperation and the queen can't do much this is tied down to the back rank I'm still hitting the knights they take attack and defend also tagging this up a piece now according the pawn oh no I think this is okay though uh to draw I guess I draw um unfortunate yeah no I'm still playing for a win I got two passers the king should find shelter the crazy crazy game 's finding shelter almost gave it away okay oh man oh that was insane I think black did have a draw though um there was a upper Patrol in this position like Queen A4 and then Queen D7 and my king just has to stay defending the queen um it's a typical pattern over here and I have to stay keep my king basically with these four squares okay that was very fortunate um I think there's just gonna be a small break between now and the next round yeah only a couple games going uh 77 players total I think it'll be black next game oh yeah this is gonna go the full 50. although they've had this for a while now so on move 109 it'll be a draw yeah I'm very fortunate for that game I mean I think my position was fine throughout um but I got too long time I had to manage time better draw by repetition okay next game starting soon okay never played this opponent before I usually have the position with a knight on F6 rather than C6 but I think all the lines transpose yeah actually I had this physician yesterday against Tawny who went for this Knight B5 and dc5 line I used to be annoyed by this sign but these days I I don't mind it so there's two main moves here for white there's plonjax pawn and Bishop E3 um Bishop E3 I used to be more annoyed by I lost a game to adibon and the Reykjavik open last year and then this year I encountered Bishop E3 in the same tournament in Iceland and I knew what to do but okay here we're we're following the game I played yesterday against Tani in the chess kid tournament 4 is the main line and given the fact White's taking more time makes me believe that my opponent like isn't super prepared here maybe trying to recall preparation but 94 is like the supposed to be the equalizing move I remember when I was first learning this it looked really scary because allowing checks on C7 or Knight C7 but um it's also scary for white because I'm attacking F2 wow and then G5 I don't think I've seen that move before I think G5 so allowing the capture on F2 but it's probably not good Bishop F2 key too I think I have to just take off six this should be a fine position because now if the bishop returns I have Pawn E5 I have Pawn E6 as well on a Sixers casting Queen side the E5 is the most flexible that's in Queensland King E7 oh but I forgot about Knights it's it's still not that bad um I mean my original plan was this but realizing I'm allowing the night to come to the center have I played this there's Knight G6 so I have um okay King 787 Rook b895 came F7 does Bishop C4 and then Bishop E6 I think is okay here here here and then here just to neutralize a diagonal and yeah once I play Bishop E6 uh the harmony is quite nice for black this is a very stable structure it'll be pressure against D5 Rook d8 coming maybe B5 B4 if the Rook can find purpose on V8 and The Bishop's a bit out of play constant pressure against F2 ideas of G5 H5 Etc okay B4 that's a move my Bishop is surprisingly short on squares and Bishop E7 [Music] considering Pawn B5 as well a weird looking move there's also Bishop f8 which looks kind of sad maybe playable E7 E7 they take got some end game I think I'll go for this so yeah after takes takes white temporarily has a bishop hair but I still like the resulting position [Music] and B4 like even though it expands it does weaken the C3 pawn and most of the C file so very soon I want to look together Rook to C8 just trying to stay composed here up a little bit of time the main resource for white to try and break down the center is Pawn F4 but Pawn F4 right away I take it and okay we see Pawn F4 I think I just take it Knight's pinned I mean there's this move and then after King takes rookie one Knight D Knight to E5 Knight is a useful piece blocking the file and it's not easy for white to win this Pawn it's possible White Plains is move thinking that there is some um tactics or something on the e-file a 95 just such a nice um diffusing move and even after like takes takes takes takes doesn't seem like there's a great way for white to exploit the king oh I'm missing tactics I'm also seeing tactics okay 95 it's not so simple because takes takes something's hanging the bishop but if takes I win this and if takes takes I'm winning material in every line and if here takes I take on C4 is there any concern and look at this one more time 95 rookie five Pawn E5 I'm like attack Exchange my takes takes Rook D7 I don't think works Bishop takes takes Bishop D6 I take and I'm not the bishop it does look a little bit shaky but I think everything is fine if I miss something then I'll learn something I should have seen this coming though the pin against the pawn I didn't even calculate G5 I was scared of rookie six though maybe I could have considered that okay now G5 looks suitable [Music] I have a G5 the pawn is overworked oh and it's getting weird Rook D takes takes intakes check almost in 83 ideas so white just wants to win material do I have this move or even there's another line you're in rookie your takes takes takes G5 a rookie eight you could take the Knight two um y'all play rookie Eights so one calculation is after takes takes takes I have G5 takes takes by losing that I win the night I'm all the bishop Knight C7 I looked at but then I take it the Rook it takes don't lose anything that's very very Tactical there's also rookie five here but that's just a big trade we could trade off all the minor pieces and a pair of Rooks I'll be up upon an end at this point I'm just trying to anticipate what White's doing but I think I covered like the major forcing moves I'm trying to figure out what my thread is I don't think I'm threatening G5 aches takes a maybe H6 supporting G5 maybe something like this or this it's not so easy to find like a useful move for white okay now there's no more pressure I'm not that diagonal there is um A7 hanging ah F4 is also hanging um it Rook C8 I think I go over Rook C8 I give the a pawn and I get in G5 gets a bit murky though there's Knight C4 start with A5 although not sure for G5 a G5 I wasn't sure there's a 794 we trade we trade some more is there any other move dangerous position there should be six I take on D5 twice at Knight C4 in the end Knight B6 out of Knight D3 I think now I take on D5 it has a rook takes E5 there's gonna be a lot of Trades here but rookie oh that's Chuck oh but white took with a rook okay I didn't lose anything it just started with me that was check um your life goes on that might be worse here Bishops are strong wait what's the fork it's also a check there's no time for Bishop E4 still not over because white has three connected passers plus the bishop hair give them light back and G3 watch into Bishop E4 and I see five idea maybe bishop C5 or maybe maybe I'd time to sack me for the bishop I like the prospect of this is now I'm lucky that after this I can take and defend the Rook but now basically whatever white does with this bishop I still play this and hit everything there's Bishop eh Chuck should be winning although not super simple it take okay always scary with the opponent having the bishop pair okay another tough game uh yeah this tactical moment when I took on D5 with the Rook I was mainly calculating Bishop takes first which is like more natural and then after uh takes takes takes there's this Fork I'm fortunate that I covered D7 um but my opponent took back with a rook which I just didn't consider beforehand okay I have to take and then I could have been worse I don't know you might just blunder Knight D3 something like Bishop E4 there's always these Forks though Knight is strong here it's a difficult position to evaluate I mean F4 had to be a mistake and imagine but I mean we both spent a lot of time in the middle games like trying to order our way through the potential tactics like rookie 5 and 97 a lot of tension so um any games still going black should be winning but anything could happen this game is white winning oh nice move although this is now a draw because Bishop here and then here but will black know how to black realize that's the wrong color for the uh a promotion as a simple draw anytime the pawn moves takes and then the king stays in the corner go back to the other game resignation wow that's a weird position to resign like white can still give checks it looks bad but the time situation it's a little bit surprising okay a lot of people with two other two I think I'm playing the top seed by far the highest rated player in the tournament okay here we go until battle London okay this is my new idea I don't think I've had a chance to play it online um I don't think it's covered in the near ditski course it's a pretty rare move and then still playing quickly Bishop E7 the idea is to like get the early F5 F4 and if the bishop comes to I haven't looked at this in like over a week or so I don't know if there's a difference between castling first or F5 first I Was preparing this actually for the first time in Iceland my final round opponents I was half expecting Joe Bravo London that's when I was like looking at these lines a lot more seriously I'm pretty sure black can just throw in A5 and keep the tension five so there's this queen D5 move and then just King HH the Queen's actually kind of tied down because potential pin on a file I played G5 here really try and get for or go for F4 the Knight F6 looks logical as well but then just castling I don't think I can resist the prospect of G5 yeah when I was studying this I was only looking at lines where the bishop goes to C4 so with the bishop on G2 it's a bit different like super aggressively here yeah the threat is very simple F4 F3 when a piece don't immediately understand I assume it's like trying to sack somehow or winning four and G5 and h7s at a week I think I'm like kind of committed to go for this there's this move and take a moment here because it takes takes takes King F1 H7 is annoying to defend like Rook 7 Bishop D5 Knight F6 just aims to win the other Bishop the bigger problem Bishop I guess the one downside we trade queens that should be fine and if ticks takes takes my pawns do crumble but then okay position opens up and I get the bishop parent which by five just scared I'm I'm overlooking something tactically here both Bishops are hanging I have to manage time the law of attention I'm temporarily down a pawn but okay I'm winning a bishop even if we trade Queens there's no more checks to worry about on D5 and White's probably trying to figure out the best way to give away one of the Bishops there's this there's a there's this but any line where I can take on e4 with a knight looks very nice oh it's actually a question do I want to throw in Pawn Jake's Pawn but I don't think I do I think just just take before and seven still technically like equal material but Bishops should start doing damage like Bishop G4 I'm happy about the inclusion of A5 too so now I'm threatening to take take take taken Fork and white doesn't have a light spray Bishop to neutralize when D3 is kind of clever three there's Rook H3 wow if I take to actually win back all the Pawns hmm a bishop F3 Rook H3 ah there's a line wait so Bishop 3 Rook H3 takes takes I take on E2 and if key to Knight C3 King D2 take on B4 and the rook's no longer defending the other Rook I don't have that if I take immediately I think it makes sense to provoke Rook H3 although I'm allowing Queen C4 check King h8 and then Rook H3 I have another idea too thinking about taking on D3 and then Bishop F3 I'm gonna take on D3 so yeah it's possible we could transpose into the initial calculation so Rook H3 takes takes here here and then takes but for that reason the Rook probably stays on G1 to defend but doesn't it takes I guess there's takes but then Bishop goes back and I win the pong um G4 makes no sense take yeah this is what I wanted from a different move order but still achieved it I'll up a piece and just want a very important Bond and there's an idea here Rook A3 I don't have an idea let's play Knight B1 I have Knight D5 and low on time still not simple I have a feeling this is still going to be difficult to win I have to take on coming next for B1 Knight wants to return and take the bishop so I can win the pong okay so if I Chuck where's the king go you can see three you can see 395. a lot of lines I win this Pawn maybe every mind King D1 takes takes takes it could still take technique though this line I have check mb3 boxer Rook now I can take the bishop Rook C2 a little tricky he gets very active I have to go for this there's a line where the Rook comes to C7 I lose E5 white has two connected Center passers we're going into it in these things there's also H6 some time here also B5 maybe it's just B5 D4 wait B5 is losing what am I thinking have a check and The Rook has access to E7 I feel like this is still a three result game I'm so passive here I have Ruger seven if the king should come to C6 I really just want to get counter play after the d-pawn those white defend okay for B5 even King B5 still terrifying though I think I would go for B5 okay six King B7 Rook F6 I take with check this move don't have time to calculate the resulting ending X takes G6 it should be fine because my King's close enough on runs E6 B5 King F6 B4 E6 B3 X takes might be a draw The Rook moves elsewhere out of this move G6 at Bishop G7 oh there's rookie Yates [Music] I might be letting this slurp maybe not I'm going to take next and defend the pawn oh don't even have to play Rook rook and Bishop versus Rook let me just consolidate I don't get too low on time I can take my time here too on a fight I thought I was very close to losing at some point all the pawns coming down yeah I just have to watch out for stalematrix towards the end um why am I not making progress okay slowly but surely I want to get my king to C4 annoying move let's play this and then King C4 back there we go Pawn comes to B3 maybe not the best end game technique but I'm getting the job done tricky tricky oh no my Rook this was not stalemate so I was around three we have one more game that was the final game of the round two so not really much time for a break still um eight perfect scores that can be difficult to like reset and have to play a another game right after that last one but we have a London opening there's a lot of uh a lot of branches here is G4 Queen B6 G6 Knight H5 CD4 this is a line yeah we'll get um more positional Carlsbad structure it will resemble maybe some similar position from the ding nepo game although not H5 that's interesting Bishop E3 Bishop D6 so Bishop g695 I hit the Knight if anything takes I take back into the queen after this this we might okay G6 runs into G4 Knight F6 and what am I doing with my knight on E5 you like F4 D3 looks okay though for lights thanks to the resubs yeah I'm trying to say focused I'm not really uh looking looking at my obs I appreciate people tuning in okay 95 95 there is six takes I still have G4 ideas let's go for it so move that white usually likes to play eventually because it has this positional maneuver too a castle leave some tension we can see Saturn's probably coming hmm I'm thinking of the of a bishop G5 there's also G4 G5 wait am I winning material here G4 Bishop G6 G5 and then wherever the Knight moves I have Knight G7 I don't think yeah that can never take there's probably some compensation for black I think I just go for G4 I was thinking like Bishop G5 how do I remove the Knight and get the fork Bishop G5 was slow though because Queen E7 but with this line like every move is a direct threat starting by threatening the bishop Bishop G6 G5 light will move either it's E4 or H5 or e8s but it doesn't really matter and the flag ever throws this in then I take it the queen at the Knights and so weird opening trap I don't think I've seen something quite like this from a London I've seen something like this like reverse in a nimso you play like G5 G4 and like usually when a pawn in the center but here it's Justified because of the fork okay I could throw an F3 but then I leave my Bishop undefended playlists yeah I'm not even losing a pawn the only thing is I have this ugly Pawn on G5 now but maybe I can make it pretty so let's take the Rook oh okay now I have to yeah I have to adjust to the new situation this is scary all right I think I should start with taking on E6 really no other moves I'm even considering here now it's a question like Bishop F3 the block is threatening take Queen G5 F4 looks too committal I like the idea of Bishop F3 this takes takes oh there's still takes takes Queen G5 oh King F2 I could play Queen D2 as well there's also a bishop 3 takes and I take here first maybe as a safer option Queen G5 Bishop G2 for some H3 move okay so the plan is after takes I take here Queen G5 Bishop G2 Bishop F4 and then like Knight D2 Maybe H3 for safety I initially was calculating this this King F2 or King H1 there's also playable actually I'm just realizing there's a nice maneuver let's start by taking so in the line with uh Queen year Bishop here Bishop here maneuver is actually Knight C5 I was only thinking Knight T2 the light will stamp very well in D3 also pressure E6 in some cases and then if I can get Knight to D3 Bishop said G2 and then pawn and F4 everything's just very solid if time's about equal and knight's gonna try and come in and do that or the queen of this move though I want to play Queen G4 we'll probably see this yeah it's unsettling it's hard to like force trades but let's go for this I'm really not interested in B7 E6 looks a little bit appetizing the Knight T3 and like trying to remove the bishop or play F4 probably the go-to plan we might see like rookie eight defensive move so there's interesting observation this Knight is actually tied down to defending G4 because there's some cases I was looking at lines where it comes to E4 after this happens I still have Queen G4 black wants to play this probably so 93 id6 looks too risky even though I don't have a dark spot Bishop the Knight is helping fight for some dark squares also the pawn like upon that floor will restrict this bishop each five I guess that prevents actually makes some sense it's more of a prophylactic move uh preventing Queen G4 in many cases I still go for 494 Queen one I got my dream set up I was mentioning this exact setup several moves ago we have three Queen G6 F5 take there's also Queen F3 Queen g695 a little bit concerned about that structure though should be okay Knights did you find some squares although okay well not this night so after 95 assuming Bishop takes takes 94 Queen F4 there's no Rook f8 I'll play King here with writing this and Rook G1 be nice at the Brooklyn to play 94 Queen E3 probably unleash the bishop he's still Queen E3 this has a threat of taking and then taking I prevent 94 now I'm gonna play Queen D3 as well black has to do something about this threat Knight D3 hitting the pawn there's King King each seven doesn't really work H7 I still take take take F7 I forgot about okay I guess I repeat once hmm each one has some logic to it just freeing the G1 Square somebody wants to come in maybe the king should be on G1 with Queen F2 here by attacking the pawn and there's about three we need to take the bishop of G4 Bishop will find a nice ah but there's 94. G4 this really isn't so simple 93 Knight D3 and that's not what I wanted though I'm in some trouble Rook G1 first I'm ready to suck on G3 I think up upon some transformation no longer up Exchange what am I missing oh what am I missing uh so have a pawn but not sure how winnable this is although Queenie won okay hold on to B2 at least maybe the wrong move oh no messed up um oh it's so sad oh I don't know how I lost that I should have should have hunkered down for the draw okay well played oh it's such a nice like nice opening trap to yeah I miss this idea Queen H3 nice tactic not sure if I had anything like I want to play this move then we've got three wait no Rook out three doesn't work though I have anything better yeah like told me like slightly better and I should have just kept the king defending the pawn I just over pushed like already here it's it's not so simple for light okay what to do we have a break I mean three out of four um missed opportunity there so I'll be back in a moment okay next game lion all messy okay from Norway sometimes after the breaks people are a little bit slow to move don't always realize the game starts now now we wait we chill if I play this opponent before once before I assume this means they beat me right so it says zero zero one but here it says one zero zero does that mean I won or lost I don't even like check the game because like our game has started so um it's not right to like prepare even a little bit once the game is underway I was just curious about her pass score well this either means I won or my opponent won the only time we played okay we're gonna have another jobava London we have this one 87 I don't know so much Theory here I know C6 is pretty typical I guess we could transpose into something I'll play Queen D6 I'm a little bit curious about 94. for G6 we'll get a structure that I more often have with the white pieces but it's a little bit different okay f4s may be coming hello wait I can take first 97 F4 drops E3 in this E6 there's a few moves yeah F4 Queen takes E3 yeah so this is essentially a trade of e-pawns but after after I take I'm left with uh just Pleasant peace Harmony I take Z5 solid structure happy Bishops I guess suspicion needs to find a life or moves to consider here I like the prospect of like B4 C5 it does kind of lock the the two diagonals but getting space some initiative hmm this is a square oh C4 or Knight D5 Queen C6 Bishop E2 having a very hard time evaluating this maybe I start with Queen Z6 ah there is a line Knight D5 to do it though BB Bishop E6 immediately because Knight F6 was what I was initially scared of after takes takes whatever takes back I take on E2 of course I'm missing 97 though 97 so Bishop V6 it's very concrete 97 rookie seven Bishop B7 F6 and then the threats rookie eight there's E5 E5 does save the bishop re or at least I've been a two as well it's worth going for yeah when I play Queen Z6 I didn't even like see these lines but um and they look scary because 906 I can see the darks per Bishop and I have a lot of dark Spirit holes and this sign of course too but the Willing exchange sacrifice I've C4 but main line is is to play off six actually F6 F4 Knight G4 as well there's five oh yeah I was calculating um let's just go for this F4 Knight T3 I mean your Pawn takes rookie eight probably Pawn takes rookie five I take because it moves back somewhere and then Bishop 315 I want to get too long time over this so it looks like I got two pawns for the exchange that move I've not see coming but when I take I defend F6 with lean figure or about Rook a seven that was why winning the bishop back saving the vision because yeah the queen defends after it takes takes the bishop still hits five just a little bit too slow now there's Rook A7 and maybe some counter play not much Czech rookie eight all right so two Bishops these things are hanging it's still not over G7 looks acceptable everything Rook takes and then C4 so there's Rook B7 Queen B7 takes here I think it's okay for black there's also Pawn Dick's Pawn after which I think I just dig on e4 so C4 it's attempting to just destabilize these Pawns the position looks delicate like Queen's defending two things or three things Bishops tied down there's only so much what I can do here 's an idea to play D3 I think Bishop Chuck five rookie three as well rookie six let's save move I over defend the bishop you take on C4 all the pawns coming off the ballroom I play G5 here Saturn's the safest move No rookie seven just hangs everything I was thinking I've too long there G3 idea a little bit scared of H5 not sure about this I should have enough like resources for counter play yeah so Queen F5 is not legal because the Queen's pinned back furniture Bishops are so powerful wait a minute almost winning this is the king moves I attack King H3 Vegeta check and take the Rook and G1 I'd have Bishop D4 check I think every line is just human I wasn't sure like when I saw this this coming from a distance this Pawn looks scary but um the bishop always defends and now the king is chased to your orbrook F2 Rook F2 I'll take and then win the other Rook too in H2 my mating Rook C2 um okay everything wins now I mean if I really want to and D2 is probably the most efficient win but wait a minute oh wait let's not take let's play D2 I forgot it takes like allows a queen so I don't actually oh wow wait what this move that came out of nowhere was this Knight doing I love seven I take though everything's okay a pawn cannot be stopped this is not check me because it's pinned it's almost Checkmate though like almost brilliant oh that scared me oh man unexpected horsey yeah I mean everything is like winning but I initially wanted to take take check and then when the Rook but it's already like not so simple because now the pawn is about to Queen oh Rook C1 was made in four ah Bishop E5 okay D2 was made intense okay well the game and every game has been like a big fight we have five rounds done I'm four out of five this is one of the final games going I guess black is playing for a win here outside passer but I have taken the Knight I return to the game oh if I take the Knight there's um yeah it takes the night I lose a pawn that's still probably like better for black oh yeah it's better for that because I I Chuck and win The Rook yeah so I guess all the legal moves for black you are winning only two legal moves was Rook C1 made in one Rook C1 King H2 but yeah I mean I think there were a lot of winning lines I just wanted to find the cleanest line given my time situation so the top three qualify so there's two perfect Sports so far wait what a game from ages ago I have a lot of games open why is it still showing this was an ongoing game yeah the game list is like is not working there we go okay so this is the last game though not this bug man so many bugs because it's not affecting my games I think I want to refresh but um I want to like accidentally withdraw the tournament or Miss around here we go okay so the game should be updating now no it's not watch the game oh I can watch it in this little small thing okay this is how we watch the game it's not working here wow that's winning yeah I'm on the 60 second delay so I'm not responding to comments in real time apologies if I miss anything in chats but our next stream will hopefully be on no delay okay so next round should start pretty soon but I was just black so I'll probably be white this is uh Swiss pairings so pairings are not predetermined I played based off the other standings I play someone else with four points okay back to emote only mode I think Houston booth here we go opponent already out of the book probably just choosing what to play it's been a while since someone's thought for that long after Bishop F4 I moved to Bishop E7 okay there should be seven there's usually nights each five then Bishop G3 it's still very playable six yeah I sometimes like to play a similar structure um considering casting Queen side actually trying to judge if black has like a strong attack argument for Castle kingside 2. there's also this move which over that last Knight F4 I think I just Castle kingside there's a thematic move C4 which is usually Justified when locks committed to S6 C4 might leave me with an iqp but I like to try and break open the center a little bit yeah maybe I play it right away because here it takes takes attack E6 it was night before Bishop B1 X takes Knight D5 it looks playable I assume black wants this move I take I'm thinking Rook C1 is just a simple improving move but what are the other options to take Queen E3 comes to mind this is just a simple prophylactic move ending metaphor a bit more centralized depends upon too it's much harder for black to get this move in because D5 is unvulnerable F5 I'd probably just take we might see this we might see this too I think I have to take now a box left with a not so good Bishop I think F4 is so concerning probably just rookie one of the half open e-file there's C5 here it's 95. Rook C1 or with Rook C1 also found new homes you just A3 I'm not sure what block is gonna do five doesn't work I'm really just going for the gradual expansion Knight F6 probably invoice 95 then I was reluctant to play 95 because F4 although yeah because then D4 becomes a bit weak I think white should be better here I mean that's probably going to be a long fight but just with a better bishop and more holes in Black's position hey let's play B4 don't think much changed E5 is now a resource B5 C5 95. there's also lines where I force a queen trade or queen E2 hmm hey good night all right so B5 comes to mind I have 1997 it just looks like a very nice positional game I mean queen B5 at the very least I wouldn't Exchange yeah so I'm thinking Queen E5 it's just I want to keep Queens on the board there's also 95 right away I'm realizing that if takes I Rook C5 maybe that's the way to go yeah because definitely favors me to keep Queens on the board box King is more of a Target in many lines and the Queen's a Target too I might just be threatening to take and then take a rook C7 first also looking at lines like let's say queen D6 takes takes Queen E5 906 Rook C7 which it drops back I mean Rook C7 in the night Queen D6 Rook C1 that's ah Mouse slipped I meant to play Rook C7 I mean what to do my mouse I think just ran into the keyboard and I I'm clicked away um I know some people would offer a draw here I mean if my opponent feels bad for me you'll offer a draw but uh oh that's so sad I was calculating such a funny line too okay giving away a rook for nothing [Music] not the best feeling my position was so good that like I'm not dead immediately but uh bad slip this move [Music] and just down a full Rook though hmm uh I still had chances I don't know if I'm ever like winning at this point though to do uh it kind of ruins the tournaments okay three more three more rounds three more rounds at least try and finish with something could I played this person at some point I I still don't know if this means I've lost four or one for uh okay we see Knight C3 um yeah this calls for something how do I transpose into the the Magnus Hans game there's this Castle here I don't remember the theory right C3 is pretty uncommon Bishop D2 is most common by far probably followed by Knight D2 um Rook B has some logic to it during B5 probably 95 now so I'm trying to hold on to the pawn also trying to allow for B5 that's not clear what white does the prime way back upon the queen E2 B5 A4 C6 or A6 I got this kind of nice structure to onto everything that's a move I have Queen E7 I guess white wants to play A3 next I'm wondering if I can play C5 here and takes I still lose back the pawn okay so let's investigate this takes takes C6 but then Knight C4 is still not so simple you're really not sure what to do five takes Bishop takes takes E6 we get a game we need to have an A3 we take I have a E6 idea too although it probably doesn't work I shouldn't take all my time here take 95 no I have to defend the knights what about okay C5 take and then I take take um doesn't work I guess C5 5 it take Knight C4 Queen C4 B6 okay so I didn't look at A3 but I think A3 is met with Bishop D7 and after it takes any other options The Bishop's attacked so I think I have to take I think we will enter this line so it takes takes takes and then yeah probably B6 unless I wanna keep the option open I'm playing B5 I could play Queen E7 there too okay so we both have uh Bishops to try and make happier I wants to play B4 I get away with B5 and Knight B5 Bishop A6 A4 you could play A6 A6 B4 Bishop seven I could also Play Bishop D7 D4 Bishop B6 Bishop B2 Rook C8 I mean moves Bishop C6 okay spent a lot of time but at least I know at least the next few moves so yeah the plan is to trade off what was one of my worst pieces for one of light's best pieces and it's probably very close to equal uh there's a lot of fight left I want to go for uh h5h4 even just H5 is a typical move for these structures A4 it makes sense go ahead and take probably see H4 or A5 A5 Bishop here I'm allowing Knight B5 the other way with H4 probably not I probably have to play A6 oh wow and then I have to take with Queen and I think it's still okay five is oh actually this this could be trouble oh to do each 497 Rook T8 Knight B5 and if I push takes takes actually maybe it's okay I saw a line takes takes takes takes Queen D1 looks like the pawn can be defended but I have Queen C6 check and then like Queen B5 defending it's probably a little bit worse for black so oh really that's interesting X takes takes am I actually losing a pawn probably still close to a draw I think I have to go over oh there's um Queen B2 um yeah maybe Queen E5 is safer this takes takes Queen B2 let's play Queen E5 that would have been a very difficult position to defend two Rooks for the queen at least the king side is held together between the centralized I mean given the German standings I think I I have to play for a win uh the first step is to not be worse and maybe I'll take and play Rook d8 so potential weaknesses for white mainly B4 something on the king side if I get an H4 B7 is my weakness also H5 F6 but it's very hard for white to attack any of the weaknesses in my position [Music] is the queen going to C4 it's funny I have the same idea out of Rook C8 give light the option of meaning for two Rooks uh takes takes takes because how does white defend B4 in the end all the Rook moves get forked we need four would be the threats I just do it balance things a little bit probably not winning that though group D2 Rook D2 maybe applies other pressure Queen C7 is met with Queen D5 and then Rook T8 might be a threat of Queen E3 actually Rook D1 Queen E3 I think is working why it doesn't allow it would be two you take Rook B1 takes for E1 B5 to X yeah I think I go for Rook B2 weird Pawn structure I forgot about Rook C4 though Rook C4 Rook T8 would still be okay I'm threatening to take and take the first line I was calculating was takes takes Rook B1 after it takes takes Rook C B5 over here should win a pawn or maybe it doesn't win a pawn it leads to a more pleasant position draw is probably the most likely result as long as we can keep some imbalances keep the pressure on the clock I'm still down over a minute okay so I should be looking at uh take States Brook C4 and I have Rook dates and the Rooks get quite active if light goes for the pawn and there's lines where we trade H5 or B4 you okay for black I might have to keep E5 defended ah there's that first yeah this is probably a better version but it's similar I mean I might as well play Rook T8 and we might transpose into the line I was just looking at imagining my Roku is here and then here and I try and win both Pawns while defending E5 I mean H6 would blunder a rook wow the B7 is hanging if I play Queen D5 E4 go for this oh Queen D5 E4 um hangs a rook but Rook E4 I have F5 who takes takes it's a better version of what I was looking at earlier and she got a tempo and then my Rook can maneuver to B5 there's work at four four X takes King G7 times about level now Ramon I thought this was possible but Queen is pinned to the king okay rook's coming to B5 defending both weaknesses like B7 and H5 are the main weaknesses for black it's still tricky though because Rooks are going to try and double up I couldn't I can start with none of them got four start with this maybe I'm Rook C2 hmm take Rook D7 click here Rook D7 I guess I run with the King I know what's happening though I have two connected passers E4 is prevented the King has a path out oh this Pawn's hanging I oh wow that's a big threat of F5 Rook G4 doesn't work five yeah why am I just force a draw four forces of draw or does it I have E5 there I'm taking a huge risk actually after F4 I have to play E5 maybe that's okay over Chuck I I come out F4 E5 there's no mate there's probably perpetual maybe not perpetual the game keeps going okay um I think white has time um this The Rook still has some influence ah messed up there might be a draw no actually I think it's like barely a draw from how I hold very close to losing that oh I was really trying to win though yeah this idea didn't work um I should just take the pawn and it's probably just equal right oh King F2 yeah let's just but maybe there's better chances here okay well I didn't lose uh it's hard to recover from the previous game with the slip is there a break break after rounds four and seven there is a break yeah that the mouse slip was probably my worst Mouse slip in a long time especially like a a game that if I win I would have been in like really good standing in the tournament but what to do yeah I'm not actively pursuing the Grand Master title I don't have any Norms my rating is below 2400. if I got ignored maybe things would change but I have other priorities these days okay look to my opponents email only mode is back on here we go pretty sure Bishop H6 right away is the move essentially forcing Black's hand like black will either take or Castle really no other option now I think I can play a bit more positioning now like Bishop D3 just defend the pawn the queen on each will stay unless Knight G4 happens but then Queen G7 I guess there is Queen H5 too the black would have to do something awkward to get the queen out of here and for the time being I'm ready to let's complete development yeah usually after you C6 I Castle queenside but I checked the sign recently I think Bishop H6 was a the top engine move okay so I'll play 92. 903 was another option I'm imagining at some point my iPhone might want to move not sure where five okay let's Castle if B4 191 or Knight B1 the nice thing about the bishop on D3 over depends upon really question where does the Knight wanna end up the D2 or T3 A6 might be coming I'm gonna play this because from D2 it has a lot of flexibility I should keep in mind A3 as well there's a line like dicks takes and queen B5 hitting the pawn and maybe Knight C4 we need three as a move played time advantage so Knight C4 is met with D5 but then that E5 and then takes okay have to calculate we need three or a queen either are the safe moves now that F4 could walk into E5 yeah I think I just play I don't know between Queen E3 or queen H3 maybe Queen H3 looked like Queen E3 more centralized an interesting way of controlling the center I do allow black to Castle very soon maybe like four it's expanding hmm okay so Knight C4 comes to mind it's D5 Knight D6 and then looks nice just go for it so up over two minutes black has to worry about this D6 Pawn or Square I guess there's a line like D5 Knight D6 Queen ba e598 I might be forced to trade but even in that case like I trade and then play this I think we're gonna get that line and maybe the queen has other options so Queen B8 on E5 id8 wondering if F5 is possible there I need F5 probably not it's an interesting Bob experiment I should think about it oh wait the queen okay so the either the queen or Rook has to take let's assume Queen takes I still have that five ideas of stock my block plays F6 or F5 I'm calculating takes takes G4 the F5 takes whatever it takes back I play H3 swing Knight takes back yeah let's go for that more controlled way of playing maybe I could have started with Rook C1 but that five should be very powerful black prevents it and yeah I really I just saw this one then H3 and now there's two backward Pawns on half open files mg2 1919 F3 is a typical maneuver the Knight is misplaced here and F5 is no longer that attractive even though it's still a potential resource start with this double pawns are actually quite nice here but this Pawn prevents a knight from doing things uh no draw play King G2 although black wants to play Rook seed C5 maybe I go for Rook C2 or just preventing C5 hmm G2 yeah lock might be almost equalizing actually trying to find still some Advantage here night impossible to stop C5 I've not so simple here I could go crazy and play Rook C5 take take green moves Queen E5 that would be insane that's interesting positional domination before I allow C5 F3 five ig-1 's just misplaced an end oh this move here's the way to go it didn't come to mind at first but then there's just A5 oh okay let's play this there's one thing I missed after C5 takes I assume the queen would take in the end so that hangs E6 if the Knight takes I can play Knight of theory and then maybe there's still some pressure I was also thinking about C5 Knight F3 but then there's C4 is maybe okay like maybe just 95 not so sure even look right okay [Music] now black has counter play here it's King G3 watch into G5 have to take I think the Knight will just return to E2 there's this D4 Square which is nice wow unexpected so take take upon an end probably a good move though I think with night there's Rook d8 Knights which it might be five doesn't work extract I'm calculating Rook T8 I have three I might just be monitoring everything but idea is if Knight takes F4 I think I have King each one but then there's an id5 um 95 regardless probably still playing King H1 actually maybe King G3 then there's some H5 check H2 perhaps okay guess I'm still trying to win even though I'm down the pawn an extra Pawn isn't too powerful yet G5 maybe this move first cut off the king really can't too much though is this okay that's just a draw okay what to do uh uh I was considering with drawing from the tournament I guess I'll play one more um there's no chance at uh at finishing dot three okay final game no pressure we have a Barman variation Queen C2 in C2 I'm pretty sure C5 is a move because in some of these iqp positions the queen is not as powerful consider taking here like okay well at least I didn't lose that last game I was very close down the pond I felt like the position was better like out of the opening and most of the middle game what to do well this is similar to a line I play in the numzo but the bishop would already be on B4 a little bit different I think this move always makes sense first on the C4 okay this changes everything let's take but maybe I still go very never mind okay so I take here instead of D4 but then Queen A4 check so okay Bishop G4 here Castle [Music] maybe castling first and White's going to probably establish this arcade and D4 at least I got some activity two I want to play D4 in my Rook team one I'm not super comfortable with these like iqp positions maybe it's just better for whites uh what to do 94 94 castling Bishop I uh my Bishop's hanging into my Minds looking at Queen B6 and Rook D1 well Queen B6 Rook D1 Rook d8 Castle d494 [Music] going back to 94 that takes takes it just moves upon in that line what about Bishop G4 [Music] okay it develops Bishop's E4 at least I'm trying to make my pieces happy I just don't want to get like positionally ground down I also don't want to spend all my time out of the opening all right so D4 here is now before there's still Rook T1 Bishop E6 Bishop B6 I'm really uncomfortable here I guess I'll play Queen g795 six between E7 the soccer pawn have the bishop hair not so happy with the move but at least it leads to open position and I have some initiative it doesn't take it immediately just have to move quicker allowing Knight D4 you could get some structure where like paid trade transformation [Music] this is a very typical maneuver the Knight B5 immediately runs into D4 D4 is finally a threads the bishop is more useful here you can draw back to B8 maybe form the battery checkmates play I'm only down about four minutes not down any material have a little bit more space that's one of the advantages of having the isolate Queen's Pawn in most cases control a little bit more space maybe some attacking potential I have the bishop here too which could disappear very soon I think the standard approach is like Bishop F3 G3 being very solid and G3 unblocked the potential battery although bishopath 3 allows Rook C4 so maybe some concern and there is potential to work both sides of the board start with this reinforcing the pawn might as well I do we can C6 but it's off limits for now yeah one idea is to put a rook on C4 and maybe even trade on D4 give white an isolated Pawn also potential for B4 which don't know if that does so much is this move now looks playable even though it looks kind of ugly I get away with this mistakes probably not try this I didn't fully calculate this move I'm just hoping it doesn't work Knight D5 maybe Queen G5 at very least I should have compensation and I mean Knight C5 and Knight E5 are looking like nice ideas we might see The Rook drawback yeah it's a situation there's three attackers only one Defender but I'm relying on sources of counter play Knight D5 takes the queen takes I have this bishop takes I have this all right let's go for 95 now it's before and do anything [Music] um also a knight C4 Okay so b492 wait I have this Rook C2 I take I'll take I think something really quickly I missed something that was just a free Pawn anything can still happen I have three Pawn Islands uh Queen F6 looks nice okay might be threatening this now it actually looks really nice zapon's compliment my Bishop Rook D3 mm-hmm I'll play this and there's a lot of activity now a lot of attacking potential thank you chest Dojo appreciate the raid I am on a 60 second delay hope you had a good stream look at this if you're just joining this is a final round of the Champions chess tour qualifier the fort almost looks scary even I can take it because of the PIN I'm trying to stay focused here like below two minutes Queen G6 simple threats 24 do anything for F3 probably just Rook C4 I don't want to allow F4 and get stuck yeah white should just play G3 and chill very hard to make progress maybe I go for it like this and Rook C2 never mind maybe I just keep her pushing I have a two-on-one majority shouldn't be so vulnerable careful my king should be on h8 in potential tactics um click on F2 now I will the queen going Queen H5 we need to attack training might just be a draw the only black who can win though create a pair of Rooks oh I'm allowing rookie yeah this is a pretty straightforward draw although wait if I get the king to A3 and some hypothetical situation I have to be careful but how do I actually get my king in this is how giving away the option of going in but then whenever King G6 happens I always have Bishop E5 can you just wants to come to A3 um not quite in time this is just a draw um any time hope is Bishop F5 is played but it's never played and yeah everything else doesn't quite work unless I have let's try one more idea try this idea but I can't even get to B1 unfortunately okay offer draw Erman comes to an end five and a half I think I finished with last week had good chances had that one unfortunate Mouse slip game and then uh the previous loss my two losses I had um had great chances to win it was a fun tournament though um had some interesting instructive games I hope people enjoyed watching it looks like had to finish with seven and a half yeah the three players with seven and a half qualify for the next stage but there's always next week so thanks again everyone stay tuned I'll be back tomorrow for title Tuesday and so long
Channel: Eric Rosen Extra
Views: 27,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, lichess, eric rosen, imrosen, im rosen, chess strategy, opening traps, full twitch streams, eric rosen vods, twitch chess, international master, chess 2022, stafford gambit, london system, chess tutorial, how to play chess, chess asmr,, queen's gambit, blitz chess, instructive chess, slow chess, chess tactics, blunder, checkmate, stalemate, chess tips, chess tricks, chess traps, eric rosen extra
Id: EVJ-lZ55d7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 11sec (13571 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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