My Thought's on BLM! Ep 156 - Your Prophetic Journey with Shawn Bolz

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what's up everybody today we're talking about an issue that's very hot topic it's very hot topic black lives matter and just about what's going on in america between black and white it's still happening it's been a few months now since some of the breakout activity has happened some of the narratives some of the conversation and i watched a very interesting video a lot of videos but a very interesting video from td jake's winners on tbn and tbn last year had gone through kind of a repositioning towards just their whole community based on they just took a humble stance so we want to learn and this is one of those learning moments that td jakes was sharing just you know as one of the most known black ministers in history who's a black american was sharing about black lives matter so i want to watch a few clips together and react to this with you and just kind of tell you what i think about it the second thing i'm going to say is that obviously this is a conversation that no one's having exactly correct meaning that there's so many people who are coming forward so many different ways to express this and talk about this and no one's doing the best job so i'm not gonna do the best job but i just wanna add my voice to something i'm passionate about because i think god's doing something right now so i'm just gonna press play on this i have to understand there's a difference between the organization itself and the movement the movement kind of took over the organization it swallowed up the organization i mean it's in london it's in nigeria it went all over the world south africa they were running around saying black lives matter that's not one organization controlling that the slogan overrode the organization so it transcends organizations but but some people have dug back into the organization and realized that the organization is extremely liberal it is very secular of rights for transgenders lgbtq so forth and so on some things that christians would not agree with mixed in with black lives matter and the issues that that hopefully most christians would really care about the abuse the criminal justice system the killing and so forth and so on so what happens in this country is once we find a reason to disassociate ourselves we use that what is being said is so we're not going to have anything to do with black lives matter because they're liberal and they're against what the bible stands for we're not going to do it what ought to be said is if you feel that way let's start a right-wing counterpart that cares about the same issues that embraces christian values so that people have an option so i love what td jx was saying there because this has become bigger than the organization organization itself yes it has some corruption it has moral bankruptcy as far as christian perspective if you're an evangelical you don't agree with black lives matter as far as the organization but as far as this becoming bigger than the organization into a movement that the organization propelled something but then people in society took on this black lives matter outside of the organization it became bigger than and so it wasn't wrong for people to say hey this matters right now we're going to dive into this a little bit more but i think it's important for those of you who may be in a conservative city or you're you know you have a bias because you're white or you're asian or some you know another race and you hear this and it just immediately offends you to hear black lives matter dive deeper like let's get educated together to why someone like td jakes and why so many amazing christian ministers so many amazing black people who aren't christians are talking about this right now and there's a voice being heard in a new way in society just like in the days of martin luther king it's just not rallied around one or two civil rights leaders it's rallied around a lot of events so let's let's listen to some more so a christian version of black lives matter would be better not having one it would be better than the church turning its head yet again and finding an excuse to ignore an issue that's right in our back door i nominate you the leader of that you know what would be the most powerful is if whites would lead it i told you in the back the most powerful thing that i saw in all of my life and it's really hard to talk about it without being emotional was to see the masses of white people marching in the streets saying black lives matter i literally cried mm-hmm the only way i can explain to you what that feels like is up until recently anytime you went into main settings and you started talking about racism or criminal justice or police brutality you were called race-baiters we we solve everything by calling you names so we put a name on you and that way we label you and you're gone you're a race mater and so after years and years and years of broaching subjects that made you alienated from the people that you love in terms of loving all of humanity and and hating being misunderstood to see all of those white and brown and jewish and all types of lgbtq everybody marching saying black lives matter was like being a child who's been molested by your father all your life and your mother never believed you and said you were a liar and then one day she did and she fought back for you that's what that looked like to us wow that is so profound and you just think about the fact that you know there's so many people who are seeing issues they've never seen before there's people who are young and old we're starting to understand some of the side of these issues that we've never been aware of before i personally am really impacted by this i i've you know lived with a lot of different races when i was single i'd live with guys who were black and hispanic and you know asian whatever and our black roommates consistently the two black roommates that i had they consistently got pulled over by the cops these are great guys great guys consistently got pulled over the cops in the same neighborhoods we lived in where i never got pulled over once so even that shows you i mean like one of them was pulled over eight times in a year and i wasn't pulled over once in that year and the cops were rude to him they were mean to him he didn't look like he belonged in that neighborhood there are some things that have happened fundamentally that are broken in our system that nobody should be treated this way in the first place and that's that's what we're coming to is that there's been imbalances of power and things have happened to towards a specific people group but it's happened beyond them as well and god is the god of justice jesus is the righteous judge he sits on the throne of justice and he looks at it and looks at his children and says this isn't fair this isn't right and i love that td jakes was looking at this and you know white people marching and was so touched by it because it shows you i mean it's been so long since a large group of white people or a large group of any other race would march on behalf advocating for rights for freedom and justice for all for the black community and so i feel like sometimes i hear from white relatives and white friends like oh the black community is really whining right now which is so sad to me like when you hear what god's doing the god narrative in the midst of this i mean it's unbelievable so as far as the bigger picture we need society to change that means christians have to be on the post in society to change it the church voice will not fix this issue in my opinion it's christians being in a place of daniel joseph esther who are going to change this again my opinion it's just been shocking shocking to me in the black lives matter words those three words are separate from anything else it's black lives matter also too yes we're all in this together it's not just because you say black lives matter doesn't mean all lives don't matter oh we're going to fall out and be slimy i've been trying to say that i'm so happy to hear you say that black lives matter too that's the that's the thing we're dealing with and we've got to move on that and it's not because they say that their lives matter that nobody else's lives matter we all matter and we all know that we should all know i'm telling you we all matter but black lives right now matter and they matter to god and they matter to us and so the the things that have to change and i think it was rick rigsby said that the oppressor well that the oppressor has to be the one to fix the problem by someone that is oppressed the oppressor must fix it can i jump in for just a second there's a couple of things i want to point out just to underscore what laurie said i think it's october i might be wrong about the month is breast cancer month and everybody wears pink and everybody the football players wear pink and everybody focuses on breast cancer because it is a pervasive problem that's killing millions of women black and white and we're trying to eradicate a breast cancer but nobody says when you're wearing a pink shirt and saying uh i fight breast cancer nobody says what about alzheimer's yeah you know alzheimer's matters too we have this way wow that was really a good point you understand what i'm saying that is we have a way of not understanding things we really understand in a way that is playing with our own minds when in reality all over the world we have been able to focus on covet 19 right now okay that doesn't mean ebola doesn't matter okay but you focus on the thing that is the most threatening in that moment and the focus is there and it is not to the chagrin or the detriment of other people but it is in fact an inclusion that says i care about you what could be more christian than that you matter so this one to me was a big almost like a dad kind of bringing discipline or correction i just thought it was so important there's so many people are like you know all lives matter and lori even said earlier all lives matter i mean black lives matter always matter and that's a rhetoric we do because we're trying not to put one people group above another but when you're dealing with an issue or a season of injustice that's happened you're allowed to focus on people in a special way if you're a parent and you're one of your children is being bullied consistently you might take extra time for a season to help them it doesn't mean you pull away from your other kids it just means that they may take a focused attention in a different way and i think that that's part of what we're dealing with right now is that the black community has been mistreated and there's been an injustice when you look at systemic poverty and i love violent her husband julius and they put out a video that you can watch and we'll put a link to it in here on systemic poverty so you can understand ensemic racism so you can understand some of these things in a very simple way that christians we're actually supposed to be on the wall of this issue not talking about why it doesn't matter not talking about why everyone else's life matters but actually looking at and going okay something here does matter yes when something matters there's all kinds of arguments and there's all kinds of exaggeration and ballooning up of of you know issues but to me if i was the parent whose child was being bullied i wouldn't care about all that i would care about the child who's being bullied and how to help them and that's where i think we need to get to is as christians how do we help how do we contribute response and compassion in these areas how do we have conversations that are uncomfortable but powerful how do we hear people and even when we don't agree with them how do we listen and that's something we're terrible at doing because we want to have conversations that no one's even engaged with us so many times we're answering the questions that aren't on people's hearts right now in society we're answering questions that are self-serving to us as the church and i think that this is one of those times that when you hear what td was saying like i think it's so beautiful like i was really that this is why i want to do the reaction videos that statement itself touch my heart so much like oh this is beautiful like we have to focus on chronovirus because it's a pandemic whereas ebola is just in segments of the world and so we're focused on the pandemic actually focused in a different way on it and no one's saying well why aren't we focusing more on aids because aids isn't having the impact in our culture that coronavirus is i think that's an important point i have never seen a president that i fully agreed with but i still voted and it's funny how we can find grace when it's our agenda to look over parts that we don't like and vote for what we do like we understand it when it's our agenda yeah i've never seen a president in my life's time that i totally agree with about everything or a political party that suits me i i could just start my own i could just start my own right now because i want to cherry-pick this from this part and this from that part and and the way we pick depends on how we're taught but you're saying don't throw the baby out with the bathwater that's exactly you can disagree with parts of it but don't take away the justice side of what this is because as believers we have to love justice that's right we have to love justice because our god represents justice and we have a biblical mandate the spirit of the lord god is upon me to bind up the wounds of the broken heart and we cannot continue to be the priest and the levite that goes over and takes a peek and then goes back into the comfort of our suburban communities and enjoy our lives we have to prove that we are the legs and feet of christ the the hands and feet of christ and go where the wounded are and raise him up academically socially intellectually and spiritually we have to do that wow i think a lot of us when we look at moves of god we think of maybe church-centric moves or we think of city transformation or one of these things but we're only as great as the weakest link among us meaning if there's somebody who is in human trafficking or there's somebody who is in uh the immorality of crime or whatever if there's somebody in these areas and we don't care about them we're not carrying the full expression of god's heart and so when we deal with racism it's one of those things that uh you know it's it absolutely is an anti-love so therefore anti-christ spirit and when you put somebody above because of one race or the other race in a justice system in a school system and in a neighborhood in these areas when you when you allow there to be racism racial preference and racial these kinds of things when you allow inner marriage to look bad or or to be a taboo thing you're actually operating an antichrist spirit and one of the things we're going to see in the next great worldwide move of god is we're going to see people intermarry have amongst many races we're going to see people adopt from many other races we're going to see that something about the blending of families and lives not losing cultures this is not a greek minded roman empire that goes in and occupies and neuters culture and neuters you know corporate identity just so that it can be as great as the big you know but we're going to see people who actually take on and understand the power of culture when we actually agree with god's heart of justice over a race we actually do a kingdom activity and sometimes protesting can be a kingdom activity sometimes advocating for somebody could be a kingdom activity sometimes coming out of our own racial bias or our own the way we were raised the way we thought all those things which is of course a racial bias coming out of those which i've had to do is one of the ways that we fight for luke 4 18 to say the spirit of sovereign lords upon me to bind up the brokenhearted and i just think that this issue of you know black lives matters according to what td jakes was saying a lot of the other narratives that are out there that are the good narratives the positive narratives it's time for something to happen in the church where we truly stand for justice and sometimes people poopoo the term social justice because it's humanized or secular but some of these people you know said we care too much about justice when we do too much for the poor what about everybody else you know like those kinds of arguments come up but we see in isaiah 58 a very clear prototype that when we love the poor the brokenhearted the widow the orphan when we go after people who are experiencing injustice we get 20 plus blessings when we do that we hear god and our prayers are answered and i feel like part of the reason why the prayers aren't answered over america is because we have had a root system with racism in it and then a root system of kind of arrogance or ideas about that racism that we haven't been willing to get humble about and lastly i'll just say this martin luther king is one of my favorite people he had a dream that has been unfulfilled and i'm ready for generation to live out the dream of this prophet of this father and i dream that dream with him i i think we've started to touch you know the outskirts of that dream and i just think i think where society is telling us we're it's getting worse it's getting harder it's getting more divided if you have kingdom eyes you start to see that god is maturing people in the black and white issue which speaks of what about the chinese and what's happened to chinese in america what what about the koreans what about the hispanics what about what about the other people groups who've experienced so much injustice if we can do it right with black white if the church can rise up what will happen for all the racial issues and how we can actually exercise maybe it will never work fully well in um in a full expression of justice in society in the secular sense but what about in the church what about in the kingdom what about from church to church from movement to movement and so i'm just so hungry for us to change and i want to change i want to grow i want to be childlike in this conversation if you're not like a child in this conversation if you're not coming to jesus like a child you're not relevant in this conversation and that's a hard statement to hear and i've been that person who's not relevant before many many many times and i don't want to make that mistake again so black lives do matter and i hope that you guys feel the same and i hope that you see that this is an issue that god's dealing with that we can have a lot of power in and we don't have powerless conversations we have powerful conversations and part of that is learning to live with compassion empathy and love the kingdom of love let's not have any more antichrist anti-love conversations about this but let's take on the nature of christ that's my opinion love you guys thanks for watching leave a comment below remember i am a baby in this i'm learning about this but i wanted to have an opinion and a voice about it because i wanted to share my platform even though it's small with people to maybe change their mind because this is a prophetic issue the way that we treat people in justice is how we display god's nature on the earth
Channel: Bolz Ministries
Views: 13,505
Rating: 4.709815 out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Bolz, Bolz ministries, Translating God,,, pastor, christian, God, Jesus, church, prophet, prophetic, prophecy, prophetic word, word of knowledge, bible, los angeles church, expression58, e58, iCreate Productions, exploring the prophetic, exploring the industry, your prophetic journey, td jakes, blm, black lives matter, racism
Id: jQdtONy3scU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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