Advanced Dream Interpretation Live!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] we need to learn how to master dreams and dream interpretation both for ourselves but also for our friends and our family and this is a gift that god has given us but it's also a skill set that we have to develop and this will be a life change or a game changer in your ability to connect to god's will his plan his secrets his desires for your life we have a four-week master class that you do not want to miss this is with steve and jenny maddox master dream interpreters who interpreted thousands literally this is not an exaggeration i think steve's up to 10 000 dreams he's interpreted in his career and jenny as well and they were with john paul jackson's ministry with streams for a number of years produced his show it was one of the most viewed shows in christianity and experts over interpretation and imparting to you the ability to interpret dreams and i want to encourage you to be a part of this class sign up now you don't have to be a part of our online platform to sign up you can sign up and just take the class or you can sign up for our platform and get everything our platform has to offer including the class and other monthly classes we have weekly videos and all kinds of offerings for you [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] guys we're here we're in the class welcome steve and jenny how are you guys doing very good glad to be here i'm so glad you're teaching this class tonight it's going to be so good i know many people already joined today for the class honor platform and this is something we're doing every week for the next four weeks where you guys are going to be not just interpreting dreams but really teaching the mechanics of how to interpret dreams so everybody who's watching right now we want to uh welcome you guys we have people from all over already they're telling us they're from vancouver and from uh new orleans the philippines florida italy canada just from canada luis i mean lois you guys are like excited about where you're from in canada you got to tell us where we got new zealand i mean new zealand's in the house today you guys arizona arizona yeah so we have people from all over the place who are watching and we want to welcome you guys on today this is a special or whatever time it is for you this is a special four-week class and this is an extension where steve and jenny are going to be talking to people both from our platform so hello to everybody from our platform you guys we love you well of all of our students but also they're talking to people who we influence through facebook youtube and instagram so if you guys are watching from one of those platforms please say hi again where you're from and tell us maybe one of the most profound dreams you've ever had or one of the most profound dream symbols that god's ever used in your life just in the comments we'd love to hear from you guys also we have a dream interpretation team but you have to email us for that we're not doing a lot of dream interpretation tonight we're teaching on the mechanics of dream interpretation which steve and jane are going to do in just a few minutes now steve and jenny i met you guys through john paul jackson's ministry really years ago and then we started working together because you guys are directors and producers and produced his tv show on day star which is like their number two show for the whole run of it it was like they're other than what they did joni and marcus did everybody loved this show and you guys were the brains behind it with john paul and then we met through that because you asked me to host some of the episodes after the tragic passing of john paul and so i ended up hosting about seven of the episodes and we just started working together and found synergy and i just love working with you guys but one of the things that you guys haven't uh been what hasn't been the forefront lately is dream interpretation until the last few months it always is for you guys because people ask you and pull on you but as far as in our ministry and i was like i felt from the holy spirit we need to go after dreams we did a couple live events and they were so well attended and people are so hungry for this that i asked you guys to teach this class so how do you guys feel about teaching a class right now 2021 on dreams we're super excited um thank you so much for inviting us to do this um like you said we've interpreted hundreds and thousands of dreams but we just feel so blessed to be on this particular platform with you guys and we're looking forward to um doing a bunch of dream interpretating tonight and just meeting new people and um being on this platform yeah it's it's truly an honor and it's interesting because we spent about 25 years learning about dreams yeah probably for the last i don't know how long five years or better we just kept running away from it feeling called into it but saying no i don't want to do it and so here we are we are ready to share everything we've learned from john paul and from the lord and from what's been given to us and so super excited this is a whole different way of looking at dreams and so uh you're gonna need to follow us through for the four weeks and then at the end we can really i think you'll have some questions but it'll all start to make sense so just be ready for a little bit uh paradigm shift on on the way you're looking at your dreams so tonight and all the lives the next four weeks people can watch that and they're gonna get a tease or a taste and they'll get some real tools and some real keys but really to get the fullness of this i'm gonna encourage you guys to join us at join our platform just go under e-courses if you join our monthly platform you get everything it's like i think it's 14.99 a month but or else you could just get the dreams class if you want to for 49 we'll leave the link in the comments for facebook and for youtube but for everybody already on the platform i know you're enjoying this it's just part of your platform offering and we're so glad you guys are here well i'm going to give this over to you guys to start and steve and jenny are going to start us and finish us tonight i do want to remind you guys to uh really just honor stephen jenning their experience of literally interpreting over between the two and probably 10 000 dreams no joke and so they have come with you know it's i forget who the guy is who says it takes however many hours 3 000 hours to make an expert and you guys have done that you guys have created an expertise over this and you've learned what not to do you've learned what to do you've been around a lot of dream interpretation ministries and people besides john paul you have a lot of friends who this is one of their main things that they do and so i really honor you guys super excited for you guys as a mom and a dad in the spirit over this platform to be able to speak into people's lives and then their journeys i think it's gonna be really profound so thank you guys for joining tonight and i'm i'm leaving i'm gonna be in the background but steve and jenny take over okay thanks sean okay let's look at a couple of dreams first they have come in just uh to get this thing going and someone uh sunny wrote in and said what is a fireman in a dream and uh basically when you're looking at the symbol of a fireman in a dream it's someone who has the authority to put a fire out or to to start a fire that's controlled and to make sure that people are safe so when you're looking at a fireman in a dream that's what you would look for and sometimes that represents a pastor and or someone in leadership that says something's happening with a group of people and they're just kind of watching over it so that's kind of symbol that we're looking at there and then there was cheryl and she sent in a dream that's reoccurring and she has dreams of being out on a boat and there are different types of boats and she just keeps having these over and over and over so when i think about that uh just for the symbol it just seems like she's trying to find a place to land even though she kind of enjoys where she's at she's kind of just drifting and hasn't really put uh had roots and and been a part of something so she's looking for a place to belong and um and that's what's happening in her life so we just pray for direction for her connection and that she would feel like a part of something that's uh stable and that's anchored and so that's a couple of things right there off the bat uh okay and then we were just talking about elephant and uh i see that andrea you had a dream that you were in bed with the baby elephant it's interesting you were petting that and all this but the the elephant is um something in the room that we're kind of ignoring it's like there's a colloquialism about ignoring the elephant in the room it's something that needs to be uh addressed and dealt with and so i would look at that it's something that is happening or has happened and so also another good symbol example would be like a lion um a lion can represent a king or it can also represent a devourer so just depending on the context of your dream um those are some examples of um symbols like steve said the elephant a lion um a car different types of cars can represent different types of ministries um and so really just learning some of the symbolism in your dream uh writing your dreams down is very helpful um and so and then you can start developing your own dream language and your own dream symbols because maybe to someone um and maybe to some people in their dreams dogs are friendly they've had amazing experiences with dogs they had dogs growing up loved dogs but maybe to someone else they were bitten by a dog when they were little and a dog to them could represent danger or fear so just keep in mind there's always like um positive and i wanna i don't really necessarily wanna say negatives but positives and um things in dreams that could be either or okay so i the feed is going really quick here we got a ton of questions so i just saw one in passing and they said why do my dreams keep disappearing and uh so and i understand what they're saying so we're we're teaching on this if you join us for these four weeks so that's a category of dreams and they're called sealed dreams and so what happens is in the dream you're lucid and you're in this moment and a lot of times you're getting all this information you're getting revelation you get the answer to your problem it's so exciting you want to actually wake up and just walk into it and but what happens is you wake up and immediately the dream is sealed and you forget it and you may remember a tiny bit but it's not enough to do anything with and it kind of uh will put a passion in you and and almost a burden to like i have to figure out what this means but here's the deal if it's sealed it's sealed and it's sealed for a reason it will open up at the right time and this is kind of uh similar to where we get deja vu from this is when this world opens up into dream world and you're somewhere you go wait i've been here before i've seen this i know what's going to happen and that's that's what's happening there in that dream so i hope that helps you and i know a lot of people uh on this platform are having those kind of experiences so that's kind of a simple way of looking at it and uh like i say you need to join us because we're looking at so many categories of dreams and we're focusing on dreams that have to do with you and and because 90 of your dream life is going to be for you and about you and so we're going to help you develop that and once you develop that when you get a dream about other people or other things you're going to just be able to really shine in those moments okay so um nancy anderson from the bowls online platform she sent in a question it says i dreamt that there was gold dust in my right hand so gold dust represents gifting right hand is creativity it's your creative side right and a lot of the times it can mean also like golden touch you have the golden touch so whatever you touch turns to gold the midas touch um so that's that's a really good dream yeah very simple dream and it's pointing to that for a reason it's it's being highlighted so maybe there's something happening right now that you're anointed for or that there's a gifted four there's a season of time to really to pursue that so that's the way i would look at that dream okay so um let's see here on here let's see sorry guys we're just a little bit new to this whole um receiving um comments on a feed so we're trying to do our best um okay so natalie she sent in um a question from facebook and it says i keep seeing a tuning fork in a dream um and um what does that say on a rigid roof road sorry rich rigid road until roughness burst and become smooth i keep seeing a tuning fork in a dream and a ridge on a rigid road until roughness bursts and becomes smooth it sounds like something's being adjusted there's some kind of resonant uh something inside you resonating with something and right now it's rough and you're trying to figure it out but you're going to get a tune-up and when you get that tune-up it's going to make your way straight and it's smooth things out so there's probably a lot of ups and downs right now going on and what you're doing and so uh real quick we want to explain this too that right now what's happening is there's there's two ways to interpret dreams and so one is relationally and one is with your gift so we're really trying to and and uh with the knowledge that we have and what we're teaching you is that we're trying to teach you to interpret for yourself but we're also modeling of those two ways of interpreting dreams so sometimes we're going to just use our gift of revelation and say here's what it is but we're really trying to stay away from that tonight and walk you through and give you clues of certain symbols that way we want you to and try to interpret it yourself and then come back and we can see where you kind of missed it or where you really did well and then we can help you just develop and get better and better so that's what's happening that's our process tonight so is there anyone out there who gets um the same symbol constantly in dreams and you're not really sure what it is like if there's something in the dream that's highlighted to you and you you can't figure it out that might be something fun to send over and we can try to help you with that if you have that um here is um one of our youtube viewers her name is christy i have a recurring dream where my co-worker keeps lift um lifting me and carrying me he is always willing to get me and carry me this is entirely someone else what could this mean so it sounds like you have a co-worker it's a recurring dream that you have a co-worker that keeps lifting you up and carrying you yeah and who do you think the co-worker is we're co-laborers with christ so obviously it's the lord and he's carrying you and he's walking through it sounds like you're doing something difficult or maybe it's something that when i see something like that it looks like uh that it's maybe not something you were born to do it's a hard assignment so he's carrying you through that so you have to endure hardship for a while and it sounds like to me if you have a revelation like that understand it's your relationship with god that's being strengthened and built and then he's going to bring you into your next assignment and i think you'll understand how to navigate that one a lot better so it's a great dream i love that dream awesome okay um let me say this real quick too sometimes uh we're going to have dreams that are very profound uh for our husband or wife or or someone so i want to throw this out there because this is interesting we were looking at this earlier so when pilate was sitting on the judge's seat he was getting ready to judge the lord his wife sent a message to him and she said do not have anything to do with that innocent man for i have suffered a great deal today and a dream because of him so what i think is going on there one is she had a revelation of who jesus was in the stream i think she it seems like uh this was a very intense encounter with the lord and she had revelation and she said you know walk away from that she knew it would be very negative on the whole family so husbands listen to your wives when they dream as well as you know wives listen to your husband so sometimes we'll get something and uh maybe our spouse is doing something and they think it's a good thing to do and the lord will warn uh you know your spouse about it so think about that too and look at those those kind of dreams and in matthew how they're just so practical our dream life for us should be very practical it's it's it's very simple and easy language so if you look at all the dreams in the bible and just walk through those you'll see that it's very simple hey don't do this go this way instead of that way take jesus and leave because they're gonna come try to kill them all these kind of encounters and dreams that were going on they were basically so that we would be sure to fulfill our purpose on earth our destiny and so that's what's really happening when you're dreaming god is warning you and he's directing you and he's nudging you and he's prompting you to do and make the right decisions so when you have that kind of a thought process when you're looking at your dreams so you just go okay this stream is about me you're gonna be right ninety percent of the time and then you'll say the stream is going to be practical and it's gonna lead me into what i was created and purpose to do you so then you're looking at with that understanding that kind of a filter then the dream starts to open it up and they start to really make sense and the ones that don't make sense you just take them and you put them at write them in your journal but you just put them to the side don't focus on those and uh as you develop as an interpreter then you go back and you say oh wow this was you know meant this and so um so here is a question from natalie she's from the uk um thanks for joining us that's um quite a bit of a time difference but anyway she keeps seeing a tuning fork in her dream is that the same lady i don't know i don't think so okay seems like there's a theme going on yeah well that's obvio yeah so there again that would be something that would uh be resonating at a certain frequency and the lord's trying to uh to get you in tune with him and what he's doing that's you're probably i would imagine that you're probably musical and some kind of a worship leader or something or something somebody who's an artist or something like that and so tuning fork is very important and what happens is that we're all the people that are playing in that band tuned to that frequency so that it's in harmony so there's something there that the lord's trying to cohesively put together and and make it sound good and also accomplish something so that's that's what i would look for in that kind of a metaphor and that's just out of a tuning fork and that's what we're trying to teach you to do look at the thing the symbol what it is what does it do and then draw the parallels in your life of who you are and what you're doing and that's how it's going to help you yeah so um tyler from youtube sent in a question and this is probably really common um i would think that a lot of people would get this um he's wondering about spiders and spider webs in dreams now we always want to look at the context of the dream but overall i think pretty much spiders um represent um so it would be um depends on how big they are if they're small uh it's you know just harassment and that kind of thing the bigger they get the bigger the problem is but i know that in my dream vocabulary they're very negative and so that's what the other thing is we're trying to teach tonight is that we all have a different dream vocabulary so right now we're going to process through ours and show you our filter of how we would look at that but that doesn't mean that's a universal application this means that this is what's been revealed to us you may be someone who uh i don't even know what the scientific name of this spider did love spiders and studies them that's gonna be a whole different dream for that person but for us they're negative uh in the old adage of uh you know the spider web and a web we weave when we practice to deceive so we just see negative things in our kind of where the part of the world we're from and so uh i would ask the lord about it and uh maybe there are some things that he wants to take care of around your life uh and if you're a christian your spiritual life your atmosphere yeah uh and let's let's talk to uh patricia too okay so patricia sent in um from facebook and she says over the years i've dreamed of having a baby in different stages of size sizes i've had my kids and i'm 63 so not looking to have any more so usually um well i'll start with this um pregnancy which you didn't say you were pregnant in this you said you were having a baby but pregnancy a lot of the times um i know there was someone else on here that had a question about being pregnant um means that you're birthing something spiritual but um having a baby means that you've already received something you've already received a gift and the different stages and sizes are the different types of gifts and um the maturity the maturity yeah of the gifts yeah so so there again the first room that we're gonna enter and and we want you to take this class it's so important it will help so much the first room we're going into uh is the symbol room and that's where we're at right now we're gonna just talk to you guys about symbols so everything is symbolic everything is a metaphor everything's a parable so when you're looking at a baby it's not a baby you're not you're 63 you're not gonna have a baby and have to you know what i there is an exception there's a one in seven billion chance i guess someone could at 63. i've never heard of that but it's a it's symbolic and it's something god has given you in and it's interesting because it sounds like you're unaware of it and that's why you keep having the stream and it's in different stages and sizes because he's trying to point something out to you but i bet it's something that you naturally do and that you're so good at it that you don't realize that it's it's to me i would say it's like uh it's like a ministry is probably the wrong word but it's something that you do that you love to do and that that helps people and that changes the atmosphere around you it's like when you come you bring something and it's just who you are and i think that's been growing and growing and you're not understanding in the dream that this is very significant so you're probably thinking uh that you're kind of on the part of your life that's kind of going into retirement or whatever and you're not really doing much anymore i'm just telling you there's some hidden stuff in the stream and uh it sounds like you're just gonna be getting going with something i would be and it's okay i would keep my eyes open and be looking for those gifts that god's handing out to you because that's super encouraging dream he wants to give you um multiple giftings and um that's what this dream is about yes so in the dream or you're when you get up and you're like i'm not looking forward to having any more yeah okay so we get that we have nine grandkids and four kids and we love them all but we're like okay we're probably don't want another one but i i would take one to be honest with you so don't look at it like that look at it like you're a breath of fresh air or you're bringing something it's going to be so much fun for you and it's not a burden whatever god's giving you it's not a burden it's going to be just really healthy and fun yeah okay um do you want to go over some of the different symbol types um just as examples well it's fun what would you like to do it's fun to go through the dream and find the symbol like that's all we're doing is really showing up okay hang on uh here so we just well i have one that we can do and then um this is um reena from the bowls online platform your five-year-old son um had a dream about people with guns trying to get in the house but he locked the doors and he couldn't and they couldn't get in this is a really good dream wow that your five-year-old son had that kind of a dream that's pretty um impressive but um it it means that he has discernment discernment because he's he knew he had to um lock the house um he he knew people were trying to get in so he had to lock it like protect um keep the bad out um and that he has authority to do that yes that's the big part of that dream is that this five-year-old boy right five-year-old boy had the authority to lock the door and so that's a big deal so there's something very spiritual about that i had my first dream at five i still remember it very vividly and so he's obviously a dreamer there's other things going on very discerning so just nurture that gift and we do in this class that we are giving you guys for the next four weeks we do go into how to raise kids that are gifted and and how to nurture that gift so that it's sure to grow and they're sure to want to dream and to do things with it so uh please join us because that that's it that's profound that a kid that young would have that kind of dream so here's a fun one someone sent in a dream symbol that is reoccurring that they have okay baseball team and baseball tickets what would that mean okay so okay so this is a good one because when we're uh doing this right now like we said there's two ways relational and revelation so if we don't get revelation and we don't have a relationship we don't have a lot but we can say we're not sure you may love baseball and that may mean something to you like you're going to the game you got tickets to the game this big event there's something happening and you're invited or you're you're able to get in and so i would look at those kind of metaphors but uh that's really all i can tell you to be honest so um maybe two depending like steve said the context of the dream um maybe it's something that the lord's trying to show you about teamwork because when you're on a team um and baseball primarily is you know uh throwing a ball so something that's gonna be going on back and forth back and forth that maybe god's trying to create a team or something around you um as a support yes good job see i love it okay someone here has uh seen your birthday and the numbers are eight two one so you know we go over some numbers and numbers are very subjective uh so we'll tell you what we the way we look at numbers and our dreams so to me one would be god or marriage or rock uh two would be witness partnership friendship or or division or family and then number eight is new beginnings since or infinite or mentor so or you're in a cycle so those kind of things so uh i would think that that means a lot more to you so i would ask the lord about that maybe you're you know there again a metaphor about uh your birthday giving birth to something something new coming to your life so eight is something new so i would look at that that way and begin to develop that so here's the deal when we're walking you guys through the next four weeks we're trying to help you develop your dream vocabulary with the symbols that are uniquely made just for you the lord is giving you these dreams and he's not doing it to confuse you or to frustrate you he wants you to be able to understand the language and i know you want to because you're watching us at all these different hours of the night today and so we need to lean into him and he's going to begin to show us what this all this stuff means and it's really going to just push you into destiny and purpose and life so and we're just trying to you know give you the tools we can't and get you going on that way so wow there are so many dreams coming in so um just keep in mind we're going to be doing this um for the for the next three weeks so if we for some reason do not get to your dream today we still have quite a bit of time but if we don't get to it um you can also submit your dreams to there's a whole dream team that can interpret dreams as well just we're just putting that out there because we're getting so many in and we're super excited about this this is awesome um do you want to try to do a little bit of a longer dream okay hang on real quick these are going so fast i can't read them i'm sorry i got the facebook feed here in youtube and it's going i can't keep up someone had a dream they were looking over a map of the u.s and ohio and uh illinois they were on fire those two states so you know maybe that's a touch point and this person was tiffany fitzpatrick cisco and so maybe uh that's something the lord's about to do and uh maybe that's a good thing i don't know who you are you could be a prophetic kind of person and you're seeing something like that so i would just uh pray for them and who knows you may have a part because you're seeing it for a reason so uh that's the way i would look at that here's one um vita on facebook dreamt that i was on a train with my child's father and the train conductor asked my child's father to cut off a dread from his head and if not we would have to get off sadly he wasn't willing to cut it off and we had to get off the train wow that's a cool dream okay so what does it mean um well a train usually um carries a lot of people and it gets you from one place to another like and it's usually a far distance right so how we usually interpret a dream is we write them down and then we pick out the highlights or the focuses of the dream so we're going to kind of teach you right now with this dream how to break it down so the first thing that i think that we would highlight in this dream would be the train um and then the obviously the conductor of the train and the conductor of the train would be um the lord is what i'm getting from that the child's father would be the relationship maybe that god's trying to work on through um the lord so anyway so we have the train the child's father the conductor and then um and so there was something that cutting there's something that he wasn't willing to do in order to be on the train and so the train could be uh symbolizes something that gets you like jenny said from here to there this could have been a very important thing it could have been a you know just a fun thing and there was something that he wasn't willing to do and so remember but your hair is covering but the fact that it was uh a dread could could be a word play so there was something that he just was he was dreading to do something and so i don't know i i look at it because we don't have perspective i could i could imagine that it's uh the boy on his way to leave to go somewhere and there was uh say school far away and the father doesn't want his son to leave so he's not willing to participate i don't know there's a million ways we could go into the stream and so uh that's the way i would look at it and the fact that the train conductor was asking the father to cut it off was like it's the lord giving him an opportunity to cut something off in his life um that maybe is it could be detrimental or it could be something that could be holding the boy back from his future because the train is going a distance right from one point to another so um and me thinking that pretty much 100 percent knowing that the train conductor is the lord um that would make sense yeah so anyway a number of different ways to look at that so hopefully that will help you and we'll go on to the next one and here's the deal guys we either get revelation on it or we don't then it's fun and then we just use our tools and and so hopefully all this is teachable to you you just see the way we kind of look and try to pull things out and then you know you move on so with um this stream vita i would just say write it down obviously you have because you posted it here but um start writing down some of the symbols that you get in dreams so write the dream down and maybe highlight like the train the train conductor the father the dread and then you can start developing your own dream language so next time you have a dream with a train in it or a conductor if this rings true to you you can you'll know oh i had a dream that there was a train conductor that's the lord in my dream so you'll just start slowly developing these um languages for yourself and that's really the goal here is that that we really want you guys to learn how to do these to give you the tools to do your dreams for yourself and we appreciate everybody chiming in on that dream that's pretty awesome yeah yeah oh that's cool someone said that um dreads take a long time to grow um so something that's maybe maturing and that's the thing again if we go back to dreams and what we're talking about it's very practical very simple and so there's things sometimes we get to a certain point in our lives and the lord's kind of given us a lot of grace and then things start to cost more and he's saying okay if you're going to continue with me this has to stop or we have to lose this or that so there's all kinds of things like i said because we don't know uh you relationally uh we we we're just guessing but there's a that's a lot of fun because you're you're seeing process right now so uh what is stuck in electric use what what is stuck an electrocution circuit i'm not sure okay oh man they're going so fast i'm not sure cecilia what that means like you're uh i don't know i there's not enough information there yeah okay rebecca brant uh math is that how do you say your last name but they i've had a dream since early childhood that i can fly it's night time but they're usually bad people chasing me when i get fearful i can't fly as high and i hide in the bushes when i'm confident i can fly high and feel safe still have these dreams today but not as often okay so yeah 100 so flying is the ability to move in spiritual things but it's also freedom and who you are to to uh to rise above all the things like the fear like the people that feel like they're after you and they're gonna get you and all this stuff flying when you get there and you're confident you can rise above all that things and when you're looking at yourself and your circumstance it doesn't work as well but you have the ability to do that i have those dreams all the time and so you just got to be willing and in the dream to be confident and rise above it all so you'll see here's another clue look at context of your life when you have a dream like that and you'll see if you're going through something really hard with your marriage or at work or something around you you can say okay i had the dream and this and i couldn't get up that high and these things were going on and you can kind of see what the dream is telling you and how to to process that so i would say it's a it's it's a dream showing you about don't fear man don't fear circumstance around you just rise above it and be who you are and you'll be successful you'll be happy and i think it will change you know atmosphere around you and the people that you're with here's a short one from faith beck i woke up to a profound dream picture of the skyline of dallas morphed into a rocket ship okay what do you think i think didn't um didn't uh elin just moved there rocket man so you know i don't know there's a lot of stuff going on with rocket ships and things right now maybe there's something ready to take off in dallas that that's going to be heavenly that's going to go high and far and god's going to do something so i would kind of if you're spiritual and you're christian i would look at it that way so that's really with the limited unders you know information that we have that's kind of what i would look at it like and you may be prophetic and so i know there's a lot of cool churches in dallas and a lot of things happening so there could be something in in that area specifically that that's really gonna take off i know there's a few churches there that are doing extremely well so um okay another platform dream from angeline um she had a dream three nights back of six goats coming down a hill and me and my two sisters along with our neighbor watching them from the other side so six goats coming down a hill her two sisters and their neighbor watching them coming down from the other side okay that's that's really interesting so i mean i'm not i'm really not sure the context of it so i would look at it um the i mean because the goats could be negative the goats could be positive see there's just so much information we don't have uh going down a hill and i really don't i really don't know what to make of that without any without any input sorry no normally i'm better but i have to be honest with you guys i can't just make something up and we can't try to make something work and so uh you have to we don't know if you're a farmer or if you know we there's so many things we don't know so um yeah so here's um a dream from connie from the bulls ministry platform and again here's another baby pregnancy i keep having a dream that i had a baby but actually i'm too old in the dream i forget to feed the baby in this dream um being pregnant let's see i mean dream that i've had a baby oh that you already had the baby okay you're not pregnant okay so i keep having a dream that i had a baby but actually i'm too old so the baby again would represent something that you're supposed to do or a gifting um and the fact that you think you're too old um maybe you think it's too late it's too late to um to do this whatever you feel like god's called you to do um but if you begin to develop this gifting that god's given you um it will grow and it will um turn into something so that that's what the um forgetting to feed the baby in the dream means but so this is this is a really good dream so god's given you a gift if you feed it if you don't forget to feed it you feed it um it's going to grow and it will turn into something yeah it'll develop into something and it's not too late you're not you're not too old and you're never too old to receive gifts yes and and there again it's the same kind of negative emotion so when we get up with the dream a lot of times we'll have emotions attached and if you're not understanding that we're in the symbol room we have to go back to this where all these things are symbolic that and you take it literally you can get depressed but if you realize it's a gift it's something that you have and it's not too late and there's still time and if you nurture and take care of this gifting it will develop and become something and i think it will bring just incredible breakthrough in your life and probably help a lot of other people so that's the way i would look at that dream and that's really you know that's where we're at right now we're here with you guys because because of dreams we've studied dreams and we've looked at it we've seen so many people get changed and everything in their life their marriage their kids their what they're doing vocation and all these different things and so just pursue it because you can impact a lot of people okay let's see okay here's another one let's hit this this is from youtube lady texts and it uh it says what does it mean she just disappeared let me see if i can get it oh there it is okay what does it mean when you dream you're nursing a baby but your kids are grown okay we're in symbol world so i love this that's why i wanted to say this again this will really bring it home so that means that you have something that you are going to do you're probably an empty nester and you're a little bit frustrated maybe you're working with your hands you're doing something i just feel like you're doing something uh creating and uh you're gonna it's gonna turn into something you just gotta continue and so that that's in you and that's part of your next uh assignment so be encouraged and don't think of it like you know that you're going back into something that you've already finished okay so it's symbolic yeah and i have a little something to add to that so um when you're feeding or nursing a baby you're giving it nutrients so and you're nurturing it so it's god's way of saying he's given you this gift to nurture um so he wants you to be aware of that and um start nurturing this gifting that he's given you okay youtube ollie bear good evening what does it mean in your opinion being late for a test it repeats in a dream thanks ouch okay so basically what's happening is um test streams are very common we all have those we can all raise our hands wait i'll raise this once you can see it we've all had the test stream so being late for the test means that you should have been ready to take it already and something's taking you too long so it's it's kind of a correction dream that's another area we're going to look at so there's something there and god's warning you he's like look i want you to take this test because what happens when you take a test is you're able to pass and go on to the next thing and so if you're late sometimes you either get held back or you go around the mountain again type of scenario so you don't want to do that so you want to be be ready because when the moment comes your moment's going to come again the test is going to come and you want to be ready to pass it so think of it in those kind of terms but then apply it to your life like your job your marriage your kids whatever is happening and and that kind of a metaphor so that's what those types of dreams are and they're very important okay just scrolling through here trying to find a few um this person um lindsay smith from facebook can you talk about seeing duplicate triplicate and quadruple numbers daily i'm seeing eleven eleven three three three five five five and twelve twelve etc okay we'll just look at 11 11. that's we'll leave it there and we'll let you figure out the rest but i know a lot of people on here see 11 11. so 11 let me read this for you 11 and we're gonna we look at these dreams and a lot of your dreams are going to be transition dreams and so 11 is transition or incomplete weight it's it's it's prophetic so what happens in 11 11 when you're seeing it and you're probably having dreams like this but when you're in the 11-11 this is a transition time and during that time that's when we need to hear the word of the lord because that's our next assignment so um you're in the middle of that world it sounds like there's a bunch of other things going on too but if you're seeing that some people see it oh my gosh i had a friend that was about eight years and he was so sad he just kept seeing it seeing it seeing it and i said you're just in transition just hold on just just bear with it it's it's gonna something's gonna happen and so he was just about at the end of his rope and then he had the biggest breakthrough i think i've ever seen in my life and it was so awesome so hold on god's uh speaking to you and you're in transition and you're gonna get you're gonna get to where you're supposed to be uh i believe quickly just from glancing at those other numbers so that's kind of the way i process that in my dreams and in my waking hours and by the way the number 10 for me is test and we just talked about a test but i know it's testing in all areas of life and and so when i see that it's not that exciting so i don't like to to look at my uh iphone and see 10 10 or anything like that because i know no here we go so anyway it's interesting how this works so sometimes our real life and our dream life overlap and that's really when god is trying to get our attention right his dreams are for uh to move us forward to give us direction to give us hope to warn us and all these kind of things so when you start seeing things in your own personal life just you know in waking hours you go wow i keep seeing this number i keep seeing that oh i saw that in a dream you know that god is getting your attention so press in yes learn this language and lean into him we're trying to make this where you guys are self-sufficient we all should be by now in this language and uh it will just save you so much time energy and money and and hassle because you'll just know oh this is what i'm supposed to do so that's keep that in mind so here's a a question from tracy um from facebook what's your last name um bear tracy bear fire maybe um why do dreams dry up even when we pray for them it is is this just a season or can we increase um release this way god communicates so she's just asking is there a way that we can increase the release of the way that god communicates through us to us well what i found is uh that by doing even what we're doing right now kind of making this a focus and really thinking about it when you get up because every night we dream you'll notice that they will increase this just needs to become a part of your life but we do go through ebbs and flows spiritually and so sometimes it seems like the heavens are silent to us what's going on where's my dreams but i guarantee you you're having a lot of sealed dreams that you're not remembering so god's with you he's for you continue to journal and look at this because i'm 100 sure that we are wired like uh from birth to have dreams the dreams are not all of our dreams were from god but most of them are and he is speaking to us and it's all the time and this is a huge way we're being tutored by the holy spirit and led and guided and so as well as with the word so uh be encouraged i think that season will will lift off you now and we we do pray for you that your dream life would come and that you would remember them and that you would you know yeah i feel like that happens to me quite a bit i do go through ebbs and flows i go through seasons of times in my life when i'm dreaming a lot and then times when i'm not um and the way god speaks to me through dreams is more um through confirmations and things that are going on in my life that i need confirmation in or a move or a relocation or a new biz job or any of those kind of things usually that's um when god really shows up in my dream life but like steve said if you just pray pray before you go to bed um keep the habit of writing any of the dreams that you get down like write them down any of your dreams because that will put into practice just getting your right brain moving and being creative because our right brain is our creativity and so when we write our dreams down and we think about them and we pray through um our dreams and then just pray that you just ask god to give you more um that will help for sure yeah and here's the thing i have a ton of dreams every night and jenny will have you know i don't know half a dozen a month or something like that and so it seems kind of unfair you go wow what's going on with that but here's the thing jenny's dreams really guide and direct us and they take us on like we're still on like a four year journey with just one dream which is so epic and we know we're in god's place and what's happening and uh he's with us and we know that we're in the right you know exact right time and place we're supposed to be so don't be discouraged sometimes those things happen someone else said uh that uh and it's gone something to the effect of uh your daughter got sick i'm sorry i forgot your name and uh oh here wait maybe i can save something lamp l-a-m-p-e on facebook you were having dreams all the time until your daughter got sick and after that they stopped so um i would think that something happened maybe there's something that's troubling you you're you're still dreaming it's still going on i would ask the lord about that i would pray about that and they'll come back so and we pray for that as well that that would happen so that's interesting i've actually don't remember seeing something like that i'm sure i have over the years we've interpreted so many dreams so someone asked when is this class actually it's on the bulls platform right now and it's the advanced dreams class and so the first three lessons are up and you can take it over the next four weeks and uh every week you'll get more so i think there's yeah if you go to and you scroll all the way to the bottom of that page you can find the class there and yeah and we're we've released our first week of teaching today and then um well we have three more weeks so that will include um lives also you um if you become part of the the bulls ministries platform right um that's a really awesome um subscription because you get so much there's so many teachings i don't know just what we do oh yeah and there's going to be tons more people who are going to be joining in on this platform teaching um their expertise and stuff that they've done in ministry so there's going to be so so many um resources for you guys to plug into you so i'm highly 100 think about it we we spent you know 20 something years with john paul being taught dreams we went around the world with him interpreting dreams and doing these things and we're like just a small part of that platform i mean you're you could be mentored by sean bowles who's like traveled the globe and this guy and all of his friends that he brings on the value is just incredible i wish i you know something like this would have been around you know decades ago for me would have saved me so much trouble and it's a minimal cost and uh anyway so i'd encourage you to do that and then let me see someone had it an interesting one here miss d and she's from youtube and she says i see visions a lot but don't remember dreams so often is there a difference there is there's a difference between dreams and visions but some people are wired like you and uh you would probably you know it's rare but you're probably seeing 90 of the time visions and visions are just like you're you're either dreaming and you're having night visions or you're just having open visions during the day whatever it is but and those would be literal and so remember the young would have visions and the older would have dreams now i don't know if that's you know i feel bad but i'm getting up there but anyway i have visions as well so there is a difference check out the class visions are literal dreams are symbolic and so that's really all we can touch on that right now maybe we'll do more as the night goes on yeah what else do you got um i'll look for a view here you want to share anything else as far as symbols or yeah i do i'm trying to okay yeah so if let's talk about this for a minute um so like if you're having a lot of people have a dream where they're getting in their car and they're gonna go somewhere and then uh you know a lot of people just kind of we just kind of put a label on the car that's like what you do or whatever but think about it uh this way that i think the the vehicle that you're getting in in your dream to go to the next place which is normally you're going from one assignment to the other that's your knowledge that's your gifting that's your talent that's what you've developed and so you're getting into that so it's metaphor right and you're going to the next place and the fuel to get you there is is is is timing and favor those are the two things that come from god so when you get in that car it's time and there's favor on you with man and uh with him and with what you're supposed to do so when you're looking at a dream you get into a car just think about that it's it's what you've acquired your skills is what you've been gifted to do and so that's how you're getting from a to b and sometimes it could be a part of another group and sometimes it's just you and your family so that's just another way to take something that's a symbol in a dream and let's begin to apply different process to looking at how that works so hopefully that's helping um here's a dream uh from lucille on facebook she dreamt she was riding a motorcycle and then there were three horses one black and one white and a baby horse the black one started attacking me at some point and i managed to look at it in the eyes and it fell in love and he fell in love okay can you read that one more time for me yeah i was riding on a motorcycle and then there were three horses one black one white and a baby horse the black one started attacking me and at some point i managed to look at the black horse in the eye and he fell in love okay and that's lucille from facebook yeah okay uh there's really not a lot there to go by because there's a lot of different things happening but it sounds like some kind of deliverance thing happening and uh and probably you know i really don't want to say it a lot more i'm not really getting anything out of it i know it's significant but i would break it down and look at that i can tell you that horses are very important and when their dreams i do pay attention to them but they're very that that i'm not getting anything so sorry sorry about that okay what's this this oh okay i'm looking here i can't i can't release that okay yeah so [Music] remember everything we're looking at symbols and types and we're staying in that world so that's going to really help you do you have another one yet another question [Music] um sorry guys wow you don't have one okay there's this uh friend of mine i know who had uh kept having these dreams that he was supposed to be going to this group and he was supposed to be studying the bible and but instead he wanted to stay home and have pizza and watch tv so that's pretty basic so i'm going to get down to you i'm going to get down to such a basic level of practical things so basically the lord was just showing him and he and he made it and he made the decision and everything turned around for him but he was just being shown that how lazy he was and what he was doing wasn't the right thing so that can be the most simple type of dream that can change your life so we're not looking for the the other thing is what we've learned is we're not looking for their super dramatic dream that's really long and it has all these different parts to it and it feels like oh wow this has to be god we look for the really simple dreams that are just talking to us on a our basic level saying hey you should go this way you should do that this this is where i want you to be and so remember that and that will help you interpret your dreams so hang on this is going so fast i know this um here is one um lizette from facebook dreamt i was boarding um a bus but only 26 people could board 26. so we got to see what that number means going to see what that number means for that person so we would look at that you were boarding a bus only 26 people could get a board so you have to figure that out this is hard guys so i mean i'm looking at 26 it's uh 13 times 2 so 13 is love and so maybe it's just uh you know i have no idea on that okay keep going okay here you go elizabeth mcmillan facebook a witch tried to make me new shoes in my dream last night so shoes are representative of the gospel the gospel of peace so there's something uh there was someone trying to trick you or to do something or it's a warning that someone's trying to do something that would be take you away from the simplicity of the gospel and so because that's what shoes mean and so i would be aware of that so that sounds like kind of a warning dream so those are the symbols there so your feet represent the gospel shoes are very important shoes are what we do shoes are opportunity and so i would watch that so it sounds like you're being harassed a little bit or someone's trying to trick you [Music] okay okay we're gonna do a couple more and i think we're gonna call it a night this has been exciting we're uh glad you guys are here remember you can watch the classes if you want to find one or two more and then we'll we'll do that okay uh we can take you through this process in four weeks and it'll really change your paradigm of understanding your dreams which is what we're trying to do just just remember to stay practical stay simple and uh and look at everything symbolically and then all of a sudden they'll just start opening up to you so that's our goal our goal is for you to be able to do this okay we're trying to get the last one did you see that yes oh thinking about tornadoes tornadoes or okay a dream that uh there were tornadoes over my church black and white ones okay and this is from youtube from youtube bunga deborah so this is tornadoes are interesting so yeah the colors do mean things so the white ones would be from god and the dark ones would be from the enemy so it sounds like there's some a lot of warfare going over this church and that remember what tornadoes do they expose they take the roof off of houses most of the time so they expose what's going on inside and uh they're gonna turn things over they're gonna turn the tables over and uh so it sounds like there's some some things that are going to be exposed but then another thing is there's some some things that weren't supposed to be um going on and probably be exposed and so that's an interesting dream so i'd be praying for for your church and for uh the leadership and everything that's going on there okay and then here we go in this last one and then we're going to call it a day this is what does it mean to randomly dream about relationships this is carrie from facebook okay carrie martin from facebook so randomly dream but we're not sure so we don't have the whole picture so i don't know if you're married or if you're looking to get married or any of those things but god is very relational we are we should be in relationship with one another and have a place that we're at and that um that we're you know part of a church and part of a group of people we should always be in relationship so that could be being highlighted to you i'm not sure or it could be that you're you know wanting to date someone i'm not sure so with what we have that's all i can tell you so we've been this has been exciting thanks guys so much for your patience with us it's really different to do this than to film it because most of the time we're filming it so we think when i think bull's ministry for having us on being here with you guys we pray that your dreams uh would just continue and be from the lord and that you could figure them out and be able to interpret it and by the end of this class we're hoping that to give you enough tools so that you can interpret your dreams for yourself and be able to do this so we're trying to work ourselves out of a job so we appreciate your patience with us and learning this and so next week we're going to do it again same time on wednesday at five o'clock and we hope you're going to join us and um yeah thank you so much for joining us today and um like we mentioned before um it would be beneficial for you to um either get connected somehow through the platform or sign up for the class for continued education in this area with dreams and we're super excited to teach you guys everything we know and um excited about the next um three weeks coming up and um just meeting more people and again like i said if you didn't get your dream interpreted this week um you can submit it at and they have a dream uh team there that can interpret some of your dreams and we'll probably pull from some of these as well for next time so thank you so much for joining us okay bless you guys all right bye bye we need to learn how to master dreams and dream interpretation both for ourselves but also for our friends and our family and this is a gift that god has given us but it's also a skill set that we have to develop and this will be a life changer a game changer in your ability to connect to god's will his plan his secrets his desires for your life we have a four week master class that you do not want to miss this is with steve and jenny maddox master dream interpreters who have interpreted thousands literally this is not an exaggeration i think steve's up to ten thousand dreams he's interpreted in his career and jenny as well and they were with john paul jackson's ministry with streams for a number of years produced his show it was one of the most viewed shows in christianity and experts over interpretation and imparting to you the ability to interpret dreams and i want to encourage you to be a part of this class sign up now you don't have to be a part of our online platform to sign up you can sign up and just take the class or you can sign up for our platform and get everything our platform has to offer including the class and other monthly classes we have weekly videos and all kinds of offerings for you you
Channel: Bolz Ministries
Views: 4,384
Rating: 4.876543 out of 5
Id: K4DieuMlpY8
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Length: 78min 1sec (4681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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