Your Personal Scale Assistant | New in Cubase 11

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[Music] the scale assistant is a superb addition to your songwriting toolkit you can set your song scale in the key editor and follow its lead quantize the solo to the scale or play live in perfect tune you can change the view to only see the notes of the set scale you can even let the scale assistant analyze your midi recording and suggest the right scale now there are no more excuses for wrong notes let's check it out so let me show you how the new scale assistant can help you create amazing midi parts even if you don't have any music theory knowledge or know how to play the keyboard and can also help you edit existing midi parts very easily so let me play this track for you i have a drum loop and i also have a loop that is in g minor okay so let's play it [Music] now the challenge here is maybe i want to add a nice bass line maybe with a retrolog instance but i don't know what notes to play maybe i'm not a keyboard player or i have no musical theory knowledge okay let me show you how easy it is to do this first let's set up our locators and let's create a midi part let's double click right here and now let's open this midi part now as you can see when we open the key editor now we have a new scale assistant tab here and what i can do is i can choose the key that i want to play in let's try g minor since our loop is in g minor now once i do this we have quite a few options here you will see that we have the show scale note guide which means that take a look at these grid lines so when you click on this you will see that this grid changes so what does this mean so the notes that are light gray means they are the nodes that are in key and the darker ones are the ones that are off key now let's go also to snap pitch editing this means that if we start adding notes with our pencil tool we cannot move them to wrong notes okay so they will always be in g minor now it gets even better let's say that you want to play live but you're not a keyboard player you can activate snap live inputs and now if i activate my recording editor button i can play on my midi keyboard [Music] and i can play any note on my midi keyboard and cubase will automatically correct my plane to be in key so let's record a part let's record a bass part i'm going to play almost random notes all i need to care about is the groove and the expression let's do this [Music] and just like that i was playing completely wrong notes here but cubase corrected my playing in real time [Music] now let's try and do the same for this ep piano part okay i'm gonna do exactly the same double click and now i'm going to play some chords and as you can see i'm going to get correct chords every single time so let's record something [Music] really cool right now let's try the same thing with the lead sound i'm going to play it live first and i'm going to hit some wrong notes on purpose and i'm going to show you how cubase can correct this let's do this [Music] you know that was ugly let's have cubase correct this so i'm opening the key editor and now i can go to my scale assistant and i'm gonna say quantize pitches actually as you can see the key editor already shows us the wrong notes in red in order to do this you need to set your event colors to scale chords and this way the key editor will show you the wrong notes in red now if i select quantize pitches check what happens now cubase has corrected everything for us [Music] really good right so from now on you don't have to worry about wrong notes anymore you can also use the scale assistant using the chord track in this case i have this chord track here and maybe i want to create a lead part i'm going to go into the key editor and for my scale assistant i can use the chord track i can say use the chord track information and then we have a few options i can use the scales option which take into account all the notes from the scale then i have the chords option which allows me to play only the notes that are included in the chord or i can have a combination and as you can see the grid changes here as well when i change those things so this is dynamic so whenever we have a new chord in the chord track the scale assistant will allow me to play only the correct notes and one last thing that i want to show you for the scale assistant is that now you can create thirds six and pretty much any interval and it will always be in key let me show you so let's record a lead here [Music] if you activate the snap pitch editing like i showed you before check how now i can create a second line for this scene and you will see that this is going to be in key instead of just three semitones higher per note let's listen to this [Music] it goes without saying that this is going to be extremely useful for film composers when you're creating ostinato lines for strings now you can have thirds six everything in one go without having to worry about transposing and changing every single note but what about if you already have a midi part that you just played or you had a musician play for you and you don't know what key it is in let me show you [Music] as you can see we have some scale suggestions here so right now using these nodes the scale assistant tells us that we have four options for our scale so it could be d major b aeolian e blues or b aeolian so maybe i want to select b aeolian and now as you can see everything changes and all the notes look correct another very neat thing that you can do in the key editor with a scale assistant is that now i can go to my agents and say only show pitches from scale assistant so now i only have the pitches for that scale which is really useful because you don't get distracted from all the other notes that are going to be wrong so with cubase 11 and the brand new scale assistant you can be guaranteed that you're never going to have a wrong note in your arrangement ever again you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 39,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music scales, scale assistant, new features in Cubase, musical scales, composing in scale, playing out of scale, how to recognize a music scale, songwriting, songwriting in Cubase, identifying a scale, MIDI, key editor, composing without musical theory knowledge, DAW, music production, recording software, Cubase 11
Id: -NWc5Wotq7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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