Get Ready For Overflow | Sunday 27 October 2019 | Dr Shane Perry | Conference | Day 7/7 | LIVE

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there is no Kevin and Chiba [Music] [Applause] you're the upper yarra [Applause] [Music] the caller said the club faithful the plural Asia - uncertain fire for your travel achieving God [Applause] Jesus share the app there is no German and keeping [Applause] surely up your the I did you a favor I didn't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] she will favor me this way [Music] I did [Music] this way she will favor me this wish for what thank you Jesus baba your presence poor you're a [Music] it the [Music] you're ready for me Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and cause your to follow me [Music] cause you're way too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cheese's [Applause] [Music] [Music] how did you how did you were favoring me this bed you will favor me this way well thank you Jesus [Music] somebody make a hoodie was hallelujah Jesus Christ hallelujah your son of victories your prophetic sign you're with the genius son of victory he's expression of your faith amen you win the loose I welcome this morning welcome to an area ministries international welcome those of you I know tutorial those of you I'd the extension I see many many people in the overflows middle Oh bless you comin Jesus wherever you may be in this facility or in the extensions around and that those of you in millions who are connecting and watching us from across the globe we welcome you and may God bless you we must say now I want you to find the person next to you and I welcome the person directly your brother your sister welcome somebody and you may be seated in the presence of God [Applause] [Applause] welcome you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the only god we have the only true God is seated upon the throne who for power in his hand Helen is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end amen is the great I am of Israel Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the earth because of him we stand and say there is no condemnation for us because we are justified by his blood we give honor to he who lives forever he will seat about the circle of the earth from all power in his name before him angels bow tonight and say holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was a nice and easy job we give glory to Jehovah the uncreated creator the Eternals of assam one he lives by himself and say beside me there is no other god each / shamma jehova nissi Sapphira hallelujah is a denial is the god of abraham isaac jacob the god of satis undersea god of a shock andre well no the god of a fluke is Jesus the best praise you have why would you cheat us love you Jesus we love your cheese somebody shut up we love your cheese god bless you please be seated it is a great time to be together as sons and daughters of God children of the Almighty God I want to welcome all the pastor's in the house those who are part of a my idea Ministries International directly by name or those who are directly linked to the altar through pastor of having different names if you pastor you administer I want to honor you this morning I want you to please stand let us honor our pastors only put your hands together for the pastor's the ministers that long as the food in the mouth is full of pastors hallelujah god bless you please I have a seat I am seeing the crowd here I'm seeing my son all the way from ami Zambia with my precious daughter pastor Jesse bless you I am seeing a pasta goula and my precious daughter god bless you feed with my to my daughter I see Paso win and I will you send out that side master just you know yeah god bless you I love the look you know I see pastor did they motapod today and I asked you so many of my sons and daughters see bishop fringe god bless you as he lay low I see Gregory war with Jesus as he caroli god bless you a posto JP what are you god bless you have a JP what I use [Applause] god bless you I'm seeing on the other side my precious son prophet priest and the lunatic even my doctor god bless you thank you for serving God with your husband asked you hallelujah bless you I see prophet prophet as Jeremiah precious god bless you nor with the Jews that bless you don't be jealous now that's what you say right somebody I have been blessed this houses in plans to generation and the water be blessed and as a talk of my blessing I see my precious bishops I want to honor you today God bless you bishops the Lord bless you the time that I had taken away from the church offering three weeks or so that sound some people made me feel like I was away for three years just three weeks but I was still blessed knowing that might be shocked the carry must seem that they carry home they're happy they're you know many thanks to each one of you you stand strong you served out in a unique way you know you really need you Nick wey Bishop TK bishop son as you serve God and you do exactly what the Lord has set before you it is amazing and I want you to know your father loves you and that you are just it means nothing to me god bless you son Bishop stefana to you you are amazing as you flow in the Lord and you serve God you know thank you very much for sending with your father with the call of God and remaining faithful bishop in Quincy you know taking care of our our churches and going from place to place and dealing with matters that sometimes I cannot personally walk and physically deal with but you have been always there my precious daughter MJ exactly don't be jealous come on now don't be jealous my daughter we we have been on this journey winds and waves mountains and valley will remain faithful following the call that a lot has said and I want you to know I appreciate you I love you and I'm standing with you together for life and there is nothing that devil can do about it we have seen people calm we have seen people go we have seen wind calm we have seen wind go but we have remained steadfast and for that god bless you my precious daughter and [Applause] [Music] I can't um I [Applause] Hey I've lost anything [Applause] apostle bernard is already jumping I've not said 80 Casa Carol is bringing an offering I've not said a fee well I meant to speak of the leader of a bishop group the IEC the chairlady the the pass was normally sister my wife [Applause] [Applause] Bishop I wanna thank you for your endeavor I want to thank you for always being there now I want you to know something Bing pastors and ministers of the gospel is not limited to standing here you know we we fight battles with God's people we need to be there when they cry we need to be there for their families we need to be where the children are going astray and I said we need to be there is not just in thought its physical you know as I was living the IVP yesterday Bishop was rushing to the hospital standing with the the general and the team understanding with my precious son passage is you know praying and standing that that our lives that's why you see when someone trusts Owen and the pastor he has no clue what it takes to be a pastor is when somebody links the pastorate to someone dropping an offering on the stage he has no clue what it takes it is not a Sunday a weekend thing it is a 24-17 and I tell you Bishop has been really into it has laid literally a life you know in serving that in that way with my pastors Bishop I want to honor all of you will you put your hands together for my bishop [Music] now those who know me know that I have many blessings and among my blessing they know that one is always there everywhere I go you can't really get me down unless you get it down I am talking about my family but also my general [Applause] five-star general anointed by the Living God walking under the shadow of his spiritual father Amen selected among many is a not an alternate remain committed to his endeavor a general of his own kind anointed in the presence of millions of this generation established with the shoulder of the Lord and the weapon to stand by the men of God as a shield I am talking about general wise men Gabrielle Maga Scylla [Applause] my son thank you thank you for everything you do thank you for standing by me thank you for doing your god-given assignment thank you for taking care of everyone who has to be taken care of especially me your father a blessing little demon Eliza [Applause] [Music] whether you had noticed that um for the past a few weeks or a month to te some people say for month it sounds very long Bishop Celeste was not alone and up to three weeks also off it is because the children especially with our first Swan they had to move to study in they were in international schools but I we took them to study in a different zone in different country with the same a sphere of schools for this year so they are very excited extremely so and that is because most of the friends some of the teachers moved there and with the influence that could not resist the temptation of being abroad to study in Europe so they are now for this year in Europe they'll be here for the holidays in December they'll be here for all their holidays to set that all up Bishop had to be there in order to stand with the family and that that also means that she'll oh he'll be in and out and so forth now I was studying or I am studying I am doing my DBA my doctorate in business really trying to catch up with my work my assignment is not in theology is really Business Administration a doctorate is on something you play with and I don't like to lose I don't like to be number two I don't like to be number three I had to make sure that my assignments are heed and my assignments result a good so far I have not seen anything below 90% so somebody give God glory but my DBA for some people says doing a DPN aware is with a Swiss University Swiss business school journalists don't like whatever say now that I said you can verify that my DBA is one of the best to be a doctorate is something I had to work and put work to and make sure that the results are good graduating if God if God will and if I put in the work by next year or April so I will be taking also time to study a bit taking time I have an exam in November animation part of retina exams the devil is a liar you know my Simon I'm some time I try to go prophetic only just asked about Osama [Applause] but you can really feel that guy say that I have you but you gotta study versa so I will also be in and out writing my exams in November writing it in January it's right my path so I'm a graduate in have my DBA in 2020 April please stand with me pray with me and all we go well Jesus name hallelujah our conference started I know I'm keeping you standing for a while don't worry I will compensate on that when the preacher comes here you don't love me [Music] well our conference started on Monday and on Monday we started with four one that I steamed to be a brother in this generation carrying an outstanding anointing all the way from the United Kingdom ksdc church that is Pastor Matthew as Chimel oh ha ha he led the first mega church in the United Kingdom he was here a minister the first day he ministered the second day the third day we had all the way from the United State of America we had a Bishop George Rama do you just love Bishop George Brahma wish of yours Bluebird stood here and minister gave us his testimony it was just amazing also the prophetic in him and the power for deliverance in an amazing way deliverance took place thousands of people got the deliverance then of Friday we had Bishop Paul motored where you plaster a happy shop on water now today what I have two services we have this service then we'll have a letter service supposed to be an evening service but we'll call it a la service because was that for from for not from six from four we start the letter service and it will go till six seven and then you can go home take that massage if you are seeing a that pillow and God has been a good God now helping us in this conference many of us not many all of us have played a big role a usual to have this conference a success first I want to thank all of you who have come from the ivb can I see the AVP hands can I see you you came from a different countries and they used to do you had guitar IVP is not yet finished God is still working it out Alleluia we have my leaders my pastors every department pootie whatever I have together to make this week a success pastor Jesse where she pastor Jesse pastor Chester there she is hiding day you know she she has been doing whatever she could do making this a we love you don't be jealous and behind the coordination of everything that has been happening way before some of you knew that we have a conference who has my daughter standing right with me I call her precious P most of you know her as many suppose see I want to honor you today my the Jesus you god bless you it means a lot to me that I have you and you stand to do what you have to do you had gone all out beyond even what was expected to stand with me and the men of God that have been here god bless you and next to is my precious daughter Flavian god bless you he has been behind connecting with most most of the ministers that have been here dr. Flavian UI precious son god bless you bless you find out for you the Lord I serve bless you you may be seated ladies and gentlemen family and friends please allow me on behalf of the general oversee and senior pastor of Alleluia Ministries International apostille Alpha local to take a moment and just introduce this time of appreciation we want to take or he wants to take the opportunity to just appreciate those who behind the scenes have been doing things to make sure that not just the conference but throughout the year that every service that every activity around Alleluia Ministries International is done with excellence we just want to present few people that will be coming to receive an award from the men of God and I want you to watch the screens as you're going yeah well that memory brother Dubois days in the hospital dilute teaming and tidying up [Music] momily said to be our here department requires such as nice cake particularly when following up and keeping files of testimonies within the ministry melissa has continuously executed Stokes Holloway don't be jealous don't be jealous Lord brother Kalani Nelson Eddy our Hospital has international guests [Music] brother hallelujah [Music] [Applause] brother tempeh meganula a bundle of this magnitude requires module to look and fashion in a proper manner timber uses skills and our maintenance department hallelujah sister you fool north amongst many faithful daughters recuperative has remained and with hallelujah again working hard behind the curtains and being a true solid right Jesus far [Applause] Minister Jimmy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Minister dengue he has dedicated his time by most successful celebrate God's on minister thank you [Applause] [Music] Mamadou do not achieve what surfing has worked the heart of many congregants hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to Jesus Oh God see the anointing of God's glory to Jesus brother Krishna he has proven his faithfulness and has fully committed himself not only to serve but to be a pillar in a linear ministry center [Applause] Minister seniorita hang because it means to CED our social media is active 24 hours seven days a week our social really allows minutes our own blog to stay connected to AMI [Music] low-rated Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise God can we please at this but one more time put our heads together for all those who have been standing with the father and serving faithfully can we please either ask our Usher's in hospitality team at this time to bring the books [Music] [Music] [Music] the arising of the prophetic voice as you bring the books here and speak about it and introduce this it is my greatest honor in this day even before we proceed with the program to dedicate to babies to the Lord they have come all the way from Europe this is Miriam and Sarah Elizabeth who are coming here with the father Gabriel and Stefania as I invite them will you put your hands together for them [Music] ah [Applause] Oh [Music] today we dedicate a baby Mariam elizabeth.sarah to the Lord both parents serve God in earlier ministries best in Europe they are sons Son and the daughter of this house the reason Jesus there is just an amazing grace in their lives they've been committed dedicated to God today as we serve God together and stand on this pulpit presenting the children they want to say to the Lord we thank you for the blessing that you have given us but we give the blessing back to you because we understand that we cannot take care of them by ourselves so be there doctors where we cannot be the doctor be with the children where we are not dead Jesus Christ the Bible say was only baptized when he was thirty what you were 30 years old but at seven days old the parent Mary and Joseph took him to the temple where Simeon had blessed and dedicated his life I want your family to arise as we pray and dedicate the two babies to the Lord that from this day that may be God's property will you stretch your hand as we pray for the children and I want you to decree and declare the blessings of God in the lives shall we pray don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry father the name of Jesus we thank you for baby Miriam today before your people we did he care to shout to be us as spirit soul and body is yours we give a future in your hand we say the blood of Jesus covers a life no weapon formed against her shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we decree before your people that she is yours in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Sarah Elizabeth so Sarah Elizabeth today before heaven and earth you are declared to be God's property with Jesus in the name of Jesus I want you to pray harder because Maria may cry father we pray for baby Miriam we ask your grace o God we pray the blood of Jesus over her life that she grows in stature in wisdom and in favour we decree and we declare in this day that no weapon formed against Miriam shall prosper in the name of Jesus Lord I dedicate alive and Miriam before God and His people speaking to your spirit I decree and a deeply before your parent and before heaven a decree I declare you are God's property dedicated unto the Lord in the name of Jesus somebody say Amen and move your hands together god bless you will you please have a seat thank you thank you god bless you thank you on my birthday I had presented this book and I have say the Lord had impressed upon me to present this book to the world it is a prophetic book speaking about the prophetic it is covering every aspect of the prophetic this book will confront doubt it will enlarge of half this book will shed a new grace in your life it is a prophetic book that I want everyone around the world to have now I will give you a few of you an opportunity just like I did on Friday because I want you to have this book to own it we have the book in different languages we'll have it in English we have it in Spanish we have it in French we have it in Portuguese we have it in India we have it in Mandarin or Chinese so this book please understand is for you to have you don't have to be prophetic or in a prophetic Church for you to have it for you to have it you just need to believe God I was blessed yesterday as we when the IVP this is to say you don't need to be in a prophetic church and charismatic church I was praying for Joseph who is a priest a Catholic priest who came to attend the ivy pre Joseph a Catholic priests [Applause] Joseph is a serving Catholic priest in India but decided that I'm a Catholic priest but I'm coming to a flock ow will you own a Joseph put your hand together for him hallelujah glory to Jesus Joseph when I was growing up I wanted to be a Catholic a Catholic priests meaning no mama Celeste no AJ no nothing that I see no just and as a venture Jesus Thank You Joseph god bless you and you'll also come to receive this healing this book will bless you it doesn't even if you are not from the Christian faith and then you want to understand the Christianity you will understand the prophetic from the days of old it will help you I want you to watch the screen if the media is ready the very first of its kind the arising of the prophetic voice academically sound theologically profound and prophetically accurate a revolutionary framework for understanding the secrets behind the coming prophetic move of the Holy Spirit a remarkable reading written by Pastor a Luke the prophetic is the oldest and most documented ministry in the Bible but remains misunderstood in our time both the world and the church are often shown resistance to this incredible ministry throughout the ages yet it stands as one of the most powerful ministries of our Lord [Music] the prophetic uniquely reveals the presence of God and demonstrates his power amongst the Saints and the world at large it is because of this reason that the devil fears this ministries for information this book will provoke your spirit to confront every seed of confusion with regards to the prophetic and activating you the gift of God concealed between its performing pages are mysteries that were hidden from generations ago but are to be revealed in this season this book captures both the disability community it is a sign that God is doing something new something is stéphanie something beyond human comprehension something that will deduce a word the first rule it is a new door the revelation and knowledge contained in this book and will give clear understanding of the prophetic and unleash its grace in the life of every reader God is raising an army of profitably and women across the globe men and women of power who will align with his perfect world to do and to fulfill his kingdom assignments in a time such as this it is the arising of the prophetic voice pastor alpha Cano exhibits an uncustomary grace in the office of the prophetic moving and rare precision and accuracy throughout his ministry the world continues to bear witness to the distinct dimension of the prophetic mantle upon the man of God Saints from across the globe are beneficiaries of this authentic life transforming gift that has prophet solutions in their lives book originally written in English is translated in various languages namely Hindi Mandarin French Spanish and Portuguese get your copy today from the Alleluia ministries international book shop online and through l-fiqar comm Amazon or any Bell Bell out it across the world well this book has 290 pages of strong revelation I have ten chapters in the book mainly the prophetic before the prophetic voice before the law before Moses the institution of the prophetic voice the end of the prophetic voice the prophetic anointing the prophetic gift the prophetic calling who is a prophet the word of wisdom the word of knowledge I have a chapter on false prophets there are many false prophets they have always been many false prophets but the presence of all prophets does not mean that there are no good prophets so I am dealing with that in chapter 8 chapter 9 I'm talking about the right attitude toward a prophet there is an attitude that you have to have toward a prophet and the the last chapter I am dealing with the right attitude toward to have toward your prophetic word the prophecy now there are many dimensions that you have to understand in the prophetic you have to understand and I want you to get this book somebody told me that a prophet is known only when his word the word that he has declared comes to pass I say yes and no yes because the Bible says so but the bible does not say that as the supreme the Bible says that in a context are you hearing me already you said looking zero if you say that tomorrow morning I'll have my bread and I don't have my bread you have false prophet it depends on which type of prophetic word I have saved here I'm speaking to you about seven different prophetic words if God had prophesied that Elijah but the blue koala buffet and Elisha disobey going by the brook that word would have never come to pass and it will not be because the one who have said it was not in truth is simple because what had to be done to facilitate the manifestation of that word was not fulfilled that's why you need to read this book Danielle heard the prophecy of Jeremiah we say that the you will be in exile for 70 years and the world away their time past because of ignorance the prophetic word did not come to pass well if it is God who said it'll happen automatically many of you do not know how many things that God have said that you will do and because of lack of knowledge it is passing you and is fasting your family is passing a generation our generation our entire generation the things that that we have to do and that's why you see God will raise man and woman and unknowing them just like he has anointed me so we may bring our contribution to open the eyes of men and women in this generation in the prophetic it was only when Jeremiah going to the scripture discover that a whoa we are past time as supposed to be married long time ago by the prophetic word released my children supposed to have the babies already according to the prophetic will of God he walked up to the reality that the devil had taken advantage of the ignorance and the Bible say his set in his heart to seek the Lord and he prayed from the first day gasps panting angel not because of a certain promise because of the prophetic that has been already released by Jeremiah written and documented that there will be necks out for a certain period of time and come out but that prophesied he don't come to pass why is it because your Ramaiah was not a good prophet no it did his but most of the time the prophet has done his part you do not understand yours and things are messed up when he understood that I began to travel in the Holy Ghost it took literally 21 days with the intervention of Michael for him to get the answer lifts your hand and say it is the arising of the prophetic voice it is the arising of a prophetic flower gets my miracle I will get to my miracle now I want you also to know that that there is nothing I have encountered in the fold ministry that a reveals God in the way the prophetic does someone one day told me what does it I heard someone saying to somebody else that okay all that that guy does he has mentioned somebody's name so what does it do what changes if somebody mentions your name don't you own your own name let me tell you those are little signs to tell you that that something spiritual is happening so I look at that bastard I say are you able to pick anybody's name among us beasts that are freaked out that you know yeah just try close your eyes think hard hard hard even Philip you do not know it takes God and if you are walking the airport nobody knows you you are in China somewhere and one of my cousin Chinese comes to you only you here see familiar your name this guy knows something about you there must be something how do you know that it's called a sign I remember many years ago people to see where people fall under the power and they stand up the same how do you know that stand up the same how you got how do you know that it's true that when they stood up they didn't change their height they did not change that they complexion they did not change their but who told you that they are the same people who have been slain before God is God man this man may God be true and every man alive are you hearing me so I want to give you this prophetic book it is available already on ma online of website address a flu cow calm for those of you are watching and it will probably be activated or is already activated for you to check on Amazon if you cannot get in Amazon you can get it in Bab or a price if you don't get it and Babar's press come back to Africa calm it is easy you can get this book for $30 over 450 rain and for those of you are here on Friday I had asked us to give see and I want to honor those who stood to secede of 50,000 reign over the book of course you didn't buy the book for 50,000 it was a seed to connect to this world some of you stood to sow a seed of 20,000 other suits to sow a seed of 5,000 and the many of you went out there even slapping you say I wanna do even more now I want you to know the price of this book is 450 you can get it in all the selling point around the church in the books of the church online and so forth but again I want to give it to a few people this is prophetic that when I joined me in this work and we're not here on on a Friday and say Papa I want to sow a seed reading this book from your hand for 5,000 Rand I did fifty thousand 20 thousand ten thousand whatever but you say I just want to align with you and I want to is I'm not buying the book I'm taking the book but I'm sowing a seed in this work of the prophetic but I want to show a seed of a thousand if it is you want to lift your hand if you're doing that I want you to lift your hand and to come in front come stand here I will give you the book myself you coming you see I'm sowing a seed of 5,000 rain to receive this book I'm sowing a seed and let me tell you as you sow the seed you must know is more than buying it's more than a purchase you are entering into my work you are standing with your spiritual father to serve God this is your work five thousand you can also do it if you are watching us live from around the world you can also join us with the number on the screen the details on the screen you can sow your seed on Friday we started with 5,000 and so so you are sowing your seed today 5,000 5,000 I'm waiting for you this is a new seed a 5,000 for today now I had asked everyone to fulfil the seed whoever took the book on Friday I had asked you to fulfill your seed today latest some of you fulfilled it already on Friday others you fulfilled you see the on Saturday yesterday and the some of you you have to fulfill it today now if you are here you already got the book and that now what remains is to fulfill the seed I want you to stand up if you are here you got the book and you have to fulfill your pledge I want you to stand up you got the book you're fulfilling the plate those of you here I pray that you fulfill your place today as you receive the book I'm sure that I gave you a paper where you write your name and your phone number god bless you God bless you God bless you do not bless you my daughter welcome back from the trip that bless you son god bless you can we we can swap on the side god bless you thank you my dear son from America is always here the Lord bless you love you god bless you my daughter the law Bless You God bless you valleys god bless you do not bless you God bless you God bless you I want you if you ever also for free you you have received thank you god bless you you are sowing a seed of 5000 on the book god bless you my son I like your beard that bless you she says she's sewing 21,000 not 5,000 21,000 the Lord bless you I like it when God speaks to you like this it sounds prophetic god bless you thank you love you too god bless you son god bless you thank you for joining me in doing the work of God god bless you god bless you the desire is given god bless you god bless you it is to be say if you had taken the book you have to fulfill your assignment especially those who took it on Friday you took it on Friday now you are hiding god bless you god bless you may swap on either corner they'll all bless you my daughter this is the seed you showing a seat or the book you say I'm joining you pop I wanna show a seed I wanna say seed I also a seed I'm giving people time to do that 5,000 you say 5000 is what is about 350 of $400 my daughter god bless you for sowing the seed and joining me joining me on that joining me on that I feel like as you need to give people opportunity because I don't want this to be just a book for you for you you must connect deep inside it must be part of you you must own this book this work and jump into the arising of the fatigue voice the arisings 4000 to suicide on this one now if you are here you say I'm showing a seed of 1500 at least by three boo-boos send to somebody you say 1500 I want to get this book from you Papa's lift your hand or come come in front you say 1500 this is $100 it means that they you bang this book or you are sowing $100 in these hundred dollars in this book I wanted to please come here come here I'm waiting for you $1500 or 1500 rained I wish it was one doesn't have father no daughters it is 1000 see there are no anything on her because it's prophetic what is happening here you say 1000 see whatever you have not paid the price for you will never be partaker of will be online I'm waiting for you 1500 rain do you say this is my seed I am not buying the poop so when you live this book you say Lord this is my seed is a prophetic book is my prophetic seed it is true that that thing's times may be difficult and so forth will you be on a proper will you put other 1qs there we were not in a queue I'm waiting for everybody to come you say 1500 I'm sowing a seed I'm entering into a covenant with my spiritual father I'm entering into a cover and I'm sowing a seed today of 1500 I'm waiting for you somebody's miracles are beyond what we say somebody's miracle is linked to what the Lord speaks to you directly the please come this are can somebody please help them there is a lot of space here you say 1500 is my seed is my seed I'm sowing the seed I'm sowing the seed of 1500 I want you online to also do the same and I want you to be patient because the traffic on line is getting heavier the weekend was a view and the banks who process a number of your payments are only on Monday but carry on you know download and make your purchase make your purchase I need you to do this it's prophetic and it is a privilege to have you jump on the boat and serve God with me I wanted to jump on the boat and be part of this work let us impact our generation together let us impact our generation together 1500 1500 you are here we fill up the form I'm waiting for few more people that is telling me not to carry on there are people who still I come coming you say I'm sowing a seed of 1,500 1,500 1,500 thank you for coming I'm waiting for you thank you thank you thank you thank you for coming you're sowing a seed of 1500 Zotoh Robo Shia may I ask my other bishops Bishop basileus Bishop Jackie to come so we help me to distribute the books 1500 please come is a serious math in the spiritual reign make sure that your pledge is done today god bless you thank you you may go god bless you you can go to the swapping machinist you faqad god bless you god bless you hello bless you god bless you prophet on the stage god bless you you can swap on the side god bless you son god bless you hello bless you will Oh bless you [Music] 10,000 she says she's not playing 1005 cease pledging 10,000 Allah bless you god bless you god bless you [Music] we give them time to fulfill this because I believe it is a work of God [Music] [Music] [Music] remember for the rest of us as you leave you will find a book in different selling points in these premises in the premises outside by the bookshop at the entrance you will have it by the overflow by the reception of the office you'll have the book please make sure that you get it there you have it for 450 but you cannot also dare say I'm still sowing a seed I'm sowing a seed let them know about it and the Lord will bless you you were precious most precious and gold sweet sweet Jesus sweetie what I wonder you are you are you my [Music] most precious Oh [Music] you Oh Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to ooh [Applause] other ways to pressure hose pressure wave to Jesus cross as we sing it together [Applause] Aaron stop the ball choo-choo [Music] [Applause] by the [Applause] stop the ball to everything my tire Jew much [Applause] put your hands together ladies and gentlemen family of Olivia ministries those of you watching from around the world the time has come God's ordained time has called and the time of the pouring of the Grace and the power of God has come now we were blessed by many gift many selected generals have walked in here the one who's coming I have met and have come to honor and to respect I have received [Music] I took time to go through his preaching at the time to sit down to listen to him he carries something that is unique hallelujah do you know how to spell unique to you you it carry something unique I'm telling you it's the Sun differently and today God knows is my greatest honor to present to you right on the purpose of Alleluia Ministries International all the way from the United States of America dr. shine [Music] hallelujah hallelujah by God come on put your hands together let's give the Lord some praise oh come on clap your hands open up your mouth and let's bless the Lord in the air listen the Bible says clap your hands all you people shout unto God with the voice of trial listen this word clap is the Hebrew word talca law and it means to drive a nail through which means every time you clap your hands you drive a nail through the plans of the enemy that he has set up over your life now come on clap your hands for your children clap your hands for your money clap your hands for your healing and try the nail through the plans of the enemy then he says shout unto God with the voice of triumph ruah in the Hebrew it means to have a trumpet down in your throat now once every 50 years they would blow the trumpet in Zion that symbolized the year of release also known as the year of Jubilee two things would happen one all of the property you lost had to be returned next all of the debt you had incurred had to be released and all of your children that were bound had to be returned back to you now listen I'm 44 I'm not trying to wait until I'm 94 to get my breakthrough God gave me a trumpet in my throat and I'm getting ready to holler back to God and release my season somebody clap your hands open up your mouth is shout hallelujah come on shout hallelujah while you're standing father in the name of Jesus what we thank you for your presence thank you for the anointing that's already in this place I pray today God that not one person that came in this building would leave the same way they came I decree and declare healing in the name of Jesus Isaiah 54 and 17 no weapon formed against them shall prosper every tongue that rises in judgment against them they shall condemn it for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord whatever has come against them this week I command it to be turned right now in the name of Jesus I release breakthrough in this house and it is done in Jesus name come on give him one more praise right where you are why don't you find somebody beside you just touching one time and tell them say breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough hallelujah listen why you're standing I want to say this to what I believe to be and I may not be in a position to declare this but I'm gonna stand in that position I believe that God has placed the next general in the body of Christ for the world and his name is the posture Alf Luke ow I thought I thought that I had experienced the prophetic from some of my brothers in Ghana I thought they were the top of the line in the prophetic but I have never in my life experienced the prophetic the way I've seen it demonstrated through your man of God can we give it up for the one and the only pastor apostle alpha Luke ow come on let's give it up for our leader and I want to say this I'm going to preach it but I cannot just take a few moments because I am overwhelmed with emotion to be in South Africa and I want to tell you why first off when I came here on the flight over for the past week I've been having a strange pain in my back unexplainable I went to the doctor he don't know what's wrong we don't know what's wrong it's unexplainable I'm a runner I run 5 miles a day but I didn't injure myself running we don't know what happened and so all on the flight to Africa my back was hurting through the service on Friday night my back was hurting when pastor apostle alpha Lou Cal took the microphone and began to speak over the crowd the back pain was released immediately since that moment slap your neighbor how father tell him say the power of God is here the power of God is here I have immense respect for this man of God I literally fell in love with his spirit listen most people who are prophetic are a little strange but apostle alpha lue cow understands description that says condon send two men of low estate in other words he knows how to be humble he loves people I seen him in love he knows most of everybody's name in this whole building he's that kind of leader can we give it up for him one more time pass south and to his wonderful wife Bishop Celeste I have not met her yet but I see her spirit can we give God praise for Jesus and I want to send some love back home to America I'm sure my wife is probably asleep but I still want to send some love I was on Safari I'll talk about that in a little bit but pastor Luke I'll sit me on safari but when you go on safari with Pastor Alpha a cow you don't go by yourself you go with an army literally dressed in fatigues and camouflage I mean anything I needed or wanted it was taken care of somebody say man but I told one of the gentlemen he said I can't distinguish between accents if you're from America you just sound American but in America we have different accents for different areas I'm from the south so I have a southern accent and I told him that sometimes this can be perceived as being or not being an intelligent person and so we have to speak with lofty language in order to let people know that we are educated and so when I talk about my wife I don't just say she's beautiful I say she is the pinnacle of physical pokhara - so I want to send some love to my wife in America thank God for her I want to say this quickly the staff here at ami has been absolutely amazing absolutely amazing and and I want to say this I have traveled all over the world my first time in Africa but I've traveled all over the world preaching I've been preaching for 25 years I have never in my life been taken care of the way I've been taken care of in South Africa it is a tribute to your leader it is a tribute to your staff it is a tribute to your workers thank God for ami come on somebody let's give it up and very quickly I'm gonna preach y'all I don't normally do this but I'm so overwhelmed with joy because of the love that I felt from AMI I told pastor Alpha Luke Allah said you know what I think I want to join your church but I want to say to dr. Sherin me I want to appreciate him so much for making this connection and bringing me to South Africa he is a true man of God and he is a person that loves to connect people in ministry and I also want to say to Minister busi she is one of the most incredible assistants somebody could ever have and if I had enough money I would try to steal you from Pastor a man that do this for me look at your neighbors say neighbor I see you in the future and you look better than you do right now so I'm getting ready to give God a praise for you now just before I preach I want you to do something for me it's gonna sound strange but I want you to take out your cell phone take out your cell phone we're gonna we're getting ready to shake up the world on social media are you ready this is what I want you to do I want you to take a selfie now listen listen listen don't don't try to get all the angles right and don't try to do all the extra stuff just take the picture all right take a selfie when you got it say man now this is what I want you to do I want you to take that picture I want you to post it on Facebook and Instagram yeah yeah it's gonna go around the world watch this and I want you to say I want you to tag am i ministries I want you to tag pastorale flu cow and I want you to tag at Shane Perry senior that's me and this is what I want you to say this is what my last level looks like because from this day forward I'm getting ready to go higher somebody shout hallelujah you may have your seats in the presence of the Lord I am grateful to be here can I preach to you just for a little bit if you will go with me in your Bibles to Psalm 65 and 11 I want to read from the New Living Translation so we can get clarity of the text Psalm 65 and 11 says you crowned the year with a bountiful harvest even the hard pathways overflow with abundance I want to leave the thought with you this morning get ready for overflow Oh somebody ought to receive that touch somebody and tell him say get ready for overflow I have made up in my mind that I will no longer lie on New Year's Eve that's right I'm turning a new leaf and I'm not going to tell the same story that I've told every year every New Year's Eve we say this is my year you said it in 2015 but it didn't work you said it in 16 and 17 and 18 but it didn't work but I want to tell you that I believe that 2019 is the greatest year that we've ever come upon in the history of the world and I don't care what you've been through this year over the next almost 90 days less than 90 days now God is getting ready to open up some doors to you that are going to cause your enemies to have to take notice of the blessing over your life touch somebody and tell him say get ready for overflow I was amazed when I saw that your theme for the year was overflow because God had spoke to me at the beginning of the year and he said this is your year for overflow watch this so I know I'm prophetically connected to the house but watch this the problem was it seemed like in 2019 my life was going in the opposite direction of what I was declaring have you ever declared you're healed and you got sicker have you ever declared that money's coming to you and it seemed like money was running away let me tell you why the devil attacks what God is about to release which means your moment of the tack is simultaneously your greatest place of release whatever area you're being attacked in right now you ought to be giving God a praise because it means God is getting ready to release in that area of your life money is about to be released healing is about to be released change is about to be released I wish somebody would turn around one time and just shout turn around he's being released somebody shout turning around God on my job in my family in my house what turn turn it around when I first came into the Pentecostal church you may have your seats thank you for standing when I first came into the Pentecostal church I I was from the Baptist Church so in 1994 I was brought into the Church of God in Christ and when I was first brought in I noticed that everyone was preaching a message I'm going through every time somebody preached they said I'm going through I'm going through I'm going through and I was young I was 19 years old and I was a little naive I said to myself I'm gonna let them go through I'm gonna go around I thought that I could go around pain but I discovered something pain is too wide to go around pain you can't go under it because its roots are too deep you can't go over it because it reaches too high and the truth is the only way to deal with pain is you got to walk right through it you may have to walk but with tears running down your face hands shaking as you're walking but I've discovered every time I walk through the pain I always look back and said God I thank you for what you brought me through cuz it made me who I am I'm a champion because of what I went through let me put it to you like this at the moment of conception five I'm gonna say this church churchy okay this is gonna be Kingdom Tom five hundred million potential people are released did y'all catch that at the moment of conception five hundred million potential people are released out of those five hundred million only one makes it in which means every person in here was a champion before you ever bore you had to fight against 500 million people trying to get here but you fought your way is somebody lift up hands and shop I'm a champion how much forget about your neighbor high-five yourself and say it whether to say I'm a champion i decree in declare that before this year is that god is going to cause overflow to break out in your life listen in fact for the rest of the year the next time anybody says the word overflow I want you to shout like you've lost your mind can we practice one time overflow come on shout unto God overflow you may have your seats Psalms 23 says my cup runneth over modern translations translate it as my cup overflows now what you have to understand when David wrote this particular Psalm he was speaking to the hospitality of the Israelites it was believed that or it was taught that if a stranger came into your town then you were obligated to entertain them for one night the way that you let them know now you could entertain them for longer if you so desire but the way that you would let them know how long they could stay is by how much liquid you poured in their cup so if after the first night at dinner I poured your cup half full then you knew the next day you gotta go we say like this in America you ain't got to go home but you got to leave here if they poured the glass to the top then it meant you could stay another night so what David was saying is when I'm in God's presence He pours my cup to overflow because he wants me to stay in his power all the time I wish I could preach it here God said I want to cause my blessing to overflow your cup run down off the table down through the Pooh's into every part of your life somebody shout overflow watch this now the scripture starts by saying you crown the year crown or crowning is a terminology used for royalty and what the crowning means is it means that it's the ceremonial placing of the crown upon the head of the monarch now here's the key the person receiving the crown already knows they're royalty the crown is just an outward expression of who they already are and I want to say to you that you are royalty wish somebody knew who they were touch a neighbor's same neighbor I just got a revelation I got royal blood running through my veins the scripture says in 1st Peter 2 and 9 that you are chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him that has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light this is what I want you to know first of all you have to know who you are then God will place the crown on your head and let everybody else know who you are this is the season that even your haters are gonna know who you are [Applause] some people think it's strange when you fulfill the scripture because they think that when we show forth the praises of God that we are not intelligent but our praise is misunderstood because we're praising because we know what God has done for us you have to understand that that I'm a different kind of praise er some people praise God for what he's done in the past and that's good some people praise God for what he's doing in the moment and that's good but if you ever see me praising God I am praising him prophetically what I mean is I'm praising him for what I believe he's already done I haven't seen it here I don't feel it here I don't know how it's coming I don't know how it's gonna work but in my spirit it's already time in my mind it's already done and if you mess with me I'll give God a praise like I already got it I wish I had a few thousand praises that would take about five seconds and give God a prophetic place somebody shout it's already done y'all make me want to preach please be seated please please y'all gonna push me I'm gonna be hollering too soon so God now watch this when you find out who you are there's nothing more dangerous than a person that knows who they are and knows from whence they came I am a child of God and I know who I am watch this in fact you have to understand that it takes confidence to be a believer see confidence is attractive it's it's a magnet spirit I can prove it to you there is a thing called pheromones and I read a medical periodical recently and the title of the article was when the ugly woman looks good I said I got to read that I got to read that and what the article was talking about is that once a month a woman releases a pheromone a hormone into the atmosphere that is designed to attract the man which means you may be around a woman that you don't necessarily find attractive but if you catch her at the right time all of the sudden what you think is unattractive looks good now I'm a theologian so I had to look at it spiritually some of us have been in some ugly situations some of us have had to deal with some crazy problems some of us have had to go through some stuff that is unattractive but the Bible says that our praise is a sacrifice or a sweet-smelling savour in the nostrils of God which means when I can stand in an ugly situation and give God the praise I send up a spiritual pheromone in the atmosphere that causes God to be attracted to my ugly situation and how many you know when God shows up he knows how to turn things around look at somebody and tell him say I'm getting ready to send up a spiritual pheromone with my praise watch this now I'm almost done that's what preachers say but you know I got a little ways to go but I'm I'm almost done in the preacher world y'all know what that means right okay just wanted to make sure watch this now I one of the things that I hug absolutely fell in love with concerning apostle alpha Luke ow is when I would watch his videos he would prophesy over somebody and then he was saying I am alpha and that thing got down in my spirit and from now on I'm gonna walk around saying I am Shane Perry you know what you need to do you need to say your name tell the devil right now Wow because I'm letting the devil know that I Know Who I am I already have the victory I'm already coming out God is already making away from me if you believe it shout all the floor watch this now I waited all night Friday night for apostle to say I am Alfre Luke ow I got it down don't I got it down I'm doing pretty good and you got to know who you are why don't you just touch somebody and tell them say when you know who you are you don't mind letting the devil know now just open up your mouth and say who you are one more time watch this now watch this watch this I was working you got to understand confidence touch somebody tell him say confidence I was working with this pastor in Orlando Florida and he told me he said since I started working with you I've had so many haters is that a term you use in Africa haters you know people that don't like your haters he said I've had so many haters he said and one in particular has been coming against me with all kinds of attacks I said really I said what is his name he told me his name I said I don't know him he said what do you mean you don't know him I said you're missing the principal the principal is I don't know him which means his platform isn't high enough to hate on me you got to stop letting people that don't qualify okay watch this watch this watch this that same songs 23 said thou prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies the word prepare is the Hebrew word for tax so in other words he said I will tax your enemies to pay for your party so I have devised an enemy or a hater application which means that if you want to be my hater you must first qualify because what God is getting ready to do in my life is so major you better be rich you better have some good credit you better own some properties you better run some business don't come and be broke talking about your my hater will disqualify you should have marked off about ten haters right there cuz they don't even qualify to be in your lead they can't stand on your platform somebody shout overflow I love ami I love it I love it I love it I love it I'm quickly becoming an honorary member of am I'll I just love it I'm with the god of of apostle alpha Luke ow I'm with that God he he's the truth come on somebody watch this now you have to understand then that the crowning is when God shows the world who you really are 2019 there's gonna be some defining moments for you but watch this this word crown also has the connotation of giving birth when a woman is at the latter stages of childbirth the child is said to be crowning that's when the head is visible now I used to think I was trained medically earlier in my life and we were trained years ago this would have been a good Oh maybe 2,000 or no 97 when I received that training we were told that when a child is crowning then birth is imminent but I've done some more research and I have discovered that that's not the truth the truth is that a child can crown and go back in and now I understand some of the seasons in my life there have been seasons in my life where I felt like I was getting ready to step into the greatest breakthrough only to have it pull back I met the right person and I thought this is the connection and then the connection was broken and I always wondered why God didn't this work and the reason why is because first of all it wasn't your time secondarily if that person would have walked you through the door they would have the credit God is getting ready to put you in some doors that only he gets the glory for and I want to prophesy to ami today and tell you that in 2019 this is your time touch your neighbor tell him say it's my time now it's mine let me finish this some of you have been pregnant for too long you've been walking around with this spiritual baby your ankles are swollen you got spiritual stretch marks you're irritable nobody wants to be around you right now but God sent me to Africa to perform a spiritual c-section to reach inside of your spirit and pull out everything that God wants to do in your life somebody shot I'm giving birth to this baby my dream will come to pass my business is gonna work my promotion is on the way my breakthrough is mine my healing is my I'm getting ready to give birth to everything that God has placed inside of me watch this now he says you crowned the year I've almost done but not really you ever heard the preacher say I'm getting ready to close here y'all that really means I'm getting ready to start he says you crowned the year year is a Hebrew word young and it has several different translations the first translation is moment the second translation is day the third translation is month the fourth translation is year and the final translation is lifetime the revelation is we're always caught up and worried about what's going to happen in the future Philippians 4 6 and 7 said be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God verse 7 and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your heart and your mind so you don't have to worry about the future but we're so caught up in it that we don't understand that the power is not in the future the power is right now and what the text is saying is if you can celebrate enough good moments gotta give you a good day see sometimes you just got to celebrate a good moment like my days been going bad but one good thing happening I'm gonna give God the praise for it because if I can celebrate enough good moments God or give me a good day if I can celebrate enough good days gotta give me a good week if I can celebrate enough good weeks God or give me a good month if I can celebrate enough good months gotta give me a goody year if I can celebrate enough good years then God will give me a good lifetime but it starts with the celebration right now I got somebody that will celebrate the overflow that's being released right now you crown the year with a bountiful harvest oh can I say this I almost get this can I say this I'm asking your permission can I say it like I feel it see you have to understand the past has to be released I learned how to disqualify people from my life when you come in my life and all you want to talk about is my pass then I know you've come to take because you want to take me back to where I used to be I like to deal with people that are interested in the future because they've come to give can I talk to somebody in here but you have to understand something about the past it must be released now I love physics I could never be a physicist because I'm terrible at math but I love the theories of physics Isaac Newton said every object in motion remain in motion at constant velocity until acted on by an external force I love it but there's a certain law that's not spoken of very often that Galileo perpetrated and it was the belief of the law of the pendulum and what he taught is is that if you were to take a ball and connected to a rope at the top of this cylinder that if you pulled it back and release it it would not return to its original position so I decided to put this theory to the test and I put one of my daughter's on a swing set I pulled her back as far as I could and held her against my face and I released her she went out but when she came back she stopped about 1/2 an inch in front of my face as she went out she would come back even further away and the Lord spoke to me he said I only give you enough momentum to launch out into your dream I never give you enough momentum to go back y'all didn't catch it what are you saying God has given me the momentum to move forward but I gotta let go of what I've been through somebody just now thank God for the pass cuz it made me who I am watch this now I'm really getting close he says you crowned the year with a bountiful harvest this is my last point when I look at this I want to say to you that I believe that this is our harvest time and before we get out of this year God is about to release some things that are gonna blow your mind listen there's some doors that are being open that no man can shut but watch this God is also gonna close some doors I'll see y'all in shallow now we're never there okay let me help you with that I'm gonna help you with that have you ever really met somebody that you really really liked I mean you really we call it you were you were filling them you were just you were in tour and they rejected you I won't you understand something rejection is always protection you saw that same person that you were so in love with ten years later and you said God I want to thank you because if I would have got mixed up with that one oh god I thank you thank you Lord for Cupid me somebody shout hallelujah you got to thank God for the rejection sometimes but watch this he said you crown the year with a bountiful harvest I thought about something when I read this text as part of the text Genesis 22 it said that Isaac sold in the land and reaped a hundredfold in the same year now you got to really break this down to understand what the writer is saying he saw it in the same year and reaped in the same year now Jesus said four months and then the harvest he was talking about the wheat grain so it was understood in ancient Israel and even up to this day that whenever you sow wheat grain it takes four months to harvest so you sow it in December and it goes from December to January February March you reap it in April but the Bible said that he stowed and reaped in the same year which means when he put his seed in the ground he did it in December but he had to reap a harvest before January the 1st which means a harvest that normally took four months only took 30 days I come to prophesied am I let you know everything you put in the ground it's gonna come to pass before the end of this year somebody shout in the next 30 days God's getting ready to release everything I'm believing for if you believe it shout hallelujah touch your neighbor and say neighbor tell him it's my season for overflow the Bible said that even I'm putting on in a minute he said even the hard pathways overflow with abundance what do you mean preacher sometimes gotta have you in a dry season and the reason why has you in a dry season is because he knows the ground needs to be hard because when the ground is hard it can only take in so much moisture which means that when the rain comes in your dry season God causes overflow to take place oh I told y'all to go crazy when you hear overflow why don't you hop on your neighbor and say neighbor God is getting ready to send overflow in your life if you believe in shiny [Applause] [Music] sadi yes Lord God is getting ready to sit overflowing my child God is about to sim overflew in my life God is getting ready to send change in my life God's about to turn some things around why don't you lead on your neighbor and say neighbor God's about to turn some things around in fact you ought to turn around one time and shall Lord oh my job in my family in my life Shadia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I gotta close here but the Lord sent me to South Africa to tell somebody that this is your season and you don't have to wait to be as evil but God is about to release something right your neighbors say not someone 18 and 25 see now prosperity somebody shot my money it's coming right now Ephesians 3 and 20 is able go hold the note don't hold the note play on them now unto him that is able to be exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ask a thing according to the power that's down on the inside ha ha ha I tell them Satan peoples 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen well somebody shout miracle right and I'm getting ready to dance like I got it I'm getting ready to plays like I got it I'm getting ready to shout like this is my season this is my year and I'm about to give God the praise like it's already done now you got one minute to give God some glory like already got it come on give it prize [Applause] in your house for nothing [Music] I'm getting ready today [Applause] [Music] why my Sadie yes I'm saying yes from America yes for my healing yes for my break somebody's shouting yes you're too quiet I said before if you believe you goddess [Applause] lift your hands lift your hands over [Applause] Haribo Sunday sharo bolsa father in the name of Jesus we came in here today because we're ready for you to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask a faith I release the anointing of increase I release the anointing of overflow I release the anointing of more than enough and add to curry and declare that it is done in Jesus name now if we believe it clap your hands open up your mouth shout hallelujah lift your hands very quickly with your hands lifted some years ago maybe about over it over a decade now I found myself in a very precarious position I was living in California at the time and my business situation wasn't working right I like to say my money wasn't touching in agreeing and I was forced into a place my wife was pregnant with our first child and I was forced into a position where they were kicking me out of my apartment both of my cars were being repo'd now one of them I parked it at my cousin's house so they wouldn't gonna get that one but y'all don't know anything about that do ya but I wasn't bad in a bad place and I had to move back to Alabama which is where I'm originally from I moved in with my mother-in-law completely broke about to lose everything all my possessions were about to be auctioned off and one day in my house depressed I lay down on the floor before God and I said to the Lord God I know there's nothing wrong with you I said what's wrong with me and the Lord said your problem is you have lost your dream how many know life can hit you so hard it'll knock the dream out of you right there laying in the floor I took out a piece of paper and I actually wrote a book on this called envision but I took out a piece of paper and I wrote what I wanted my life to look like I wrote that I wanted to preach in the international holy convocation for the Church of God in Christ five years later I did that twice I wrote that I wanted to preach for Bishop TD jakes at his church and in megafest I did all of that but I was writing this in my lowest season so you can't lose your dream when you're going through watch this when I came to the part of my house this has been years ago I wrote you know when you're living with your mother law any house will do now my mother lost sweet she's sweet but you know a grown man doesn't want to live with his mother-in-law so I just wrote down a house and the Lord spoke to me distinctly and clearly and he said if you're going to dream dream big so here I was broke about to lose everything I had no credit no liquidity and I wrote on that piece of paper million dollar house over the mountain now in Alabama over the mountain means on the mountain I was living at the bottom of the mountain all the rich people lived on the mountain but I wrote it in faith I walked away from that piece of paper and I went to church two days later when I was in the service there was a profit there from Atlanta Georgia and he asked for a certain amount a certain seed to soul and you got understand I was just started working for that church and I was about to give my first paycheck and the amount he was asking for was the amount of my first paycheck he said he said something like there's a hundred people that can do it and and I said to myself he's crazy and the Lord said no he's not and you're gonna give it I said no I'm not I'm just being honest I said no I'm not doing that I'm not it's my first paycheck I got my baby my wife's with child you talking about he said if you're so into my house also into yours I went to the financial secretary at the church and I said keep my paycheck tomorrow grabbed an envelope went down and stood in the line I think I was probably the hundredth person to do it I was the last one I'm usually the first one to give but you know I was struggling and and let me say this too when you're going through that's the time to do it somebody say man but when I stood in that line he prophesied to me two days after writing out my vision and he said before the year is out you're gonna move into your dream house oh when I say unto one I say unto all oh y'all didn't receive that y'all didn't receive that get give her a mic real quick give her a mic real quick I want you to do that say I receive it I want you to do you receive it do it again come on when I say unto one I say unto all I receive I love when she doesn't do it one more time I receive watch this now so I went I left from that revival meeting broke I was at the church office the next day my wife called me she said I found a man who owns several houses and many of them are in our price range we were looking for a cheap house he said she said they're in our price range give him a call I gave him a call come to find out he was a preacher from California so we started talking about the Bible whoa God hook you up with the right people tell somebody say your one moment of favor away from everything happening in your way we started talking about the Bible he said I want you to come have lunch with me I went to have lunch with him and while we were having lunch he showed me a plan on how to make money in real estate during a recession and when I saw it I said this is a genius this is a genius idea I said I wish I had the money I wish I had the credit I would invest in it today I said I don't have any of that but what I do have is some friends see sometimes it's not what you got is who you're connected to that's right tell somebody you're blessed to be standing beside me you're blessed to be standing beside me [Applause] so I gave him the name and number of for real estate investors in California I left that meeting with him well this is what he did he we went around and looked at some of the cheaper houses and then he said you know what where does your wife I said she's at my mother-in-law's house he said well let's go get her we picked my wife up and we drove up on the mountain to Jesus when we got on the mountain we pulled into a 7,500 square foot million dollar house the man that I had just met that day on the property it was completely empty as we walk through the house he kept saying to my wife miss Perry you could put your piano here now we ain't got no piano but if you're gonna speak faith Lu you miss Perry you can do this and you can do that so you know what I did I slipped into one of the bathrooms and started giving God the praise you know why because I had a vision of a million dollar house I had a seed in the ground for a million dollar house I had a prophecy that said I would move into my dream house and two days later my feet was standing in a million dollar machine so he goes back home we go back home he calls me a little later he said I need you to come to my house immediately when I tell y'all I broke every speed limit known to man got to his house sat down at his desk in his office in his house and he said to me something I'll never forget he said yes or no do you want that million dollar house [Applause] now y'all got the right answer I on the other hand said well I looked at that house and it was fifteen thousand dollars down and seventy five hundred dollars a month I asked you about a thousand dollar and he said I didn't ask you all that yes or no do you want this house I said he yes he slit a contract across the table gave me a million dollar house the see that I sold that caused me to go from being homeless in one year to moving into a million dollar house free and clear was a seed of $1,000 I receive it this is what I want to do today if I'm not mistaken one thousand dollars is fifteen thousand Rin is that correct fifteen thousand read and with apostles permission I feel led to do something I want to challenge every dreamer in here now this is not for everybody but this is for those that believe this is your season of overflow I want you to get fifteen thousand Rin in your hand and I want you to quickly come stand right here I'm getting ready to release something over your life they're coming from everywhere they're coming from everywhere they're coming from everywhere I want you to stand with me I'm gonna pray over you they're coming from everywhere why would I saw a seed of 15,000 Rin because I believe that this is my season I believe that this is my year I believe that this is my time tell somebody this is my season of overflow my season of watch this proverbs 10 and 22 said the blessing of the Lord make us rich and add if no sorrow with it in the Hebrew no mental anguish as you sold this see there's some more that can come I want you to come quickly as you sold this see God is getting ready to cause you to be richer than you've ever been in your life and you're never gonna have to worry again about anything concerning finances somebody shout hallelujah they're coming from everywhere why would I do this why when I saw a sea of 15,000 rent because I believe it God is getting ready to release something in 2019 that's gonna literally turn my life around they're coming from everywhere they're coming for everywhere I want you to come quickly quickly I'm going to pray for you 15,000 rent and we'll give everybody a chance to give the equivalent of $1,000 see the same thing that I sold that turned my life around in one year that same year I moved into my dream house I stood on the platform in front of 50,000 people and it launched my ministry why because I released the sea proverbs 11 and 25 said the liberal soul shall be made fat and he that water shall be watered also himself when I am liberal hearted God causes me to expand then he causes other people to give into my life there are some people specifically designed for every person so in this $15,000 or this 15,000 ran there is there are people specifically designed that are about to bless your life they're getting ready to put money in your hand they're getting ready to open doors for you contracts were about to me side situations are about to be turned around Flo is coming on this halter everybody on this altar just shout overflow over there still coming I want you to come quickly I'm not gonna take much more time I want you to move quickly there's some more you can soul this see I want you to give it in faith I believe the word of the Lord has said in Luke six and thirty eight give and it shall be given good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall he calls men to give into your bosom well I ask the question who are these men proverbs 13 and 22 said a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of the sinner is later for the just which means that every person making money that's not living for God has to transfer that wealth into my life say I receive it Sara say they're still coming I got a hurry if you're gonna sew that seat I want you to get it and come now 15,000 rent I'm sowing see it sounds so much better to say a thousand dollars because if you say fifteen thousand dollars that that don't sound right fifteen thousand rim that sounds hot but I know it equates to a thousand dollars I want you to come quickly why am I so in the sea because God is getting ready to elevate my finances the year is out are there any others you can so I've got to move quickly I don't like to take up long offers if you're gonna give it I want you to come now why am I doing this because I believe that things are about to turn around for me hallelujah listen I want everybody else the cannon will you have to help me with this I don't call out a whole lot of numbers but but what is what is what is a hundred dollars in that sounds bad too 1005 this they're still coming with the 15,000 Rin they're still coming I want to ask everybody else to get the 1500 Rin and stand right where you are you can sow a seed that's $100 in American I want you to stand with that seat I see you with your American flag over there everybody's represented in hear somebody say man I want you to stand all over the building all over the building all over the building apostle is it ok if they come into the aisles is that ok if you have that hundred dollar seed that 1500 Rin come into this center aisles right here I'm going to pray for you and move quickly move quickly everybody lift your seat up before the Lord I'm getting ready to pray I want everybody else get the best offering you can get in your hand stand to your feet right where you are get something all in the overflow get something in your hand if you're watching by way of Internet by way of television get that thousand dollars see that 15,000 Rin and so it online get that hundred dollars see that 1500 rent and so it online God is getting ready to bless your life everybody gets something in your hand and stand to your feet if you don't have anything to give stand by faith because God is getting ready to release breakthrough in your life I'm about to release the anointing of overflow in this house God send me all the way from Atlanta Georgia to grab your financial state and lift it to the next level somebody shot my money's going to the next level I'm waiting on everyone to come come now I'm gonna pray I'm gonna pray for you thank god they're flooding the aisles why am i doing this because I believe that this is my time I believe the God is about to do something incredible in my life they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming from everywhere how little you come quickly come quickly I want to pray for you everybody else lift that seat up if you don't have anything to give I want you to lift your hand cuz I'm gonna pray for you because everybody is important amen everybody is important they're still moving they're still moving they're still moving come come quickly come quickly come quickly lift that seat I'm gonna pray you can still come while I'm praying so if I'm praying you can still come so keep coming even when I'm praying father in the name of Jesus I pray first for the person that has nothing to give I ask you God because they are important to Apostle alpha Luke ow they are important to Pastor Shane Perry they are important to am I I ask you to bless them with John's businesses and opportunities I pray God that you would open up doors that no man can shut give them the revelation of tithing if they can keep the blessing coming in their life I pray for every person so on this hundred dollars fifteen hundred Rand I pray that you would bless their life God open doors that no man can show you to see them I speak over every person so in this fifteen thousand rent this $1,000 see father in the name of Jesus I decree and declare overflow over your life see everything your hands set to do everything you touch shall prosper everywhere sole of your foot shall tread it belongs to you you are blessed in the city blessed in the field bless when you come bless when you go and as they clean declare all the flow in Jesus they come so you see and shout it's already done come so your seat and shout is already done if you have that see if you're given with your phone just touch the altar with your phone if you're given by a credit card they can process you here if you have cash just throw it on the altar I'm giving by faith God is getting ready to release finances into my life in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus it's a new season it's a new day y'all pick it up for me come on let's worship come on it's a season of path yes Lord overflow local flow yes [Music] come on sing it's a new scene [Music] well it's a new day come on somebody said there's a fresh anointing is flowing my way somebody before it is a season a pow [Music] [Applause] [Music] for just a few moments lift your hands and singing it's a nude scene Wow it's a new day come on tell him a fresh annuity fish it's coming my way come on sing it's the season a pie it's a new [Music] come on y'all singing again it's a new season as they do [Music] I'm sowing into my new season I'm sowing into my next-level finances and resources are being release I'll never be the same after today yes Lord come on lift your hands and prosperity [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep singing it they're coming from everywhere they're coming from everywhere I'm sowing into my destiny I'm sowing into the next level I'm sowing through where I'm going this seed represents the next level for me [Applause] [Music] bless you apostle bless you listen as they're giving as they're giving I want to ask something Bishop Paul Morton is a father so he came and he prayed over you I on the other hand am NOT a father in the gospel yet I mean I have sons and all of that but I haven't reached that level of maturation so I'm asking while we're giving if you would just take a moment apostle and lay your hands on me [Applause] Shobana mama if you will understand what God is doing spiritually here you will have that seed and bring it here my wife and I with the men of God spoke about a thousand seed I say to myself Lord I am a father my sons are not here but I am here for them the same miracle that flow through the men of God I am seizing it for me for praise my son for AJ massage I am sitting it for Richy my son I am sitting it for Terry my son I am sitting it two rows and rows on my daughters I am sitting it so my wife and I are showing a seed man of God not only for ourselves but for each of our sons $1,000 see because when you spoke we heard God you know you know sometimes God from the outer you are taught already from this outer anything that comes from this outer pertains you directly it controls you Construction directs even if God will repeat everything bring me a seed every day if God will say two times a day somebody lives you're sendin your hand and say yes lo I want you to bring that seed and man of God today as you well said Bishop Martin Paul Martin is a father what you are ministering here at the only thing they'll find out for the anointing released and when you say that I should lay hands on you it humbles me but I want to declare over your life a different level in the prophetic and in the anointing of God dr. Shane has ministered in the biggest platform America has and America knows when you are speaking about megafest we all know megafest with a Bishop Jake's who is one of the factors we have in the world and a life-changing father's anointing is in him that has affected so many people around the world he has ministered many times for Bishop Jake's in megafest and in the potter's house and you ministered in God's church of god in cross convocation and i think that that is the biggest that you have there the largest is the largest it is the largest yes sir and he has ministered there twice so it's not a baby boy that came yesterday ministered he has been minister for 25 years hello today I am aligning with what God has set for you and I am releasing and activating that which is already in youth but I am speaking for acceleration and seed in everything that God has given you somebody stretch your hands to what the man of God as I pray for you dr. Shane Perry today may the grace of the Living God fill you up may the power of God fill you up may you flow or with the anointing in the anointing in a different level altogether dr. Perry we decree and declare a new level of prosperity named univer of the prophetic in the name of Jesus hallelujah glory to Jesus [Music] see your will be done keep doing that somebody keeping pressing up worship in Prescott Road worship [Music] listen working for you fulfill what God has said to you do it will be to Jesus [Applause] [Music] god [Music] Tati from the lava flow ring you see watching us live bring your seed connect me what God is doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's gonna be smaller [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he won't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] shut up Jesus little hands as we pray live so hand and begin to worship him inspector him speak to him bobasa who are a Tom in his presence in His grace is anointing His grace marabunta this year year of the offer from this year is a year of the turn na mama said the doctor parish say your life will never be the same is you will not wait for the next year before you see what God has said for you this year hey Jesus be aware [Music] GRU who I you are late I adore bigger yes Jesus [Music] [Applause] yeah yes we see the show [Applause] oh Jesus [Applause] [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] big I know but about your cheese you are to our animator [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha [Applause] shoo-shoo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] big [Music] Macca heavy - crazy moves [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] - I live - ah Jesus you guys are way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well you're the covenant-keeping up there is no one like you Calvin and keeping uh there is no one shall be our fire there is no bowlegged covenant keeping God there is no one to the upper there is no one can I see prophetic sons and daughters of God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bring your flag [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] magic on Halep in your name paper god she won't bother to receive all the place for you alone you'll be able to breathe the song Tennessee you are the lover of my soul with you there was no impossibility yeah with you I can move the mountain oh my mistake will surely come to puss as the mention of unchangeable changeable everybody say unchangeable what no make it reliable [Music] there's nothing absolutely nothing yes [Music] absolutely unchangeable unchangeable [Music] everybody say unchangeable reliable what no man can do unchangeable well said let us not see absolutely nothing well there is nothing impossible to you one more time say no there is nothing absolutely nothing sales ever stopping one much I am I come on there was nothing absolutely nothing yeah one more time one more time so there was nothing [Applause] [Music] [Music] absolutely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody sir with the Jesus it is impossible for you under this option under this anointing in this atmosphere to remain the same that's two people said my life have changed my life Jay this is a turnaround in my life this is my turn around [Music] mother said when the prices go up he's wrong ladies and gentlemen I present to you the arising of the prophetic floor [Music] mekka horny ghost Rezanov [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on tap your hands but but come on [Music] the other hurts man but you are the Messiah there is man like you all the other gods they are the worst a man but you are the Messiah there is not like you [Music] - over Jesus tonight Jafar and he too - is he here - her father shall die she is forever legitimacy is forever but you are good and your mercy is forever hallelujah Lord you are good and your mercy is forever [Music] Jesus he shall die [Music] my god [Applause] [Music] tonight - haha - haha today I say [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus the moussaka all the other girls they are the works of men but you are the Most High God there is not like you what a time all the other girls they are the works of men but you are the Messiah there is no one [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Jesus Jesus you are the Messiah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we open my mind hey y'all Oh [Applause] [Music] hey my boy yokel my top my Luka ha ha [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh you know I receive it Oh God God is a good god amen how many of you love the Ministry of dr. Shand Perry can I hear you say dr. Shand Perry now we came from across the globe from literally from across the globe India is wavy Zimbabwe is waving but to a nice wavy Germany is wavy you guys waving Canada is wavy Comerica is wealthy I'm balanced wavy we came from literally everywhere South Africa's wavy Japan is wealthy Korea is UFE from everywhere Kenya is wavy America Udonis aid of America is wavy [Music] and I want you to understand one thing we are not here because of a culture that's right we're not here for at all and we are here to encounter God Oh hallelujah we are here because we believe is the same yesterday today and forever amen I believe in the power of God that's right I believe that you don't need to figure out you just need to believe in man that's food I believe that the doors will look to him radiance oh yeah the faces will never be covered with shame there will be no shame in your life and I have the babies you've been sitting out to half your room is open and prosper financially in every area of your life your toes are open strong and testify that disease has been defeated cancer has been removed has been removed has been removed should the deputies have been removed they shunned me Graham has been removed kidney problem has been removed go and glorify God because he said yes listen to me even the devil knows himself that is over it is over even Satan himself [Applause] you're moving into dancer I know if you are here I want you to believe and keep on believing you receive your miracle wave to me you receive your blessing with to me wave to me wave to me your mirror call your blessing wave to me keep on waving waving till I catch all of you keep on waving keep on wedges keep on waving keep on waving you'll receive your miracle you'll receive your blessing wave to me in a basement in the station overflow while watching us you're within your miracle you're whipping because you're a miracle hallelujah amen you would have moved from strength to strength amen from success to success I ever say from glory to glory is a social it be it cannot be we will have a big break for one or two hours meeting till four o'clock dr. Shane comes but at this time it will be prophetic it will be a prophetic moment some of you have realized that as he began to minister it was not ministering from his mind he was ministering from his spirit because dr. Shand Perry is a Jew leader and connected with Jesus so I will join him if he lost me before after or during our to join him and together we will prophesy some people after the service are heading to the airport don't feel bad God in this plane in this time at that Airport in that plane we'll be right there with you somebody will say that some of you will feel the presence of God as if he was a pilot he was a the neighbor he was all over you he will be there are you hearing but those of us who remain please make sure that you remain in the spirit until the last service now two things you have made a pledge toward the book a seed toward the book try to your level best to fulfill it you have met a pledge or you have taken a vow with dr. Shane I have done it my wife have done it for our children please be quick to fulfill and there are t-shirts out there they are paying souvenirs that you have their modern souvenirs because we prayed for them all teachers never kept every gift bag for a I will be uh prayed for them so as you received and purchased them going home with them or being with them wherever you are in Johannesburg in South Africa in the region or in the continent or in the world please know that that you are connected to this man lift your hand we thank Jesus for you we give you glory o God we give you thanks if you can give Him glory thank you give him with your own word praise him with your own word praise Him praise his holy name with your words praise His Holy Name praise His Holy Name give glory unto God yes Lord you're good god you're an awesome god somebody give Jesus praise what a wonderful day we have it's not over until God says it's over lift your hands father in the name that is above every other name the name of Jesus we thank you we bless you for this convocation we just bless you for this visitation we thank you O God that you reinforced your word upon this ministry you reaffirmed your word upon this ministry father I thank you Lord that father indeed you are with us forward Neph backwards now under the supreme anointing of our spiritual father I bless your Monday I said I bless your Monday even if you tired receive your Monday blessing I bless your Tuesday I bless your Wednesday I bless your Thursday I bless your Friday I bless your Saturday go now in the uncommon peace and the favor of Almighty God god bless you and we love you man you
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 78,954
Rating: 4.7850289 out of 5
Keywords: alleluia ministries international, alph lukau, pastor alph lukau, pastor alph lukau live, alph lukau live now, alph lukau live, alph lukau prophecies, prophet alph lukau, alph lukau 2019, alph lukau prophecies 2018, lukau alph, pastor alph lukau miracles
Id: n_vn1sE9KDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 0sec (11700 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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