Your Monthly Dose of English - Best of September 2019

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access your free language gifts right now before they expire here's what you're getting this month first the 24 hour survival phrases PDF cheat sheet traveling and want to learn a bit of the language then these survival phrases will help you survive the first 24 hours second the ultimate listening video master course honest question how good are your listening skills well if you can watch this free master course then you'll easily understand native speakers so download it right now third the 50 most common verbs all beginners must know do you know all of these verbs if not this lesson will drill the 50 most common verbs into your head just use the free audio slideshow tool inside fourth 20 strategies for learning language at home want to learn a language from the comfort of your home this one-minute lesson will give you all the best tactics for learning languages fifth free language learning audiobooks for anyone that sees this video you'll get free access to our huge library of language learning audiobooks save them to your device and listen and learn they're yours to keep forever and finally the deal of the month if you want to finally master language with lessons by real teachers and our complete language learning program get 35% off premium or premium plus with the powerup sale to get your gifts and language learning resources click the link in the lesson description below download them right now before they expire and TV related words let's go to shoot to film the first expression is to shoot or to film to shoot or to film actually we use these words here to shoot to shoot means to take video to record video in a sentence this show was shot in England hmm to shoot becomes shot to shoot shot in past tense we can also use to film film comes from kind of older cameras where film actual physical film was used now of course we use mostly digital media but we use to shoot or to film video or to shoot a TV show to talk about recording something for use in movies or TV to broadcast to air to broadcast or to air so this these are words which mean to to play a TV show on TV to air a TV show to broadcast a TV show recently I feel like two air is more common like this TV show airs every week on Friday in a sentence new episodes air every Friday we use actually we use broadcast for our live streams on this channel like we could say like a live broadcast every week at 10 p.m. est that's true so we can say broadcast or we can say air I feel like broadcast is a little more natural for Internet things we don't really use airs every week for internet things we use air for a TV but yeah broadcast would be more for Internet program anything to cast the next expression the next vocabulary word is to cast to cast there are a couple different meanings of this word there's a fishing related word which means to throw out like a fishing line to try to get a fish this motion is called to cast but if you're reading something about your favorite TV show and you see to cast it means to choose someone to play a character so you choose someone to play a character is to cast so for example in a sentence who was cast in the role of the princess so to cast someone as a character is in the expression we use Jennifer Aniston was cast as Rachel in friends or Dean Cain was cast as Superman in the Superman TV show from the 90s to give an American pop culture example cast okay the next expression however is the noun form cast so cast as a noun not as a verb as a noun the cast is the group of actors and actresses who play the characters in the TV show or the movie you're watching so that's everybody all of the actors and actresses are called the cast together their group is called the cast so for example that show has an all-star cast season series the next expression or the next word is season or series depending on which country you may hear let's see let's see season season is usually used in the US and series I think is used maybe in England and being in Australia as well so season and series these mean like the roughly the years of a show in a sentence how many seasons have you seen so the kind of like the chapters of show's over like maybe ten weeks or twelve weeks or so you might watch one season of a show it usually has like eight to ten maybe twelve episodes we'll talk about later so one season is like one year of a show episode the next expression is episode episode so episode is one usually for a TV show one 30-minute or one 60-minute block of time in a sentence every episode of that show is so good so maybe each week one episode airs from a TV show or two episodes air every week so an episode is one part of a season so for example to use these words together we could say there are 10 episodes in every season of my favorite TV show so episodes are these kind of small blocks of time small parts of each story - run - run - run - run is a verb that has many different meanings in English oh we can't talk about them all in one video or even a million video but to run in this case means how long a program is broadcast or how long a program airs for so we would say that show is running for six seasons it means that show is going to be broadcast on TV for six seasons so in another example sentence that show ran for just three seasons so to run a show refers to the length of time that that TV program can be viewed on TV maybe more example sentences are better here so like this show has a planned run of ten years four we want to run this again next year for example so that means how often you want to broadcast to be set in the next expression is to be set in to be set in refers to the place where the story happens in the TV show we can also use this for books and for movies any storytelling situation you can use to be set in in this example sentence this show is set in New York City the expression to set in can refer to place yes but it can also refer to the time period of a show so for example maybe a show is set in the past far in the past you could say this show is set in the Old West or this show is set in ancient China this show is set in England in the 1600s so that's the location and the time when the TV show is set so place and location we can use to be set in to recur the next word is to recur to recur so to require means to happen again something that that continues something that repeats to recur so we use this for characters and themes in particular in TV shows so we might see a recurring character that character is a recurring character in this series they repeat they appear again and again from time to time not as a regular character but they they appear sometimes like supporting characters in a sentence Joker is a recurring villain in the back and series he shows up from time to time he's a recurring character a recurring villain in this case script the next word is script script script is the text for the show trips a script is the the text that the actors and actresses read to tell you the story it's the stuff that the writers create and yeah actors will read that those are the words for the show the script so in a sentence the script of this show is really well written fun fact there is no script for this show unscripted really there's no script sometimes people are like if they're surprised to find out there's no script for this some people like you're not reading anything I'm like no of course not do you think that I was reading out that it's always so clear to me like the episodes that come out and where I have had to read something like for the post card contest for example there's this it's just everything just slows down and it's so weak like the vibe is so weird anyway no script for this show ten words for talking about space planet the first word is planet planet so planets are those really really big things that we have in our solar system now there are officially eight because Pluto is no longer considered a planet in my example sentence Pluto used to be considered a planet star the next word is star star so stars are those very very bright objects that you can see in the sky sometimes at night that's the closest star to us is the Sun the Sun is a star and we can see a lot of other stars if we look up into the night sky sometimes in a sentence it's hard to see stars from big cities solar system the next expression is solar system solar system so solar system in our case here on planet Earth refers to the system of planets and objects which are near our star so our solar system now there are eight planets in our solar system used to be nine planets sorry again in Pluto eight planets in our solar system and then we can talk about other objects which maybe enter our solar system like like comets for example or a meteor or some other events might happen in space within our solar system so our solar system is the area surrounding our Sun and our planets that we know of in a sentence mercury is part of our solar system comet the next expression is comet a comet is actually an icy body that is slightly melting and then releasing gases so that's what produces that look a comet okay in a sentence comets are really cool meteor alright so yes the next word is meteor or meteor or just meteor so essentially meteors are different from comets because comets are made of ice meteors however are made of rock so these are two different kinds of objects that can that move around in space in a sentence lots of meteors burn up before they pass through the atmosphere meteorite the next word is meteor right meteor right so this is an important distinction that many people don't know about actually if this tries to be crazy too so a meteor is the is the space rockets in space or it's in the atmosphere a meteor rights however is the rock if if the meteor makes it if the meteor can pass through the Earth's atmosphere and fall to the surface of the earth that rock then is called a meteor right so in space in the atmosphere it's a meteor when it falls to earth it is a meteorite that becomes a meteorite when it hits the earth so fun facts okay that's the difference between the two in a sentence have you ever seen a meteorite supernova supernova supernova so the explosion of a star is a huge event a supernova is the name of it so the star explodes and that's what we call it it's called a supernova a star explosion in a sentence supernovas must be incredible things black hole alright the next expression is black hole black hole black holes are the subject of a lot of study they have intense gravitational pull so meaning they have very strong gravity black holes will pull other objects into them it is said that like time stops in a black hole or in like if you get too close to a black hole if you get too close to the event horizon of a black hole you yourself will be pulled into that hole too it's pretty crazy so like the event horizon is the point at which there's no there's no turning back from like you can't you can't escape essentially the gravitational pull of a black hole once you're within the event horizon of that space it's like crazy all this kind of stuff is so interesting so in a sentence black holes are mysterious galaxies okay all right so the next word is galaxies galaxies before we talked about the expression solar system so solar system is kind of our region of space the region we're familiar with but the next step up so if you think of the solar system is kind of your neighborhood a little bit you could think of maybe the galaxy as like your city or your country maybe it's sort of the next step out so a galaxy is made up of lots and lots of stars maybe other planets other solar system many other solar systems in one galaxy so I think yeah we belong to the Milky Way galaxy I believe in a sentence our galaxy is made of lots of different stars and planets earth the next expression is earth earth earth is our planet Earth is the planet we live on earth is habitable meaning humans can live here this word I included it in this vocabulary list because it is a very good word to practice your pronunciation it is the word Earth earth that are and the th sound can be difficult to pronounce together earth earth so this is a great word to use to practice your pronunciation earth so in a sentence our planet is called Earth nutritional facts the first word is nutritional facts nutritional facts if you look at the back of a food product in this case it's not written English but in the back of a food product you will often see in many countries depending on the regulations in your country a list of information numbers and some words those are the nutritional facts of that food product in a sentence check the nutritional facts for important dietary information kaleri the next word is calorie so calorie is the word that's a sign which means energy the energy in a food essentially so some foods are high calorie some foods are low calorie in a sentence avoid eating lots of high-calorie foods if you want to lose weight carbohydrate carbs the next word is carbohydrate carbohydrate carbohydrate is a very long word so we usually abbreviate it we usually shorten it to carbs carbs so carbs are foods for example bread rice pasta sweets sugars and things these are foods which will give you like a quick burst a quick bit of energy in a sentence I can't help but eat lots of carbs sometimes protein the next word is protein protein is often talked about when you want to build muscle or lose weight protein relates a lot to muscle it's the it can help you build muscle to when you want what if that's your goal so we use protein protein is a much it takes your body a longer time to access the energy in protein than it does carbohydrates so people say it's important to have a balance of protein and carbohydrates in your diet for a quick energy and slow release energy in a sentence it's important to get enough protein sugar the next word is sugar so sugar we talked about sugar and carbohydrates it is pure energy it is but not usually it is not a healthy type of energy especially if it's added to a food so sugar is just it's a it's a carbohydrate it's just energy and it doesn't have really much other good stuff nutritionally in it but it can help make things sweet and it can help give quick bursts of energy so it's very commonly found in candy and sweets in a sentence eating too much sugar can be bad for your skin fat the next word is fat fat there's of course animal fat so like bacon for example is like kind of famously delicious because it is a fatty piece of meat there's a lot of fat in it so fat can make food taste better and then fat also has a bad reputation because it can of course the word fat oftentimes people say I don't want to be fat but fat in food can make things taste better there can be good kinds of fats and trying to reduce bad fats um so in a sentence fat helps make things taste better sodium the next word is sodium sodium sodium is essentially salt salt so lots of sodium can be bad for you it's people tend to recommend I think to keep low sodium levels in your food so sodium is salt in a sentence make sure not to consume too much sodium vitamins the next word is vitamins so vitamins are kind of good like body boosting things so like they can give you like extra extra good stuff for your body essentially so like fruits and vegetables have lots of vitamins in them for example in a sentence fruit juice has lots of vitamins diet the next word is diet so be careful there's the word - diet which means to limit your food and drink to limit your consumption in order to lose weight but there's also the noun form of diet so in this case I mean diet as in your eating habits your eating lifestyle so for example I could say it's important to have a balanced diet meaning it's important to keep balance in the foods that you eat and the thing is that you drink so a balanced diet refers to a balanced eating and drinking lifestyle so diet when used in this way means lifestyle not like intention to lose weight so please be careful with this word in a sentence keeping a balanced diet is important for a healthy lifestyle ingredients the next word is ingredients ingredients so if you check the nutritional facts on the back of a food product you'll usually see a list of ingredients so the ingredients are the things inside that product the things that are used to make the product you're looking at right now the the ingredient list is created based on the quantity of that item in that product so if you're buying candy for example the first item in the ingredient list is probably going to be sugar and then after that the the item with the next highest quantity will be in the list so ingredients are the things used to make that product ingredients in a sentence I always check the ingredients list access your free language gifts right now before they expire here's what you're getting this month first the 24-hour survival phrases PDF cheat sheet traveling and want to learn a bit of the language then these survival phrases will help you survive the first 24 hours second the ultimate listening video master course honest question how good are your listening skills well if you can watch this free master course then you'll easily understand native speakers so download it right now third the 50 most common verbs all beginners must know do you know all of these verbs if not this lesson will drill the 50 most common verbs into your head just use the free audio slideshow tool inside fourth 20 strategies for learning language at home want to learn a language from the comfort of your home this one-minute lesson will give you all the best tactics for learning languages fifth free language learning audiobooks for anyone that sees this video you'll get free access to our huge library of language learning audiobooks save them to your device and listen and learn they're yours to keep forever and finally the deal of the month if you want to finally master language with lessons by real teachers and our complete language learning program get 35% off premium or Premium Plus with the power up sale to get your gifts and language learning resources click the link in the lesson description below download them right now before they expire first question this week comes from Nagarjuna hi Nagarjuna Nagarjuna says what is the difference between being and having okay let's start with the word having we use the word having in such expressions that use the verb have for example I'm having a good time or I'm having trouble with this he's having a shower at the moment can he call you back okay so then being has a lot more uses than having we use being to talk about temporary conditions we can use this before adjectives keep in mind that when we use being before adjectives we're using it to describe something that's temporary in cases where we use the same adjective without being it's describing something that is a regular condition so let's compare these two sentences he's weird he's being weird the first sentence he's weird is a simple present tense sentence there's no being here that shows us that weird is a regular condition so he's usually weird he's always weird the second sentence though he's being weird uses being in the progressive tense so that shows us it's a temporary condition it means at this moment he's weird only this moment so usually he's not weird but for right now he is so when you see being used before adjectives in this way it's referring to this temporary state or this temporary condition so we can use being before a noun as well but we use it to talk about an ongoing condition such as our job we want to talk about like this state of being something that's like always like the same for us that's usually our job or something that's unchanging that's a regular condition for us so we can make sentences that have the same meaning that just use be in different ways for example is being an artist difficult and is it difficult to be an artist both of these sentences use the verb to be the first one uses being and just refers to the ongoing condition of an artist so is it difficult to be an artist and is being an artist difficult those have the same meaning they're just slightly different grammatical structures we can also use being before verbs when we do this we tend to use it in passive voice and we use verbs in the past participle form when we do this in present tense it's referring to an action that is ongoing now when we're talking about past tense situations it's referring to an action that was continuing in the past so an unfinished action in the past sometimes there will be an interruption that we can see in the sentence later in the sentence but in some cases it's just referring to an unfinished action for example present tense we are being watched my lunch is being eaten by someone else so these show ongoing unfinished actions that maybe we can see or we know about but they're continuing so we can use being to talk about those so we use have or having in the progressive form in set expressions that use have I hope that this helps you thanks very much for the question okay let's move on to your next question next question comes from Feist also I'll say it - saw Feisal says how can I talk very quickly in English um don't worry so much about speaking quickly or like as fast as you possibly can like everybody speaks at a pace that's natural and comfortable for them but if you want to work on improving the smoothness of your speech something that you might try is just reading text out loud so something that you can do to practice is find like an interesting news article or maybe a blog or even a short story to read something that's got a little bit of length to it you don't want to read just tweets but something that you can read that you can follow along with practice reading this out loud so don't just read in your mind practice saying the words and connecting the words to one another so you can do this first like slowly that's fine it's fine to read slowly at first but then come back to the same article practice reading that again like later in the week or a couple days later and practice making the sounds a little bit faster so do this a couple times until you're comfortable with the grammar points until you're comfortable with the vocabulary words and then when you're fine you can move on to another article challenge yourself with another article that uses different grammar points different words and so on something that I find interesting and fun kind of to do when I practice this way is to try to take recordings of myself so maybe on one day I'll practice for like an hour or I'll study for an hour or something and at the end of my practice session I will record myself and then I can listen to or watch the recording later and see maybe what parts weren't so good or what parts I was good at then at my next practice session I can do the same thing and compare it to my first practice session after a few weeks of this then I can look back at my first practice session compare it to my last practice section our session rather and see how much I've improved so this is a really good way at least I've found to kind of track progress so this is something that could maybe help you as you try to improve your rate of speech so again don't worry so much about speaking super fast like it's going to sound unnatural if you're just pushing yourself to speak super quickly all the time so just try to find a comfortable pace that allows you to communicate clearly and smoothly so I hope that this helps you thanks very much for the question all right let's move on to your next question next question comes from you Soph hi you Soph Yousaf says how can I politely ask my teacher if it's okay to exit the classroom if you would like to leave your classroom you can say something like may I leave the room or can I leave the room so some people are really strict about the difference between May can historically may has been used to ask for permission can has been used to talk about possibility or ability rather so if you want to be super strict May is better but may could sound a little bit more polite so may I leave the room is okay it's probably a good idea to include the reason you would like to leave the room for example may I go to the restroom or may I go to the office or may I go to the health center I don't feel well so if you want to include a reason you can do that may I go to some place so this is how you would politely ask your teacher if it's okay to exit the classroom I hope that this helps you thanks very much for the question let's move on to your next question next question is from our Tamiya Meyer to Miam our Tamim says hi Alicia is it required to put the indefinite article in front of an adjective that follows an uncountable noun for example hot milk or neat writing or good education Thanks aha no in most cases actually using the indefinite article in this way would be incorrect to refresh everybody the indefinite article is a or an and we use indefinite articles before countable nouns in the singular form but I do want to talk a bit about these examples that you've introduced the first example that you introduced was the phrase hot milk so the only way that I can think of that we would use an indefinite article before an expression like this is if hot milk is a menu item you go to a restaurant or coffee shop and hot milk is on the menu and when you order you say a hot milk please or one hot milk please in that case it's okay the reason for this is because hot milk as a set phrase is understood as one unit so even though milk is an uncountable noun yes we understand hot milk is like one mug or is one cup of something like that's one item I can order in that case using the indefinite article is okay it's natural it's much better in fact than saying can I have some hot milk which sounds very weird there in that case when we're ordering something we understand hot milk to be one unit like one cup one glass in that case fine no problem so another example of this might be it like a bakery if you go to the bakery and you'd say I'd like a sourdough bread please so in that case sourdough bread is understood to be one unit one type of bread like a menu item in that case fine no problem your second example your second example was about the expression neat writing so this is one that I would not use an article before I would say in some very rare very uncommon cases especially in like formal or maybe religious texts some people would use the word writing to refer to like a script to refer to a text using writing in this way to refer just to written text sounds quite formal so in today's English we would probably just say a neat piece of writing we would not use the indefinite article in this case finally then your last example was the expression good education so the reason that this one is a little bit tricky is because we have an idiomatic expression to get an education to get an education means to receive education but in this idiom we use the article we use the indefinite article and before education so because this is an idiomatic expression it's a set expression we preserve that indefinite article and just move it in front of good so in your example good education we could say to get a good education that would be fine in that case because it's an idiom and because it uses an indefinite article originally we keep it there some examples that use this idiom she got a good education at her university it's important that you get a good education okay so in sum if you're looking at adjective uncountable noun phrases that are understood as a unit it's okay to use an indefinite article and it's okay to use an indefinite article when the uncountable noun is part of an idiom so I hope that this helps answer your question thanks very much ok let's move on to your next question next question comes from takuji sacimata hi takuji takuji says hi Alicia please teach me how to use you know in conversation ok depending on the positioning in the sentence and how we feel when we say it meaning how our voice feels when we say it it can have slightly different meanings when we position you know at the beginning of a sentence it feels a little bit like by the way so for example you know there's a three-day weekend coming up or you know I have a big bonus coming in this summer so in these sentences it means like by the way and from the tone of my voice it's like there's something exciting there's some exciting new information I want to share there you know if we position you know at the end of a sentence it tends to sound like a question and we use it to like get agreement from people around us so we're like talking about a difficult situation and we're trying to get agreement from the people around us for example I don't want to upset my parents you know or I'm just not ready to move to a new city you know so in those cases we use you know to get listener agreement so we're saying you know as like a short version of don't you know what I mean or do you understand what I mean so you can think of you know used in that way with that upward intonation to be looking for like confirmation so that's actually a pretty good rule if you hear you know used with that upward question intonation it's probably a good hint that that's looking for agreement the speaker is looking for agreement if you hear it with that downward intonation you know it's probably sharing some new information that by the way feel so I hope that this helps you thanks very much for the question ok so that's everything that I have for this week thank you as always for sending your question first question comes from Rizal : d hi again resolved resolved says can you explain what modal verbs sure so a modal verb is a verb that's used to talk about possibility or ability in English we have will and would shall and should can and could and may might and must I might come to the office later we should look for a new apartment can you help me move my sofa so we use modal verbs in English to talk about possibility yes and ability to as with can and could but we also use them in patterns relating to giving advice and asking for advice as well as making offers and requests too so there are a couple of videos on the channel that you can check out for some more information about modal verbs first you can look at the must for possibility whiteboard video there's also a video about wood especially using wood for future tense situations that's coming out very soon you can also look at the will vs. going to video on the channel for some future tense expressions there are some other videos about modal verbs coming out and some other information about may and might and must in live streams so please take a look around the channel for some more information some detailed information about some of these modal verbs and of course there'll be more content coming up soon so I hope that you check out those lessons and I hope that you can get a good start on modal verbs studies thanks very much for sending this along I hope that helps clear up what a modal verb is okay let's move along to your next question next question comes from Trang hi trang trang says hi Alicia what does get rid of mean ah get rid of means throw away we often use the word get rid of when we want to throw something away quickly or when we really don't want that item or it was really unnecessary we can also use the phrase get rid of with people but this is used when we want to cut someone off of a group or an organization like when someone loses their job for example I finally got rid of my broken blender our company finally got rid of that employee who was stealing things okay so I hope this helps you understand the expression get rid of something thanks very much for sending it all right onward to our next question next question this week comes from Mohammed Al Daley heigen mahmoud mohamed says hi Alicia what's the difference between supposedly and supposably and can I use them interchangeably no you supposedly supposedly so supposedly means according to something else this is true but we use supposedly when we're like a little bit skeptical so skeptical means we don't quite believe something is true like there's a little bit of like disbelief there like maybe someone is lying or someone is hiding something so there's a feeling of suspicion but it's like saying according to this person this situation is true but we might not have all the information so supposedly is the word that means this some examples supposedly this is a good company to work for supposedly he missed his flight because of traffic so supposedly the other word you introduced means conceivable something we are able to conceive up something that we can suppose so it does not have this meaning of according to someone plus disbelief it doesn't have the same meaning as supposedly in American English speakers will use this word but it's a mistake they're intending they're planning they want to use the word supposedly but they make a mistake and use supposably instead so please use supposedly not supposedly I hope that this helps you thanks very much for the question all right let's move on to your next question next question comes from Mota had a motoharu yo hello mother honey well Tejada says hi Alicia is it true that we use of for something that belongs to a thing or animal but apostrophe s for something that belongs to a human ah no it is not true while yes it does sound more natural to use apostrophe s for something that belongs to a human it is not a rule to use of to show possession for something that belongs to a thing or an animal some examples let's compare the cars steering wheel came off in my hands and the steering wheel of the car came off in my hands my computer's screen is broken the screen of my computer is broken so these pairs of sentences actually mean the same thing we're just showing possession in like different ways I would say that native speakers will probably use whatever is the shortest way to describe whatever it is they want to say so probably the apostrophe s pattern is most common it's certainly not incorrect to use the of pattern both are fine to use here when you're talking about people however it does sound much more natural to use the apostrophe s pattern using the of pattern to show possession for something we own or something we have sounds very weird when you're talking about people examples my friends hair is beautiful the hair of my friend is beautiful your brother's shirt is so funny the shirt of your brother is so funny very weird so in these pairs the second example sentence that uses of while grammatically correct sounds very strange so when you're talking about people use the apostrophe s pattern to talk about their characteristics or the things that they have if you're talking about an object or an animal you can choose whichever you prefer as I said native speakers tend to use the shortest expression possible so in most cases that's the apostrophe s pattern also note that in some formal situations when we want to make something sound a bit more like grand or exciting we will use that of pattern instead of the apostrophe s pattern like the palace of the king instead of the king's palace so that's going to make it sound a little bit more exciting so in those cases and like those formal really exciting like luxurious expensive cases you might hear of used more often okay I hope that that helps you thanks very much for your question let's move along to our next question for this week next question comes from bhai bhai but he says what's the difference between if I and if I will for example if I do that and if I will do that if there's a difference where is it ah this is a good question but the answer is that we use if I and not if I will actually this relates back to our first question from this week's episode about modal verbs when you're making a conditional sentence that means a sentence that uses an if clause and a main Clause we do not use a modal verb in the if clause if you want to use a modal verb your modal verb needs to come in your main clause so that means if you want to make an if sentence and you want to use will you can use them in the same sentence but you have to separate the clauses that they're in that means if I something something something I will something something something that's the pattern that you need to use you cannot use if I will together in that way you have to separate these two some examples if I have the day off tomorrow I'll go to the movie theatre if we save enough money this month we can go to Hawaii this summer so the second example sentence uses a different modal verb I used can there instead of will so just make sure that when you're making these conditional sentences that you don't use your modal verb in your if Clause use it in your main Clause also remember you can swap the order you can switch the order so that it's main Clause first if clause second that's fine the same rule still applies we can go to Hawaii this summer if we save enough money this month so that's also fine you can choose whichever you prefer so I hope that that helps you use if I not if I will hi everybody my name is Alicia in this lesson I'm going to talk about the difference between someone everyone and anyone and somebody anybody and everybody let's get started by looking at the meanings of these words and how we use them okay let's begin with someone and somebody to begin with you can remember someone in somebody and and anybody follow very similar rules as some and any if you've seen the video on our channel talking about some and any maybe you remember the rules that I'm going to explain here you can check that video for some extra information about those grammar points too so let's start with someone and somebody we use someone and somebody in positive statements so a simple statement not a question in other words when we make a positive statement we use someone and somebody in that sentence structure we also use these two words in requests and in offers so keep in mind these are two categories of questions so a request question or an offer question let's take a look at some examples of this now first of all there's someone at the office so here I've chosen someone there's someone at the office this is a positive statement so not a question just a statement it's a positive here the next example can you send someone to help me can you send someone to help me this is a request so a specific type of question a request question can you send someone to help me the third example sentence is an offer would you like to talk to somebody would you like to talk to somebody so here we have request offer positive statement we can use someone or somebody in each of these examples so I've used someone someone and somebody here but actually we can change each of these to the other choice both are fine in each of these example sentences I'll talk more about the difference between one and buddy a little bit later for now however let's move on to the difference between anyone and anybody okay so this is a key difference between someone and somebody anyone and anybody this is used in negative statements these are used in negative statements someone in somebody used in positive statements so this follows the same rule as some and any so in negative statements and we use anyone and anybody in information questions so that means that not requests not offers but you're looking for some kind of information we use anyone and anybody in these cases so let's look at a few examples of this first I don't think anyone is at the office don't think anyone is at the office so here we've used any one because it's a negative here's my negative it's in the do not so not right here this is my negative therefore I've used any one here one more example sentence a question this time has anybody seen my keys here I've used anybody I've used this because this is an information question I'm looking for some information I don't have now this is not a request it's not an offer so I shouldn't use someone or somebody I need to use anyone or anybody I'm looking for information this third example sentence is the same why hasn't anyone returned my calls here anyone and I'm looking for information in this case a why this is a why question so again not a request not an offer I'm looking to find something new I'm looking for information so I should use anyone again just as I talked about with someone and somebody I can change this anyone anybody and anyone to the other word it's fine to use the other word here for example anybody anyone anybody that's perfectly fine again I'll explain more a little bit later here but remember anyone and anybody is used in negative statements someone somebody used in positive statements this is one key difference okay but let's move along now to everyone and everybody everyone and everybody this will fall out kind of a different rule than someone and anyone we use everyone and everybody to refer to all people related to a situation or related to a group so this could mean a class it could mean every person in an office that could mean in a city in a country so it just depends on the group or the situation we use this word when we want to talk about all people related to that group or related to the situation so let's look at some examples okay first one everyone in our class graduated so here everyone in our class graduated refers to all the people in our class so everyone in that group of people in this case the group is the class so all people in the class another example it was great to see everybody at the Reunion so everybody here shows us again all people and this could be a class reunion it could be a family reunion a company reunion so this just means it was great to see all the related people so the people related to the situation at this reunion event one more example then everybody had a great time so here everybody shows us everybody in the situation so maybe everybody who attended the event had a great time everybody who attended the party had a great time this is quite a common expression after an event of some kind so again as we saw with the first two groups we can actually change each of these words to the other word so everyone can be replaced with everybody same thing here everybody and everybody can be replaced with everyone so I want to end this lesson with a quick introduction or a quick overview to the difference between these two endings one and buddy what is the difference here really one the words that end in someone anyone and everyone they sound more formal than the words that end in buddy so we can actually use these interchangeably interchangeably means we can mix and match them we can choose which one we prefer so that means the meanings are the same like their purpose is the same it's just up to us to choose so why would we do this why would we choose one word and not the other word you can choose according to the syllables if you remember syllables is the number of beats a syllable is a beat of a word so for example somebody somebody has three beats someone has only two beats two syllables this is important when you are writing especially like writing poetry writing lyrics for music or maybe you're trying to write a nice essay for example we are listening for which words sound nice to our ears so sometimes the word somebody sounds nice sometimes the word someone sounds better so it's up to us meaning we can decide we can choose which word we prefer to use so you just have to listen and kind of feel which you prefer there's no difference in meaning it's just a sound preference and a little bit of a formality difference so I hope that this lesson helped you understand the differences between these words a little bit as I said if you want some more information about the difference between some and any you can search the YouTube channel for that video as well great work here's a reward speed up your language learning with our pdfs lessons get all of our best PDF cheat sheets and ebooks for free just click the link in the description
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 170,865
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Keywords: englishpod101, learn english, english language, japan, english alphabet, read, write, speak, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, fastest, easiest, english pronunciation, english grammar, basics, english phrases, review, best of, monthly dose of english, comp, compilations
Id: aziZq8jFv4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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