Your Mistakes Don't Define You | Pastor Steven Furtick

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but maybe God doesn't see you through the lens of your mistake maybe he sees you through the lens of His grace maybe when He looks at you He sees the finished work of Jesus Christ have you ever thought about the fact that if they didn't make you they can't define you my maker is my mirror I promise I'm trying to be as calm as I could be but when God showed me that my maker is my mirror He showed me Moses standing in front of the burning bush and and God's like I'm gonna use you you're gonna be the one to do it you're the one who's had the conflicted identity in so many mistakes and you don't even really believe in yourself and and so I was thinking about you and and how you might be standing in front of something that God is speaking to you and it's burning on the inside but you can't really locate yourself because honestly you don't fit into either group you don't really fit in with really churchy people because they are so perfect and they pray so much and they make Bible verses out of their kids sandwiches before they pack them in the lunch box Numbers 13:31 cut out with scripture stencils and pack it in the lunchbox like the fish and the loaves and the little boy and you are not churchy enough but you're really not worldly enough because the Spirit of God is on the inside of you when you try to sin telling you that you're something greater than that and you're kind of righteous but you're kind of ratchet and you're you're kind you're kind of a worshiper but you're kind of worldly and you kind of worry but you kind of worship and you're kind of organized but you're kind of chaotic and you're kind of powerful but you're kind of petty and you come on I'm preaching to somebody and you're a little bit of both and your self-concept is in development and this is when it's very important who holds your mirror because if the wrong people show you you get a distorted image of yourself and you start matching in your life what you see in your mind that's what that's what Moses did God's like all right got a job for you to do let me use you I'll give you everything you need cool Moses is like but uh but uh but see the thing about me watch watch what he says this is Exodus 4:10 it's which mirror you're looking at right so if you look at the mirror of what you're missing and you only see what's not there that's what Moses did he's like yeah he goes oh my Lord this is an Exodus 4:10 OMG he says oml he's like I'm not eloquent I am NOT eloquent it's funny cuz I got the scripture on the back screen right now and it's got a typo in it it says I am eloquent he said the opposite is what he said right there I am NOT eloquent and you really have both voices that's that's kind of how it feels right like one is saying I am and one is saying I'm not and I don't know which one I got this thing on the inside of me that feels like I can do it and I'm supposed to do it and I'm gonna make it but I got this other thing saying and I don't know which way to look so he said I'm not eloquent and then he says either in the past or in the last five minutes nothing has changed since you started speaking it's still the same I got saved and my nose is still big I got saved and I'm still kind of cross-eyed and I read slow I got saved and I still don't feel intelligent enough I got saved and I still got memories I got saved and I love God but I still got trauma I got saved and I love God but I'm still limited by my experience he said I'm not I'm not what you think I am God's answer is so instructive next verse the Lord said who has made who made your mouth who made your brain yeah but I'm just weird what if the world is weird and we're the normal ones y'all like it I gotta be careful who I look at when I preach by the way because you're like a mirror oh they put this out Chris Chris is Chris Brown around if he's around bring him back up come on come some when the worship leaders are leading they don't know this but there was a choir out here today at Ballentyne and they were standing on these risers and if Chris isn't coming you'll have to do okay so LJ they think that they're just up here singing you come across both île we could teach a whole thing on this can y'all still see me back here because I want to tell this to them one time they discovered that a lot of primates and all humans are soft wired with mirror neurons so our brains actually experience the same emotion that somebody we're watching if we're tuned in to them and they got it from a monkey that was watching a man open a nut and they had a they had it hooked up to his brain and they saw the same brain activity in the monkey's brain that was in the man's brain who was opening the nut and they realized that all humans are wired in such a way with mirror neurons that I experience your reality by watching you experience it so this is why when a parent gets mad kids can feel that stuff they can feel that tension it's called a mirror neuron here's what was happening while you were singing this is how I fight my battles somebody out there was going through a battle but they've been feeling like they were losing but God puts you out here as a mirror so now all of a sudden they didn't feel victorious this week but when they saw you worshiping God don't run from me I got you by this leather coat when they saw you worshiping God they didn't feel like they had the victory but by while you were shouting the victory now I wonder if you would do that for somebody on your row right now I know you had a hard week too - but magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together if you don't have faith today borrow mine you're gonna make it I said so it's called mirror neurons and just as contagiousness faith is so a cynicism so if you got cynical people holding up your mirror you'll always feel small you'll always feel smaller than your challenge smaller than your giant smaller than your addiction cuz you're not looking at your God but when your maker is your mirror 344 345 346 I'm still counting God's not done yet His mercies are new with every rising of the Sun He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it one thing about a mirror it always shows you the image in reverse God knows how your situation turns out God knows how your story ends God knows what He put in you when this message flooded into my heart I was like it's gonna change somebody's life because they've just been looking in the wrong mirror been looking at their mistakes when your mistakes are your mirror you stay on the outside of Canaan even though you have the strength to go in not because you are small but because you see small so the spies came back and they were like hey Moses remember Moses has dealt with rejection his whole life and so a lot of times when when people don't accept you it's because they have rejected themself not all the time a lot of times and this is a really important point everybody's acceptance is not a blessing because the majority might be the wrong mirror 10 out of 12 said we can't go in 10 out of 12 said they're too big we went in that's what they said we went to the land Moses and they became the mirror for the millions of people who had a promise from God but hadn't possessed it yeah this is why it's so important who you're around what you take in what you look at you become what you behold so the people are giving a report and they're like um it's a great place the valleys are fertile it's a rich land we brought you back some grapes grapes are so big they had to carry them on poles but then they stopped looking at God start stop looking at grapes and started talking about Giants and when they look too much at the Giants as their mirror they saw themselves as grasshoppers that's what they said Numbers 13:33 they said mm-hmm there were the Nephilim the sons of Enoch who come from the Nephilim there were giants in the land big strong adversaries that we would have to dispossessed to take the land and we seemed to ourself like grasshoppers not to God we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers most people see God really big even those who barely believe in God see Him really big it's not how big you see God it's how much you believe that God is in you we seemed to ourselves as grasshoppers and so we seemed to them our reflection determined our reality we looked at him what got me about it is that they could have seen the exact same situation in reverse watch this they were like the giants are too big God promised us the victory but I guess we can't go in because of the size of the giants reverse it because God always shows you the image in reverse so it's like this God has already promised us the victory and the giants are so big if the giants are that big and God has promised us the victory if what is coming against us is that great how much greater must God be within me greater is He come on and help me that is within me then he that is in the world the size of my giant is a proof of the size of my God thank you Lord if God is letting me experience a challenge this big see God is trying to use your enemies to show you how valuable you are in His kingdom hey thank you for watching make sure you subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream and share this video with a friend and don't forget you can join me live every Sunday thanks again for watching
Channel: Steven Furtick
Views: 262,549
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Keywords: steven furtick, pastor steven furtick, steven furtick sermon clips, pastor steven furtick sermons, pastor steven furtick 2019, your mistakes don't define you, your mistakes don't define you pastor steven furtick, overcoming obstacles, steven furtick short sermons, my maker is my mirror pastor steven furtick, steven furtick identity sermons, identity sermons, steven furtick sermons on perspective, steven furtick perspective sermons
Id: TBS6w_VsnDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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