Your Mind Is The Key To Your Success | Powerful Motivational Speeches | Listen Every Day

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how much did you care what do you mean I didn't understand the question at first in that room how much did you care what they thought of you like if zero is not at all and 10 is you cared a lot how much did you care eight I said probably around an eight out of ten [Music] and that is the problem because if you care you are not free I've been working my whole life to obtain that word in its truest sense freedom and I made progress the world around us is tough to change but most things worth changing are tough [Music] I've uprooted and walked away from people that brought me down plenty of times I've walked away from places that just weren't me I've committed to carving out a path that I deem meaningful in my life see but you can always turn your back and walk away from people from places from situations here's a little caveat no one seems to tell you about though you have to take yourself with you there's no destination to which you can arrive without your thoughts there's no place you can show up without your narratives or your view of the world and the more I navigate this floating Rock we're on the more I'm convinced that weather is determined by the onlook or not the atmosphere some people simply choose to see Sun some people choose rain our forecasts are internal I've referenced this book often because it's one of the few cheat codes not to any subset of reality but to life in general that allows us to reverse engineer true contentment it's called the top five regrets of the Dying by brawny Ware where she speaks with mostly older people during their final days asks them what they would do differently if they could do it all over again regret number one and we can actually stop right there is I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself not the one others expected of me meaning the number one thing people wish they did differently was careless they wished they'd lived in their authenticity put more weight on their goals and their dreams than those of strangers that passed like ships in the night every time we repress who we are our future selves shed a tear and I know that's not pretty or uplifting to think about right a future you looking down and wishing you'd sought out that freedom in its truest form the freedom to live fully but look sometimes carving meaning out of life just isn't pretty sometimes what's necessary is not pretty see Everything's Relative and perhaps understanding that it's not others who are the judge but it's instead that older version of you sitting on the bedside reflecting back on this one roller coaster ride maybe that's who we're living for that's the Well from which our courage should be drawn we are guests passing through a miracle with Minds that falsely and irresponsibly Whisper we have all the time in the world trying to convince us that the trip lasts forever but it doesn't your life is a raindrop in a thunderstorm it will be over as fast as it arrived and how you choose to live it will be everything see the world always in some capacity exists that voice asking you to dial it down their will from time to time be sweaty palms and shaking knees you know those human things but when you find yourself standing on the edge of that door looking out at a world that you know calls your name let your voice be louder than all of it let the beating of your heart be stronger than your fear and if you can't do it for you then please do it for that version of you years from now looking out the windows smiling about how you almost said no you almost boxed yourself in you almost let what matters pass you by but instead you captured life like a child chasing down a firefly that in a world of constraint allowed yourself to be free remember what's yours to control and what's not what must be let go remember that nothing is so futile as attempting to move the immovable or change the unchangeable remember that your greatest strength is focusing your time talents and efforts exhausting your energy on that which you can control and sometimes this distinction hurts but to fail to see it is to Shackle oneself to delusion right you can complain about the weather all day but to complain about it to focus on it to be stuck in it is not going to change it your time would be better suited looking at how to adjust yourself to it and that's what life repeatedly tells us there's plenty we aren't happy about plenty we wish we could change but to stay there in that space is to forfeit your greatness your strength why because there is so much you can control so much you can do you can always position yourself to succeed but that calls for first separating what's yours and what's not if there are people I wish were different there are situations I prayed were alterable there are outcomes that are given without my asking that's just life and a losing mentality is to fight that to feel anger or resentment at the people that let you down why couldn't they be how I want them to be it's to dwell on the situation that occurred despite your wishes why couldn't it have just happened my way it's to refuse to acknowledge the outcomes that have already materialized and why couldn't it just have evolved differently all that as hard as it is to see is embracing a mentality of victimhood it's walking down a path that has no desirable destination in store for you when you accept the unchangeable you then become the architect of your reality sure people places and outcomes uh weren't always the best but now you ask how can I navigate around it or better yet use it to my advantage it is to use the famous metaphor not shaking your fist at the wind but Building Sales for your boat creating a path to take you somewhere new [Music] so let the energy the time and emotion that's wasted on the immovable dissolve the question worth asking is where do you most want to be and how can you get there and while those details outside the scope of your control can feel like a bottomless Gap in your way I promise that what's around you is enough to build a bridge over it there's enough there for you to find your way so long as we learn to separate the Gap from the bridge the details from the solutions when all you see is why you can't go or how it can't be solved or how impossible something is it's not that you are looking at an unfortunate truth it's that you are looking at the wrong supporting evidence when we stop seeing the details and outside circumstances as the deciders of Fate we win when we place our eyes upon the controllable when we step into what is ours to move and shape and transform we finally see that the journey to something bigger is not only possible it is inevitable I spent some time in Roanoke Virginia one of the most beautiful places I've ever lived this is Little Valley surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains and across the street from where I lived was a park you could look over in the evening and you would see hundreds of fireflies flying around I always thought it was such a cool thing you know bringing back to when I was young when I was a kid and it was such a thrill in running around trying to chase those things day in and day out let me to think you know 24 25 years later about all the things that have changed in my life back then life was pretty straightforward you know as a child you place your value on what feels right in the present you're not thinking about two years down the road or wondering what others are going to think your creativity and your sense of exploration are running on all cylinders then something happens we begin to understand the way of things we see what's valued in society we see what's expected we see how success is defined and so begins our Ascent up the ladder and wrong by wrong we climb looking above us below us to see where others are see how fast they've moved in relation to us and eventually this coincides with how we see ourselves and as you know how you see yourself is the best indicator of what you will become which is why when so many people aren't happy with their day-to-day that's a huge red flag that's breathing that's not living folks have been climbing this ladder their entire lives and never stopped to ask if it's where they were meant to be maybe the top of the community ladder isn't what you want but you never thought you only acted and if you don't think if you don't ask yourself the question you will climb and you will climb and you will climb until you burn out I try and spend a few minutes every day thinking about this it's the most important thing I can spend time on it's my life it's more important than green paper it means more than the opinions of others it's the backbone of everything everything around me and the meaning I give it stems from how I identify myself who I am which brings me back to those fireflies to running around on a hot summer evening not having a care in the world there is something intrinsically perfect about those moments life is about Peak experiences Joy excitement so that you never lose that spark because it's all that separates us from every other being on the planet if we don't have that what do we have what separates us from ants moving dirt monotonous action based on Instinct there's just no thrill in that why not create a life that allows you to feel that excitement every day don't act because you're supposed to act because you so desperately want to that there's no other option because you couldn't live without the adventure you couldn't pass on the experience here's a secret if you become fixated on a life that means nothing to you at some point you will probably get to the top and from there you will have a beautiful view of everything you missed out on so maybe there is something to the whole chasing firefly routine maybe a four-year-old running after a glowing bug with a jar deserves more credit than he's given [Music] foreign something that over the years I've come to know to be true and that's generally the answers that we look for tend to fall between the extremes so for example you have two people one person is adamant that option A is right it's a no-brainer that'll take you to the promised land then on the other side the other person's saying no it's option b and it's not even close option b is the way to go and well generally speaking the answer we're looking for Falls somewhere right in the middle that's where the winning formula lives not always but most of the time the other stuff the detail the A's B's and C's the stuff that gets the flash that we spend most of our time talking about it's unnecessary noise and nuance to win is to trust your instinct it's being comfortable with your authenticity as the foundation [Music] and then once you have that you can choose to sprinkle the other stuff on top as flavoring but I want to talk about this idea because I've fallen into the Trap and I think others do too of looking for answers in the wrong places I'm trying so hard to replicate success to meet other people's guidelines we're so busy asking what other people want to hear that we're not asking ourselves hey what do I want to say [Music] and in the process we lose what's most valuable we end up rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic [Music] imagine if Malcolm Gladwell well or what was popular it's like no he writes about what he's interested in that's why he's so fun to read his curiosity and passion always comes through or if JK Rowling spent her time researching what works what sells books what do I need to buy what's been done before me before she created Harry Potter we probably wouldn't have it her brilliant imagination wouldn't have been shared with the world because let's be real Wizards in boarding school weren't exactly on everyone's radar there was no road map to that oh I think of Jordan Peterson's lectures imagine if he crafted his message around YouTube or or Instagram algorithms would lose all its power and meaning he's authentic he's raw he's real that's why we watch him [Music] but the reality is every day we're told in tailor-made strategically located advertisements that hey John Smith achieved success happiness and fame with this product or this service and without that can't get what you want or we turn on our phones we go on social media and it's hearts and likes and double Taps and we're not saying what we want to say hey we're reverse engineering how to get that validation for those with brands or those in the marketing space I mean you know it's always about trying to understand this mysterious algorithm where your posts will be buried what we're being asked to do overall every day is manipulate ourselves to meet the demands of the platform or of the external criteria and I'm not saying it's morally wrong there's no atrocity being committed part of life is adapting but what I am suggesting is there's a danger that we're not aware of amidst all this chaos and confusion and manipulation we tend to lose ourselves and when we lose ourselves it doesn't happen all at once [Music] it's gradual happens little by little one concession at a time we don't snap our fingers and disappear we slowly slip away not by what we do by what we don't do in order to fit in you know how everything in our solar system orbits around the Sun [Music] but what if you thought of that Sun as who you are right when you're with your friends or family when you're writing saying thinking what matters to you without social media without Brands and marketing and societal pressure just simply Who You Are that should always be the nucleus of your world your North Star that should be the measuring stick to whether you're on the right track not the externalities that ask you to change your key so that it fits their lock what if you re-engineered the way we look at things what if we built a world where people expand upon who they are and what they care about where we are the courage to say no to the latest Trend or item or advice because it's just not who you are but if you were that confident [Music] and then if we think some of those externalities will help us then sure sprinkle them on top but they rotate around you you don't rotate around them that's the difference to be content you have to be the center of your own universe living by your guidelines so instead of looking around and trying to decide your strengths you know based on what will be accepted or promoted or what's been done before do yourself a favor take a deep breath step back and just simplify you know what matters and that's enough you don't need the world to tell you that so while the masses fight over solution a or solution B maybe you'll understand that both of those Solutions solve the wrong problem and while the masses argue you know which car goes zero to 60 the fastest scream about the features debate which brand is the most reputable hey you'll at least know why you're driving which is more than most of the world can say you'll know where your car headed before you upgrade to that sunroof and those top of the line speakers [Music] [Music] it's not about what happens to you no one escapes adversity no one lives free of discomfort or Misfortune or struggle know it will always be about what you do with what happens to you in other words it's not the event it's the response not the obstacle but the ability to navigate around it not the wave but the ability to ride its momentum to something greater it is not what happens to you it is what you do about what happens to you the famous Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius said you have power over your mind not outside events realize this and you will find strength and I think this realization comes down to the fact that there is always a way buried Underneath It All something powerful to Leverage but getting to the value calls for a rewiring a change in the questions that we ask not how could this happen to me but how can I be better tomorrow than I am now because of what happened to me not can I still be that person or accomplish what I set out to but I am that person it's my path so that I get there we're operating within a world of value Limitless opportunity the difficulty simply pushes us to that value faster expedites the process it forces us to open our eyes and see that the world works for us so you take for example the fear of starting something new fear it doesn't have to be an end point or a red light indicator fear doesn't mean you're not qualified or prepared or equipped it simply lets you know that you have finally acquired the courage to step out of the safety of the only world you knew and into the turbulence of growth onto the path of something better than where it's easy to move away from that feeling to turn your back on the chaos and Retreat to something simpler maybe something more predictable or contained what if you viewed the fear as the price that we all have to pay to pull the curtain back on the best things life has to offer changing the question from will I be afraid to instead this is important this is Meaningful therefore it's inevitable that I will experience fear but what will I do about it will I conduct myself amidst the fear will I continue forward those are the questions that contain the value right I can't keep the water from rising or the walls from caving in no that's an inevitability where I'm going the worthwhile Road always has its adversity but will I use that water to learn to swim the walls to climb to adapt and scale what will I make of this that's the question that becomes the difference sure you could stay away you could choose not to take the path that presents the danger and the turbulence you can attempt to contain the World Around You by simply refusing to experience it but then of course you become presented with the question why intentionally refuse to cash in a winning lottery ticket do I diminish your gift in such a way if it's not what you look at it's what you see why see the world as an adversary why see yourself as less than you are the saying goes when you fight for your limitations you get to keep them you'll never exceed the person you've decided yourself to be [Music] it's the world can feel intimidating it's unknown you in many ways can't control the characteristics that make life what it is but you can always control you just just can't control the wind but you can adjust your sales you can control the ties but you can predict and plan and execute accordingly you control you and that is where the power is and of course there's going to be times where that's hard to see when it's not your first instinct to find the value take for an example a change a loss the end of a relationship the point where people tend to feel their lowest it hurts to have something and lose it to have what you were once so sure about challenged what you once believed in called into question but this doesn't have to be a referendum on you as a human being right sure you made your mistakes [Music] opportunity to dwell on them or to acknowledge them and ask the question I know what I know now how can I be better than I've ever been in my life how can I position myself to get more of the good and less of the bad same idea different context when those walls feel like they're crumbling down you have to know there is more on the other side just beyond what the eye can see and this isn't just an idea I play around with in my head I make a concentrated effort to think this every time something goes wrong when my first reaction is emotional my first emotion is anger or frustration it's like take a breath compose yourself and start looking for the value because here's the truth the world is not going to end today there's going to be a time down the road when I look over my shoulder and right now is a distant memory what will I have done with it it's the times that might have broken you that contain the greatest transformation I like to say the greatest tragedies are the hardest times made me who I am today the losses taught me that I had everything I needed failure showed me what I'm capable of enduring is let down taught me to de-personalize the shortcomings of others but to simultaneously hedge against them to times I was lost showed me we only discover or meet our potential when we leave the little day-to-day realities that we create why why because we are in control not of the external but the internal and that ends up being a bridge to a reality that means something so when you find yourself at the base of a mountain looking up understand that there are two ways to perceive The Climb can see it as the gravity pushing down on you as Earth's standing in your way or as an opportunity to ascend to a version of yourself that previously not only didn't exist but wasn't available this is your opportunity the same opportunity that the vast majority of the world would disregard or misinterpret [Music] that most would feel fear of and be dissuaded by most would live in the stories about who they aren't and what they aren't capable of but not you [Music] place that mountain before you but you sure can extract the value from it all you have to do is decide that you're capable and that the meaning and the value and the freedom of Tomorrow means more than the discomfort of today allow the loud for yourself you will become truly Unstoppable not because the paths simplified or got easier because the traveler trusted him self to walk down it [Music] [Music] what can you be the best in the world at life is a complex place complexity sometimes means confusion it means we forget the big picture what's our purpose what are we chasing what are we bringing to the world what can you be the best in the world that it's a little question I try and ask myself every day because I know if I stay close to it my decision will have far greater impact there will be more meaning in life [Music] see it pushes away the things that are appealing in the short term but really don't take us anywhere in the long term because one of the coolest aspects of human nature is our ability to illuminate what matters and well mitigate what doesn't helps us focus on what's important we need to go to the grocery store while we step out the front door paying attention to nothing but the task at hand not the objects to our left or right we don't know what colors the cars were that passes by or the plants we walk by we don't think about the blood pumping through our bodies making it all possible as we walk to the car we don't even see the car as its metallic components as it really is we see it as our portal to a place that has the food see we are blind but at the same time have this beautiful gift of vision we see the path right to what's most important so let's leverage that and what I think we need to remember is to identify in our own lives what that means with regard to our purpose in the context of what we are becoming see every day I hear people talk about followers on social media right how do I get attention how do I get noticed how do I Market myself from my brand to the world how do I stand out and every time I hear that I always have this little internal reaction like a voice saying that's just so wrong it's so backwards Stand Out by adding value to the World by being good at what you do it's that simple and so look at it like this we'll take a specific example to worry about the marketing and the attention and the followers first because like worrying about the transportation of something you don't have yet or that's incomplete it's like spending all your time worrying about the logistics of a cargo van and having no idea what that van is going to transport isn't the product the most important thing and that's the question I ask myself when I'm caught up in something flashy or maybe out of line with my big picture to make sure I'm on track in this crazy world if social media disappeared tomorrow are you good enough at what you do that you could take that product or service or skill set to another platform and start again and if you're not fine but are you working towards it those are the parameters that we should all live between everything else tends to work itself out Steve Martin's quoted as saying be so good they can't ignore you and that's what I find so exciting the opportunity the chance to build something sustainable that's why this is a long-term play and in a world where so much emphasis is put on perception what's the reality what's the story right the pictures are great on the surface but what's the value that resides below that underneath what are you working tirelessly day and night to be exceptional at what are you reading to build yourself up as a force to be reckoned with as a powerful valuable individual see my world a lot of what I do is immersed in social media which is why it's so important that I remember the perspective that I step out social media is not the product I'm thinking much bigger than that and I hope you are too whether it's academics or sports or art what is your thing what's going to be your Arena where are you Unstoppable where you add so much value that the world has to stop we're sure you can capture it on social media if you can talk about it face to face with clients and family and friends and strangers on the sidewalk you can write about it teach about it where it's so much the part of you that the phrase competent doesn't even do it justice that's where greatness lives not in screaming for attention or creating a facade those things don't stand the test of time I'm talking about being truly remarkable and we all have that ability we're all capable of Mastery in some area moving towards something that matters we just have to make the choice to own it to see the world and all its opportunity for what it is to begin and what better a Time than now [Music] thank you [Music] she had a picture framed on the table that said make today amazing place there to remind her just how much of life is a choice how much we get to decide it symbolizes that on our worst days life hands us lessons and on our best days the highs of existence during our low points currency and during our high points the chance to cash it all in yeah make today amazing because today's are few and far between today's are not an inconvenience nor an obligation today's are what it's all about today is the Big Show the answers we look for the destinations we long for [Music] today is a place of Dreams that is if you choose to leave room in your world for dreaming today is the beginning of wherever next is for you a chance to see the new and normalize it to stretch to reach further out and pull impossible a little closer into your orbit you can do that [Music] and while one often can't control what they are given they can control What Becomes of what they are given like Architects and designers engineering what will be and what the malleable world around them will become [Music] when one raises their standards life seems to accommodate because believing it means acting the part means making the changes means the external world makes room means your identity is reinforced and so the cycle goes by making today amazing you are making yourself more [Music] decisions are the beginning of all things [Music] see very rarely is the tool in and of itself the differentiator it's the vision that pulls us through and if you take something arbitrary say a hammer there's no way to based upon its existence determine what it will mean or what will become of it a hammer can be an agent of chaos that can smash and shatter and destroy it can be the thing used to tear down or it can be what builds they can connect it can alter and redefine so that something when all is said and done is brought into an existence That Never Was never the tool it was how the eyes viewed the tool it was the vision that designated the roles that made today amazing [Music] and the reason we all need this reminder as far as I can tell is because the difficult things just so happen to be the meaningful things because we are fighting not against some little rule or idea we picked up along the way we are fighting against our DNA against thousands and thousands of years of evolution because the fear that kept our ancestors alert and alive now in a totally new World Keeps Us contained and our talents minimized the approval of others that kept us safe and secure as we once traveled the landscape in small groups hunting and Gathering well now it keeps us needlessly looking over our shoulders and craving acceptance the unknowns that kept us out of the dark cave with The Predator living in its Shadows now Keeps Us confined looking out at life's potential through self-made windows we need to be reminded to make today amazing because those things are quite the adversaries because our default is to just let the ship sail our default is to simply survive after all that is the standard and the rule by which living things abide make it another day but I believe you are more than a living thing the Godlike ability to not just exist in a world but create new ones this is a miracle both a blessing and a responsibility to drive towards the more fulfilled you a happier you a healthier you a more complete you but one must first become aware that around them exists the pieces required to build something never before seen the vehicle to those far-off places that were once only dreams thoughts illusions I've always believed that if it means something to you it's not stupid it warrants exploration for even if the thought doesn't end up being all it was cracked up to be even if it's not the destination but only a stop along the way it still pushes you to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing it still moves you forward in this beautiful Game of Life [Music] so decide decide to make today amazing choose to make it better let the obstacles lift you up and the momentum carry you towards something meaningful when others stop and find reasons to doubt themselves how about you find the small wind buried tucked away Underneath It All the little key that may do nothing more than get you through that next door after all sometimes that's what life's about picking up your head when it's most difficult and finding the next door to walk through and the magic is knowing you can always do that [Music] because there always exists both the doorway and the key but we must be willing to find it that's the obvious thing about those doors the right ones will open but they require we find the strength to approach them they require that we seek out amazing and so with this in mind what is the next chapter like for you are you currently enduring one of life's Winters are you navigating those inevitable valleys of despair in which the value is in finding that single ray of light amidst the storm looking within yourself for the courage to take one more step forward and another and another are you seeking out that spark that will reignite the fire in you because it's there so long as you choose to make today amazing maybe you've climbed yourself out maybe you're looking for whatever's next the New Evolution seeking to follow your heart and continue the beautiful progression that is life let the external World support that Vision choose to see the detail not as trivial but as the answers the tools that will lift you up and support what you are building it's there [Music] she had a picture framed on the table that said make today amazing place there to remind her how much of life is a choice [Music] because in a world of option what a gift to choose the Journey of a lifetime what a ride that awaits so long as you decide to step in [Music] I saw an interview by one of my favorite authors today Stephen pressfield where he highlighted what I believe to be a critical and often overlooked point he says a lot of people think life is short but life is actually long he goes on to explain that he didn't even get his first book published until well into his adult life making the point that people at 24 34 54 64. they think they've won or lost and they've got a lot of game left to play then this message it does a few things I think first and most obviously it creates a kind of calm like okay I can take some of the pressure off myself life isn't a Sprint it's a marathon I'm not doing so bad sometimes we lose that perspective we forget that the best things in life evolve over time often not an avalanche but the chipping away of a stone until the statue reveals itself it's frustrating as it may be Clarity is often an evolution and the second thing is it plays a role in defining what success means if games are won in the second half as they frequently are then we learn not to Define ourselves by the outcome of the first quarter [Music] but more importantly to put ourselves in position to win in the fourth the score at half time is not defining it's a treasure Trove of lessons and information and data that can be tapped into to get the result that we ultimately want and I often think of running in South Florida where you know I joke that I don't sit at the beach but if you run during the day you know you kind of get the best of both worlds a little bit of sunshine you get your workout in but the obvious disadvantage especially in the summers at the the is taxing on the body it's more challenging to run under that sun and what I find is that when I push my Pace right out of the gate right from the start push my physical boundaries the second half of the run is a nightmare always I'm dragging you know speed isn't even a factor I'm pleading with myself to simply not stop because I haven't positioned myself well but on the other hand when I'm disciplined and when from the start I ease into something comfortable and progressively increase my speed my body somehow responds exponentially better I get the most out of myself that way that's why I've said in the past I'm proudest of my results from the last few miles are the fastest miles it means I have the discipline in the foresight to make that happen and ultimately the big picture is affected in a positive way [Music] I know the same can be can be said for other aspects of life I know the same can be said for the moments of Temptation when my ego pleads with me to do what someone else is doing or things aren't evolving as quickly as I want so my pride says just walk away from it all why because the current moment doesn't look how I wanted it to so the mind says Panic it says change things it says you're losing or not good enough it says you better pick up the pace right now because you're losing this current moment but no the question isn't is right now the goal question is is right now moving me forward consistently so that when the time comes to Sprint so that when I'm ready to go faster than I've ever gone be more than I've ever been I've positioned myself to do just that when things were challenging I kept moving forward when the world around me seemed to be moving at a faster Pace I ran my own race I stayed consistent I remembered What mattered to me that's the question and by the way this doesn't mean ignoring today's results means asking yourself whether today's results are meaningful in the big picture right using Stephen pressfield's example of you don't get published or your work is rejected again and again and again you have not lost it's the beginning it's the first quarter but what info can you gain from this what tweaks can you make to your work so that it's in some way more captivating how can you sell it a little better what can you do to connect with people who will believe in you and help push you forward remember you only lose when you decide to stop why because as long as you're willing to adjust and keep going there are no stopping points people don't realize limitations are self-imposed losing or quitting just means you stood up and said I'm going to stop learning and evolving with regard to this Pursuit I no longer want to adapt and move on no outside circumstances can impose that upon truly an internal decision I remember Jim Rohn saying success is easy doing the thing that's best for you in the long run is easy doing the right things every day is easy let's say well why isn't everyone successful well because doing the wrong thing is easy too it's easy to think right now is the end-all be-all to forget the big picture that life is a journey that you are equipped with everything you need and when you don't see success to your left or right when your ideal world hasn't been created to panic to seek drastic change instead of remembering one step in front of the other gets you to your Finish Line instead of remembering the second half is where you make your move is where you make your push not every swing is a home run not every swing needs to be a home run it's about on base percentage it's about setting yourself up for success step by step day by day allowing yourself to evolve because if you hang in there long enough if you say yes entrust yourself long enough you will get your Super Bowl you will get your midday run when the sun is at its fullest or exhausted you're tired and you don't want to keep going but because you invested in the big picture because you played the long game you'll be one of the few who understands who has created the weapon the answer the key that will open the door very few people get to open and walk through the best things in life take time and time requires patience patience can be painful it can cause suffering chaos from that chaos comes order from that suffering comes meaning everything we needed and wanted is on the other side of that evolution see that your short-term losses are not crippling you they are creating [Music]
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 163,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, motivational speeches, best motivational video, best motivational speech, morning motivation, inspirational speech, motivation for success, best motivation, powerful motivational speech, powerful motivational video, motivation compilation, best motivational speech compilation, best motivational speech ever, best motivational video compilation
Id: -4ShdhDUcqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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