Your Husband Makes $240,000 and Won’t Help You?

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foreign Liz is in Boston hi Liz welcome to the Ramsay show hi thank you so much for taking my call sure what's up um yeah so I'm calling um with sort of it's two questions that kind of go into one so um I'm getting four thousand dollars back on our tax returns and I'm gonna pay off a credit card with that and I have another credit card that I do need to pay off but I also have a small business and I was wondering what your thoughts are on putting that money toward um as an investment into my small business um I have a food blog so I was thinking of doing a website audit to see if I could increase my website traffic um you know to make more money off of ads and things like that and um to go along with that question I am a stay-at-home mom and I guess I'm just wondering if um I guess I'm just wondering if I'm doing the right thing being a stay-at-home mom um I left my job as a physical therapy assistant um three years ago and I have two children under the age of two um I work 10 hours a week um actually from my website host and then next we bought on the side and I just wasn't sure if I'm doing the right thing okay what do you make on the 10 hours a week 35 an hour okay so 350 bucks okay and then what are you making on the food block not a lot of coffee for that on the side and then um some months it's you know close to like 50. okay no you do not put four thousand dollars into that okay take you forever to get it back yeah you're not making enough to justify a four thousand dollar investment you're making enough to justify a 400 investment yeah yeah it would be it it's too much okay I'm also gonna poke a larger beer here you said you're a stay-at-home mom I'm assuming you're married yes what's he make um this year it'll end up being about 240. okay so what's the problem yeah I I think I know what the problem is because you're saying these are your your tax return your credit cards you guys don't have your money combined no we don't um we do in a sense that um he pays all of the bills and I pay my student loans and my credit cards um yeah so you're not combined no we do have it we do have a joint account um you're not combined dear I know what you're saying I know you want it to sound better than what it is but you're not combined but I hear from your voice that maybe you would like to be yeah um I think it would be a little less stressful um yeah so let me here's the thing this man has a wife and two babies his job is not to make his wife pay her student loans so she can take care of the two children that he sired that's bullcrap all right so the two of you should put all of your money in a pile and the two of you should take care of the two of you for sickness and sickness and in health for richer for poorer and the old wedding vows back in the day the old book of common prayer writing vows say unto thee all my worldly Goods I pledge you're good enough to have babies with but not good enough to have your student loans taken care of bull crap yeah you took him if he gets sick you're gonna make him chicken soup and you got student loans so we have two children we have student loans we made the decision for you to be a stay-at-home mom because that's what you wanted to do and you're fretting over eighteen hundred dollars and fifteen hundred dollars while your husband makes a quarter of a million dollars a year bull crap have you brought this up to him before that it would be a lot less stressful if you guys could just combine your money um yeah it's it has been a conversation it was never like really um stressed like I never really um okay tried to make it like a big Point um I guess I feel guilty he has no debt and I have like no he's married you you you come with all of you you married him he doesn't he doesn't walk around feeling guilty about being selfish no you don't need to walk around feeling guilty about dadgum student loans I'm not gonna look I'm not gonna I'm catching a Vibe here that I don't like at all and Dave is right that's all I can say I don't want to jump to any conclusions I'm catching a Vibe I don't like I don't like that you have all this guilt surrounding a simple request I don't like that you are feeling so much apprehension about having this conversation with this man that you're married to and have three kids with so there's a lot going on here um if you're good enough to have babies with you're good enough to combine finances with yeah yeah okay I mean I think he would be open to it um good that would speak highly of him I I would think better of him than I do I would too because I think I think you guys are just plowing along and hadn't stopped and looked at this maybe so let's stop and look at it because here's the thing you're fretting over stuff that you guys want to just write check pay these loans off I'm guessing you got the money in the bank and you ought to clear them up it's not up to you to do it by yourself any more than it's up to you to feed the children by yourself or it's up to you to uh do everything by yourself it's not up to him to do everything by himself okay so we we are a team that's what we said when we went to the altar we are a team we are a team we are a team we both have a vote and we both bring strengths and we both bring weaknesses to the team we are a team we are a team we are a team and let me just tell you the people that build the highest quality marriages with the highest probability of extreme Prosperity meaning Building Wealth and becoming baby steps millionaires all the data points to they work together and they combine their finances well I want to be independent well you should not gotten married because when you get married by definition you are not independent anymore you don't have to lose your personal identity right and and this is not some kind of 1950s thing I'm talking about here I'm giving you fresh data from the marketplace that says folks you need to combine your finances if you're willing to combine your bed not any more than that I mean in terms of being married okay so it's time it's time you have babies together you can pay off Finance so you can pay off student loans together
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 60,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball
Id: gOjGmYy4EdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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