Stop Looking For A Shortcut To Get Rich!

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foreign live from the headquarters of Ramsay Solutions broadcasting for the PODS moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsey show where we help people build wealth do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships thank you for joining us America Dr John deloney Ramsey personality number one best-selling author and host of the Dr John deloney show one of our more popular shows these days on the Ramsay networks so be sure you check all that out he's my co-host today open phones here at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five Kirsten is going to start this hour off in Fresno hi Kirsten how are you good what's up passed away in the past year oh I'm sorry I have thanks I have three siblings sorry I'm nervous that's okay I have three siblings that um and I that uh my parents had left the house to us in the trust and it's just a little awkward now because I had been taking care of my my parents and living with them for the past five years so this is the house is where I live also and um I am just trying to figure out how I can um split up the house without um having to sell it or move out because it's really the most affordable thing that I can afford right now since I've been working just part time taking care of my parents and then how long how long have your parents been gone honey so sorry yeah yeah so it's been six months yeah so what are your career plans well there's some designer and I'm trying to well I am getting my portfolio together and looking for you know a more a bigger paycheck and so that will help but when I'm sorry when um you know you haven't been taking care of your parents for six months months since your dad's been gone yes and your heart is broken but when are you gonna get a job well I have had my part-time job but I am looking for my previous career job for six months um I haven't really started I thought until yeah the past month well the past week yeah yeah the greatest way you can honor your mom and your dad was to have given them what you gave them which is your time you're the one that took on the role as a caretaker it's an Incredible Gift the next way you can honor your mom and dad is to truly live and cherish every minute you got left and you can't do that when you're worried about not eating and not working and you're gonna have to take on the responsibilities this shoulder the responsibilities and what you're going to find is when you start carrying that weight your body's designed for that yeah it's so great and the reason I'm asking all this is if you buy this house from your siblings you've got to be able to afford to pay it and right now you can't yeah so I got I gotta I gotta work backwards into a job that's why I started there and that's why I pushed on you so hard because I love you and I want you to win okay so what is the value of this house um probably about 350. okay is it paid off no what's up what's out on it 178 okay all right and um do any of them want it no they all have their own houses and two and there's three others there's four of you correct yes four of us okay so each of there's not a big bunch of money gonna come out of this you understand that 25 or 30 000 bucks a piece yeah okay and um so uh if you were to land a good job in the fashion industry what do you think you'll be making um probably at least 80 a year okay all right good um well I mean you could go and get a home equity loan and buy them out there's enough equity in the house keep the First Mortgage in place just keep paying it and then go get a home equity loan and buy them out there's nothing wrong with that plan um but the thing that is wrong with that plan is you can't do that now because you don't have any income you can't even pay the first mortgage right now how you've been paying the first mortgage for the last six months well my parents uh oh they left some money yeah and she had an insurance um a mortgage insurance that would pay for 10 months so the mortgages definitely paid for 10 months so there is a train coming at you through the tunnel that you are ignoring yeah you need more urgency on getting your income going right uh because if you don't they're you're gonna lose his house yeah I'd get a full-time job get my portfolio together in the evenings and on weekends yeah tomorrow I'd go get a job full time yeah and then I'd get another job and then I'll get another job I think you need to be working all the time and I'm going to tell you something wild you're gonna find healing in those little not to quote Dave but to quote Dave those little baby steps of achievement and accomplishment you're gonna find Healing there yeah so I think you can buy them all out and the way you do it is you take the current value of the property times 80 percent because that's about what they'll net minus minus the mortgage and divide it by four and that's going to put you at about 25 000 bucks and so you need about seventy five thousand dollars to buy them out and the second a second mortgage HELOC will do that if you've got a good job you can get that yeah and then you transfer the property into your name out of the name of the trust and you buy them out if that's what they want to do but that's all they're going to get if you guys all just gang up and sell it which also by the way Kirsten is an okay idea it's not a bad idea to sell this house before you screw around and lose it be sure you sell it yeah don't let it slip away because we're just I would definitely do that if it came to that well it has come to that you have three months before this insurance Runs Out I mean this there's a fire here you know I don't sense you are I don't sense any urgency in your vocal responses yeah it's almost a numbness to the whole thing yeah the pro hear us say as much as we love you this doesn't go away no it's gonna get worse every day taken from you every day every day you're gonna get more desperate and you know who sells real estate super cheap desperate people that's a giveaway property and rich people come buy it and do well and get richer right because they're not desperate so Dave the the tactically how would you would you have to go through a real estate agent to split this up because I want to do it in writing you just have to go get an attorney and have the title title transferred to her uh with a with a quit claim deed from the trust to her and in order for that to happen her siblings have to sign off and they get 25k a piece at that table where they sign off because you got to know you gotta know you've set up a a simple home equity loan and so you know you got 75k on top of 180k so 255 000 out on a 350 000 house that's not bad that's not a bad situation it is a bad situation if you're unemployed that's important part of this equation y'all this is the Ramsey Show [Music] we've been doing business at Ramsey for more than 30 years by now we're a well-oiled machine but it wasn't always that way yes we've always had a vision always had determination and a drive to help people but what we didn't have was one central place to access all our numbers so that we could get further ahead or quickly see when we needed to Pivot we were always jumping back and forth between different systems and spreadsheets so when netsuite by Oracle helped us Wrangle our Revenue inventory expenses and more into one place here's a game changer and netsuite's number one Cloud Financial system can help your business gain the same visibility because businesses thrive on timely data and next week's real-time analytics can help your business have immediate access to your numbers daily so you always know where you stand and you can move quickly so go to Ramsey today set up a free product tour that's Ramsay [Music] [Music] thank you for joining us America Dr John deloney Ramsay personality is my co-host today the question of the day is brought to you by neighborly your hub for Home Services spring is here and neighborly can help keep your home and yard in top shape with the ground Skies mosquito Joe Lawn Pride Molly Maid and more so spend time enjoying your home not working on it go to and find the service pros in your area all right today's question comes from Clark in Los Angeles Clark writes we have three thousand six hundred dollars in our bank account but my wife wants to join a six-week MLM training course for ten thousand dollars it's her way or the highway on this she was approved for a five thousand dollar credit card and she applied for a two thousand dollar loan with our bank the deposit on the course is three thousand dollars which she would take from our checking leaving us with 600 bucks in the bank then there's the payment plan she's already been doing MLM for four years which we have made zero profit on am I crazy to be mad about her on this matter I need your help Dave I'm actually mad for Clark like it's frustrating it's frustrating this is somebody who's out of control yeah yeah it is it's out of control and the the one of the most aggravating things about people that get into mlms not everyone but but but some people to get in it they take on this cult-like thing to wear if you're not in it then you must be stupid and if you don't understand what I'm doing then you're an idiot because only people that are smart do I mean all the smart people do this stuff and if you don't understand and they actually some of the mlms really some of the hierarchies within certain mlms will push that mentality we caught Mary Kay about 15 years ago I don't know if they still do it or not they were telling ladies to uh use their credit card to buy the stuff and not tell their husband they're telling them from the stage to lie to their husband yikes and I'm like man that's some bad medicine right there ladies you guys are you guys are freaks this is nutty that's total greed run amok well that's looking in your checking account you're yeah sixty four hundred dollars off like everything you've mentioned says that um the the this entire plan is stupid okay it's out of control and the but Juiced up with a wife that says uh I'm doing this because this is my way even though there's absolutely no track record in four years that she's ever made any money doing it and there's no there's no way to get this money they might get this 2 000 loan but I mean the exposure to the whole family over this deal yeah and she's she's putting everyone's putting aside Common Sense she's putting aside good financial decisions her marriage Fidelity aside her uh her husband's wishes she's putting aside the good of her own family all for her to chase this greed and this is greed make no mistake oh yeah because this is I'm going to do this and then I'm going to be able to buy a yacht I'm going to live the dream as the Himalayan people say and so uh that that is straight up greed and when you and when you push everyone including Common Sense Good Financial sense your husband's Wishes the good of your family aside for your selfish greed you are a mess you're a hot mess lady yeah you're messed up so now what does Clark do I think you guys have got to see a marriage counselor I I think instantaneously because I I always tell couples man you be real careful with my way or the highway my way of the highway because people choose a highway that's exactly right and use that for very very rare circumstances and um she pulled it on an MLM training course [Laughter] that's a pretty big waste of that set of ammunitions like being in Vegas and they you're playing Texas Hold'em and they give you a two and a six and you're just like I'm all in like that's a bold move with this um so Dave just to just because Clark's the only one we got here right yeah she's not a part of this conversation well if he has outlined it correctly they got serious issues there's no question they got serious issues this also feels like a power play and sometimes there's power plays because people have lost their mind they're just they're jerks they're nuts they bought into something that is a cult and they can't see the forest of the trees sometimes people smash the other side of the teeter-totter because somebody else in the marriage has been holding it down for so long and so long and so long and so long and so Clark If that's you if you have completely wrapped this house up in this is my way of the highway and she finally says enough this is my way of the highway um then that's something you need to put on the table you might have a report you've sown there you go but if not brother I'm sorry um I would go see somebody this week and if she won't go you need to go by yourself because it looks like y'all are heading in completely different directions yeah this marriage does not last absolutely not without help nope this does not help it does not last okay because she's she's ready to burn the place down for a dream that has absolutely no underpinning whatsoever and um she ready to burn your family burn you burn the finances burn everything burn the marriage all over a training course for MLM does that not sound like the dumbest thing you ever heard in your life I'm getting ready to end every part of my life that's positive for that that that let me tell you if you're in an MLM and you're recommending that your people downline do that you should have your butt kicked up around your neck and wear it like a collar you really should have somebody talk to you you're hurting people you're hurting people you are a manipulative unbelievable jerk and you've got to stop that and you're the reason that people hate mlms as people like you that do that now actually no a few human beings in mlms that are reasonable human beings absolutely and they don't think I'm going to hell because I'm not in their MLM it's not a call you know they believe in their products they believe in their products and it's their method of selling it and I'm not mad at them that's not the point the point is that the something about the MLM culture generates ever so often a company or a hierarchy within a company that promotes this kind of crap well it goes back to what I think it makes me think of like Blockbuster they made their money when their customers lost they made their money on late fees and they needed their customer to fail so that they could make their money not the other way around if you're teaching people I lie to your husbands then you are making your money off a marriage that's going to fall apart you're making money off deception you're making money off hurting people and there will be an end game to your business you have to be about how can we help you not how can we lie to you what's the Long play absolutely how does everyone end up more whole healthy and prosperous when we're done otherwise your business will go if it's not about helping people yeah so I'll give you an example all right uh to go to entree leadership Master Series I think the tickets are gone for platinum for uh April of next year okay there'll be about 3 000 people there there'll be some of the top speakers in the world and teachers in the world I'm very very proud of what we will be doing but to sit in a platinum seat is just under ten thousand dollars if you call me up and you say the way you're going to go to platinum as good as Platinum is and it might be in the Platinum experiences and as good as Entre leadership Master Series is might be the best leadership conference in America today Bar None I mean I'm so proud of what we do there we just completed one so you've got high marks on your screen when you're speaking there's absolutely incredible Dr Jordan Peterson Willie Robertson we're there with us and Malcolm glad while we're there with us it was an incredible incredible event and we had guys on the front row that paid almost ten thousand dollars a piece to be sitting there in that Platinum section if you call me up and you say the way you're going to come and sit in the Platinum section at entree leadership as proud as I am of it and as I know it's worth every dime is that you're going to clean out your bank account down to six hundred dollars and you're going to go against your spouse's wishes I'm going to tell you I don't want you as a customer and you're borrowing seven thousand yeah you need to stay home absolutely you know I do not want your money you need to stay home because I don't want your marriage is blood online this is not what I do right I don't do I mean I I sell something like a ten thousand dollar weekend is my point and never one time have we knowingly accepted a situation like this and encouraged this is the way to get ten thousand dollars out of somebody nope nope don't need the money that bad boys and girls I gotta sleep later it's not that hard a life you know this is just wrong so honey Clark get your marriage counselor because when your wife says my way or the highway on anything this is known as a flare was just shot up off the deck of the boat warning warning and that boat is going down this is the Ramsay show [Music] hey Dr John deloney here I'm a huge fan of both meditation and prayer and good mental health includes slowing down gaining control of your thoughts and plugging into something bigger than you and Halo makes it easy to start a daily practice of meditation prayer and finding peace Hollow is the number one Bible app in the world and you can tailor content towards your faith tradition from scripture readings and prayers to meditation and journaling Hollow makes it easy to practice prayer meditate and build a deeper more meaningful spiritual life and ReDiscover true peace go to Ramsay today to get three months of hallow for free that's Ramsay foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Ramsey personality is my co-host today thank you for joining us America we're so glad you are here Tom is in Greensboro North Carolina Welcome to the Ramsey show Tom how y'all doing thanks for taking my call sure what's up all right so I'm gonna get right to the point um I'm in financial peace I got every dollar um but my dilemma is that I share custody of my son my schedule allows me to have him on the days that I'm off but if I'm going to pursue getting out of debt as quickly as I need to it would result in me having to give up some of those days and that is the part that I'm struggling with how old is he he's won how long have you all been divorced uh over a year I'm so confused so he's won and you've been divorced over a year so we we it happened all kind of at the same time yes sir all right so about the same timeline okay yes yes so we'll make him the same age as the divorce okay that helps me a little all right and so um all right now uh uh what do you do for a living uh I drive a truck over the road uh no I'm local so you're working 40 hours uh I well with overtime um I'm looking at about 90 every two weeks 45 hours yes sir okay and um how much debt do you have um so total debt is let's call it 27k it's 26 729 yeah and what do you make now um so my take home is 60k okay so your typical day when you're driving truck not when you're with your son you go to work at what time uh about 10 A.M okay and you drive then until about 8 00 p.m 8 P.M yes sir yeah okay all right that gets you here 45 hours all right yes sir okay what about on the days you don't have your son you're at 50 50 you said yes so yes sir yeah what days of the week I'm sorry say that again what day of the week is that so we work on a two two three schedule okay um so it rotates every every week so basically in the two week period I get him seven days out of the out of that two week period okay um and I'm just struggling with do I want to give up one of my days and have a babysitter or have a family member watch him while I go and work if I was you yes sir I would be pretty intentional about getting up at 5am on the days I don't have to be until 10 and drive Uber and Lyft in the morning as well okay um that kind of tacks into the what is that 60k uh so it's Amazon Flex okay all right so you're doing and you're doing that in the mornings before you go to work yes sir so in a strange way and Dave you've done this longer than me on this particular question if this was inside your home I would if you're if you and your wife and your boy lived inside in the same house I would tell you hit the gas work seven days a week and get this 27 bucks 27 000 off your chest the fact that this is broken up in this way with how rapid a one-year-old develops six months of no dad it's not that's not okay it's glaring it's too much yeah I'm with you I'd rather slow the roll on paying off the debt and make sure I've got that time with my son because that time is precious what is the 27 000 in debt what kind of debt I knew he was gonna ask um so 20K that is car God Almighty sell your car it's your kid I know no you don't yeah you don't know because you didn't you had to ask why'd you have to ask and you didn't even want to tell us because you knew we were going to say what you already knew you should do it's your kid trade your car for a kid yes sir so your stupid car this week what kind of car is it Tom to Honda Civic oh my God don't trade a Civic for a kid for sure Tom not even a really cool car I mean come on yeah if it was like a Mercedes well I mean if I mean not if it was a you know vintage Camaro I mean give me a oh my gosh no I'm not talking I'm kidding around Tom but yeah you got this figured out you just thought through it get you a one thousand dollar car and take care of your one-year-old and get your butt out of debt work and you're working and live on beans and rice rice and beans and do not miss a single day that you have available for this child he is the most important thing in this conversation I will affirm you as being a good dad you have a good heart you are aimed at the right thing you knew you needed to do that but you were trying to make the math work and keep the car and so we get to tell you the classic Ramsay show line sell the car yes sir are you gonna do it yes sir good how old are you Tom I'm 32. and you're a good man this kid hey this kid this kid's lucky to have you as a dad and here's what Dave and I are also giving you in about 10 years he'll be he'll be 11 he'll make you a real mad and in a fit of rage you can turn and stare him in directly in the eyes and say I saw the car for you I gave up a Civic for you and then he'll be like seriously and you'll be like yeah yeah that didn't go then it goes as hard as I thought it was going to not much of a flag shot I thought that was going to go way harder than it did man I gave up a Civic I just don't think that could leave your mouth wow Dad I'll let the school counselor know next time we meet [Laughter] sell the Civic brother oh Tom you're a good guy I appreciate your question Tom you're awesome brother yeah here's the thing folks um very seldom are we as boxed in and trapped as sometimes we feel like we are uh because sometimes there's a simple thing you can throw a stick of dynamite right in the middle of it blow it up and you go oh well look at there and you know there it is oh that's so great but I do think it's important if if there's a you're in the household together and you're not making eye contact every day but there is passing there is they see you every day then I'm gonna tell you to go run and get this thing done because the long-term stress in your household is not gonna be worth it that's stress exists but in that case I would sell the car too a hundred percent yeah if I'm worried about it if I'm worried about being there for my one-year-old a hundred percent I'm not trading a car for that there's not a circumstance no not at all no not at all not happening uh John's in Portland Maine hey John welcome to the Ramsey Show hey thanks so much for taking my call sure how can we help all right so I've been listening for a while um and love you guys the show my wife and I have been doing really good at paying down everything um we owe right now about 171 thousand dollars um and 115 000 of that is on a mortgage in the house we live in and 56 000 is my student loans which I've actually paid down from a hundred eighty thousand dollars good job John yeah man that's awesome so we're at the point now where we don't owe anything else we own our cars we own everything else we just we have about 300 000 um not in equity in the house we live in but that's what it's worth now with 115 000 balance um and we actually paid off um a rental property that we owned two years ago when I opened my own business and tripled my income um so we're at the point where we've been living our letting our grandmother live there as kind of like a Mitzvah like as a as a good deed and she's ready to move out because she has dementia unfortunately and the market is fantastic obviously especially in Maine um price values have gone up and are staying here um and we don't know if we should invest a little bit of money into the property and continue to rent it or to just take advantage now how much is a little bit of money uh what's the property worth what would you invest into it why does it need investment and what do you need to spend quickly probably sixty thousand dollars no it's not where you have sixty thousand dollars in student loan debt yeah that's what I was thinking it would take years to get back what we could do if you can't if you can't fix it up for a few thousand dollars and get it going you probably need to sell it but uh otherwise I try to keep it because I love the idea of keeping a paid for a rental property and knocking out 56 when you've had all this other success but if the houses are going up people are going to rent it we're not going to turn this thing off that's been working and go over and fix a rental house for 60k now if you want to spend five or ten on it you can probably pull that off and still get your student loan paid off by Christmas let's go do that keep the rental but no not 60. this is the Ramsey Show [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Debbie is in New York hi Debbie welcome to the Ramsey Show hi I have a quick question for you I am the surviving spouse age 72 of a Vietnam vet he passed away 32 months ago with service related injuries um we had filed for the VA disability benefits back in 2017. I was documented proven submitted I did it myself because no one was available to help me it was denied but I appealed and now it looks like I have won the case however they're not coming through with anything they said the claim is now at our regional office in Buffalo New York and that I would be receiving a letter showing the VA money or the what they call the VA rate with the rate of disability and if additional benefits were to come to me like medical dental vision Etc um so I don't know what the amount will be or if it will be I call them honestly every week because I don't want to fall through the cracks and I know I have to keep on them they keep saying they are back loaded because of the pandemic they don't have enough support and I said no you know it helps that back loading yes whining nagging widows I love you you're awesome you are getting it girl I love you that's what the man at the VA told me he goes I can't do any more than you've done because you are like a uh yeah and I will not give up um he died of congestive heart failure and stage four kidney disease they lost the records They found the records now they tell me I'm top priority but they don't know when it's going to come through however in the meantime I have been paying off our medical debts I'm down to about fifty eight hundred dollars in medical debts which I'm paying on my Visa I do not owe any loans I have a mortgage of about a hundred and thirty four thousand dollars um I I guess my payment's about Eleven Hundred uh my pension from my husband's about 1100 um his Social Security is 2703 and I owe no other debt what I wanted to know should I take from the 401 he has about 170 000 in the 401 to pay off the mortgage and the remaining five thousand dollar Visa or should I just keep um keep the money under 70 and the 401 and yes and the uh mortgage is how much about 134 135 000 that's the balance so leaves you almost broke doesn't it exactly by the time they take out taxes then it'll put me in a higher tax from my county and school taxes what's your um house worth house is worth I would guess probably around 275. [Music] I can't afford living um let's just say I can't go on a cruise like the other lady who called in with my niece or anything like that but I can't I can't go on vacation right now I'm I'm making it but it's not really I'm existing I'm not really living I'm existing they did promise some type of income but again it depends on the rate of disability let me tell you what is bothering me okay sure I love the idea of you having not not having the house payment I hate the idea of you having no money okay you got 170 000 bucks right now so that's what's bothering me so what ends up happening is if we say all right let's cash this out pay the taxes and pay off the house and you got almost no money I mean 10 or 15 20 000 bucks is left over Max okay right and um but you're 100 Dead free and you've got these streams of income to live on all you got to do is pay your property tax and your insurance and your groceries and your lights and you get a life right that all works good but if an event happens that's a thirty thousand dollar event you got no money right and you you're probably selling the house if that happens [Music] do we want that risk no okay I might be okay with that if you said yeah I'll just sell it and get me an apartment if some if I don't think anything's going to blow up but if something big blew up and I had a hundred thousand dollar problem I just sell the house and get me an apartment gone but you should know really fast right right there's nothing around this area that you can live in my apartment but the um but however if they do come through with a monthly income it could be anywhere maybe they're saying maybe 1500 but they're not sure depending is there any money that they would owe you in a lump sum back for having not paid him his disability for a number of years that's what they're trying to figure out this should go back to 2017 but now with the pack back that was installed last August it may it go back only maybe uh nine months which would still be a decent amount for me to pay off the Visa and just have my mortgage yeah that would that that's a good move right there for sure we're doing that one but if they if you got like 30 000 bucks that might swing this then I might pull the 401K because at least I'm not down to I'm afraid you're gonna end up with 10 or 15 20 000 bucks when all the taxes are paid the house was paid off and the Visas paid off and then then you have an event happen that's five or six thousand dollars more than you've got and we put the house at risk because we kept no cash to protect the house does that make sense yes it does but if you've got a lump sum from the back pay on the disability of 30 grand then now I'm starting to have a a 30 uh a thirty thousand dollar uh or really a fifty thousand dollar nest egg at that point I'm probably paying off the house then that helps me get there but I'm just scared I don't want you to yeah I don't want you have to dig up the bushes if and eat them if you have if you get the tight you know exactly are you living on social social security right now yeah I only had his when he passed away I only received his now I did have mine I work I were able so I'm not able to go out and get a job although I do side work on the side I pet said I dog said I do alterations so I'm making you know a few hundred dollars a month just to keep my you know the lights on as you said yeah I I think I'm going to let it swing on how big the the lump sum coming from the VA is okay and then uh and you call me back if we can help you okay hey you want to go through Financial Peace University on us you want us to pay for it and you go through the class on how to handle money would that help you oh I would love that all right hey we're gonna give it to you you hold on and Scholar will pick up or whoever's in there and um uh who's in there um Jenna Jenna's in there I'm sorry I can't see over the thing great so um well it's just yeah and so uh anyway she's gonna pick up and we'll get you set up because you know one of the things is people of Faith people of the book the book tells us that we take care of with us and orphans and so that's what we do so and let us know if we can help because that's a very tight situation so and I'm glad you mentioned that um uh Dr Peter attia was on my show yesterday one of those brilliant medical minds and he one thing he talked about was as you age one of the most unheralded unknown risks that outpaces everything is falling and my mom turned 71 she was just at a gas station and it wasn't like her body failed she just stepped off something a little bit wrong and sheared her shoulder off at the bone this is a year or two ago but I love that you told her that because she's going to look back on her life this incredible woman who's strong she's just bustling ahead and adjust at 72 years old it takes one inch wrong going up a staircase and you end up with a thirty thousand dollar forty thousand dollar broken arm and in her case that wipes her out right if they don't come through yeah um there's just it's the risk is so much more accelerated that way well and you know from a financial standpoint those of you out there that want to learn the financial terms having cash you know we always we used to say when we opened the show Cassius King dead is dumb right um having cash liquidity is the financial term which always thought was kind of funny but water but um liquidity uh having some cash is a an insurance policy against losing your home and that's what we're dealing with there she we were taking her to no liquidity having no cash no no buffer that makes me real nervous oh man it's making me nervous just talking about it and it's not even I mean it's just somebody I you know one of our listeners that we love but it wasn't me but I mean I can't the idea of being cashless oh I wouldn't like a big pile of cash I do I do it's just something about it because it just because it buffers you against you know all of a sudden a a crisis becomes an inconvenience when you have the money or it lets you spread things out a little bit but if it's all in your house and you got no money now I got to sell my house because I got a crush this is the Ramsay show [Music] hey it's Dr John deloney if you love the show and want a deeper dive on your money Journey we have a Weekly Newsletter that gives you trending and helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsey Way just go to today to sign up for our newsletter again that's to sign up for our Weekly Newsletter [Music] [Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions broadcasting from the PODS moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsay show we help people build wealth new work that they love and create actual amazing relationships thank you for joining us Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today open phone is a triple eight eight two five five two two five you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money it is a free free call Johnny's with us in Boise Idaho hi Johnny welcome to the Ramsay show hey guys thanks for having me on sure how can we help um I'm a self-employed contractor uh on 46 my wife's 40. we don't have anything saved for retirement um we have an auto loan a mortgage a little bit of credit card debt and uh and we're just wondering what the best plan moving forward is from here we have about 110 in savings okay so how much debt do you have not counting your house uh I have a truck loan that's there's about 40 left on it okay and that's your only debt other than your house yeah a couple thousand in credit cards but we usually pay that off every month and you have a hundred and ten thousand in Savings in cash not counting retirement I have no retirement there's no 401 nothing how old are you I'm 46 and my wife is 40 and she's uh she stays home she's not in the hood all right and what's your household income sir um it varies but I would say it's probably around 90 to 100. good okay all right Johnny I get the sense from the words you're using and the way you ask this question that you're fairly new to this whole Ramsay discussion about money I am yeah okay all right um so our whole thing is when I was in my 20s I went completely broke because I was stupid and I went into debt up to my eyeballs buying real estate and that taught me a lesson that stuck with me the rest of my life I'm now 62 so I've lived 35 years with zero debt okay that's awesome and that has given me the control of my most powerful wealth building tool which is your income and it's easy to visualize this if you had no payments and you were in control of your money with a written game plan where you're telling every dollar what to do you could enjoy life and also invest aggressively and not be broke because you make good money that makes sense okay yeah absolutely because your your car payment is is what 800. uh it's about 750 yeah almost like I've done this before yeah okay yeah right all right and so 750 and see if you invest 750 a month from your age until retirement you'll be a millionaire that's awesome that's what I want yeah you got 20 years so you you'd be a millionaire and so but but instead you got car payments and no plan yeah no plan and you just kind of wander along and go I got some money saved but which you did a good job 110 000 in the bank you're way ahead of most people right I mean that's pretty impressive but but you kind of almost you know I kind of almost fell into that because it's not like you got some detailed plan going I'm not picking on you I just know you because I used to be you is that okay yeah that's that totally fine understandable okay and so what we have taught and what Sharon and I did after we went broke is we got on a detailed in-depth plan and we became in charge of the money making every dollar behave sometimes it behaved for generosity sometimes it behaved for investing sometimes it behaves so we could have fun with it all right okay and so then what we discovered is again your most powerful wealth building tool is your income so if I woke up in your shoes what would I do I would take some of the 110 000 I pay off your car today okay so my wife told me and then I would get your credit cards out and I'd cut them all up okay and I'd pay them I know we pay we use one mainly and then we usually pay it off at the end of the month you know what if you use a debit card on your checking account it does everything your credit card will do and the money comes straight out of your account so you don't have to pay it off at the end of the month it already came out what about the cash back advantage that we get like the points we earned so far it's not caused you to be rich and by the way brother they're not your friends so they're not hooking you up with free money and flights every time you use their card they're making their money you spend more money than you would otherwise because you can just pay it off later and it's psychological it's just it's research in its data and it's data and its data we don't tell you to get rid of them because it's fun for us we just look at the data man yeah so when we talk when we talk to Millionaires and we study researched millionaires we find that they make every dollar behave they're in agreement with their spouse they quit borrowing money and they invest and they're generous and they pay off their house and then they pay off their houses the next thing so I'm gonna pay off I'm gonna take 110 000 minus 40 which leaves me 70. you make 90. so I'm gonna set aside out of that 70 30 000 in a separate high yield savings account we're going to call that your emergency fund and you never touch it even if you have an emergency it's just sitting there for really bad days okay okay okay and then that leaves us about 40 Grand doesn't it it does yeah okay and uh we can do you have children I do I have three miners at home um if anybody's going to college if anybody's going to college you're gonna need that 40 Grand foreign I'm not sure yet they don't know yeah they're kind of younger still so well let's let's talk to an investment advisor about setting that aside for them so you got an emergency fund you're debt free I've used up your 110 you're going to get on a detailed budget and you're going to start putting 15 of your household income away in a 401k or Roth IRA we'll show you how to do every bit of that Johnny if you want to do it I can show you how to do it um but what we're doing is is we're going from I eat everything in sight anytime I want to eat it and now I'm fat and I don't want to do that anymore so now I'm not going to eat everything in sight and be fat because I did that I ate every donut in a 50 mile radius Johnny and I got fat as a hog just a sloshing hillbilly hog it was awful and so I had to quit eating everything in sight because it didn't work for me you know and I had to say okay I'm going to actually take care of this body I only got one and your money's the same way you've got to make it behave you can't be disorganized chaotic and impulsive and end up anything but broke and that's that's the thing so you're not a you you really have done some very good things in this process but uh dude I'm getting ready to send you to boot camp if you want to do this and you're going to come out totally fit and wealthy and if I had a punk rock band the first thing I would do in this show is over I would call and say we're changing our names to the sloshing hillbilly Hogs we would be incredible incredible well Battle of the band's names here we go I know I may I may have to change our name that could happen right there the sloshing hillbilly Hogs didn't even know those existed did you it's it's its own breed John yeah yeah yeah yeah so I I think it's important to call man poor Johnny here was just doing what he was told to do I'm just doing it was told to do so bye everybody everybody else normal people I'm gonna get the normal get my points I'm gonna save some money I'm gonna get a big Supernatural always gonna have a car payment and I just worked my butt off and I have nothing and it'll kill you man it'll feel like a rat in a wheel hey Johnny hang on I'm gonna give you a copy of the book The Total Money Makeover the details out the plan I just gave you and shows you exactly what to do this is the Ramsey Show [Applause] thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] y'all there's a lot you can't control when it comes to health care but there is something you should check out that can help Christian Healthcare Ministries chm is not Insurance it is budget-friendly biblically based Health cost sharing that means a community of members helping share the burden of each other's health care costs they help people just like you in all 50 states so C of chm could be right for your family learn more today at budget [Music] thank you [Music] Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today thank you for joining us hey guys how many of you thinking about buying a house but you're cringing when you think about the debt for the rest of your life a 30-year mortgage is not your only option now you don't have to fall in that trap you can borrow and if you're going to do it we don't recommend any more than a 15-year fixed rate uh it'll get you on track to pay off your house fast and you pay a ton less interest of course the monthly payment is higher and scares people off but you know what buy a little less house you don't have to be intimidated the free mortgage calculator on our website can help it'll give you an idea what your monthly payments would look like could look like should look like that way you'll know how much home you can afford so you can be mortgage free in 15 years or sooner click free tools and you can use the mortgage calculator and get confident about buying a home click free tools Minnesota is next and uh Devin is with us where is Alexandria Minnesota Devin I'm about an hour and a half uh Northwest of St Paul Minnesota ah cool okay hey did you hear the Vikings paid off their Stadium uh yeah that was the tobacco tax I'm not surprised okay cool how can we help um I've got a 2015 Dodge Charger and I owe 15 200 on it it is valued right around 8 000. I make sixty five thousand dollars a year total income from my household with bills and everything I'm right around 3 600 a month I make about 3 800 a month how do I get out of this car you Mike how much a year I'm salaried at 65 000 a year my at home takes right around 3 800. what in the world is coming out of your check before it gets home at thirty six hundred that's how they paid off the stadium Dave that's right no really no no I mean three thousand dollars a month is coming out of your check where is it going uh I pay taxes and then I guess I really haven't broke it down other than I pay some child support out of your check yep pay 200 a month for child support 200 a month before you get the check are your wages being garnished for back pay you know okay are you paying okay um did you get a huge tax refund last year yes we did and I've been listening to your show for a few months how much was your huge tax refund eighteen thousand I found it okay because I couldn't find the two thousand dollars a month and eighteen thousand dollar tax return okay so here's how we fix your car problem we go in tomorrow and change your W-2 withholding on your check by fifteen hundred dollars a month and that will mean you get zero tax refund because 18 000 divided by twelve is fifteen hundred okay so you're going to bring home 1500 a month more and pay all of that on the car and in 10 months the car will be paid off that makes sense ta-da eighteen thousand dollars that is why I called so yeah so the the the moral of the story Devin is a tax refund is not uh a gift from Santa Claus he does not live in Washington DC the reason you're getting a refund is you had fifteen hundred dollars a month too much taken out of your check and it sits in Washington with no interest at the IRS all year and then they send it back to you in April after you file your taxes and you think they did you a favor it was your money all along and so all I'm doing is putting your money back to work for you folks you should never get a tax refund you should always adjust your tax withholding to where you don't owe any but you also don't get a refund 100 one way or the other is the most it ought to be off you got to pay a hundred extra out of your withholding or you got to get a hundred dollar refund but you don't need to be getting big refunds and for sure it is not a blessing I'm old I am been around I personally know Santa Claus and he does not live in Washington DC that's not where he comes from though there are some old people in Washington DC there are some people desperate to remain in Washington DC they're old for I mean it's scary how that the the mummification process in that town is pretty amazing I think yeah I think I think they put embalming fluid in some of the local beers well or you can buy it by the gallon at the local plastic surgeon I'm not sure which all right Jay this is whether it's in Chicago hi James what's up hey guys thanks for taking my call sure how can we help I'm so I'm selling my current home and I'm scheduled to close this month actually um I'm also getting married in the next month and building a home yeah and you're building up in the south yep at the same time good Lord lots of Life yeah so we're also building a home in the Southeast at the same time which will be where we'll be starting our family so we're actually waiting for that to finish up before we move um and then but so what I'm trying to figure out is between my savings and the profit from the current place that I'm selling I'm trying to determine how much I should put down on the new home because I have quite a bit and I'm kind of trying to go back and forth between some of the things you say and throwing as much as I can at the house and trying to make that debt free as soon as possible or taking some of that money and putting it with my financial advisor for them to invest it yes well here's the thing I mean so you already told me what I'm going to say [Laughter] the thing so no it's not no no it's not no it's not you know exactly what we say you were very clear on that so all you've got to decide James is which of these methods you think has the highest probability of Building Wealth okay getting your house paid off as soon as possible or borrowing on your house to place the money with your tax with your financial advisor because effectively by not putting the money down on the house you have borrowed on the house to put the money with a financial advisor you understand that right correct and so if you had a paid for house would you go borrow on it to put money with your financial advisor because that's so smart that you're going to get rich that way obviously obviously you know I don't think that yeah and to your point I think my point of view is I I think that psychologically being debt free as soon as possible I think if you take the number of years I'll probably say 10 years from now I think the same amount of money probably goes into the market just once I'm as close to being debt free that I'll be much more aggressive um but I'll still have probably a 250 the 300 000 mortgage that I'll have to pay off because it's it's not a cheap house let's put it that way but uh how old are you but but uh 30. okay well I mean obviously James you can do whatever you want you're like a 30 year old man so I mean do whatever yeah do whatever you want but let me tell you let me tell you that you're wrong and you called here to ask and so the data tells us when we talk to millionaires we talk to ten thousand one hundred sixty seven of them when we did detailed in-depth research the larger study a Millionaire's ever done in North America the number of millionaires that we talked to that said the reason I'm a millionaire is I borrowed as much as I could on my house I limited how much I put down on my house so that I could put the money with my financial advisor in the market sooner and I carried a mortgage was the net essence of this so that I had more money in the market and that money in the market and leveraging and using my personal residence as a way to get rich caused me to become a millionaire the number of millionaires that said that was precisely zero James sure and here's my promise here's my promise so you go with your plan or you go with theirs my promise to you James is this you're the guy who sold the house got married and tried to build a house in the same month good for you you're a hustler you always have a scheme and you always got a plan and a plan and then a plan on top of that plan that money that you think is going to be in the market in 10 years won't because your buddy in your new place will have talked you into real estate properties and you own a couple of duplexes because you saw it on Instagram that money won't be there pay your house off and be free my brother and then you can invest it's whatever you want to be looking for a shortcut be free the fastest way to get rich quick is don't this is the Ramsay show [Music] [Applause] hey folks you know that sinking feeling when you make an offer on a house you love and then you hear there's another offer you need the Churchill Mortgage home buyer Edge super fast pre-approval and a secured interest rate plus a five thousand dollar seller guarantee gives your offer the best chance of being accepted the home buyer Edge from Churchill gives you an advantage over those other guys go to today to learn more [Music] foreign [Music] thank you Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones are triple eight eight two five five two two five thank you for joining us America hey if we all have people who tune in every episode on this show right you know we have people to do that like it's a little shocking to me but they do and we're happy for you we're glad you do and we're thankful for you being there but some people listen all the time and they still feel stressed like you know what to do but you want me to tell you to sell the car this is silly okay you don't have to do this knowing what to do with your money isn't the problem doing it is the thing personal finance is 80 behavior only twenty percent had knowledge and The Proven way to change your behavior with money is by taking a Financial Peace University class the class is the difference between trying to get in shape on your own versus hiring a personal trainer you'll have a coordinator that holds you accountable encourages you other people in the class pushing you and cheering you on this is why the class has worked for over 10 million people and after nine weeks you will never handle money the same way again you will make progress faster than ever don't just listen to the show commit to doing what it takes to win join an FPU class at FPU FPU Terry is in Charlotte hi Terry welcome to the Ramsey Show thank you for taking my call and thank you for what you do sir sure how can we help uh want to know what I need to do with a pension plan for when I work for the state of North Carolina and um I'm 50 years old so I can start drawing the actual tension if I need to but I'm in the private sector now so I don't plan on going back to the state but they'll pay me a one-time payout of a hundred and twenty six thousand dollars if I take the one-time payout or I can start drawing now for the rest of my life twenty six hundred dollars a month or if um I said it where it's I collect or my wife collects or as long as either one of us lives it'll decrease it by 180 so it'll pay twenty four hundred and twenty dollars for as long as either one of us live okay and she's 40 years old or just for the fun of it I ran the numbers and I could put my son who's three years old in and they'll pay 2270 as long as me or him lives hmm well which way do I go with that yeah well there's a thing called the time value of money would you rather have ten thousand dollars today or would you rather ten thousand dollars fifteen years from now and the answer of course is today why because you could invest it and it would be worth a whole lot more than ten thousand dollars fifteen years from now so the 2200 that the three-year-old will receive after your death is not 2200 it's two dollars you follow me because it's so far out into the future that it it doesn't it doesn't create any real money so because of the time value of money now the um the normal answer the question equation on this is take the lump sum and roll it to an IRA in good growth stock mutual funds now in your case the payout on this is so high it's a very good payout if you don't do that that you probably won't make as much per month okay so if you make this if you make it keep it Sovereign Sovereign if I take the payout I only get the money I paid in if the money that the state pays into the pension I only get that if I take the payout and that's what makes the payout so much better yeah I know but uh yeah the payout but the the solvent is the word you're looking for but yeah the um but the the the but still so if you take 100 you say 130 000 is the payout the lump sum right 126 126 okay so 10 will be twelve thousand dollars a year one thousand dollars a month half if you made 12 on your money or ten percent of your money um so which you know so you're gonna you're gonna make half on the payout which is unusual but that's because of what you're talking about the state's match portion they're not offering you on the lump sum is there a point later that the lump sum is better um no it doesn't get better if I wait till I'm 60 to draw it they'll pay me 3 200 a month from 65 or maybe 3 600 yeah I wouldn't do that I would take that I would take the draw now if you're going to take the draw so here here's what I'm going to recommend all right I would sit down with a good investment professional click smartvestor at you can find the who we recommend in your area the smartvester pros and let them crunch these numbers with you and show you what you're dealing with because basically if you took it and rolled it to an IRA today and you were to draw start drawing on it today which you couldn't do but you would draw about half of what we're talking about what you would get if you just start taking their draw which is a lot different okay however and depending on which scenario you choose someday when someone dies this pension goes away the hundred and twenty six thousand dollars in your name is always in your name regardless of who dies when so it would go to your wife it would go to your kid it would go to your grandkid it would go to wherever it's now in your name you don't lose it but with a pension when you die or if you've got the extensions when someone dies it's gone it goes poof okay so you gotta so there's 126 000 swing not going poof that also goes into the mathematics it's not just the monthly compared to the monthly because if you leave it for instance let's just say you leave it just for your name and you take the full payout just for Terry okay Terry dies the thing goes poof right right so you yes you got an extra thousand dollars a month but yes you lost 126 000 on your death do I take the 2600 and then use part of that money to go buy life insurance yeah that's what you can do you could go the other direction and that that would back fund it that's exactly the right plan so I think that's why I want you to sit down with someone who's not sitting on the radio trying to figure this out in my head and work this with them because what you've got is a very unusual thing because the state 99 of the time I get this question the payout is less than you would get if you invested at your the lump sum yourself because most pensions are calculated on a seven percent rate of return and you can make eleven twelve percent in the in a good growth stock mutual fund so you're going to whip your pension on terms of rate of return and you get more per month and more if you die so it almost always makes sense to take the lump sum and roll it in your case what's happening is the state you're losing the state subsidy of it and so that's doubling the payout if you take the monthly thing so they're really pushing you to do the monthly thing they don't want you to cash it out that math is telling us that so sit down with a smartvester pro and crunch the numbers and either backfill it with life insurance and take the full pay I would take the full pay just in your name and then backfill the for your kid and your wife with life insurance if you want to buy some term insurance and um and then reinvest some of that money don't don't just consume it all um you know if you reinvested all of it now you got a really good plan just real fast 2200 a month is going to become 126 000 in an investment real fast yeah just putting the math looks excuse me about five five and a half years yeah catch that catch back up does that include uh return that's just no dollars a month that's just piling up the cash at zero yeah interesting yeah yeah so it's about a three year should be about a three year turn really yeah and so yeah that that's the uh but but for those of you listening if you get the opportunity to take a lump sum payout on your pension almost always because of it going poof on your death you come out better off your family comes out better off and you better off by Rolling it to an IRA in good growth stock mutual funds there's no taxes on it that way and then uh and it does and it grows at a greater rate and you don't lose it all when you die I had never thought of this but I can I've been concerned about the solvency of pension plans especially cities like municipalities I hadn't thought about this as a clever out for them which is going to strongly discuss it's just going to kick the can down the road it's going to strongly discourage people from taking a lump and walking well I mean think about what it does to our funds numbers if you're paying out 2200 instead of 126 000. yeah you can uh you go along you get your annual bonus and go a long time so yeah it helps keep them liquid and it helps keep them stable on the on the balance sheet side love it love it this is the Ramsay show [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Daniels in Pensacola hi Daniel how are you how are you doing better than I deserve how can I help all right so I got a quick question I'll try to get to the point here um I'm in the military I serve the Navy in here Pensacola I've been in for about 15 years and I have a unique situation but I just don't know how to go about it I want to be intense but I want to be intense in the right direction so we just started the baby steps and me and my wife and I after a few months I've got her on board we're both heading in the right direction and um trying to knock off dead and things like that and I'm trying to find ways to lower expenses and increase income and we've got the expenses down as low as you can I'm trying to find ways to keep doing that so now I'm thinking okay how can I make more money uh for obviously I'm the military so making rank is one big one and um I'm hoping to pick up Chief this year um that'll be a big big increase in pay for me but in the meantime I'm saying those those results don't come out until August um so I'm like okay I need to think of another job because I have a lot of a lot of free time on my a lot of free time here I'm gonna show you uh I'm currently in school and I've considered uh drop uh getting getting out of school or stopping School temporarily what are you studying second job accounting I'm going to school for an accounting why um because once I leave the military that's I'm retiring five years from the military and I'm going to pursue being a CPA um that's a good plan the Navy's paying for all that right now and so that's what I want to do when I get out and so your question is quitting school uh yes to pick up a second job no it no stay in school brother it's free no get it it's free it's a good degree don't give up the long term for the short term if you can give up the short term for the long term that's always a good trade how much do you owe brother we're about 80 grand in debt right now um and is it just haunting you do the numbers what do you owe the money on it is because uh some consumer uh some credit cards which uh I cut up and that's a truck a truck payment we have one paid off car and one one truck that is uh we owe on the truck it's at 49 and I I looked into selling it to get rid of it and we can get about maybe 37 on it and I was so frustrated because I was getting ready to get rid of it no I think you can get more than that I think that was trade-in value the CarMax offered you and I think you can sell that truck for 40 and you need to sell it go down to a credit union and get them to get a loan on the difference and you cut your debt from owing 50 Grand to 41. or no it was 80 wasn't it 80 grand yeah yeah 80 grand sorry yeah you get rid of half your debt over half your debt and yeah definitely a big relief yeah absolutely okay and then you keep working on the accounting is your long play it was a good long way I'm retiring in five years yeah yeah it's your long play Don't destroy the Long play for a short-term gain uh that that's um no don't do that I appreciate your hustle man you're turning over every Rock You Got you're thinking you're thinking with the right level of urgency and I appreciate that for sure I agree with John um yeah that's that's not the way to go I get rid of the truck I make Chief and keep working on your accounting degree and you're going to plow on through this so what is your household income today um so my wife has got on board and helped he's been helping me out by myself I bring you roughly 75 000 a year and what are you gonna how much of a bump do you get how many thousand a year extra do you get if you make cheap and cheap in August uh it's gonna be roughly five to six hundred a month so six or eight thousand a year okay yeah pretty cool um and what does your wife do my wife she she homeschooled my children at home um but she did pick up a gig to stay close by in the neighborhood and she's been helping me bring in about 15 18 100 a month uh nannying for military wives who or for military couples around our area who who need the nanny jobs and their next door neighbors across the street she's got people all in the neighborhood I'm like wow nice work and so yeah helping out with bringing some extra cash I know I'm waiting into um treacherous Waters here so YouTube people keep your comments to yourself but brother if I was gonna make a sacrifice right now I might consider putting my kids in a local school and my wife working full-time and let's squash this thing in 12 months and be done sell the truck for sure sell the truck make go get a full-time job put the kids in a local school and then let's reconvene in 12 months because you'll have cut your debt almost in half by selling this truck and then between your eighty thousand dollars you're gonna pick up you pick up that extra money in a few months man plus she's making 35 to 45 to 50. man you can get this stuff knocked out quick yeah that'd be a short a short play wouldn't be a long play but um yeah uh thank you for your service by the way if you don't do that and she keeps nannying and picks up more and kicks it from 18 000 a year up to 25 000 a year that'd be a big help you make chief that adds another six or eight thousand that's a big help um and you get rid of the truck boom you're gonna be done in 12 months so if you really continue to lean into this and I what I most appreciate about your question and your approach Daniel is is you're actually thinking about this and you're willing to do just about anything and there's an importance um in the military the Berserker mode is good but you got to be wise about going Berserker man don't go so bananas that in seven months you've just created a quagmire yeah you're getting there man good for you get your end away Mass some SMS SMS Davis is with us in Grand Junction Colorado hi Davis how are you good Dave what's up um it's a quick question so uh we have a pay for condo that we're living in right now we purchased another house and we're going to be moving into it in the next month excuse me and then uh we're wondering if we should pay or sell the condo to put on the mortgage of the new house yes or keep it as a vehicle rental yes you should sell the condo you know how I did that so fast if you were sitting in your house one day and you said I'm going to go borrow more on my current residence to buy a rental condo you would never do that no sir same difference just reverse the process okay yeah I don't mind rentals I don't pay but I pay cash for them after my after my residence is paid for so if you're sitting on a paid for house or a largely paid for house you don't go borrow money against it and buy rentals don't you that would be dumb even if you pay cash for the rental because you borrow it on the house it's not cash but it's displaced debt but yeah replaced today but Instagram says I have to have a rental home or I'll be poor forever Tick Tock says that you can have 57 million dollars of rental homes and be 26 and have no Mortgage Debt I or you don't have to pay a penny and all because the renters pay everything because renters always pay right on time and they never tear up anything and there's never been such thing as a one to two year pause some people having to pay heating and air unit on the rental house never goes out and roofs are perfect especially if it's an Airbnb because we all know that if you're on Tic Tac that you're doing airbnbs because everyone knows this is what rich people do you guys are hearing the sarcasm font right it's frustrating man here's what's frustrating it's it's predatory get rich quick is human nature there's been a version of it for 35 years I've been doing this show there's always someone pitching get rich quick of some kind somewhere and a new digital methodologies and social medias only give it a new place for this cancer to grow and uh it just doesn't work just doesn't work boys and girls there used to be just to be that one person at your church that chased you around trying to get you to join in now if I'm looking down real estate you click on it a few times that's all you will see all day every day 24 7 365 until you find the cave Hey listen start watching cute dogs on Instagram and the more you watch it the more it'll feed you cute dogs it's better than watching nothing down real estate morons you know what I'm going to talk to a buddy who's a researcher I want him to run that study just I wanted to get 100 people that just watch cute dogs that's all they are allowed to look on there's some funny dogs real funny yeah once you watch one they'll send you another one and once you watch one on nothing down real estate they'll send you two more morons on nothing done real estate in case you're wondering there is moments when we're walking through Ramsey Solutions building and Dave's in the corner just laughing to himself scrolling cute dogs that little dog photo that's it that's right you know that's happening y'all can just see that can't you this is the Ramsay show [Music] thank you [Music] Dave here you can find all of our shows with the Ramsay Network app on your smartphone it's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the Ramsay Network app in your favorite app store today foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions broadcasting from the PODS of moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsay show where we help people build wealth to work that they love and create actual amazing relationships Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today thank you for joining us America open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Genesee is with us she is in Springfield Illinois hi Genesee how are you hi I'm doing great how are you better than I deserve what's up hi um so I am a fresh new baby graduate um and I'm about 217 000 in debt um both of my parents didn't go to college so I don't really have anybody to talk to about like loan repayment and things of that nature um I did luckily get gifted your course um from a Facebook group that I'm in and I'm on step two but I'm wondering um as I saw I'm a single parent um I'm 26 and she's 10 I had her at 16. and I just did School straight through so no working in between High School undergrad and then I just graduated from veterinary school oh wow I have my doctorate wow good for you good for you thank you very much I'm just wondering how realistic it is you know because it seems like I'll never get to step three with that much debt and I know I like I said I'm on step two in the in the course and I see a lot of like married couples we work with a lot we work with a lot of veterinarians um in entree leadership because a lot of them come through to learn how to run their business the business aspect of being a veterinarian and so what we're what I'm discovering just in having conversations with them is that there are veterinarians um working in a practice that don't own the practice lots of them that are making a hundred and a quarter a hundred and a half um there are a whole group of them too that are making 60. and 70. um and so uh you know what I would tell you is don't get too caught up in a certain area of veterinary medicine get caught up in the area that can make you the most money for a little while I so I've actually signed on um to a practice it is a corporate practice so I don't own it and I don't have any stake in it I start Monday actually okay and um this is going to be 100 105 000 a year ding ding sounds like my information's accurate okay and you'll be going up pretty quick in that that's just your starting and so you'll be at 100 and a quarter within a short period of time so I'm pretty close all right and you're used to living on nothing yeah because you've been a college student your whole life yeah yeah okay so so if you lived on nothing what would how much is nothing um my my rent at my house that I was living in um from in my vet school was about 5 50. I was one of five roommates um and then my mom was helping me with my daughter at that point in time um so now when I move I've moved back to my hometown um my rent the rent here is pretty insane it's going to be about for me to rent and not you know have a mortgage rental homes and rental apartments are looking about 1200 1100 to 1200 a month okay and then you know that's fourteen thousand out of 105. okay then we gotta eat we gotta eat and we got to pay lights and we're not gonna go buy a car on payments yep I have I have a car I've owned it it is on its last leg you're a veterinarian just prop the leg up all right and then yeah and then the expenses and then so here's here's what I'm saying all right 50 55 000 a year minus taxes is the most you can spend to live the other fifty thousand goes on your debt and in four years you're done okay so you think it wouldn't be worth signing up for like an income based repayment why would you want to stay in debt the rest of your life I don't okay let's get out of debt in four years okay just sooner okay I'm talking to a woman who at the age of 16 with most people are trying to figure out how a blinker works on their mom's car had a child and you have managed to be a mother and a daughter and a graduate student and now a veterinarian making a hundred and five thousand at 26 years old you cannot sell me on the fact that you can't quote unquote do something you can do anything I would fight you for them all the money in the world my friend Jade warshaw who's also caused this show her and her husband had almost half a million bucks and they did not have veterinarian in their holster they were music students and they did it here's what's going to be frustrating for you you have been waiting for this moment for so long and you're Dr Genesee now and that car is going to stay the same and that lifestyle is going to stay the same and that 10 year old kid that you promised just wait just wait just wait three more years to go now they gotta wait because it's gonna take you four years it's gonna take you three to four years to do this and you can also work shifts on Saturdays and Sundays and maybe even uh do emergency medicine overnight if you need to and let your kids stay with your mom every once in a while if you go pick up another 50 Grand doing that you can be out of debt in two and a half years okay so it doesn't seem unattainable you can't do this here's the big math okay take 200 000 and divide it by the number you're gonna put on it a year I'll put 50 a year on it out of your 105 a minute ago then Sean added some work to your life and we put another 40 or 50 on it so 50 a year into 200 is four right right this is attainable and by the way this is not static you're not going to only make 105 for the next four years and the extra income you're not going to only want to do that forever so but if you go made another 30 or 40 000 bucks and now we put 80 on this you know what is 200 divided by eighty three not even okay two and three quarter right okay you following me here okay it's a big number math you don't have to do you don't have to have a master's degree in math and finance to pull this off you just divide 200 by the amount you're going to throw at it and that tells you how many years it's going to take for you to get this done you're going to get it done very very quickly and here's underneath the math my mom I've told the story on the show my mom at 42 the age of 42 took her first community college class one class and it was either geometry or algebra one of the two we took it together I was I was in high school fast forward to 57 is when she graduated with her PhD and she became a tenured professor at 63 and I'm and she teaches her last year at Oxford this summer in in her 70s I tell you that to tell you I had a ringside seat to a mom who completely transformed her life and it was hard and she was busy and she had to miss games and she was working on Saturdays and Sundays writing papers and reading and doing grad school work and as an adult she took away every single excuse I could ever have because I got a ringside seat to watch and a gangster be born and so your son is gonna watch you and you're gonna feel guilty I want you to think of the long game he's going to watch his mom teach him through action he can do anything he's married to I mean his mom's a warrior princess it's incredible you're giving him the gift of us of a lifetime yep way to go proud of you good work this is the Ramsey Show [Music] if you're like most people your home is your most valuable asset and when you want to make improvements it can feel like everything costs too much or takes too long but something as simple as custom window coverings from can completely change your space and add value to your home we've recommended for over a decade so you know you can trust them from blinds drapes and shutters to motorized Shades they make it easy and affordable to upgrade your entire home and their team is ready to help with everything from design consultation to measuring and installation plus there are never any misleading quotes or hidden fees everything's backed by their 100 percent satisfaction guarantee and shipping is always free see is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings go to now and save 40 percent off selected products visit today for more info [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today hey guys if you like this show and a bunch of you apparently do because you've been helping us thank you share of the show click the share button or the share the link depending on where and how you're listening subscribe or follow if you're on YouTube or Spotify or apple podcast or let people know if you're listening to talk radio or watching us on TBN let people know that we're here and share of Apple are we going to do a virtual reality headset Ramsay show a what headset what are you talking about I forgot your TV is still black and white never mind no they had like uh they announced their new VR headsets oh oh oh those things oh yeah apple announced theirs yesterday it's not a headset it's an Oculus what's wrong with you well I live in the woods so there we go so no we're not I saw James wearing ski goggles this morning and I thought that no you didn't yeah apple announced their new version recently okay all right yeah yeah we're I was trying to make the show sound trendy and I just sounded dumb so there you go America way to go worked out well for you and uh yeah yeah and well you got a couple of trogle diets here trying to figure this out but the uh uh we're like a far sidecar so I think I think that means we're not doing it that's what I think I'm gonna go with a no on that one yeah that's a no the stock market's been all over the place lately it's gone up and gone down and then back down and you're freaking out don't Market dips don't mean you have to retire broke uh you got to keep a long-term perspective look at all the facts if you invest 100 a month from age 25 to age 65 you'd have around a million dollars at retirement no that's not too good to be true that's based on what the long-term average of the S P 500 is and a huge predictor of investing success is not the rate of return but that you actually invest and you keep investing so no matter how old you are no matter how much you invest in investing intimidates you you can invest with confidence and you get a pro in your corner to do it a pro helps you with the heart of a teacher so you start to understand what's going on because most of your freak out is just from lack of knowledge and you don't have to get a master's degree in finance you just gotta have somebody in your corner go hey dude this is how this works hey so we can connect you with a smart investor Pro they each sleep and breathe Investments and they'll take the time to teach you to work with you so you understand what you are investing in go to smartvestor and find a smartvestor pro today smart investor Carolyn or Karen rather I'm sorry is in Vermont hi Karen welcome to the Ramsey Show hi thanks for thanks for being willing to talk to me sure what's up so um four months ago today my husband passed away oh Karen I'm sorry thank you Karen what happened oh he was very sick for a long time just about a collection of oh my how old was he um this past weekend was his birthday oh man it's what birthday 71st 71st what was his name Danny Denny Danny Danny awesome okay I'm so sorry honey how can we help you um so I am working like a dog um just trying to have gotten a lot of debt taken care of since he passed while our mortgage caught back up and we're two months behind so that's done I'm a month ahead now on our budget my budget which we never were always three months behind the month ahead of gotten there um but I'm working 95 hours a week and I need to stop that so I need to figure out how okay when you say you've got your budget caught up your current on all of your bills I am okay do you have any money saved no you have any debt oh I do I do how much um we owe I owe 22 000 on the car and 44 000 on the house and then um there's about two thousand dollars in miscellaneous things and what are you making right now I I am 4400 a month okay cool and do you have any money saved at all no no I figured no nothing with no life insurance either I assume no because we were losing our house so we had to do away with life insurance yeah now you've gotten current on the house are you in your current on the car right yes yeah okay have you done a detailed written budget where you take 4 400 at the top of the page and assign every one of those dollars a number each month before the month begins yeah okay that's good very good does that give you a real that must give you a better sense of control than the chaos you were living in very much good yeah that was the only thing I have control over uh it's really the only thing I want control over yeah and you but you've turned you've turned this whole thing around in the worst season of your life what you've done is Herculean effort I'm so proud of you they're very very difficult to do what you've done can you find that they have done Financial Peace University um how long ago several my husband was not on board in any kind of way yeah how long ago did you do FPU um I think probably somewhere between five and ten years ago okay I want you to go back through as our gift if I pay if I pay for it and give it to you we go back through it I'll do it yeah because that'll give you you have a fresh new um because you you've worked so hard to push the chaos to the side you've got a freshness to your hope in the middle of your grief and loss but there's it's a weird sweet and sour moment for you in that sense but there's a freshness to your hope and I so I think you'll see things in the class and and learn things that you didn't have the ability to see before with the clouds does that make sense yeah I'll pay for it for you and you just go through as our gift is there anything in particular we can help you with today how to expedite getting all of that taken care of meaning the little 2000 my car the house for that I can cut back I'm doing two full-time jobs yeah awesome part-time jobs well I mean the shortest method is to clean the miscellaneous up and sell the car and move to a cheap five thousand dollar car how old are you Karen I'm 40. okay you're 40 . and we had a May December marriage that's fine I'm just making sure your your phone is a little bit muffled now I want to make sure I heard you I wasn't questioning I just didn't know okay all right good so here's another thing that's going to happen you um and I've sat with new widows who look up and they say that what I think is one of the most haunting questions what do I do now I got to go to work because there's no money in the house and that's what you did and you've done that first for four months now and you're gonna have to let your foot off the gas sometime in the near future because you're running yourself into the ground right yeah when you do that you're gonna have to feel what just happened yeah and that's going to be terrifying right if you've been able to run and Sprint and run and Sprint to survive and you haven't had to sit in you lost the love of your life so here's what I want to do if you'll take me up on it my friends our friends at betterhelp I'm Gonna Get You three to six months of free counseling and you can do it from your house on the on the internet will you take me up on it if I get that for you yeah okay thank you it's going to give you somebody to talk to completely for free the better helps great friends and so stay on the line and Jenna's gonna hook you up with that as well yeah so we'll put you in FPU and do that so we walk with widows in a special way Karen anything you need you call us we'll help you out um if you can hang on and pay off the car that's fine if not if you need to relieve faster the fastest way to do is dump the thing so hang on General pick up take care of you foreign [Music] [Music] hey Dr John deloney here I'm a huge fan of both meditation and prayer and good mental health includes slowing down gaining control of your thoughts and plugging into something bigger than you and Halo makes it easy to start a daily practice of meditation prayer and finding peace Hollow is the number one Bible app in the world and you can tailor content towards your faith tradition from scripture readings and prayers to meditation and journaling hallow makes it easy to practice prayer meditate and build a deeper more meaningful spiritual life and ReDiscover true peace go to Ramsay today to get three months of hallow for free that's Ramsay thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thanks for being with us America common sense for your dollars and cents and for your life right here on the Ramsey Show common sense is now so rare in America that if you have it it's like having a superpower open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Dr John deloney Ramsay personality is my co-host today Brandon is next in mayor whoa he's not there let me try that I'm pushing the wrong buttons here you know Dave you ought to learn how to do radio all right Brandon is in Baltimore Maryland hey Brandon what's up hey uh not too much how are you today better than we deserve sir how can we help Hey so uh my wife and I completed uh paying off our debt about three years ago and then following that she decided to pursue her dream of writing writing and uh trying to get traditionally published um and that was three years ago and to this point she's still working on uh finding an agent and getting published and over the past I would say a year and a half it's gotten tougher and tougher for her and she's been battling a lot of anxiety and depression over all of the constant rejection that she gets in the querying process and she has a very low self-worth um I do try to encourage her all the time um that you know she's doing the right thing and you know this is this is her dream and it's going to be hard and all of it's going to be worth it in the end but uh all of the social pressures from friends and family about her not working and not bringing in any an income also bring her bring herself worth down so I'm really just trying to figure out how I can help her um how I can encourage her to to keep pushing forward and what I can say that might might help her through all of this how how um just husband to husband how honest can I be with you man as honest as you want it's going to be pretty direct um yep unfortunately in an effort to love her and really to keep her from hurting in the moment man it may not all work out there's a there's a high high statistical probability that she's never able to get an agent and even if she does get an Asian Dave you you'll know the number of other me but I think the average book sold the United States is in the double digits maybe the triple digits and so I mean I I'm a YouTuber for crying out loud so I I'm all about Go For It Go For It Go For It Go for it but there's also a market reality and I know it's hard because all the Hollywood movies tell you there's this one guy that just you know put all of his life savings into this thing and then it all worked out they just don't tell you about the millions of people who did that and it didn't work out and so I think the greatest gift you could give her is this notion of reality and this come back to earth and this hey let's let's put a deadline and agree to agree that in three months by August 1st by September one let's sit down and not have a hard conversation about if you're a good writer I'm certain she's a good writer not that you haven't written a great book not that any number of things but what's the deadline for how far we're going to keep pushing on this thing or what is she writing uh she writes uh young adult uh fantasy fiction novels which is a very hot market and a very very crowded market right yes yes very much so what do you do only with the US military for almost 10 years 90 000. okay and you said you guys were in what kind of financial condition you you got out of debt so she was able to do this right yes so how much do you have in savings uh we have about three and a half months in savings about thirteen thousand okay all right so um it I don't think this is what's going on but I want to say it out loud so that everyone involved including you doesn't accidentally let this be what's going on okay we shifted about a generation ago uh or almost maybe even two generations ago to this idea that if we told people how wonderful they are that they are automatically wonderful that if we told them they had high net had high worth that they would believe it and have high self-esteem when the reality is is that high self-esteem comes from the opposite of low self-esteem comes from actually achieving things you get calluses you get some wins under your belt if you're if you're a football coach and you lose every game for six seasons in a row you will have low self-esteem because you've lost every game something is substandard in your football coaching hello are the people you're coaching there's some kind of a problem here this that is systemic and so this idea that somehow that now does that mean you're a bad person does that mean we hate you no it doesn't mean that but but what goes with losing that much it is um is is you know the struggle with self-image right and so uh and and uh it's not to say that you can't but but getting some calluses getting some wins under your belt we'll do that so I'm with John I I if I mean I've published a whole bunch of books I've done them with Publishers without Publishers um you know we are a publisher now we publish John's books as an example best sellers uh nothing in the genre that you guys are in we don't have anything fiction out there uh that's a wicked weird different market for sure than the one I'm in it sells a lot more books if you get a hit but it but it's harder to get a hit uh like my friend Brad Thor who writes crime novels he sells 15 million on every book I've I've you know I got one book that did over 10 million right and I and I think I'm a big success but every single one of those Brad Thor Scott harvath books it goes 10 15 million copies it's it's wonderful for him and I'm pissed off about it but but that's what fiction is just a much bigger Market than non-fiction so she's in a good Market but it's also as John it's a very thin market so if I were in her shoes I'd be looking for some wins or some exits and I would work this as a hobby while I had something else so it would sound like this we're going to get an agent and a publisher by uh the close of this calendar year or we're going to put together some money and print 5000 of these things and put it on Amazon and try it self-published and you can go out and and do readings at libraries and coffee shops and try to get some young get in front of some young adults in some college classrooms or wherever your Market is and get some people starting to read it and a few people buying it and see if you can get it to catch fire and we'll self-publish it and we'll push it out there but you're going to have to we're going to do something rather than sit and waiting on the roast duck to come in we're going to leave with a gun and shoot the freaking duck pluck the duck and cook the duck so we're not going to wait around anymore after the first of the year and if you're not willing to do that that's okay I understand but this other plan is not working it's killing you right before my eyes and I love you and I'm not okay with that it definitely uh puts a little fire under me you know and I'll tell you this we want to see her succeed and everything so I know you do I know you do and you want her to be whole you want to be happy you want to see her laughing again and nobody probably more than her you would you're such a fan of hers you want her to have a number one bestseller on the fiction list and I'll totally get that sometimes not even sometimes I would say the majority of the time after three years four years it's the wife that tells the husband Hey this invention's not gonna work will you try something else or can we try something else and it gives him if he can finally drop his shoulders now even if it even if you keep writing and you keep putting it on the Shelf you got to have a day job that's right but she's getting some wins she might be so relieved to hear you step in is what I'm saying she may she may hate you maybe hit you with with her manuscript that could happen too you know what I think it'd be better just blame it on me it's my fault I'll take some too yeah it's hard Dave and genre these two more these two morons on this YouTuber show yeah both of which have had number one best-selling books but I like Dave I like Dave's line that is really important I'm watching my wife wither away in front of me and I'll do whatever it takes yeah because I love you that much yeah you just tell her the truth man that's the thing and but yeah self-esteem does not magically appear without some some success confidence doesn't come just when you can't read but you are good at self-esteem this is the Ramsay show [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] our scripture of the day Matthew 13 16 but blessed are your eyes because they see in your ears because they hear Renee Brown said I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude denya is with us in Charlotte North Carolina hi Daniel welcome to the Ramsay show hey hey what's up thank you for having me um yeah I just um I just have me and my husband um I'm the 52 my husband's 54. we don't have anything uh save for retirement and I was trying as wanted to possibly go back to school nurse and if I went back to School my income would go up um as an advanced nurse practitioner I was that's what I was thinking of going towards um but we do have a lot of debt um I don't know if it's practical at my age and his age he was concerned about that it's a hundred percent practical to go back to school it is a dreadful idea to borrow money to do it okay I have a hundred percent confidence you could get through an MP program please don't borrow money against it so um where do you work um I work part-time in hospice or PRN and also at a nursing home PRN I do a few days a week with both of them so I would check out some of the local hospitals and see if they will hire you and then have an education program that pays for your NP where you are they don't have that Ed program but a hospital would you work you work as a registered nurse in a hospital they'll pay for you to get your NP a few years ago and the distance was the issue um and it is a graduate of degree I don't know they'll pay for it they want in peace someone will or someone in corporate medicine will pay for an NP now they're not uh they're not going to the nursing home they're not going to a non-profit they're not going to in hospice or a PRN situation none of those that I've never seen one of those that has a program that pays for it but hospitals and large doctor practices that are corporate owned most of them have an education program and would love to have their registered nurses become in peace they need them gotcha I'll also tell you this it doesn't hurt to ask where you are one supervisor I went to at one point we didn't have a program and I said hey I really want to get this will you help me with it and he said no but I'll send you to Harvard so he sent me to Harvard for a program then another boss I said hey can I take this money and move it over here for graduate school and she's like I never even thought of that absolutely go for it and that's how I got my second degree paid for and so it may be worth sitting down and saying I'll go full time but I need some help on this or here's what I want to do can we all help me get there the worst I can tell you is no and you're right back in the same spot but they may surprise you you may have to go to a full-time gig somewhere to get that though I think you have to go to a full-time gig wherever you got two part-time gigs right now right yeah yeah and you know you're making good money uh probably possibly but you you might make a little less money and have them pay for your degree and uh do you all own your home we do we win what is your husband um he makes about 50. what do you make yeah you're not working much Richard nurse ought to be making 70 if they're working 40. why aren't you working that much um well I just took a breather uh for a little while here um I've just been home with myself and just kind of taking care of stuff at home what stuff is at home kids how much debt have you got how much is his student loan that's 15 000 for my bachelor's which I took out when I was working at the hospital and they required you guys need to sit down and have some soul-searching conversations didn't you because I've talked to two different women on this phone one of them was willing to lay it all out on the line and go back to school and go in debt to get a degree an advanced degree as a nurse practitioner so she can make more money to get out of debt the other one isn't even working much and doesn't do anything except sit at home these are two different women and I talked to both of them in the last few minutes did you hear me I I understand the woman that I'm talking to that doesn't want to work much doesn't need to go back and get a degree is there something else going on uh no I'm just you sound like you have some heaviness in you like in your soul you sound you sound exhausted but exhausted spiritually right yeah I'm trying to figure that all out [Music] all right honey so the way we're gonna get you out of debt is we're gonna get your income way up but that's going to involve a lot of hours and I can get Hope from that if I'm you because I can see that make instead of making 35 I'm making 80 but I'm working all the time and that extra 50 000 a year is going to clean up this debt really really fast and I'm not tired in that situation I'm not exhausted I'm not fatigued to where I can't breathe I might be tired but but it's a it's a good tired because I'm getting traction and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel that's not an oncoming train if you can find energy in the fact that you're going to accomplish the goal and gear back up then you can clear the debt and you can start to make the moves towards nurse practitioner the condition that you're in today where you want to work just a few hours a week there's no point in going to be a nurse practitioner doesn't serve any point because you're not going to utilize the extra degree to get any extra income and I would not go to the expense or the trouble to go get the degree and if that's going to be your plan but I don't think that's your plan I think that's you've you've kind of surrendered because you lost hope that you were ever going to get out Dave and also sounds if we had another hour to to sit with our friend it almost sounds like if she wrote home an extra fifty thousand dollars her husband would have that money spent before that check cashed and she may just be saying I'm done like I I'm I'm tired of not being on the same page and so there's something about sitting down and saying if we're gonna get out of debt we're gonna do this thing together yeah yeah the two of you together sit down and say all right we're both going to work an extreme number of hours and we're both gonna knock this out in 12 to 18 months and then I'm gonna go get a nurse practitioner degree and then we're gonna go become wealthy only 52 and we have 15 years before 67. you could build substantial wealth in 15 years if you clear all the debt and you guys create extra incomes uh increase your incomes but simply going back to school as a an escape mechanism is not going to work uh we see a lot of people do that and then they've got an escape mechanism with a student loan attached to it and this is a double dip in um you know it's a double dip you don't you just don't want to in bad things so let's just not go there please please please don't go borrow money and go back to college right now no be a bad idea man do sit down with your husband and do say what if we were to live on beans and rice what if I was to pick up and double my hours what if you doubled your hours what could we do how fast can we get this done what do we need to sell what do we got to do and when are we going to grow up and be responsible with money and I spend everything we make so that we can retire with some dignity because I'm tired of being scared as a matter of fact I'm exhausted from being scared and let's step into that do that that's going to make sense for you so hey hang on we'll send you a copy of the book The Total Money Makeover the two of you can sit down and read it this weekend together and it'd be life-changing if you got on the same page there's something really special that goes on when you do that Dr John deloney good hour thanks for being with me you got it man all right and Jenna Ben James Zach and Andrew are all in the booth making the show happen thanks guys we appreciate you that puts this hour of the Ramsey Show in the books we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus [Music] hey it's Dr John deloney if you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the Ramsay baby steps go to and click on the get started button we'll help you figure out the best next step for you based on your specific situation that's and click get started [Music]
Channel: The Ramsey Show
Views: 104,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 45sec (7425 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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