How To Refill or Recycle Posca Paint Pens

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[Music] hey what's going on everyone Joseph tup here and I'm gonna show you guys how to recycle your paint pens and what I have here is I have to you know pink paint pens there's absolutely nothing different about these pens on the outside it's about what's on the inside so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do a little test just to show you the difference between them I'm gonna shake them up and I'm gonna draw a line with this pen alright so that was made with that pen and then we're going to use this pen we're gonna do the same thing and that was done with that pen now you really can't tell the difference the opacity and the color is exactly the same but the difference is this pin right here is a brand new pen and I just I just took off the wrapping and then started it up this is a brand new pin this is actually a recycled pen and I put HM on it the letters myself know that these are homemade pens but what's neat is when this pin dried up all I did was I added more water to it shook it up and I was able to reuse the Pens the reason is because I actually saw this video online where this guy was using spray paint cans he would unser take them apart and you would see all this leftover paint on the inside that's dried up and I was just curious you know I just wanted to see what was on the inside of these pens and I did the same thing and I notice there's a lot of paint that's left over and dry so what I met what I have here is just like a collection of pens out of just you know either remade recycled or they're completely empty and I use these on you know a variety of different projects and so I have this black pen here and you can you can tell there's nothing left in this in fact I don't you know there might be some left in the nib but yeah there's still some of the nib but as you can see it starts to fade off so but you can tell it's getting low on color so what we need to do is we need to take the cap off which we've already done and we need to unscrew the top piece the interesting part about this is that it unscrews the opposite way that you would think so you have to unscrew it twisting it clockwise versus you know versus doing it the normal way so you have to do it backwards so we're gonna unscrew this and we're gonna lift this off so this is just the main housing that holds the nib just put that back in the cap and then what you'll see is you'll see like this little I don't know what they called this but that's where all the painting comes through so you're just going to pull this off and you're gonna need some paper towels on the side but so you want to pull this out and you want to make sure that when you put it in the cap that you put it in the right way so put everything together in the cap and just put it to a side so there's really there's no paint left I'm pretty sure there's a price um yeah and then on the inside is a little ball and that's what you hear that clicks but in terms of other paint there's no paint left so we're gonna put the ball back in and I grab a paper towel real quick and clean off my fingers and then just you could do this in the sink but I have a little squeezy bottle like a little squeeze bottle of water so there's nothing special it's just water cuz these are water-based pens so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just fill it up with some water and just kind of just fill it up don't fill it up all the way fill it up to like maybe halfway and to be honest you're gonna have to go off a feeling because there's no real exact science to feel halfway [Music] all right so then what you do here is now that you have everything in the cab the right way just put the cap back on and then turn it counterclockwise to screw it back on pull the cap off tighten it make sure everything's good and then shake the tent yeah you can really feel the weight you can feel that it's heavy just shake it up and the reason we got to shake it up is that you need that little ball in there to break up all that dry paint the water is gonna help solidify the paint inside so that it's gonna remix you know because the way that these pens work is there's a water base and how they work is when you put the lines when you put the paint down the water evaporates and what you're left with is just the pigment the paint so by reapplying water to the paint you're essentially recycling the pain again because there's no there's no dryers there's no type of additives that make the paint permanent so filling up water and shaking it up [Music] so now we're going to give it a little bit of a test run so let's see play that it's just as opaque it goes right over our lines it's consistent it's pretty cool so just so you can see the comparison I got another black black pen that this is not a this is not a brand new one but it's one that I use and see the difference it's really not much so this is kind of a cool little you know idea on how to reuse these pens and you can actually you know by taking them apart you can actually marry the color so like if you have like you know a lot of black pens and they're all running low you can unscrew them and fill one pen up and then just recycle the other ones by adding water so a cool little tip I hope that's helpful I hope you guys feel inspired to do that or try it out at least you can also make your own colors by mixing different colors together and essentially kind of skip that whole blending process if you have a different style that you want to do so try that out and if you want check out my other videos and check out my website Joseph Tubb calm so I hope this was helpful and hope you guys enjoyed it thanks [Music]
Channel: Joe Tubb
Views: 311,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Artist, Joseph, Tubb, How, To, Refill, or, Recycle, Posca, Paint, Pens, Drawing, Painting, Garden, Country, Draw, mobile device, Paint (software), Elvis, Paper, Green, Speed, fitness, outdoor sports, howto, How-to (Conference Subject), Recycling (Industry), Flower, Subject (programming)
Id: RMYu2fCNkrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2012
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