Your Guide to Path of Exile (2024 PoE Beginner Guide)

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Path of Exile is this big of a game here's what I'm going to do for you I'm going to make it this big and describe it to you in sections based on what your current major issue is these sections are General tips holy moly I keep dying and I can't stop please help me holy moly everything's too tanky and I can't kill it please help me and finally uh I don't really know what to do next help me hover over the video now to see each section but before you skip ahead allow me to tell you a few things follow build guide download path of building and download a loot filter what you thought I was going to say something else rookie mistake this video is a beginner guide not a beginner build guide there is a massive difference I promise and I really cannot overstate this I promise that following a build guide will not ruin your enjoyment of the game it will not period but you don't even have to take my word for it here's what a Diablo convert recently said in his Poe beginner guide the first thing is I would strongly advise you to follow a guide just do it pick an archetype in your head of what you want to play like sword and shield lightning Mage bow and arrow big hammer Bonk guy I don't know just pick one and slap Poe beginner build at the end of of it and you're good to go boom it's that simple Max R.G is a fantastic place to find guides but really any guide that you use will be okay so long as it is Catered specifically towards new players and speaking of guides the best ones will absolutely include what's called a path of building link so download the program Link in the description even if you're not the type of player to follow a guide trust me you're going to want po if nothing else just use it here to map out your path on the passive skill tree that's it but if you are following a guide which you should be doing okay so last time it's not going to be the last time then simply copy this URL right here paste it into Po and boom your entire character is right there your abilities are here under the skill Tab and your passive tree is here under the tree Tab and be sure to check the drop- down menu right here for any leveling passive trees also most beginner guides will have some notes here under the notes tab if you get lost and speaking of getting lost third and finally download a gosh darn loot filter go to filterblade doxyz link below of course link your Poe account to it with two clicks go to the overview tab slide this little bad boy on over to semi strict go to the Big Green Save and Export button name the filter whatever you want like big booty loot filter I don't know name whatever I'm not your dad name whatever you want go to sync or download and click save and sync that's all you have to do then go in game click Options under game you should see a drop down next to item filter find your filter if it's not there click the little refresh button right here it'll show up bada bang bada boom you have a loot filter congratulations you did it a loot filter will drastically improve your early game as the name would imply it filters out 99% of the garbage that drops allowing you to focus on things that actually might be an upgrade to your character so to recap you need three things number one follow a freaking build guide I promise it's going to help you number two download path of building number three download a loot filter I promise if you do these three things you have just saved yourself 99% of the inevitable headache that Path of Exile induces but now let's get to that last 1% settings as soon as you killed the zombie that eats the dude on the beach put your skill gy in the right color socket and then replace the default attack keybind that is on your left click with move only instead and then never think about a default attack ever again you can hold your attack in place keybind default is shift to greatly improve the feel of combat and can also toggle the option for each ability individually finally under settings UI toggle on always show sockets show full descriptions show life Mana levels show mini life bar on allies on enemies and above you and always highlight flasks they gain charges by simply killing monsters so use them all the time and by all the time I mean it should look something like this for the first few hours of the campaign your flask setup will look close to this but around act 5 or so it'll be closer to something like this you really just need a single life flask with the rest just being utility ones like a jade for extra evasion or diamond for better crits if you're having Mana issues a Mana flask will definitely help but it's best to solve Mana issues elsewhere and leave that flask slot open do something more powerful we'll talk about how to solve things like Mana issues later and seriously do not forget to piano it up skills focus on one skill primarily you may have one skill for single Target and then another less powerful one but with better AOE coverage for clearing purposes but for the vast majority of builds simply pick one single skill and have everything else on your character boost that one skill in some way but wouldi I really like this skill and then I found this one and then this one looks really cool too and no one choose one one obviously following a beginner build guide for the last time just please follow a beginner build guide I promise it will only help following a beginner build guide will give you exact details on how to specialize a given skill but just to give some blanket advice if you're using a bow skill you should invest in Bow and projectile things if you're using a bow and fire skill like burning Arrow invest in Bow projectile and fire things use the tags of a skill located right here under the Gym's name to extrapolate ways to build around it and scale it up or just follow build guide that's the last time I promise the best way to improve your main skill is by linking it to as many support gems as possible links are obtained on your actual gear pieces body armor helmet Etc and the max that you'll likely see during a campaign playthrough is a four link so that would mean three support gyms linkeds to whichever skill you're building around for a total of four links if you get a five and especially a six link somehow during the campaign slap that bad boy on immediately toss a few chromatic orbs on it if need be and call it a day it does not matter where your skills are socketed damage abilities don't need to be in your weapon for example it only matters what color the socket is and how many other sockets are linked to it for actually obtaining skills to use talk to the jewelry currency vendor in each town and go to their second tab to then see all the gems available to your current class once you reach act three you'll find this ghost dude who sells every gem to you regardless of your class and better yet act six gives you Lily Roth who does the exact same thing but in your own Hideout remember to invite her speaking of hideouts crafting bench use this to add stats to your gear like resistances Health resistances damage resistances and maybe even some resistances yeah you're going to want to add resistances I'll talk more about why resistances matter later movement skills use one if you don't know what to use choose Frost blink it's amazing keep it at level one if you don't have a lot of Intelligence on your character you can also right click any gy level up icon to remove it from the game UI and place it in your inventory instead like the stat intelligence you know in the game not like your actual intelligence you know but while we're on that topic can I see your current pass the tree setup okay uh-huh yep uh-huh yep uh oh yeah okay you might want to work on that intelligence a little too finally if you get any of these currencies as you go throughout the campaign do not and I repeat do not spend them save them and you'll be glad you did once you get to the final section of this video ah the first major roadblock in Path of Exile dying a lot of dying trust me it's totally normal here's why it's happening it's either one of two things or both life and or resistances likely both here is the defensive hierarchy across all but the endgame of endgame IST characters number one top priority resistances if these bad boys are not all at 75 you're wrong what how am I wrong what does that even mean you are wrong 75% minimum prioritize reaching 75% in fire cold and lightning resistances before literally everything else on your character and you'll magically stop dying as much it'll be a crazy experience fixing your resistances is best done in your jewelry slots rings belt and amulet so just buy a common resistance ring from any act vendor slap an Alchemy orb on it and hope you get at least one extra resistance or some life then as I talked about in the general section take that ring on over to your crafting bench and slap another res on it for cheap do that a few more times with your other ring slot your belt and your amulet and all of a sudden your resistances will be looking mighty tasty also note that I specifically said fire cold and lightning resistances because for chaos res you likely won't find a significant amount of it for a while so you really don't need to worry about it until you're coming close to the end of the campaign and entering Maps if you are in m Maps just keep your chaos res as high as possible anything in the positives will feel good enough but the more the merrier if you've capped your resistances at 75% but are still dying a ton here comes the second defensive hierarchy life uh just get more of it if you took number one two literally and sacrificed literally every last point of life on your gear just to cap your resistances guess what you're wrong again run it back bro it's okay it happens I'm only human but seriously while capping resistances is the main goal defensively you're going to need an actual life pool behind it in order to you know actually have something to mitigate in the first place going into Maps you should have around 3,000 life give or take a few hundred if your life total is well below that figure you're likely missing too much life on the skill tree around 100% increase life at level 70 is a good goal to shoot for the third main defensive layer is actually a combination armor and evasion if your character is not utilizing one or both of these mechanics that's right say with me now you are wrong incorrect armor and evasion are to physical damage as resistances are to Elemental and Chaos kind of armor applies to all forms of physical damage that you take except for bleeds which I'll cover one second while evasion only applies to monster attacks basically if a monster is winding up some massive animation to whack your little blot with a big ass Fireball or something your evasion is not going to do anything but your armor might if that fireball also has some physical damage built into it for some reason my point is you should have armor evasion or a mix of both typically if you're on this side of the skillet tree go for armor if you're on this side go for evasion also the determination and Grace auras are your best friends use them yes you'll lose some damage but it's well worth the price to you know uh Not Die Another huge form of defense is leech your build if it's a good build that is will have some sort of life and Mana leech in it just one source is enough literally 0.2% and you're good to go just make sure that you have life and Mana leech somewhere because if you don't you're probably going to run out of Mana all the time and also die to multiple rapid small hits or to a damage over time effect like bleed speaking of bleeds slap this Mod on your life flask or take this Pantheon note press y to open your Pantheon once you've passed act six either or you don't need both the reason you want a bleed removal specifically on your life flask is because chances are if your HP is rapidly depleting it's likely due to a bleed two birds with one stone if you are still getting your butt handed to you after fixing your res getting more life scaling armor and or evasion and becoming bleed immune then you're probably just running too hard of content for your current level tone things down stop running maps with multiple scary mods like monster crit monster speed monster damage anything that says monster or boss in it really just do some easier content transmute your Maps instead of alking them and you'll be fine after leveling up a few more times or maybe you're just uh leaving things alive for too long I get it you're here because you can't kill anything well hopefully not because you can't kill anything maybe just like the bosses and like those yellow dudes a little too tanky for you anyway let's fix that if you're still in the campaign your lack of damage is almost certainly from one of two things either you did not link your primary skill to efficient support Gems or you did not take efficient damage nodes on the passive tree for both of these things I can't tell you exactly what to do as any potential solution relies almost entirely on the specific build that playing so just check the build guide maybe you missed a section dedicated to leveling it shows you different gem links shows you different passive tree Etc wait what's that you're not following a build guide did you did you by chance skip the first section of the video titled essential info you're wrong again run it back for both attack and spell builds your weapons attribute greatly to your overall damage so it's a good idea to try and upgrade them if you haven't found something juicy in the past 10 or 20 levels for attack builds go to your current ax vendor find a good white item of whatever base type your primary skill uses if there are no white items you can buy a blue or a yellow one and then use a orb of scouring on it use four blacksmith wet stones on it to get it to 20% quality weapon quality increases the base damage and then toss an Alchemy orb on it if it rolled decently high percent physical damage or flat physical damage take it on over to your crafting bench and craft the other missing AIX if it rolled both congrats that's probably just an upgrade outright and if it doesn't have attack speed you can probably craft that on too Boom for spellcasters the same process would apply but minus the blacksmith wet stones and then replacing physical damage with spell or Elemental damage still stuck check out your sockets and your links have you reached at least act three then your primary skill should be on a four link at least the easiest way to get a four link is to use an orb of binding on a helmet glove boot or body armor you usually don't want to roll it on a weapon because it will roll with new stats but if you don't have one of those orbs simply check each Act vendor for a four socket item again helmet gloves boot or body armor if it also has four links then boom there you go but if it only has four sockets not four links it's Fusion orb time turn Whatever item you just bought white by using an orb of scouring on it slap four armor or scraps to get it up to 20% Quality quality directly increases the likelihood of linking stuff and throws some fuses at it you should get a four link in anywhere from 5 to 10 fuses but if you run out convert your alteration orbs to Jewelers and then Jewelers to fuses at a vendor if all of that still does not solve your damage issues are you running a damage Aura AAS are extremely important to your character's overall power as they provide permanent Buffs and return for reserving a percentage of your maximum Mana so if you've been on the fence about using them as you did not want to run out of Mana well now's the time to suck it up if you still cannot your lack of damage it's time to bring out the big guns were you listening earlier when I told you to download path of building well open up PO type in your account name into the bar not the individual character's name the one that you log in with on the main site and click import if this doesn't work go to and change your profile setting to public now simply import your items and Equipment as well as your passive skill tree wow look at that your entire character is here without knowing your build and whether or not you're following a guide the easiest and simplest solution I can offer for you is to click the show node power button here at the bottom so sort by combined DPS with this dropdown menu wait for it to finish calculating and then sort that final list by per Point what this does is show you the passive tree nodes that will net you the most amount of damage per Point spent for your current build now there are a lot of other factors that go into your actual damage on a character but those are outside of the scope of this video just know that if you're doing what I just described to you here it's essentially a Hail Mary to at least point you in the right direction cuz if you need to hear this you're already pretty far off the trail there bucko here you are the final section of the video you made it this section is for those of you who have successfully went through the trials and tribulations that Poe has to offer and now you're seemingly Meandering about just slaughtering endless hordes of enemies without any real purpose you're kind of lost or maybe you're just kind of confused about the endgame progression either way I got you covered because the solution for both is the exact same everything and I mean everything in this game revolves around upgrading your character and hey good news there are a lot of ways to upgrade your character oh a lot also I want to make it clear here that if the endless possibilities of upgrading your character does not excite you then Path of Exile just might not be the game for you it really is that simple anyway before you start searching for random pieces of gear to equip here's the best way to determine how much of an upgrade you can get on your character remember it's never a question of if you can upgrade it's how much Step One Import your character into po following the steps from earlier step two under the configuration tab change the is an enemy a boss option two Guardian SL Pinnacle and step three scan through the plethora of options in the win and combat skill options and four effective DPS categories checking the box next to any that suit your specific build if you don't know what applies to your character just check some random boxes then hit up Poe Wiki to see what it does and how to apply it also your build guide should already come preconfigured with these settings cool now you have the closest possible representation of your character's current power level at your fingertips let's begin all you need to do is look at two numbers combined DPS and effective hit pool combined DPS is your overall damage and effective hit pool is your overall defense I want to make this clear these numbers are not the end all Beall of your character as there are simply far too many situations for a spreadsheet of numbers to accurately depict so take po seriously but not 100% literally that being said let's now get to some actual upgrading the first and best way to upgrade your character is to start trading other players go to path trade link below and open the following tabs type filters weapon filters armor filters socket filters requirements and miscellaneous instead of now going through each and every single option there's bombarded your screen allow me to Simply give you two specific examples of trading first a weapon and then an armor upgrade the first thing you're going to want to do regardless is under the requirements tab change the level maximum to whatever level your character currently is so if you're in the middle of the campaign I'll probably around level 50 or something like that and if you're just entering Maps you'll probably be around level 68 maybe 70 let's just do maximum level 70 maybe okay you're okay with leveling up a couple more times to use Whatever item you're about to get okay so you're going to get a weapon so under item category change this to the weapon base type that you're using so if you're using a one-handed weapon change it to one-handed weapon if you're using specifically a sword just type in Sword i a spell sword one-handed sword two-handed sword so let's just say for the example you're running an axe build and it's a two-handed axe right you're doing a bone shatter you're doing a slam build of some kind you want a two-handed axe next thing you're going to want to do is go under weapon filters and under the physical DPS not the elemental I mean maybe you'll be running an elemental build the vast majority of people are doing a physical damage build So Physical DPS you want to type in the minimum value so again if you're just entering Maps level 70 you can get a pretty chunky axe let's just say 400 minimum physical DPS the last thing you're going to want to do is go down here to trade filters and set the chaos orb buyout equivalent to a maximum of whatever you're comfortable spending if you're just getting into Maps you probably have like what 10 chaos or something let's just do maximum five chaos so again we're searching for a two-handed axe minimum 400 DPS for a maximum of five chaos as you can see a metric butt ton of stuff is about to come up so cool thing here simply come down to this tab right here or the the bottom of the item the tab down here physical DPS click that button boom all of a sudden you have just sorted by the maximum DPS available to you based on the search criteria also fun fact to Simply get back to your your search search filters here click this search listed items and you can bounce back between the list and uh your filter just like that so if you don't want a unique item specifically cuz sometimes the the mods on this unique are not really something you want such as level 30 melee Splash you can go back to this and do item Rarity and simply say any non unique so it'll show you anything that's not a unique item sort by DPS again bada boom you have a rare two-handed axe for five chos with 507 DPS probably a massive upgrade over your current weapon also I totally forgot to say all you have to do is click the direct whisper button while you are logged in in game and it will automatically whisper that person they will invite you you join their Hideout you trade them easy game all right and now for an armor upgrade here is where things get a little tricky so first thing you're going to want to do again is under level requirements if just entering Maps type in your character level it should be around level 70 or something so you want a piece of gear that requires no more than level 70 then you're going to go into the base type so if you want a body armor upgrade type in body armor if you want a glove upgrade type in gloves let's look for boots because boots have some uh interesting stats so the top priority on boots is actually movement speed so here is where this other tab comes into play and you're going to use this a ton for trading stat filters here is the best tip I can possibly give you type the Tilda key before you do anything Tilda is that little guy above the Tab Key shift and then hit that little button above the tab key that is your Tilda what this does is make it so that you can autocomplete based on what you're typing so if you don't remember the exact wording of a modifier say I'm trying to add uh increased movement speed if I just type move speed boom all of a sudden it shows up whereas if I don't do this see I type move speed nothing comes up but if I type Tilda move speed boom all it is increas movement speed right there speaking of movement speed we're searching for boots movement speed is a very very very important stat some people like to say that the minimum is 30 if you're not using 30% movement spe on your boots you're trolling I'm not really of that so I'll go minimum 20 because you can still find a very good pair of boots with just a little less movement speed not a big deal movement speed top priority but you don't need max value so I'm going to do minimum 20 movement speed then I'm going to go here and type in life cuz you want life on your boots as well I would say minimum let's just say 40 because it's not as important as resistance is so we're going to type in res and then the one that you here want here here is the fourth one down pseudo total all Elemental resistances what this does is simply calculate the total of the resistances on the item it doesn't matter what they are it's just looking for all of them I would say you want a minimum of about 80 to 85 I'm going to type in 80 here so now we're looking for boots with at least 20 movement speed 40 life and 80 all res the final thing you're going to want to do is go down here to the buyout price and set the maximum the chaos or maximum to whatever you're comfortable spending say you got lucky you got a Divine drop you have hundreds of chaos you can set this to like 100 chaos but for most people you probably going to do like a Max of five or 10 let's do 10 I want to spend a maximum of 10 chaos here we go click the search button we get all the stats so the cool thing about trading is that you can click on any one of these stats and it'll sort by the highest value first it won't sort by Price it'll sort by the highest value we click this and all of a sudden 109 maximum life for five chos but that does not mean that that is always going to be the best item available cuz if we scroll down we see like fire and cold Reds maybe we don't need cold Reds so we keep scrolling here's 10 chaos for 100 life blah blah blah blah you just need to look at all these mods and see what's good for your build here's one for 8 chos um also note that this will give you corrupted items if you want to remove that you can just go up here to search listed items that'll bring you back to your filter and you go down here to corrupted under miscellaneous just go to instead of any click no all of a sudden there are no corrupted items here so you can uh you don't have to worry about modifying them or being unable to modify them so you can just sort click on any one of these stats it'll sort by the highest value do this and try and find something that fits your needs if you want more stats in it like chaos res or something you just type chaos we can put that into minimum of like 20 I don't know if these will shell up that's a pretty yeah wow there you go 9C for 70 life fire chaos 30% movement speed these are pretty good boots for 9C you should buy these guys but that's the basics of trading for armor and one last thing uh for body armor especially if you're early on on your character you're going to want a six link the easiest way to do this is to go type in body armor obviously for the category go to socket filters and do minimum six links and now instead of filling out your colors here because this will search for the exact colors what you're going to to do is search for the base type of the item so let's say you need primarily red and green sockets on your character what we're going to do is instead of using these filters down here we're just going to type in minimum let's say just like 100 armor and 100 evasion this just is basically Bally saying regardless of the roles on the item the base stats are going to be armor and evasion body armor six Lings go in here all of a sudden you're finding very cheap stuff you're probably going to go to corrupted no as well corrupted no boom there's the cheapest six link one awaken second six chaos three chaos I mean this is obviously into the league your vitem is going to be very different depending on how how far the league has progressed so here you go if you need a good uh base type for a six link and red and green sockets dragon dragon scale du you just smack an Alchemy orb on that couple Chaos on that get your own stats B the B bada boom easy six Lings the next best way to find upgrades for your character is well to see what other players are doing with your same idea enter a po. ninja link below go to Poe ninja click the builds tab choose your ascendency class and type in your main skill here now sort by DPS and holy moly these guys are nuts remember when I said don't take po literally yeah this is what I meant while some of these builds are doable most are not we call them PB Warriors and if they are doable it's only with a metric booty butt Tong ton of currency so what you're going to do is change the league tab to ssf instead ah much better the ssf league is identical to the regular one with the only difference being that everything you see on these guys characters they acquired themselves no interacting with other players whatsoever this means that you as a new player can understand what's going on way easier go through the list of characters that you see here and open like five or 10 of them then well just kind of sit there and hover over stuff look at all the cool stats and effects then once you find three or four characters that look extra cool to you click the little clipboard icon here next to the big old code go to PO make a new build and under import export build paste that code that you just copied boom here's the entire character the cool thing about importing builds off of Poe ninja is that they come preconfigured at like 90% accuracy you'll still have to manually change some stuff such as the main skill and certain support gym effects like Trinity but you'll have a very accurate display of that given character's power do this for as many characters as you find interesting and then start synthesizing things together that are common Trends such as stats on gear certain passive points certain skill links Etc and now you're off to the races with solid fundamentals in trading and scoping out other people's characters you're not only ready to make upgrades on characters that you've made following a build guide of some sort but you're on track to start making your own characters outright also I uh couldn't really find the best way to put this in the section here but you definitely want to download awakened Poe trade macro this little guy right here will make your life so much easier once you get into the end game by pricing items for you just press contrl D over an item this menu pops up check the stat boxes that you want to see all of a sudden it gives you a pretty accurate representation of what that item's value is now it's not perfect and you actually have to spend some real money on a premium stash tab to be able to sell to players anyway unless you want to manually list stuff on the forums like it's 2003 or something so I didn't really want to write up a detailed section on this macro but you definitely want to install it for nothing else just to be able to scroll through your stash tabs with your scroll wheel finally if you're actually struggling progressing the endg game itself then here's the gist after you've completed the tutorial not a joke by the way the real game finally begins mapping maps are physical items that drop from enemies and progress from tiers 1 to 16 starting at monster level 68 and ending at level 83 basically the higher the map the harder the monsters even better maps are colorcoded based on their difficulty white is easy yellow normal red is hard every time you complete a map's bonus objective check your Atlas for the details you'll gain a passive point to spend on not your passive tree but the atlas passive tree oh yeah baby we got two skill trees up in here baby wo now there is a ton of depth throughout Poe's in-game systems and covering even just the basics of each would take well way too long so all I'm going to tell you here is to Simply pick one or two mechanics that you really enjoy not something that you've read on a guide or seen in a video something that you have actually played and enjoy and then just Speck into that stuff on the atlas tree you truly cannot go wrong playing the endgame in Poe no other game has even come close to the depth and variety of endgame that Path of Exile has to offer and for good reason it's designed that well you'll get rewarded for playing whatever you want so just do exactly that do you like the big yellow Tower Defense woman that shouts and sings or maybe the big red Beast guy that talks funny or how about the blue floaty guys the gray Mist mirror you can do all of it or you can do none of it the choice is yours again if you're looking for more concrete info on Poe's endgame it's just outside of the scope for this video let me know if you would like another video tailored towards specifically endgame progression on both the atlas and your character I can definitely make it Path of Exile is one of those games that is both as wide and as deep as the ocean so the most important thing that you need to give it is your time and hopefully this guide has convinced you to do just that if you have any questions leave them in the comments below I will do my best to reply to every single one of you you can also check out my stream at woly gaming I always love talking about this game even if I'm not streaming it at the moment and chat loves hearing me talk about it don't you boys so thank you for watching and good luck
Channel: Woolie
Views: 80,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk, of, rain, ror, woolie, xbox, playstation, switch, console, ps4, tips, guide, tutorial, tierlist, wooliegaming, ror2, risk of rain 2, ps5
Id: qUPz0t8qcmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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