Path of Exile - Actual REAL Beginners Guide!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming in a little Path of Exile video I say little because I'm going to try and make this as short as possible and to the point as I can because as a new player to Poe I've been lucky enough to have this community of people providing relevant advice to me as I've been doing this sort of series and I've also watched a lot of guides read a lot and asked a lot of questions and wow the comical level of detail that's thrown at you things you don't need to know for a genuine 100 hours unironic hourong beginner videos are the shorter versions I've seen I've watched multiple two or even 3-hour videos on this topic and while those videos are absolutely incredible I did wish that someone would condense the most important things in a simpler way to take it easier so basically I'm making that video that I wish I'd found I'm an actual brand new player is the thing and I'll be telling you about the main things you need to know in a short reasonable time frame you know nothing about the end game from the perspective of a beginner player for a beginner player so I hope that's useful let's get started so every guide that I checked when I was learning the game basically starts the same way and I wanted to avoid doing that but I feel like I've got to at least acknowledge it when you create your character you'll be given this option what you want to do is pick the current one in the middle that's the current season right now it's season of Affliction standards kind of like everything but it's forever which means the economy is really built up and it's really hard to get into whereas in the current season the economy and everyone is sort of reset putting everyone on more equal ground and that will make a big difference in the end game when you're looking to trade and get items I wouldn't recommend you do hardcore or anything like that just do softcore normal playthrough in the middle here you get all the new content as well and you can ignore it if you want to initially you'll have this selection of characters you'll actually have six not seven and that's because the Scion here is one that you unlock during the campaign ultimately you can pick any class because every single class can use every single skill certain builds are going to work better because you're going to get ascendancies that lean into certain play Styles but just pick what you like the look of you can probably do anything you want to when you load in you'll wake up on this beach and you'll get a bunch of tutorials you can choose to skip them or not the information's a bit overwhelming one thing you'll notice between my gameplay and yours is the fact that I have a different kind of UI for the item that's on the ground this is because I have an item filter here active and it's just the default never sync one I strongly recommend you get an item filter and to do that all you need to do is go to the official path of xile website and you can see that there's a game option here and right down here we have item filters this shows you the list and the one at the very top is the most popular one never sync one regular softcore it's basically the default least strenuous item filter at the top right you'll be able to press follow and then it'll be put into your game the next time you open it so just as before you press Escape go to options go to game and then you'll find the item filter here you press the drop down there it is never sync one regular hardcore and now you have the item filter why is this so important because absolutely tons of items are going to drop and 99% of them even as a new player are irrelevant to you also there's going to be a lot of items that you will care about and they're not really highlighted in an interesting way as a new player it basically is a cheat code to be like hey look that's an interesting item have a look at it or importantly you might find a triple color triple link and I'll explain that later on basically item filters make your life easier and as a new player you're absolutely going to want that all right so to kick us off you get given a weapon and there's sort of a quest here where basically you get your first fight and it results in your first skill gem this is basically how every damn guide I've watched starts but I feel I also have to include it cuz it's pretty damn important as you can see I've got slots in my weapon and we have a green slot so I take this skill gem which you can see is a skill based on the description and put it into a green slot now as you can see the skill has appeared on my bars and that's how the game works so as you can see I have the burning Arrow I can right click the skill gem take it out the skill is gone this is why every class can use every skill cuz we can all get every skill Gem and put it in if we want to and that's pretty cool shortly after working your way up the beach you'll encounter your first support gem as you can see I can hover over it and learn what it does in this case it's going to do a bunch of stuff that is useful for this ability we've just been given you can see see that this is a functional support skill because at the left here we have supportable skills and you can see that it's got burning Arrow ticked so this will work with burning Arrow to get a support skill working then all I need to do is equip it into an item that is linked to the actual skill they always give you like a starting thing that has a link that will work with all this in mind so that you guaranteed can at least start with something that works but because these two are linked now it's being supported and now my burnning arrow is slightly better and I'm getting stacks of momentum as I'm using the ability at the end of this sort of tutorial section you'll meet this mini boss hillock here and what you can see is by circling around him he cannot actually land a hit on me this is something that I learned in my first sort of experience is that you can also kind sort of cancel his attacks walking in you bait the attack you walk out you hit if you're a melee this is important thing but ultimately if in doubt just circle around the enemy as you can see they kind of stun lock themselves with the animation much like you do when I attack I can't move at the same time with hilock defeat you'll get a level up and we'll get a bunch of items to work with we can go to town and explain the rest with this opening I've actually been pretty lucky and I've got a bow here that's yeah yellow but it's unidentified since it's unidentified I can't actually equip it so all we need to do is use these items you're going to get a ton of Scrolls of wisdom you right click it and identify an item and boom now I see what's actually going on here so I'll take that off put this on take the all gems out and Slot those back in and this allows me to tell you about selling there isn't actually proper currency in this game there isn't like gold or something like that you have consumables much like Scroll of wisdom is a consumable so when I go to sell items I don't get gold I get things that lead to consumables with enough scroll fragments hey I'll get some more Scroll of wisdom or with transmutation shards I'll get an orb of transmutation for now don't worry about any of this just sell any junk that you collect that you're not actively using just be aware that an unidentified item can often provide different resources in trade compared to identified ones so this Vine Circle here that's a yellow unidentified I'll get five transmutation shards so that leads to all of transmutation whereas if if I actually identify it instead of that I'm going to get six alteration shards that leads to an orb of alteration something else generally I sell Blues unidentified and yellows identified as long as I've got the Scrolls to do it but now it's time to talk build plans and skill tree when you get the level up you'll get this popup which you can press and have a look at the skill tree which will overwhelm most players when they first look at it it's always very impressive and very cool but it's actually a lot simpler than it might appear because you have a starting point in my case here were're on the kind of deck side because that's the focus of this class whereas on my du list I started down here at the bottom middle which is strength and decks and you can see that represented here where we have a strength Focus node and then a DEX Focus node whereas over on this class it's much more Dex focused in general because that's what the class needs so if we go to the top and find a starting point here you can see this is the intelligence side and then on the left here we have say the strength side so we all start in different points but the nodes are often similar really you're just in a section to begin with and your starting options aren't that complicated it's literally do you want Max life evasion rating or accuracy rating increased projectile damage that's the only choice don't worry about everything else however I strongly recommend you follow a guide there's loads of great websites where you can find you know upto-date relevant guides for the currencies and you're in at that at first I wasn't using a guide trying to make my own sort of build with advice from the viewers and then when I had to remake my character for the new season I decided to follow one and I found the experience just much more smoother and enjoyable and I actually learned a lot by following the guide there's so much to learn in this game ready you should make things easy for yourself just follow one you'll have a better experience next a really quick talk on quests if you press U you'll be able to see the map and the current areas you've unlocked we've only been to these two areas by pressing on these icons it'll highlight things that are relevant to you from the quests I only have one that I can highlight but you can see Mercy Mission it wants me to go here because it's lided up to find that then I've got to go to the adjacent area that's connected but you can see that I can continue on and instead of going there I could accidentally go somewhere else to open the map while you're exploring you can just press tab and this helps you sort of move around but it's still there at the top right to navigate my way through here then I know that it's kind of to the southeast so I make my way to the east sort of south side of this map instead of walking my way North if you're wondering whether you should be killing everything or running through as fast as you can technically it is possible to ignore certain mobs and make your way to specific objectives even ignore certain side quests but my advice and what I did personally is just kind of kill the things that are in my way batch killing packs and making my way to every Quest I didn't ignore or anything cuz I don't know what I'm supposed to do there's nothing wrong with doing all the quests and it worked out fine for me once you find these way points though you'll be able to teleport back to town and around easily though there is a cool trick where if you go back to character selection then instantly go straight back in it'll teleport you to the town of that region and you won't even have to use a portal scroll now that I found that Waypoint I can click the Waypoint here and click the Waypoint I just found and I'm back just like that through my exploring I've found an exit the mud flats but it doesn't look like the right way I'm supposed to be finding an island so you can see on my mini map I've got these kind of doors nearby showing me there's something near so let's go check that out there it is the tidal Island now I've swapped over to my je list that I'm leveling right now for a quick word on what gear should you actually be taking most of the items I have here are yellows yellows have lots of these extra details but Blues also have a few but obviously noticeable less what really matters here is not necessarily the actual stats that're on it just yet but especially in those early days is about the slots that you have and why personally I need a lot of red and a couple green so so what I really need is slots for exactly that that are linked so if you have an item piece that has no slots or one slot you're looking to get two and you're looking to get them linked ideally with skills and colors that are relevant to you if you're a deck character it's probably a lot of greens strength a lot of Reds and in a lot of Blues but as you can see I have this ability here lacerate and that's being supported by the brutality support and also the life tap support this is my main damage ability and that's usually what a lot of builds sort of work and center around in this game one main ability that you power as much as possible so so I'm currently trying to find a four link that has one green and three Reds to continuously power up lacerate once you're happy with the slots that you have you can start to prioritize a couple extra things defensively you're going to find things like armor an evasion rating as well as energy Shield these are all just types of defensives armor reducing the physical damage energy Shield being a sort of barrier that blocks your normal Health pool see how I don't have any right now an evasion rating just literally evading the damage all of these are fine you don't need to worry about them while leveling what you can more about is element resistances and just in general maximum life on any gear you can find so if it's got The Right Slots you're looking for and it's got something like extra Max life or extra defensives like armor or any element resistances that should be fine you can check your character stats by pressing C and going to the defense tab here we have fire resistance cold resistance lightning resistance and Chaos resistance ideally you want 75% in all of these though don't worry about chaos resistance during leveling you can see that I'm even overcapped on fire resistance here and that's because as you progress through the game they give you these nasty negatives where they reduce your current resistances by say 30% or more so as you progress through you get more resistances they'll knock that down and you generally aim for 75% in all of them in each Town you're going to find some sort of vendor that sells ones and magic items and even jewelry their second tab usually has where you buy new skill gems that you've unlocked and you'll need to bounce around the vendors in the different AXS cuz they all offer different stuff that you've unlocked in those AXS just as before you can see the supportable skill here what it works on that I have for example hex touch support will only work for me on lacerate and leap slam and none of the other things that I'm currently using a cool trick you can use is to find items really quickly for example that hex touch I just looked at let's type in HEX down here you see that it'll highlight exactly that this also works in your skill tree you have a search bar at the top right in the case of my bleed build I might be interested in bleed things so let's type in bleed and there you go now it's highlighting relevant bleed things that I could look at and go maybe I should work towards that that could be be useful for this build now it's time for the all important currency talk which I'm going to try to minmax as best I can basically by collecting stuff and selling stuff you get these things that turn into actual currency like those orbs of transmutations the most important one to find are chaos orbs because that's generally what players used to trade with and you want to Stack those up for later the ones I find myself using the most are things like orb of transmutation taking a normal item to Magic item or chromatic orbs which will reforge the color of the sockets on an item you know how I said that I need to find one green and then as many Reds that are connected as possible to power up lerate even more well if I found say an item that has lots of slots but they're the wrong color I can take a chromatic orb and put it onto the item and change the colors of those sockets maybe to something that's more useful to me you can even use things like Jewelers orbs to increase or potentially decrease the amount of slots on an item so by playing and selling things you're going to get lots of these different things and you use them how you see fit whenever you find a relevant item you want to power up or change in some way based on what you need you probably probably going to want a lot of chromatic ORS though so how do you get those you're going to need a triple link color like the one I've just found in the case of my item filter you can see that it's highlighted for me so I don't miss it what that is is very simple it's just three colors that are linked so we have red green and blue and they're all linked up but taking that to any vendor and then just trying to sell it you can see that for one triple link item I'm going to get one chromatic orb and that's how you get them so whenever you see a triple color triple link you want to take it so you can sell it for a chromatic or and use those when you need to mess with the colors of your sockets next a very short word on the Affliction league and how this plays into the leveling that you're doing by going into basically any area when you're playing you will very quickly encounter one of these sort of portals down to the Wildwood by entering you'll go into this dark area and it's pretty simple on my left here we have these yellow colors so let's walk towards them see what happens and they're going to generate me some of these currencies if we read what this does we've got the yellow and purple here and then there's also the blue ones the yellow here impower enemies with Vivid whisp giving them damage reduction and increased speed but they'll have more item quantity so the more yellows I get the more enemies are going to drop more items whereas the purple they're going to increase the items that drop their Rarity these lead to what is known as loot explosions so you collect as many of these wisps as you can to kind of as the community calls it juice up the enemies outside you see once I leave the Wildwood the Wisp that I've collected will explode and spread out into the Overworld powering up enemies and making quite dangerous but also making them a lot more valuable to kill juicing them up by going down here eventually you'll find NPCs that lead to the wild board ascendancies new skill trees that can be useful or maybe not depending on what you need and that's why following a guide is so good it let you know what you might benefit and maybe whether you should hunt down your wild War ascendency and what to go for at a certain point by fighting through the level eventually you'll be able to leave though so we've got a portal to leave all that juice has just gone out and now we're going to encounter enemies that are buffed up next a brief word on your Hideout during act two you're actually going to unlock The Hideout it'll then be displayed at the bottom right from then on you can click that at any Waypoint to teleport to it here you start out with just a stash which is very useful and a crafting bench which unlocks the crafting mechanic it might be intimidating but for us we only care about a couple things can you increase the maximum life of an item or can you get some element resistance so let's type life in here and looks like we can though it will cost me a couple extra currencies the starting ones are a lot cheaper and let's start typing resistance and you can see what I can get here so we can get some fire cold and lightning resistance in this case when I press C and go to defense you can see them lacking on Lightning resistance right now so let's put lightning in and that's what we will put onto this piece which is exactly as you can see what I've done so as I slot that back on hey I've got more lightning resistance close to that 75% that we're looking for and that's all you really do crafting for during leveling get more max life and get more element resistance based on what you're lacking it might be different for a weapon and what you're looking for there but for your defensives that's all I want you to worry about the final topic for this beginning a guide for all the acts and all that is the aspirant plaza AKA your ascendancy as you can see I've unlocked my ascendancy and I've changed from a duw list to a gladiator so it's giving me this cool new circle of new skill trees these are very powerful and generally lead into whatever play style you're working on you'll have a choice of three and in my case I went Gladiator because that leans into this lacerate bleed build play style that I'm currently working on to unlock your ascendency you're going to need to reach act three which in the town here at the top is the plaza you're looking to lock you're going to find these labyrinths within certain important sections of each Act and you're going to need to go find six of them and actually complete them to unlock the plaza and get your ascendency going and you do that by doing the early a it happens pretty quick every time that I stepped into an area where there was a labyrinth and a trial to go do I was notified and found it pretty easily those labyrinths are pretty straightforward it's pretty much just area traps that you move around and avoid you can even leap and teleport straight through them or tank them it's not that scary there'll be a few mobs once you get to the end you click the tablet and power that up and do that until you've done all six then we come to the hub here go into the plaza and do the trial which is pretty fun involving a few boss fights and at the end you'll be able to get your ascendancy unlocked and we'll do that more in the future to get more points to spend on the ascendancy tree but yeah those are the main topics that I hopefully explain in a quick and reasonable way I hope that makes you more confident about the experience there is so much more I could talk about that I've already learned and discussed and I know there's going to be a lot more that I'm going to learn in the future and could have included in this video but this is meant to be just the minimal stuff that I think you're going to need to know to have a good time and kind of understand these main systems if you guys have any extra tips for these true new players in the comments or even me then feel free to drop some you might just help someone but hopefully this was short and sweet and pretty much what you needed to know for now though I've been Hollow you've been you and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 34,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: path of exile guide, path of exile starter guide, beginners guide, new player, new player guide, path of exile new player, path of exile ascendancy, path of exile affliction, path of exile, diablo 4 path of exile, diablo 4 vs path of exile, path of exile gameplay, path of exile first impressions, poe, path of exile 2, diablo 4 season 2 review, uber unique, guide, season 3, sorcerer, best, review, path of exile affliction season, best build, path of exile season, ragegamingvideos
Id: wOh9WI3Zg5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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