WHAT DO I DO NOW? | CHAD VEACH | 6.14.2020

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go in your Bible to proverbs chapter 22 go to proverbs chapter 22 go to verse number 11 and it says this he who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious will have the King as his friend just one verse today I'm gonna teach us one we'll go through some other scriptures but I want to focus on this so it's short I'm just gonna read it again just for emphasis he who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious will have the King as his friend I want to preach a message today write down the title is called what do I do now what have you ever been there before he's like well what do I do now when I had my first kid I was like oh this is awesome definitely gonna post about this on Instagram but what do I do now you know don't like you get married you just like we're married we can go we can go home together if we you don't have to go back to your apartment we this is praise God but what do I do what do I do now maybe you're in a new relationship or a new job or 2020s like this year that you just like what do I do now I really believe that God's Word has relevant answers for today's tough questions any answer you're looking for in your life we go to the scriptures so the Bible says that his word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path God sent His Word to you to revive you so in other words if you're downcast and you're feeling discouraged and you're like what do I do now don't worry God's words gonna revive you today we're gonna go to his word and we're gonna learn and we're gonna listen and we're gonna lead and become the people that God has called us to become so come on let's go to his word and let's pray right now god I thank you today that you are awesome I declare that you are amazing we today to your character and to your nature and Jesus we thank you that you are full of mercy full of compassion full of forgiveness thank you Jesus that you loved us so much that you died on a cross for our sins we are receiving your love and receiving these words in Jesus name and everybody said together come on clap one more time in the chat clap because it feels good and we got to break off some of that 20/20 off of us just want to break this down because what it said here in the book of Proverbs is so relevant for today it says he who loves purity of heart in other words everything in life always starts with your heart we're talking about issues of the heart the writer of the book of Proverbs also writes in Proverbs for above all else guard your heart for out of it out of your heart flow the issues of life your heart is going to lead you into good stuff for your heart is going to lead you into bad stuff go above all else I don't know what kind of family you are I may be your an S family maybe you're an ATT family as for me in my house we are a ring family okay we use the ring app okay at my house that we have the ring app at the door so I get alerted on my phone anybody anytime someone comes to my door I get an alert and I click the the notification and the video pops up I can talk to the Amazon guy hey bro be careful with my packages man you're carrying my quest bars in there okay but I don't know what what what you have chosen to guard your home but the Bible is teaching you you got to guard your heart above all else guard your heart guard your heart from a fence guard your heart from lust guard your heart from greed guard your heart above because listen it is hard to live life with a clouded heart it is hard to live life with a critical heart it is hard to live life with a heart that is filled with all kinds of garbage and junk and trying to get through the weeds of it know above all else guard your heart Jesus says it this way in Matthew 6 he said blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God maybe you're on social media and you're like I don't see God right now maybe looking around America like I do not see God right now it's not an issue that God's not there it's the issue of our heart we can't see this is above all else guard your heart because out of it flows the issues of life blessed are the pure in heart we got to get our hearts pure we got to weed through some stuff we got to get all the junk and all the criticism and all the clutter and all the cloudiness out of our heart so we can see Jesus in our home we can see Jesus in our children we can see Jesus in our workplace we can see Jesus in our church we can see Jesus in America come on if you want to see Jesus get I'm telling you it's all about the heart that's why David David makes a mistake in the Bible if you don't know much about the Bible this is amazing one of our heroes besides Jesus and the Bible is a guy named David and David's like the man like David kills a guy named Goliath eases massive dudes the unbelievable story and incredible and he's a man of war and he accomplishes so much but the Bible says David has a whoopsies he commits murder and has an affair so how could this happen that you could be a man after God's own heart and make a mistake David teaches us what it's like to come back after your heart gets cloudy he writes down upon an apology in Psalm 51 he writes down a statement and posts it in Psalm 51 he says to God in psalm 51:10 create in me a clean heart O God the word here could create is the same Hebrew word that is used in the book of Genesis when God created the heavens and the earth where he spoke something out of nothing David is saying I don't want you just to work on my old tainted tattered heart I want a brand new heart in this season come on somebody thank God today he is creating in you a brand new heart he is giving you a heart that will see Jesus he is doing something blessed is the man that has a pure heart so it all starts in heart o everything that you are dealing with in your life is a heart issue everything is going on and your marriage goes back to your heart everything that is going back in your workplace is a heart issue I'm not saying that to you the Bible is saying that to you so it says the man that has a pure heart and has gracious words on his lips other translations use the word graciousness has just grace you ever talk to somebody and you just like write words wrong heart you know you like somebody says something and then just land right just kinda like I don't know man sounds right but I don't believe you man Judas was that way in the scriptures Judas is the guy that's like why don't we use the money for this and everybody's like ah I don't know man right words wrong heart but the Bible showing us that when you got a pure heart right words just flow out of you when you got a pure heart it's just like it's easy to be kind it's easy to be encouraging so easy remember we live in a culture that needs healing words we don't need more criticism we don't need more opinions people are naturally discouraged enough who wrote that lie sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me who lied to you words stick to you words can crease you words can alter the course of your life be careful with them I want to remind you the power of life and death are in the tongue and you're either gonna build your world or you're gonna destroy your world you're gonna encourage somebody or discourage somebody I'm talking to somebody that needs to get their heart right so their mouth can get right your words are just a reflection of your heart if you ever want to know what's in somebody's heart just listen to them talk if you ever want to know what's in somebody's heart just watch what they post because your words reveal your heart Jesus said it this way he said a good man will store up good things in the treasure of his heart an evil man will store up evil things in the treasure of his heart then he said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks a man that has a pure heart and gracious words gracious words you know they marveled at Jesus and they listened to Jesus and when Jesus spoke they go how we never owe em him how I just I made that one up I never said that before him all my life but it felt good it just I'm under the anointing but he said they said how does this man have such a speech like this they marveled at his words ever marveled at somebody's negativity marveled at somebody's criticism how where is this coming from why are you saying this this is so hurtful this is so offensive it's just a reflection of the heart samantha has a pure heart it's gracious words when I really when I release my first book I'll never forget launch day is my first published book you know cuz I wrote a self-published book that sits in the garage okay but but you know my first book book you know real book and my agent called me that morning she's like hey it's launch day I'm like I know I'm so excited and she's like congratulations I just want to say congrats on the hard work it's a big day for you your first book says just want to give you a heads up today on Amazon on social media everyone is going to be singing the praises of this book people my first book is about our daughter and our my wife and I on our journey and everybody's gonna be praising Georgia and you and she said just a heads up though you're probably gonna get about 300 comments that are like this is awesome but there will be one comment that someone's like don't like it terrible writer against this person she said just a heads up you will only remember the one negative comment you will not remember the 300 why are we so drawn to the negativity what is it inside of us that only remembers the bad stuff that people say about us come on we got a purifier heart so we can get gracious words coming out of our out of our mouths I don't want to be that person that is hurt because then I'll hurt hurt people hurt people and we need a church we need a city we need a movement that will say I've got my heart healed by the grace and the gospel of Jesus I've got great things to say the best is yet to come I've got great things to say you're a miracle in motion I've got great things to say God is on the move I've got great things to say hello new world come on so many praise them today we are getting our hearts right to get our mouths right if your heart is wrong if your heart is all all clouded and cluttered and and in critical your heart you need you to be fitted it'll be so hard for you to say something that's good but you realize when you get your heart pure you'll have a word that is spoken and you'll speak a word in season that somebody needs to hear it'll literally be a word that will bring healing to somebody's bones I want to encourage you let God do something great on your heart because all of a sudden your mouth it just starts to flow the praises start to flow the encouragement starts to flow the life starts to flow we need a world today the world is looking for people that will lift up voices of encouragement and strength and help in time of need what do I do now I think I ought to start with my heart so I don't know what your hearts been looking like but my heart's been hurt 20 20 my heart has been overwhelmed David says in another scripture when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I I can't stay in my broken place I can't live in anger I can't live in disappointment leave me to Jesus because Jesus can purify my heart and in my mouth my words just they alter because of the presence in the love the most powerful for in the world is the love of Jesus so the writer writes and he says you know the man that has a pure heart and the man that has gracious lips gracious words it says last the king will be his friend this is my favorite part and I'm gonna yell again for sure and my Vain's gonna pop out I got a vein right here when I start preaching you just see it especially cuz we got a lot of close-ups today the King will be his friend what is the Bible talking about influence the king will be his friend in other words the quickest way to lose your influence is to have a critical heart and nasty words you lose your audience but but but God is saying blessed is the man that has a pure heart and gracious words because the king wants to be his friend I just want to give you a heads up Kings are coming to you Kings are on the way people have influenced people that you go ah how did I get their number how did I get connected with them how did I get to meet so and so I want to just let you remind you of the prayer of Jabez jay-bez praise the God he said o that you were blessed me and you would enlarge my territory you would increase my reach I want to remind you what Isaiah said Isaiah the prophet says extend your tent peg I want to tell you that influence is coming your way but it will not come with your heart being abuse it will not come with your heart in a bad condition it will only happen when you got speech that is just beautiful and a heart that is pure and all of a sudden Kings book it look at that and they say I want to be your friend I want to encourage you remind somebody you are not inferior I don't know what your last name is I don't know what your dad did I don't know what what you were born into but don't bow down to an inferior spirit you're a child of God you're a you're a son and a daughter of the Most High God you've got royalty flowing through your veins you're a chosen generation you're a royal priesthood you're a marvelous light you're the salt of the earth you're the light of the world somebody praised him today because I Know Who I am the enemy wants to convince you that you're less than the enemy wants to convince you because of your socioeconomic status or because of what you've done last summer or last year or when you're in high school and he wants to just you with fear that you are not that good but I'm here to tell you that greater is He that is within you than he that is within the world and the king is coming that king is coming a king is on the way you're gonna be friends with kings there is greatness listen hear me loud and clear you have been made by greatness for greatness you might be looking like well we'll greatness LeBron James that's greatness greatness that's like Tiger Tiger Woods greatness that's like so-and-so greatness is you greatness is all over your life and a king is going to be your friend what is it what is the scripture teaching us it is saying the king is on the way a king more influence the more reach expansion I pray that today you would understand the wind of heaven is at your back I pray that you would understand the grace of God is that work in your life I pray that you would have a revelation of the reality of Jesus it is not deserved it is not earned it is not by merit it is not by your tithe record or pray record or reading Bible record it is only by the grace of Jesus Christ that a king is coming a king is coming a king is on the way you might be like I don't know man sounds like a lot of positive talk no no it's not just that a king is coming your way hear me today there's a king inside of you there's a king inside of you I was in Australia a couple years ago with pastor rich and we were down at Hillsong conference and whatever pastor rich and I go down to Hillsong conference they always ask us to preach to the youth you know I think it's cuz we yell and so we're standing there and the sky's up there preaching and doing a great job and we're side stage there and this guy keeps saying this line there's a king inside of you and so you know I go through all my scriptures cuz I love to buy but I'm like where does it say in the Bible there's a king inside of you he said there's a king inside of you I'm like okay we're telling thousands and thousands of kids there's a king inside of you we're in the scriptures does it say that there's a king inside of you and then I got there Colossians 1:27 it literally says the crew that Christ the hope of glory lives in you there is a king that is already inside of you his name is Jesus he lives inside of you there's actually a king that's living inside of you and I want to speak too there's kings in the crowd today there's Kings in the chat today there's Kings in this church today and you need to understand you're not just a king's kid you you're a king yourself that God has called you to rise up to the level of the call of God that is on your life the king is inside of you it's not just that a king will be your friend that the king has called you friend could you imagine the kiss and a tree Jesus is walking by with all these crowds around him and he looks up and he says the kids come down I'm gonna call you a friend what about the man with the withered hand there reaches out and the King touches him and he's changed what about blind bartimaeus who had suffered his whole life and he cries out and the King turns to him what about the woman with the issue of blood who has gone to every doctor had been bleeding for 12 years and all of a sudden a king is there with his robe what about the woman at the well who knows she has no business talking to a man like this no a king turned to her and offered her water that she'll never thirst again I'm here to tell you the king is on the way maybe didn't realize this that the king of kings and the Lord of lords is obsessed with you what do I do now what do I do now like for real what do I do now well I just get to tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna bring my brokenness to Jesus and I'm gonna ask Jesus to heal me in areas that I didn't even realize needed healing David writes in Psalm 139 search me and know me and try me and test me God if there's anything in my heart that does not please you point it out and you can get rid of it some of us need to just ask Jesus Lord is my heart okay am i good like am I good with you am I good am i okay cuz if there's something wrong here I don't want it I want a pure heart so I can see you again some of you need to understand God has not moved there is something blocking Jesus we gotta get that thing out there whatever obstacles in the way whatever that heard is whatever that offense is whatever that sin issue it it's gotta come the Holy Spirit's working because he's removing stuff that shouldn't be I gotta give my heart back to purity and I want gracious words but I can't force words I don't want to have the right words with the wrong heart so start in my heart and I pray I pray over your life today that you would understand that God wants to do exceedingly and abundantly far above anything you could ask think or imagine God is not looking for perfect people she's looking for available people she's looking for somebody that would just say purify my heart let my mouth reflect who you are and I'm not afraid of the influence that you want from my church into my life I'm not afraid of shining a light in a dark world I don't want to shine bright and already we don't need people to shine bright at church anymore we're pretty bright here we're good at church we're good we need people that will go into the world and shine bright and say I don't just want to shine I want influencers God gimme politicians gimme gimme the movers and the shakers of the earth give me the people that can move the needle God hooked me up with somebody that can help change the world somebody thank him a king is on the way in Jesus name in Jesus name let me pray over you today Jesus I thank you right now that you are greater you are better you are so much better than anything we could ever ask think or imagine it's you Jesus so we're praying on a day like today and we can see you help us see you on the cross choosing us over yourself help us see you today to understand your love that will never fail we love you so much just right there where you're at if you've never surrendered your life over to God never said yes to the greatest gift the world has ever received the gift of Jesus I'm gonna count to three in just a moment if you want to say yes to Jesus just in your own words right there you could type it in you don't have to just in your own heart let's make the decision yes I believe in Jesus I'm gonna follow Jesus when I count to three just say yes one two three yes I believe you so many yeses are going off right now people are typing it in they're just whispering out loud yes yes yes yes say this prayer with me everybody together say father God thank you for the greatest gift the gift of your son I say yes I believe in Jesus I will follow Jesus come on let's clap right now for every person that made the decision to say yes to Jesus so awesome so amazing we're gonna tell you a little bit more about what to do from here but I want to just pray one for one more group maybe you're here to go you know what my heart has been hurt and my speech has been found I'm actually not even proud of the words I've been saying maybe there's been things you've been saying in your own home things you've been saying to your spouse or your kids or just on social media been saying stuff you like I'm not proud of that maybe for you you feel inferior to others because of fill in the blank you hear what God saying God always starts with heart and then he moves to speech but the end result is the gospel on the earth he's not bringing Kings so you can make money he's not bringing Kings so you could be famous he's bringing Kings so we can bring the good news of Jesus to all the earth I just want to pray over anybody today you're like you know what it's hard for me maybe somebody else like its mouth for me maybe for somebody else you're going like I don't believe Kings are for my life I rebuke that in the name of Jesus you will not bow down to an inferior spirit you will rise up with the Holy Spirit and you will know that you are called by God not based upon your parents or based upon what you deserve but based upon the blood of Jesus Christ that has purchased you redeemed you restored you and revived you for his purpose so god I pray right now I pray right now Jesus for every person and it's going into heart purify it every person is goes it's words help us walk in the spirit to not fulfill the desires of our flesh god I pray that we would have a righteous spirit the righteous are as bold as a lion help that spirit to overwhelm and invade us so we understand what you want us to do and who you want us to be in this time in Jesus name and everybody said together amen and amen I love you so much [Music]
Channel: ZOE LA
Views: 3,952
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: chad veach, pastor chad veach, pastor julia veach, georgia, chad veach preaching, zoe church, zoe church la, zoe church la sermons
Id: P2nNFmGx0P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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