"God's Got A Strategy" - Touré Roberts Song: Reckless Love by Bethel Music

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[Music] [Music] so so good [Music] boy I spoke a word you were singing all you've been so so good to me before I took a breath you breathe your life and me you have benzos to me [Music] [Music] fights - leaves the [Music] [Music] [Music] I was your [Music] [Music] so No you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me oh it chases us down I couldn't uh I don't still you give all the overwhelm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you [Music] [Music] you'll climb up coming out to me no walls he won't kick no I'll take down my you won't tear down coming after me no shadow no shadow Mountain you all time up coming after me no walls you won't keep so are you all get it down why you won't tear down coming after me why well I've never heard that song before my first time here in that song but how many of us know is true God is relentless for us I'm telling you the God that we serve is relentless you know we know Jesus as the lamb but he's also the lion yeah he's ferociously opposed to what opposes us are you hearing what I'm saying he'd not sweet little baby Jesus in the manger when it comes to coming against things that come against you you better know who's on your side you better know who's fighting for you right now Jesus is doing war all your behalf your enemy is not winning those depressing thoughts are not winning that doubt and discouragement is that winning God is fighting for you right now that's why he says don't be weary for into season you are gonna reap all you gotta do is not give up got a spike right now for you he's relentless for you the Bible says the Bible says that that he's a jealous God he's not jealous like humans are jealous because human jealousy comes from a place of brokenness here's a different type of jealous it's a jealous that has seal in it I'm really Seles over you I'm possessive over you I bought you I sent my son Jesus Christ because I loved you I'm on your side and I am anti anything that is anti you are you hearing what I'm saying you I feel the Lord I'm anti everything that is anti you and the Bible says he will leave the ninety-nine and go after the one there's somebody in this room were watching via livestream you need to know that you're not by yourself you need to know that you are not forgotten I feel God saying I've got a strategy to deliver you I've got a strategy to bring you up I've got a strategy to manifest my purpose my plan and my fill more in this house there is a strategy over your life right now you to set you free don't break the yoke and between you and everything that God has called for you there's a strategy over you right now model I feel the Spirit of God there's a strategy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no shadow I won't light up what cuz there's a strategy over that shadow yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil strategy oh I feel the holy spirit in this house tonight I'm in darkness but there's a strategy I'm in darkness but God's not in darkness I don't feel like I'm winning but my feelings are immaterial I cannot trust my feelings I have to bring my feelings under subjection to what I know we're not feelings driven people the devil is a liar we serve a god that is not manipulated by our feelings and therefore we're not supposed to allow our feelings to manipulate our passion [Music] strategy if you know he had nothing else we say tonight hear me there's a strategy there's a plant God as a strategic God he declares the end from the beginning that's who he is and everything that he does he does in the context of strategy God is not flipping the coin concerning your life he hasn't flipped the coin concerning your future he's not pulling straws casting Lots about your future there's a strategic divine plan over your life that causes everything you face good bad ugly indifferent to work together for good for those who love God those who are called according to his purpose the plan is already in motion that's why that's why Kevin he says just don't give up your job and this thing is to stay alive your job and this thing is to not faint hello somebody even when you want to think don't fail there's more in you than you think you still got some energy you are feel the Lord you still got some grep you still got some power you're not wiped out yet if you were wiped out you wouldn't be here you're here in the filling station God is getting ready to fill you up for this next leg of your journey please get ready wipe the tears the sweat get your sword back in your hand in the world back in your junkie Freddie stop winning open your mind yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah god it's getting ready to break into your universe he's getting ready to break into your situation he's getting ready to kick some doors down he's getting ready to find some things I [Music] opened doors that no man can shut I'll shut doors that no man can open I'm a powerful God shall I speak it and it not come to pass shall I speak it and somebody eradicate what I've spoken I am the great I have what I decree must be established in and the gates of hell themselves everything- I don't care if all the negativity in the world Peyman knocked on your door God says I and he and what I speak will come to pass and he's for you he's for you he's not against you he's for you created the universe the master of all things is for you I feel the Lord I feel like tonight it's about war I didn't I didn't come in like that but I I feel like tonight is about war every once in a while you gotta put your little cute little Christian face on the back burner and you have to remember who you are you gotta remember that greater is He Who is in you for a reason somebody every once in a while you had a tap into the other part of being a believer yeah what is that we break jokes what is that we won't in power what is that we cast out Devils what is that even the Devils that come against us see see see sometimes casting out Devils it's not you cast in the devil out of somebody else sometimes you casting out Devils is to tell everything negative in your life where to go sometimes you got to tell everything negative in your life that is anti you to go to hell [Music] are you hearing what I'm saying I feel the spirit of war in this house [Applause] [Music] I feel the spirit of war in this house fighting for us but sing back the darkness lying of the kingdom that cannot be shaken let me tell you something here is a true family here's the truth family it's more than just coming to church if your spirituality I'm gonna keep it 100 with you and I believe that's why the Lord has preserved me and continues to increase me Mattel you what this thing is about if you don't get past coming to church to be inspired you're not gonna be of the substance that you need to walk out the fullness of your calling we gotta get past that I feel the Holy Spirit we gotta get past coming to church because we need a good word and then and then here's the truth and then spin the other six days and 21 hours living out our own dream so it's like not you but it's like we still a little bit of inspiration a little bit of motivation from God's tank and we breathe in our life so that we can have a productive week that ain't what this thing is about my brothers and sisters of sunken dogs friends and family this thing is about becoming alright that this thing is about you and I becoming like him when we walk in authority and purpose and power and passion and peace what the gates of Hell cannot prevail and I believe with all of my heart see here's what David said David said God you teach my hands to war you teach me how to war I'm not talking about Krav Maga jiu-jitsu kickboxing a boxer oh that's wonderful I dabble in it but that ain't the war that I'm talking about he says he says God you teach my hands to war I'm not just a warrior on the human battlefield but I've learned how to take down every giant that stands in my way I've learned how to take down every obstacle every opposition I've learned how to cast down every thought every imagination every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God I've learned how to navigate this industry hello somebody he teaches my hands to war I've learned how to navigate LA come on somebody let's tell the truth and I didn't learn how to never I don't never get LA by kissing everybody I feel like I need to kiss because the booty you kissed today will be all over the news tomorrow hello somebody yeah you just catch it you catch that I didn't I didn't navigate LA by getting in the right rooms I'd never get in LA because I hooked up with Jesus for real I never get it LA because because Jesus became my best friend and and all of a sudden his strategies became my strategies and his favor became my favor and his became my power and his plan became my plan and his Authority became my authority God wants to teach your hands out of war and sometimes I'll be honest with you like sometimes you got to pick a fight with me in order to get me to fight you track it with me sometimes we're gonna talk for a minute but but sometimes like I'll get comfortable and I forget I'm in a fight you have been there before I forgot my spirituality is a fight I thought my spirituality was just my positivity I thought it was just my wisdom no no no no no no no no no no no no it is a fight my spirituality is to teach me how to bind what needs to be bound how to loose one needs to be loose so that I can lay hold of everything that is for me for my children for my children's children how to lay hold everything that's for you I feel the Lord can we take a break on cue chips just for a minute just for a minute we'll do cute churches maybe Sunday but I think that when people come out Thursday night it's the hungry crew I feel like the Thursday night crew is the crew that say God I need something from you and I recognize that I'm in the world without let-up the world I recognize it but there is something special about me and I need to feed from you in order to thrive in you some people in this room right now you in a fight you're in a fight and you think it's an attack now it's a fight it's just a fight it's a fight you're in a fight but the good news is in him you've already won Jesus already had the most brutal fight that anybody could ever have and he overcame it I want pray for you I want to pray for you I feel the Lord I feel the Lord I know this I know it's all positive waste being negative be quiet because you can be positive and depressed you can be positive and bound up you can be positive and have the demonic ruling your life you know what's positive what's positive is when you know you got the victory what's what's poppin is positive is when you've got the enemy under your foot that's what's positive what's positive is when you overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimony that's what's positive are you tracking with me I'm gonna be I'm gonna go there I'm gonna go there cuz man we're wearing like a crazy moment when a crazy moment you know you know I've talked about before if you've been there any length of time I've talked about you know when Jesus talked about what will be the sign of the times and last days on kind of stuff and I talked about Wars rumors of wars all I kind of said there's one thing that I didn't talk about that you should know it says in many false christs there'll be many false christs I never talked about that Christ literally means anointing The Anointed One so false Christ basically means false anointings can't talk to Gabriel Congress I love you too much not to keep back stuff but you gonna need you don't harp on it you just know it and you move accordingly false Christ that means that there's gonna be a lot of people pretending hello they're gonna be pretending like they got it and they might have the gift they might have a gift that may have an ability to draw or persuade hello somebody does anybody get a dad you can nurture that you can read books it's interesting there are lot of books out there most of the books that are selling a lot well not most but a lot of the books that are selling right now are books about persuasion that means that people are investing in resources to manipulate you that's witchcraft best-selling books can we talk for a sec have a real conversation for a second best-selling books right now in business are books about how to influence you and so and so you you think that you're being drawn to an anointing but you're really being drawn to a spirit of manipulation that ultimately wants something from you yeah I'll talk to you through it it's coming down to that many he says many false christs anointings and that's one of the things that God has been highlighting with me and I've really been like I honestly just just just transparency you my family I've been shrinking my circle I've been I've been shrinking it down you know like everyone says everyone Instagram like you you would follow some of us they did this a couple of years ago but you would follow somebody and they would have like a million followers at an Instagram would do this thing and they would have like two hundred thousand what did that mean I meant that there were some fake stuff connected to them and when the shaking came it basically come on somebody in reconcile what was really connected versus what was false what was puffed up and I wonder if maybe we ought to do that in our lives right now well we ought to look at things that we want it to be Christ I feel the Holy Spirit I'm telling you it's it's a lean season it's a lean season so lean it's a lean very lean lean lean season well I believe you have to cut off the fat you have to cut the fat off because you don't have time to have anything connected to you anything in you that ain't Christ you understand what I mean that that ain't anointed it's not anointed many false Christ's that means that in these days I got to be careful I got it I gotta watch you or listen to I gotta watch what I take in and I gotta watch who I take it in from you have to be careful I don't know I this was not planned you have to be careful who you give Authority in your life [Applause] and you have to know where you have to know how to protect your spirit from those that you submit to for example you might work in a place where you have to submit to somebody for work but you do not submit your spirit and your soul to that person you have to learn how to compartmentalize you don't submit your mind or your thoughts because you don't know of what spirit they are I want you to protect yourself I want you to protect yourself mind body and spirit this is a time for the pure it's a time for purity I feel God why am i what is this what's going on tonight and there is there is a connection between your purity and the power of your battle because because even Jesus taught us that Satan can't cast out Satan darkness can't cast out darkness now as dr. King darkness can't drive out darkness [Music] and also you have to be careful who you partner with sometimes you can partner about a cause that you agree upon but you don't know the spirit of the partner I want to say that better I gotta say that better I gotta say that better [Applause] there are causes you know it's funny so we led you know members of our church led this this March caught Hollywood blackout a couple years ago and I had never done that before and I just think it was positive it was peaceful it was we were lifted up our voice about some things that were taking place around the world as it relates to brutality and and so and so they they asked me you know one of the members need money to be here tonight but but he asked me he's like you know come with me and I said you know what I will and I came out to be a part of it and it was crazy because we there were thousands of us that descended down upon Hollywood Boulevard to lift up our voice it was peaceful right but then there were other people in the crowd and and they were violent and they were cantankerous and they were argumentative and they had their own agenda so it seemed like we were together but we weren't it seemed like we were the same but we weren't I feel the Spirit of God I feel like a father right now I feel like a father and so sometimes the reason why we have to have have our temperament and to be disciplined and impatient is because we can emotionally we can get emotionally charged and partner with something that ultimately ultimately is anti us and what led us into it was our passionate about something that was positive but we didn't check the source before we cut covenant and the next thing you know we're thinking things that we have never thought before and we're picking up on things that we were tracking with me this is a time to have clear heads clear heads and pure hearts and clean ants so that she can fight you can fight the real enemy there's only one enemy and lo somebody there's only one and he is not sitting in the White House unless somebody and that's not political I don't know how you Flo but I'm saying we've only got one enemy the weapons of our warfare are not carnal we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers spiritual wickedness in heavenly places so when we fight that's what we're fighting against and we can't fight against it if we're in bed with it are you hearing me come on la come on a delay I grew up here I'm Minister here I work here I pastor here I know what's here if you here and I don't want you to worry about who's looking I just come pray we're gonna move on and see what God does tonight I don't know what he's gonna do but if you're here [Music] and you say pastor you're talking to me about my heart I feel the Lord you're talking to me about my heart you're talking to me about my relationships you're talking to me about partnerships this summit is written right now and you feel like these words I'm going to save your life I want you to get down to this altar right now right now you feel like these words right here let me save your life save your life Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus that song put those words back up there I saw [Music] there's no wall but those were that my first time units on so prophetic get to the get to the hook yeah there's no shadow you won't light up there's some in this room right now God lit up a shadow didn't it he lit up his shadow since I got you I've got you no mountain but you won't climb up coming after me family here the heart of God here the heart of God he is coming after you he loves you you mean so much to him you are so valuable to him yes yes [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 110,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onechurchla, thepottershouseatonela, thepottershouse, onevoice, worship, recklesslove, love
Id: A072REt9jFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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