"Your BEHAVIOR Won't Be the Same After WATCHING THIS!" | Marisa Peer

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you know we learn half of what we learn in our whole life before we're five isn't that amazing your relationship with money was set before you were five years old your relationship with your health was probably set too before you were five and even your relationship with love was set before you were fine [Music] do you know what abundance means anyone know what abundance means put your hand up not enough people but that's good abundance means a lot of everything all the time who here was told as a kid you can have everything all the time just go out and you can have it all or anyone ever told that you can have it all all the time anyone isn't that amazing none of us get told hey life is great you're in the womb and it's hawaii in there it's 75 degrees you have 24-hour room service whatever you want it's there you're always connected to a person you hear their heartbeat they take you around but you're never lonely never hungry always get served and so babies come out of the planet with this great idea oh i can have everything all the time no baby says you know my mum's been up all night i really shouldn't cry it's 5 am she's kind of sleep deprived no baby says you know my mom went to planet organic and got this broccoli which i can't stand but it was expensive it was organic then she pureed it so i shouldn't go look all over this t-shirt that she just spent ages bleaching and ironing they don't care because they have this belief that says i can have everything all the time so abundance means you can have everything all the time and we're born with this great belief i love everything all the time and i remember saying to my little girl once at christmas time i said what do you want she said well mommy i want a barbie palace and a horse and a swimming pool that's a lot of stuff and he said mommy you don't understand father christmas doesn't buy it the elves make it it's all free the elves make stuff and you tell him what you want and he comes down the chimney and gives it to you because she had that abundance mindset and if i ever took her to the store and said do you want a piece of candy go and pick some i mean we don't do a lot of candy eric's in the room so we'd be very careful about saying i ever took my child to the store and bought her candy but every now and again but i'd hear these other mothers saying to their kid get some candy they come out and who do you think you are you can't have that do you know how expensive that is and then kids begin to think oh i shouldn't ask for stuff i asked my dads when you got really upset when i'm not made of money who do you think i am i can't find the money we don't have that kind of money it doesn't grow on trees whereas my little girl one day said to me mommy you should never argue about money with daddy because if you go to the bank they give it to you because that was her belief you go in give them a piece of paper and they give you money and then you put this plastic thing in the wall and the wall gives you money and she really believed that that you just put something in a wall because she said to me once can i have one of those american express cards she was only about five but she had this kind of idea that that's the coolest thing you have a little card and you give it to people and they give you whatever you want so i'm only telling you these stories because children have this belief i can have everything all the time until they start to hear this stuff i don't know where to find the money but you don't go out and find money you you make money you monetize your gifts but you know we learn half of what we learn in our whole life before we're five isn't that amazing your relationship with money was set before you were five years old your relationship with your health was probably set too before you were five and even your relationship with love was set before you were five i this stunning girl came to see me one day and she went i don't know what's wrong with me but i can't find love i don't know what i just never can find a guy everything goes wrong and i get ghosted and dumped into lookahead i thought that that just can't be because she was breathtaking but when we were talking she said you know my dad you say to me every day it's one statement you'll never ever ever ever ever find anyone to love you like i do in your whole life you will never find anyone to love you like daddy loves you it's not possible nobody could love you like me and i see people saying that all the time my friend was saying it to her daughter you'll never find anyone that loves you like me i said don't say that you got to say i love you so much and when you go through life you're going to find people who love you like i love you because you're lovable so when we're kids we hear this stuff and we take it in and before we're fired we don't really have logic so we make sense of the world and we hear people saying my job is killing me one of my clients was saying that she couldn't ask for money she said i'm you know i'm an accountant so i do accounts but i never send people bills and my own accountant doesn't understand i just can't ask for money turns out when she was talking to me that her parents were both doctors and they got divorced and the mother earth more than the father but the mother every time she went to visit their dad would go ask him for money and that little school trip coming up and let's say the trip was fifty dollars you guys know tell your dad is 110 and should i used to have to save my dad in the car i need a hundred and ten dollars for the trip and he knew i was lying he knew it wasn't that much money and he looked so sad but he'd give me the money and then my mom would say ask him for money for a coat asking for money for shoes she had more money than me him and i remember thinking as little kid i'm never gonna ask anyone for money ever again when i grow up i will never ever ask for money the mind is very interesting your mind does what it thinks you want it to do if you see your dad get up every day i go to work going this job is killing me i'm dying under the stress if i have one more i'm my boss i'm just going to jump under a train we say all these stupid things but little kids hear it and go oh that's what happens when you go to work it kills you and other of my clients are saying that her dad is to get terrible migraines every weekend and would say that's what happens because you know i work for myself and it's so stressful and it that's the price you pay the pay the headaches and she said i thought to myself i never want to be successful i i don't want that now she's in my office saying well why can't i be successful and it always goes back to the stuff you hear so i'm not really going to talk to you too much today because you had a lot of people talking what i'm going to do if you'd like me to is do a big session about taking you back and finding all your abundance box who would like that good let's do that it's easier for me better for you but just before we do everything begins with a thought wherever you don't have love if you don't have enough money if you don't have enough health somewhere somehow you've had a thought that's blocked you and all our beliefs about money everything really starts so early but the great news is you can change your thoughts so let's just do a whole session and then if we have enough time i'll talk to everything at the end because i'm a great believer that you don't really want to hear it you want to feel it so what i'd do if you'd like me to is we'll all go into hypnosis it's not scary you're not going to go to sleep actually it's going to wake you up to your possibilities that you can have whatever you want all the time i mean a lot of people have these weird beliefs about money which is if i have more someone has less and that's not true there's enough money for everyone it's just not distributed very fairly but you having more doesn't mean anyone will have less and we hear things like oh rich people they they have sold their soul i was um coming back on a train in london i was coming from somewhere i think i was coming back from edinburgh to london and i was in first class because my clients put me in first class and these two guys walked into the couch and oh no this is where all the poshes are we don't want to be here and they went straight back to their other carriage and they didn't even like the first class carries and i thought that was so interesting that they rejected what that meant they wanted to be where they wanted to be because i guess it had a bar and that was more fun for them but it's really interesting how not only do you have a block but you you will reject stuff that you're not used to our brain our primitive brain is hard wired to keep going back to what's familiar then you've ever had children when they're two they don't like anything new they want the same cup i took my daughter at great expense to film and see father christmas they had elves and huskies and sled rides across and she spent the whole time watching little mermaid in finnish which was fine because she'd watched it 102 times she knew exactly what she was saying in finnish says next year we'll just stay home and get some swedish cartoons and we'll just do that instead but she liked what was familiar and and our brain is like that how we survive on the planet is by going back to what's familiar and avoiding what's unfamiliar and that might seem really weird would you really avoid money if you haven't had money and you get it the percentage of people who win the lottery and go bankrupt anyone know what that percentage is ham what do you think if you won the lottery and you hadn't been rich and you won millions of dollars what do you think the percentage is that you'll be bankrupt in three years and you want to take a guess sorry over 70 percent how could that be you're poor and you become super wealthy and in three years you're bankrupt i worked with a guy and he worked in a factory making cookies he didn't earn much money at all he became so wealthy and in three years he was completely broke and he said i prefer i don't know i didn't like that money it was horribly so i don't know who my friends well i left my little community and i bought a big mansion and no one liked me when i went out with people they'd expect me to pay and if i did they weren't they go again showing off and if i didn't pay they're like you expect us to pay you've got all that money so i just could never get it right and then i got rid of it all now i'm happy but not just money if you haven't had love if you have not had love and someone comes along and goes oh my god you're the best thing ever i didn't like him he was too good for me what you're really saying is his behavior was so unfamiliar i ran back to those guys that never call and and flirt with all my friends because i recognize that behavior so we we do like what's familiar even if it's bad for us that's the fact but the very good fact is you can make anything familiar being loved having money being successful having wealth having health but you've got to understand how your mind works so what we're going to do is we'll go into hypnosis and we'll go back to maybe three scenes we'll go back to one to do with money blocks i want to do with love blocks and maybe one to do with health blocks and it will all work it always does and some of you will find it really like that and others i need a bit longer but it will keep working even after the session you go to bed at night and thoughts will come up and after we've got found all the blocks we'll get rid of them because what i do is i call it i i i investigate why on earth you are the way you are it's really easy interrupt it and then install some new beliefs code in some better software so we'll do some investigation some interruption and some better installations all up for that cool so if you've never been hypnotized before it's not scary you're not going to bark like a dog fall in love with a fire hydrant you know if hypnosis could make you do that every hip just be a billionaire could all say to our clients at the end of the session just stick three more zeros on the check or just you know when you pay me with a card pay me four times or i know you keep sending me flowers but you'd really actually like a porsche or a ferrari i mean i could do that i have clients who could buy me a porsche but no one has and i've never said to them i'm a bit bored with the hampers and the joe malone candles and now i'd like to have a ferrari i mean you can't maybe do that so don't worry that you're going to do what you don't want to do you're only going to do what you want to do so finally to get into hypnosis really easy it requires you to look up like that keep your eyeballs up and close your eyelids eyelids down while keeping the eyeballs up so let's practice it's so easy i want you to look up as if you're looking into your eyebrows keep your eyeballs up and keeping them up at the same time close the lids down and then when you've done that just open your eyes and look at me so what you don't do is when i say close your eyes you don't do that you want to go into an alpha brain wave where you are very suggest well in a theater brain where you really let good stuff in and all you have to do to do that is roll up the eyes keep them up close the lids down make sure your phones are off make sure you're not going to kick over but bottles of water make sure you're comfortable don't sit with your arms crossed and your legs crosstrack this in an open position we'll do this about 20 minutes you'll lose track of time you really like it if you feel like you want to cry while we're doing this please don't stop i'm a great believer that feelings are better out than in a bit like gas better out than in don't try and keep stuff in because it's painful let it out and then you'll feel better you know your feelings are the most real thing you have and we live in a country where we're taught not oh you feel something eat cake watch netflix have a drink have another drink take some medication go on ebay and buy stuff anything but feel and i have this belief that i love you've got to feel your feelings until they no longer require to be felt and if you push them down with food or drink or drugs or shopping or more job alone candles they just regroup and come back so whatever you're feeling don't stop it feel it it's the most real thing you have and don't worry about crying or coughing we're all going to go on our own journey and you'll like it so let's start right now make yourself comfortable and i'm going to ask you at some stage to put your hands out like this as if you're holding the handlebars of a bike that's all i'm going to ask you to do not like that and not like that like that okay great let's begin so look up put your arms down i'll tell you when to bring them up just make yourself comfortable look up as high as you possibly can as if you're looking into your own eyebrows keep your eyes glued to a real or imagined spot overhead breathe in and breathe out that's perfect and again breathe in and this time every time you blink you're getting ready to go into hypnosis hold it exhale one more time look up as high as you can hold it the more you blink the more you're getting ready to go into deep deep powerful transformational hypnosis so keeping your eyeballs up just close your eyelids right down all the way down just close your eyelids down as your eyelids shut down you may feel a fluttering in your eyelids that's a great sign and i want you to drop your chin so you really feel that same looking down feeling that you might get as you look over a balcony or down a flight of stairs you're looking down 10 steps and as i count you're going to see your feet hear your feet and feel your feet treading each step this is a good time to forget all about trying to keep your eyes up in your head just drop your chin you're looking down 10 steps and right now you're moving on to step 10 and you'll probably find that you can see your feet hear your feet and indeed feel your feet contacting each step as you go deeper you're taking step nine going deeper into an awareness of yourself you're taking step eight as each muscle every nerve turns loose let's loose and you go deeper you're taking steps seven and six going deeper with every number i count you're taking step five you're halfway down you're taking step four as you gently calmly easily go deeper and deeper you're taking step three you're going deeper with every heartbeat you're taking step two and every sound and noise and movement around you is flowing right through you as you go deeper and deeper you're taking step one just go deeper drift deeper sink deeper just go deeper deeper deeper deeper and as you go deeper hypnosis is not about being asleep it's not about being out of control it's about one thing are you able to receive suggestions to let them in yes you are you are highly suggestible incredibly receptive to suggestions and i'm going to show you how stretch your arms out in front of you right now as if you're holding on to the handlebars of a bike or the reins of a horse and i want you to simply imagine that in your left hand you are holding an enormous red fire bucket filled with about 50 pounds of heavy wet sand and as you think about that bucket full of sand that you're holding in your left hand you can feel the weight of that bucket moving into your fingers traveling into your wrist moving into your elbow going right up to your shoulder as your left arm becomes heavier and heavier and heavier by the second and as your left arm becomes heavier your whole body is so heavy it is sinking into the chair your eyelids are so heavy they feel glued sharp but your right arm is not heavy at all because your right arm is attached to a pulley your right arm is attached to a pulley and also a huge helium-filled balloon which is bigger than you lighter than air so absolutely weightless that your right arm is floating lifting moving pulling and traveling up your right arm is floating up moving up pulling up lifting up and as your right arm floats up moves up travels up you are floating moving and traveling deeper and deeper into hypnosis and you're beginning to notice something amazing your right arm is weightless and your left arm is way down because you are incredibly suggest well that is a gift when you give yourself great suggestions not so good when you give yourself negative ones today you're going to learn how to code in only good suggestions and now i want you to notice that if you even try to push your right arm down it's like trying to push a beach ball underwater it just insists on springing up higher try to push your right arm down it's like trying to push a balloon underwater it just goes up higher and higher and now try to lift that left arm up and it's like someone came along and encased it in concrete and the more you try to lift it up the heavier it is when i count to three and click my fingers you will let go of the bucket and the balloon and go at least 50 times deeper on the counter one two three just drop your arms down go deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper and now that you can see that you can accept and respond to suggestions you're going to go back in time right back to a time when you were just a little kid and you heard something saw something experience something that really shaped your relationship with money maybe you saw your mum crying because she didn't have enough money to buy school shoes maybe your parents fought about money maybe your parents had money but they didn't want to spend it on you maybe you were the poor kid at school or the rich kid at school either way you're going to go back and have a look at what you believed about money when you were five you when you had been on the planet for just a few years maybe three four five seven you form beliefs about money and you know what you're still walking around with these beliefs you had when you were five and they're still affecting you hurting you holding you back limiting you but today is a day to let them go so right now on the count of five your brilliant mind your extraordinary mind your genius mind is taking you way back in time it's like a movie of your life is being rewound it's going backwards backwards backwards that tape of your life is playing backwards rolling backwards winding back which you are becoming younger smaller lighter shorter you are drifting right back all the way back even further back going right back to a scene place event time this is to do with where and how and why you got a limiting relationship with money on the count of five you're becoming younger on the count of four years months weeks days are peeling away from your body on the count of three and two you are drifting even further back traveling back going back back back back on the count of one right back to a scene that is all to do with where you formed these beliefs about money just be there as i click my fingers it's rather like you've just switched on a television set the picture is warming up flooding into your mind and you are right in the middle of that picture and as i ask you some questions you know the answer to everyone so here's the first question this scene in your mind where you are now is it daytime or night time are you inside or outside are you on your own is somebody with you how old are you about and here's the only question that matters in this scene what are you doing seeing feeling and experiencing and you can feel it like it happened yesterday in fact i'm going to count to three and click my fingers as i do your ears are going to open you're going to hear something that was said to you in that scene something said about you too you write in your line of hearing that is all to do with where you got these limiting restricting beliefs about money on the count of one two and three here it comes your ears are open and you can hear right now something being said about money you're just a kid but not only can you hear it you can also see for the first time with such clarity how what you saw and heard and experienced then all those years ago how that has affected your beliefs about money right up until today so stay in that scene look over look around look through that scene how old are you what are you feeling what are you experiencing what are you hearing you may hear something like well rich people sell their soul for money people who pursue money are bad people spiritual people shouldn't have money we're not the kind of people that have money we can't afford that stay in that scene i want you to look at it with fascination even if it was terribly sad i want you to look at that scene and i want you to see this is your light bulb moment your aha moment your illuminating moment oh look sure yes i'm a little kid but i'm hearing and seeing and experiencing this stuff and it's how i'm seeing the world i'm just a kid but this stuff i'm being told about money is affecting me all these years later stay in that scene look over it look around it look through it and i want you to put it to one side because we're going to go back to another scene all to do with this same block about wealth success you being able to monetize yourself again on the count of five you're going back to another vivid vital crucial absolutely significant scene that is all to do with how why where and when you've got a block about being successful a block about being well for your block about being abundant you're in that time tunnel again being pulled back drawn back taken back that movie of your life is being rewound backwards backwards backwards back you go on the count of five you are becoming younger smaller lighter shorter on the count of four years are peeling away from your body on the count of three and two you are drifting right back to a vivid vital crucial deeply significant scene that is all to do with how you got a block to being successful you are drifting right back right now just be there as i click my fingers it's rather like switching on your computer the picture is warming up and you are right in the middle of this picture able to answer each question starting now this scene where you are now is it daytime or is it nighttime are you inside or outside are you on your own or is anybody with you how old are you about and here's the only question that matters in this scene you are in what are you doing seeing feeling and experiencing i want you to feel what you felt then see what you saw then and as i count to three and click my fingers your ears are going to open you will hear exactly what you heard then here it comes on the count of one two and three your ears are open you can hear someone saying something to you all about success and you can see exactly how what you heard what was said to you about your certainly about your family in your line of hearing how that's led you to believe that success is not available to you you can go so far but no further that other people can monetize their talents but for you it's just too hard stay in that scene again this is your aha moment look over and around and through that scene and go oh of course yes i see that's what i saw when i was a kid that's what i lived i learned what i lived in this scene i can see something going on i can see the messages i got about success and wealth eluding my family and only being there for other people and i can see how i've kept that going we learn what we live and as a kid you have no choice but to learn what you live but today you have a choice to unlearn that and to install something better stay in that scene look over it look around it look right through it because that's not you it was you it was your reality it's not now and i want you to put that scene to one side as if you've just gone back and had a look at a dvd or how to look at a snapshot and you're just putting it to one side for a minute as we go back to one more we're going to go back to a scene to do with this belief about love being abundant finding love keeping love forever this belief that says you gotta work for love earn love chase love look a certain way to get love which isn't true love is there for you and you can have it for the rest of your life without any work required once you understand the block you have that goes nope i gotta have thin thighs and fat hair but if i've got fat thighs and thin hair maybe it's not available to me that's not true so let's find out on the count of five you are drifting back to another vivid vital crucial deep powerful significant scene that is all to do with why you picked up a belief that real love lasting amazing deep love is not available to you on the count of four you are becoming younger smaller lighter shorter drifting right back to another vivid vital crucial deeply significant scene on the count of three that movie of your life is rewinding going backwards backwards backwards rewinding more and more going back years and years you're becoming younger smaller lighter shorter drifting right back on the count of three two one just be there as i click my fingers yet again it's like you've switched on a television set a picture is filling up your mind you are right in the middle of it and you know exactly where you are is it daytime or night time are you inside or outside are you on your own how old are you about and that's not important the only important question is this one what are you doing seeing feeling and experiencing in this scene i want you to feel what you felt then see what you saw then and as i click my fingers i want you to hear exactly what you heard then on the count of one two and three here it comes i want you to stay in that scene of being a small child where you formed a belief that love is not available to you or it's such hard work to keep it other people can have love but you've got to earn it work for it run after it be perfect be good stay in that scene i want you to see this again as an illuminating aha moment a light bulb moment again you can look and go yes of course when i was just that kid my dad wasn't there my mom was always at work and i felt that i wasn't enough because if i was enough they would have been there they wouldn't have fought he or she wouldn't have left they wouldn't have preferred my brother or my sister my teacher wouldn't have been mean to me but they were and because they were i felt that i was just not lovable enough and i can see i've carried that belief with me for all these years for no other reason and that's how i saw the world as a child and no one came along and said but that's not you but today we're going to say that's not you so i want you to go back to that very first scene i want you to imagine you're holding three snapshots three dvds in your hand the first scene where you went back to the money blocks the second scene where you went back to the success blocks and the third scene where you went back to the love block i want you to imagine you're looking at scene one you're holding it in your hand and i'm going to tell you the truth that's not you it was you but it's not you and i want you to repeat after me this is so important you've done the investigation now we're going to do something called an interruption you have to interrupt that belief by saying out loud that's not me because and when i have you say this you're going to give me the because because i'm not five because the fact that my dad left has nothing to do with how lovely because the fact that we were poor doesn't mean i'm not a genius with something to offer the world but i want you to give it a thousand percent i want you to let go of that old stuff and then when you let it go we can go into the final bit the installing the coding abundance so repeat after me remember you're talking about scene one the money block so i want you to repeat after me that is not me because finish that sentence out loud we're going to do this three times for each scene stay in scene one and repeat of me that cannot be me ever again for the rest of my abundant life because i want to hear it i wanted to justify to i want to hear every single person's voice telling me why that's not them so one more time still in scene one that will not be me that cannot be me ever again for the rest of my long gorgeous life because shout it out you're a good audience so let's do it for scene two only even better scene two when you had this belief that success monetizing your gift was not available i want you to go that's not me that cannot be me i'm not that little kid i will never feel like that ever again because and again still instinctive you're going to shout it out you've got to justify to me why that's not you i want you to go that's not me for the rest of my long abundant life because and let's go to scene three this weird belief that because we didn't have love it's not available now even if your parents couldn't stand the sight of you somebody wanted you to be here someone put you here they wanted you to be you and they'll support you in everything and giving you everything but you have got to believe you're worth it so let's go to scene 3 where you had the blood blocked you're feeling lovable enough and i want you to go that's not me that will never be me ever again for the rest of my long joyful life because and again that cannot be me ever again never again because and one more time that will never be me ever again for the rest of my long abundant life [Music] because and now i want you to repeat some more words after me i want you because you've created a vacancy now you've created a gap a space you've let that old stuff out and when you let old stuff out it's time to let new stuff in so i want you to repeat after me i am enough i matter i'm deeply significant i have a gift i have so many talents i know how to monetize my gifts [Music] i was given those gifts to monetize them to share them with the world i'm ready for abundance i'm worthy of abundance i deserve abundance and i want you to think about what would happen to your world if you were abundant how many other people would benefit you see if you are creating wealth and doing great things with it the more good you can do the more your mind will set you on fire to go out and get it so i want you to think about how your world would change and now other people's world will change too when you have abundance when you have abundant health abundant wealth abundant love when you have an abundant mindset and you never go oh i don't know where it's coming from and what if they leave and oh my god what if it doesn't work out what if i get rejected if you just decide i live in an abundant world and there's enough for everyone and if i have more it doesn't mean other people have less because i have a generous heart and i want more to help other people in me having more i can do good things i'm a happier i'm a better parent a better person a better partner a better better daughter son brother sister husband wife lover boss employer employee think about all the good you can do and how when you go from zero to abundance you show other people it's possible too there are people in the world now we look and think wow that guy came from india with no education and founded this fashion site because the old days of going to uni going to college coming from wealth and that time only they don't even exist anymore the people who have money now the people who invented something came up with something monetize an idea and we can all do that you can do that you can do that now so think about how people will benefit and as you go deeper i want you to just do one more thing i want you to think about the missing bit in you you see we all wait for someone to say i love you you're great you're amazing you're wonderful we have unmet needs as children our needs weren't met when you were a child you had specific needs you needed to feel safe you needed to feel loved you needed to feel significant you needed to feel that you mattered and if you didn't get that you go through life thinking well i'm not safe and i don't matter and i've got to find someone to meet my knees i've got to find a great guy great girl to say oh you're so great a great boss to praise me to become a loving parent and you can find them but they might not do that forever maybe a few months maybe a year but when you do it it's forever i want you to do one more thing think about the unmet needs of the little kid you once were think about the words you wanted to hear and we all want to hear the same words i'm proud of you i love you how lucky i am to parent you you're great you're smart you're interesting you're great to be around whatever you most needed to hear i promise you if you say it now your mind doesn't know where it comes from it lets it in if you put chapstick on your lips your mind just go hang on is that organic is that fair trade or is that cheap stuff from cvs pharmacy just lets it in it nourishes chapped lips and words nourish a chap soul so whatever you most wanted to hear i want you to say it now i'm proud of you i love you you're a great kid you got something to offer the world you're talented you matter you're significant and now let's say in the first person i matter i'm talented i'm significant i'm lovable i'm enough i have something to offer the world and i can monetize it because i have talent i have belief i have ambition i have drive and i'm unstoppable and as you go deeper into an absolutely relaxed state as you go deeper drift deeper and sink deeper you're aware of a phenomenal powerful extraordinary transformation taking place in you because here is your truth when you're a little kid you felt the way you felt you saw what you saw you experienced what you experienced you felt what you felt you had no choice but now you have a choice because you are not a little kid you are a beautiful talented extraordinary gifted and adult and as the talented beautiful gifted adult that you are it will never again ever for the rest of your long abundant life be relevant or necessary or interesting or even appropriate for you to think the way you thought when you're a child it will never again be relevant or even interesting for you to believe what you believed then or to think what you thought then or to see what you saw then you put all that behind you it's like the water of the shower you took this morning you can't run back to your room and get that water because it's it's like vapor it is behind you and all the beliefs you had as a child are behind you they are shrinking they are fading they are disappearing they are going they are gone they are raised eradicated eliminated they are shattered smashed and out of your life they will always be for the rest of your long abundant life something you once believed long long ago and they cannot and will not interest you or affect you ever again as you move on from one phenomenal extraordinary incredible achievement and accomplishment you can move on from one accomplishment to another that is the truth about you so stay in that truth for just a second remember that little kid is not you can never be you is nothing but a memory something that you used to feel that cannot well not does not affect you ever again and knowing that feeling that believing that you can slowly calmly easily just get ready to come back into the room knowing that you can never go back you went back and had a look you went back and investigated like a good detective what went on then you interrupted it and then you re-code it into yourself better software you installed the truth the truth is not what you felt when you were five or four or three or ten the truth is you here today knowing that you are abundant gifted talented significant you can have everything you can have anything you can have it all all at the same time because the past is not you you as you here today gifted talented extraordinary significant so knowing it feeling it believing it just open up your eyes just take a deep breath come back in the room [Music] and just give yourself a massive round of applause for doing that [Applause] thank you thank you thank you check out my next video here i see all my clients and they all say the same thing i'm waiting for motivation you know what motivation doesn't go here i am i'm motivation i'm at your door and i've come to motivate you you are firing new neurons the mind
Channel: Marisa Peer
Views: 75,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotherapist, marisa peer hypnosis, marisa peer, rtt hypnotherapy, marisa peer I am enough, personal development, mind valley talks, mind valley marisa peer, mindvalley, marisa peer interview, marisa peer speech, self help, self improvement, self development, inspiration, motivation, marisa peer healing, marisa peer anxiety, motivational video, inspirational video, abundance, i am enough marisa peer, mel robbins, mind hack, reprogram your mind marisa peer, self esteem
Id: pdbxWTq5ThQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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