Youngest America's Got Talent Comedian | Nathan Bockstahler | Full Audition & Performances

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it is me is there like a prize for someone winning this o or something my name is Nathan I am Sixers which is practically 7 which is basically a good luck Nathan and the little brother on the way I've never performed as a big stage before but I think I'm ready because I've practiced a whole lot like [Music] 100 times I feel nervous it's the real deal let's go get it hello what's your name my name is Nathan Nathan and I'm gonna guess you're 25 no I'm six years old no you're not you're six years old yes are you are you married okay so you're not married and Nathan why are you here today I'm doing comedy what are usually of course okay so am I so am i proud lovely have you seen the show people no okay well what happened you can start this year so lots of people come on and then you get through to the finals and if you win do you know how much you win I win 1 million dollars exactly tell me instead of getting 1 million dollars yes instead I would Martland million Legos okay well let's have that argument if you win the show okay but but right now I want you to be funny and for you to go through to the next round so good luck okay we're ready so a lot of people around here know me as a pretty friendly and outgoing kid some may even say I'm a little too chatty and have this thing called ADHD if you don't know what that stands for its attention deficit hyper [Music] now folks I might be only six but I think I know a thing or two about girls [Applause] thing to know about girls is that they say one thing but always another my mother for instance it always tells me to call her and lon and I can't find out that's not even her real name a third let me go because she likes a belly laugh now oh my god I don't think I could stop laughing do you realize how funny you are Nathan Oh Howie from one comedian to another you know he's flirting right now you're flirting with the ladies you like the ladies don't yet Mir I guess it's not me they started it right you have a girlfriend only six your suppose I got a girlfriend that like 12 or 15 who writes the material well mom doesn't write them c-types them I just cook with the jokes that's amazing I like you a lot I think you're a charmer it you so funny adorable and I love that you come up with your own material that is fantastic at six years old I thought you were funny the second I started talking to you it still in you and I like you and I think you go you're a real character and I think America's gonna fall in love with your god feeling about that but now we have to vote to see if you're one step closer to your box of letter which we agreed on by the way Howie oh he is one step closer to a million Legos it's a yes [Applause] yes okay Nathan you've got curious ease and now you have oily [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stand there at 6 years old with all these people a kid if nothing else we'll end up with his own television series no he's going to own a TV network yes I just have a feeling made of Lego gold Lego [Laughter] [Applause] you and I am a comedian I first met comedy at a school Italian scope and they laughed really hard I've kissed a girl once but now explore it was so embarrassing I just want time you think they're gonna pick a young guy or an old guy to go through to the live shows are you nervous at all about being the youngest person here and that's excited I wanna make it social [Music] [Applause] I can't take it hey guys One Direction is awesome sorry soon okay you are brilliant last time we saw used to good luck lies no last year my dad tried to convince me that Santa Juan beer and ships instead of milk and cookies I told him how gullible do you think I am whenever my mom is eating something that looks delicious and I asked for a bite it always happens to be spicy when has anyone ever heard of a spicy Girl Scouts cookie at least one thing I always know is true if you're cute like me you can get away with just about right melon Heidi you are just as cute as a button aren't you if you do go through to the next round practice you are trying to remember what was coming next just a little bit [Music] [Applause] I love you Nathan you are so adorable and so cute and I'm the same way millions of people love me because I'm just gorgeous and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Nathan I just want to be your best friend Alan being younger and at school and just think trying to think of smart comments from ETA Chester but you are just so quick that they call one after the other you are the coolest six-year-old I have ever met I think you are going to be a little movie star [Applause] I say I was not watching the six year old comedian right when I was six all I could do was fight with my arm pad and that's about it no it's been years suits tight
Channel: Ezra
Views: 38,687,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nathan Bockstahler, full agt audition, full agt performance, youngest comedian, comedian, agt comedian, cute comedian, kid comedian, funny comedian, nathan, bockstahler, america's got talent, agt funny, got talent, talent, funny, cute funny, jake paul, simon lewis, louis tomlinson, one direction, melb, heidi, magic agt, performances, america, team 10, ricegum, jacob sartorius, kid celebrity, youngest celebrity
Id: HyM3avsv-IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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