Young people explain autism | Ambitious about Autism

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yeah i'm ready so am i looking at you you can't just start me off from a question like that oh could you edit that that sounded awful [Music] autism is like a long ruler and everyone on the planet is a part of that ruler it's a neurodevelopmental condition so it's something i'm born with it's part of who i am i get quite easily overwhelmed with bright lights and noises it's difficulty in communication and social interaction it feels as if neo-typical people were born with a manual about how to socialize and i've only just become aware of it the problem is words they speak normally it's hard to listen and keep up due to like accents or low voice fast pace i feel like i'm in my own planet and all of my life i've kind of had to travel from planet to planet getting to know different kinds of people but never fully understanding them when i go to waterloo station with all three big crowds it makes me stressed and angry that over big crowds it can give us a unique perspective on the world and be able to look at information differently and see situations differently i focus very easily on the things that i like i'm not necessarily very good at always coming up with things to say on the spot um and i don't know what i've said that i'm self-conscious about the fact i'm speaking um but if i'm given time to kind of collect my thoughts and write stuff down um i you know i think i'm i'm getting quite good at writing and writing about autism you can't mix us all into one autistic label because we are all so different i guess i act i act very weird i like that and i don't want and i'm not letting anybody stop me from being weird [Music] small changes can make such a massive difference for us really tiny adjustments that can be the difference between them being able to take part and not being able to take part the best way to help us is to listen to our needs and pay attention to them we all have very different sensory needs we have very different social needs and other things i want more people to understand that i'm when i'm struggling some space away from an overwhelming environment and i need someone just to talk to me and reassure me that everything is okay one thing that people could do be nicer to people who have autism we will need more time to do things and that doesn't mean that we're not making a strong enough effort if you're patient and kind and if you read about autism and know what kind of condition i have then it's very likely that our results that the things that we make are are going to be a lot better to all of you who have autism you were quite a lucky person because you're well one in a million and you can do amazing things it's okay to be autistic it's a big part of who i am without it i'd be a different person
Channel: Ambitious about Autism
Views: 86,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xTLUYda-0O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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